Главная · Освещение · Present and past continuous упражнения. Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических времен Past Simple и Past Continuous. VI. Упражнения на Past Continuous: тест

Present and past continuous упражнения. Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических времен Past Simple и Past Continuous. VI. Упражнения на Past Continuous: тест

1. She (to cook) yesterday.

2. She (to cook) at three o"clock yesterday.

3. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.

4. I (not to read) at five o"clock.

5. I (not to read) when you came in.

6. What he (to do) when I came?

7. What he (to do) the whole day yesterday?

8. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden yesterday.

9. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden at five o"clock yesterday.

10. What Pete (to do) when I came to see him?

1. When my father (to come) home, I (to have) dinner.

2. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.

3. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.

4. When my sister (to come in), I (to do) my lessons.

5. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.

6. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.

7. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.

8. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.

9. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.

10. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?

1. Не (not to open) the window before classes yesterday.

2. I (to hurry) to the library when I (to meet) him.

3. She (to translate) a lot of articles at the office last week.

4. We (to smoke) in the room when he (to see) us.

5. We (to pack) our things when our taxi (to come).

6. The day before yesterday he (to finish) his work at seven o"clock.

7. What he (to do) ten years ago? – He (to study) at school.

8. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not to ring me.

9. My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.

10. She (to come) home at eleven o"clock that"s why she (not to call) you.

1. Why you (to be) angry with me yesterday? – I (not to be).

2. Where you (to be) last night? – We (to be) at the theatre.

3. When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.

4. It (to be) eleven o"clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed.

5. What time they (to have) dinner yesterday? – They (to have) dinner from seven till eight.

6. When she (to see) him a year ago she (not to recognize) him.

7. I (to be) very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.

8. My brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.

9. Why you (not to see) a doctor yesterday?

10. It (to rain) heavily when he (to go) out.


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

4. I was not (=wasn"t) reading …

5. I was not (=wasn"t) reading …

6. What was he doing when I came in?

7. What was he doing … ?

10. What was Pete doing … ?

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. came; was having

2. returned; was listening

3. entered; was drawing

4. came in; was doing

5. was airing; caught

6. met; was going

7. was washing; knocked

8. were dancing; came

9. was washing; broke

10. What were they doing when you saw them?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. did not (=didn’t) open

2. was hurrying; met

4. were smoking; saw

5. were packing; came

7. What did he do … ? – He studied …

10. came; did not (=didn’t) call you

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Why were you … ? – I was not (wasn’t).

2. Where were you … ? – We were …

3. came; saw; was playing

5. What time did they have dinner … ? – They were having …

6. saw; did not (=didn’t) recognize

7. was; was preparing

8 was washing; was sweeping

9. Why didn’t you see a doctor yesterday?

Сегодня мы с вами хорошенько отработаем Past Continuous , но прежде, если вам необходимо, повторите .

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в фоpму Past Continuous.

  1. While I ___________ (to copy) the exercise, my friends __________ (to describe) a picture.
  2. When we came in, the children __________ (to clean) their desks.
  3. We met her at the bus stop. She ___________ (to wait) for the bus.
  4. Some of the children ________ (to ski) while other children ___________ (to skate). Everybody __________ (to have) a lot of fun.
  5. When we came the family ________ (to get) everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen _________ (to decorate) the Christmas tree.
  6. The girls _________ (to feed) the birds in the garden while the boys _______ (to make) a bird-house.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст, переведите. Подчеркните глаголы в форме Past Continuous. Ответьте на вопрос:

Who broke the window ?

At 7 o’clock the match started on TV, so Dad was still watching it at 7.30. Mum was sitting in the kitchen. She was quietly reading a woman’s magazine. Rosie was trying on her Mum’s clothes in her room. Nick’s cousins were listening to rock music. It was very loud so they didn’t hear the crash. At 7.30 the dogs were lying in front of the fire and they were sleeping. Nick went into the garden with his friend to play football. So at 7.30 he was still there.

Упражнение 3. Допишите предложения по содержанию текста предыдущего упражнения, используя глаголы в Past Continuous.

1. When someone broke the window Dad _________________

2. When Mum heard the crash she ___________________

3. The cousins didn’t hear the noise because they ____________________

4. The dogs when the noise woke them up. ______________

5. At 7.30 Nick ________________

Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие и полные ответы на вопросы в Past Continuous.

Were you going to the cinema at 7 o’clock?

Yes, I was. I was going to the cinema.

No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t going to the cinema.

  1. Were you having dinner at 2 o’clock?
  2. Was your friend sitting in the yard when you saw him?
  3. Was your mother cooking when you came home?
  4. Was your sister reading when you called her?
  5. Were the children sitting at their desks when you entered the classroom?
  6. Were the little children running along the corridor when the lesson began?
  7. Were you doing your homework at 7 o’clock last night?
  8. Was your father working in the garden when you asked him to dinner?

Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, используя слова и фразы в скобках. Ответьте на вопросы.

After the lesson Victor was explaining the new rule, (to you)

Was Victor explaining the new rule to you?

Yes, he was. He was explaining the new rule to me.

The children were decorating their classroom. (when)

When were they decorating the classroom?

They were decorating it after the lessons.

  1. When I went into the yard, the boys were playing, (football)
  2. When we were playing, Bob was shouting. (loudly)
  3. I met Victor in the street. He was running quickly, (where)
  4. The weather was fine, the sun was shining, (all day)
  5. Nick was watching his little sister in the garden. (why)
  6. His sister was helping him to pack his things when I came, (what things)
  7. They were cooking dinner at that time, (with whom)
  8. I was waiting for him at 3 o’clock yesterday. (where)
  9. He was looking for something when I came in. (what)
  10. They were laughing when I entered the classroom. (why)

Упражнение 6. Спросите друзей, что они делали прошлой субботой в 10 часов утра. Используйте следующие слова и выражения:

To watch, to listen to, to carry, to look at, to wait for, to explain something to somebody, to work, to sit, to play.

Упражнение 7. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

play swim feed sleep laugh

Yesterday we went to the zoo and saw there a lot of animals. First we went to see the white bears. They __________. Then we went to the cage with monkeys. There were a lot of children in front of the cage. They ___________ because a monkey in the the cage ____________. After that we went to see the elephant. There was a man there. He ____________the elephant. But we ___________ see much of the lions. They _______________.

Упражнение 8. Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам. Все вопросы должны быть в Past Continuous.

1. Where | the white bears | swimming | were ?

In the swimming pool.

2. It | was | raining ?

Oh, no. It wasn’t. The sun was shining brightly.

3. The elephant | what | eating | was ?

Some grass and fruit.

4. What | was | playing with | the monkey ?

— With a small ball.

5. Were | how many lions | sleeping in the cage?

— Both of them.

Упражнение 9. Дополните вопросы и ответы глаголами в Past Continous.

— Mr. Rambler , what _______ you ______ (do) at 6.30 ?

— Oh, I ____________ (read) at that time in my room.

— Were you? _____________ you really ___________ (read)? What __________ you ________ (read) at that time?

— Did your friends see you then?

— No, they didn’t. They _______________ (watch TV).

— What ________ they ____________ (watch)?

— Some film. But why?

— Some people saw a man who ___________ (try) to kill an elephant at that time. We think it was you.

Упражнение 10. Составьте вопросы в Past Continuous. Используйте вопросительные слова в скобках.

1. Were you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night? (when)

2. We were speaking about books at the lesson. (what, where)

3. After school they were practising a new game. (alternative)

4. When I came, Nick was cleaning his room, (what)

5. He was returning to his camp with a pail of water. (where?)

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous

1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

1. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.

2. He (to work) in the garden from two till five o"clock.

3. We (to watch) television the whole evening.

4. You (to play) football at six o"clock?

5. You (to drink) tea at seven o"clock?

6. He (to draw) from three till four o"clock?

7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time?

8. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

9. They (to skate) at three o"clock?

10. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till six.

3. Напишите, чем занималась миссис Тэйлор в определенное время.

Н- р: Mrs. Taylor was packing her bags at 6 a.m. (МиссисТэйлорупаковываласумкив 6 утра.)

6 a.m. pack her bags

7 a.m. drive to the airport

9 a.m. fly to Liverpool

noon have a business meeting

1 p.m. have lunch

2 p.m. check in at a hotel

3 p.m. talk to her boss on the phone

4 p.m. work in the Internet

4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Past Continuous. Переведите предложения.

    I … (live) in Mexico in June, 2010.

    When I entered the bathroom he … (shave).

    When she met him, they … (work) for the same company.

    What you … (do) last night?

    I showed him my new dress, but he … (not look) at it.

    When it started to rain, they … (sit) on the grass.

    Which hotel Anna … (stay) when she lost her credit card?

    We … (sleep) when the phone rang.

    Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.

    Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).

    When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run) and … (scream).

    While Bob … (chop) the meat, his wife … (peel) potatoes.

    When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).

    The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.

    What you … (wear) when he met you?

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Tom was sleeping in his bed when somebody stole his car. His wife was watching TV in the living-room. His mother, Mrs. Crown, was talking on the phone in her bedroom. His father, Mr. Crown, was playing cards with his neighbors. Tom’s son was listening to music with his headphones. And Tom’s daughter was taking a shower. The dog wasn’t barking.

    Was Tom sleeping?

    What was his wife doing?

    Was Mrs. Crown talking on the phone in Tom’s bedroom?

    Was Mr. Crown playing chess or cards?

    What was Tom’s son listening to?

    Tom’s daughter was taking a bath, wasn’t she?

    Was the dog barking?


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael was looking at his watch.

4. All night long the stars were glittering.

5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

7. The family was preparing for the party.

8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. were writing

2. was working

3. were watching

4. Were you playing football … ?

5. Were you drinking tea … ?

6. Was he drawing … ?

7. Who was listening … ?

8. Was it raining … ?

9. Were they skating … ?

10. She was not (=wasn’t) helping


Mrs. Taylor was driving to the airport at 7 a.m. (МиссисТэйлорехалаваэропортв 7 утра.)

She was flying to Liverpool at 9 a.m. (ОналетелавЛиверпульв 9 утра.)

She was having a business meeting at noon. (Она была на деловой встрече в полдень.)

She was having lunch at 1 p.m. (Онаобедалавчасдня.)

She was checking in at a hotel at 2 p.m. (Онарегистрироваласьвотелев 2 часадня.)

She was talking to her boss on the phone at 3 p.m. (Онаразговариваласбоссомпотелефонув 3 часа.)

She was working in the Internet at 4 p.m. (Онаработалавинтернетев 4 часа.)


    was living (Я жил в Мексике в июне 2010 г.)

    was shaving (Когда я вошла в ванную, он брился.)

    were working (Когда она встретила его, они работали в одной компании.)

    What were you doing last night? (Чем ты занимался прошлой ночью?)

    wasn’t looking (Я показывала ему свое новое платье, но он не смотрел на него.)

    were sitting (Когда начался дождь, они сидели на траве.)

    Which hotel was Anna staying when she lost her credit card? (В каком отеле жила Анна, когда она потеряла кредитную карточку?)

    were sleeping (Мы спали, когда зазвонил телефон.)

    was studying (Доктор Флеминг открыл пенициллин, когда изучал грипп.)

    was standing – was raining (Сэм стоял под деревом, потому что шел дождь.)

    were running and screaming (Когда учитель вошел в класс, дети бегали и визжали.)

    was chopping – was peeling (Пока Боб рубил мясо, его жена чистила картофель.)

    were dancing (Когда я пришел на вечеринку, все гости танцевали.)

    was picking up (Официант порезал свой палец, когда собирал разбитые бокалы.)

    What were you wearing when he met you? (Во что ты была одета, когда он тебя встретил?)


    Yes, he was. He was sleeping. (Да. Он спал.)

    She was watching TV. (Онасмотрелателевизор.)

    No, she wasn’t. She was talking on the phone in her bedroom. (Нет. Она разговаривала по телефону в своей спальне.)

    He was playing cards. (Онигралвкарты.)

    He was listening to music. (Он слушал музыку.)

    No, she wasn’t. She was taking a shower. (Нет. Она принимала душ.)

    No, it wasn’t. The dog wasn’t barking. (Нет. Собака не лаяла.)

Повторите с помощью этого упражнения, как образуется Past Continous в утвердительной и отрицательной форме. Обращайте внимание на формы глагола .

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. She was taking an English lesson at seven o’clock last evening (to take). – У нее был урок английского языка в семь часов прошлым вечером.
  2. Hi, Lucy! We were just talking about you (to talk). – Привет, Люси! Мы только что о тебе разговаривали.
  3. Alfred was not singing , he wasscreaming (to sing, to scream). – Альфред не пел, он кричал.
  4. I was talking to Michael when he asked me about my father (to talk). – Я разговаривал с Майклом, когда он спросил меня о моем отце.
  5. The plane was taking off when a passenger felt sick (to take off). – Самолет взлетал, когда пассажиру стало плохо.
  6. I was in the car at that time, but I was not driving (to drive). – Я был в машине в это время, но я не был за рулем.
  7. I’m sure that Ben was just kidding , he didn’t want to hurt you (to kid). – Я уверен, что Бен просто шутил, он не хотел причинить тебе боль.
  8. No, I was not sleeping when you gave me a call. – Нет, я не спал, когда вы позвонили мне.

Упражнение 2: Past Continuous в вопросительной форме

В этом упражнении нужно вставить пропущенные слова в нужной форме, чтобы построить вопросительные предложения с Past Continuous.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. What were you doing from six to seven o’clock last evening? (to do) – Что вы делали с шести до семи прошлым вечером?
  2. Were they working when you came with inspection? (to work) – Она работали, когда вы пришли с проверкой?
  3. Which star was shining brighter last night? (to shine) – Какая звезда сияла ярче вчера ночью?
  4. What were you feeling ? (to feel) – Что вы чувствовали?
  5. Was she talking about me before I came in? (to talk) – Она говорила обо мне до того, как я зашел?

Упражнение 3: Past Continuous или Past Simple

Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой глагола – или . Обращайте внимание на контекст, который поможет понять, какое время глагола нужно в каждом случае.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. When I looked at the window, there was a group of people in the street. They were discussing something (to discuss). – Когда я выглянул в окно, на улице была группа людей. Они что-то обсуждали.
  2. While we were watching the movie I understood that I had already watched it (to watch, to understand). – В то время как мы смотрели фильм, я понял, что уже смотрел его.
  3. Kelly was wearing her new dress, when Alan met her (to wear, to meet). – На Келли была ее новое платье, когда Алан встретил ее.
  4. When I met you mother, kids, she was reading a book in the park (to meet, to read). – Когда я встретил вашу маму, дети, она читала книгу в парке.
  5. Norman went to work every day. He didn’t want to take days off (to go, not to want). – Норман ходил на работу каждый день. Он не хотел брать выходные.
  6. We were talking about teacher, when she said, “Were/Are you talking about be?” (to talk, to talk) – Мы разговаривали о нашей учительнице, когда она сказала: «Вы обо мне говорите?»

Упражнение 4: Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Выберите правильные вариант перевода с русского на английский. Обращайте внимание на то, какое должно использоваться время глагола.

Показать правильные ответы:

  1. Я слушал Хелен, когда ты перебил ее. – I was listening to Helen, when you interrupted her.
  1. Что вы делали в парке сегодня утром? – What were you doing in the park this morning?
  1. Питер не читал, он писал письмо. – Peter wasn’t reading, he was writing a letter.
  1. Человек дышал тяжело после того, как прекратил бежать. – The man was breathing heavily after he stopped running.
  1. Я искал почтовое отделение, когда кто-то предложил мне помощь. – I was looking for a postal office when someone offered me help.

Упражнение 5: Найдите ошибки в тексте

В этом коротком тексте допущено несколько ошибок в употреблении времен. Попробуйте найти их все.

Показать правильные ответы:

When Jim was looking for a job, Nick told him to ask Mr. Ryan. Когда Джим искал работу, Ник сказал ему спросить у мистера Райана.
Nick said that Mr. Ryan needed a good driver. Ник сказал, что мистеру Райану нужен хороший водитель.
But when Jim came to his office, Mr. Ryan said that they were not hiring at the present time. Но когда Джим пришел в его офис, мистер Райан сказал, что в настоящее время они не искали новых сотрудников.

Jim asked Mr. Ryan if someone else needed a driver. Mr. Ryan said, “You know, I was just thinking about Mr. Jason. You should ask him.”

Джим спросил мистера Райана, нужен ли еще кому-нибудь водитель. Мистер Райан сказал: «Знаешь, я как раз думал про мистера Джейсона. Тебе следует спросить у него.»
Jim thanked him and came to Mr. Jason. “Actually, Jim, I was looking for a truck driver”, he said. Джим поблагодарил его и пришел к мистеру Джейсону. «Вообще-то, Джим, я искал водителя грузовика», – сказал он.
“No problem, I can drive anything. Here is my driving license.” «Без проблем, я могу водить что угодно, вот мои водительские права».
While Mr. Jason was reading his CV and checking his license, Jim said, “I have ten years experience.” В то время как мистер Джейсон читал его резюме и проверял права, Джим сказал: «У меня десять лет стажа».
“Okay, then. You’re hired.” «Тогда хорошо, ты принят».

Друзья! Сейчас я не занимаюсь репетиторством, но если вам нужен учитель, я рекомендую этот чудесный сайт - там есть учителя носители (и не носители) языка👅 на все случаи жизни и на любой карман 🙂 Я сам прошел более 50 уроков с учителями, которых там нашел!

Повторите с помощью этого упражнения, как образуется Past Continous в утвердительной и отрицательной форме. Обращайте внимание на формы глагола .

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. She was taking an English lesson at seven o’clock last evening (to take). – У нее был урок английского языка в семь часов прошлым вечером.
  2. Hi, Lucy! We were just talking about you (to talk). – Привет, Люси! Мы только что о тебе разговаривали.
  3. Alfred was not singing , he wasscreaming (to sing, to scream). – Альфред не пел, он кричал.
  4. I was talking to Michael when he asked me about my father (to talk). – Я разговаривал с Майклом, когда он спросил меня о моем отце.
  5. The plane was taking off when a passenger felt sick (to take off). – Самолет взлетал, когда пассажиру стало плохо.
  6. I was in the car at that time, but I was not driving (to drive). – Я был в машине в это время, но я не был за рулем.
  7. I’m sure that Ben was just kidding , he didn’t want to hurt you (to kid). – Я уверен, что Бен просто шутил, он не хотел причинить тебе боль.
  8. No, I was not sleeping when you gave me a call. – Нет, я не спал, когда вы позвонили мне.

Упражнение 2: Past Continuous в вопросительной форме

В этом упражнении нужно вставить пропущенные слова в нужной форме, чтобы построить вопросительные предложения с Past Continuous.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. What were you doing from six to seven o’clock last evening? (to do) – Что вы делали с шести до семи прошлым вечером?
  2. Were they working when you came with inspection? (to work) – Она работали, когда вы пришли с проверкой?
  3. Which star was shining brighter last night? (to shine) – Какая звезда сияла ярче вчера ночью?
  4. What were you feeling ? (to feel) – Что вы чувствовали?
  5. Was she talking about me before I came in? (to talk) – Она говорила обо мне до того, как я зашел?

Упражнение 3: Past Continuous или Past Simple

Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой глагола – или . Обращайте внимание на контекст, который поможет понять, какое время глагола нужно в каждом случае.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. When I looked at the window, there was a group of people in the street. They were discussing something (to discuss). – Когда я выглянул в окно, на улице была группа людей. Они что-то обсуждали.
  2. While we were watching the movie I understood that I had already watched it (to watch, to understand). – В то время как мы смотрели фильм, я понял, что уже смотрел его.
  3. Kelly was wearing her new dress, when Alan met her (to wear, to meet). – На Келли была ее новое платье, когда Алан встретил ее.
  4. When I met you mother, kids, she was reading a book in the park (to meet, to read). – Когда я встретил вашу маму, дети, она читала книгу в парке.
  5. Norman went to work every day. He didn’t want to take days off (to go, not to want). – Норман ходил на работу каждый день. Он не хотел брать выходные.
  6. We were talking about teacher, when she said, “Were/Are you talking about be?” (to talk, to talk) – Мы разговаривали о нашей учительнице, когда она сказала: «Вы обо мне говорите?»

Упражнение 4: Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Выберите правильные вариант перевода с русского на английский. Обращайте внимание на то, какое должно использоваться время глагола.

Показать правильные ответы:

  1. Я слушал Хелен, когда ты перебил ее. – I was listening to Helen, when you interrupted her.
  1. Что вы делали в парке сегодня утром? – What were you doing in the park this morning?
  1. Питер не читал, он писал письмо. – Peter wasn’t reading, he was writing a letter.
  1. Человек дышал тяжело после того, как прекратил бежать. – The man was breathing heavily after he stopped running.
  1. Я искал почтовое отделение, когда кто-то предложил мне помощь. – I was looking for a postal office when someone offered me help.

Упражнение 5: Найдите ошибки в тексте

В этом коротком тексте допущено несколько ошибок в употреблении времен. Попробуйте найти их все.

Показать правильные ответы:

When Jim was looking for a job, Nick told him to ask Mr. Ryan. Когда Джим искал работу, Ник сказал ему спросить у мистера Райана.
Nick said that Mr. Ryan needed a good driver. Ник сказал, что мистеру Райану нужен хороший водитель.
But when Jim came to his office, Mr. Ryan said that they were not hiring at the present time. Но когда Джим пришел в его офис, мистер Райан сказал, что в настоящее время они не искали новых сотрудников.

Jim asked Mr. Ryan if someone else needed a driver. Mr. Ryan said, “You know, I was just thinking about Mr. Jason. You should ask him.”

Джим спросил мистера Райана, нужен ли еще кому-нибудь водитель. Мистер Райан сказал: «Знаешь, я как раз думал про мистера Джейсона. Тебе следует спросить у него.»
Jim thanked him and came to Mr. Jason. “Actually, Jim, I was looking for a truck driver”, he said. Джим поблагодарил его и пришел к мистеру Джейсону. «Вообще-то, Джим, я искал водителя грузовика», – сказал он.
“No problem, I can drive anything. Here is my driving license.” «Без проблем, я могу водить что угодно, вот мои водительские права».
While Mr. Jason was reading his CV and checking his license, Jim said, “I have ten years experience.” В то время как мистер Джейсон читал его резюме и проверял права, Джим сказал: «У меня десять лет стажа».
“Okay, then. You’re hired.” «Тогда хорошо, ты принят».

Друзья! Сейчас я не занимаюсь репетиторством, но если вам нужен учитель, я рекомендую этот чудесный сайт - там есть учителя носители (и не носители) языка👅 на все случаи жизни и на любой карман 🙂 Я сам прошел более 50 уроков с учителями, которых там нашел!