home · electrical safety · Biological features and beneficial properties of Siebold nut. Siebold nut: photo, description, planting, features and conditions of cultivation and care. Reproduction and planting of nuts

Biological features and beneficial properties of Siebold nut. Siebold nut: photo, description, planting, features and conditions of cultivation and care. Reproduction and planting of nuts

Gray walnut is a deciduous frost-resistant tree native to the Atlantic states of North America. The plant looks like. It is considered a relative of walnuts and belongs to the Nut family.


The walnut received the name “gray” due to its gray branches with deeply furrowed bark. The beautiful openwork decorative crown is covered with complex feathery leaves and ribbed oval fruits. The leaves bloom in late spring and fall in early autumn. In summer they are light green in color, and by autumn they become yellowish-brown. Male flowers reach 13 cm in length and are arranged in earrings. The female ones are in racemes and grow 3, 6, 9 flowers.

The fruits, pointed, ovoid, grow on a long ten-centimeter petiole, usually 20-26 pieces each. in the brush. The unusual curved shell of the fruit resembles fish scales standing on end, preserving the shell of the nut. It's hard to separate it. Resinous, bitter, sticky, it remains green until winter comes. This is a natural protection against rodents and squirrels, which first feed on the Manchurian nut, and with the arrival of spring, on the gray one. Fallen fruits that are not covered with leaves or soil lose their viability with the thaw. The kernel of the gray walnut is not large, but larger than that of the Manchurian one. Oily, tasty, sweet, has an average weight of 2.4 g.

The plant blooms as the leaves bloom. Its flowers are flat, round, yellow-green. The fruits ripen by the end of September. The tree bears fruit annually 6-10 years after planting. Light-loving, fast-growing, shade-tolerant, gray walnut can be damaged by frosts at a young age, but quickly recovers. This is a long-liver that can live about 200-300 years. It has a deep root system and tolerates waterlogged soils.

Gray walnut is extremely resistant to cold. It survives harsh Canadian winters just as easily as Russian ones. At the age of 40 years, in favorable conditions, the tree reaches 15 meters in height and 50 cm in diameter. Spread by squirrels. They carry nuts over a kilometer distance. The plant can easily form hybrids with Manchurian, walnut, and Siebold nuts. Such hybrids take root well and produce a rich, tasty harvest, with large fruits and thin shells. This variety includes a hybrid of gray walnut and ailantholfolia - Lancaster walnut.

Useful properties and applications

The tree has large foliage and an unusual spherical spreading shape, which makes it possible to grow it in parks to create alleys. The plant looks good both in group plantings and in single plantings. Oily kernels are used in the confectionery industry. By cutting the trunk, nut sap is obtained, reminiscent of birch sap. Sweet syrup is prepared from it.

The wood is not strong, light, but can be sanded and polished. Thanks to its beautiful texture, gray walnut is widely used in furniture production. The cross-sectional ribbed shell has an unusual structure and is often used by folk craftsmen to make crafts. Nut fruits have a positive effect on many human organs.

  • They contain Omega 3, which reduces bad cholesterol in the blood. People suffering from heart disease need to consume gray nuts.
  • Arginine promotes elasticity and firmness of blood vessels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • The rich vitamin composition will prevent anemia, vitamin deficiency, and quickly restore lost strength after a protracted illness.
  • Gray walnut kernels contain components that cleanse the liver, blood, and kidneys.
  • Antioxidants will restore and strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, and improve potency.
  • Nuts are used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Walnut kernels promote brain activity, improve attention and concentration.


In Russia, gray walnut has been grown for a long time. But not in large quantities, as its population has greatly decreased due to susceptibility to disease. Its place of growth is in parks, plantings, and gardens. A powerful ornamental plant is renewed by stump shoots and shoots, which perfectly turn into layering. Replication by cuttings is difficult. The best forms of the plant are propagated by grafting. The main method of reproduction remains seed. Sowing is carried out in the spring after a long stratification, which lasts 5 months. Planting in autumn is also possible. The seeds tolerate frost well and hardly freeze out. Before planting, the fruits are treated with kerosene to prevent rodents from eating them.

Preparing seeds for planting can be done in two ways:

  • For spring planting, stratified fruits are soaked in warm water for 10 days. The water is changed regularly.
  • Accelerated stratification involves pre-soaking the nuts in hot water. Afterwards they are placed in wet sand until the first shoots appear.

Sprouted seeds are planted 7-8 cm with the top up. Crops do not require special shelter or watering. But after the seedlings appear, they must be cleared of weeds and the soil loosened to ensure air flow. Seedlings reach 20 cm in the first year.

Gray walnut, unlike Manchurian or walnut, needs good soil. He loves fertile soil and moisture. Does not tolerate dry climates and frequent transplants. When planting, you need to take into account the size of an adult tree. The more space it is given, the more fruit it will produce. The ideal place for a nut would be a place near a body of water, which will provide it with natural constant moisture.

Planting seedlings:

  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. It can be broken stones, gravel, crushed stone;
  • turf soil mixed with sand and humus is poured on top;
  • The seedling is installed strictly vertically. A support is placed nearby;
  • The tree trunk soil is compacted and mulch of sawdust and peat is scattered. This layer will retain moisture and in winter protect the roots from freezing.

Sprouted seedlings require regular watering, especially in dry times. It is advisable to plant seedlings in a permanent place, otherwise the plant may not survive a large number of transplants. Only young trees need to insulate the trunk for winter. Dry leaves are raked to the trunks or wrapped in burlap. An adult plant will tolerate severe frost well.

Features of cultivation and growth

  • It is a fast growing tree that contains herbicides. It should be placed in the garden away from light-loving plants, which it will shade and suppress their growth.
  • The plant is light-loving. Does not tolerate drought well.
  • For decorative planting, it is better to buy container seedlings and plant each one at a large distance.
  • The tree does not like drafts and open spaces.
  • Pruning is carried out in winter or late summer.
  • Planting nuts in spring produces strong, healthy trees.
  • At the end of summer, gray walnut can be fed with phosphate fertilizers. Double superphosphate 20 g per 10 l. water.

Pests and diseases

  • When black spotting appears, the plant is treated with antifungal agents, watering is reduced and the soil is loosened to dry.
  • Nutcrackers and gall mites are treated with special preparations.

Other types

More than 20 varieties belong to the Nut culture. The most popular are:


Reaches 25 m. It has odd-pinnate, large leaves that, when crushed and rubbed, emit a pronounced odor of iodine. It has a wide crown with brown-brown bark, reminiscent of a special type of palm tree. The fruits are smaller than walnuts with a thick brown shell. The kernels are edible and ripen in autumn. The pericarp is pubescent, opens when ripe, sticky, glandular. Bears fruit from 4-8 years.

In the wild, it prefers mixed cedar-broad-leaved forests, river valleys, and mountain foothills. Lives up to 250 years. Until the age of 90, it actively grows and develops, then growth slows down. Tolerates severe cold, but dies in dry climates. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. Loves loose, moist soils. Used for landscaping parks, gardens, alleys. It has hard wood with a beautiful texture, which is valued in the furniture and carpentry industry. High-quality oil is obtained from the kernels. The pericarp and bark are used to produce black and brown dyes for dyeing leather and fur. Allowed in the production of hair dye and wood semi-finished products. Leaves and fruits are widely used in folk medicine due to their beneficial qualities. A good honey plant.

Healing juice is obtained from the Manchurian nut. It is mined in the spring, when it is more pleasant and sweet. The oil is also used for medicinal purposes. It improves metabolism, has antimicrobial and bactericidal properties, lowers sugar levels, normalizes skin condition, promotes its restoration and rejuvenation. In cooking, Manchurian nut kernels are not often used, since it has a too small kernel and is inferior in taste to walnuts and Siebold nuts. Nuts can be eaten raw, dried, or roasted. They are good in baking and enrich the taste of confectionery products. They are added to halva. Tinctures and infusions help with calluses, diaper rash, bedsores, strengthen the immune system, and are used as compresses.

Siebold nut or ailantholfolia

A tall-stemmed plant, in wild forms listed in the Red Book. Grows alone and in groups. A fast-growing ornamental tree, but grows more slowly than Manchurian walnut. Lives about 300 years. Its bark is green, its branches are gray and yellowish. Wood is highly valued for its technical properties and is used in furniture production. The plant purifies the air from gas, dust and gasoline fumes. In cities, it is planted in the most polluted places.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 20 pieces. It blooms profusely in early May and bears fruit in the fall by the end of September. The fruits are ovoid, round, growing in clusters. The nuts are smooth, have two ribs, with a pointed tip. The shell is thin, strong, and easy to clean. The kernel is small, fatty, superior in taste to walnuts. Used in the confectionery industry.

Fruiting begins at 8 years of age. A heat-loving but frost-resistant tree, the shoots of which can freeze only in severe frosts. Loves fertilized soils. Propagated by seeds and grafting, less often by cuttings. It is inconvenient to cultivate this valuable tree en masse due to its slow growth and late fruiting.

Harm and contraindications

Doctors recommend taking infusions, decoctions, and nut oils carefully if you have an individual intolerance. You should not eat nuts if you have allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, they can only be consumed after consultation with a doctor.

The Siebold nut is a close relative of the famous walnut, but it is less popular. In the southern regions, ailantholaf nuts are not cultivated due to the fact that they are simply not able to compete with walnuts. And in the northern regions, where they can be successfully grown, Japanese nuts are practically unknown.

"Siebolda" is a nut variety that is a close relative of the walnut

Characteristics of Siebold nut

Siebold nut, also known as Japanese nut, belongs to the Nut family. The lifespan of a culture can be 2–3 centuries.

The Siebold nut was introduced into cultivation by the Dutch botanist F.F. Siebold, which explains its name. This happened in France in 1866.

Description of Siebold nut: deciduous tree, reaching twenty meters in height. The straight trunk, up to one meter in diameter, is covered with gray bark with a green tint. Longitudinal cracks are visible on the bark. On developed branches the bark is smooth, yellowish-gray in color.

The trees form a spreading, tent-shaped crown with sparse branches. On long brown petioles, ovate-elongated leaves with asymmetrical sides and pointed apices are formed. The leaves are large, oval-shaped with serrated edges, up to 60 cm long and 40 cm wide. Concentrated at the tips of the branches. The color of the leaf blade is green, the upper part is darker than the lower part.

The flowers look like earrings and are bisexual. Male ones are concentrated in the axils of the leaves, and female ones - at the tips of the shoots. Earrings are collected in clusters of 18–22 flowers. Flowering occurs in late spring or early summer.

The Siebold variety blooms in late spring or early summer.

After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of round or oval pointed drupes 2–4 cm long, on which two longitudinal ribs are clearly visible. Edible large nut kernels are covered with a thin but hard shell with a smooth surface. The kernels have good taste and high fat content - about 65%. The nuts are collected in long clusters and ripen in early autumn.

Fruiting of the Siebold nut occurs at 5–8 years of age. The wood contains a red-brown heartwood and grayish sapwood, due to which the tree has high technical characteristics and is widely used in furniture production. Weapon stocks and various carpentry products are also made from walnut wood.

Walnut habitat

The natural habitat of the Siebold nut is the mountainous, deciduous and coniferous forests of Japan, as well as the southern territories of Korea. In Russia, ailantholia nut can be found in the Far East, Sakhalin and Kushnir Island.

Prefers to grow alone or in small groups. The natural range of the Japanese walnut is small and continues to decline, so this species is listed in the Red Book.

Siebold nut has increased frost resistance and can only be damaged in very severe frosts. Therefore, in the subtropical climate of Ukraine and Russia it is grown as a forest crop, and in more northern regions alone or in small groups in gardens.

In Ukraine, Japanese nuts can be seen in arboretums, botanical gardens and other park areas of cities. Successfully cultivated in Lithuania and Latvia, in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In Central Asian countries, it has not been tested enough, suffers from heat and drought, but bears fruit. Showed good growth results in the conditions of Tajikistan without regular irrigation.

According to all indicators, the ailantholfolia nut is promising for cultivation in European countries, Ukraine, Russia and the North Caucasus.

How to grow Japanese walnut

Siebold nut propagation occurs mainly by seed, but cuttings and grafting are possible.

Seeds have germination rates from 30 to 70%. The procedure should be carried out in the autumn, immediately after collecting the seeds. It is recommended to plant 4–6 nuts in one hole.

An important condition for successful germination is soil cleared of rhizomes and weeds, which must be nutritious, loose and moist. The seeds should be placed in the hole horizontally, but shallowly; protection from rodents should be provided if the seedlings are grown in open ground.

The first shoots should be expected only in the summer of next year. First, the seeds produce white roots, then they form a stem, on which the first pair of leaves soon appears.

After 3-4 years, Japanese nuts will be ready for replanting. But experienced gardeners recommend planting trees immediately in a permanent place, because in three years the seedlings will have time to form long roots that go deep into the soil.

If nut seeds are sown to grow seedlings, then hard material (slate or galvanized sheet metal) is placed at the bottom of the planting hole to stop the roots from growing deeper.

Planting of seedlings is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The planting hole is dug taking into account the size of the root system. The roots should fit freely on the bottom.
  2. The bottom of the hole is equipped with good drainage. As a drainage layer, you can use brick chips, small stones, gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  3. The drainage layer is covered with soil mixture. To prepare it, mix turf soil, sand and humus.
  4. The seedlings are placed vertically in the holes, and support stakes are driven in nearby.
  5. As the seedlings are buried, the soil is compacted well.
  6. After planting, a groove is formed around the trunk, the seedlings are watered, and the soil is mulched with peat or sawdust.
  7. Mulch will retain moisture and protect the roots from hypothermia.
  8. When planting seedlings in a permanent place, you should carefully choose the location. It is important to take into account the size of an adult tree, so the area should be spacious.

Competent care

Ailantholea nut cannot be called a demanding crop.

The main procedures ensuring the growth and development of plants are:

  • irrigation;
  • loosening and removal of weeds;
  • mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • sanitary trimmings;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • for young plants - competent organization of wintering.


Japanese nuts are moisture-loving, so they require regular watering in hot weather. In the summer heat, trees should be watered at least twice a month, spending 3-4 buckets of water on each plant. From August, irrigation procedures are stopped, but if the autumn is dry, then watering is carried out to make wintering easier. If it rains regularly, the trees do not need watering.

Loosening and removing weeds

The surrounding area should be regularly cleared of weeds to minimize the risk of disease development. At the same time, the soil is loosened to ensure oxygen access to the root system.


Feed twice per season. In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers with the addition of organic matter are applied, and in the autumn, fertilizers enriched with phosphorus and potassium are applied. On average, one walnut tree per season requires about 11 kg of superphosphate, three kilograms of potassium salt, 11 kg of ammonium sulfate and six kilograms of ammonium nitrate.


Sanitary pruning should be done after winter. During the procedure, all damaged, dried out and frost-beaten branches are removed. During the season, trees should be inspected for signs of diseases and pests. If any are found, severely damaged branches also need to be pruned.


Organization of wintering is required only for young representatives of the genus. They should be wrapped in burlap or other covering material, and the circle around the trunk should be well mulched with manure, at a distance of about ten centimeters from the trunk.

Ailantholeaf nuts are good at purifying the air from gasoline fumes, other gaseous impurities and dust. The crop is often planted in park areas of large cities, along roads and garden fences. It also has high decorative qualities. Fits well into group plantings.

Ailantholea nut cleanses the air well from dust, gasoline and other gaseous impurities

By growing nuts on a personal plot, anyone can prepare healing infusions from the leaves and green peel of the fruit. The kernels themselves also have considerable benefits for the body. With a little effort, you can grow not only a beautiful tree that protects from the scorching sun, but also acquire a living natural doctor.

Nut(genus Juglans, family Nut, Juglandaceae).


Walnut, royal

Asia, Caucasus, Europe (wild old gardens).

Tall tree; compound leaves of 5-7 entire leaflets, fruits are false drupes, edible. Divorced everywhere; has many variations. The most productive are single trees with a predominance of female flowers. It is a forest-forming species. In the mountains of Central Asia it rises to a height of 2300 m, forming walnut forests and woodlands. In Moscow, grown specimens freeze to the ground.

A very durable black paint is extracted from the shells of the fruit. Young trees produce soft and white wood, while old trees produce the well-known dark brown, mottled with dark veins, sometimes completely black; the older the tree, the more beautiful and better the wood; It is processed well and takes polishing and painting very well.



North America.

A beautiful medium-sized tree with large feathery leaves. Very decorative. At a young age it suffers from frosts in the northern regions, but as an adult it winters well.

It propagates well by seeds, which should be planted with the pointed end down.

It has industrial (wood is used, yellow and orange paints are extracted from the shell of the fruit) and food (fruit) significance.

Manchurian walnut

Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandschurica Maxim.)

Far East, Manchuria.

A very beautiful fast-growing tree (up to 25 m) with feathery leaves reaching a meter in length. According to some data, it is able to winter even in the harsh winters of the Urals (up to 45°C). Under natural conditions, it goes further north than all other nuts (up to 51° N)

The fruits are harder than walnuts and not as tasty.

Japanese walnut, Siebold

Japanese walnut, Siebold (Juglans Sieboldiana Maxim.)

Japan, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin.

Reaches 20 meters in height. Very decorative.

According to R.I. Schroeder, a specimen more than 30 years old grew at the St. Petersburg Forestry Institute.

A complete list of plants for hedges in the book

Synonym: ailanolium nut, Japanese walnut, Juglans cordiformis, Juglans sieboldiana, Juglans mandshurica var. Sachalinensis, oni-gurumi, Japanese Walnut

Nut- a species of deciduous trees from the genus of the Walnut family (Juglandaceae). It grows naturally in Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, and also in the mountain forests of Japan. Found in small groups and singly in coniferous-deciduous and deciduous forests. Life expectancy is 200-300 years. It was first introduced into culture in France in 1866 by the Dutch botanist F.F. Siebold, in whose honor it received its name.

It is a deciduous, slow-growing tree up to 20 m in height, with a trunk diameter of 25-50 cm. The crown is openwork, loose, tent-shaped.

The trunk is covered with greenish-gray bark with longitudinal cracks, the branches are light gray, young shoots are covered with pubescence, last year's shoots are bare, gray with a yellowish tint.

The leaves are large, alternate, odd-pinnate, 40-60 (100) cm long and 40 cm wide, grow at the ends of the branches, sparsely hairy, light green above, lighter below and covered with denser reddish or yellowish pubescence. The petiole is brownish, glandular-pubescent, on which there are 9-21 ovate-oblong unequal (except for the last) leaflets, the apices are pointed, coarsely toothed along the edge.

The plant is monoecious. Blooms in the first half of May. Female flowers are collected in long straight hanging racemes of 10-20 pieces, growing at the ends of the branches. Blooms and bears fruit profusely. Male - earrings up to 30 cm in length, located 2-5 in the axils of the leaves.

The fruits are flat-round or ovoid drupes up to 5 cm in length, with 2 longitudinal ribs, a sharp tip and a rounded base, almost smooth. Similar to, but much superior to it in taste, does not taste bitter, is easier to clean, but is slightly inferior in kernel size. The shell is thin and relatively hard. The kernel makes up 30% of the total mass of the fruit. Fat content up to 63%. The fruits ripen in August - September. Bears fruit from 6-8 years.

Varieties: Heartnut, Campbell CW 1, Campbell CW 3, Campbell CWW, Fodermaier, Imshu.

Frost resistance zone: zone 2a (-45°C). May be damaged by reverse frosts in May - early June.

Location: Demanding on soil fertility. Grows well in North-West conditions. Heat-loving, but winter-hardy. Shade-tolerant.

Reproduction: propagates mainly by seeds. The seeding depth for autumn sowing is 10-12 cm, for spring sowing (stratification is required) 6-8 cm. Before sowing, they need to be treated with kerosene to prevent rodents. When propagated by cuttings without treatment with stimulants, the rooting rate is 30%. Reproduces well using grafting. It is better to collect propagation material from introduced trees.

Pests and diseases: little damage.

Security status: relict species, included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Usage: Highly decorative, even after the leaves have fallen. Looks great in single and group plantings in landscape parks. Tinctures from the leaves are used in folk medicine. In China and Japan it is used as a diuretic, expectorant, anthelmintic, and cardiac stimulant, as well as for the treatment of diabetes. A durable dark brown dye for cotton and woolen fabrics is obtained from the bark, juicy membranes of the fruit and leaves. Black paint is obtained from the hard shell. Essential aromatic oils are obtained from the leaves.

NutSiebold(Juglans sieboldiana Maxim., syn. J. ailantifolia Carr.) is distributed in our country on the Kuril Islands (Kunashir Island), in the south of the island. Sakhalin and in the mountain forests of Japan (the islands of Hondo, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, etc.), where it grows in mixed coniferous and deciduous plantations with the participation of Manchurian ash, scarlet ash, cryptomeria, thuevik, Mongolian oak, palm maple, magnolia, etc. Tree up to 20-22.5 m high and 1 m in diameter. Durability 200-300 years.

The trunk bark is greenish-gray in color, the branches are light gray, last year's shoots are gray with a yellowish tint, bare. Leaf marks on the upper edge with a tuft of small hairs. Young shoots are glandular-hairy. The core of the shoots is whitish. The buds at the ends of the shoots are elongated, flattened, up to 1.2 cm in length, the lateral buds are often 2 one above the other, rounded, up to 0.3 cm in diameter, both are short-haired, light brownish.

The leaves are alternate, large, up to 40-60, sometimes up to 90 cm in length and up to 40 cm in width, with a brownish, glandular-pubescent petiole, on which 9-17, sometimes 21, leaflets are placed. The leaves are oblong-ovate, 7-18 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, rounded at the base, asymmetrical, short-pointed at the apex, coarsely toothed at the edges, green on the upper side, sparsely hairy, lighter on the lower side, but with denser yellow or reddish pubescence. . The apical leaflet of the leaf is well developed, equal to or larger than the lateral ones, and more pointed.

Staminate flowers in earrings 15-30 cm long and 1 cm thick. The flower has 10-15 short stamens. Earrings on the branches are placed 2-5 together. Pistillate flowers in long straight racemes, 12-20 pcs. on one axis. The pistil of the flower is densely pubescent, bottle-shaped, the stigmas are long, crimson-red. They bloom, like staminate flowers, in the first half of May (Ukrainian SSR). Siebold nut trees are strongly dichogamous.

The fruit (pericarp) is round or ovoid, non-cracking, up to 5 cm long, the surface is hairy, sticky, there are up to 20 fruits in hanging clusters. The endocarp (walnut), up to 4 cm long, is ovoid with a sharp apex and a rounded base, slightly wrinkled, almost smooth, with two, like the walnut endocarp, strongly protruding sutures. The shell is thick, large-lacunate from the inside. The seed kernel is small, up to 30% of the endocarp weight, fat content up to 63 °/o, good taste. Ripen in September. The fruits have nutritional and technical significance.

The wood contains a brownish-reddish heartwood and grayish sapwood. It has high technical properties, is valued in the furniture industry, and is used in the manufacture of gun stocks and various carpentry products.

It is quite widespread in European countries, first introduced into cultivation in France by the Dutch botanist F. F. Siebold in 1886, in the USA since 1860, and in our country in Chakva and Sukhumi since 1901. It is bred primarily as a highly decorative tree with also beautiful racemose tasty fruits and valuable wood. In all places of the crop it is completely winter-hardy, suffers only in the harshest winters and has rapid growth. In Ukraine it is also grown in forest crops. In other, more northern places - alone in gardens and in groups.

In mixed coniferous-deciduous forest plantations of the Krasilovsky forestry of the Staro-Konstantinovsky forestry enterprise at the age of 50 years it reached a height of 22 m and 24 cm in diameter. According to M.V. Chernyshev (1973), on the island. In Sakhalin, at the age of 50, the nut reaches a height of 12 m and 60 cm in diameter with a crown diameter of 15 m. Thus, in Ukraine, the Siebold nut grows much faster, and also bears fruit more abundantly and more often. However, in Ukrainian conditions, when growing in depressions and frost-prone places, it suffers from the return of frost in May, and its shoots, flowers, and ovaries freeze over. To avoid this, Siebold nuts, like other types of nuts, should be grown in elevated areas where cold air masses do not accumulate.

In the conditions of Kyiv, it grows in the arboretum of the forestry faculty of the USA, in the Central Republican Botanical Garden and in other urban plantings.

On a plantation in Feofaniya (a suburb of Kyiv) at 30 years of age it reaches a height of 13 m and 40 cm in diameter. Younger trees at 22 years old in the CRBS reach a height of 12 m and 28 cm in diameter, at 17 years they have a height of 7 m and a diameter of 8 cm, forming in this case multi-stemmed trees. They bear fruit from 6-8 years, sometimes from 5.

All types of nuts are distinguished by their ability to purify the air from gasoline and acetylene vapors. This ability is especially high in the leaves of the Siebold nut. Therefore, this species, like other types of nuts, is especially advisable to plant in places contaminated with these secretions.

In the Trostyanets arboretum, Chernigov region. Siebold's nut also grows well, at the age of 17 it reaches a height of 7 m and 8.5 cm in diameter, blooms on average on May 15, pistillate racemes with 12-20 flowers with long purple stigmas. In the Minsk Botanical Garden it is quite winter-hardy, bears fruit, and its height at 15 years of age is 3 m.

According to V.I. Ramanauskas, the Siebold nut was introduced into Lithuania at the beginning of the current century and is currently growing successfully in various parts of the republic, reaching a height of 10 m and 44 cm in diameter. Hybrid trees (Siebold walnut X gray walnut) grow rapidly in Kaunas, reaching a height of 16 m and 92 cm in diameter at the age of 37.

It turned out to be winter-hardy in Latvian conditions. Plants have already been obtained from local seeds of the third generation; there are trees 50 and 60 years old.

In Leningrad, in the LTA park, it was distinguished by its rapid growth and high winter hardiness, reaching a height of 15.7 m and 22.8 cm in diameter at the age of 31 years.

In Moscow (in the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences) it is winter-hardy, blooms from the age of 13, but grows slowly, reaching a height of 1.55 m and 4 cm in diameter at the age of 14.

It is rare in the central chernozem regions. In the Lipetsk region. In the arboretum and park of the forest experimental station, more than 20 trees grow in groups and individually. At the age of 27, the trees reach a height of 8 m and 10 cm in diameter and bear fruit.

It is little tested in Central Asia; it bears fruit, but suffers from heat and drought. However, under irrigation conditions in the river valley. Vakhsha (Tajik SSR) it grows well, reaching a height of 11.5 m and 15 cm in diameter at the age of 13 (according to A.V. Tursky). The same author emphasizes the advantage in the growth of Siebold nut when sowing seeds in a permanent place before planting seedlings. The height of 5-year-old plants in the first case was 4.5 m, in the second - 1.8 m.

Grows well in Tajikistan even without constant irrigation. Thus, in the Dushanbe Botanical Garden, at the age of 28 years, it reaches a height of 15 m, blooms at the end of April, bears fruit abundantly, and nuts ripen in September.

Thus, the Siebold nut is a fairly promising species for cultivation on the European territory of the USSR, especially in Ukraine, as well as in the Rostov region. and in the North Caucasus. Its crop could be quite profitable with partial irrigation in the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

It is propagated mainly by seed - by sowing seeds on a permanent area or in a nursery for growing planting material, as well as by grafting and cuttings of shoots.

The rooting rate of cuttings in greenhouses without the use of stimulants reached 30%.

After harvesting, the fruits are cleared of the outer carp (pericarp) and sown or stratified before spring sowing. The depth of seed placement in autumn is 10-12 cm, and in spring 6-8 cm. It is necessary to take measures to combat mice, which easily take nuts into holes.

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