home · On a note · Twins Volga and Katya. Stars of "Evening Urgant" Volga and Katya Korol: Sasha Revva taught us to be bitches. Why were twins needed for the video?

Twins Volga and Katya. Stars of "Evening Urgant" Volga and Katya Korol: Sasha Revva taught us to be bitches. Why were twins needed for the video?

For this performance, Nikolai Baskov, Katya and Volga Korol received their coveted statuettes.

Last weekend, the 23rd Golden Gramophone national music award ceremony took place, where Nikolai Baskov received his statuette. Only he received it not alone, but together with the twins Katya and Volga Korol. All together they sang the song "My King".

Who are the King twins?

Katya and Volga Korol are already quite popular in Russia and abroad. Previously, they appeared on Channel One as assistants to Ivan Urgant. In addition, as the girls themselves say, they were already getting ready to give up show business, began working first as engineers, then as assistants to businessmen, and received a lot of money when they were called from the show “Evening Urgant” and offered to become Ivan’s assistants. Now Katya and Volga are better known as the granddaughters of Baba Yaga and regular participants in the BY art project, which is popular both in Russia and abroad.

As part of this project, the trio travels around the world and takes part in various international festivals, concerts and exhibitions. There, girls in a driving manner perform Russian folk songs (and not only), which listeners have already loved - “Brothers Slavs”, the anthem to the PARUS festival “PARUS in Russian” and others. In addition, the girls and their Baba Yaga recorded an anthem for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which the RUSSIA UNITES fans club recognized as the best anthem in support of our team.

Biography of Katya and Volga King

The girls were born on October 12, 1986, ten minutes apart in Minsk. Their father is an engineer, their mother is a teacher (this influenced the fact that the girls did not enter theater studies, but became engineers. Their father wanted his daughters to receive a serious education). The girls were born weighing 2.1 kg and 2.2 kg.

Both graduated from the Belarusian Technological State University. Their career, even before the show "Evening Urgant", began with filming in the films Love in the Big City-2, "Nannies", "Unreal Love", "Mixed Feelings", the TV series "He People", "Kindness", "Hunters" behind their heads." By the way, parents watch films in which their daughters star, however, they really don’t like the fact that the girls appear in swimsuits in front of the cameras. In 2010, the girls became “Miss World” among the twins of Russia, the CIS and Europe.

King twins Instagram

When our passion for beautiful half-naked girls meets our passion for twins, the result is a photo shoot like this. Long live Katya and the Volga King!

Interview: Igor Cher-sky
Photo: Elena Sarapultseva
Style: Irina Volkova

Why were twins needed for the video?

Volga The slogan there is: “Baon is your best reflection!” That's why we are the same, but our clothes are different. Although real reflection is not really our topic. We see each other more often than we see ourselves in the mirror.

Both with and without clothes?

Katya No. Only in clothes. It's completely uninteresting to look at your naked sister.

Just because she's a sister?

Volga No. Because it's a copy. So you look at it, you fall in love - and you get complete narcissism. “Damn, I’m just as cool!” It's like you're distracted by yourself.
Katya Or vice versa: “Oh, she has cellulite! We urgently need to take up sports!”

By looking at your photos, can you tell which one is where?

Katya We first of all look at who turned out better. And whoever says first that it’s her will be the best.

In everyday life, do you dress differently or the same?

Volga Now it’s different. But when we were children, our parents always bought us everything the same so that we wouldn’t fight.

Do you have a telepathic connection?

Volga No. But if Katya raised an eyebrow, I already know the reason for the future scandal.

There is an episode in your biography when you modernized the airport. Who decided to entrust this to you?

Volga We just really needed money.
Katya Volga, why are you talking nonsense? We still need money now, that’s not the point. The fact is that we graduated from a technical university in Belarus. But in Belarus there is no corruption, so I had to really study.
Volga And we came out of there as good specialists, we received a contract for the construction of a checkpoint and all power lines. And this airport in Kamchatka is still functioning properly, no complaints.

Yes, but something else is more important to the reader. In your last interview (MAXIM, March 2013 - Librarian's note) you said that you don't have any boyfriends and in general you live with two identical twin girls. Has anything changed?

Katya One wise man said that we need to separate.
Volga Because while we are together, we will not be able to arrange our personal life.
Katya And it's true! As soon as Volga leaves somewhere for a week, I immediately have a boyfriend.

And then?

Katya And then she disappears because I stop answering calls.

And when each of you separately meets a guy somewhere, does she tell him about the presence of her exact copy?

Katya Now - yes. We just had one case where a man almost had a heart attack.
Volga He came to my birthday and didn’t know that I had a sister. I brought a bouquet, I said: “Place it in another room.” He goes there and meets Katya there. And she asks him: “Didn’t you bring me a bouquet?” After that, the man drank vodka for two hours and we didn’t see him again. But now every person we meet has already seen us somewhere.
Katya But in general, normal people are afraid of twins. The guy can never figure out which of us will give his coat first or open the car door. It is also dangerous to offend twins, because if you offend one, you will get it from both. And everyone still thinks that we are breeding them.
Volga Yes. Most people don’t believe us, although ninety times out of a hundred we don’t deceive.

Katya (left) and Volga (right) King are participants in several entertainment shows on television. In addition, right now in cinemas you can see the comedy “Mixed Emotions” with the participation of twin sisters. But the formal reason for undressing the girls was a video advertising clothes

Why were twins needed for the video? Volga The slogan there is: “Baon is your best reflection!” That's why we are the same, but our clothes are different. Although real reflection is not really our topic. We see each other more often than we see ourselves in the mirror. Both with and without clothes? Katya No. Only in clothes. It's completely uninteresting to look at your naked sister. Just because she's a sister? Volga No. Because it's a copy. So you look at it, you fall in love, and you end up with complete narcissism. “Damn, I’m just as cool!” It's like you're distracted by yourself.
Katya Or vice versa: “Oh, she has cellulite! We urgently need to take up sports!”
By looking at your photos, can you tell which one is where? Katya We first of all look at who turned out better. And whoever says first that it’s her will be the best.
In everyday life, do you dress differently or the same? Volga Now it’s different. But when we were children, our parents always bought us everything the same so that we wouldn’t fight. Do you have a telepathic connection? Volga No. But if Katya raised an eyebrow, I already know the reason for the future scandal. There is an episode in your biography when you modernized the airport. Who decided to entrust this to you? Volga We just really needed money.
Katya Volga, why are you talking nonsense? We still need money now, that’s not the point. The fact is that we graduated from a technical university in Belarus. But in Belarus there is no corruption, so I had to really study.
Volga And we came out of there as good specialists, we received a contract for the construction of a checkpoint and all power lines. And this airport in Kamchatka is still functioning properly, no complaints.
Yes, but something else is more important to the reader. In a previous interview (MAXIM, March 2013 - librarian's note) you said that you don't have any boyfriends and in general you live with two identical twin girls. Has anything changed? Katya One wise man said that we need to separate.
Volga Because while we are together, we will not be able to arrange our personal life.
Katya And it's true! As soon as Volga leaves somewhere for a week, I immediately have a boyfriend.
And then? Katya And then she disappears because I stop answering calls.
And when each of you separately meets a guy somewhere, does she tell him about the presence of her exact copy? Katya Now - yes. We just had one case where a man almost had a heart attack.
Volga He came to my birthday and didn’t know that I had a sister. I brought a bouquet, I said: “Place it in another room.” He goes there and meets Katya there. And she asks him: “Didn’t you bring me a bouquet?” After that, the man drank vodka for two hours and we didn’t see him again. But now every person we meet has already seen us somewhere.
Katya But in general, normal people are afraid of twins. The guy can never figure out which of us will give his coat first or open the car door. It is also dangerous to offend twins, because if you offend one, you will get it from both. And everyone still thinks that we are breeding them.
Volga Yes. Most people don’t believe us, although ninety times out of a hundred we don’t deceive.
Have you been caught cheating? Katya Yes, because sometimes we let it slip. Let’s say I say: “But yesterday we were with Katya...” And then I remember that Katya is me. Where can our readers meet you? Volga If it's already cold on the bike paths, you can go to rock concerts.
Katya If they perform

There are many Belarusians in Moscow. There are many among them who not only went to work, but achieved success and became popular and famous. Twins Katya and Volga are among the successful Belarusian emigrants. Spectacular, long-legged brunettes graduated from BSTU and have diplomas as mechanical engineers in the chemical industry, but these “crusts” were of almost no use to them. Nowadays, girls do not miss a single opportunity to act in films and TV series. And not so long ago they were invited to the women's show Comedy Woman. An Onliner.by correspondent talked to the girls and found out why they left, how Moscow differs from their native capital, and that “Evening Urgant” is far from the only project in which the sisters participate.

We first appeared on the big screen three years ago in the film “Love in the City 2.” In the episodes we play the wife and sister of Leonid Yarmolnik’s wife. We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to star in this film, considering that we have no acting training. Then there was the film "Nannies". And in the spring of this year we starred in the film “Unreal Love”, and our filming days took place in Minsk. Later, an article was published in a Belarusian newspaper, where in the photograph we were together with Oscar Kuchera, and the caption read: “The role of flight attendants went to the stunning Moscow twins.” After that, we laughed for a long time that we turned out to be some kind of strangers among our own.

We got into Ivan Urgant's show completely by accident. This was seven months ago, when we were working in an area not at all related to show business. We were assistants to a Moscow businessman. There was a phone call, where they explained to us that twins were needed for the show. Since we didn’t have any time for filming, we recommended other twins to them. We have a large database of twins. Generally speaking, we traditionally organize twin shows in Moscow clubs. But they answered us: “No, we need you!” Most likely, the casting director just wanted some proven option, and we were recommended to him by our mutual friends. Nevertheless, this answer touched us, and we took time off from work and came to the first shooting. And of course we really liked it there!

For the next two months we tried to combine “Evening Urgant” and work in the office. The task was greatly complicated by the fact that our boss was very jealous of our appearance in the media industry, especially on Channel One. Plus, filming began for the film “Unreal Love,” and for more than a month we worked without any days off. It became clear that something needed to be given up - so there were two fewer office workers in Moscow. (Laugh.)

When asked what our role is in the show, we usually answer like this: “We are there for beauty.” (Laugh.) Not long ago, in one interview, we were called actresses of the project, and we agree with this definition. We do not carry any key semantic load, but I would like to hope that with our appearance in “Evening Urgant” at least something has changed.

Ivan constantly jokes, including at us. All his jokes are impromptu. It’s quite difficult to confuse us with something and plunge us into a state of stupor, but he did it very well. For example, at the first shooting, turning to Volga (Olga slightly changed the Belarusian version of her name. - Onliner.by), he asked: “Why does your sister have such an unusual name - Katya?”

While studying at the university, we came to Moscow for a day or two and worked as models, since it was the closest Russian-speaking metropolis from Minsk. And if at that time we knew foreign languages ​​well, we would have directed our gaze to the West. After receiving my diploma, we simply packed our bags and moved. At first, the work was related to show business, but it was far from Channel One, films and TV series. It was an ordinary modeling job for which they paid three kopecks.

We worked in our specialty, but the problem was that no one took us seriously as engineers. When we came for interviews to get a job in our specialty, we received smiles, grins and the question in response: “Have you mixed up anything?” However, after some time, we were hired as junior engineers by a Moscow construction company, which at that time was modernizing the airport in Kamchatka. There we had to prove to everyone that we could work.

When you meet people in Minsk, you can confidently think that they are the same as you - without certain powers, connections, forces, etc. In Moscow, you always have to be careful and be prepared for some kind of surprise. After all, it is a city of contrasts. It’s not always possible to tell a person everything you think about him.

It was difficult to adjust to Moscow life, because Belarusians are very different from Muscovites. We are a kind, simple, compassionate nation. Moscow is different. Probably the reason is that it is a huge metropolis. It is impossible to highlight a person’s character here. Who is the average Muscovite? Apart from the fact that he is a visitor, there is no other way to determine it. Everyone here is profit-oriented in one way or another.

There are many convinced people in Minsk who are ready to work for an idea, and not for money. In Moscow no one does anything for free anymore. But we get involved in some projects and even invest our own funds.

There are indeed more opportunities for implementation in the Russian capital. But on the other hand, there is unbearable competition. Girls who were not born in Moscow move at the age of 15-17 in order to achieve something.

Our acquaintances, friends and some relatives are still sure that we moved to Moscow in order to become stars and conquer this city. But we moved not by invitation, but because we understood that Moscow is a city whose rhythm of life is tens of times greater than the rhythm of Minsk. There are more events here, and we like it when everything happens quickly and even rapidly.

For the first time, twins Masha and Nastya Tolmachev will represent our country at the Eurovision Song Contest. Outwardly, they are as similar as two peas in a pod, but are their characters similar?

Vsevolod Eremin, Elena Shatalova, Ekaterina Saltykova, Elena Selina May 3, 2014

17-year-old Tolmachev sisters are winners of the children's competition " Eurovision" 2006. Girls come from Kursk, study in the 10th grade at school No. 45. The family loves music. Papa Andrey plays the accordion and sings folk songs. Mom Marina graduated from a pedagogical institute with a degree in choral conductor. When her daughters were 5 years old, she sent them to study vocals at the Palace of Pioneers.

Girls, admit it, which of you is more worried before the competition?

Nastya: I! I always worry about everything. And our Masha is a fighter.

Masha: Yes, usually I have to calm Nastya down. But sometimes I can give in too.

Nastya: At such moments, even I get ready, because someone needs to support Masha. I myself am shaking with fear, but I tell her: “Don’t worry.”

Masha: Before Eurovision, we agreed among ourselves: we need to be determined that everything will be fine, we need to do our job and have fun.

Nastya: I also believe that you need to program yourself only to win, otherwise why would you need to rehearse so much, worry, and waste energy.

It's good that you are together now, close. You can support each other... But from a distance, can you feel what is happening to the other?

Nastya: Yes, Masha has a headache, which means I have one too.

Masha: Nastya is crying - and I am crying, even if I don’t see her tears.

Nastya: I can tell from her eyes that something is wrong with Masha - she is upset or doesn’t feel well.

Masha: We know a lot of twins, and they don’t always have the same love as Nastya and I have. It happens that girls have different lives: one studies in the 9th grade at our school, the other left for Moscow. We cannot separate for a minute.

For two months now you have hardly left the Moscow studio, where you are preparing for Eurovision. Did you have to forget about school during this time?

Nastya: Unfortunately. We haven’t attended any classes in two months. Thank God, our parents support us, they know our problem areas.

Masha: We have problems with mathematics. She didn't work with us right from first grade. Biology, Russian, literature - that's welcome.

Nastya: We both swim in the exact sciences. But I can read the textbook before class and immediately go answer. For Masha it is more difficult.

Masha: I even learn poetry slowly, I need to tune in and think.

Tell me, do your classmates often confuse you?

Nastya: From the back - often. But as soon as we turn around, they will find out easily. Over the years we have become a little different.

Masha: But it’s almost impossible to distinguish us over the phone. Even grandma has difficulty distinguishing our voices. I called: “Grandma, this is Masha.” We'll talk, she asks me to pass the phone to Nastya. “Now,” I promise, and I answer for Nastya further.

You often dress the same - this is what twins usually do. Don't you get bored? After all, you are already 17 years old, one maybe likes dresses, the other likes jeans...

Masha: Yes, and our figures are different. One day a dispute arose over clothing. I told Nastya that we are already adults - let everyone choose what they want. To which Nastya objected...

Nastya: I said, “Let’s dress the same until we get married, because that’s our thing.” It's always interesting to look at two identical girls.

Masha: We agreed that sometimes we would choose clothes of different colors, but of the same style. Otherwise Nastya cannot live without pink...

Nastya: Not true. Now my favorite colors are red, white, beige.

Masha: And mine is black.

Do your parents still give you the same gifts?

Nastya: Our classmates give us the same things. For my last birthday, I was given identical full-length bears. Parents try to at least separate gifts by color - for me, for example, a pink phone, for Masha - a white one.

Where else do tastes differ?

Nastya: I love clothes, makeup, design... I really like to paint someone, do someone's hair.

Masha: Nastya even completed a make-up artist course. He’s trying to train on me, but I don’t like it...My main goal is to learn to drive a car and buy my own.

Does it happen that you quarrel with each other?

Nastya: It happens. Especially now, when there is very little left before leaving for Eurovision. We are tired, sometimes our nerves can’t stand it, we break down: “Why couldn’t you do such an easy element?” We can be offended at each other, but for a maximum of five minutes. If I’m wrong, I go up to Masha and start smiling...

Masha: And then it’s simply impossible not to smile back. Why should we fight, what should we divide?

Ksenia and Polina Kutepova (actresses)

Ksenia Kutepova

Polina Kutepova

At the age of 8 they starred together in the first film “Vasily and Vasilisa”. And after school, we entered GITIS on the first try. Now they act in films and play on the stage of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop theater, and appear on stage together in some performances.

“When we were children, our older sister Zlata often took advantage of her “advantage” at three years old and came up with all sorts of tall tales, and Ksenia and I believed her. Well, how can you not trust your older sister?! – says Polina. “Once she told us “in secret” that in fact only one of us was a relative in the family, and my parents... found the other one. We were walking down the street and saw: a tiny girl standing and crying bitterly. They took a closer look, and she looked exactly like their youngest daughter. They took pity on the “orphan” and, rejoicing and amazed at such a wonderful resemblance, took her to live with them. And since then everyone was told that they had three daughters. And my sister knows this secret, because she was present during that episode. If we want to find out the truth about which of us was found, then Zlata will tell us, but I or Ksenia must do something for my sister for this. Each time this “truth” changed, and each time, amazingly, we believed it! But the classic stories for twins about how “the teachers were deceived at school, one learned the lesson and is responsible for the other” were practically absent in our childhood. Maybe because personal self-identification was more important for us in childhood; by the age of 10–12, we even tried to wear different things if possible. Although now, when we look at some old photographs, the whole family argues about “who is on the right of mom”: me or Ksenia. And to strangers, of course, we seem absolutely alike. They also say that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish our voices. However, according to my observations, many close people (not twins) develop similar timbres and intonations. From Ksenia’s and my past experience, I can say that twins are very happy children. Existing in a self-sufficient closed system, they practically do not suffer from loneliness and do not look for outside friends. There were other undeniable advantages: you don’t even need to tell your sister anything, everything is already clear.

We are eternally grateful to Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko that at one time, upon entering GITIS, he saw in us two completely different personalities and was not afraid to take both of them on the course, although we know that he was dissuaded from this. In the second year of study, our teacher and director Evgeniy Kamenkovich staged Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night in the course, and this was the only time our similarities were played up. Subsequently, each work for Ksenia and me was absolutely individual. Just like each of us is individual in life.”

Volga and Katya Korol (actresses, participants in the show “Evening Urgant”)

Volga: I was born about ten minutes earlier than Katya and weighed a hundred grams more. We still have very similar parameters. Katya is only half a centimeter taller. And I weigh a kilogram more.

Kate: This dictated our choice of similar clothes.

Volga: We don't have a clear leader. Katya and I are like a well-coordinated married couple who have been together for thirty years. One raised an eyebrow, the other already knows why she is dissatisfied. But our characters are different. I am an introvert, and Katya is an extrovert.

Kate: Volga is a very touching person, she endures pain more difficult, more emotional than me, but also braver. They say that twins sense each other at a distance, but we didn’t notice this. Maybe because you're on a call all the time? If something happens to someone, the vest is here.

Volga: We love each other very much, but we argue all the time. And we never make easy decisions. We only say yes if we are both in favor.

Kate: When we are together, we strengthen each other like a resonance effect. We always understood that together our chances are higher. This way we are stronger. Moreover, in this case, you have an absolute ally next to you. You don't expect betrayal from him. This is also a plus for creativity. When we come up with scenarios, we have more ideas and the work goes easier.

Volga: But everyone is responsible for their own segment. If we write a song, Katya has the words, and I have the music.

Kate: We both studied music. But I played the balalaika, and Volga played the domra. Maybe this is where the differences in characters come from? I had a kind teacher, who was also a man, and he closed his eyes if something didn’t work out for me. And Volga was taught music in a good way by a bitchy woman. Sometimes Volga ran away from school to rehearse at home for an extra three hours. But now she is more talented in music.

Volga: Technical sciences have always been easier for Katya and me. Physics is a little better for her, mathematics is a little better for me. But they never let each other cheat. Only a couple of times at the institute did we take exams for each other. But we didn't particularly like it. There has always been confrontation and a sense of healthy competition between Katya and me. This is what helped us in life.

Kate: We entered the same university at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Industry. And after university, both went on assignment. True, they did not work as engineers for long. We left Belarus for Moscow and worked together as assistants to a major businessman until show business lured us away. Now we're filming together. Played in films “Love in the City – 2”, “Nannies”, “Unreal Love” And "Mixed feelings". By the way, in the first film the role was first offered to me. And I gave it to Volga, because she is braver. But later the producers had the idea to develop the theme - and that’s how two characters appeared. Volga played the wife of the hero Yarmolnik, and I played the mistress. But now we are invited to act only together.

Volga: In personal relationships, we have never shared one man. If someone liked someone, the other one automatically ceased to be interesting. Being twins is more of a plus than a minus, everyone is alone, but we already have a team of like-minded people. There are few cons. All the twins want them to recognize him, and not think who you are: Volga or Katya.

Kate: It is important for me that we are distinguished by people whose opinions matter to me. Then I understand that the person cares about me.

Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts (actresses)

Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts

The sisters were born into the acting family of Albert Arntgolts and Valentina Galich. Together we came from Kaliningrad to Moscow to enter the theater school. They only wanted to study together, so they didn’t go to the Moscow Art Theater School, where they only took one. Now the actresses are actively acting in films, although they appeared together in only three films.

“We work well together, because from birth I understand Olya perfectly,” says Tatyana. “Besides, this is a wonderful opportunity to socialize.” Working in different projects, it’s good when you get to see each other on the film set.” In an entreprise performance "Cunning and Love" the sisters had one role for two - they played it in turns. And when Tatyana was unable to continue filming the show due to pregnancy "Glacial period", Instead, Olga was paired with Maxim Stavisky. According to the sisters, they are different in character. Tatyana admits: “I am the feelings, Olya is the head. She is wiser and more mature than me, although she is younger.”

Vladimir and Yuri Torsuev (“Adventures of Electronics”)

When the brothers played schoolboy Seryozha Syroezhkin and his robot double Electronics, they were 13. Then fate took them away from cinema for a long time. Whatever they did, they even organized a company selling toys, “Twins and Company,” where only twins worked.

“I was born at the same time as my best friend,” says Vladimir. – My brother and I have the same position in life: to see a goal and believe in ourselves. As for the characters... It was not by chance that I became an Elektronik, and Yura became Syroezhkin. By the way, during the auditions they started filming in reverse. But director Konstantin Bromberg said: “Something is wrong. Come on, change!” And everything went like clockwork.

My brother and I used to replace each other in life. (It’s easy to tell the twins apart: Yuri has a mole under his right eye, which was glued to Volodya for filming. - Note “Antennas.”) So, I took exams for him at the institute in the disciplines in which I was strong: history, social studies. He underwent a medical examination for him. I was surprised that the dentist did not remember the teeth he saw half an hour ago.

Do we feel each other at a distance? A few days ago Yura found himself in an unpleasant situation, and although it was late, I immediately realized that I needed to call him.

The girls, who cannot be distinguished, are actually fraternal twins, who are usually dissimilar. Ashley is 3 centimeters taller than her sister. Mary-Kate is more emotional. “We seem completely different to each other,” the sisters admit

Now they are 27. Mary-Kate continues to act in films. Ashley has not released films for 10 years. They are engaged in a business that includes producing films and releasing a line of eyewear.

Oliver and James Phelps (the Weasley twins in Harry Potter)

When the brothers were cast in the roles of restless pranksters, they were 14. When the last part of the film was released, they were 24. The twins joke that they spent more time on the set than at school. One day the director noticed this peculiarity: one brother begins a phrase, the second finishes it. He used this move in the film. It’s interesting that James, who played the ringleader Fred, is more reserved in real life, while Oliver, who plays the calm George, is more active. At the same time, James says: “Fred is the leader in that pair, and George follows him everywhere. We're both trying to be in charge." According to Oliver, he is more tidy and the only one who washes the dishes. He is also more often seen in a business suit.

It is not difficult to distinguish the brothers: Oliver has a mole on his neck, James has a scar above his eyebrow. But at school they managed to fool their classmates by switching places. Sometimes even mom confuses them on the phone. But when the brothers decided to joke on the set and switched places, they were quickly found out. The brothers do not believe in a special connection between twins. “We certainly don’t read each other’s minds,” says Oliver. “True, I once gave my grandfather a card for his birthday, and then it turned out that my brother gave the same one.”

Now they are 28, and after Potter they only had a few cameo roles. Oliver went into business and opened an online store. The twins play golf, support football teams in their native Birmingham (different ones), love rock music and travel. They still have millions of fans. Although with their natural brown hair color, they are unrecognizable as red Weasleys.