home · electrical safety · What happens if you connect the Internet to your TV? Direct cable connection. Connecting Samsung Smart TV to the Internet

What happens if you connect the Internet to your TV? Direct cable connection. Connecting Samsung Smart TV to the Internet

Over the past few decades, the television has been the center of family entertainment. Once upon a time there were very few channels, and there was practically nothing to watch on them. Technology gradually improved, new standards appeared, the number of channels increased, and characteristics improved. Bulky cathode ray tube televisions were replaced by thin plasma panels.

The TV can perform many more functions than it seemed

In parallel with all this, the Internet was actively developing, and television in its usual form began to fade into the background. All more people began to gather information and watch movies online. Thus, there was a need to radically change something in the television industry. And one of these changes was the invention of smart television - Smart TV.

By by and large, with its introduction, the use of television went beyond watching TV channels. Big number modern models have either a port for wired internet, or Wi-Fi module. Now you can go online, watch movies, videos and even TV channels. Various services are emerging that allow you to receive all content from the network.

Many users, having purchased such a model, do not know about its network capabilities. Therefore, let’s figure out how to connect a TV to the Internet. Settings differ for different manufacturers, but the principle is the same for everyone.

Wired connection

The cable connection is considered the most stable and is not interfered with by any interference. To do this, you will need a network cable and a router. The only drawback is the need to stretch the cable across the room. Therefore, if possible, place the access point closer to the TV.

Ethernet cable

Automatic IP acquisition

Usually the router distributes IP addresses automatically. If you are already using it on a PC, connect the TV and router via a network cable, plugging one end into the TV connector and the opposite end into the LAN port of the access point. If everything is successful, the system will notify you of a successful connection. In selective cases, the procedure should be started manually. To do this, in the network settings, click “Configure Internet” and wait until the settings are received and saved. Try watching movies on YouTube to see if it works.

Manual connection setup

Sometimes it may happen that the connection failed. After connecting the network cable, go to the section network settings. The screen should display the parameters received from the router. If the Internet does not work with them and you cannot watch movies, use the router’s web interface in the “MAC Address Filtering” section to assign a permanent IP for the TV. In TV settings, select “Manual setup”, enter data from the router. Save the settings and check if it works.

PowerLine adapters (PLC)

You don't want to spoil appearance rooms after renovation, but you can’t move the router closer? Use a pair of PowerLine adapters. With their help, you can connect the TV to the router via the mains without the need to run a cable across the entire room. Plug one adapter into a power outlet and connect to the access point via a network cable. Plug another adapter into the second socket and connect it to the TV. The required conditions are to plug directly into a socket, and not into an extension cord, and that no connection is made between the adapters electrical equipment. The disadvantages include quite a few high price, the average price of one device is at least 1000 rubles.

Wireless connection

Built-in Wi-Fi

Smart TVs are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. To watch movies online, you don’t need to run a cable; you just need to set up a Wi-Fi network at home and connect. Go to the TV menu, select “Network settings”. After launching the setup wizard, select “Wireless connection”, use the remote control to select a Wi-Fi network, enter the password and click “Connect”. Actually, there is nothing complicated, the whole procedure will take a maximum of a couple of minutes. Again, if for some reason the TV was unable to pick up the assigned IP, enter it manually as described in the previous paragraph.

In addition, you can connect to Wi-Fi via WPS. Press the button on the router, check the corresponding item in the TV menu. You don't have to enter any password, the network will be detected automatically.

External Wi-Fi

Older models may not have built-in Wi-Fi. In this case, you will have to purchase an external adapter. It doesn't cost very much. Check out the characteristics of the device, since not all models are able to function with all TVs. This Wi-Fi adapter looks like a flash drive and is inserted into the USB port of the TV. After the system recognizes it, configure the device by analogy with the previous point.

Additional router

How to connect a TV to the Internet if it is not possible to buy a Wi-Fi adapter, and the main router is quite weak and a weak signal reaches the TV? You can expand the connection using a secondary router. Buy the cheapest model. Set the main router to automatically assign an IP; in the settings of the second router, select “Dynamic IP”. The auxiliary router will also act as an amplifier. After the settings, connect the second Wi-Fi router to the TV via cable. You already know how to set it up. After all the installations, watching movies will become very easy.


Now you know how to connect your TV to the Internet. We looked at different methods. There is nothing complicated in any of them. Look at your capabilities and equipment location features. Better and easier to configure modern models with built-in Wi-Fi.

Considering that viewing content will consume a lot of Internet channel resources, take care tariff plan with high speed, as well as sufficient power of the router. Make sure to position the equipment correctly so that nothing interferes with signal reception. If possible, we recommend creating a connection via cable. This is the most reliable option.

Do you use the Internet on your TV? What diagram did you use to connect it? Share with us in the comments.

If you look at the TVs that are on the market now, then most of of which support the Smart TV function. LG has webOS, Samsung has its own Smart system, Philips and Sony run Android TV. There are, of course, other manufacturers, but they are less popular. What I mean is that Smart TVs themselves are primarily an additional source of income for manufacturers (due to the sale additional accessories) and a good marketing move.

There are also cool features for the user. You can go online, watch videos on YouTube, read the news, watch the weather, etc. But here you still need to calculate what is more profitable: buy a TV without Smart TV and an attachment to it, or pay more for Smart functions. Since a regular Android box can make your TV more SMART than a built-in system. But today is not about that.

Of all the TVs that have Smart TV features, many models come without a built-in Wi-Fi receiver. True, in 2017 almost all models already have a built-in receiver. And if you don’t connect the Internet to the TV, then all these Smart functions on it are simply useless. Yes, all models definitely have a LAN port that allows you to connect to the Internet via cable. But you must admit, this is very inconvenient. You need to lay a network cable from the router to the TV.

And all these Smart TVs that do not have a Wi-Fi module are another insidious plan of the manufacturers. After all, you could insert this wireless module and make the TV a couple of dollars more expensive. What for? If we can then sell branded Wi-Fi adapters for $100 each :) And even now these branded Wi-Fi adapters for Samsung, LG, Philips TVs are very difficult to find. They are simply not on sale. But there are TVs, and their users want to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

If you have a Smart TV without built-in Wi-Fi, and you want to connect it to the Internet using wireless network, that is, the following options:

  • First, I advise you to look at the characteristics of your TV on the official website. Perhaps your TV still has Wi-Fi and can be connected to a wireless network. It might be useful: , and a separate one. If there is no built-in receiver, then you can search and buy a branded external USB adapter.
  • The second method is to buy a regular Wi-Fi adapter from D-Link, TP-Link, etc., and flash its firmware to work with the TV. Honestly, I can’t even imagine how all this is stitched and works, but I saw such information on the Internet. This is a method for those who are not looking for easy ways.
  • Well, the third option, which I will discuss in more detail below in the article, is to buy a regular, inexpensive Wi-Fi router or repeater and configure it as an adapter for a TV without Wi-Fi.

Let's look at the third option in more detail.

Wi-Fi adapter from a router for Smart TV without a built-in Wi-Fi module

Everything is very simple. Almost all modern routers can operate in different modes: amplifier (repeater), access point, adapter, wireless bridge. I wrote about this in more detail in the article:. This scheme works something like this:

  • We buy a router. Perhaps you have some old one. You can even have an inexpensive model. good and budget options Totolink and Netis have them. Other manufacturers will also be suitable.
  • We set it up in adapter mode. If there is such a mode, then the router will receive Internet from your main Wi-Fi networks and transfer it to the TV via a network cable. Bridge or network amplifier mode is also suitable. True, in this case the router will further strengthen your wireless network.
  • We connect our Smart TV to the router via a network cable.
  • The Internet on the TV works via Wi-Fi.

It looks something like this:

You can also use a regular adapter that has at least one LAN port. And it is available on almost all models.

What's the result: A router or repeater can be bought in almost every store. Compared to branded Wi-Fi receivers for TVs LG, Samsung, etc. And it will be cheaper this way (though it depends on which router you choose), since the price of original adapters is very high.

About setup different modes I wrote about working on different routers in the article: . If you have a model from some other manufacturer, then you can look for setup instructions through the search on our website. Or ask in the comments.

Here is a solution for Smart TVs without built-in Wi-Fi. Without a doubt, the best solution is the original receiver. But since they are practically not on sale and their prices are very high, you can use such a scheme. What do you think about it? Write in the comments!

Most modern TVs are equipped with Smart TV technology. Thanks to it, you can connect to the Internet through the TV interface and watch high-quality films online. And even this is not the end, because with a camera and microphone, you can communicate through the Skype application. But for everything to work out, it is important to connect and configure Smart TV correctly.

Smart TV connection

To use all functions Smart technologies TV, you need to connect your TV to the Internet. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • wireless connection using a Wi-Fi network;
  • connecting the TV and router using an Internet cable.

The best thing to do is to decide on the connection method before purchasing a TV. However, it is highly recommended to purchase devices that communicate with the Internet via Wi-Fi. This method of connecting to the network is much faster than an Internet cable, the circuit is much easier to connect, and you can avoid unnecessary expenses and laying cables around the apartment.

In any case, connecting Smart TV technology to the Internet is easy:

  1. Cable connection.

This is the most the simplest way, although not very practical. An Internet cable is taken and directly connected between the TV, modem and Ethernet port. The connection will be recognized instantly, after which you can start using all the conveniences of the Smart TV system on your TV: watch videos, download them, use Skype (if you have peripheral equipment).


  • moving devices is difficult and depends entirely on the location of the router and the length of the cable;
  • the slightest damage to the wire can cause a certain instability in the network or completely ruin the Internet connection;
  • over time, the cable sheath may crack, exposing the inside of the cable (increasing the likelihood of electric shock);
  • in some cases, it is not possible to lay the additional cable beautifully (under the baseboard or floor), as a result it will lie sloppily right on the floor.


  • the most simple circuit connections that you can think of (any person can handle it, even a complete beginner);
  • there is no need to understand the settings or otherwise configure the TV to receive the signal;
  • 99% of all faults are in the cable - after replacing it, the Internet appears again;
  • An Internet cable is purchased at a low price, and the entire connection procedure lasts no more than 1 minute.

One end of the LAN cable must be connected to the Ethernet connector on the TV with Smart TV technology, and the other end to an external Internet modem. The modem itself also connects to the Ethernet port in the wall (if this has not been done previously). Then the device will briefly recognize the new connection, and access to the Internet will appear. This ends the connection.

  1. Wireless connection.

To connect Smart TV via Wi-Fi, you must have a built-in Wi-Fi module in your TV. It is he who will “catch” the Internet from the router. If you don’t have one, you should purchase a special adapter (a small device that connects to a TV/computer) that will link. This adapter is connected to the USB port on the TV.

First, you need to make sure that the Wi-Fi router is working properly and is fully connected to the Internet. Next, after installing the adapter (not required with a built-in module), you should select the appropriate section in the TV options and start the process of searching for available Wi-Fi connections.

It is important to pay attention to the name of the available Internet network. If it turns out to be a neighbor’s router, it can be turned off at any time. Therefore, you should be responsible in choosing available networks in order to have a constant and guaranteed connection to the Internet.

If you have a security code/password, you will need to enter it during the connection process. Once the connection between the TV and Wi-Fi router will be configured, the user will have full access to Internet resources and applications.

Also included with the purchased TV is always a user manual that contains comprehensive information on the rules for connecting, setting up and using Smart TV technology.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet via a LAN cable and via Wi-Fi, see the following video:

  1. Connection via computer.

The use of Smart TV technology can be achieved via a computer. You can connect TV in 2 ways:

  • via the mentioned Wi-Fi.

However, an HDMI connection will not be able to provide Internet access. Thus, you can only watch movies on your computer using the TV as a monitor.

But when connecting to a computer through the setting Wi-Fi Internet will become available as if you connect to a regular router (in fact, they are the same thing).

After all the procedures have been completed, all that remains is to finally configure the Smart TV.

Features of setting up LG TVs

On different TVs there are different settings, therefore, for Smart TV to function fully, it is important to configure the device for correct connection with the Internet.

For TV models from the manufacturer LG, it is often required to register with Smart system TV. Without this, it will be impossible to install and use applications (as well as the rest of the TV’s functionality).

First you need to go to the main TV menu. Then in the upper right corner of the menu there will be a button to log in to your account. There you will need to enter your login and password, but since the account does not exist yet, you need to create it. This is why you need the “Create account/Register” button.

In the form that opens, you should create and enter a password, login, and also add an email address:

In any case, during the registration process you will need a smartphone or computer to log into email and confirm the online profile registration process.

Connection features in Sony Bravia

The setup of Smart TV technology on Sony Bravia TVs is significantly different:

1. First thing on the remote control remote control you should press the “Home” button:

This will take the user to the main menu of the TV.

2. Then in the window that opens, select the icon with the image of a suitcase, after which the “Settings” menu will appear:

3. In the drop-down list, select “Network”:

4. As a result, several more items will appear, from which you should select “Update Internet Content”:

After these steps, the Internet will conditionally reboot, and the TV will tune to the desired network. This completes the Smart TV setup.

Setting up Samsung TVs

An instruction manual is supplied with the TV, which thoroughly explains the connection procedure, but not detailed Smart settings TV. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Samsung company I am completely sure that there will be no problems during the connection:

1. On the remote control you need to go to the menu Smart Hub:

2. To check the operation of Smart TV, just launch any of the available applications:

If it starts, then the technology is working successfully, and you can start enjoying all the benefits of the service.

What to do if you couldn't connect to the Internet?

But it’s hard to say what to do when various errors occur. Each malfunction has its own solutions, so it is impossible to determine actions that will certainly help.

However, you can try to fix the error in the most common way. Go deeper into the Smart TV settings and change them if necessary:

1. Select the “Menu” item, then “Network” and “Network Settings”:

2. A message will appear there that will prompt you to automatically try to set up the connection.

You shouldn’t immediately give up on this idea, because it is quite possible that the TV will be able to solve the problem on its own. Therefore, in the window you should click on “Start” to begin the automatic configuration process.

If the Internet can be configured, a corresponding message will appear. If not, an error message will pop up.

3. If it is impossible to establish a connection in this way, you need to go to the “Network Status” menu. It is located immediately under “Network Settings”:

4. In the new window, you need to go to the “IP Settings” item, and then select to automatically obtain an IP address:

5. If this does not help, then you will have to enter all the data yourself:

You can find out the IP address, subnet mask, etc. by contacting your Internet provider via a phone call. Also, if you have a computer and use the same Internet, you can go to the menu local connection and select "Details". The window that appears will show all the data about the Internet network, but only the underlined ones will be of interest to Smart TV:

They should be entered into the TV menu in the sections of the same name.

After these steps, the connection to the Internet should be established, and you can start using Smart TV on your Samsung TV.

Identical steps for setting up the network can be carried out on any other models, since the difference is only in the location of the menu and the names of the sections. But no need to worry because they will be intuitive: “Network Settings” and “Network Settings” are the same thing.

To check Smart TV, you can launch any application or otherwise try to use TV functions that require the Internet. If it works, then everything is in order, but if not, you need to adjust it. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to understand the essence of the device’s operation and carefully read the user instructions.

In contact with

Many owners of television receivers would like to enjoy all the benefits of the World Wide Web without using a computer. The development of technological progress makes it possible to connect the Internet to a new TV model or to an old one - without much difficulty. In this review, we will look at how to connect various TV models, including LG, to wired and wireless Internet.

The vast majority of modern television receivers already have built-in capabilities to join the World Wide Web. All you need to do is connect the device correctly and set up the Internet. In practice, there are 2 connection methods:

  • connection using network cable;
  • wireless connection of the device via Wi-Fi.

Via network cable

To connect the Internet to the TV, you can use a network cable. The advantage of such a connection is that the connection will be on maximum speed, unlike wireless, when the speed is slightly reduced. The disadvantage of this type of connection to the Web is that the cable must be routed to the television receiver. You also have to use a cable connection when the TV no Wi-Fi module.

So, if the cable has already been pulled to the device, the next steps will be as follows.

Via router

To connect the TV receiver to the Internet via a router, you will need connect LAN ports both devices by cable required length(sold separately).

Now you can turn on the device and start debugging:

Via Wi-Fi

How to connect modern TV to the Internet via cable, was discussed above. But this is not the only way to get the opportunity to use the Internet on your TV. You can do without laying wires around the apartment by using a wireless connection. To connect the TV to the Internet (wireless) via router, you will need a minimum of actions, provided that the device has . Before you make the setup, you will need to prepare information about the name of your network and remember the password for it. Next, holding the remote control in your hands and with the device turned on, do the following:

  1. Turn on the device and go to the menu by pressing the desired button.
  2. Next, in the settings you need to select “Network” and “Network settings”.
  3. After that, select the connection type, in this case wireless.
  4. The device will begin searching for the Web environment, and after a short period of time it will display a list of it (it will display, in addition to yours, your neighbors’ networks if you live in an apartment building).
  5. Select your network, and after pressing the “Ok” button on the remote control, you will need to enter the password in the appropriate line. After a moment, a window will appear with a message that the connection is established and the activation was successful. If this does not happen, find out.

If there is no Wi-Fi module

How to connect a TV without a built-in module to the Internet via wifi, but with the ability to use an external device? It's very simple - you just need to purchase and connect it to the USB port of your TV.

  1. “Setting from a list of access points (AP)” – selected if you have authorization data and information about the name of your home network.
  2. “Easy installation (WPS button mode)” – applies if your router supports automatic installation connections to Wi-Fi. This method can be called the simplest, since all that is required of you is to select this item and press the “WPS” button (holding it for a few seconds) located on the router. The setup will happen automatically.
  3. “Network setup (Ad hoc)” is intended if you want to set up a connection to your computer without access to the Internet, that is local.

Settings for Smart TV

How to connect to the Internet different ways on TV is now clear, but to fully use the capabilities, just one connection to the World Wide Web is not enough.


It is recommended to go registration in the app store LG. Without registration, you will not be able to install the necessary applications and will not be able to use all the functionality of smart TV. The registration procedure is very simple:

  • the first thing to do is go to the main menu;
  • in the upper right corner of the screen there will be a button to log into your account - click on it;
  • in the next window you can enter your authorization data (if you have already registered) or continue creating an account on LG Apps - the “Registration” button;

  • Next, you need to come up with a password and enter it along with your email address in the form that opens, then click on “Registration”;

  • after that, check your email using your smartphone or computer and confirm the creation of your profile;

  • To log into your account, click “Login” in the upper corner;
  • enter your registration data, check the box next to “Remain logged in” (next time you will not be prompted to enter data);
  • answer “No” in the window that appears, asking you to enter additional information;

On Samsung Smart TV

To connect the Internet, cable or wireless, to a Samsung TV, you can use the instructions for the same LG device. The connection steps and the diagram are not much different, except for the names of the items in the menu (it’s easy to guess the purpose of the buttons based on the meaning). But there are some differences in the setup:

If you succeeded in connecting your Samsung TV to the Internet and everything worked, then you can relax and start installing various applications from Samsung Apps, and enjoy watching videos and Internet TV.

How to set up the TV when the message “Network error” or something like that appears? You will need to go into settings and do the following:

  • go to “Menu” >> “Network” >> “Network settings”;

  • A window will appear in which you need to click the “Start” button in order to allow the TV receiver to configure the Internet on its own.

If the setup was successful, a corresponding message will appear. If the attempt fails, you will need to go to the “Network Status” section:

  • in the window that appears, select “IP settings - receive automatically” and try to connect to the Internet on the TV;

  • if the connection is unsuccessful, you will have to register the IP address, DNS and subnet mask manually.

To find out what values ​​to enter on Samsung TV, you can call your provider, or do it even simpler: using a PC, go to “Connect via local network” and select “Information”, after which in a new window you will see all the necessary data for manual entry.

After this procedure, connecting Samsung to the Internet should go without problems.


The entire connection procedure for the SONY BRAVIA TV is similar to that described above for other brands of devices. But connecting a smart TV to the Internet and setting up Smart functions is somewhat different from those discussed.

Connecting to older TV models

What if you have an old TV, but want to watch movies from the World Wide Web, and is it possible to connect the Internet to it at all? The answer is yes, yes. the best solution To get out of this situation, this is a purchase that runs on Android OS, which connects to a regular TV via HDMI or AV connectors (tulips). Connecting the set-top box is very simple - everything is done exactly as if you wanted to connect a TV tuner.

Essentially, this is the same tablet, but instead of a screen it uses a TV. By connecting it to the device, you can now watch Internet TV, watch videos from websites, that is, do everything that you can do on a tablet. Can also be connected to a set-top box full keyboard and mouse for easy navigation and comfortable surfing through pages on the World Wide Web.

Wired connection (LAN)

1. Connect the LAN port located on the back of the TV to a free port on the router using a network cable of the required length (the cable is not included with the TV).

2. Open the Smart menu by pressing the Home button on the remote control;, and select INSTALLATION;. 3. In the window that opens, go to the NETWORK tab;, Network settings: wired;.

4. As a rule, in most cases (if a broadband router or modem with a DHCP function is used on a wired network), the connection can be established using the default automatic settings - in this case, select the Auto IP configuration mode;.

If you need to specify the IP address and DNS server address manually, use the Manual IP configuration mode; and enter addresses using the buttons on the remote control.

5. Click OK;. The TV will check the network settings and display the connection result on the screen.

Wireless connection (WiFi)

Check the User Guide to see if your TV model has a built-in WiFi module. If your model does not have it, you can connect the TV via a WiFi adapter for the LG AN-WF100 USB port (purchased separately). Connect WiFi adapter into a free USB port on the TV.

Before connecting, you need to configure the access point. It is recommended to place it no closer than one meter from the TV to avoid interference and conflicts with the control panel. If your TV has a wireless network connection available, the Settings screen will display an option: Network setup: wireless;.

1. Select it by pressing the OK button on the remote control.

2. In the window that appears, select the desired connection method:

  • Configuration from the list of access points (AP); - if you know the name of your home WiFi networks and additional settings.
  • Easy installation (WPS button mode); - if your router supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup automatic connection mode. This is the most easy way settings - just press the WPS button, go to the TV menu, click Connect and select automatic or manual setting IP, as with a wired connection.
  • Network configuration ; - if you want to connect your TV to your home wireless network, but without access to the Internet. On the computer in settings network connection you must enter the IP address (, subnet mask ( and default gateway ( When choosing this connection method, you will need to enter the network ID and security key of the device (information about the settings can be changed if desired using the red button), then enter the computer's gateway address as the TV's IP address and vice versa - the computer's IP address as the TV's gateway .

3. In the list of found WiFi networks, select the name of your access point or WiFi router.

When using a secure connection (if you have a hidden network configured - Hidden SSID), select Enter new SSID;, specify the network name manually and enter your key.

4. If your WiFi network protected by a password, enter it using the remote control by pressing the red PIN button;.

5. The TV will check the network settings and display the connection result.