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What if I dream about God? I dreamed about God - what does it mean?

The image of God that appeared in your dream is most likely a consequence of the fact that in real life, in one way or another, you came into contact with the following folk wisdom: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” “God protects the careful,” “God will not give you away.” , a pig will not eat”, “He who lies a lot, swears a lot”, “If he swears in vain, he will lick the devil”, “God does not take a purifying oath” and others. And this is no coincidence, very often you remember God in your life, although the Bible teaches us that “we should not remember the name of God in vanity.”

Seeing the face of a woman above the head of your loved one in a dream is a sign that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, appeared to you in a dream. Such a dream means that success and luck in love await you: a long and happy life awaits you with your loved one.

Seeing a huge man in the sky in a dream is evidence that Zeus appeared to you in a dream. Good luck awaits you in any business that you start. You may even be able to defeat an enemy superior in strength and power.

Seeing a majestic man starting a fire in a dream means that you saw in your dream the God of Fire - Hermes. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to your family, otherwise a major family quarrel awaits you.

Seeing a beautiful woman next to magnificent paintings in a dream is a sign that the Goddess of Art, Athena, has appeared to you. Such a dream foreshadows the pleasure of communicating with art, for example, visiting an exhibition of paintings, a museum, watching a play or listening to music.

If you dreamed of a beautiful woman galloping on a horse, then in your dream you saw the magnificent Goddess of the hunt - Diana. Such a dream indicates that in the near future your efforts to achieve your goals will not go unnoticed, and therefore changes for the better await you.

If in a dream you saw your spouse next to a handsome young man, then in the dream the face of the God of Matrimony, Hymen, appeared to you. Such a dream suggests that a long, happy life awaits you with your soulmate.

Selling a statue of God in a dream is evidence that in your environment there is a very selfish person who will greatly harm you. If you are buying a statue of God, then such a dream suggests that soon a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will greatly hurt your pride.

Praying to God in a dream is a prophecy that your business will soon end successfully, thanks to the intervention of a strong, influential person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that a period of luck and success awaits you.

Watching a person praying to God in a dream means that in reality you will experience very strong grief associated with failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the people cooperating with you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - God

To see - a despotic woman can take power over you; if God speaks to you, you may be condemned by unsuccessful deeds, poor health; to see God praying - repentance and deep regret for what you have done; God is favorable to you - the patronage of a very famous person who will lead you to success; God sends his grace - changes in your beliefs.

Interpretation of dreams from

God in a dream- Praying to God in a dream foreshadows help from an influential person in reality, patronage, support and advice from an experienced person, without whom you will not be able to solve your own problems.
In reality, the dreamed god may represent a powerful, despotic woman who will take your entire life or specific actions under strict control. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of God in dreams can be your repentance for something, or remorse that torments you. Get rid of them, fix what you messed up or apologize to someone, and see - your worries will instantly melt away.
If the icon does not look the way it usually does, and the image on it is distorted, this predicts a clash with meanness and betrayal, so you should be more attentive and careful.
Seeing God in a dream- a sign that your moral principles and spiritual qualities are threatened by the influence of a bad person; someone will confuse you and persuade you to do bad things.
If you dream of a conversation with God, then you should be wary of doing things for which you may be condemned, and this is not surprising.
If you dream of a church together with the Mother of God, this indicates the death of a loved one, which will happen soon.
If you see Mary on an icon, then this signifies success in career, business, great profit, fame.
If you saw her majestic, in all her glory and beauty, then this is a sign of good events.
If she appears framed by dark clouds, then this is a warning of big troubles.
If luck and success in business suddenly turn away from you. This dream can also become a harbinger of illness, and sometimes death itself.
The Mother of God who visits you in a dream is a symbol of happiness, good luck, wonderful news. Its appearance indicates good changes that will become one of the most important on your life path. It is worth paying attention to the image in which you dreamed about the Mother of God.
God you dreamed about- a creator or deity, a symbol of your deep-rooted dishonor, without the speedy abolition of which your life can radically change for the worse. In reality, the dreamed god may represent a powerful, despotic woman who will take your entire life or specific actions under strict control. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of God in dreams can be your repentance for something, or remorse that torments you. Get rid of them, fix what you messed up or apologize to someone, and see - your worries will instantly melt away.
God you dreamed about- a creator or deity, a symbol of your deep-rooted dishonor, without the speedy abolition of which your life can radically change for the worse.
Talking to God in a dream means that in the real world you evoke admiration and spiritual awe from a good person, but you are not able to reciprocate his feelings.
Seeing yourself in a dream as a god promises harm from greedy and envious people in reality; you will suffer from a mercantile person of the opposite sex.
A dream in which God helps you and protects you is a good sign. He wants to tell you that you will soon find yourself under the warm wing of a famous person who has weight in society, who will help you become successful and happy.
Dark forces appearing to a person in a dream are always a bad sign. On the contrary, light forces are a good omen.
To feel that in a dream God is angry with you or is punishing you means that your experiences and torment in the real world will soon come to an end. You will finally find the desired freedom, peace and lightness.

dreamed about god

If you see God in a dream, then a powerful and insidious woman may take power over you, beware of this. If God speaks to you in a dream, you will most likely be condemned. Things will also not go well and premature death may occur. If you see God praying, then soon you will regret what you did. If you see that God is favorable to you in a dream, then expect to meet a person who will lead you to success.

god according to the dream book

Praying to God in a dream means prosperity. Simply seeing God in a dream is deception. If you see him addressing the sleeping person, then this is a rare and prophetic dream.

god according to the dream book

If you saw God in a dream, then things in religion and everyday life will go uphill, and the place where this dream was seen will abound in justice, goodness and all the benefits. But if in a dream God was angry with you, you definitely need to repent to him.

dreamed about god

If you dreamed of God, then you accept yourself as you are. You live in a perfect idyll with yourself. This is one of the most powerful signs in a dream.

why do god dreams

Having seen God in a dream, you can hope that soon everything in your life will go for the better.

god in a dream

In most cases, God in a dream is deception, pride, temptation. But it can also mean that you have been blessed for some action.

dream interpretation god

If you just saw God in a dream, then a woman may dominate you. This is a bad sign. If God talks to you in a dream, things may not turn out for the better. Your health may be weakened and death may occur earlier. If God blesses or encourages you, then wait for a person who will help you climb the career ladder.

The image of God that appeared in your dream is most likely a consequence of the fact that in real life, in one way or another, you came into contact with the following folk wisdom: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” “God protects the careful,” “God will not give you away.” , a pig will not eat”, “He who lies a lot, swears a lot”, “If he swears in vain, he will lick the devil”, “God does not take a purifying oath” and others. And this is no coincidence, very often you remember God in your life, although the Bible teaches us that “we should not remember the name of God in vanity.”

Seeing the face of a woman above the head of your loved one in a dream is a sign that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, appeared to you in a dream. Such a dream means that success and luck in love await you: a long and happy life awaits you with your loved one.

Seeing a huge man in the sky in a dream is evidence that Zeus appeared to you in a dream. Good luck awaits you in any business that you start. You may even be able to defeat an enemy superior in strength and power.

Seeing a majestic man starting a fire in a dream means that you saw in your dream the God of Fire - Hermes. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to your family, otherwise a major family quarrel awaits you.

Seeing a beautiful woman next to magnificent paintings in a dream is a sign that the Goddess of Art, Athena, has appeared to you. Such a dream foreshadows the pleasure of communicating with art, for example, visiting an exhibition of paintings, a museum, watching a play or listening to music.

If you dreamed of a beautiful woman galloping on a horse, then in your dream you saw the magnificent Goddess of the hunt - Diana. Such a dream indicates that in the near future your efforts to achieve your goals will not go unnoticed, and therefore changes for the better await you.

If in a dream you saw your spouse next to a handsome young man, then in the dream the face of the God of Matrimony, Hymen, appeared to you. Such a dream suggests that a long, happy life awaits you with your soulmate.

Selling a statue of God in a dream is evidence that in your environment there is a very selfish person who will greatly harm you. If you are buying a statue of God, then such a dream suggests that soon a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will greatly hurt your pride.

Praying to God in a dream is a prophecy that your business will soon end successfully, thanks to the intervention of a strong, influential person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that a period of luck and success awaits you.

Watching a person praying to God in a dream means that in reality you will experience very strong grief associated with failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the people cooperating with you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Why do you dream about God?

God in the modern dream book

I dreamed of God - there is a threat of being in the power of a tyrant, possibly a woman. It will completely subjugate your will, force you to suffer greatly, but you will not be able to escape its influence. Talking to God in a dream means people will judge you, and things will go contrary to plans. Your health will deteriorate, and premature death is possible. If you saw a divine service in a dream, you previously made a mistake, now you can repent. But be sure to adhere to the ten commandments sent by God. A god who is favorably located in a dream predicts the appearance of a strong patron. You will successfully build your career and achieve an enviable position.

God in Miller's dream book

A dream about God does not foretell positive events. You will find yourself under the influence of a lady with a difficult, domineering character who will get the better of you. If God speaks to you, be careful, act carefully, otherwise you will be condemned. And there will be no luck in business. A serious illness is possible, and there is a possibility of death. Seeing God's favor towards you is a good symbol. Soon you will meet the patron you need so much. He will help improve the progress of your affairs.

If dreams came true, there would be more happy people.

Leonid Krainov-Rytov