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What you need to know before. What you need to know before going to a driving school. You can meet friends

It's normal to have questions and concerns with a new pet. It's good if you can prepare for them in advance. If you are thinking about adopting a dog at home, we will tell you what to expect from this event and convince you: adopting a pet from a shelter is a great idea. Experts will help us with this: dog handler Jay Koes and Evgenia Drach, a volunteer at an animal shelter.

The easiest way is to compare the appearance of an animal with the appearance of a child. Only this child will never grow up. Responsibility for his life will remain yours forever. It doesn’t matter whether it was purchased or rescued from the street or from a shelter, a new animal will be stressful for you. This is normal and it passes.

Evgenia Drach. Photo: Sergey Sarakhanov

Choice of animal

An animal that will become part of your family. A dog has emotional needs and a personality. It is logical to choose the pet that suits you and your loved ones. Evgenia Drach advises: the less experience you have in keeping animals, the more carefully you should choose a friend.

“Even though you’re not buying this dog, it’s still worth getting to know each other and understanding whether you’re right for each other,” notes Evgenia. Otherwise, the noble desire to save the animal will result in disappointment and the return of the pet to the shelter.

The simplest and most practical advice: take an animal with a temperament close to yours. If you love hiking, take an energetic, active dog in the prime of his life. If you like to sit with a book or at a laptop, take a phlegmatic, not too active, and maybe even a fairly mature animal.

Don't rely on the "opposites attract" principle. If there is no contact, the most flexible dog will become a burden.

Family preparation

Discuss the addition of a dog to the family and make sure that everyone, without exception, agrees to this step. Jay Kus notes: if someone in the family is against it, this almost certainly means conflicts and, as a result, problems in the dog’s behavior in the future.

Agree on your responsibilities for caring for the dog. Someone should walk her in the morning and evening, someone should buy food, someone should play and teach her commands. Also, be sure to agree on who will take the dog out into the yard for a minute in the middle of the day. Jay says it's not healthy for dogs to wait all day between their morning and evening walks. Your pet will be healthier and calmer if he has the opportunity to go outside for at least a short time three times a day.

Very important: if there are children under 12 years of age in the house, they must be taught the rules of safe and respectful interaction with dogs.

The main ones are not to touch the dog when it is sleeping, not to approach it when it is eating, not to frighten it with sudden movements and sounds, not to lean on it, respect its wishes when it moves away, leaves or in some other obvious way. shows that she is uncomfortable.

Jay Kus, dog handler


Prepare to devote a sufficient amount of time and attention to your new friend. After all, he will need it.

Evgenia Drach notes: if you are not ready for this, the dog will force you to draw attention to yourself in a different way. Chewed shoes, torn wallpaper, tattered sofa...

Mutual understanding between a dog and its owner is the result of long work.

It is important that you understand why you endure this stress, so that the joy of communicating with an animal easily and quickly outweighs the discomfort from minor problems. You will need to change your usual life and daily routine. Later you will be glad of it, it may be hard at first.


How to behave on the day when the dog finally crosses the threshold of your home? You also need to prepare for this, because your instincts and aspirations will most likely deceive you.

The first thing you'll want to do is put everything aside and spend the rest of the day talking to your dog, recording him on video to post on social media, offering him food and toys, checking to see if he knows , and the like, says Jay Kus.

As offensive as it may be, you need to do exactly the opposite. The best thing you can do is to pretend to be the owner of a dog hotel: show the animal a quiet corner in the apartment where bedding has been prepared for it and where no one will disturb it, put a bowl of water in a visible place and politely forget about the existence of your guest at a minimum for a few days.

What else needs to be done? Here are some quick tips.

  • Take your dog outside more often. If she seems anxious and shy about fulfilling her natural needs, try walking her on a long leash and take frequent breaks from her.
  • Help them get used to the new area and home. Don’t rush to take your dog to a park where your familiar dog walkers walk, or introduce it to your neighbor’s dogs.
  • Inviting guests home to show the dog is also not recommended in the first weeks.

It is better to postpone all this until the moment when you notice that your dog has become bolder, requires more attention and comes to you more often during the day, behaves more confidently on walks and shows more interest in things in the apartment. This will be the official beginning of his new life as a confident family dog.

Jay Kus, dog handler

Jay Kus


Make sure to meet people in advance who are ready to help you live with your new friend.

1. Veterinarian

If you try and find a good doctor for your dog, you will see him very rarely.

How to determine if a veterinarian is good? Evgenia advises paying attention to three main points:

  1. How calm does the animal feel in the hands of the veterinarian? A good doctor will not twist the dog or clamp its mouth shut. According to Evgenia’s experience, good doctors give injections by gently stroking and without fixing the pet.
  2. How experienced is the doctor? This is important, because the more experience the veterinarian has, the fewer tests and procedures your animal will have to endure.
  3. How well do you understand each other? Personal contact with your veterinarian is also important. “If there is no normal communication, treatment will be delayed or will not work at all. Find a specialist with whom you feel comfortable talking and after talking with whom everything becomes clear to you,” advises Evgenia.

2. Animal psychologist

An animal behaviorist can help you work through your problems, sometimes even online. If your dog's behavior is problematic, you will need to contact such a specialist.

3. Dog handler

If you want to train a dog, you will need a dog handler or trainer. Jay Kus talked about how to understand that you have a competent specialist in front of you.

For example, if a dog handler talks about dominance, this is a sure indicator of his failure. A person who talks about the dog respecting/disrespecting you, or the role of a strong leader, may even harm the pet.

Dominance ideas were around decades ago, and their theoretical basis has since been refuted. The "show the dog who's boss" ideas have been replaced by a much more humane and effective paradigm based on rewarding good, positively interrupting or ignoring bad, and creating an environment in which good is easier to do than bad.

Jay Kus, dog handler

Another important signal is understanding the mechanisms of behavior change. Jay notes: if the trainer does something physically forcibly (presses on the butt, saying: “Sit!” so that the dog sits down from the pressure), “hangs” it on the collar so that the dog sits at the command “sit”, recommends stepping on the hind toes paws or stick out your knee if the dog jumps on people, or recommends jerking with the leash in any situation - fire such a dog handler without talking.

Other problems

In general, it is obvious: any animal can have behavioral problems. For dogs adopted from a shelter or from the street, they most often are as follows:

  • Fear. A dog may be afraid of the street, people, a leash, loud sounds, roads, separation, and even completely unexpected objects and phenomena. Evgenia Drach notes: if you do not pay attention to this in time, fear can lead to other problems (destruction of the house, running away, fighting, barking, loss of contact with the owner).
  • Health. First you will need to spend time diagnosing and solving problems.

In most cases, all problems appear and are finally resolved during the first year of marriage. “Many diseases that are difficult or impossible to treat in homeless people (for example, demodicosis - subcutaneous mite) can easily be eliminated forever in home people due to normal nutrition, stress reduction and simple but regular treatment,” says Evgenia.

Useful books

Jay Kus talked about books that will help you and your new friend find a common language, make the adaptation process easier and warn against possible mistakes along the way.

  • "Don't Growl at the Dog" by Karen Pryor. The book lays out in accessible language an effective method of positive reinforcement. It will be useful to you not only in your relationship with your dog, but also with yourself and loved ones.
  • "What to do before and after you adopt a puppy" by Ian Dunbar. This book is worth reading before you bring a dog into your home. She talks in detail about the periods of raising a puppy and helps prepare for the moment of meeting a new friend.
  • “On the other side of the leash. How to understand a dog and become understandable to it,” Patricia McConnell. The book teaches you to observe your dog and learn to understand it, and then interact with the dog with body language and voice.
  • "Dialogue with dogs. Signals of reconciliation", Turid Rugos. The book describes several dozen signals of reconciliation with clear stories about how dogs use them. It will help you avoid conflicts with your dog and learn to communicate with him.

Good parting words

I wish young owners to treat the process of education as a kind of creativity, where there should be a balance of logic, intuition, work, love, discipline and emotions. Even if you have a problem dog, don’t forget to be happy, run, stroke its belly, throw a ball, wander in the forest, look into the eyes, scratch behind the ear, because a dog’s life is too short not to enjoy it.

Investments in cryptocurrencies are of interest to many people today. Considering the quick profits that the crypto market can bring, new investors want to just jump into it without having any knowledge about the coins they are buying.

While there have been plenty of articles and reports warning about the risks of investing in digital currencies, there are three key points that should not be overlooked, writes Zycrypto.

1. The team behind the coin

To begin with, the cryptocurrency development team is a very important point to consider when purchasing a coin. There are cryptocurrencies that simply appeared out of nowhere and no one knows what they are or who is behind their development. Their price depends only on market speculation. But there are other coins that have a good experienced, qualified team that works day in and day out to ensure the success of their project.

2. Market supply

The fixed issue of coins is also an important point for the investor. Cryptocurrencies with higher prices usually have a small market supply. You can determine the true price of a cryptocurrency by dividing its market capitalization by its available supply. This way, you can also predict the future price by dividing the available supply of the cryptocurrency by the projected market capitalization.

3. Market capitalization

Market cap is literally equal to the number of investors who own the coin. It is also an integral factor in determining the price of a digital coin. At a time when the market capitalization is below the available supply, the cryptocurrency is trading very cheaply, and when it rises above the available supply, the price will therefore be higher.

When the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency rises, it is a consequence of the influx of new investors, and when it falls, it means that many coin holders are converting it into fiat money.

Be smart about your investments and always do as much research as you can about the coin you are considering purchasing.

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Any personal trainer will tell you this, and any doctor will confirm this. But whether you're working off your daily calories, planning to train to climb Mount Everest, or just want to feel better than you do now, there are things you need to know about fitness before you start.

First of all, it won't be easy at first. Secondly, you will face “problems” that you may not have even thought about. Below are five things that can (and probably will) happen to your body.

You will gain weight before you start losing it.

With daily training, extra pounds should melt right before your eyes, right? No it is not true. More precisely, not entirely true. Fitness experts warn that most people - by and large - gain weight first and only then start to lose it. This, however, happens quite quickly: within 2-4 weeks. “Your body gains muscle mass, and this is what makes you weigh more, even if visually you appear to be losing weight. If you do have excess weight, it will eventually go away. Just don't expect overnight results, especially if you haven't made any changes to your diet, personal trainer Dan Arnett tells Business Insider.

You don't have to hire a personal trainer

If you've signed up for a competitive event like a triathlon or a triathlon, you may need professional help to optimize your training program and diet. But you don't need a personal trainer if you're just starting out. Instead, it's helpful to arm yourself with a beginner's lesson plan that you can find online. But when you have been training for 1-2 months and feel that it is time to reach a new level, it would be reasonable to pay a trainer for several lessons so that he can show you what you can and should now bet on.

No, you can't eat whatever you want.

One of the most common misconceptions, according to fitness experts, is that working out allows you to let go of your dietary inhibitions and indulge when you want. In fact, if you want to get results (a sculpted body or losing weight is not so important), along with a gym membership you need to acquire willpower. It will be needed in order to completely revise the diet, eliminating various kinds of “harmful” foods from it and adding enough protein products.

But the mood will definitely improve

You're probably trying to get into perfect shape so you can feel better physically. But research shows that exercise can also improve your mental health - reducing anxiety and depression, relieving depressive symptoms and, of course, increasing self-esteem, which is always a good thing. “Clients constantly tell me that training has made them calmer, more level-headed, and more positive and productive throughout the day,” says Arnett. In addition to this, you will notice significant improvements in the quality of your sleep, the absolute benefits of which are not even worth talking about.

Sometimes you will need to skip workouts

Of course, you wouldn't want to skip classes because you probably think that will ruin everything. But trainers say it's important to treat training as an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, not as a work meeting that could cost you your job. There are times when you not only need a day off from sports, but absolutely need it. “For example, if your family needs your support, then that, not training, should be put first,” says Dan Arnett. We are talking here, however, rather about those moments when it is so bad that you literally cannot get out of bed. Listen to your body, and if your muscles tell you that you need to rest a little, so be it.

We'll tell you what to prepare for if the thought of dyeing your hair blonde haunts you.

Time is waiting

You can become a perfect blonde in one visit to a colorist only if you have natural blonde hair that just needs to be tinted correctly. If your hair is dark (especially dyed), be prepared that at least two washes will be required. But rather, more if you don’t want to lose your curls: the more gentle the texture remover, the weaker it works. When making an appointment with a stylist, be prepared to spend at least 5 hours in his chair.

It is better to approach the choice of a colorist especially carefully. Washing is not an easy task, sometimes it is difficult even for seemingly experienced craftsmen. It’s better to consult with those who have already dyed their hair blonde, let them hand over their passwords and appearances. If the master promises to turn you into Marilyn Monroe in one sitting, pack up and run. Theoretically, this is possible, but only with a strong oxidizing agent - in this case, nothing good will remain from the hair.

Dec 2 2017 at 1:20 PST

Sep 17, 2017 at 10:45 PDT

Necessary sacrifices

No matter how professional your colorist is and no matter what delicate products he uses, the hair structure will deteriorate significantly. Care will have to be reconsidered. You cannot use oily, nourishing and moisturizing masks: they will fill gaps and porosity, but will push out the color itself. Choose exclusively products for colored hair.

Spring and summer are the time for products with SPF. Bleached hair suffers especially badly from the sun and fades quickly.

Among salon procedures, lamination is recommended, that is, covering the hair with a protective film. The downside is that when laminating, the color may wash off unevenly. This is not noticeable to the normal eye, but it will be more difficult to obtain a uniform shade the next time you paint. The second option is elumination. It is usually made tinted. A month after dyeing, using this procedure you can renew the color and restore fullness, smoothness and shine to your hair.

Yellow - fight

The main problem of all blondes is yellowness. If you are in good hands and have been given a pure color without “rust”, then when washed off it will still turn yellow. The solution is tinted shampoos and special hair products with blue or silver pigments.

Not a moment of peace

Even after using special products, over time the yellowness will come out - only new coloring (or tinting - depends on the condition of the hair) can remove it. You will have to go to the colorist at least once every three months.

Look to the root

We advise you not to bleach your roots. First of all, it's unnatural. By nature, hair should be darker at the roots. Secondly, it often looks vulgar. And thirdly, if you lighten your hair from the very roots, you will have to tint it at least once a month. Not on your own, of course, if you don’t want to ruin the appearance and quality of your hair. So a soft transition of color from roots to ends is the best solution.

If the desire to be blonde “from root to tip” is ineradicable, stock up on tinting sprays and hair concealers - they will help hide a couple of centimeters of growth.

Are you determined to write a script? It seems like it could be simpler. We watch movies for hours and days, we know the plot lines, but according to Polti’s classification, there are only 36 plots.

I'm sure you can take the plunge and write your own story if you want. But first, let's look at the difference between the script and other literary forms.

1. The script is not the final creative product

Nobody will read your script like War and Peace in high schools. It's not something you can throw out on paper in any form. The script is a semi-finished product of the film, which must still be “prepared” by the director, actors, cameraman, artists and many others.

So what's so difficult about the script? The script is the protocol of the “crime”. "Crime" is the movie you see in your head. Good scripts are not written, but recorded. That is, you must first see the movie, scenes, actions and characters, then write down what flashed through your head and in your thoughts. Therefore, the most difficult thing for a beginner is to understand that the audience sees and hears the script. Alas, only these two channels of information work in cinema.

Nothing complicated, you say, I wrote stories and poems, tried to write novels and even dreamed of a novel - I will also write a script. Yes, you will write, but you will have to leave phrases like “he thought that he should have” or “a serious storm was playing out in his soul from the upcoming choice” and the like.

Everything that is written in the script must be played by the actor and staged by the director, so write down “how and what” they must act and portray on screen. But the viewer must guess about internal feelings or doubts based on your “show and tell.”

2. Characters are real people

They already “lived” before they came to the lens of your attention. If people in your story begin to do something that they didn’t do before the start of the film, I, as a viewer, have a question: why now is a person who has never done anything interesting decided to take a heroic deed, or “to the left,” or change his profession/ life, fly into space and the like.

The characters, like us, are living people. We always act according to our own rules, along the path of least resistance, we follow the methods and roads that have already been laid earlier and are comfortable for us. If something forces us to change our lives, then these must be strong internal or external reasons. Why can your characters make sudden changes in fate without powerful motivation?

3. Characters act independently

This sounds strange and even stranger happens in life. But believe me, when students start writing scripts, by the middle of the course they experience the first surprise of realizing that their characters themselves decide how to act. This looks somewhat schizophrenic, but the reality is this - the better you come up with a character, the more likely it is that he himself will begin to tell the author what will happen to him.

When my students write a short film, it seems to them that now, for 10-20 minutes of screen time, nothing can change the original idea. However, the character “comes to life” and by the end he decides for himself. Then it turns out that the initial pages need to be rewritten “from scratch.” And then - the middle. And then look again at what happened in the end. I won’t say how many such iterations you have to do with a full-length script. A lot of.

4. The script is not written, but rewritten

What you saw and wrote at the beginning never, absolutely never, I emphasize this, becomes the final version. There are always changes that characters make to the story against the will of the author. This is "scary" from a common sense point of view, but normal from a screenwriting point of view. Many scenarios have 10-20-30 drafts (scenario versions - author's note). That's life.

5. Lines should be for the characters, not the audience.

Almost all of my students initially saturate their short and long-form films with a huge number of dialogues and monologues. Despite the fact that the training course includes a special task - creating a “silent” sketch - it is difficult to get rid of the temptation to tell “everything the viewer needs to know.” Perhaps this is the bad influence of television of yesteryear or a way of “taking the path of least resistance.”

But here the author must say a strict “no” to himself and remember that the viewer is spying on the lives of the heroes “through the keyhole.” Therefore, all lines and conversations should be for the characters, not the audience. For example, if two characters in a scene begin to discuss information that they both know well and do not contain conflict, then the viewer has a fair question: “Are they completely stupid? Why should they tell each other what they both know very well.”

At this moment, the viewer understands that everyone is saying this specifically for him. That is, the characters know that they are being watched and behave unnaturally. As a result, the effect of spying on real life is lost, and the viewer remains disappointed. After all, we all love to peek and be unnoticed. I mean cinema, of course.

6. Don't literally recreate life.

If you want to write a script based on real events or biographies of real people, then you should not literally reproduce the life and sequence of events. Life differs from cinema in that there are a lot of pauses in it where nothing happens: a traffic jam, a trip on the subway, a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok, and so on.

If you show this in real time in a movie or television series, the viewer will not appreciate your realism. Cinema is a musical harmony, where actions and pauses are combined in the correct sequence, but still in such a way that in one and a half to two hours the viewer lives some important part of life along with the hero.

7. Take highlights from real life

Conflict is the basis of drama, you know? The most interesting choice is between bad and bad. This is what will keep the viewer engaged.

Conflict, difficult decision, overcoming, struggle, suffering, unfulfilled desire - everything that causes stress in the hero gives the viewer pleasure from watching.

I am sure that you can decide and write your own story if you want.

How to write a pitching application

Pitching is a competition of projects. Or production ones, where there is already an estimate, a film crew and a director. Or screenwriting - this is where only stories compete. Let's talk about the latter.

To apply for script pitching, you need to select all the most important scenes that lead us (the audience) from the beginning to the end of the story. Show the most complex and interesting conflicts in the text, focusing on the climax. And be sure to tell how the story ends.

Many authors prefer not to write the entire content of the story, limiting themselves to general words like “and then there were many adventures” or “it all ended very unexpectedly.” This repels the selection committees, leading them to believe that the author simply did not write or invent those very “adventures” and “unexpected endings.” As a result, such applications remain outside the pitching rounds, and the authors themselves become offended by the organizers and selectors.

Writing a script is an interesting but complex process that is completely exciting and gives great pleasure.

If you feel the need and ability to write a script, send a brief description of your story (one page) to the address. We will read them all, and three authors will receive a 10% discount on training in the 8th screenwriting workshop of Oleg Bogatov, which starts in the fall of 2017.