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What does the tender name Angelina mean? The meaning of the name Angelina, character and destiny

Angelina's qualities are temperament and kindness, they are passionate, mysterious and energetic.

The name Angelina, translated from ancient Greek, means “angel-like”, “angelic”, “good news”.

Origin of the name Angelina:

The name is of ancient Greek origin. Derived from the Greek “Angelus” - one of the names of the Greek gods Zeus and Artemis.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Angelina:

Angelinas in appearance and character are more often similar to their mother than to their father. They are stubborn and react sharply to conflicts within the family. Raising them is not easy: Angelina reacts sharply to demands and forms her own character. In the company of peers, Angelinas are sociable, willingly become leaders, and at school they often form the core of the class around themselves. Studying is of little interest to them; communication is paramount. Since childhood, they have been following fashion, giving preference to bright and catchy things, and even as girls they pay attention to their appearance. As they grow up, they become outwardly calm, hiding their stormy temperament behind poise and prudence.

Angelina rarely pays close attention to her choice of profession, but she does not allow her parents and relatives to influence her choice. They approach their work with confidence, energy, and humor. Their disadvantages are haste and superficiality. If Angelina wants to succeed, she should be more attentive and responsible. Instinctively, they are drawn to jobs related to people and avoid monotony. In the business sphere, they often show emotionality and pay great attention to interpersonal relationships between colleagues. Angelines can be gossips, or they can keep everything to themselves, however, both of them are well versed in people and are interested in other people's lives. Their curiosity and inability to stop in time sometimes lead to conflicts. They give the impression of being imperturbable, it is outwardly not easy to offend them, but it should be borne in mind that Angelinas are vengeful and rarely forgive offenders.

Angelina is always deeper than she seems. He can pretend to be stupid if he thinks it is beneficial. She hides her sharp mind and observation behind external calm and a distant half-smile. At the same time, they lack spiritual lightness and simplicity, they are often tormented by internal contradictions, and cannot “find themselves.”

In relationships, Angelinas are passionate and insatiable. Their bright temperament makes them attractive to men; they do not like long courtships and indecisive suitors. They are impatient and hasty, often enter into early marriage, but it is not always successful for them. In bed, they are demanding, a little selfish, distinguished by rationalism and, carried away by the external side of sensations, lack fantasies and emotions. Their hobbies are sometimes superficial, the capricious Angelina will not stop at betrayal for the sake of new sensations, she perceives her partner’s betrayal as an insult, but in general she is not jealous. Angeline’s energetic nature does not accept doubts and half measures.

The settled Angelina is tender and devoted in marriage. Domovita, loves to invite guests, gets great pleasure if her culinary skills are praised.

Men named Victor, Boris, Valery, Igor and Yuri are suitable as life partners for Angelina; Angelina’s marriage with Anatoly, Leonid and Stepan may be unsuccessful.

If Angelina was born in winter, there is a high chance that she will have a strong character and a “masculine” disposition. The opposite of her is “summer” Angelina, soft and trusting. “Autumn” ones should be more selective in choosing men and more careful in marriage, while “Spring” ones are distinguished by ambition and stubbornness.

It has long been considered an important celebration. Several centuries ago, on this holiday they set a beautiful and tasty table, baked pies and personalized loaves, went to church to receive communion - in general, they celebrated it almost like an anniversary. Angel Day, as a rule, is celebrated according to the calendar (on the date of memory of the patron saint after whom the person is named). For each Orthodox name, only one saint is venerated, but there may be several name days. For example, Angelina, whose angel days are celebrated 4 times a year, has one patroness - the Venerable Angelina of Serbia.

When choosing a name for your baby, it is very important to know which saint you are naming him after, because it is believed that it greatly influences his character and his destiny. There is one more important nuance: the child’s name at baptism may not necessarily correspond to the one written on the birth certificate. If you choose this option, then the name with which you were baptized must be kept secret from everyone. Such a maneuver can save you from damage and the evil eye. Now let's try to figure out what days it celebrates

Angel Day and Venerable Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya grew up in the Orthodox family of the Albanian prince Ariyanit. At a young age, she married the blind King Stephen of Serbia, and in their marriage they had two wonderful sons and a daughter. The life of Reverend Angelina was full of sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died very early, and she had to wander with her two sons and the relics of her husband for a very long time in search of refuge. Saint Angelina's children also died quite early. The Orthodox Christian woman spent the rest of her life in the women's monastery in prayer. Reverend Angelina was very devoted to God and preached Christianity all her life.


The name Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, comes from the masculine Angelos. It is easy to guess that it means “angel,” that is, a messenger. In different European countries, the name Angelina can sound differently: Evangelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Andelina. In our country, Angelina can be briefly called Lina or Gelya.

Controversial character

Many mothers like this name, and they call their daughters this way, hoping that they will behave like God's messengers. But Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated in honor of the Serbian saint, is in fact not at all sweet and obedient, but rather the opposite. Girls with this name are most often very militant and stubborn. They really like to command, and, as a rule, they always get their way. They cannot stand a lack of attention, and in order to somehow attract the attention of their relatives, they are ready to do anything. However, Angelina needs attention only in order to once again assert herself. These girls rarely need help and support and usually take all advice and recommendations with hostility.

A very great advantage of the baby named Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, is her independence, because this is very rare for girls. Asking for something for her is much more difficult than doing everything yourself. Angelina loves home and comfort; frequent visits are not for her. She has a very hard time with moving and traveling. Angelina does not immediately adapt to the new place, and at this time she feels defenseless.

Angel Day influences character and destiny

It becomes interesting why girls with such a wonderful name have such a complex character. Some philosophers believe that this is connected with Angelina, for example, it is celebrated on July 14 (according to the old style, July 1). On this day, in the month of Ramadan, according to Islamic teachings, the “Night of Power and Predestination” is celebrated. Oddly enough, Angelina girls are most often really very powerful and domineering.

Angelina in adulthood

Love is above all for her. She values ​​coziness, comfort and care. Angelina is inherently very jealous and does not tolerate competition. You can’t call her too purposeful. In case of obvious defeat, she will quickly fade into the shadows. Angelina is, as a rule, a creative person with a very vulnerable soul. She may be withdrawn, especially if she had a difficult childhood. On the day of Angelina's Angel, it is necessary to leave her alone at least for a short time so that she can enjoy her solitude to the fullest.

How and when to congratulate on Angel's Day?

Angelines don't like surprises too much (except perhaps only from very close people), so don't try to surprise this girl too much. Your attention will already be very pleasant and unexpected for her. According to the church calendar, Angelina Day is celebrated on July 14 and 30, August 12, and December 23. It is on these days that the memory of St. Angelina of Serbia is venerated.

Angelina must visit church on this day, light candles and confess. If possible, it is advisable to take communion the next day. You need to know the prayers of your saint and turn to her for help at the right moments. It is believed that the patron after whom a person is named is a guardian angel who will help him all his life. It is imperative to say words of thanksgiving to the Venerable Angelina of Serbia on the day of the Angel of Angelina.

The date that symbolizes the name day can be chosen alone and celebrated as a second celebration. For example, of all four days on which the memory of Angelina of Serbia is revered, you can choose one, the most important - December 23, and celebrate the name day on this day. But most often the date that is closest to the birthday of the birthday person is chosen.

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Angelina: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Angelina

As you can easily guess, the name “Angelina” comes from the Greek word “angelos” and means “messenger”, “angelic”. In Russia, this name has become quite widespread in the last 5-10 years, but before that it was more likely to be classified as exotic.

What kind of character might the girl Angelina have?

The defining traits in Angelina’s character are independence and independence. These traits appear in a girl in early childhood and control her for the rest of her life.

Too pronounced independence often interferes with Angela. In her youth, she has a difficult relationship with her parents, who are not ready to let a girl who has not reached the age of majority go free.

Main aspects of her character

  • Angelina has few friends, and she cannot always rely on them, just as they do not particularly count on her. Relations with classmates are also cool; few are willing to tolerate her commanding tone.
  • But gradually, as she grows up, Angela becomes less categorical and more tolerant. She understands that she lives in society, and working and living alone is not the best choice.
  • Angela improves relationships with her parents, restores communication with childhood friends, and acquires a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

How the origin of the name Angelina influenced its meaning

  • Having become a successful businesswoman, Angelina generally reconsiders her values ​​and life guidelines and begins to live differently.
  • By nature, Angelina is an emotional and temperamental person, but until a certain moment she has neither the desire nor the ability to show it. Only with experience and worldly wisdom comes the understanding that any person needs close people around, attention and participation.
  • Having found a loved one and having found happiness in family life, A. is transformed. Now she has no need to demonstrate her independence and categoricalness; on the contrary, she has a husband and children who need to be given love, care, and respect.

What fate awaits Angelina?

Adult Angelina is a very independent and determined person. Since childhood, she was accustomed to making all decisions herself, without consulting either her parents or friends. Angela is of little interest to other people's opinions, and she herself never asks for advice.

Childhood and youth

While studying at school, the girl chooses for herself which subjects she will study and which she will not. At the same time, it is impossible to convince her; she does not listen to any arguments. If she decides that she is not interested in history, literature, biology, then she will not study them. She is not afraid even of unsatisfactory grades, calls to the director and comments from teachers.

In high school, Angelina’s already difficult character is superimposed by adolescence. This is when parents have a really hard time with their little girl. A. skips school, walks late into the night in the company of friends unknown to his parents, and returns home late.

But closer to the age of 18, this goes away for Angela, she becomes calmer and more manageable. Perhaps she just needed to assert herself, to feel independent and capable of making independent decisions and actions.

  • At this age, it is useless for parents to swear and make trouble with a girl; they need to remain calm and try to establish, if not trusting, then respectful relationships.
  • Having graduated from school with very average results, Angelina is at a crossroads. Having skipped, one might say, high school, she did not have time to decide on a profession that was interesting to her and understand what she really wanted.
  • It also happens that in the first year after graduating from school, Angela does not go to university, but goes to work as a secretary or manager in a company she likes. As a rule, during this year she has time to see how a real business works and decide how she wants to realize herself in this area.
  • Angelina is a smart girl, but because she is too independent, she does not accept anyone’s advice, so she often makes mistakes in her decisions, since there is no one to guide her on the right path.
  • However, Angela still enrolls in the institute and chooses specialties that will help her realize herself in corporate business or entrepreneurship.

Career and work

After college, Angelina immediately finds a job in her specialty. In fact, her goal is to gain experience in a corporation and then open her own business. Due to her character, it is quite difficult for a girl to work in a team, she does not know how to obey, and it is not easy for her to establish relationships with colleagues. But she definitely has an entrepreneurial spirit.

She is attracted to the following professions:

  • designer;
  • marketer;
  • public relations specialist;
  • journalist;
  • lawyer;
  • Web Designer;

Characteristics of the name Angelina, character traits and fate

Having gained sufficient experience, Angela opens a business at her own risk. The girl is not afraid to take risks and experiment, to open new directions, which is why her business is successful.

Love and family

Angelina’s relationships with young people are not easy. Accustomed to commanding in life and in business, the girl behaves in the same way with her fans. Not everyone is ready to accept this manner of communication, and the novels of the owner of this name are often very short.

  • Angela matures for marriage when she is closer to thirty years old, when she established herself in business, reassessed her values ​​and became wise as a woman.
  • She chooses as her husband a man equal to her in intelligence and abilities, whom she respects. In marriage, Angela reveals herself in a new way, becomes more sincere and open.
  • She skillfully organizes everyday life, loves to receive guests and organize friendly gatherings.

What will the child named Angelina be like?

Angelina is growing up as an active and independent child. From an early age she shows independence that is unusual for her age. When going outside, a girl can easily leave her mother and go in the direction she wants. A child needs an eye and an eye. Moreover, if you try to scold Angela, she will become even more stubborn, become angry and still do everything in her own way.

Parents need to learn to negotiate with such a child. Screaming and scandal won't help here. Angelina, for all her stubbornness, is ready to accept reasonable arguments. She just has her own opinion on everything and until she checks it, she won’t believe it.

Children's characteristics and character traits

  • A. behaves in the same spirit with children. When meeting someone, she immediately strives to become a leader and give commands; she believes that she knows everything better than anyone. Some kids are ready to agree with her, but most usually go to play in another company. So it turns out that Angelina often causes discord in the children's group, be it in the yard or in the kindergarten.
  • Angela is quite capricious and capricious with her family. She is often out of sorts and refuses to listen to her parents. Sometimes she can be persuaded to do what her elders ask, but often it all ends in tears and scandal.
  • At school A. is a mediocre student, but not because she has average abilities, but because she is not interested here, she believes that school can teach her little. Only some objects arouse the girl's interest. In the lower grades it is mathematics, natural science, in the upper grades it is physics, chemistry, geography.
  • Due to her activity, Angela is a very athletic girl. She just needs sports to provide an outlet for energy. She enjoys dancing, acrobatics, figure skating, and athletics.
  • Things are not easy for Angelina with her friends. Independent, decisive, with her own mind, the girl loves to command and subordinate to her will, and such behavior is not conducive to friendship. At primary school age, she is more friends with boys than with girls, and already in high school she has two or three friends, often older than her, whom she respects and does not try to boss around.
Published: 2017-03-09, Modified: 2017-03-09,

A name is a person’s secret code to his strengths. Knowing everything about the name Angelina, its owner will certainly become happy, because such a name is in itself a talisman and a talisman for good luck.

Meaning and origin of the name

The word “angel” is clearly heard in the name Angelina. It is Greek in origin and means “messenger”, “messenger”. It is known that in ancient times Zeus or Artemis were sometimes called this, but today it is associated, rather, with angels - with heavenly messengers who protect the owner of this name from everything bad.

This name is common in many countries, so its form may vary slightly, but the essence will remain the same. The names Angela, Angelica, Angela, Angelika are related to the name Angelina, since they go back to the same root, but are not the same name. Like Evangelina - related to the name Angelina, but not the same and meaning “good news”.

Fate and character of Angelina

There is a mystery in Angelina’s character that not everyone can solve. The first impression of Angelina is, as a rule, bright, colored with romantic expectation. Angelina may seem distracted, even defenseless. Therefore, when Angelina demonstrates strength of character, stubbornness or willfulness, it always makes an impression. Behind her outer calm is a fiery temperament, which is not expected from a woman with that name.

Angelina respects her interests and defends them to the last. Sometimes for this she can use methods that are not “angelic” at all - for example, resort to manipulation. Of course, Angelina will not simply take extreme measures. However, there is little that can stop her if Angelina considers herself hurt or decides to restore justice to a person close to her.

Angelina can be both a creatively gifted person and a business lady. She often undertakes to protect those who cannot do this themselves, and achieves enviable results. The owner of the name Angelina makes a knowledgeable lawyer, journalist, doctor, as well as a generous philanthropist and philanthropist. In this regard, Angelina can get carried away, as she has a responsive heart. She tends to help those who need it, and in sincere concern she can forget about her own well-being. Working in a team comes easily to her: Angelina gets along well with her colleagues, knows how to turn ill-wishers into her supporters, and does not depend on the opinions of gossipers.

Angelina is trying to find her inner core and provide for herself financially, so as not to count on the help of others, and also not to depend on her husband. In the depths of her soul, she sometimes harbors self-doubt. She values ​​only trusted friends; in friendly relations she can give up the initiative, preferring quiet evenings at home to noisy meetings. She loves cozy gatherings and, as a rule, turns out to be a hospitable hostess, but noise and superficial communication do not appeal to her. Angelina connects her destiny with a person who shares her views on life. Otherwise, Angelina’s marriage is unlikely to be happy, since Angelina will not be able to give up her positions for the sake of family happiness.

The owners of the name Angelina differ quite greatly in character depending on their date of birth. Angelina, born in the summer, often really resembles an angel in the flesh. Excessive gullibility can backfire on her. Whereas the “winter” Angelina is not inclined to be deceived, and besides, she is reluctant to compromise. The “autumn” Angelina is softer than the winter one, but may not be as happy in marriage, and the “spring” Angelina strives to balance the qualities of the “summer” and those born in winter, which sometimes leads to internal contradictions.

The meaning of a name for a child: choosing a name for a girl

As a little girl, Angelina in many ways resembles her mother and more often copies her behavior than imitates her father. But with age, she begins to show her father’s traits more clearly. It is important for parents not to compete for their daughter’s love and not to deprive each other of authority in her eyes. Angelina is a receptive, impressionable child, so it is very important for her to be in a prosperous family, to see how close people support each other. Otherwise, the parents’ quarrels will remain in Angelina’s memory for a long time and will leave a mark on her character.

Angelina is quite willful and stubborn, so at school she may not succeed in all subjects. At the same time, she enjoys doing everything that evokes a lively response and interest in her. From childhood, by paying attention to their daughter's hobbies, parents can determine which path the girl will take in life. Sport can play a very important role in her destiny. In addition, Angelina is often interested in acting, can engage in expressive reading, and become interested in public speaking.

This name can be abbreviated in different ways: Angela, Gela, Gelya, Lina. It is worth considering how the girl herself prefers to call herself, since the name helps her form her personality and show the best qualities of her character.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

To what middle name? The name Angelina is suitable: the name Angelina has good compatibility with the names Arthur, Victor, Peter, Igor, Boris, Eduard, Alexander. It’s easy to see that the letter “r” in her patronymic adds strength and self-confidence to Angelina.

Name energy: Angelina has a strong but unstable energy charge. Angelina’s energy is like a splash from a stone thrown into water: first there is a reaction, and then only circles spreading across the water surface. You can balance it with the help of name talismans.

Lucky number: Two.

Element: mobile, changeable Angelina is associated with water. Water gives her strength, so Angelina is recommended to relax at sea. In the evenings, to take a break from worries, you can replace the shower with a bath with sea salt.

Zodiac: The name Angelina is especially suitable for those born under the Water Signs of the Zodiac. However, those whose patron is Cancer should take into account the weaknesses of Angelina’s “summer” character.

Stone-amulet: peridot (or peridot). It is believed that it protects against questionable decisions and enhances intuition.

Metal: silver. Stones in a silver frame bring happiness to Angelina.

Color: green, especially its light shades, bring good luck to Angelina and usually suits her regardless of her appearance type. By the way, Angelina’s amulet mineral, chrysolite, has a transparent green color.

Patron planet: Angelina's fate is controlled by the Moon, which is also closely connected with the element of Water.

Totem animal: fish. More often - swimming against the current.

Angelina's amulet plant: water flower water lily, Thumbelina's house. In addition, the apple tree is considered to be Angelina’s totem plant, so fresh apples in Angelina’s house are good luck.

Famous representatives: Saint Angelina of Serbia, Angelina Vovk (announcer, one of the hosts of the program “Good night, kids!”), Angelina Jolie (American actress and director, winner of many awards and UN Goodwill Ambassador), Angelina Waleskaya (model diagnosed with cerebral palsy), Angelina Guskova (radiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, UN expert on the effects of atomic radiation).

You can see from the example of famous personalities: Angelina can achieve success in a variety of areas, but at the same time she is always distinguished by the desire to perform significant actions, make discoveries or change the world around her for the better. Therefore, it is not for nothing that Angelina is translated as “messenger”: she really loves to bring good news.

Numerology of the female name Angelina

Two in the name Angelina symbolizes flexibility and perseverance. There are few such people and all because of the qualities that, alas, not many have now. This is kindness, responsiveness, understanding. At the same time, she can, when required, show firmness and inflexibility. Angelina knows how to argue her point of view, without reducing the dispute to a quarrel and insults... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

The gentle female name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word “angelos”. It is translated as “angel”, “messenger”, “messenger”. This is a very beautiful and quite rare name for girls.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue
  • Plant: cornflower, pansy, calamus
  • Animal: toad, owl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

By a strange coincidence, in a family where a girl is called this way, the parents do not get along well with each other and often get divorced. This is not a pattern, but a common occurrence. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate among themselves and do not quarrel in front of the child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and others. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often capricious, and in games with other children he always takes the position of leader and manipulates them.

The secret of the name is that Angelina herself shapes her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions that she herself invented, and childish naivety often leads to the fact that the girl, and then the young lady, makes many attempts to change a crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only in adulthood does she finally refuse to remake those around her and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly absent-minded and constantly in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina does not tolerate pressure at all. She is burdened by obligatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should spend a lot of time with their daughter in elementary school, playing with the learning process in order to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who risks checking this will repent for a long time.

The winter representative named Angelina is somewhat cynical and has a masculine mind. She easily oversteps generally accepted moral standards if it benefits her. In addition, she is a very stubborn woman who simply cannot be convinced of anything. Summer is too trusting and simple-minded. A girl born in autumn has the calmest and most reasonable character. She often goes through life according to the turtle principle: slowly but surely and with her rear protected. Born in the spring, she is a pure and kind soul who tries to reconcile everything and everyone.

Interests and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: going to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has wonderful vocal abilities and good hearing, and often plays a musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly stand being given orders. Therefore, she often quickly rises to the level of a manager or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people's ideas. For her, a good option is to work as a flight attendant, journalist, designer, or creative activity. A girl with this name is a “free artist”, perhaps even running a shadow business.


Angelina’s health is very precarious due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she was prone to colds. If you do not learn to cope with increased emotionality, then by adulthood a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible.

Sex and love

Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and completely enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. Attaches great importance to details: a romantic and comfortable environment, additional surroundings, attentiveness and affection.

Family and marriage

Romantically inclined Angelina is capable of searching for her soul mate all her life. To start a family, she is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in her first marriage she makes a mistake about the chosen candidate, she cannot live with him, but embarks on a new search. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes an ideal wife - a loving, caring, devoted and magnificent mother.