home · Other · What is a ogrn and why do you need a ogrn certificate? What is ogrn - what is its decoding and how it is used to verify a legal entity

What is a ogrn and why do you need a ogrn certificate? What is ogrn - what is its decoding and how it is used to verify a legal entity

Before starting your activities, you must pass a mandatory test. It is during this period that the OGRN is determined for legal entities. To be more precise, it is appropriated. In this case, the organization is issued the relevant documents. So, let's find out what the OGRN is in the details, how many digits are in the number of a legal entity, what the certificate of assignment of the OGRN looks like and what it means.

Decoding of OGRN

First, let's figure out what the OGRN numbers mean. The concept itself is quite simple - this is the main state registration number. This is not just a number, it is an official document issued on a special form. The number itself has a certain structure and consists of a series of numbers. Each of the 13 digits has its own purpose.

They indicate basic information about the holder of this OGRN. This includes where, when and by whom the number was assigned and the document was issued. It also indicates the specific number of the entry entered in the state register.

Read below about the OGRN information of a legal entity and the register of such.

OGRN certificate of a legal entity (sample)

Main functions

The main function of assigning a main state registration number to each organization is the ability to identify it. In addition, OGRN allows counterparties to obtain the necessary information about potential partners or clients.

Based on the OGRN, you can find out the following:

  1. Is the company registered at all?
  2. Is the owner of the OGRN on the tax blacklist?
  3. Who is the head of the organization and where.

For the most part, the OGRN encrypts basic information about the company, allowing it to be distinguished from others. All companies operating on the territory of the Russian Federation are required, with the exception of a number of cases.

The subjects of obtaining a certificate of state registration of OGRN and TIN are described below.

The video below will tell you what the OGRN numbers mean:

Subjects of receipt

The document reflecting the assignment of OGRN is issued exclusively to legal entities. For individual entrepreneurs, another document is provided - OGRNIP. Only organizations can obtain a OGRN.

Issue features

An applicant for a OGRN cannot somehow choose his own numbers. They are assigned by the registration authority depending on the place of receipt, time and other data entered into the structure of the number.
The OGRN is assigned upon company registration. Data on this is entered into the unified state register.

To obtain it, the following documents are required:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Itself.
  3. Original form confirming payment of state duty.

The application is drawn up in a certain form; for this you must use form N P11001. It contains information about the full and short name of the organization, location, information about the founders, etc. 5 days after submitting correctly completed documents, the OGRN is assigned and the corresponding certificates are issued.

When registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, the business manager has to deal with a number of different numbers - , TIN, OGRN and other multi-digit and meaningful numbers. All this data identifies the entrepreneur or company, usually requested by future partners or inspection authorities. When producing company letterhead, the header indicates the company name, taxpayer identification number, main state number, contact information (address, telephone, email, website, etc.). This form indicates the seriousness of the organization and allows the future partner to check all the data provided.

What is OGRN - decoding

OGRN (main state number) is a unique registration number of a legal entity. It is assigned to each new enterprise regardless of the legal form of ownership and, together with the taxpayer identification number, identifies the company. Decryption, the procedure for obtaining the main state number and all actions related to it are regulated by Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 “On State Registration of Legal Entities”.

The number is unique within the Russian Federation and allows you to obtain detailed registration information about the enterprise and its director.

Why do you need a OGRN?

This number is needed to identify and verify a legal entity - for example, in order to open a bank account for an LLC, draw up a commercial proposal for a large client or investor, or provide guarantees to suppliers or customers. You won’t get much information from the taxpayer identification number, except that you can find out which tax office and under what serial number the company was registered. And by using the OGRN number you can find out the form of ownership of the company (IP, LLC, JSC), information about the date of creation, the subject of the Russian Federation that owns the company, the tax office in which the enterprise is served, etc.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, each of which has its own meaning:

  • The first digit is a sign by which you can find out the subject’s assignment. 1 – legal entity, 2 – state organization, 3 – individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs there is a separate numbering - OGRNIP).
  • The second and third digits are the year of creation. For example, the numbers 16 would indicate the year of registration 2016.
  • The next 2 digits indicate the region of registration (for example, Moscow companies are assigned to number 77).
  • Numbers four through seven contain the Federal Tax Service number of a specific region.
  • The eighth to twelfth digits are the number of the decision on the establishment of this legal entity. This decision number is recorded in the tax register and is unique.
  • The last, thirteenth digit is used to check the correctness of the number. All first digits are divided by 11, and the remainder digit is written as the 13th digit of the OGRN number (if the remainder is 10, zero is written).

In what cases may a OGRN be required?

In order to reduce the risks of entering into transactions with insolvent companies or entrepreneurs, it is better to check the counterparty before signing a large contract. In such cases, the OGRN number with a decoding allows you to obtain information that such a company is actually registered, there is information about the date of its registration, owner, etc. If the company is on the “black list” as a defaulter or bankrupt, then it is better for the future partner to find out about this before the conclusion of the contract.

The OGRN number and decoding may be required in the following cases:

  • confirmation of the existence of the enterprise;
  • exact taxpayer identification number;
  • checking the accuracy of the data provided by the counterparty;
  • obtaining information about the legal address of the organization;
  • obtaining information about the director of a legal entity;
  • confirmation or refutation of the presence of an enterprise in the “black lists” of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation (or specifically the director of this company).

Advice: For those who have just started doing business and do not yet know how to check the solvency of a person, we recommend that you only trust official documents and signed agreements. You cannot take the client’s word for it - before you ship him goods or provide services for a large amount, check it in the Federal Tax Service database using the OGRN number indicated by him, be sure to sign the contract and demand an advance payment!

Who can ask you for your OGRN number?

The reasons why most legal entities publish their OGRN on letterhead is the high frequency of requests from counterparties. Deciphering and checking the main state number is necessary to obtain reliable and detailed information about the company with which it is planned to conclude large contracts or long-term cooperation.

You may be asked to provide your OGRN by the following counterparties.

Knowledge of the purpose of OGRN and correct interpretation of data allows you to minimize the risk of difficulties in your work. This does not apply to the OGRN holder, but. Previously, only a TIN was sufficient, but after an increase in the number of enterprises, the Russian government decided to introduce an additional accounting system.

In 2001, a new federal law appeared concerning the regulation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Then the concepts of OGRNIP and OGRN appeared. More than 15 years have passed, but many people still confuse ORGN and TIN. We’ll talk about deciphering abbreviations in accounting and other areas below.

Difference from TIN and other codes

Each organization is now endowed with a large number of various numbers. These digital codes contain specific data about the taxpayer company. For newcomers to the business world, it is difficult to understand some of them without getting confused.

  • Beginning entrepreneurs often get confused OGRN and TIN. The first and main difference between OGRN and any other codes is its purpose. The abbreviation OGRN hides the concept of the main state registration number, while the TIN stands for something else.
  • There is also a similar abbreviation - OGRNIP. They are united by OGRN by purpose - both are indicated by a registration number. At the same time, there is a fundamental difference - the letters IP indicate that under such a number is hidden, and OGRN is assigned only.
  • Another confusion is caused by the presence. This is a unified state registration of legal entities. At the moment of commencement of activity, each company is assigned a OGRN, and an entry about this is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as evidenced by an additional document. These are 2 interrelated documents, but do not replace each other.

There is also a lot of confusion about the need for the OGRN itself - the taxpayer identification number (TIN) distinguishes the company from thousands of other enterprises. The TIN includes only 3 components in its structure - the code of the department that issued the document, the taxpayer number itself and the check digit. The structure of the OGRN is much more detailed.

The decoding of the abbreviation ORGN for a legal entity, individuals, individual entrepreneurs of Russia by numbers is described below.

The differences and decoding of OGRN and TIN are given in this video:

Decoding of OGRN

The main state registration number is not just numbers - it is data. They are arranged in a certain order and allow even without Internet portals. All data is strictly structured and cannot be changed according to personal preferences.

Features of the structure

The OGRN numbers are written in a certain sequence - there are 13 of them in total and are schematically assigned the form S G G K K N N UUUUUCH, where C is 1 character. Each letter of the scheme has its own data encrypted:

  • WITH- where does the state registration number belong?
  • GG- the last two digits of the year indicating the date the entry was made in the register
  • QC- number of the subject of Russia on the basis of Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • NN- Federal Tax Service code at the place of registration
  • UUUUUU- number of the entry entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • H- check number.

At first glance it looks quite complicated. Although if you look at any real number, everything becomes simple and clear. You can practice “understanding” OGRN using fictitious numbers.


Let's say the main state registration number looks like this - 1047000182899. Based on it, you can understand which number means what:

  1. 1 indicates the main registration of the organization (number 3 for individual entrepreneurs).
  2. 04 indicates that the company was founded in 2004.
  3. 70 is the region number designating the Tomsk region.
  4. 00 are numbers indicating the Federal Tax Service of the Tomsk region, and not the city itself.
  5. 18289 - entry number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  6. 9 - check digit.

Based on this data, you can find out that a specific organization was registered in 2004 in the Tomsk region. Moreover, it does not belong to the city Federal Tax Service, but to the regional one, due to the location of the organization in a rural area.

Helpful information

It is important for aspiring entrepreneurs to know that OGRN is not assigned. They have their own number and document identifying them.

There is also a simple way to distinguish the set of numbers OGRN from OGRNIP - the first has 13 characters, and the individual entrepreneur number has 15.

OGRN and OGRNIP can only be obtained by making an entry about it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This entry is reflected in the OGRN itself and only after its assignment the organization is recognized as created. Conducting activities without registration is illegal, and it is quite easy to obtain this document with a number.

The decoding of OGRN and OGRNIP is described in this video:

However, as the number of legal entities increased and new organizational and legal forms emerged, it became obvious that an individual number alone was not enough. And soon another form of numbering arose - OGRN.

This abbreviation stands for main state registration number. This identifier reflects the most complete information about a particular organization: form of ownership, date of creation, authorized tax office. Let's take a closer look at the information about OGRN.

About number decoding

The main license plate includes 13 digits. Let's take for example this OGRN: 1-12-77-46-50978-0.

The first digit (in this case it is one) indicates that the registration number refers to a private legal entity. Along with one there may also be the number “5”, which has a similar meaning.

In addition to the numbers “1” and “5”, the values ​​“2” and “3” can also appear in the first place. The number “2” indicates that the number belongs to a government agency, and the number “3” means that the number belongs to an individual entrepreneur.

The next pair of numbers (in the proposed example it is “12”) indicates the year the entry about this legal entity was made in the state register. "12" means the year of entry is 2012.

The fourth and fifth digits in order (“77”) are an indication of the subject of Russia in which the company is registered. The number is affixed in strict accordance with the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Then, as we see, there is another pair of numbers (“46”). These numbers contain an indication of the code of the relevant tax office.

The next five digits (“50978”) are the number of the entry that was entered into the state register by the relevant authority.

Thus, in the example under consideration, the legal entity was entered into the state register in 2012 by the 46th interdistrict tax inspectorate for Moscow under entry number 50978.

What is the last digit needed for? This is the so-called control number. How do you get it?

Everything is quite simple: you need to divide a 12-digit number (i.e. those 12 digits of the OGRN that precede the last digit) by 11. The remainder of the division is written as the last, thirteenth digit of the number. In this case, the number 112774650978 is divisible by 11, therefore the last digit is “0”.

It turns out that each legal entity has its own unique OGRN, which carries all the necessary information about the enterprise. The check number allows you to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

A few words about OGRNIP

OGRNIP is the same number, only assigned to an individual entrepreneur. The main difference is the total number of digits: there are already fifteen of them.

The fact is that the entry number in the register in the case of an individual entrepreneur contains not five digits, but seven. And, accordingly, the last digit - the check number - is determined as the remainder of dividing the 14-digit number by 13.

How to find out OGRN?

Is there any way to find out the OGRN? Yes, you can. And the website of the Federal Tax Service will help you with this (Web site address: www.nalog.ru).

Let's consider step by step the procedure for determining the OGRN:

  1. First of all, you need to go directly to the specified Federal Tax Service website;
  2. On the main page there are three large highlighted links: “Individuals”, “Individual entrepreneurs”, “Legal entities”. To obtain information about the OGRN, you must select the “Legal Entities” item. Accordingly, OGRNIP can be found by clicking on the link “Individual entrepreneurs”;
  3. After selecting the appropriate item, the user is presented with a list of available electronic services. One of these services is the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service. A similar service is available to users who select the “Individual Entrepreneurs” item;
  4. Then the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service window opens. Here the user is given the opportunity to fill in one of the proposed fields to obtain information about the organization.

The following fields are available: “Name”, “Address”, “Subject of the Russian Federation”, “Registration date”. There is also a field “OGRN/GRN/TIN”.

The main search is carried out using the fields “OGRN/GRN/TIN” and “Name”. The remaining three fields are used to clarify the formulated queries.

Let us indicate some specifics of the search engine of the Federal Tax Service website:

  • when searching solely by name, the user only needs to indicate the unique part of the organization’s name (without quotation marks, special symbols, abbreviations and indications of the legal form);
  • in cases where the name includes more than one word (including words separated by a hyphen), only one of the words can be indicated. At the same time, to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to avoid using too common words;
  • the “Russian Subject” field will allow you to limit the search only to the relevant region;
  • When using the “Registration date” field, you must enter data in the format DD.MM.YYYY.


Concluding our consideration of the OGRN, we note some provisions:

  • The main state registration number allows you to obtain detailed information about a specific legal entity.
  • Each digit of the number plays a specific role.
  • The authenticity of the OGRN is verified by comparing the remainder obtained from dividing the number from the first 12 digits of the number by 11, and the last digit of the number.
  • You can find out the OGRN on the Federal Tax Service website.

Video on the topic: “Check the OGRN of individual entrepreneurs”

When opening their own business, businessmen are faced with a huge number of identification and classification numbers that are assigned to their young enterprise. A business owner should know how all these identifiers differ from each other. Now we will tell you about OGRN.

OGRN: what is it for?

Until recently, there were much fewer identifiers in Russia. This is understandable: after all, there weren’t many enterprises, and it was easier for the authorized bodies to classify them and keep statistics. Thus, JSC and LLC were assigned (individual taxpayer number), and this suited everyone.

Over the years, new business structures have emerged, which entailed changes in the field of legal relations. Now the regulatory authorities could no longer be content with the TIN certificate. In 2001, a law regulating the procedure for registering legal entities came into force. This law for the first time recorded such a concept as:

OGRN– main state registration number.

The number is assigned to all organizations. It contains data on the form of ownership, date of foundation, territory in which the enterprise is registered, and the branch of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) to which it belongs.

Decoding the OGRN number

Many people know that a TIN is just a serial number. Another thing is OGRN. It is decrypted according to certain rules and contains more information than the TIN.

Let's look at one of the codes (1-14-77-46-30576-2) and decipher it.

The code is formed by 13 digits in the format S-YY-KK-NN-ХХХХХ-Ч.

  • The code begins with the number 1, which is a sign of assignment and indicates that the number is assigned to a legal entity. 2 – attribute of a government agency. The number 3 at the beginning of the number is the property of the individual entrepreneur (in this case the number is called not OGRN, but).
  • This is followed by two numbers (14), thanks to which we find out in what year the enterprise was founded (in this case, 2014).
  • Then follow two numbers indicating the place of registration of the legal entity. Each subject of the federation has its own number, fixed by law. 77 is the code for Moscow. It is not difficult to draw conclusions.
  • Numbers four through seven (in our example, 7746) are an indication of the tax office in the region. Specification is provided by the sixth and seventh digits. In this example, we mean the 46th Interdistrict Inspectorate of Moscow.
  • What is meant by the next five numbers (30576)? – Number of the decision due to which this organization arose. Throughout the year, the Tax Service enters fresh data on decisions into the register, but in this case we are talking only about serial numbers.
  • The final digit is a control digit and serves to verify the authenticity of the OGRN code. To find out whether a certain combination of numbers is a OGRN code, you can use an online OGRN calculator or a special formula.

Of course, there are no two completely identical OGRN codes. With the current accounting procedure, numbers can be repeated no earlier than in a century (two digits indicating the date of foundation are responsible for this). In addition, the region number in combination with the Federal Tax Service department number forms a unique combination, so repetitions are excluded. A person who knows how to decipher the OGRN has the opportunity to extract much more useful information from this code than from the TIN.

Checking the counterparty according to OGRN

The reliability of the counterparty is the key to successful cooperation. Therefore, before concluding a transaction, you need to make sure at least that the organization (IP) with which you are going to deal really exists. The easiest way in this situation is to go to the Federal Tax Service website and open the section containing information about entrepreneurs and legal entities. If you know the OGRN of your prospective partner, you can easily find the organization itself, or make sure that such a number is not registered.

There is also a more complex (but more reliable!) method - submitting a request to the tax service. Based on the results, you will receive a statement confirming information about the counterparty.

As for cooperation with an individual entrepreneur, if you know the name of the intended partner, you will be able to find out his OGRNIP.

Why do you need to study information about the counterparty so carefully?

  • Firstly, to be sure that the legal entity is truly registered.
  • Secondly, to ensure the accuracy of the documents provided by the counterparty.
  • Third, to check the TIN, clarify the authority of management and legal address.
  • Fourthly, to know for sure that the counterparty is not blacklisted by the Federal Tax Service.

Sometimes you may notice that the OGRN and TIN contain different tax inspection codes. There is nothing reprehensible in this, because the TIN is issued by the local tax office, and the OGRN is provided by the interdistrict.

OGRN is one of the most informative identifiers. It gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to verify the reliability of the counterparty.