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Distance learning speech therapy

The essence of the profession of a speech therapist is quite simple - it is correcting diction in children and adults, eliminating its shortcomings, including stuttering, burr, lisp, etc.

Such a specialist helps correct speech using special exercises, massage and other methods that improve articulation. The functions of a speech therapist may include working with many speech disorders, but as representatives of this profession themselves believe, it is better to concentrate on one area. Let's say, choose the treatment of stuttering or the elimination of dysgraphia and dyslexia (writing and reading problems).

Who is a speech pathologist?

Speech disorders occur not only in healthy children (without problems with hearing, vision and intelligence). There is a separate category - “difficult” children, and special specialists work with them - speech therapists-defectologists. They develop not only articulation, but also the cognitive activity of children in general - memory, attention, perception, thinking and many other abilities and skills.

Places of work

As a rule, the position of a speech therapist is provided in educational and medical institutions:

  • in kindergartens;
  • in hospitals and clinics;
  • in specialized centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, where hearing and speech disorders in children are treated.

An alternative option for “employment” is opening your own private speech therapy office.

History of the profession

The beginnings of speech therapy appeared in Europe in the 17th century as part of deaf pedagogy, a branch dealing with the problems of deaf and hard of hearing children. In the presence of hearing, speech dysfunctions were not sought to be treated, considering them to be a problem of an exclusively physical nature. If they did take it, they treated it only with medical methods.

Only from the middle of the 20th century did problems of articulation begin to be considered from the point of view of psychology, which led to the development of speech therapy as a science and as a separate profession.

Responsibilities of a speech therapist

The main job responsibilities of a speech therapist can be summarized as follows:

  • examination of clients and identification of features of their speech development;
  • making a speech therapy diagnosis;
  • determination of treatment methods and techniques;
  • conducting individual and group speech production classes;
  • development of exercises and “homework”;
  • assessment of learning results based on the results of a certain period of time.

A speech therapist can also be involved in maintaining reporting documentation and developing teaching aids.

Requirements for a speech therapist

The standard requirements for a speech therapist are:

  • higher speech therapy (or defectology) education;
  • work experience, including in a specific area (with children, with adults, with patients with cerebral palsy, with neurological patients, etc.).

In rare cases, a speech therapist is required to have an original technique.

Speech therapist resume sample

How to become a speech therapist

If you decide to become a speech therapist, then you need to obtain a higher pedagogical education in the specialty “Speech Pathology” and the qualification “Teacher-Speech Therapist”. In addition to this, practical experience is required. It can be obtained through government agencies by working as an assistant or entry-level speech therapist.

In addition to education and experience, a number of personal qualities will be required - love for children, sociability, a high level of patience and endurance, the ability to think outside the box and find an approach to each student.

Speech therapist salary

The salary of a speech therapist is very low and ranges from 15 to approximately 60 thousand rubles per month. Private institutions in the capital and large cities usually offer very decent salaries.

The average salary of a speech therapist is just over 20,000 rubles.

Another option for earning money is opening your own account. If a speech therapist manages to reach an adult audience who often speaks in public and needs clear, beautiful speech (representatives of business, politics and the media), you can earn very decent money.

A future speech therapist can receive education remotely - it is convenient, practical and does not require interruption of work activity. The duration of training is 5 years, graduates receive a bachelor's degree. This form of training is no less interesting for those who already have and want to get a second profession. In this case, the training period will be much shorter.

Disciplines studied

As part of distance learning in the field of speech therapy, students study the following disciplines:

  • Forms of speech therapy work;
  • Classification of methods of speech therapy practice;
  • Fundamentals of teaching children and adolescents in special educational institutions;
  • Fundamentals and principles of working with patients who have deviations in mental, mental and physical development;
  • Defectology and biological aspects of science;
  • Principles of teaching children with diagnosed speech disorders;
  • Technologies of speech therapy practice;
  • Psychological and pedagogical research;
  • Diagnosis of persons with disabilities;
  • Psychology and personal characteristics of people with disabilities.

Much attention is paid to studying as part of the work of a speech therapist - a specialist must be able not only to accurately identify, diagnose and classify speech disorders. A professional speech therapist must be able to establish psycho-emotional contact with the patient and select teaching methods, taking into account his personal characteristics. This is especially important when working with children with disabilities such as autism or Down syndrome. Minor and moderate degrees of mental retardation imply that patients are constrained and closed.

As a result of completing a full course of distance education in the specialty of speech therapy, graduates master the following professional skills:

  • Conduct examinations of patients with speech disorders;
  • Diagnose different forms and types of speech disorders, based on the results obtained, draw up individual plans for working and training the patient;
  • Conduct analytical work on medical records;
  • Plan training programs to get rid of speech disorders in people with disabilities;
  • Create personal programs for speech correction;
  • Classify the type, type and degree of speech disorders;
  • Analyze the feasibility of using modern methods of speech correction;
  • Be able to work and analyze traditional and alternative treatments;
  • Create a lesson plan and implement them when working with people with disabilities;
  • Work during the rehabilitation period with children in medical institutions, schools and kindergartens;
  • Be able to evaluate effectiveness, analyze the results of classes;
  • Conduct outreach work with teachers, doctors and parents of sick patients, creating a favorable atmosphere;
  • Work with the population and develop a favorable attitude towards people with disabilities and speech impairments.

In addition, graduates of the faculty have the right to conduct consultations, organize educational work in medical and educational institutions, conduct scientific research, study and implement the latest methods for correcting speech disorders.

Features of the educational process

The distance learning method in the direction of “Speech Therapy” involves not only theoretical study of the material, but also a large number of practical classes. This can be done in any educational or medical institution, having agreed on options with the curator at the higher education institution.

Students can receive access to all lecture materials, webinars and conference recordings that are available in the university database. Teachers are required to regularly set aside time for consultations with students studying remotely - this is done using the Internet.

Students take intermediate tests, differential tests and exams remotely - questions and assignments are sent to their personal email address, answers are accepted at a clearly stated time. To pass state exams and defend a thesis, you must be present in person.

Practical classes for students can take place separately from the main training (for example, during the summer holidays, if work activity is not related to the future profession), or can also be conducted at the place of work. In the latter option, students have many advantages:

  • Immediately after studying, you can implement the acquired knowledge in practice and conduct analytical work;
  • If the results are unclear or the dynamic development of speech disorders is atypical, you can get an online consultation from a teacher with the results of practice provided.

Where can I get training?

Distance learning in the specialty "Speech Therapy" can be completed in many higher educational institutions. Here are just a few of them:

  • Balashov Pedagogical Institute (Moscow);
  • Krasnodar State University;
  • Institute of International Law and Economics;
  • St. Petersburg Academy of Humanities;
  • North Caucasus Federal University.

To enroll in the presented faculty, you must come to the educational institution in person and submit a package of documents, fill out an application form indicating your personal email address. Enrollment information is sent to the applicant electronically (by email), and the same letter will also contain details for paying for tuition.

Demand for the profession=

A speech therapist is a specialist who is in high demand in the modern labor market. Due to the mandatory presence of speech therapists in preschool and school institutions (in accordance with the law), as well as the constantly growing culture of health (citizens are beginning to understand that children's speech disorders should be corrected by a professional), graduates of higher educational institutions in this specialty do not experience difficulties in finding employment .

Distance learning is different in that students can be actively involved in work and gain professional knowledge at the same time. This is what guarantees further employment. As a rule, specialists begin their careers as teaching assistants or laboratory teaching assistants.


“Speech therapy” is a word of Greek origin, it is translated as the education of correct speech. The profession of a speech therapist 50 years ago was considered rare, but this does not mean that people did not have speech defects before. Contemporaries of the 17th century thought seriously about this problem, but believed that only doctors could correct speech defects.

With the advent of speech therapists, a person acquired the opportunity to get rid of complexes caused by his incorrect speech and fully communicate with others.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Speech therapist are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Speech therapists.

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Description of activity

Speech therapists work with both children and adults who have speech impairments (inability to pronounce certain sounds, stuttering, etc.). First of all, the specialist determines the cause of speech impediments. To do this, you need to know how the speech cavity is structured, how sounds are reproduced, and the voice is formed. Next, the speech therapist conducts a whole course of classes with the patient. He chooses exercises for them independently. All this work takes a lot of time: half a year or more.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Speech therapist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Speech therapist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Speech therapist You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Speech therapist(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Speech therapist.

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Job responsibilities

To eliminate speech defects, a speech therapist must determine the cause of their occurrence. At the same time, he should also pay attention to the level of human development: how literate he is, and to what extent his vocabulary is rich. A good speech therapist knows everything about the correct position of the lips and tongue when speaking, he knows a lot of tongue twisters and exercises for working on speech - he actively uses all his skills while working with the patient. Classes with a speech therapist can be conducted individually (with one person) or in a group of people.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Speech therapist refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Speech therapists They are distinguished by their erudition, curiosity, rationality, and analytical mind.

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Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Speech therapists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Speech therapist does not have a career path.

How users rated this criterion:

I REGRETED THAT I STUDYED TO BE A Speech Therapist, because...


I don’t regret it, I’m happy with everything, but I know for sure that there are such people. Write.


You know, Larisa, it all depends on the teachers who teach speech therapy courses.

I am now a 5th year student, specialty: “special psychology with an additional specialty “speech therapy”. Our teachers in speech therapy are theorists. It is very difficult to move on to practice with the acquired theoretical knowledge. After all, you must agree that theory can be safely studied independently. I would like them to pay as much attention as possible to the practical side... But alas and ah... And besides, what can you learn if, for example, we “did away” the “speech therapy massage” course in 4 lessons. practical (md). In one half-year we study two - three or more disciplines in speech therapy... And as a result, a complete mess in our heads, which is difficult to systematize :-(



Anna, everything can be learned by comparison; previously you could become a speech therapist after 9 month courses. And these specialists really considered themselves specialists. And you have complexes about your preparation, over time you will master everything and relax.

I remember my horror and helplessness at my first job as a speech therapist.


I really like learning a new profession, it’s just a pity that it took so long! Even though I study in an accelerated program, because... I'm getting a second education! Education is always a process of SELF-EDUCATION! I study in St. Petersburg at the Herzen State Pedagogical University, so in general we have speech therapy massage, art gymnastics and in general “making sounds” was only theory, no practice, only video! But this is the main school of speech therapists in Russia! And I am going to work in this area! And when they asked me to work with the child, I took out the lectures, bought some things, worked them all on my husband and that’s it! So the main thing is theory and your desire! Any education is based on self-education!


I raise a forgotten topic, entertain everyone with aphorisms

A speech therapist’s session is so short that you don’t always have time to ruin it

It wouldn’t make sense to be born without a familiar speech therapist.

All speech therapists are sisters, and some are even worse...

We must give speech therapists everything they have.

Having been born a speech therapist, it’s easy enough to get a job in the specialty...


I like my specialty, but I don’t like the way it is taught. I’m in my 5th year, and we still haven’t had any dysarthria. (sc)

For myself, I decided that I prefer to work with adults, which is how we taught aphasia. Therefore, you have to study and understand this complex disorder like aphasia (dt) yourself.

When I graduated from university, I got a job in a kindergarten. After college, what kind of knowledge? - mostly theory. And like a blind kitten, there is no one to ask, senior speech therapists for advice... and they don’t particularly want to share their knowledge. I think why did I study? So I worked for 3 years. She went on maternity leave. She gave birth to a girl diagnosed with rhinolalia. This is where I realized that speech therapy was my calling, that for my child I had to learn what we were just lectured about at the institute. Now my child is almost 5 years old. The forecast is amazing. I work, though in another garden, where speech therapists have no time to breathe. And now I can say with confidence - I love my job!!!

After college, I also stewed in “my own juice,” no one wanted to help, and I got into trouble year after year. I worked for 16 years, but children are becoming more and more difficult, and I still have to get into smart books. So, dear girl students, after college it has never been easy for anyone. Life itself is an institute.


I started working when I was in my 5th year. I admit honestly, I almost cried! I was sure that I had made the biggest mistake in my life by enrolling in defak. Knowledge is all theory, although the institute is not bad (MGOPU named after Sholokhov). I thought about leaving speech therapy immediately after I received my diploma. A speech therapist who worked (and still works to this day :) helped): she never refused, no matter what I asked! and so, step by step, day by day, I began to master everything. Now I think that I can’t do anything else in life. :-)


Olechka)) Thank you for the kind word) Well, when have I ever refused someone))) :-D:-P


So I’m a 5th year student... but I’ve already started working in my future specialty (in D/s). Of course, it’s very difficult. I’m starting everything from scratch. At the session there’s more theory, but in practice... a lot of problems and questions! Thank you, an experienced speech therapist who worked before me for many years helps. I turn to her for any question! Of course, it’s difficult. And then, due to this crisis, the rate was reduced to 0.25!!! The salary is ridiculous! Here and you’ll think, is it necessary to study? (p.s. I’ve been working as a teacher in this kindergarten for 14 years!)


But I never regretted that I received such a specialty :-) and even now, when I started working, it’s hard and difficult, I get all the information from books, and move forward through trial and error.

Of course, it would be great to have an experienced speech therapist next to you, who you can turn to for advice... but if there is no such person, then you need to rely only on yourself... do you sometimes think - what am I doing? where am I going? right wrong... :-)


Yes, starting is not easy for everyone. Is life itself very easy?! I also started from scratch, and although there were experienced speech therapists nearby, no one wanted to help. I made a lot of bumps, but I am very grateful to them, because THAT experience cannot be replaced by anything! And this was an orphanage, children with various pathologies, but most importantly, socially and emotionally deprived. :"(


Elena ILCHENKO (U...
Did your husband mind? I think it was a great evening ;-) had a great time

A speech therapist corrects speech defects. To do this, he develops and uses individual programs for adults and children.


30,000–50,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Private practice, hospitals and clinics, schools, preschool institutions (preschool institutions), private and municipal kindergartens, speech and hearing correction centers.


Children and adults turn to a speech therapist with various problems of pronunciation, reading and writing: stuttering, incorrect pronunciation of sounds, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.

The speech therapist selects exercises and massages, teaches how to speak and articulate correctly, eliminates lisps, burrs and stuttering.

As a rule, work lasts from six months to several years. It all depends on the complexity of the task and the age of the client. It is best to contact in childhood; problems are solved faster at the stage of growing up.

Important qualities

The profession of a speech therapist requires a lot of patience, because the work forces you to deal with various health problems. Maximum correctness, a sense of tact and goodwill are required.

Reviews about the profession

“It’s worth going to work as a speech therapist if only to see the face of the child for whom you set the sound, and who realized that he succeeded! You will never forget these smiles!”

Evgenia Zaichenko,
speech therapist with 10 years of experience.

Stereotypes, humor

Speech therapists are often called doctors, but in fact this specialty belongs to pedagogy. The profession is even recommended to people who are capable of overcoming difficulties.


To become a speech therapist, you need to receive appropriate education, for example, at the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen (specialty “Speech Therapy”). The salary of a speech therapist directly depends on the qualifications of the specialist; it is necessary to improve the level through specialized courses.

Pedagogical universities in Moscow: Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow City Pedagogical University.