home · Other · If a person is thin and does not gain weight. Why can't some people get better? What doctors say about losing weight

If a person is thin and does not gain weight. Why can't some people get better? What doctors say about losing weight

As a rule, people are accustomed to struggling with such a problem as excess weight. But there are also those who suffer from a lack of such weight. These are mostly tall guys, for whom every added kilogram is given with great difficulty. It is these people that this article addresses.

The very first rule that needs to be applied to gain weight is to drink plenty of fluids. After all, water is a substance that every cell of our body needs. Accordingly, if the amount of fluid is extremely normal, then problems with weight will not arise. To speed up weight gain, you should drink whole milk and within a month a skinny guy simply won’t recognize himself in the mirror.

It is worth paying attention to the calorie content of food. If it is difficult for you to calculate your daily calorie intake, then you can turn to special tables that will help you quickly calculate the daily intake of nutrients for weight gain. If this does not help, then you need to try to increase the diet and, accordingly, calories, first by 200, and then by 500.


If a skinny guy needs to consume 500 calories worth of food, that doesn't mean he has to do it all at once. Meals should be balanced and include breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, evening and a small snack before bed.

It is worth noting that, if you can't gain weight Sometimes a regular balanced diet may not be enough. Then you need to add physical activity to your daily schedule. After all, a skinny guy simply needs physical training.


If you add physical activity to a high-calorie diet, then the place where fat accumulates in a skinny guy will turn out to be a handsome, well-built man who will be an ideal in the eyes of a girl.

What prevents a person from gaining weight?

Sudden weight loss can also signal that the body is not happy with something. And if guy can't gain weight, then you can consider aspects not only related to nutrition.

So it will be difficult for a man to gain weight if he has problems with the nervous system. In addition to normal nerves, there may also be problems with the hypothalamus (part of the brain). In this case, you can contact a neurologist. Indigestion can also be a signal of a person’s sudden weight loss.

Attention! Various serious diseases can also be signaled weight loss in men. Therefore, if you feel unwell due to weight loss, you should definitely consult a doctor to diagnose the disease in the early stages.
If you adhere to the above ways to gain weight, then in the end you can say goodbye to a thin body once and for all.

Hi guys! Are you worried that you can't gain weight? It seems that you eat normally, train until you lose your pulse, but the mass does not grow, well, even if you burst... This happens and there are specific reasons for this. Today’s article is just about this. This is a serious question, so I advise you to read the material.

Meanwhile, when the problem of excess weight has become a plague in the modern world, there are many people suffering from excessive thinness. Girls envy their friends who can eat everything and not gain weight, although they themselves have to work hard to stay in shape.

But for many, the problem of weight gain becomes critical, especially for those who dream of gaining muscle mass. If you have many times wondered what the reasons are for the fact that I cannot gain weight, be sure to carefully study this article, perhaps this will help you see the right direction in solving this problem. Go...

One of the main reasons for problems with weight gain may be a genetic predisposition that manifests itself in different body types. According to the generally accepted theory of Sheldon, there are three of them - mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph. And although it was previously believed that this was only relevant for men, now a similar classification applies to women.

  1. ECTOMORPHS(or asthenic body type) - people with thin and light bones, more often than average height, arms and legs exceed the length of the body. They have a very fast metabolism, so they hardly gain weight. It is most difficult for this type of person to achieve success in bodybuilding, because they practically do not gain muscle mass.
  2. MESOMORPHS(or normosthenic body type) - they differ the most. They easily gain weight and burn fat while actively working on themselves. The most optimal type of constitution for achievements in sports.
  3. ENDOMORPHS(or hypersthenic body type) - people with a slow metabolism, well-developed internal organs, they have the widest figure, they easily gain excess weight and have difficulty losing weight. In bodybuilding, it is easiest for them to build muscle, but it is difficult to achieve their definition and get rid of subcutaneous fat.

As you can see, ectomorphs gain the worst weight, if you belong to this type of people, this may be the reason for your thinness. If, nevertheless, you are not confident in your asthenic physique, perhaps the problem lies in your metabolism.

If you are naturally thin (ectomorph), you can try taking a special, high-energy mixture that bodybuilders take to quickly gain weight. This GAINER!

These supplements have proven to be effective when combined with proper training and a balanced diet. I myself often used gainers, and they always helped me gain weight. And I like the taste of them much better than regular protein supplements!

There is no problem buying it now. Below I have given you several links to purchase a gainer via the Internet - if you wish, you can choose the one you like:


GAINERS (iherb.com)

Metabolic rate

Metabolism or metabolism is a complex of processes and reactions in the body at the biological and chemical level. It affects the breakdown of consumed foods into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is also responsible for the absorption of nutrients and the removal of processed ones.

The cause of weight deficiency may be precisely If a person has a fast metabolism, then even increasing the calorie content of food will not help correct the situation. Eating uncontrolled, high-calorie, unbalanced foods without any regimen can lead to serious health problems.

It is better to contact a qualified specialist, he will help you choose the right diet, taking into account the speed of your metabolism, and first of all, determine whether this feature of your body is genetic or provoked by some disease.

I want to tell you a few words about why many people cannot gain weight while doing bodybuilding. There is no universal formula that would suit everyone - that's true. And don't even try to find it. Each organism is individual.

But despite this, those who complain about the impossibility of gaining weight make the same mistakes. Now I want to voice the main ones.

  1. LACK OF CALORIES. A person may think that he eats a lot, but in fact he does not get enough calories. To begin with, add to your regular diet, for example, a pack of cottage cheese or a glass of rice, buckwheat, pearl barley - see what happens. You may never feel hungry, but you may have a calorie surplus (or deficit). Regarding the feeling of hunger (hormone and satiety (hormone), there are separate excellent articles on my blog. Be sure to read for a more complete immersion in the topic.
  2. FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF TRAININGS. You don’t need to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, working out your whole body several times. These loads most likely cannot be “carried out” by your body. Remember that after 45 minutes of intense exercise, a destructive hormone is released that destroys our protein structures. Therefore, do not force your body in the gym for more than 1 hour, maximum 1.20. I train for exactly an hour. If the intensity drops (maybe laziness) then 1.20. Some people study for 2-3 hours and think that this is correct.
  3. BASIC EXERCISES. This has already been discussed. Honestly, I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. But every time I come to the gym and see that people train much more on machines than with free weights. Yes, basic exercises are hard, you don’t want to do them. But they are the most effective and that’s all... Squat, be sure to squat! This exercise will stimulate the development of the whole body! Do bench presses while standing. On the horizontal bar, do pull-ups with weight (if you can already do 15-20 pull-ups with your body weight).
  4. SLEEP AND RECOVERY. Don't go to the gym if you feel like you haven't recovered. This makes no sense. An exhausted body will not respond to another workout by increasing its mass. He will react with a drop in immunity, a viral disease, moral and physical exhaustion. And most importantly, get enough sleep. In our time this is a real feat. It seems to me that now almost no one sleeps as much as they need. And I have problems with this too. And muscles grow at night. In the long term, lack of sleep takes away some of our muscle mass.

Hormonal imbalance

Most people mistakenly believe that hormonal imbalances only lead to extra pounds, but this is not true. Very often they are also the answer to the question why I can’t get better. The proper functioning of the endocrine glands is responsible for the normal state of hormonal levels in the human body. The most common pathologies affecting low weight:

  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. This condition provokes excessive release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which increases the energy needs of tissues and accelerates metabolism. It manifests itself as excessive sweating, enlarged goiter, rapid heartbeat, and can sometimes cause fever.
  • Insufficient secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This phenomenon is known as type 1 diabetes (not to be confused with type 2 diabetes, which causes excess weight). In this condition, a person does not digest carbohydrates, and therefore does not receive energy. Symptoms: frequent urination, constant feeling of thirst, fatigue.
  • Decreased function of the adrenal cortex. Provokes a decrease in the production of hormones and aldosterone. Cortisol is responsible for energy reserves and the rate at which the body uses it. It manifests itself as muscle weakness, numbness in the arms and legs, decreased sexual desire, apathy, as well as an excessive craving for salty foods.

If you suspect any of the conditions described above, seek medical attention immediately. Only a medical examination can clarify the situation. You can’t get rid of this by just reading blogs and surfing the Internet.

Another common reason for weight loss is digestive problems. In addition to the topic covered, they are also characterized by pain and failure to absorb nutrients.

Neurological and psychological causes

Many people noticeably lose weight during times of severe nervous shock or psychological problems. This is all due to the structure of the brain. The part that controls hunger is called the hypothalamus. It consists of a ventromedial and lateral part, and differences in their activity do not signal a person about the feeling of hunger sometimes throughout the whole day.

Also, reduced appetite and even its complete absence can be triggered by a malfunction in the nervous system, when inhibition processes are suppressed by excitation processes. This can happen due to stress, constant nervous worries or psychological worries.

Constant overstrain at work, insufficient sleep or negative emotions can discourage the desire to eat for a long time. Therefore, rest more often, change your surroundings and try to improve your psycho-emotional state. Otherwise, in addition to problems with your figure, you may get depression and other serious mental disorders.

Bad habits

Very often people gain weight poorly due to bad habits. If you still smoke and often take a drink, quickly quit this disastrous business.

The main enemy of gaining muscle mass is It not only dulls the feeling of hunger, but also provokes many diseases and hormonal disorders described above.

Once nicotine enters the body, it begins to have a negative effect on all organs and systems, so the body spends all its energy and calories on its destruction and elimination. This leads to the fact that calories are not absorbed, and nutrients along with them.

Smoking also speeds up metabolic processes and increases blood glucose levels. The body perceives this as a meal, and therefore many smokers replace breakfast or dinner with a couple of cigarettes. Another effect of nicotine on weight is that it is a kind of drug that can fully satisfy a person’s needs and provoke his refusal to eat.

Alcohol abuse has the same effect. have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the pancreas, and it ceases to secrete all the enzymes necessary for digesting food.

People who frequently drink alcohol often experience nausea and vomiting, as well as problems with bowel movements. Also, a study by scientists in Illinois states that drinking alcohol is perceived by the body as one of the meals.

Another bad habit is excessive consumption of coffee and energy drinks. They greatly accelerate metabolism and provoke the removal of water from tissues and cells, and this leads to weight loss.

Excessive thinness can be caused by many serious diseases; consult your doctor about the presence of pathologies.

So, friends, we have looked at the main reasons why it can be difficult to gain weight. I hope the information was useful to you and will give you food for thought about why you are experiencing a similar problem and what to do to fix it. That's all... See you again!

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Hello, I’m 18 years old, I can’t gain weight. I always want meat, I don’t eat greens at all. I tried to eat more in moderation, it doesn’t help. I tried to lead the life of a lazy fat man, but without success. I have been playing hockey for 10 years and for me lack of weight is a big problem. With a height of 180 cm, I weigh 56-58 kg. I have only muscles and narrow bones, not an ounce of fat in me - as if I were a Shaolin monk. I feel great, I can easily run 10, 12, 15 km, do push-ups and pull-ups, but I really want to weigh at least 70 kg, and better yet 80. Help, what to eat and how much!? Even buns, sweets, burgers and chips with cola, which I hate, cannot inflate me. Help.

Hello! Indeed, gaining weight is much harder than losing weight. In addition, you probably have the same type of constitution as some of your slender relatives. First, you need to do a minimal examination: First of all, I advise you to do bioimpedance measurement, which will assess the basal metabolism and the amount of fat and muscle tissue in the body, then I would advise you to perform an abdominal cavity to eliminate splanchnoptosis - a condition in which all internal organs are moderately depressed due to for virtually no fat. Also donate blood for thyroid hormones to exclude thyrotoxicosis and blood for detection of helminths. If everything is normal, then this is your constitution, it happens) Time will improve) If you want to get better, then immediately understand that this is not a quick process. Gain per month from 1 to 3 kg. Eat often, 6 times a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks after them. For snacks, I advise you to use gainers - protein-carbohydrate cocktails, half a serving per snack and always at night. If possible, reduce the amount of aerobic exercise. Increase your diet with different types of oils and nuts - eat exactly 100 grams per day. Chocolates at night are just the thing. Protein - eat enough meat, eggs, fish, poultry, fried, just not at night. Use meat and dairy products with a high percentage of fat. You don’t need to drink cola, sweet juices are better. And at night - half a portion of gainer and truffle sweets. As I write, I honestly envy you. Write how the weight will behave!


I started eating 6 times a day, but I will say that it is very difficult because of my studies. I have to rush through the alarm clock and eat not just anything, but in my opinion, what I need. I began to eat chicken breasts, rice, eggs, a lot of cottage cheese and milk, and began to drink gainer (sports nutrition) with a high calorie content, 2 shakers a day. I gained 2 kg in 2 weeks, now I weigh 60, and I can’t gain any further. As a result, I get about 120g per day. I eat protein or a little more and 2000+ kcal, but for some reason I didn’t want to lean on fatty foods

Hello! I want to say that your nutrition system is quite correct, you calculated everything correctly for yourself. Just remember that gaining weight is not as easy as losing it, and gaining it is oh so difficult! The body is a persistent system that really does not like to be taken out of balance. Your current weight is a constant for your body. When you increase the caloric content of food, at first the body spends them not on muscle and fat reserves, but on increasing thermal production. And only after some time does weight gain begin. And you are moving in the right direction. And everything is true with gainers. As for physical loads, it’s better to do power loads with a minimum number of approaches and maximum weight. Before training, you don’t need to warm up intensively on the treadmill, just lightly stretch the ligaments. And soon you will notice that the weight will slowly but surely begin to grow. I wish you success!

Many people are interested in why some people eat whatever they want and don’t get fat, while others gain weight from the air. Scientists have developed versions to explain this phenomenon and conducted experiments. We will talk about the most interesting and reliable of them in this article.

Is it all genetics to blame?

About 40% of our weight is programmed at the genetic level. So, there are 3 body types:

  1. Asthenics are thin-boned, with a barely noticeable fat layer. Such people lose weight easily, do not gain weight, but it is also difficult for them to build muscle.
  2. Normosthenics - have developed muscles and a thicker layer of fat. They get better quickly, but just as easily lose weight.
  3. Hypersthenics are people with a developed fat layer. Most of them tend to be overweight. Losing weight is difficult for them, and after completing the diet, the lost kilograms are easily returned. To maintain slimness, you have to constantly limit yourself in food.

It is impossible to fight genetics, but it is not the only factor that determines weight. If a slim person begins to overeat heavily, he will also gain weight. Only after returning to a normal diet does his weight quickly return to normal without dieting or exercise. The fact is that a healthy body has a target for a certain body weight. If it does not recover, this indicates some kind of problem that needs to be solved.

Why some people eat whatever they want and don’t get fat: facts and hypotheses

The reasons for this phenomenon can be psychological and physiological. If it is impossible to influence the genes and location of fat cell receptors, then lifestyle and attitude depend only on the person himself.

Problems with hormones

In obese people, the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, which are responsible for receiving pleasure, is reduced. This explains the need for increased amounts of pleasure hormones endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. An easy way to make up for their deficiency is to eat. As a result, people unbeknownst to themselves swallow thousands of extra kilocalories, like smokers who constantly smoke. Then comes genuine surprise at how the numbers on the scales have changed.

The way out of the situation is simple - look for other sources of joy that are not related to food. This could be communication with interesting people, hobbies, creativity, and even physical activity. During training, not only fat deposits are burned, a beautiful relief is formed, but also a large amount of endorphins are released into the blood. A person feels a surge of happiness and vigor, and the need for cake disappears.

The reason for the tendency to be overweight is often reduced sensitivity to leptin, a hormone that controls hunger and satiety. This is not an endocrine pathology, but only a feature of the body. Knowing about it, a person should not trust the feeling of hunger. He needs to form the habit of eating moderate meals at regular intervals. This will make it easier to control your weight. If you snack every time you feel a deceptive feeling of emptiness in your stomach, excess weight will not be long in coming.

There is an interesting study by British scientists who discovered the Atkins gene. Under its influence, saliva is actively released, breaking down carbohydrates. Most people have 2-3 copies of this gene in their bodies. Only in some cases their number reaches 20. These lucky people with a high level of the Atkins gene will not gain excess weight, no matter how much they eat.

Scientists have been able to identify another factor that activates the activity of obesity genes. It turned out that a good mother during pregnancy and a high weight of the newborn reduce the likelihood that the child will become fat in the future.

Features of muscles

One likely explanation for why some people eat whatever they want and don't gain weight, while others starve and gain weight, is muscle fiber ratio. Fast twitchers require more energy, slow twitchers require less. Slender people naturally have a predominance of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Others can develop them with exercises on the horizontal bar, sprinting, and weight lifting. Long marathons provoke the growth of “slow” fibers, so they are not suitable for maintaining slimness.

Distribution of fat receptors

There are two types of receptors on fat cells. The former are responsible for the accumulation of fats, the latter - for their breakdown. There are people in whom these receptors are distributed evenly throughout the adipose tissue of the body. Even if such a person gains 5 kg, it will not be noticeable to those around him. The gained kilos will simply spread throughout the body without causing fat deposits in certain areas.

Most people have distinct areas where fat storage receptors predominate. For women it is the hips, chest, buttocks, and for men it is the abdomen. In such cases, fat leaves one place and accumulates in another. The face suffers the most. If it loses weight, wrinkles appear.

Eating behavior

Slender people eat only when they are hungry. They do not follow strict diets and do not deny themselves sweets and other favorite foods. Such people have learned to listen to their body and know when it needs refueling.

Overweight people have different eating behavior. Many of them are accustomed to eating with company, without even experiencing obvious hunger. They also try to follow diets, and before preparing for them, there is a ritual of saying goodbye to their favorite food, when a person wants to get enough of cakes for future use. Slim people do not accept restrictions. They eat only a couple of pieces of chocolate at a time, and leave the rest for later, because for them there are no prohibitions.

Sports activities

Slim people often lead active lifestyles. In winter they go snowboarding and skiing, in summer they go cycling. They go hiking and jog in the morning. During such activities, a lot of energy is consumed. Calories received from food are actively burned, which is why a person does not gain weight. Sports activities also stimulate the production of the happiness hormone, which you don’t have to look for in food.

Accelerated metabolism

Not long ago, doctors changed their minds about why some people eat whatever they want and don’t gain weight, while others quickly gain weight. For a long time they believed that a person gets better from laziness. Allegedly, a sedentary lifestyle and frequent snacking slow down your metabolism, resulting in more fat being deposited on your sides. It has now become known that overweight people have a less active energy metabolism than thin people.

Metabolism is a complex process of chemical transformation of substances that provide the body with energy needs for development and growth. If the metabolism is fast, then the risk of fat and carbohydrate deposition tends to zero, even if a person eats heavily at night.

Accelerated metabolism is inherited, but there are some foods that act as good catalysts. These include spicy foods popular in Asia, where obesity rates remain low.

The risk of metabolic disorders increases during adolescence. Young boys and girls are always in a hurry to get somewhere, so they eat street fast food, buns, and wash it all down with soda. The result is metabolic syndrome, or a metabolic disorder.

Video: How to eat and not get fat?

Experiments: what happens if thin people start overeating?

Scientists around the world are looking for an answer to the question of why some people eat whatever they want and don’t gain weight, while others quickly gain weight. Many scientific experiments were conducted that lifted the veil of secrecy.

Stages of weight loss

Vermont prison experiment

What researchers were most interested in was not the difference between how food affects obese and thin people. They tried to find out the following: is it possible for a person to eat a lot and not exercise, but remain slim.

To study the body's reactions to overeating, back in 1967, Americans conducted an experiment in a Vermont prison. Young prisoners aged between 20 and 30 years old who were naturally slim, healthy and had no relatives with obesity or diabetes were recruited to participate. For their service to science, they were promised that they would seek their early release.

For three months, the prisoners ate many times more than usual. The daily diet consisted of a menu of 5000-1000 kcal, and sports were prohibited. It was planned that by the end of the experiment, its participants would gain 25% above their body weight, but this did not happen to everyone. Two recovered by 21%, one by only 18%. Scientists have had to agree that obesity is impossible for some people because their bodies resist storing fat.

Student Research

In our time, the experiment conducted in a Vermont prison was repeated with the participation of student volunteers. Naturally lean young people were chosen who had never thought about what and in what quantities they eat. Some were proud of their natural thinness and the ability to eat whatever they wanted.

The experiment lasted 4 weeks. During this time, the students ate twice as much as usual and avoided physical activity. They were given pedometers and asked to take no more than 5,000 steps per day (about 3 km). The daily diet consisted of donuts and chocolate, cakes, pizza with fatty mayonnaise and cheese, milkshakes with whipped cream and cheesecakes.

In theory, each participant's weight should have increased by about 15%, or 10 kg. After four weeks, the scientists' expectations were justified, but not completely. Most of the participants gained a lot of weight. Still, two gained less weight than expected. One recovered by 9%, another by 5%.

Many overweight people are trying to lose weight, but there are also many very thin people who are trying to gain weight. So what is the normal weight of a healthy person? What causes body weight to drop to a critical level? What will help normalize it? We will now try to figure this out.

Before looking for recipes for adding pounds, you need to determine whether your weight really is not normal. When assessing it in an adult, they focus primarily on the body mass index (BMI). It is calculated using the formula: BMI = body weight in kg / height in meters squared. The norm is from 18.5 to 24.9. Low weight can be expressed to varying degrees: 17.0-18.4 - light, 16.0-16.9 - medium, less than 16 - heavy. This method of calculation is the simplest and most convenient. However, it does not take into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Why is my weight going down?

First of all, lack of food leads to weight loss. To determine whether you are eating enough, you need to find out how much energy your body requires daily. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a special table, which shows the average daily energy expenditure, calculated taking into account gender, age and work intensity group. For example, a 36-year-old man working as an engineer (labor intensity group I) needs 2 SGD kcal/day. Next, you need to calculate how many kilocalories the body actually receives.

To do this, it is recommended to keep a food diary for several days: register all the foods eaten, their volume, and calorie content (the latter is usually indicated on the product packaging; information can also be found in the literature on dietetics). Having calculated the average number of kilocalories consumed per day, it must be compared with the established level of energy expenditure. A negative energy balance also causes increased nutrient consumption. The body needs additional energy during various physiological (pregnancy, rapid growth in children, recovery, increased physical activity) and pathological conditions (fever, sepsis, infections, trauma, wounds, burns, acute and chronic ailments). If you don’t eat more, your weight will decrease.

You can lose weight if there is insufficient bioavailability of nutrients. This situation occurs when there is enough food, but the supplied nutrients are not fully used - due to poor chewing, certain diseases of the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, biliary tract. For example, if the formation of bile is impaired or its flow into the duodenum is reduced, fats are less digested and absorbed. Weight is also melting due to increased loss of nutrients. In diseases accompanied by repeated vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, the formation of fistulas, abscesses, the body is left without water, electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chlorine), minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron), proteins, etc.

Violation of nutrient metabolism also leads to weight loss. The reasons are endocrine diseases and insufficiency of enzyme systems involved in metabolism. For example, thyrotoxicosis, in which the production of thyroid hormones increases. They significantly increase metabolism, energy consumption increases, and weight decreases, even if a person eats a lot.
Thus, there are many reasons for weight loss, and accurately identifying it in each specific case is the key to successful treatment.

Formulas for more accurate weight estimation

  • for women: 45 kg for the first 152 cm of height + 0.9 kg for each cm of height above 152 cm;
  • for men: 48 kg for the first 152 cm of height + 1.1 kg for each cm of height above 152 cm.

If your actual body weight is 90-110% of the calculated ideal weight, you can be satisfied with yourself. Otherwise there is something to think about.

Where does the energy go?

It is possible to maintain a constant weight when the amount of energy entering the body with food corresponds to that spent on various types of activities, namely:

  • BX- the minimum energy expenditure for a awake person necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body. Its intensity depends on weight, height, age, gender. On average, about 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour is spent to ensure basal metabolism, i.e. 24 kcal/kg per day;
  • write specific dynamic action- loss of energy for digestion, absorption and movement of nutrients. It depends on the composition and quantity of food; from 18% to 25% is spent on the digestion and absorption of proteins; when fat is supplied, the body expends the least amount of energy - metabolism increases by only 2-3%;
  • physical activity- work at home, at work, on vacation, etc. Energy costs depend on the nature of the work performed. During mental work they are significantly lower than during physical work. For example, a man working in an office spends on average about 100 kcal/hour, on a construction site - about 300 kcal/hour;
  • pregnancy and lactasis. In these physiological conditions, the body requires additional energy. Thus, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, energy needs increase by an average of 300 kcal/day, and during lactation - by 650 kcal/day;
  • other activities- costs for thermoregulation, emotional arousal, etc. For example, laughing for 10-15 minutes “burns” 10-50 kcal.

When the body receives more energy than it expends (positive energy balance), the excess is stored “in reserve” in the form of fat, and accordingly, the mass increases. If energy consumption exceeds its intake (negative energy balance), then the body produces the missing kilocalories by breaking down its own fats , proteins and carbohydrates, a person loses weight.