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Does Zhirinovsky have a chance? Why Zhirinovsky will not become president Why Zhirinovsky is not elected by presidents

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich- Chairman of the LDPR party (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), member of the State Council, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, head of the Supreme Council of the LDPR.

Family and relatives of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's father is Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein (1907−1983). Vladimir Zhirinovsky's mother is Alexandra Pavlovna Makarova. In his biography, Vladimir Volfovich said that he always felt Russian, since even according to Israeli laws, the son of a Russian mother is not considered a Jew.

In the book by the writer Alexander Namozov, “Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Return to Basics,” it is reported that Wolf Eidelstein owned the land and grew hops, and also supervised the work of three workshops that carried out primary wood processing for the plywood factory of his father, Isaac Eidelstein. Vladimir Zhirinovsky's grandfather was an industrialist in the Kostopol region (then a Polish city, now part of the Rivne region of Ukraine).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky in childhood (Photo: uznayvse.ru)

After the annexation of Western Ukraine to the USSR, Wolf and his brother Aaron were deported to Kazakhstan. Zhirinovsky's parents met during the war in Alma-Ata. Wolf Eidelstein knew Alexandra Pavlovna’s first husband, NKVD officer Andrei Zhirinovsky. They were friends. Andrei Zhirinovsky died in 1944 from tuberculosis, and in 1945 Alexandra Pavlovna married Eidelstein, who was not afraid to take a woman with five children (Vladimir Zhirinovsky has two brothers - Andrei and Yuri, and three sisters - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov) . However, a few months later, Zhirinovsky’s father had to leave for Warsaw, so Vladimir Volfovich himself did not know his biological father.

From Poland, Wolf Eidelstein emigrated to Israel, where he lived until the end of his days (in 1983 he was hit by a bus).

Childhood and education of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky graduated from secondary school No. 25 in Almaty. After school in 1964, Vladimir Volfovich entered the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1970, Vladimir received a specialty in Turkish Language and Literature. In parallel, from 1965 to 1967, Zhirinovsky studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Faculty of International Relations. Also, as stated in the biography on the LDPR website, Vladimir Volfovich graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law (evening department) of Moscow State University (1972−1977).

In 1998, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University on the topic “The past, present and future of the Russian nation: The Russian question: social and philosophical analysis.”

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich speaks English, French, German and Turkish. According to his official biography, Zhirinovsky published over 500 books, including 100 volumes of his works entitled “Political Classics.”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky with his mother Alexandra Pavlovna (Photo: ok.ru)

Work and career of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

In 1969-1970, Vladimir Zhirinovsky began his career with an internship at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR. Then, after graduating from university, he served in the Armed Forces in the Transcaucasian Military District.

After military service, Zhirinovsky’s track record included work in the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Peace Committee (1972−1975), then he worked in the dean’s office for work with foreign students at the Higher School of Trade Union Movement (1975−1977). Then Vladimir Volfovich worked at the Inurcollegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice (1977−1983). During the years of perestroika, Zhirinovsky headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house (from 1983 to 1990).

In 1990, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky headed the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Vladimir Volfovich was repeatedly nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was a deputy of the State Duma of the I, II, III, IV, V and VI convocations. Three times (I, II and VI convocations) Zhirinovsky led the LDPR faction; in three other convocations, Vladimir Volfovich was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

Candidate for President of Russia V.V. Zhirinovsky during a debate on Central Television, 1991 (photo on the left); Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union V.V. Zhirinovsky (right) during a conversation with journalists, 1990 (Photo: TASS)

Vladimir Zhirinovsky participated in the presidential elections in Russia six times, receiving, respectively, in 1991 7.81% of the votes, in 1996 - 5.78%, in 2000 (2.7%), in 2008 (9.35%) and in 2012 (6.22%). In 2018, Zhirinovsky finished the campaign third with 5.65% of the vote, so 4,154,985 people voted for him.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky has been leading the LDPR for many years. When asked whether Vladimir Volfovich is preparing a successor for himself, the party leader replies: “There will definitely be a successor. Let it be. We will have re-elections at the congress. 5-6 candidates. And mine too. If there is a desire to elect a new leader, let them elect it. But it is very difficult to lead an opposition political party. In the future, of course, a new leader will appear. This is very serious, hard work. Here you need to have enormous intelligence, courage, strength, courage.”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky (center) on Red Square during a rally on the day of the 74th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1991 (Photo: Igor Zotin/TASS)

Scandals and statements of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich always very sharply defends his political views, not paying attention to where he is. Both in front of television cameras and in personal conversations, Zhirinovsky behaves the same way. His scandalous statements are known. The media have repeatedly circulated a photo in which Zhirinovsky pours orange juice on Boris Nemtsov (then governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region) (June 18, 1995).

Zhirinovsky pours orange juice on the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Boris Nemtsov, June 18, 1995 (Photo: wikipedia.org)

Even now, Vladimir Volfovich does not always restrain himself; during a debate on the NTVshniki program, one of the presenters accused Zhirinovsky of allegedly trading places in the State Duma. This infuriated the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Volfovich broke the microphone and called the presenter a scoundrel.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky in 2003-2006 (Photo: TASS)

The statements of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as a rule, are categorical and sometimes provocative, but they are vivid and therefore always end up in the news of most publications. At one time, the politician’s video message to US President George W. Bush in 2003 was very popular, in which Vladimir Volfovich proposed to hit Tbilisi together.

Zhirinovsky was no less shocking in 2017. There was a lot of excitement in the news after Zhirinovsky’s promise, if he won the elections, to “announce a general amnesty: political, economic, criminal, financial.”

In March 2017, Zhirinovsky, speaking from the rostrum of the Duma, addressing the parliamentary majority, promised that he would shoot his opponents if he won the presidential elections in 2018. State Duma Vice Speaker Sergei Neverov called on the ethics commission to pay attention to these statements addressed to his party colleagues. After this, Zhirinovsky attacked the United Russia deputies with threats, accusing them of the fact that many of them were not rightfully in parliament, and in protest he took the entire LDPR faction out of the meeting room.

Later, the leader of the LDPR faction, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that his words about “execution” and “hanging” referred to representatives of criminal communities, and not to deputies of United Russia.

Also in 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that it is better for Russians not to know how much ministers, deputies and governors earn. According to him, the information in the published declarations only irritates the people, and gives the press a reason to publish “hot news.”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed a radical solution to the Ukrainian issue and advocated the entry of Ukraine and Belarus into the Russian Federation as new federal districts. “Now, if I were in the Kremlin... Ukraine would not exist. The Russian army would stand on the border where it was in the First World War. Just be glad that Putin is in the Kremlin. After him, another will come and negotiations will not be needed - no negotiations. Everything will be done at night. As you and Yanukovych are, so are we with your entire team. And in 72 hours, Russian tanks will be near Brussels,” Zhirinovsky said in 2016.

Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin, Russian President Vladimir Putin, head of the "A Just Russia" faction Sergei Mironov, leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov (from right to left) after the signing ceremony of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Education within the Russian Federation of new subjects - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol" in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin, 2014 (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS)

Vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke out against monarchical governance in Russia. Another time, Vladimir Volfovich argued that Russia needs an “elected monarchy” and also insisted on the need to ban all parties existing in the Russian Federation.

“The position of the president can be renamed the supreme ruler with a term of rule of 6-7 years, and his elections should not be popular, they must be carried out by specialists - a Russian council of the best people in the country, selected according to a certain quota. And he, the supreme ruler, will appoint governors,” Zhirinovsky concluded.

Also in 2017, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky promised, if he won the Russian presidential elections in 2018, to return a number of cities to their previous names, in particular, to rename Volgograd to Stalingrad. Zhirinovsky regularly condemns in his statements “the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes.”

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (right) during a speech at a plenary meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, 2017 (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS)

Zhirinovsky demanded retaliatory sanctions against the United States. “We can also not issue visas, interrupt relations, ban flights over Russia to Afghanistan, and not supply uranium,” noted the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Vladimir Volfovich suggested that Moscow needs to take a tougher line and, perhaps, change the Russian Foreign Minister.

But he enthusiastically accepted Donald Trump’s victory in the elections; the news published photographs of Zhirinovsky drinking champagne for Trump’s victory. But already in April 2017, Vladimir Volfovich was ready to raise a glass to Trump’s impeachment.

Personal life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is married and has two sons and a daughter. Daughter Anastasia Petrova and son Oleg Gazdarov are illegitimate.

Zhirinovsky’s wife, Galina Aleksandrovna Lebedeva, is a virologist, candidate of biological sciences. Photos of Zhirinovsky and his wife can often be seen in the news.

Zhirinovsky's eldest son, Igor Lebedev, was born in 1972. Lawyer by profession. In January 2000, he was elected chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third convocation. Before being elected to the Duma, he worked in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation as an adviser to the minister (Sergei Kalashnikov, a former member of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the second convocation). Igor Lebedev has two twin sons, Vladimir Volfovich’s grandchildren are named Alexander and Sergei.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and State Duma Deputy Speaker Igor Lebedev (from left to right in the foreground) at a plenary meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky with his wife Galina and grandchildren, 2014 (Photo: TASS)

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's son Oleg Gazdarov graduated from Moscow State University. In 2011, he got married; many media outlets wrote about his wedding, which took place in North Ossetia, and published photos from the celebration. According to Life News, Zhirinovsky himself paid for his son’s wedding, but Vladimir Volfovich was unable to come personally. Zhirinovsky met Oleg’s mother Zhanna Gazdarova in Cuba.

There is almost no information on the Internet about Zhirinovsky’s illegitimate daughter Anastasia Petrova, as well as her photo.

Perhaps, to say that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the most brilliant and extraordinary personality on the Russian political arena is to say nothing. This man, thanks to his statement, has long become famous far beyond the borders of Russia and the CIS.

Vladimir Volfovich has received so many nicknames and titles throughout his political career: from an inadequate clown to an eminence grise. Some believe that he says impossible nonsense and absurd things, thus trying to attract attention to his LDPR party. Others, on the contrary, believe that not everything is so simple, and in fact, the government of the country speaks through the mouth of Zhirinovsky, since the top leadership cannot afford to express many things directly. But Vladimir Zhirinovsky can. But such questions are of interest to people close to the circles of power or interested in politics.

Ordinary spectators who witness outstanding performances are, as a rule, interested in completely different questions. Their attention is occupied by the personal life of the politician; many are concerned about the question of who his wife is and how they live, what Zhirinovsky’s children do and how their fate turned out.

The brawler's wife

Watching the speeches of the LDPR leader on TV, you sometimes wonder how you can live in everyday life with such a loud person, who loves to raise his voice and speak sharply, and how you can stand being around him every day. Vladimir Volfovich, at first glance, can give the impression of a hot-tempered and slightly unbalanced man. But there was a woman who was able to walk with him hand in hand for decades. This is Zhirinovsky’s only official wife - Galina Lebedeva.

Their marriage and relationship can be called, with a stretch, light and cloudless, but, despite any adversity, Galina remains a faithful companion and ally of her husband for many years.

The story of meeting and creating a family

This couple met at a fairly young age, when they were both in a summer holiday camp. They say that Galina immediately interested Vladimir. She was a rather interesting slender brunette, a student at the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. For almost three years, the young people had just friendly relations, while all the time Zhirinovsky very gallantly courted Galina. Three years after their first meeting, in 1970, Vladimir proposed marriage to the girl, which she accepted. They had their wedding in 1971. And exactly a year later, in 1972, Zhirinovsky’s family was replenished - their son Igor was born.

Unusual marriage

The relationship in this married couple can hardly be called ideal and exemplary, but, despite all the difficulties, the couple have been living together for almost 45 years. There was a period of divorce in their life together, and this happened in 1978. Vladimir and Galina got back together in 1985, and since then they have never been apart. Despite the fact that the couple did not formalize their relationship again, on the eve of their silver wedding, as proof of warm feelings and mutual devotion, they got married in a church.

Dubious divorce

It would seem that civil marriage today would not surprise anyone. People who love each other do not have to prove their feelings at the registry office. But in the case of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Galina Lebedeva, everything is not so simple.

At a certain period of time, the press discussed the topic that it was beneficial for Vladimir Volfovich to live with his wife informally, since then he might not include her income in his family’s declaration. And since Zhirinovsky’s wife is by no means a simple woman, this state of affairs can only benefit both of them.

A faithful friend is not an ordinary biologist

Lebedev is a biologist by profession, works at the Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and has a PhD degree. She studies the problems of HIV infection. But, despite the relatively modest income of a researcher, Galina is the owner of several country residences, Moscow apartments and seven expensive cars.

Lebedeva is also involved in active social activities. She became the creator of the LDPR Women's Association, which solves various humanitarian issues.

and grandchildren

In his marriage to Galina, the politician had one son, Igor Lebedev. Zhirinovsky and his wife at one time gave the boy his mother’s surname specifically so that his father’s shadow would not interfere with his life. Today Vladimir Volfovich is proud of his son, because, having become an adult, he fully supported the ideas of his father and continued his work.

Just like his father, Igor was attracted to law. In 1996, he quite successfully graduated from the Law Academy in Moscow. Lebedev has been a member for a long time and for several years he has made a good political career:

  • was the State Duma;
  • held the position of expert specialist in the apparatus of the LDPR faction;
  • appointed advisor to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • was elected to the State Duma in 1999, 2003, 2007, 2001.

Based on this track record, we can conclude that Igor Vladimirovich’s political career was quite successful, however, just like his personal life.

Lebedev’s wife’s name is Lyudmila, and not too much information is known about her. In his interviews, Igor does not like to answer questions about his wife, in all likelihood, protecting her from the annoying attention of the press. It is only known that the young people have known each other almost since childhood. In 1998, their twin sons were born: Alexander and Sergei. Igor says that he really wanted to name one of them in honor of his father - Vladimir, but Zhirinovsky dissuaded him from this idea. Today, both brothers are students at a prestigious boarding house at Moscow State University.

Their grandfather admits that, unfortunately, he communicates with his grandchildren very rarely, at best, once a month, since he sorely lacks time for everything.

In one of his interviews, he confirmed that the grandfather meets with his grandchildren extremely rarely; at best, he congratulates them on their birthday over the phone. Basically, attention is paid to Alexander and Sergei by grandmothers, who have much more free time than Vladimir Volfovich. But there are other children of Zhirinovsky that are worth talking about.

Relative from Ossetia

Despite the seemingly not entirely standard, but understandable to many, married life of the politician, it turned out that not all of Zhirinovsky’s children were born with his official wife Galina. And this first became known in 1995. It was then that Vladimir brought a 9-year-old child to one of the local channels and told everyone that this was his son. The boy's name was Oleg, and the politician publicly admitted that he was his father.

The story of the boy’s birth became known to the general public a little later. It turned out that Zhirinovsky met Oleg’s mother, Ossetian Zhanna Gazdarova, in Cuba, where the woman was working at that time. Zhanna was a very bright and beautiful Caucasian girl. A stormy and passionate romance began almost immediately between her and the politician.

Soon she returned to Moscow, where Oleg was born. Zhanna decided to send him to be raised by her mother, who lived in the small village of Chikola in North Ossetia. It was there that Oleg spent his entire childhood, where his grandmother, Rakhimat Kardanova, was in charge of his full upbringing.

How a father introduced his son to the whole country

At the age of 9, he met his own father. It is unknown how Galina Lebedeva took this news, but the politician himself publicly acknowledged his son. And he did it publicly, bringing the boy with him to the recording of a broadcast on one of the central TV channels. After graduating from school, Oleg moved to Moscow to live with his mother. He entered Moscow State University and successfully completed his studies.

Son's wedding without father's presence

The press again sharply remembered and started talking about the illegitimate son of a State Duma deputy when Oleg Gazdarov turned 26 years old. It was at this age that he decided to get married. His chosen one was an Ossetian, Madina Batyrova, whom he met at Moscow State University. The wedding attracted the attention of journalists because it was celebrated on a special scale. The celebration took place in the Ossetian city of Digora. The most prestigious restaurant, Alcor, was reserved for the celebration, whose employees admit that they have never seen such a luxurious event in the entire history of the establishment. According to information provided at various forums, about 800 guests were present at the celebration. The cost of the bride's dress was estimated at about 200 thousand rubles. There are also rumors that rings for young people were purchased from Tiffany. The bride ransom ceremony took place without unnecessary stinginess on the part of the groom. In general, everything spoke of luxury and complete prosperity for the newlyweds.

It was no secret to anyone that all expenses for organizing the celebration were covered by Vladimir Volfovich. Naturally, all the gathered relatives, and, of course, the newlyweds themselves, were really looking forward to the arrival of the famous father of the groom. But the meeting never happened. Considering the level of Zhirinovsky’s daily workload, it is quite possible that he really did not have time to attend this event, but it is quite possible that he did not consider it necessary to attend there, believing that his father’s duty was fully fulfilled by paying all expenses.

Mysterious daughter Anastasia

When wondering how many children Vladimir Zhirinovsky has, one should not think that everything was limited to two recognized sons. In his numerous interviews, Vladimir has repeatedly said that he also has an illegitimate daughter. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find detailed information about this girl in open sources. Perhaps she herself does not want to advertise her status. According to Zhirinovsky himself, all that is known is that her name is Anastasia. On the birth certificate, her middle name is listed in accordance with her biological father, that is, Vladimirovna. And Zhirinovsky’s daughter bears her mother’s surname - Petrova.

The story of Nastya’s birth is not advertised in detail. At the same time, Vladimir Volfovich says that if Russian laws allowed him to have several wives, he would have formalized his relationship with Nastya’s mother long ago, and Zhirinovsky’s daughter herself would have long ago bore his last name.

Interesting bills of a charismatic politician

At a certain period of time, Vladimir Volfovich actively promoted one bill in the State Duma. He was supposed to allow Russian men to have several official wives and register all children born in these relationships in his name. Of course, many immediately connected this with the fact that not all of Zhirinovsky’s children were born in a legal marriage.

There are different ways to view his political activities as a liberal democrat; one may not like his often eccentric speeches and scandalous statements, or, on the contrary, watch with great interest. But regardless of all the factors, Vladimir Volfovich should be given undoubted credit for one thing - he never abandoned his children born out of wedlock with Galina Lebedeva. It’s a pity that the general public will most likely never know how Zhirinovsky’s official family actually views such public confessions of his father and husband.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. He was the sixth child in the family. That same year, his father died in a car accident. After graduating from school, he went to Moscow to study at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University, later renamed the Institute of Asian and African Countries.

Since April 1967, according to Zhirinovsky, he began to engage in politics. His first political action was that he sent a letter to the CPSU Central Committee addressed to L.I. Brezhnev, in which he expressed his opinion on the need for reforms in the fields of education, agriculture, and urban government. Soon after this, he was summoned for a conversation at the department of universities of the Moscow State Committee of the CPSU, where it was explained to him that these proposals were “unrealistic for financial and some political reasons.” As a 4th year student, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was sent to Turkey to undergo pre-graduation practice as a trainee translator in the city of Iskenderun. He was arrested “for communist propaganda” (distributing “subversive badges” with the image of V.I. Lenin to his friends) and expelled from Turkey. Zhirinovsky himself says that the badges were harmless, with views of Moscow and Pushkin. The wildest assumptions say that before his visit to Turkey, Zhirinovsky was recruited by the KGB, and Turkish intelligence declassified him and urgently expelled him from the country. According to Vladimir Volfovich, a short-term prison sentence became an obstacle for him to join the party, enroll in graduate school, and for a long time he was deprived of the opportunity to visit foreign countries.

After graduating from the institute in 1970-1972, he served in the Transcaucasian Military District in Tbilisi as a district headquarters officer. At the institute I studied two languages ​​- Turkish and French; later at the Ministry of Finance courses - English and German. In 1972-1975 he worked in the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Peace Committee, in 1975-1977 - in the dean's office for work with foreign students at the Higher School of Trade Union Movement. From 1977 to 1983 - employee of the Inurkollegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice. From 1983 to 1990, he headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house. In 1989, he stood as a candidate in the elections for director of the publishing house, but lost (he received 30 votes out of 600).

His political career began in 1988, when Zhirinovsky began to actively participate in meetings of various public organizations and groups that emerged en masse in conditions of glasnost and political freedom. In the spring of 1988, he took an active part in the seminars “Peace and Human Rights”, which were held at the Soviet Peace Committee. It was then that he attracted attention as a speaker. After this, he began to often appear at various political meetings of informal groups, where he discussed the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of party. At the beginning of May 1988, Vladimir Zhirinovsky participated in the Founding Congress of the Democratic Union party, but refused to join this organization. According to information and expert group "Panorama", Zhirinovsky spoke at the final meeting of the congress with a proposal to exclude from the Party Declaration the words: "The CPSU led the people through crimes."

Soon Zhirinovsky came up with the idea of ​​creating a Social Democratic Party and wrote a draft party program. He distributed this program, amounting to one typewritten page, among activists of Moscow informal groups, including the Free Interprofessional Association of Workers and the Democratic Perestroika club. In the second half of 1988, Zhirinovsky participated in the creation of the legal Jewish national movement and spoke at the founding conference of the Soviet society of Jewish culture "Sholom". Zhirinovsky was elected a member of the board of the Society along with the former first secretary of the Birobidzhan regional committee of the CPSU Lev Shapiro and the Zionist Yuli Kosharovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as a member of the board of the Society, supervised 4 sections: humanitarian-legal, philosophical-religious, historical and foreign economic relations. However, the Society of Jewish Culture as a public organization did not actually take place. In the spring of 1989, together with Vladimir Bogachev, who broke away from the Democratic Party of Lev Ubozhko (previously both of them - Bogachev and Ubozhko - were expelled from the DS party), Zhirinovsky created the initiative group of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The LDP program became a short draft program of the Social Democratic Party. In 1991, Zhirinovsky registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union with the Ministry of Justice (with the collapse of the Union, the LDP changed its status to Russian and acquired the name LDPR). In the same year, Zhirinovsky supported the State Emergency Committee, opposed the Belovezhsky Accords of Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich and, having made a record rise for a novice politician, took third place in the Russian presidential elections. Having gained almost 8 percent of the vote, he passed ahead only to Yeltsin and Ryzhkov. Zhirinovsky’s promises to reduce vodka prices played an important role in achieving this result. Vladimir Volfovich's subsequent actions were no less extravagant. For example, he appealed to the then Speaker of the Supreme Council Ruslan Khasbulatov with a call to disperse the “anti-Russian and anti-state” government of Boris Yeltsin and in return proposed his own shadow cabinet, where the writer Eduard Limonov was the Minister of Security, and the leader of the punk group “DK” was entrusted with overseeing the cultural sphere. Sergei Zharikov.

In the conflict between B. Yeltsin and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1993, he took the side of the President of the Russian Federation. He participated in the Constitutional Conference convened by Yeltsin, supported the presidential draft of the Constitution, as well as Decree No. 1400, which terminated the powers of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies and called elections to a new representative body - the Federal Assembly. Motivating his position, he said that, being in conflict with both the Kremlin and the White House, in this case he chose the “lesser evil” and therefore took the side of the President. Zhirinovsky outlined his political views in the autobiographical and journalistic books “The Last Throw to the South” (1993) and “The Last Car to the North” (1995), which provoked a lively public reaction. Zhirinovsky repeatedly persistently spoke out in favor of banning the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as well as in favor of burying the body of V.I. Lenin.

In the parliamentary elections that followed in December 1993, the LDPR was ahead of all other parties in terms of the number of votes received. In December 1995, Zhirinovsky was re-elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation on the LDPR list. In total, the LDPR collected 11.18 percent of the votes, which allowed Zhirinovsky to create the second largest and most important faction in the State Duma of the second convocation after the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Since then, the LDPR has managed to maintain a presence in the Duma, although the size of the faction has decreased in recent years. On December 7, 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation from the electoral association Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Leader of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the first and second convocations. He entrusted the leadership of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third and fourth convocations to his son Igor Lebedev, and he himself became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Since October 2005 - member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects. Doctor of Philosophy (defended his dissertation for an academic degree on the topic “The Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation” on April 24, 1998). Academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences. Since January 2003, he has been a professor at the Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order (a public organization created in 1999). Author of numerous publications in the press. On June 5, 2001, Vladimir Zhirinovsky presented to journalists a complete collection of his works in 55 volumes. At the presentation of his works, the LDPR leader emphasized that his works are “the collective work of the party and its faction.” Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (January 2001). The title was awarded by Decree of the President of Russia "for his contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood." Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (April 2006). Accepting the award, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, for whom, according to him, this is the first order in his life, recalled the difficult history of domestic parliamentarism in pre-revolutionary and late Soviet times and wished deputies never to fight with state power.

“Each woman gets a man, each man gets 3 rubles.60 kopecks worth of vodka, and they both get 2 rubles.20 kopecks worth of sausages. We’ll wash our boots in the Indian Ocean!” Approximately the same program by V.V. We remember Zhirinovsky from the time he ran for the post of President of the Russian Federation. Seductive, however, program! Capacious, simple, intelligible. I remember another catchphrase of his: “We need to legalize polygamy in our country!” Why not legalize polyandry as well? And then we will definitely live like in Sweden, because the families are “Swedish”!

How is V.V. Zhirinovsky going to win votes today? Let's look at the program of the LDPR party at the last State Duma elections.

1.“The LDPR stands for the Russians!“Give the Russian people the status of a state-forming nation. If there are no Russians, there will be no Russia. Good for Russians - good for everyone! We are building our common Russian House for the Russians and with all the indigenous peoples of Russia!”

Where are we going to put the rest of the nationalities of the Russian Federation? Will we send you to hell, or will we just kill you? Well, so that the Russians don’t have a “good” life. Or will only Russians live “well”, and “all the indigenous peoples of Russia” will build? That is, let's return to the slave system? Russians will live “well”, and “indigenous peoples” will plow? Basically, a play on words. Nothing.

2.“It is necessary to “unite within Russia (on a voluntary basis) all the territories of the former USSR, proving that in the context of dramatic geopolitical and climatic changes in the world, only united and strong powers can be viable"

It clearly smacks of imperialism. Here, Vladimir Volfovich, there is a small snag. And who will feed all these “former socialist republics”? Are the Caucasus and Chechnya not enough for you today? Want more parasites? Judging by the history of recent years, after the collapse of the USSR, our “near abroad” somehow did not gain a strong foothold in the world economic arena. Except for those who successfully sell drugs, of course.

3. “The LDPR party believes that full-scale industrialization should be carried out in Russia. Restore the industry destroyed in the 1990s, without which the country’s further progress is impossible. But on new, innovative principles. We need green industrialization.”

Here!!! Here it is! “Privatization” is not enough for our oligarchs; let’s “restore” all the plants and factories that have long been owned by “shareholders” at the expense of the state treasury! Vladimir Volfovich, what have the “owners” of these “industry” been doing for the last 20 years? Why didn’t you carry out the notorious presidential “modernization” together with your “green industrialization” at your own expense? Where did the money go that was siphoned out of these “industry”? There is a loophole for corruption! Oh, how sweet the state “feeding trough” is! You can't pull it right by the ears!

4. “Eliminate and write off debts for rent, electricity and gas for all pensioners, for all Russian citizens with incomes of less than 7 thousand rubles at the expense of additional federal budget revenues. Write off the debts of agricultural organizations, farmers, and everyone who works on the land using additional federal budget revenues.”

What a fool! And I, like the last idiot, paid for it all! No, good thesis, no words. This just begs the question: who will compile these lists for debt repayment? Our valiant housing and communal services, energy and Gazprom themselves? And until when will we cover our debts using “additional federal budget revenues”? And farmers need help. Here is a complete “Odobryams!” But why again from the treasury? And who will check the lists of these farmers? Not a loophole, but a whole Babylonian gate for corruption! After all, there is another way out - just stop “eating red caviar with spoons” and start buying farm-made bread, milk and meat. And I’d better not say anything about resellers and wholesalers. Otherwise, they will “ban” - a three-story Russian mat is not listed on the Internet.

5. “The LDPR supports the population of Russia and demands the establishment of a minimum wage of 50 rubles per hour, since 2014 - 100 rubles per hour. Work is provided first to Russian citizens, then to migrants. Cancel income tax on earnings up to 10 thousand rubles per month. Introduce an additional tax on excess income."

And again “Odobryams!” Will private entrepreneurs also have to pay their employees wages at the rate of 50-100 rubles per hour? The thesis, frankly speaking, is purely populist. Honestly speaking, when will it finally reach our people and all those in power and “like them” that we need to pay for WORK, for the competitive product produced, and not for time stupidly spent at work? We do not produce anything worthwhile, our “brands” are oil, gas, diamonds and timber! Where are all our “scientific geniuses” who are already receiving “heavy cash” today for their “scientific and technical innovative research”? By God, it’s a shame for the State!

6. “The LDPR believes that it is necessary to pay attention to “remote territories, especially Siberia and the Far East. 80% of natural resources, but 20% of the population, are concentrated here. Serious salary increases, preferential housing, roads, and the development of processing industries should become the basis for the settlement of these fertile places. Over the next five years, implement the principle of a tax-free economy in the Far Eastern Federal District. The same principle should be applied in the Kaliningrad region.”

Along the way, I know where the “non-Russians” will be exiled and where “all the indigenous peoples of Russia” will really work! In order for people to strive “to the wilderness, to Siberia,” they must first establish at least some order there! Well, at least catch and imprison all the killers for a start! Where are you taking us, Vladimir Volfovich? A never-drying alcoholic straight to the point? Or hide in dugouts in the forest to stay alive? The idea of ​​the thesis is wonderful, but the ways to solve the problem are somehow “murky.” And in general, maybe it’s enough to live only on the countless “natural resources” of our “blessed places”? What will we leave for the children?

7. “Fundamentally change budget policy. Dramatically increase investment in mechanical engineering and construction. Fill local budgets by redistributing taxes between the center and regions. Now 90% of local budgets are in deficit, everyone is on their knees before the center.”

I beg your pardon, but who adopted the Budget Code and approved the state budget annually? Or were you not at those State Duma meetings? Or, excuse me, will our elected, highly paid deputies only receive a salary, and we will write the laws? The question arises: why do we need the State Duma at all?

8. “Promote the cult of family in society. The concept of “maternity capital” should be renamed “family capital” and increased to 500 thousand rubles with an annual increase outstripping inflation for the birth of the first child and 700 thousand rubles for the birth of the second. Give this money, among other things, to improve living conditions. To strengthen the family and increase the birth rate, reduce the working day for women with children under 14 years of age by two hours and increase annual leave to 35 days.”

On this occasion, I want to say in the words of my 87-year-old grandmother: “And we, fools, gave birth for free!” Of course, maternity capital is a good thing. But what about those who are infertile or, due to age, can no longer give birth to children? That is, all the “youngsters,” thanks to this point of the program, will “roll like cheese in butter,” and the rest of the women will hunch their backs like damned ones so that the state has the funds to pay off the “family capital”? Inequality results in injustice. It's a shame! At the same time, undermining its own economy and devaluing its own currency. Inflation will simply go through the roof! And we will never be able to keep up with rising prices, especially for housing.

9. “The LDPR party is for the promotion of culture - to the masses. Not all of our citizens today have enough money to go to theater performances or concert halls. The LDPR considers it quite appropriate to give free unpurchased places to the poor and large families to attend cultural and sporting events. Thus, we will improve the culture of citizens and reduce the level of drug addiction, alcoholism and crime in general.”

Not a bad thesis. I just don’t understand how this can affect the reduction of vices in our society. Mostly intelligent people go to performances and concerts. Alcoholics and drug addicts, and especially criminals, most likely will not fall for “high culture”. But in order to steal or rob, they can line up for free countermarks. It can be a very successful “going to the theatre”. And drug addicts will have somewhere to get high - warm, dry, dark. And drunks can generally stage a “one-man show” in front of the public. And from the same queue for counterfeit stamps, these representatives of society can easily push out our poor intelligentsia, just “to laugh.” Here we need to decide: either to give the poor the opportunity to “touch the high and eternal”, or to reduce “the level of drug addiction, alcoholism and crime ". The thesis must be divided, divided!

10. “Stop the wave of crime in the country by making the police capable and professional. Staff salaries need to be increased

law enforcement agencies at least twice, carry out regular rotation of heads of law enforcement agencies throughout the country. For bribes, deprive of titles and positions, subject to unconditional criminal punishment.”

Previously, they were punished by confiscation of property. Now everyone has become a lawyer, all they have is a cap, nothing to take from them, poor people. And crime must be stopped not by increasing police salaries, but by the preventive work of the same police among the population. The capacity of the police is determined by its high professionalism. A police officer should initially have professionalism as a given. Otherwise, what does a person do in the police anyway? And the Criminal Code is already tired of being added and rewritten, like schoolchildren who haven’t finished their homework! A NEW one has been needed for a long time. And be sure to return the confiscation of property to it, even from relatives of the embezzler up to the 7th generation! Otherwise, as it happens here: an unemployed father of a family is imprisoned for 3 years for a sack of potatoes, and a stealing official is fined 100 rubles for a “government shortage” of billions of dollars. Theater of the Absurd!

This is such an unrealistically “fabulous” program! Or is it fabulously “unreal”?

For some reason I didn’t find anything about washing boots in the Indian Ocean. I can imagine the picture: all 140 million of us, with axes and pitchforks, attacked India, whose population is more than 1 billion. As in the joke: “They report to the Secretary General of China: “Bulgaria has declared war on us!” Secretary General: “And what hotel did they stay at?” Apparently, Vladimir Volfovich bought himself a ticket to Goa, since he excluded the item on the Indian Ocean from the party program.

So what will happen if Zhirinovsky becomes president?

All “non-Russians” and “indigenous peoples of Russia” will build houses for Russians under the project name “Russian House”.

There will be a “voluntary” unification of the former Soviet republics. It’s like in the first cartoon about Shrek: “Get us some guests!”

After which, it seems, Russians will go to work in Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, because only there there will be “immeasurable money” due to the high birth rate of the local population. After all, “family capital” will be paid for each child (!). And in Central Asian countries, high birth rates were the talk of the town back in the days of the Soviet Union.

Our salary will be 100 rubles per hour. Everyone! And brilliant scientists promoting progress, and fat women selling sunflower seeds at the market. Equality and brotherhood!

The debts of the population will be written off, factories will be re-equipped. This will all be done at the expense of the state treasury. And the debts of the population will grow and grow, because the lists will be written by those to whom the budget money is transferred.

Those who did not go to Central Asia will be driven to Siberia to develop its countless natural resources. With pickaxes and shovels. Doesn't it remind you of anything?

I almost forgot! Our bitter drunks and clueless drug addicts, along with other criminal elements, will gather in crowds outside theaters, cinemas and other highly cultural establishments every week, from Thursday to Sunday. The poor and those with many children have never seen the theater and never will. Because the criminal element went to work. Poor theater and film lovers who themselves paid a lot of money for their passion for high art! Sitting next to a stinking alcoholic, a drug addict getting high, or a criminal rummaging through your purse and playing with a penknife - you can’t imagine a worse punishment!

The police departments will not know who their boss is in the morning, and who will be appointed in the evening. Rotation of managers, however! Therefore, no one will care about the problems of the population - in whose name should the application be written?

The army, judging by the program, will generally be disbanded, along with nuclear weapons. Healthcare will be completely transferred to Israel - there are good clinics there, so why should they waste it in vain? Education - 3rd grade parish school. It’s enough to swing a pick and shovel in Siberia.

And, in the end, the dear LDPR, led by the “beloved” V.V. Zhirinovsky, will sit down at the “broken trough”, popularly called the “state treasury”, and in the President’s New Year’s address we will hear: “We need to raise taxes. 500 percent! And introduce another 500 additional taxes and fees. Otherwise, we don’t have the money to pay “family capital” to Uzbeks and Tajiks!”

Definitely, Vladimir Volfovich! The country's budget is “our everything”!

And somewhere in this society of equality and brotherhood there must be Russians who live “good”. Somehow they are not visible here. Probably in London...

Not a happy picture. “We wanted the best, it turned out as always!”

But Vladimir Volfovich is a highly educated person: lawyer, orientalist, international specialist, doctor of philosophy. He is the founder and permanent leader of the LDPR, has orders and medals of the Russian Federation, has released 22 books and 2 solo albums. Colonel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, retired. A brilliant speaker. An exemplary family man. Speaks 4 languages. They say correctly, a talented person is talented in everything. By the way, the resignation of Yu.M. Luzhkov - the merit of V.V. Zhirinovsky. This means that a person has an idea of ​​social justice. And he is a cultured man! Otherwise, where does the program include the thesis about introducing uncultured alcoholics and drug addicts to high culture, although there is not a word about the army or the country’s defense capability. It just doesn’t fit right in...

Maybe he should change his PR manager? Or a copywriter?

I deeply respect Vladimir Volfovich for his work on Russian legislation and in no way am I trying to tarnish the name of a well-known politician, but simply to express my thoughts on this matter.

Being a very smart person with two higher educations in the humanities, he explains his position very cogently and truly amazes with his deep knowledge. Many Russians have seen his brilliant performances and will not argue with me. But with regards to the behavior of Vladimir Volfovich, this is a separate, very significant point. This man walked to power for a very long time and stubbornly and developed enormous willpower in controversial litigation. In the process of becoming a great politician, Vladimir Volfovich became a tough opponent for his colleagues and everything seems to be fine, but his emotions cross out a lot of good thoughts that arise in the process of his listening.

I remember when Zhirinovsky last ran for president, he was on the TV show “To the Barrier”, where his opponent was Prokhorov, whom, in my opinion, he morally destroyed in his favorite manner, using facts, statics and other data. And just the same, everything would be fine, but only his pressure goes beyond all limits when he proves something, that is, pronouncing quite sensible things, he pronounces them with such intonation that it is more like Hitler’s speech in Munich. And there is another facet to him when he goes too far, which is what happened when Pugacheva came under his blow. To be honest, I’m definitely not her fan, but talking to her in public in such a tone was tantamount to digging a hole for yourself, it doesn’t seem big, but it’s unpleasant to trip over it.

At some point, due to his too strong and insane assertiveness, they began to consider him a buffoon, for example, when he spoke at a government meeting this year, many people laughed at his ideas, although there were quite a lot of interesting ideas, one might say creative, but Vladimir Volfovich delivered all this with the same “unsparing” intonation. When I watch his speeches on the eve of the elections, I understand that I will not be able to vote for him, because it seems to me that if he comes to power, then we will definitely fight with someone, since his ideas and emotional state coincide with this direction . Vladimir Volfovich allows himself a lot, even the president cannot allow himself to behave like this, because he is fully aware of the responsibility he bears on his shoulders, Vladimir Vladimirovich is diplomatic to the core, which certainly has its weight in relations between countries, in turn Zhirinovsky can say and walk away without any remorse. The people see this and love him because he can say everything and deny himself nothing, which is why Vladimir Volfovich is valuable to Russia as a legislator.