home · Networks · Stuffed peppers with cottage cheese. Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese, garlic and herbs Bell peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs

Stuffed peppers with cottage cheese. Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese, garlic and herbs Bell peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs

Today I want to prepare a salty variation of a cottage cheese snack with herbs and garlic. For an original serving of this cold appetizer, we stuff bell peppers with curd mixture. Before you serve the appetizer, all you need to do is cut the stuffed peppers into rings. This spicy pepper can be served both on a festive table and on ordinary days as an addition to the main dish. It's the perfect summer snack, low-fat and made with fresh vegetables. Peppers for appetizers can be used in different colors. It will be very beautiful if you make a traffic light appetizer by preparing a dish of red, green and yellow bell peppers. We do not use mayonnaise, so the snack can rightfully be considered healthy. The only thing is that it doesn’t last very long, especially in the summer, especially in the heat.
We will also have peppers stuffed with cottage cheese with garlic and herbs interspersed with bright tomatoes, the dish turns out cute and appetizing.

Taste Info Vegetable snacks


  • bell pepper 1-2 pcs.;
  • fat cottage cheese 120 g;
  • butter (room temperature) 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard boiled egg 1 pc.;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • dill to taste;
  • chili pepper to taste;
  • tomato 0.5 pcs.;
  • honey 0.5 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook peppers stuffed with cottage cheese, garlic and herbs

First prepare the filling for the stuffed peppers. To do this, use fatty cottage cheese without lumps. The fattier the cottage cheese, the better the filling will hold in the pepper.

First boil one small egg, peel a clove of garlic. The butter for the recipe should be at room temperature, otherwise it will form pieces in the filling.

Place the cottage cheese, garlic and butter with the egg in a blender bowl. Now add one spoon of thick sour cream.

Grind the filling in a blender for several minutes until smooth. If you don't have a blender nearby, just use a fork to thoroughly mix the curd filling.

For bright splashes, use a tomato or pepper of a different color. Cut the tomato fillet without the seeds and chop into small cubes. Chop the dill as desired. With dill you can add green onions or other spicy herbs.

Place the curd filling into a bowl and mix well with the tomato and herbs. To smooth out the sour taste of the filling, add a little honey. Use salt and hot pepper to taste.

Now prepare the bell peppers. To do this, rinse it and cut off the cap and stem. This time I have green peppers, but you can use peppers of different shades.

Take a teaspoon of the curd filling and stuff the peppers tightly. The appetizer is ready, but the filling inside needs to harden inside the pepper. To do this, wrap the stuffed peppers with cottage cheese in a bag and put them in the refrigerator for an hour or in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Remove the stuffed peppers from the refrigerator before serving and cut into portions with a sharp knife.

Beautifully arrange the stuffed peppers with curd filling on a plate and immediately serve. I recommend eating this snack chilled.

Tasty and beautiful, healthy and inexpensive snack - stuffed peppers with cottage cheese and greens. The market is full of juicy, colorful, autumn bell peppers, and it’s time to prepare a variety of winter preparations with them. But it’s even better to eat these peppers fresh, without heat treatment, in various vegetable salads and snacks, so that the body receives natural vitamins.

Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese are great for a holiday table, as they are a bright and tasty appetizer. And for the everyday table this is a simple, nutritious and very quick snack. Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese keep well in the refrigerator for a couple of days. You can prepare this snack in advance and store it in the refrigerator without cutting it into rings. This is also a very tasty breakfast dish if you exclude garlic from the ingredients or replace it with dry granulated garlic.


  • 3 (medium size)
  • 2 tbsp
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • half a bunch of parsley or dill (you can add a little basil)

How to cook peppers stuffed with cottage cheese

1. Finely chop the parsley leaves.

2. Place the ingredients in a cup: cottage cheese, chopped garlic, salt and pepper, and mayonnaise. Grind the mixture thoroughly with a fork or using a blender. You should get a homogeneous, pasty mass.

3. Add chopped herbs and mix well. The filling is ready.

4. Wash the pepper, cut out the stalk and remove the seeds.

5. Fill and stuff the prepared peppers with curd mixture. The filling must be compacted very well, compacted so that there are no voids.

6. In principle, the appetizer is already ready; the peppers can be cut into thick rings and served. But it would be better to let the snack cool for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, or put it in the freezer for twenty minutes. Then the filling will set better and the rings will turn out neater and more beautiful.

The appetizer is the first component of the meal. Therefore, to ensure you hit the target with your starter dish, you need to choose a tasty dish. And baked peppers stuffed with cottage cheese can become just such a dish.
Recipe contents:

Stuffed peppers are one of our favorite dishes. However, when uttering this phrase, many immediately mean the traditional hot second course. Since most often peppers are stuffed with rice and meat, less often with vegetables or mushrooms. But today, for lovers of hot appetizers, I offer a more dietary option: bake the peppers in the oven, taking cottage cheese and chopped herbs as your allies. Just 10-15 minutes and the delicious dish is ready to serve. The appetizer is prepared from completely accessible, and most importantly, most beloved products that do not require any special culinary tricks in preparation.

Surely many people cannot even imagine the combination of cottage cheese and vegetables. Because cottage cheese is generally associated as a breakfast dish with fresh fruit or jam, and vegetables, of course, with salad. But dairy products in the company of vegetables and herbs turn into a real holiday dish. In addition, this snack is low-calorie and very healthy. It contains a lot of fiber, calcium, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 76 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Sweet bell pepper - 1 pc. (any color)
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Dill greens - small bunch
  • Ground paprika - 1/3 tsp.
  • Salt - 1/5 tsp. or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife

Cooking baked peppers stuffed with cottage cheese

1. Place cottage cheese in a deep container. Add ground paprika, chopped dill, a pinch of salt and pepper to it.

2. Mix the curd filling well, kneading all lumps.

3. Wash the peppers under running water, dry with a paper towel and cut in half. Remove the core with the seeds, but leave the tails, otherwise it will not hold its shape.

For this dish, I advise you to take sweet fruits with thick, fleshy walls, since thin-walled ones will hold their shape worse.

4. Stuff the peppers tightly with curd filling.

5. Grate the hard cheese on a medium grater and sprinkle the curd filling on top.

6. Place the peppers in a baking dish, cover them with a lid or food foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

For a long time Bell pepper was valued so highly that it was practically worth its weight in gold. During feudalism, they were given bribes, paid fines, and were given as gifts to wealthy townspeople. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it is called Bulgarian.

The sweet vegetable very quickly conquered the Mediterranean countries, and recipes spread with amazing speed. "With taste" will tell you about one of these ways to cook pepper, which can rightfully be considered a property Bulgarian cuisine.

You will need fleshy oblong peppers and a little feta cheese, which, if desired, can be replaced with grated cottage cheese. Peppers with cheese and herbs- a hearty and savory snack.



  1. 1 Place the peppers on a greased baking sheet and drizzle with oil. Bake at 180 degrees until soft and brown on the sides.
  2. 2 Once the peppers are baked, place them in a bag to soak a little. Peel the cooled peppers, remove the seeds and cut each one lengthwise into two halves.
  3. 3 Chop the greens and mix them with cheese. Add salt, pepper, mix, season with oil and mix again, mashing well with a fork. The filling is ready!
  4. 4 Place the filling on the pepper strips and wrap them into small rolls. If necessary, use toothpicks to secure them.

Attention! This dish is served cold and is best served with garlic sauce. Mint and parsley can be replaced with basil and dill. It is possible to serve the peppers hot, but then it is best to take and stuff the peppers with it before baking. How will you use this recipe? Share it with your friends, find out their opinion!

In the summer you don’t want to cook anything complicated at all, and the atmosphere contributes to this. There are a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits around, and it seems that you can only eat snacks, preferably cold ones. And even if you plan to go to a barbecue, you still want to add something vegetable, light and stimulating to the appetite to the main meat dish. The best choice is bell pepper stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs. If you are going on a picnic, you can prepare all the ingredients in advance and assemble the final version of the snack on the spot. This snack is also suitable for those who love healthy and dietary food.

To prepare peppers with cottage cheese and herbs we will need:

  • Large bell peppers – 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese (any fat content) – 200g.
  • Butter – 20 g (can be replaced with low-fat sour cream).
  • Salt, pepper, paprika - to taste
  • Fresh herbs – 1 bunch
  • Nuts, tomatoes, boiled egg, mustard, garlic, olives - optional.

Cooking method:

To serve the appetizer, you can prepare peppers in several ways: cut off the “lid” along with the stalk; cut lengthwise along with the stalk; cut into quarters. In all cases, the fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of seeds and pulp and rinsed well with water.

If you decide to use the first method, you need to stuff the “cups” very tightly with the filling, then put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After cooling the appetizer, carefully cut into rings with a sharp knife and serve in portions.

In the second and third cases, filling halves or quarters, you can decorate them with green leaves, thinly sliced ​​olives or halves of cherry tomatoes.

To make the appetizer look more elegant, you can take peppers of different colors - red, yellow, green. You should choose fleshy fruits that are not very large in size. When choosing cottage cheese, pay attention to the fat content - the lower the percentage of fat content, the drier the filling will be; you may need to add a little sour cream so that the filling in the pepper does not fall apart. The butter must be taken out in advance so that it is warm by the time the filling is prepared, otherwise it will not “disperse.” You can replace butter with the same amount of olive oil.

In order to diversify the taste of stuffed peppers with cottage cheese and herbs, you can divide the filling into several parts and add additional ingredients to each. It can be chopped nuts, finely chopped tomatoes, grated boiled egg, mustard, garlic... whatever comes to your mind, don’t limit your imagination and try several options for this wonderful snack. For example, peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic will be an excellent pairing for any main dish of meat or poultry.

In the oven

You can also bake peppers with cottage cheese in the oven and you will get a side dish for meat, but you can also eat it as an independent dish. To prepare, take vegetables and cut them into quarters. Cottage cheese, mix it with one egg, add chopped garlic, grated cheese, herbs, a couple of tablespoons of butter and mix the resulting mass. Then stuff the peppers, pour olive oil on top and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Baked until golden brown. The dish should be served after it has cooled. Bon appetit!

Recipe for stuffed peppers with cream cheese

Stuffed peppers with curd cheese are prepared according to the same recipe, only you need to replace the cottage cheese with curd cheese. Curd cheese has a delicate and salty taste - this should be taken into account when determining the amount of salt in the filling. To give a smoother texture, you can mix equal amounts of cottage cheese and cottage cheese to create peppers stuffed with cheese and cottage cheese. This unusual snack will definitely surprise you and your loved ones!