home · electrical safety · Fortune telling on the runes of one roommate. Fortune telling on runes for relationships with a man: examples of layouts. Vunyo - inverted position

Fortune telling on the runes of one roommate. Fortune telling on runes for relationships with a man: examples of layouts. Vunyo - inverted position

Help from Higher Powers can improve life or shed light on a situation that seems incomprehensible. Magic rituals can not only help in solving a problem and show options for action, but also cleanse a person’s energy field. Runic flows are known in different countries; they are used both in ordinary everyday scenarios to solve simple issues and for complex problems.

The outcome of fortune telling depends on the correct reading of the runes and whether the person will receive help from the Higher Powers. It is better to carry out the ritual away from prying eyes, so that no one interferes with tuning into the problem. Before starting, be sure to thank the Guardian Angel and ask for an answer to the question. Then take out three runes from the bag and arrange them from left to right. The first will mean the reason why the ritual is performed. The second will show the solution to the problem, specific actions that need to be taken to achieve the result. The third rune predicts the possible outcome of events.

This is an easy way to get answers to questions from runes. Practicing magicians recommend Depending on the type of problem, make special layouts, this will help to obtain a comprehensive answer to the question.

Interpretation of symbols in love readings

In order to see the answer from the layout, you need to know the interpretation of each symbol and its exact name. The most common are:

Fortune telling for a lover

This version of fortune telling will help reveal the inner world of your loved one and find out what to expect from your partner in the future, and whether a positive outcome of events is possible. And also the runes will help determine whether the life partner has been chosen correctly and whether the feelings are mutual.

Before starting, a table or surface for fortune telling must be cover with a dark tablecloth. Collect the runes in a bag and mix them well. Then take out one sign at a time and arrange it. Each character has a meaning:

Relationship outlook for the future

This alignment is for the marriage prospects and the possible consequences of the union. The interpretation of fortune telling can shed light on the future of the couple and whether the lovers will be able to fully realize themselves and their potential together.

It is better to do the alignment on the full moon or on the growing month, according to runologists - this is the optimal time for fortune telling, enhancing the result.

The runes must first be mixed and arranged. Each position will be responsible for certain life moments:

The meaning of inverted runes

Each symbol has a designation and it can be interpreted not only by its direct meaning, but also by its position in the layout. But if the rune falls upside down, its meaning changes:

The interpretation of runes primarily depends on the type of alignment and the questions that need to be answered. You can’t guess often, because this makes the symbols lose their power and cannot be cleared of previous questions, that is, there will be no clarity from the runes in this case.

Where to get runes

The choice of a magical instrument should be approached seriously, because the result of fortune telling will depend on this in the future. The first runes need to be made independently so that the signs become attached to the energy of the owner. The shape is rectangular, so it is easier to determine whether the inverted symbol has fallen out or not. As for the material, it can be wood or stone. There is no need to take plastic or soft fabrics for making runes, as fortune telling may be difficult.

You can buy runes in an esoteric store, but do it on an auspicious day so that the tool will be useful in the future.

Runic layouts will help not only in terms of relationships or for solving love problems. It is also a good option for everyday questions or everyday tasks. Thanks to the wisdom and knowledge of the ancients, life can be greatly simplified and many annoying situations can be avoided.

I used runes several times - I made a layout for relationships. The result surprised me. Although I do not practice magic professionally, the answers were clear and understandable. The interpretation was done as indicated. Much of the fortune telling came true.

I was interested in the meaning of runes in love scenarios. I could not read and interpret the meaning correctly because I had not heard about inverted signs. If I came across such a symbol, I thought that I needed to read it as usual. This made the ritual lose all meaning.

An interesting article, especially a detailed interpretation of runes in love scenarios.

Attention, TODAY only!

As a rule, people turn to the help of runes on “male” issues, considering issues of career, business, and personal growth. Expert Astro7 suggests getting acquainted with the features of runes in fortune telling for relationships and love.

It's no secret that most often people turn to an expert for advice about relationships. Loves or doesn’t love, will he marry or not, will we stay together or separate - these are the questions I am asked most often. At the beginning of my acquaintance with runes, I read from some researchers (mostly men) that the runic oracle is a harsh system that is mainly intended for counseling on career and business issues, or, in extreme cases, on issues related to personal and spiritual growth. And that fortune telling about love using runes is inappropriate. In most books on the mantle of runes, among the meanings most often given are those associated with the “solar”, masculine nature - self-realization in work and achievements of the external sphere.

A little history of runes

This one-sided approach immediately struck me as suspicious. Of course, in the Scandinavian pantheon there are such gods as Wodan (also known as Odin), who patronizes poets, warriors, occultists - it was he who became the archetype of the magician, and such characters as, for example, Gandalf and Dumbledore appeared in popular culture. The image of Thor has been replicated so much that it needs no introduction. It is not surprising that he became the most popular of all the Scandinavian gods, since he traditionally patronized the “proletariat” - workers, peasants, and, in earlier times, slaves. As a matter of fact, Thor is the main defender of Midgard, the habitat of people, so such popular love is quite understandable. Modern neo-pagans also worship such gods as Tyr - the keeper of law and order, Freyr - the god of the summer sun and fertility, Njord - the god of the sea and wealth, the "shining ace" - Heimdall - the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Ull - the god of winter, the god - the werewolf, an insidious deceiver Loki. Despite such an abundance of masculine characters, the Scandinavian pantheon is not deprived of beautiful ladies; it is represented by such goddesses as the prophetic Frigga - the wife of Odin - she has knowledge of the destinies of all people and gods, the goddess of love, passion, seith (female witchcraft). Also known are Freya, Idunn the goddess - the keeper of apples that give the gods eternal youth, Hel - the “minister” of the kingdom of the dead, the goddess of winter Skadi, Sif - the wife of Thor, the patroness of ripe ears of corn, the harvest, as well as Saga, the goddess of memory. So, logically speaking, one can understand that such a magical tool as runes was probably used by both men and women. Moreover, history has preserved evidence that among the runic shamans there were representatives of both sexes. Having studied runes for many years and keeping runic diaries, I noticed that runes perfectly tell about relationships between people and their various nuances. The only thing is that very often the meaning of runes for relationships differs from those given in manuals and books on “fortune telling by runes.” Therefore, in this article I want to share my observations with you.

Rune Fehu - meaning in the upright position

The traditional meaning of this rune is wealth, livestock (the main “currency” in ancient times), money. Fehu, the first Futhark rune, it says that the relationship began recently, or resumed after a breakup and separation. Sometimes this rune appears if one of the partners has a mercantile interest. Some researchers believe that this rune is associated with harmony in the lower mental centers; I have not seen this in my practice; rather, it is the rune of the “candy-bouquet” period, the beauty and romance of relationships. Lovers receive a kind of loan from higher powers in the form of free energy to show their best sides and charm their partner.

Rune Fehu - inverted position

In some cases, it’s just a partner - a cheapskate, “Here’s your ring, you cheapskate!” Where’s the box?” Or she says that the relationship cannot be saved. It may also be a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements in the family regarding financial issues.

Uruz - upright position

A favorable sign, this is the rune responsible for “physics” and sexual desire, since it is more than any other rune associated with the body, health, and libido. It says that a person is ready to do a lot for the sake of such a relationship, especially if it comes from the “male” side of the alignment. It’s not a very good sign if a woman ends up in the position of “obstacles to building relationships.” Practice shows that most often in such cases the woman puts too much pressure on the man, trying to force the relationship. Or he pays too much active attention to him, and the man goes into autopilot mode, deciding that in this relationship, even without him, “everything is done on its own.” As an obstacle for a man, it means a person who is too authoritarian - “I said to my mother, that means to my mother,” who does not take into account the opinions of others.

Uruz - inverted position

The situation is bad - the union is losing strength, one partner has lost physical attraction to the other, or serious health problems have arisen. Sometimes it says that there is power, but it is not used very smartly and not where it is needed.

Turisaz - straight position

This is one of the heaviest Futhark runes, it is associated with Thor and is graphically similar to his main weapon - the hammer Mölnir. In relationships, it speaks of the possibility of conflicts, quarrels, and scandals. Especially if the Hagalaz or Isa rune is present in the same scenario. Sometimes this rune comes out if one of the partners tries too persistently to convince the other that “I am what you need.”

Turisaz - inverted position

Not the easiest rune to interpret in any scenario. Very often indicates a psychologically squeezed, complex person who does not share negative emotions and experiences with anyone. She keeps everything inside and compacts it, which naturally creates serious obstacles to building relationships. Sometimes it indicates a “man in a case”, conservative, leading an overly secluded lifestyle.

Ansuz - upright position

The word rune speaks of good communication and mutual understanding between partners, especially if the Mannaz rune is present in the same scenario. If a couple has problems, it indicates the need to turn to an outsider with knowledge - a consultant, a priest, a psychologist - to solve problems. It is better not to use this rune in runic talismans if you do not plan to get married, because this is a serious statement to higher powers that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person.

Ansuz - inverted position

A bad sign - they are deceiving you, or rather, they are telling lies, lying. Oracle's advice: don't trust this man. Sometimes it speaks of a person’s reluctance to communicate.

Raido - straight position

This is the rune of the path, the wheel, and most often speaks of travel, travel, and is associated with signing contracts and obtaining information. In relationship plans, it simply means that everything is going as it should. If there were quarrels, there is an opportunity to make peace and restore relationships. This rune is the return of love.

Raido - inverted position

Relationships have lost their positive dynamics, the possibility of quarrels, conflicts, and misunderstandings is increasing. If this has already happened, reconciliation is unlikely.

Kenaz - straight position

The rune of fire speaks of passion, sexual desire, and the revelation of one’s nature in relationships. Psychologically, it means the onset of a period of sincerity, clarity in relationships, and heart-to-heart conversations. If you are in love, this is the oracle's advice not to hide your feelings. Your confessions will be received favorably. There is a belief that if you give your loved one an object with the image of the Kenaz rune applied to it, it will arouse a reciprocal passion in him.

Kenaz - inverted position

“One should expect that the light will dim in any situation, in any relationship. Perhaps a certain friendship will fade, a partnership will end, a marriage will break up,” writes Ralph Blum. There's probably no better way to say it. The fire went out, the passion passed, the cold, the indifference.

Gifu - irreversible rune

A good prognosis for any relationship is a strong union, partnership, engagement, marriage. Relationships are harmonious - in them you both give and receive love. If it comes out in the “obstacle” position, it means that the person is not free - he is married, married or has other relationships that are significant to him.

Vunyo - straight position

Relationships make all your dreams come true, everything is like in a fairy tale! It is not for nothing that the graphic appearance of this rune is compared to a magic wand topped with a magic crystal. If there are difficulties and contradictions in a relationship, they will be resolved in the best possible way. Joy, happiness, apotheosis - these are the main meanings of this rune. It appears in readings infrequently, so this rune is a real gift of fate.

Vunyo - inverted position

Disappointment in a loved one, conflicts, crisis situations. Sometimes it means that “the love boat has crashed into everyday life,” the partners are too bogged down in drab everyday life, they need to shake themselves up, spend more time together, add beauty and romance to the relationship.

Hagalaz - irreversible rune

Rune of hail, elemental forces, destruction. I do not share the opinion that this rune is always a sign that everything is lost and nothing can be done. If the rune begins the alignment, this most often indicates that people broke up after a heated quarrel, or are far from each other, but does not mean that they cannot be together. Sometimes quarrels help to throw out accumulated negative emotions and cleanse relationships of lies and secrecy. A brilliant example of this is shown in the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", when, after a stormy quarrel (and the explosion of their own house), the heroes again come to love, passion and mutual understanding. If it comes out as an obstacle, then it speaks of accumulated anger, which needs to be worked with psychological methods (write “letters of anger,” beat a pillow, and so on). It should be remembered that there is nothing wrong with the fact that you experience anger, because sometimes it is he who will suggest a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Sometimes we expect some miracles in relationships from which it is high time to escape, and the Hagalaz rune clearly speaks of this. If the rune completes the alignment, then, unfortunately, this indicates that this relationship will end, and the chances of preventing this are small. Especially if the layout contains runes such as inverted Kenaz, Isa, Thurisaz or Nautiz.

Nautiz - upright position

“Need, coercion, suffering” (Ralph Blum) - these are the main meanings of this rune. It doesn’t sound too optimistic, but, nevertheless, relationships are perhaps the only area where the Nautiz rune has some relatively positive meaning. The appearance of this rune in a reading may indicate that a person passionately strives to be close to his partner. Most often in such cases I hear “I immediately realized that it was him”, “we should be together”, “she is my only one”. It must be remembered that such passionate intensity can be both constructive and destructive. Other meanings of this rune are not so optimistic - the relationship is going through a difficult period, one of the partners may have financial problems, conflicts at work, a lot of stress and nervous exhaustion, and he (or she) in general now “doesn’t have time for fat, if only I were alive.” " That is, love fades into the background. Sometimes it says that people are still together for reasons far from the sensual - emotional sphere - they cannot exchange an apartment and are forced to live together, pay off a loan, or one partner is economically dependent on the other.

Nautiz - inverted position

“I don’t love you, I don’t need you” - the words of this hit song are the best illustration of this situation. One partner left the relationship and will not return, and he himself explained this unambiguously, as an option - the divorce has already been filed, and the other is still hoping for something. Psychologists call this condition “love addiction.” The Oracle says - you are not needed here, move on, develop. It’s not for nothing that the Nautiz rune is called “the great teacher” (Ralph Blum).

Isa - irreversible rune

The ice rune says that things in a relationship are “not ice” - one partner has lost interest in the other, or has simply disappeared and stopped communicating. On the “male” side, the alignment indicates that there is no passion, or it has passed, infidelity is also possible, especially if Laguz or Berkano are nearby. Also, in men, it speaks of negative emotions that were not experienced in past relationships, childhood psychotraumas that have now “come out” when he fell in love and began to build relationships. Practice also shows that from the “female” side of the alignment, the rune speaks of accumulated grievances against a partner; usually it also means that the relationship lasts quite a long time, although there are some “lucky ones” who manage to cause such “ice” in two to three months communication. Isa is also associated with the fear of failure in relationships. In the best case, the Ice rune advises taking a time out and taking a little break from each other, this is “winter” in a relationship, after which spring will come, especially if this rune is not final, and the layout contains runes such as Sovelu or Yero.

Yero - irreversible rune

The traditional meanings of this rune are year, harvest, harvest, completion. She does not always talk about the end of the relationship, but rather says that it lasted a long time and continues to this day. If the rune completes the alignment, this indicates that the partners will not “scatter”, the relationship will continue for at least a year. In the “obstacle” position it says that the querent (questor) is trying to “run ahead of the locomotive” and is rushing things. In relationships, haste is inappropriate; all phases of relationship development must be completed so that people can find a way to each other’s hearts. The Oracle says that all attempts to force events are inappropriate and will not lead to anything good.

Eyvaz - irreversible rune

One of the most difficult Futhark runes to interpret. In a relationship, this is a situation of suspension and uncertainty. It often happens in the case of a love triangle, when a man rushes between two or even three women and cannot decide who to be with. It also speaks of great doubts - “is this my person”, “maybe it’s better for us to part.” Sometimes it appears as advice to settle legal formalities, for example, a couple separated several years ago, but the divorce has not yet been filed, which, of course, prevents both from organizing their lives. The oracle says - stop wasting energy on doubts, tossing, running around - it’s time to make a decision and act in accordance with it.

Pertro - straight position

The most mysterious rune, its exact translation has not been discovered to this day. Most often it is called the rune of Mystery. It is connected like no other with the concept of karma. It often happens when partners from the past, the so-called “ex”, return. If you have something to hide, then be careful - the secret may become apparent.

Pertro - inverted position

Hiding some information from you, the partner is closed and, most likely, he has something to hide. You will most likely be disappointed in him, quarrels and disagreements are possible due to insincerity.

Algiz - straight position

Nothing pleases the eye more than the rune of Protection from the “male” side of the layout. She says that a man is ready to give his protection, respect, understanding, wants to take care of a woman, protect her. Translated into “female” language - loves. Most often it comes out when a man starts talking about a wedding or at least thinks that “everything is serious with her,” if the rune comes out at the subconscious level. On the “feminine” side, it says that the woman is happy in the relationship - she feels protected and, as a result, loved. Practice shows that most often this happens when a woman is happily married or is preparing for a wedding. By the way, oddly enough, the rune does not appear if people simply live together; it is associated specifically with the “formalization of relationships” - legal marriage.

Algiz - inverted position

Feeling of insecurity, vulnerability. Most often, the rune comes out if the partner cheats. This is also advice to stay away from the person the Oracle is asking about, he may be dangerous. There is a person in your circle who is weaving intrigues and plotting against you.

Sovelo - irreversible rune

The Sun Rune is a wonderful sign! The sun in almost all cultures was associated with the Divine; it is a sign of warm, trusting relationships, undoubted success. Even if the layout contains inverted runes, Sovelo “extinguishes” all the negativity, promising the overcoming of differences and the onset of a period of happiness and love. It speaks of a person’s readiness to move forward, make efforts and acquire the knowledge necessary to build relationships. The person being asked about can be trusted.

Teyvaz - straight position

Rune of Tyr, the one-armed god of war and justice. It is also called the Warrior rune and the Victory rune. In relationship scenarios, it is usually favorable on the “male” side of the layout and speaks of such qualities as responsibility, determination, perseverance, enthusiasm, and willpower. It means that the man is interested in the relationship and is ready to make efforts to ensure that everything works out in the best possible way. If there are any obstacles, he wants and can overcome them. In general, we can say that this is the same “knight on a white horse”, ready to fight for his love. This also suggests that the man seeks the attention of the woman he loves, and not vice versa, that is, the woman behaves correctly in the relationship, provoking the active interest of the man. On the “female” side of the alignment, the rune is less favorable, especially in the “obstacle” position; it very often appears in women with a masculine type of behavior - a kind of punchy, purposeful woman, like Scarlett O'Hara. Such qualities are highly valued at work, but in relationships with men they are inappropriate. This is advice to be more feminine, soft, diplomatic and even a little cunning, especially if there are Ansuz and Laguz runes nearby. Sometimes it simply says that the man about whom the woman asks the Oracle is very important and dear to her.

Teyvaz - inverted position

Not the most pleasant sight in love scenarios is a sluggish, inert man with no initiative. It often occurs in a relationship at the “half-life stage,” when the man decided that he no longer needed this relationship, the woman became uninteresting to him and he decided to leave. But not through quarrels and conflicts (this is Hagalaz), but simply to slowly “merge”. Often, runes such as inverted Algiz, Kenaz, Eyvaz are nearby. Unfortunately, if the questioner is a woman, then this is a sign that this man will disappear from her life.

Berkano - upright position

Rune of growth, development, femininity, motherhood, family. A good sign in relationship scenarios - it indicates that the couple has a future, marriage and the birth of children are possible. It often occurs in pregnant women or those who already have children. A wonderful talisman for women and girls. The only not very pleasant meaning of this rune is a rival. Practice shows that if the rune comes out from the “male” side of the layout, and even in the “obstacle” position, this indicates that the man is married and, most likely, he has children.

Berkano - inverted position

Not a very good omen - the growth of relationships, their transition from one stage to another has encountered obstacles, such as - you need to look at the neighboring runes. For example, if Isa is nearby, it can talk about aggravated problems from the past, unprocessed childhood psychotraumas of one of the partners. Reversed Uruz says that one partner puts too much pressure on the other, rushes, and so on. If the questioner is a man, then the rune speaks of the presence in his life of a woman who is a problem, unsuitable for starting a family, and sometimes speaks of problems with his mother.

Evaz - straight position

The rune of movement, horses, speaks of wonderful harmony between people. She also speaks of physical attractiveness, excellent sexual compatibility, especially if Pertro or Laguz is nearby. Relationships move forward, develop, bringing joy and pleasure. If the questioner is lonely, he won’t stay that way for long, this rune speaks of the possibility of finding his “soul mate” in the near future.

Evaz - inverted position

The main advice of the rune in this position is that now is not the time or place. The advice is to pause a little and think about whether you are going in the right direction, whether everything in the relationship suits you, or whether you are fooling yourself by inventing something that is not there. This especially applies to women. “I know that he loves me, and when he says that he doesn’t love me, then he is just testing me” or “He loves me, but he hasn’t called me for six months” - this is what I usually hear from people under the influence of this rune . The Oracle says that before you rush headlong towards a person who “only says he doesn’t love you,” stop and think a little - is this exactly what you want? Especially if Isa or Sovelu are nearby - both runes help you gain clarity and understanding of the true nature of what is happening to you, and separate reality from “mind games.”

Mannaz - straight position

Rune of the human race, communication, integration in society. In relationships, it speaks of harmony in the upper mental centers and intellect, which, in general, is an excellent foundation for building any relationship, including love ones. Especially if the rune comes out at the beginning of the layout. If Mannaz completes the alignment, and there are no runes talking about love and passion, then this indicates that the relationship will be simply friendly. This rune is also associated with communication; in the upright position it indicates that people are doing well in this area - they talk often, for a long time, and with pleasure, and also that they are open and sincere with each other.

Mannaz - inverted position

Things are bad - you have a group of ill-wishers, perhaps your loved one’s entourage believes that you are not suitable for each other. If there is an Othala rune nearby, then these are relatives. The rune speaks of difficulties in communication, understanding each other, lack of common interests and topics for discussion.

Laguz - straight position

Rune of the lake, flowing water, intuitive comprehension of the world. This is a female rune, therefore, if the questioner is a man, then this is a sign that this woman is loved and dear to him. If the question is whether he loves you or not, then the answer is yes. The general meaning is that relationships move, develop, overcome obstacles, and reach a new level. If the questioner is a woman, the rune speaks of good health, intuition and a reserve of female “lunar” energy. The appearance of this rune on the “male” side of the layout is not a very good sign - it is a rival.

Laguz - inverted position

If the questioner is a single woman, this most often indicates that she is in disharmony with her nature: she lives only by achievements, that is, on the “sunny”, masculine side. We urgently need to take action to come into line with natural rhythms and gain strength to build relationships. For the male questioner it is also a bad sign: the woman is not suitable for him, brings him only problems and troubles (just like the inverted Berkano). Practice also shows that if the inverted Laguz appears as an “obstacle” on the “male” side of the layout, this indicates that in the past there is a woman whom he loved very much and perhaps still loves. That is, he is “fixated” on the past and does not want to live in the present.
500 rub.

Ingvaz - irreversible rune

The rune of the god of fertility indicates that one stage of the relationship has ended and the next one begins. Usually, partners feel that they have passed the period of awkwardness and stiffness, their relationship becomes warmer and more open, trusting, there is the possibility of starting a family, conceiving and giving birth to a child, especially if there are Kenaz or Berkano runes nearby. If the questioner is lonely, then the Oracle says that he has the opportunity to meet a person with whom a romantic relationship will begin, especially if the Uruz and Fehu runes are present in the same scenario.

Dagaz - irreversible rune

“Breakthrough, transformation, day” (Ralph Blum) - these are the key words to understanding this rune. It speaks of serious changes in relationships, most often for the better (dawn replacing the darkness of night), however, I always draw clarifying runes, it causes too strong and drastic changes. It often happens in people whose relationships are based on strong passion. “She blows my mind,” they usually say in such cases. I also noticed that, like Sovelo, it comes out on the male side if the woman is very bright - a model, actress, or much younger than him. Despite its inconsistency, this is rather a good sign for relationships; perhaps the time has come for change and there is no need to cling to the old. For myself, I call this rune “firebird”; if it has arrived, quickly catch luck by the tail, Dagaz does not tolerate delays and requires you to quickly make decisions and implement them.

Otala - straight position

A rune associated with concepts such as family, clan, clan. It even graphically resembles a house. Talks about good, stable relationships, the possibility of living together, getting married. If people are already married, sometimes, surrounded by negative runes, they say that the relationship is “stagnant”, that they need to pour fresh water into it, add romance and bright colors.

Otala - inverted position

This position indicates that two people’s paths in life are diverging and it’s time to part. Sometimes he talks about a “swamp” situation: the relationship has long since reached a dead end, people broke up, then got back together without solving old problems, and again everything goes in the same vicious circle. In general, in meaning this rune is reminiscent of Hagalaz - parting, breaking of relations. Only it happens without quarrels and conflicts. Sometimes, as in the case of Hagalaz, it means that the partners are far from each other geographically - they live in different cities or even countries. Runic alignment for relationships

Meanings of runes in fortune telling for relationships

This relationship fortune telling uses 9 runes in 9 positions, each position corresponding to a specific goddess. Those runes that will be located on the left will characterize the attitude of a woman, on the right, respectively, a man, and the middle runes will characterize the relationship in general. This is what this layout looks like:

Fortune telling about relationships using runes

So, the 1st position is the position of Frigga, the main patroness of love and marriage, Odin’s wife. The rune in the 1st position will be the defining rune, so to speak, the loudest note of this alignment of ours for relationships. All subsequent runes must be interpreted in conjunction with the 1st rune.

Responsible for positions 2 and 3 are Fulla, Frigg’s servant, who shares her secrets with her. The rune in the 2nd position will show us what is really on a woman’s mind, and in the 3rd position – what is on a man’s mind.

The goddess Var is responsible for the 4th position. This is the goddess of truth, honesty and fidelity, the patroness of love vows, she takes revenge for unfulfilled promises, and accordingly, she knows what a man and a woman promised each other and whether they promised at all. In my opinion, the rune in the 4th position very well shows the stability and seriousness of the relationship.

Sjöfn (or Sjövn), the goddess of love and affection, is responsible for the 5th and 6th positions. Accordingly, the rune in the 5th position will show the feelings and emotions of a woman, and the rune in the 6th position will show the feelings of a man.

Snotra, the goddess of wisdom and reason, is responsible for the 7th position. The rune in the 7th position will show in our fortune-telling the immediate prospects of the relationship.

The goddess Lovn is responsible for the 8th position; it is she who helps to tie two people in marriage in heaven. Accordingly, from the rune that fell in the 8th position, we learn about the prospect of marriage.

Norna Skuld is responsible for the 9th position; she knows the future and weaves the pattern of fate (wird). By the 9th rune we can determine how the matter will end, i.e. long-term perspective of these relations.

The Fehu rune is direct - it often indicates some kind of beneficial relationship, although, as a rule, for one of the parties. Sometimes it can mean a marriage of convenience. As a rune of a new beginning (the Fehu rune is our first futhark rune), it can be interpreted as meaning that relationships, for example, will resume if the partners are now separated. Sometimes it appears as a sign of a completely new relationship.

Rune Fehu inverted - there will be losses. Perhaps your partner is using you in some way, he benefits from this relationship. Well, if the straight Fehu speaks of a new beginning, then the inverted Fehu can indicate that this relationship, alas, is over.

The Uruz rune is direct - physical attraction plays a very important role in these relationships. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then direct Uruz will say that there is a strong physical attraction. It can also say that you control this relationship (this often happens when your partner likes you more than you like him), i.e. you decide whether this relationship continues or not.

The Uruz rune is inverted - most likely, the partners are no longer physically attracted to each other. It can also be interpreted as meaning that nothing depends on you in this relationship.

Rune Thurisaz is direct - scandals, quarrels, conflicts. With breaking dishes, assault. It can often mean a partner’s aggression towards you. Sometimes it indicates an external danger to the relationship - in the form of ill-wishers, envious people, a strong passion on the side. But more often than not, there are quarrels. In rare cases, it can mean a strong attraction, obsession of one partner with another, fraught with dangerous situations. If Desdemona had been guessing about her relationship with Othello, then the direct Thurisaz would probably have come up))). As a rule, this rune is not a very good sign, whatever one may say.

The Thurisaz rune inverted - surrounded by good runes, says that there is no real danger to the relationship. Or that there is no external danger to the relationship, but there are internal problems. Surrounded by bad runes, the prognosis is not very favorable. Sometimes some internal conflicts of one of the partners greatly interfere with the development of this relationship. Sometimes it means loss of desire. Hidden grievances also sometimes mean. Everything seems to look good from the outside, but inside there are a lot of complaints against the partner, which, of course, is fraught with problems in the future.

The Raido rune is direct - as for me, for a long time I could not understand the meaning of this rune in the context of relationships. This is the rune of movement. Can be interpreted as “a long journey together”, you are on the same path with this person. If it falls on feelings, it means the development of feelings in a positive direction. For example, the girl wonders, the man really likes her, but she doesn’t really like him. In the area of ​​her feelings, the Raido line falls out. Here you can be sure that over time she will fall in love with him and will be carried away too. If you needed advice on how to deal with these relationships, then direct Raido advises developing these relationships, continuing to take steps towards them.

Inverted Raido - most likely, you and this person are not on the same path. Sometimes it indicates some incorrect actions of partners towards each other. If all the other runes are good, then the inverted Raido may advise you to slow down, not show too much initiative, and not take too many steps towards. This especially applies to girls. After all, too much attention to a man discourages his interest.

The direct rune Ansuz is “a union sanctified by the gods,” i.e. legal marriage. Not always good, and not a guarantee that people will be together for the rest of their lives. But with a high degree of probability the couple will want to formalize their relationship. Sometimes direct Ansuz simply means continuing communication.

Reversed Ansuz - there is a high probability of communication cessation. There is also a chance to be deceived both literally and in your expectations.

Rune Gebo has no inverted relationship. A love affair is very likely. More often it falls on not very serious relationships, on relationships of lovers, and not on a strong partnership with the prospect of marriage. Moreover, frivolous does not mean short-lived. Keep this in mind. Those. if you want a family and children, and the Gebo rune always appears in relationships with your partner, do not create illusions, you will remain lovers until retirement.

Rune Kenaz is direct - some new, passionate relationship will begin. There will be pain, tears, heart wounds - what kind of passion would be without it. It is possible that some kind of karmic relationship has appeared in your life. And, as you know, there are many teaching moments and few pleasant ones. But this is my opinion. The Kenaz rune as the rune of the hearth has never appeared for me, despite this very popular interpretation of this rune. Well, often, if a direct Kenaz appears in a situation where someone has disappeared and does not call, then this person will definitely show up again.

Reversed Kenaz is most likely the end of a relationship. There is no more passion, feelings have faded, indifference. As you know, the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. When there is hatred, continuation is still possible, but indifference leaves no chance.

The direct rune of Vunyo is joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires, the kind of relationship you wanted. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then direct Vunyo will say that he desires you. True, sometimes the Vunyo rune falls for easy relationships, without obligations. People decided to have a little fun. This interpretation is especially likely if the neighboring runes are not very positive.

Inverted Vunyo - your desires in this relationship will not come true. You will be sad a lot. When fortune telling about a partner's attitude towards you, it may mean that the person no longer wants to meet, he does not like you, but if the other runes are positive, then the inverted Vunyo can be interpreted as the fact that the person is sad, for example, because of separation or a quarrel with you .

Runa Hagalaz - relationships are likely to collapse. And as a rune of the past, the Hagalaz rune can say that everything in your relationship is already in the past. Sometimes, very, very rarely, if the neighboring runes are positive, it can mean the appearance of a person from the past in your life.

Nautiz direct - strong emotional dependence of one partner on the other. As a rule, if direct Nautiz appears in relationship scenarios, they will continue because the partners need something from each other. Sometimes, alas, direct Nautiz appears when one partner is forced to remain in a relationship for some reason, for example, due to the inability to change housing and move.

Nautiz inverted - there is no longer attachment or there is no need to continue this relationship. “This novel is of no use, it no longer makes any sense,” says the inverted Nautiz.

Rune Isa is a bad sign. There is no love and passion, cooling of feelings. Sometimes, however, it indicates stagnation, or that the relationship situation is stuck. If subsequent runes are positive, then the cooling is temporary.

Yera - as a rune denoting time, can indicate a long-term relationship. Sometimes it means that the relationship will not begin immediately, not now, but after some time. It also often occurs in unfinished situations, when, for example, people broke up, but if the Yera rune appears in fortune-telling, then the relationship is not yet completed, the partner will most likely return. In general, it often appears as a rune of return, and in a negative aspect it can symbolize “running in a circle.”

Runa Eyvaz – a stuck situation, different difficulties. It also often denotes conflicting emotions - from love to hatred and back. The partner will either rush back and forth, or for a long time will not be able to make a definite decision - “to leave or stay,” “to marry or not.”

The Perto rune is direct - what is supposed to happen will happen. Sometimes it means a fateful relationship, such as the fact that this person is destined for you. It may show that little depends on you here; you should reconcile yourself and submit to fate. Sometimes it means revealing some secrets.

The Perto rune is inverted - sometimes it can be interpreted as “not destiny”, this relationship should not be. It also often occurs in situations where the runes do not want to speak, i.e. you don't need to know the future of this relationship yet. Sometimes it can happen to all sorts of love spells and magical actions performed on this relationship or on one of the partners. Well, that’s understandable, in this case someone is acting against fate.

The Algiz rune is direct - if the neighboring runes are favorable, it can mean a good, stable relationship. More often in this aspect it falls to girls, there is such an expression: “with him it’s like behind a stone wall.” If Algiz fell out when you asked about their attitude towards you, then here it can show that the person is being cautious, watching closely, and is in no hurry to open up.

Rune Algiz inverted - You are taking a big risk in this relationship. Perhaps this person is dangerous to you in some way. It also often indicates your vulnerability in this relationship. This usually happens if you like your partner much more than he likes you. Well, it usually falls on the relationships of unfree people with lovers. Which, in general, is easy to explain. In such relationships there is always a risk of “burning out” and ruining a stable relationship. In addition, a subconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) feeling of guilt, which will seek punishment for you, and in the end will play a not very good joke.

Rune Sovulo - as a rune of clarity, appears when the situation is either already clear as day, or will soon become completely clear. Most often, the dropped Sovulo gives advice to keep your eyes wide open and not invent something that is not there. Because everything is exactly as it appears and looks. There are no undercurrents or secret motives. Girls especially tend to invent non-existent feelings in their partner and wishful thinking. In this case, you should remember that men are built quite simply - if he likes you, then rest assured, he will find a way to show it to you - he will call, give gifts, say good words, etc. And if a man disappears all the time, or you can’t understand how he treats you, most likely, he just doesn’t like you, no matter how cruel it sounds. But a clear view of the situation saves nerves and time.

And on the positive side, if outwardly everything is fine and Sovulo fell out, then believe me, since he says that he loves, it means that he definitely loves. And with positive runes in the neighborhood it can be interpreted as a sign of a good, warm relationship.

Rune Teyvaz is direct - if you asked about how your partner treats you, Teyvaz will mean a strong desire for you, supported by actions. If you asked for advice, then this rune recommends fighting for your happiness. If a girl or woman is guessing, the dropped Teyvaz will mean a man significant to her.

Rune Teyvaz inverted - your partner does not strive for you, will not take any actions or efforts to develop your relationship. Since the Teyvaz rune in layouts often means a man, in an inverted position it can mean the absence of a man (in female layouts). Those. if there was a relationship and suddenly the inverted Teyvaz rune began to appear, it is highly likely that the man will leave and disappear.

The Berkan rune is straight - as a rule, a good sign. Relationships will develop with a focus on family.

The Berkan rune is inverted - if a man is guessing, it may mean a woman unsuitable for him. In women's scenarios, it often means a rival, and not a mistress, but a woman with whom a man has a serious relationship - a civil or official marriage, common children. In a broader sense, an inverted Berkana can indicate negative dynamics in a relationship.

Rune Evaz is direct - good, stable, successful relationships in all aspects. Full sexual and other compatibility. Marriage prospects are also good.

Rune Evaz inverted - unsuccessful relationships, poor compatibility.

The Mannaz rune is direct - most likely, people are compatible intellectually and will communicate. But still, the relationship will be more friendly than loving and passionate. This is from my experience. Although, Batyushkov interprets direct Mannaz as the appearance of that very one, or that same one. In general, some important person in your life.

And direct Mannaz can also appear as a sign that a person is thinking about you.

Rune Mannaz inverted is a bad sign. This person is more likely to disappear from your life. If straight Mannaz denotes people, then inverted Mannaz can be interpreted as loneliness. Well, it often comes up in situations where people become enemies.

Runa Laguz is direct – love, love, happiness and other good emotions. A very favorable rune for fortune telling about relationships.

Rune Laguz inverted - negative feelings and emotions, tears. If you asked about a person’s attitude towards you - he doesn’t love you, or even something worse. It may mean the presence of a mistress, a rival. It can also be a sign of negative magical influence. From the same rival, for example.

Rune Inguz - with a high degree of probability indicates that this relationship is over, completed. Sometimes it can indicate the appearance of children in a given couple. Sometimes in female scenarios it indicates the appearance of a man much younger than the woman.

Runa Otal is direct - good, stable relationships. It is very likely that the couple will live together. Surrounded by negative runes means that everything will remain the same, i.e. the relationship will not develop. It also often falls on already married people.

Rune Otal inverted - the couple will separate, get divorced. Unstable, frivolous relationships. Sometimes, however, it may simply mean that people live in different cities.

Rune Dagaz - how the rune of transformation can indicate that relationships will soon change a lot. To find out in which direction, you need to pull the clarifying rune. But in my experience, the Dagaz rune tends to fall as the rune of completion - I consider it the last futhark rune. Often means an unstable and unstable relationship. If you recently met and the Dagaz rune appears in significant positions, most likely this relationship will not last long.

    Preparation is really very important for rune fortune telling! If you do not first “cleanse” yourself of unnecessary and extraneous thoughts, then the result of fortune telling will be very vague. I usually meditate before such fortune-telling - and everything that I can decipher usually comes true!

    This is the first time I have seen such a detailed and beautiful article. I've always wanted to try rune fortune telling. A friend is doing this and says that everything is coming true for her. But, really, you need to be in a good state of mind before fortune telling, otherwise emotions will interfere with the correct interpretation.

    Witchcraft or higher wisdom? Fortune telling with runes for love can shed light on the most hidden desires of a man or woman and will magically unite them. The article is very detailed, it certainly pleases me. But I just don’t understand, are the runes for love and relationships different from ordinary runes? Or are the runes the same, but the meaning is different?

    The article is simply wonderful! Everything is described in such detail and step by step that it would seem that even a schoolchild could cope. The most important thing is to properly clean and activate the runes. Don’t be lazy to find as much information as possible about this, because the entire result of your work depends on how seriously you take practice with runes. Runes do not tolerate haste or hasty actions. Hear, feel, sense them.

    You should buy runes and start studying them. Many people guess and recommend it in all seriousness. And here you also have such wonderful, detailed articles, a lot of interesting entertaining material that draws even more attention to the runes. So I will study, fortunately there is a reason and motivation for this, and meetings with friends will be more interesting if I stay on topic.

    I sometimes like to tell fortunes, but usually it’s either on playing cards, or some other simple fortune-telling, in the spirit - from Thursday to Friday... But after reading this article, I wanted to buy runes and study them. It's so interesting to actually do magic. And the article is good - a lot of interesting material!

    I don’t really trust runes, I was once told fortunes about them, and it didn’t work out. But it works out on the cards, almost always. In general, it probably also depends on the day of fortune-telling, the phase of the moon and some other details. You must immediately check whether it is a fortune-telling day or not before going to a fortune-teller.

    Wow, this is interesting! It’s a pity I don’t have such runes, I would love to tell fortunes this way, I’d have to get them somewhere. This directly Slavic theme of fortune telling, runes, various signs, has always attracted me, I took note of this article, thank you.

    General characteristics of the rune divination system. Tips on how to prepare and start fortune telling on runes for a relationship with a man, the sequence of the process. Meanings of runes for love and relationships, layout option. Some runomancers deny the loving use of the ancient alphabet. They claim that the use of runes to solve heart problems is profanation. In their opinion, strict northern magic provides answers only to questions about spiritual individual development or about business, career, and finances. This categorical statement is hardly true
    Thanks for the article, it’s a little difficult, I’ll definitely try it. I know that runes have unearthly power and are most likely to predict.

    Runic magic is extremely multifaceted. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain reserve of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. I consider fortune telling with runes to be a very accurate determination of your future destiny, and I have been trained in this type of fortune telling since childhood. I advise you to carefully read this article, here it looks like a very precise step-by-step instruction and will help you understand all aspects.

    I’ve never encountered runes in real life, but the information intrigued me. Like a child, I rejoice when I find some new information. And even more so when everything is described in such detail. I wonder how long it will take to truly master all the secrets of rune magic?

    I always wanted to try runic fortune telling when I came across information about it. I still can’t get around to buying myself a set of runes. It seems to me that this is the most sacred method of fortune telling of all known, and it really requires special preparation, a special state of soul and mind, then everything will definitely work out and what is predicted will come true.

    Fortune telling with runes was an unknown world for me. The runes were brought to me from China, but before this article I didn’t know exactly how to work with them and how to read them. And I am very pleased with the result. I hope I did everything right. Has anyone else tried fortune telling with runes?

    Evaz did not write correctly. It's spelled M

    Fixed it! They really mixed up the picture.

This relationship fortune telling uses 9 runes in 9 positions, each position corresponding to a specific goddess. Those runes that will be located on the left will characterize the attitude of a woman, on the right, respectively, a man, and the middle runes will characterize the relationship in general.
1st position – the position of Frigga, the main patroness of love and marriage, Odin’s wife. The rune in the 1st position will be the defining rune, so to speak, the loudest note of this alignment of ours for relationships. All subsequent runes must be interpreted in conjunction with the 1st rune.

Responsible for positions 2 and 3 are Fulla, Frigg’s servant, who shares her secrets with her. The rune in the 2nd position will show us what is really on a woman’s mind, and in the 3rd position – what is on a man’s mind.

The goddess Var is responsible for the 4th position. This is the goddess of truth, honesty and fidelity, the patroness of love vows, she takes revenge for unfulfilled promises, and accordingly, she knows what a man and a woman promised each other and whether they promised at all. In my opinion, the rune in the 4th position very well shows the stability and seriousness of the relationship.

Sjöfn (or Sjövn), the goddess of love and affection, is responsible for the 5th and 6th positions. Accordingly, the rune in the 5th position will show the feelings and emotions of a woman, and the rune in the 6th position will show the feelings of a man.

Snotra, the goddess of wisdom and reason, is responsible for the 7th position. The rune in the 7th position will show in our fortune-telling the immediate prospects of the relationship.

The goddess Lovn is responsible for the 8th position; it is she who helps to tie two people in marriage in heaven. Accordingly, from the rune that fell in the 8th position, we learn about the prospect of marriage.

Norna Skuld is responsible for the 9th position; she knows the future and weaves the pattern of fate (wird). By the 9th rune we can determine how the matter will end, i.e. long-term perspective of these relations.


So, the meanings of runes in fortune telling for relationships and LOVE:

The Fehu rune is direct - it often indicates some kind of beneficial relationship, although, as a rule, for one of the parties. Sometimes it can mean a marriage of convenience. As a rune of a new beginning (the Fehu rune is our first futhark rune), it can be interpreted as meaning that relationships, for example, will resume if the partners are now separated. Sometimes it appears as a sign of a completely new relationship.
?Fehu rune inverted - there will be losses. Perhaps your partner is using you in some way, he benefits from this relationship. Well, if the straight Fehu speaks of a new beginning, then the inverted Fehu can indicate that this relationship, alas, is over.

The Uruz rune is direct - physical attraction plays a very important role in these relationships. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then direct Uruz will say that there is a strong physical attraction. It can also say that you control this relationship (this often happens when your partner likes you more than you like him), i.e. you decide whether this relationship continues or not.
The Uruz rune is inverted - most likely, the partners are no longer physically attracted to each other. It can also be interpreted as meaning that nothing depends on you in this relationship.

Rune Thurisaz is direct - scandals, quarrels, conflicts. With breaking dishes, assault. It can often mean a partner’s aggression towards you. Sometimes it indicates an external danger to the relationship - in the form of ill-wishers, envious people, a strong passion on the side. But more often than not, there are quarrels. In rare cases, it can mean a strong attraction, obsession of one partner with another, fraught with dangerous situations. If Desdemona had been guessing about her relationship with Othello, then the direct Thurisaz would probably have come up))). As a rule, this rune is not a very good sign, whatever one may say.
?Rune Thurisaz inverted - surrounded by good runes, says that there is no real danger to the relationship. Or that there is no external danger to the relationship, but there are internal problems. Surrounded by bad runes, the prognosis is not very favorable. Sometimes some internal conflicts of one of the partners greatly interfere with the development of this relationship. Sometimes it means loss of desire. Hidden grievances also sometimes mean. Everything seems to look good from the outside, but inside there are a lot of complaints against the partner, which, of course, is fraught with problems in the future.

The Raido rune is direct - as for me, for a long time I could not understand the meaning of this rune in the context of relationships. This is the rune of movement. Can be interpreted as “a long journey together”, you are on the same path with this person. If it falls on feelings, it means the development of feelings in a positive direction. For example, the girl wonders, the man really likes her, but she doesn’t really like him. In the area of ​​her feelings, the Raido line falls out. Here you can be sure that over time she will fall in love with him and will be carried away too. If you needed advice on how to deal with these relationships, then direct Raido advises developing these relationships, continuing to take steps towards them.
?Rune Reversed Raido - most likely, you and this person are not on the same path. Sometimes it indicates some incorrect actions of partners towards each other. If all the other runes are good, then the inverted Raido may advise you to slow down, not show too much initiative, and not take too many steps towards. This especially applies to girls. After all, too much attention to a man discourages his interest.

Rune Direct Ansuz – “a union sanctified by the gods”, i.e. legal marriage. Not always good, and not a guarantee that people will be together for the rest of their lives. But with a high degree of probability the couple will want to formalize their relationship. Sometimes direct Ansuz simply means continuing communication.
?Rune Reversed Ansuz - a high probability of termination of communication. There is also a chance to be deceived both literally and in your expectations.

Rune Gebo has no inverted relationship. A love affair is very likely. More often it falls on not very serious relationships, on relationships of lovers, and not on a strong partnership with the prospect of marriage. Moreover, frivolous does not mean short-lived. Keep this in mind. Those. if you want a family and children, and the Gebo rune always appears in relationships with your partner, do not create illusions, you will remain lovers until retirement.

Rune Kenaz is direct - some new, passionate relationship will begin. There will be pain, tears, heart wounds - what kind of passion would be without it. It is possible that some kind of karmic relationship has appeared in your life. And, as you know, there are many teaching moments and few pleasant ones. But this is my opinion. The Kenaz rune as the rune of the hearth has never appeared for me, despite this very popular interpretation of this rune. Well, often, if a direct Kenaz appears in a situation where someone has disappeared and does not call, then this person will definitely show up again.
?Rune Reversed Kenaz - most likely the end of a relationship. There is no more passion, feelings have faded, indifference. As you know, the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. When there is hatred, continuation is still possible, but indifference leaves no chance.

Rune Direct Vunyo - joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires, the kind of relationship you wanted. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then direct Vunyo will say that he desires you. True, sometimes the Vunyo rune falls for easy relationships, without obligations. People decided to have a little fun. This interpretation is especially likely if the neighboring runes are not very positive.
?Rune Inverted Vunyo - your desires in this relationship will not come true. You will be sad a lot. When fortune telling about a partner's attitude towards you, it may mean that the person no longer wants to meet, he does not like you, but if the other runes are positive, then the inverted Vunyo can be interpreted as the fact that the person is sad, for example, because of separation or a quarrel with you .

Runa Hagalaz - relationships are likely to collapse. And as a rune of the past, the Hagalaz rune can say that everything in your relationship is already in the past. Sometimes, very, very rarely, if the neighboring runes are positive, it can mean the appearance of a person from the past in your life.

Rune Nautiz is direct - strong emotional dependence of one partner on the other. As a rule, if direct Nautiz appears in relationship scenarios, they will continue because the partners need something from each other. Sometimes, alas, direct Nautiz appears when one partner is forced to remain in a relationship for some reason, for example, due to the inability to change housing and move.
?The Nautiz rune is inverted - there is no more attachment or there is no need to continue this relationship. “This novel is of no use, it no longer makes any sense,” says the inverted Nautiz.

Rune Isa is a bad sign. There is no love and passion, cooling of feelings. Sometimes, however, it indicates stagnation, or that the relationship situation is stuck. If subsequent runes are positive, then the cooling is temporary.

The Yera rune - as a rune representing time, can indicate a long-term relationship. Sometimes it means that the relationship will not begin immediately, not now, but after some time. It also often occurs in unfinished situations, when, for example, people broke up, but if the Yera rune appears in fortune-telling, then the relationship is not yet completed, the partner will most likely return. In general, it often appears as a rune of return, and in a negative aspect it can symbolize “running in a circle.”

Runa Eyvaz – a stuck situation, different difficulties. It also often denotes conflicting emotions - from love to hatred and back. The partner will either rush back and forth, or for a long time will not be able to make a definite decision - “to leave or stay,” “to marry or not.”

The Perto rune is direct - what is supposed to happen will happen. Sometimes it means a fateful relationship, such as the fact that this person is destined for you. It may show that little depends on you here; you should reconcile yourself and submit to fate. Sometimes it means revealing some secrets.
?The Perto rune is inverted - sometimes it can be interpreted as “not destiny”, this relationship should not be. It also often occurs in situations where the runes do not want to speak, i.e. you don't need to know the future of this relationship yet. Sometimes it can happen to all sorts of love spells and magical actions performed on this relationship or on one of the partners. Well, that’s understandable, in this case someone is acting against fate.

The Algiz rune is direct - if the neighboring runes are favorable, it can mean a good, stable relationship. More often in this aspect it falls to girls, there is such an expression: “with him it’s like behind a stone wall.” If Algiz fell out when you asked about their attitude towards you, then here it can show that the person is being cautious, watching closely, and is in no hurry to open up.
?Rune Algiz inverted - You are taking a big risk in this relationship. Perhaps this person is dangerous to you in some way. It also often indicates your vulnerability in this relationship. This usually happens if you like your partner much more than he likes you. Well, it usually falls on the relationships of unfree people with lovers. Which, in general, is easy to explain. In such relationships there is always a risk of “burning out” and ruining a stable relationship. In addition, a subconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) feeling of guilt, which will seek punishment for you, and in the end will play a not very good joke.

Rune Sovulo - as a rune of clarity, appears when the situation is either already clear as day, or will soon become completely clear. Most often, the dropped Sovulo gives advice to keep your eyes wide open and not invent something that is not there. Because everything is exactly as it appears and looks. There are no undercurrents or secret motives. Girls especially tend to invent non-existent feelings in their partner and wishful thinking. In this case, you should remember that men are built quite simply - if he likes you, then rest assured, he will find a way to show it to you - he will call, give gifts, say good words, etc. And if a man disappears all the time, or you can’t understand how he treats you, most likely, he just doesn’t like you, no matter how cruel it sounds. But a clear view of the situation saves nerves and time.
And on the positive side, if outwardly everything is fine and Sovulo fell out, then believe me, since he says that he loves, it means that he definitely loves. And with positive runes in the neighborhood it can be interpreted as a sign of a good, warm relationship.

Rune Teyvaz is direct - if you asked about how your partner treats you, Teyvaz will mean a strong desire for you, supported by actions. If you asked for advice, then this rune recommends fighting for your happiness. If a girl or woman is guessing, the dropped Teyvaz will mean a man significant to her.
Rune Teyvaz inverted - your partner does not strive for you, will not take any actions or efforts to develop your relationship. Since the Teyvaz rune in layouts often means a man, in an inverted position it can mean the absence of a man (in female layouts). Those. if there was a relationship and suddenly the inverted Teyvaz rune began to appear, it is highly likely that the man will leave and disappear.

The Berkan rune is straight - as a rule, a good sign. Relationships will develop with a focus on family.
?The Berkan rune is inverted - if a man is guessing, it may mean a woman unsuitable for him. In women's scenarios, it often means a rival, and not a mistress, but a woman with whom a man has a serious relationship - a civil or official marriage, common children. In a broader sense, an inverted Berkana can indicate negative dynamics in a relationship.

Rune Evaz is direct - good, stable, successful relationships in all aspects. Full sexual and other compatibility. Marriage prospects are also good.
?Rune Evaz inverted - unsuccessful relationships, poor compatibility.

The Mannaz rune is direct - most likely, people are compatible intellectually and will communicate. But still, the relationship will be more friendly than loving and passionate. This is from my experience. Although, Batyushkov interprets direct Mannaz as the appearance of that very one, or that same one. In general, some important person in your life.
And direct Mannaz can also appear as a sign that a person is thinking about you.
?Rune Mannaz inverted is a bad sign. This person is more likely to disappear from your life. If straight Mannaz denotes people, then inverted Mannaz can be interpreted as loneliness. Well, it often comes up in situations where people become enemies.

Runa Laguz is direct – love, love, happiness and other good emotions. A very favorable rune for fortune telling about relationships.
?Rune Laguz inverted - negative feelings and emotions, tears. If you asked about a person’s attitude towards you - he doesn’t love you, or even something worse. It may mean the presence of a mistress, a rival. It can also be a sign of negative magical influence. From the same rival, for example.

Rune Inguz - with a high degree of probability indicates that this relationship is over, completed. Sometimes it can indicate the appearance of children in a given couple. Sometimes in female scenarios it indicates the appearance of a man much younger than the woman.

Runa Otal is direct - good, stable relationships. It is very likely that the couple will live together. Surrounded by negative runes means that everything will remain the same, i.e. the relationship will not develop. It also often falls on already married people.
?The Otal rune is inverted - the couple will separate, get divorced. Unstable, frivolous relationships. Sometimes, however, it may simply mean that people live in different cities.

Rune Dagaz - how the rune of transformation can indicate that relationships will soon change a lot. To find out in which direction, you need to pull the clarifying rune. But in my experience, the Dagaz rune tends to fall as the rune of completion - I consider it the last futhark rune. Often means an unstable and unstable relationship. If you recently met and the Dagaz rune appears in significant positions, most likely this relationship will not last long.