home · Installation · Khoroshilov is the husband of Ekaterina Klimova. The young husband of pregnant Katya Klimova torments her with scandals. Who is he and where did he come from?

Khoroshilov is the husband of Ekaterina Klimova. The young husband of pregnant Katya Klimova torments her with scandals. Who is he and where did he come from?

Actress Ekaterina Klimova born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. She has many roles both on stage and in films; she has long been firmly established as one of the most beautiful and recognizable Russian actresses. But perhaps no less popular than her roles in films and performances of the Russian Army Theater, the actress was brought by the ups and downs in her personal life.

Kissed in the hallways

The beauty's first husband was Ilya Khoroshilov, jeweler and actor. This was the first serious love for both - they met when they were 15 years old, kissed in the hallways and dreamed of a future together. As soon as Ekaterina graduated from theater school, they got married and had a daughter. Elizabeth. But, unfortunately, dreams of a happy family life were not allowed to come true - the marriage lasted only two years, breaking up due to conflicts.

The actress's second serious relationship was destined to be with the actor. Igor Petrenko. They met on the set of the series “The Best City on Earth.” According to Igor, he immediately liked Catherine madly. But he, being married, did not allow himself to take any steps towards Katya. For a year he suffered, thought about Klimova and, finally, realizing that he would not be able to cope with his feelings, he called his former film partner... They met and never parted. To his ex-wife Irina Leonova-Petrenko said that he fell in love, but he couldn’t lie and live with two families... Having started living in a civil marriage, Igor and Ekaterina were in seventh heaven; Petrenko developed a good relationship with his daughter Klimova from a previous marriage. Then this family was expanded twice - Klimova gave birth to sons Cornea And Matveya. The family of artists was considered one of the most beautiful in our cinema and even received the “Couple of the Year” award in the “Harmony” position in 2010.

Actors Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko, 2010. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

I was in no hurry to get married

However, not everything was as smooth and sweet as it seemed to others. Firstly, Igor did not seek to formalize the relationship, which offended Klimova. And only after a long time (under her pressure) the marriage was formalized. Secondly, there were numerous rumors that Petrenko drinks, and in a state of alcoholic intoxication he can even raise his hand. Thirdly, Catherine could no longer tolerate her husband’s infidelity. She admitted in an interview: “I look at the wives of some famous womanizers - they look beautiful, and they speak well, and they have so much endurance and wisdom behind them! I didn't make such a good star wife. Perhaps this option could not have been mine initially, because I am an actress myself. Or some qualities were missing - the same wisdom, for example.

In general, we have very active women. They always circled around Igor, and some of the especially desperate ones, of course, dived at the object! Actor. Popular. Charismatic. Man. How can you not dive here? Besides, we all know that a handsome husband is someone else's husband.

Once Igor and I were on tour in Irkutsk with our joint play “Leningrad Romance”. Afterwards we were invited to visit friends. At about two in the morning, leaving the entrance, we saw frozen young ladies with frozen flowers: it was winter, and Irkutsk was not Sochi! The girls began vying with each other to call Igor to the dormitory where they obviously lived. “You can go too,” one of them told me benevolently. There were so many such cases that you can’t remember them all... And you have to be truly a saint to cope with such desperate female attention!”

According to the actress, she constantly looked at Igor’s film partners with a “scanning” gaze - is she or not she with her husband this time? Realizing that there was no need to do this, Klimova, nevertheless, could not resist and checked her husband’s phone, knowing full well what exactly she would find there. But I checked again and again. And she found it.

It finally became clear that it was no longer possible to live together when Petrenko began filming the series about Sherlock Holmes. When leaving on tour, the actor turned off his phone, and Klimova could only go crazy from loneliness and jealousy. According to the actress, she herself, being a creative person, understood that you could get carried away by the filming process and disconnect from reality. But here it seemed that she had married an astronaut - Petrenko’s phone was not accessible at all for several months...

When, at a meeting, Klimova told her husband that there had been nothing good in their relationship for a long time and they needed to break up, and Petrenko needed to move out of the house, Igor replied: if you need it, you should leave. But the actress did not know where to go with all the children and nannies...

And yet one day she went into nowhere, realizing that otherwise she would die.

“There was emptiness and uncertainty ahead. The future seemed vague; I didn’t even have enough savings to rent a house for my large family. But if I had not left then, on an ordinary November day, what would have happened next would have been just some kind of complete tragedy. Trouble could definitely happen to me! I would get sick. Or maybe she would have died. You can't live on edge all the time. It’s exhausting, it takes strength,” the actress told one magazine.

In fairness, it must be said that Igor Petrenko has a completely different point of view on this whole divorce story. He emphasizes that it was not he who cheated, but she, with the lead singer of the Chelsea group. Roman Arkhipov, as evidenced by photos on the Internet taken in Las Vegas, where Klimova was filming the film “Love in the City.” Roman and Ekaterina in these photographs kissed passionately right at the party.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com / German Rovinskiy

“She is a holy woman!”

“I was preparing for her arrival from Las Vegas, before that we had not communicated for a long time,” the actor told one Internet portal. — I put our apartment in order, bought new furniture. In short, he was preparing a surprise for her. And then by chance I saw this video on the Internet. To be honest, I wanted to destroy everything around me. Well, that’s exactly what I did.” And he added that he considers himself guilty: “I myself am to blame for what happened. Completely. Believe me, she is a holy woman. There is probably no better mother and wife in this world than her. But what happened happened.”

After the official divorce from Petrenko, Klimova was not alone for long and married a young actor Gelu Meskhi, in whose veins Georgian, Russian and Spanish blood flows. Meskhi is known to a wide audience for his roles in the films “Hamlet. XXI Century" Yuri Kara, “Adult daughter, or Test for...” Mher Mkrtchyan, "Comedians" Alexandra Galibina And Igor Volosetsky. But, perhaps, Gele’s greatest fame came from his roles in the series “Physics or Chemistry” about a modern school and the television film “Son of the Father of Nations” about the dramatic fate of Vasily Stalin.

In 2013, Gela and Ekaterina starred in the TV series in Lviv Sergei Ginzburg"Wolf heart".

In a programme Ivan Urgant Meskhi admitted: “I saw Katya for the first time at the audition and immediately fell into a stupor, because she is an incredibly beautiful woman. And also talented. It bothered me... I constantly wanted to kiss in the scene, although she was supposed to kiss me.”

Ekaterina Klimova and her husband, actor Gela Meskhi. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Gela proposed to Katya twice. On their honeymoon, the newlyweds went to Alaska to ride snowmobiles and husky sleds. A few months after the painting in the registry office, their daughter was born Bella, an incredibly beautiful girl, as Klimova admits: “I like her. Kisses himself in the mirror."

“The public perceived my new marriage ambiguously: they say, somehow she quickly...,” Klimova said in an interview. - Indeed, I didn’t really grieve! Only life is much more voluminous than gossip. And who would it be easier if I sat myself in a puddle, sprinkled ashes on my head and cried for days on end? To me? To my children? That’s unlikely!”

Today the family lives with four children in Klimova’s country mansion.

Ekaterina Klimova seems to be woven from contradictions, and this makes her incredibly attractive. She tries to seem like a fatal beauty, but she is a woman from the past. Her charming beauty lies in her tenderness, shyness, softness and extraordinarily warm voice. And it’s not for nothing that she is so brilliant at playing the roles of women from past centuries. This is confirmed by Natasha Repnina from “Poor Nastya”. This brilliant role brought fame to the actress. You probably already guessed that Ekaterina Klimova’s personal life is full of contradictions. But more on that later.

In the movies, the actress amazingly plays strong women who know how to find ways out of different situations, but in life she feels like a little, lost girl. She has many girlish talents - she sings, dances, knits, walks the catwalk beautifully, stays in the saddle and speaks French fluently. But she also loves racing motorcycles, paragliding and skydiving. The actress also has another big male hobby - Klimova loves football.

Ilya Khoroshilov: Teenage love with a sequel

From the age of 13, a crowd of boys ran after the very pretty Katya. The young beauty, who grew up without a father, willingly accepted courtship, and at the age of 15 she met businessman Ilya Khoroshilov and fell in love... with the ensuing consequences. As soon as she turned 19, they formalized their relationship. Ekaterina Klimova's wedding took place in the circle of her closest people.

At the beginning of their family relationship, Ilya went into the jewelry business, and Katya entered Shchepka. The future actress was the first beauty on the course, but they were afraid to court her, and not only because of her lack of freedom. There were rumors about the tough temper of her father, who served almost ten years for the murder of a policeman, and about her husband's suspended sentence. And one of Katya’s classmates later admits that the beauty of the future star was “frightening.” Behind the outer tenderness, timidity and romance were hidden demons that in a second turned her into a hot-tempered fury.

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in the Russian style

Klimova was behind her husband as if behind a stone wall. She enjoyed motherhood and did what she loved. Calm, cozy happiness, which many women dream of. But the duality of Klimova’s nature played a cruel joke on her - she was bored with Ilya, who carried her in his arms and presented her with bright furs. The actress, who was successful by that time, was angry with her husband, made a scandal, and then sobbed secretly.

How long this would continue is unknown, but then fate, which adores amorous passions, intervened. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko met on the set of Moscow Windows, fell in love with each other, like their heroes, and... separated, only to meet again a year later.

One day, the actress allowed Petrenko to accompany her after the theater, and the next day she took her three-year-old daughter and ran away from her husband, not being afraid of his threats to shoot the fatal man. So Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova began to live together, albeit in a civil marriage. Only after the birth of two children did the couple officially legalize their relationship.

For eight years they played the perfect couple, delighting fans with glamorous photographs. Bright, beautiful, smiling, surrounded by three charming children - they were ideal. “The couple is simply flattered to be Russian Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt,” said their ill-wishers. They grumbled, spat venom and tried to look behind the glossy picture. After the couple separated, everyone could see what was behind the gloss.

Reasons for the divorce of Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko

Igor Petrenko, as a gentleman, places most of the blame on himself. He has a clearly fenced inner world into which he does not even agree to let his wife. Katya simply lacked the feminine wisdom to accept this isolation of his. She considered her coldness and could not come to terms with it, causing banal scandals. The actor sees this as the reason for the divorce.

Petrenko also admits that he did not recognize the duality of Katya’s nature in time. Behind the external meekness of the lamb hides a real predator, jealous to the point of insanity.

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi. Marriage by chance?

In early June, 37-year-old Ekaterina Klimova was legally married to 29-year-old Georgian actor Gela Meskhi, and four months later again. The star couple lives together, nothing is wrong, but only the lazy don’t talk about the newly-made family. And the difficult financial situation, which forced them to take the children out of the Pavlovsk gymnasium, and work for wear, and constant scandals with obscenities, which are caused by the rude and arrogant Gela.

Many are wondering how long the marriage of Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi will last; their “difference” simply cannot help but be striking. Wait and see. And the actress herself considers happiness to be a fickle unit and does not like to look into the future. She knows how to be happy here and now.

After all, the main source of her happiness is her children, and Ekaterina Klimova has four of them. The actress gave birth to Lisa from Ilya Khoroshilov, Korney and Matvey from Igor Petrenko, and Bella from Gela Meskhi.

This is Ekaterina Klimova, whose personal life is interesting to both men and women. The first are attracted by the tenderness, mystery and romanticism of nature, and the second - by her ability to be a real woman.

Ekaterina Klimova is an actress of Russian cinema and theater. She gained her fame thanks to one of the main roles in the TV series “Poor Nastya”. Later, she again starred in the dilogy “We are from the Future,” which also brought her great popularity among young people.

Behind her are more than 16 performances performed at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. Also, a caring mother of many children, and the owner of impeccable vocal abilities. You will learn more about the actress’s life path from the article below.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Klimova?

Having access to the Internet, anyone can find out such information about the actress as height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Klimova, TV viewers often wonder.

So, the actress was born in 1978, which means that with simple calculations we get the answer to the question - at the moment, she is 39 years old. We will also get data such as height and weight, which an ordinary person would be embarrassed to ask a woman, from the network - she has an average height of 169 centimeters and a weight of 56 kilograms. Many people consider this height-to-weight ratio to be ideal. By the way, Catherine’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Biography of Ekaterina Klimova

The future actress was born in Moscow. Her family was not an actor - her mother was a simple housewife, and her father was an artist working in a free style. When Catherine was one year old, her father was convicted of manslaughter. The next time he met his daughter was at the age of 13. So it becomes clear that young Ekaterina was brought up in a women's team - her mother and sister. In the family, everyone tried to adhere to Orthodox traditions. In fact, the biography of Ekaterina Klimova was filled with various twists of fate.

She mainly spent her childhood in the company of her sister Victoria. The 4-year age difference, of course, made itself felt, but all disagreements passed quickly and smoothly. They often went to camp together and, as Ekaterina later admitted, they also smoked their first cigarette together. By the way, it was in the camps that the actress developed a craving for theatrical scenes.

School education was difficult. She passed exams with the help of cunning - she knew what approach each teacher needed - flowers, sweets or just a kind word.

After school, I attended preparatory courses at VGIK. She graduated with honors from the acting department of the oldest theater educational institution - the Higher Theater School named after. Shchepkina.

As Catherine admits, she owes her dark skin to her great-grandmother, who was a gypsy. Thanks to it, the skin does not burn under the sun and has a pleasant, warm shade.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Klimova

The films that stand out the most are, for example, the duology “We are from the Future” and “Wuthering Gates,” in which she plays strong and self-confident women.

In the spring of 2017, Channel One began broadcasting the promising series “Wolf Sun”. There she plays with her husband, Gela Meskhi. It is noteworthy that upon completion of filming, they had a wedding.

Catherine has 3 marriages behind her, and from each she gave birth to a child. After 2 broken marriages, the actress meets an actor of Georgian origin. Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi, whose wedding took place in June 2015, are raising four children.

Klimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna personal life - 2016 new husband

The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova is one of the favorite topics for journalists. So, some information is known from the lips of the actress herself. The actress’s first husband was Ilya Khoroshilov, whom they had known since school. The marriage broke up in 2004, and Ekaterina left behind a daughter, Lisa.

The second husband, Igor Petrenko, started an affair with her when the actress was still married. After the divorce, they began to live together for several years. During this time, two sons appeared - Matvey and Korney. The marriage broke up in 2013.

Klimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna personal life - 2016 new husband photo

After a high-profile divorce from Igor, Ekaterina and her daughter flew to Bali. As she admits, she felt good and “wouldn’t trade this time spent with Lisa.” It’s not surprising that you can find a lot of spy work for the query “Ekaterina Klimova photo in a swimsuit while vacationing in Bali.” After all, many paparazzi are hunting for the actress’s impeccable figure.

Family of Ekaterina Klimova

From an interview with the actress herself, many know that Ekaterina Klimova’s family takes first place in her life. And only then does she choose a career and a stage. Currently, she lives with her children and husband.

The father, A. Klimov, as mentioned earlier, took almost no part in raising his daughter, but the actress speaks extremely positively about him. Died in 2010. Thus, Ekaterina visits her mother Svetlana Klimova. And of course, he doesn’t forget his sister Victoria, with whom he remembers his childhood with a smile.

Children of Ekaterina Klimova

Despite the fact that both marriages were not the most successful, Catherine was still lucky enough to give birth and successfully raise children. After the divorces, Ekaterina Klimova’s children remained with her, and her second husband left the apartment in Moscow for her and the children.

Because The former spouses are trying to support the upbringing of their children; Catherine decided to leave each child his father’s surname. The actress always tries to find time for her family and children, while achieving great success on film sets. It's not easy, she says, but it's hard to earn "a perfect score in two mutually exclusive categories."

The first son of Ekaterina Klimova - Matvey

The first son of Ekaterina Klimova, Matvey, was born in 2006, already married to Igor Petrenko. This was their firstborn. As you know, after the divorce proceedings, he stayed to live with Catherine, but kept his father’s surname. Now he is 11 years old.

On her Instagram, the actress posts photos from family dinners that she hosts in honor of his birthdays. As she says in an interview, she has to balance between a busy schedule at work and family. Sometimes, of course, this is difficult, but she always finds solutions to remain a caring mother and be successful in her career.

The second son of Ekaterina Klimova - Korney

The second son of Ekaterina Klimova, Korney, was born 2 years later than his brother, in 2008. Both sons currently live with their mother and bear the surname Petrenko. They are inseparable from their older brother, and are present together at all photo shoots.

Recently, on a social network, she published a video in which both sons are preparing dinner for their star mother while she is relaxing on a swing and looking after them. In addition, Ekaterina says that her sons love to help her raise her younger sister.

The first daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Elizaveta

From her first marriage to Ilya Khoroshilov, Ekaterina Klimova’s first daughter, Elizaveta, survived. She was born in 2002. After the divorce, she stayed with her mother, but it was decided to keep her father’s surname. This year she will turn 15 years old.

When Ekaterina was going through a difficult divorce from her husband, she flew with her to Bali. At the same time, it was a spontaneous decision, as the actress later admitted. They simply collected all the basic things and sat at the Moscow airport in the evening, waiting for the desired flight.

The second daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Bella

The actress hid this pregnancy from journalists. After all, this is already the 4th child for such a young and successful actress. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise for the public. Bella was born in a Moscow maternity hospital in October 2015.

The second daughter of Ekaterina Klimova, Bella, was born in marriage to actor Gela Meskhi. Based on the photographs, many fans note that the daughter has a striking resemblance in appearance to her father. And just recently, Ekaterina said that her second daughter had already uttered her first word.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Ilya Khoroshilov

By profession, Ekaterina Klimova’s ex-husband is Ilya Khoroshilov, a jeweler. They had known each other since school years. The divorce took place in 2004. Catherine does not like to talk about this marriage to the press. It is only known that they tried to maintain the relationship to the last, for the sake of the children.

But after meeting Petrenko, the actress realized that there was no point in holding on to something that no longer really existed. Therefore, after a serious conversation, Catherine packed her things and went to her parents. The separation dragged on for a whole year, until the divorce was fully finalized.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Igor Petrenko

The acquaintance took place on the set of the series “Moscow Windows”. At that time, they were still married, so the continuation of the romance happened a year later. In a civil marriage, both sons were born - Matvey and Korney. The official marriage lasted 6 years.

As Ekaterina notes, she left all relationships and disagreements in the past. The ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova, Igor Petrenko, supports the studies and financing of the children. Thus, children are not separated from their father, and to some extent, they are raised by him.

Ekaterina Klimova’s husband is Gela Meskhi. Wedding with a new chosen one

The real husband of Ekaterina Klimova is Gela Meskhi, an actor with Spanish-Georgian roots. In his free time he enjoys painting. Before getting married, they spent a year in a civil marriage.

A modest wedding took place in the summer of 2015, to which only Catherine’s relatives and children were invited. And in October, daughter Bella is born. The actress met her future husband on the set of “Wolf Heart”. She felt attracted to him, tired of eternal scandals and divorces.

The actress views the method of improving her appearance through surgery negatively. She believes that most women do this to please a certain man. But what if, after undergoing surgery, the woman does not become interesting to him, there will be a need to “remake herself” every time.

From these words it becomes clear that it is simply impossible to find information for the query “Photo of Ekaterina Klimova before and after plastic surgery.” Thus, she emphasizes that beauty should remain from nature, and Ekaterina considers any methods of improving appearance to be pointless. Although she admits that as a child she dreamed of enlarging her breasts, and even then she tried to do it with the help of walnuts and cabbage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Klimova

Keeping up with modern trends, Ekaterina Klimova maintains a personal Instagram. Photos often appear there showing the actress’s friendly family or from the filming of another film. She emphasizes that she does not maintain any pages on social networks, such as Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

So it becomes clear that Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Klimova are the only sources where you can get reliable information and real photographs from the life of the actress.

Video and photo of naked Ekaterina Klimova

This material often comes across on the Internet. There are a lot of curious viewers who are eager to see photos of naked Ekaterina Klivoma, despite the fact that she has a husband and children. She is very beautiful and has good security, being a mother to three children. Here's what we were able to find censored in the search:

Unfortunately, the acting profession has more disadvantages than advantages, especially when it comes to family relationships. It is quite rare for a couple to have a harmonious life in which one or both spouses are actors. That's Ilya Khoroshilov (formerly Klimova) – family photos This is how they usually signed with him. Unable to withstand the popularity and betrayal of his wife, he left the family.

The couple has very few photos left together...

Klimova found her solace in the arms of Igor Petrenko. Their couple has long been considered one of the most harmonious in the acting firmament, but this turned out to be just a mirage...

Ilya Khoroshilov, Klimova’s ex-husband, family photos I left it on the table and began to look closely at other actresses. After all, he himself is a creative person by profession, and can only understand an equally creative and talented soul. In 2003, he met Elena Biryukova, a friend of his then wife. The girls played together in the play “Boeing-Boeing” and when they met, Ilya won Elena’s heart with how touchingly he communicated with his daughter.

Current and former spouses of Ilya Khoroshilov

After the official divorce, which took place in 2004, Ilya Khoroshilov began to be noticed more and more often in the company of Biryukova, they were scattered across the pages of the yellow press. Behind the shoulders of “Masha” from the popular sitcom there were several official marriages and a fairly adult daughter. Ilya has a complicated divorce from the woman he loves and the baby she took away.

Ilya Khoroshilov is essentially a monogamist. And having started a relationship with Elena Biryukova, one could understand that this was really serious. Having discovered his talent for jewelry, he showered his woman with beautiful and expensive jewelry, never missed an opportunity to give a gorgeous bouquet, and found a common language with her daughter Alexandra.

After some time, when, it would seem, the label “Klimova’s husband” came unstuck from Khoroshilov’s image, a new sensation happened - his common-law wife gave birth to a child! And after all, Elena Biryukova was once considered Klimova’s best friend, how could she do this to her?

Despite her advanced age, Elena Biryukova gave birth to a beautiful daughter

In fact, Elena carefully tried to hide her pregnancy from the public, and she succeeded - many learned about the birth of baby Aglaya only after the fact, when three months had passed after the birth. But no one was able to change the opinion of the media - after all, everyone knew Khoroshilova Ilya just how Klimova's ex-husband, remembered about family photos and about how painful the breakup was and that Elena and Catherine once played on the same stage.

Now Ekaterina Klimova is again attracting attention with her third marriage and fourth pregnancy; no one remembers her ex-husband. Elena Biryukova, having given birth to her second daughter at the age of 41, is happily married to her common-law spouse and does not intend to officially register her relationship.

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Main news

Marina Dokicheva.

Ekaterina Klimova is a Russian actress. Her heroines are always distinguished by femininity, grace and tenderness. The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova is in many ways similar to their stories.

One gets the impression that the actress does not play her roles, but as if she transfers them from her life: a loving wife, a caring spouse and a good friend is recognizable to us both in the movies and in reality. That is why the biography of Ekaterina Klimova is one of the most popular requests on the Internet.

Creative life

Ekaterina was born on January 24, 1978 in the capital. Her father was an artist, her mother a housewife. Creative abilities and a craving for art were probably passed on to little Katya from her dad. He did not see his daughter’s first steps: when the future actress was only one year old, he was sent to prison for unintentional murder. Father and daughter were reunited only in her teens.

The actress has an older sister, Victoria. The girls always got along and enjoyed spending time together; there were never any secrets between them.

As a child, Ekaterina Klimova already began to try herself as an actress: she took part in school productions. Children and adults noted her talent: the girl managed to easily get into character. Her skits were always accompanied by thunderous applause. Catherine's fate was predetermined.

After school, the actress entered the Shchepkinsky School. The girl enjoyed learning the art of acting, devoting all her free time to rehearsals and lectures by eminent teachers.

At the graduation performance, actress Ekaterina Klimova surprised the entire audience with her performance. The story with the outfit for her heroine is noteworthy. A dress from the last century was found in the theater, in the farthest corners. The robe was in a deplorable state, but the actress liked it so much that she herself returned it to its original appearance and embroidered it with beads.

After graduation, the actress quite easily entered the Russian Army Theater. The artist immediately attracted the attention of new audiences and critics. The actress's performance inspired the audience and made them laugh and cry along with her heroines. Ekaterina began to be invited to other theatrical projects, and then to cinema.

In 2001, the actress made her screen debut. Many still note the skillfully selected cast of young and at that time still unknown actors - Igor Petrenko played together with Ekaterina in the film “Moscow Windows”. The actors have known each other since their student days: they graduated from Shchepkinskoe together.

Ekaterina also played in the following films:

  • "The best city on earth."
  • "Poisons or the world history of poisoning."
  • "Truckers."

Real fame came to Ekaterina after filming a project on STS. The series “Poor Nastya” has long occupied a leading position in terms of views on the STS TV channel. Ekaterina got a supporting role (Natalia Repnina), however, despite this, many viewers liked her more than the main character Elena Korikova.

Natalya Repnina was the embodiment of tenderness, sensitivity and fidelity - all those qualities that have been inherent in Russian women from time immemorial. Klimova amazingly managed to convey the experiences and feelings of her heroine. Together with her, the audience experienced her troubles and rejoiced at her victories.

After the resounding success of the series, the actress began to be invited to star in popular projects. She has participated in such films as “Stormy Gates”, “Kamenskaya”, “We are from the Future”. In addition to approving reviews, criticism was also expressed towards Klimova, especially after her roles in the films “We are from the Future - 2” and “Escape”. However, the comments did not concern the actress’s performance, but rather the plot of the paintings itself.

After 2010, Ekaterina took part in a number of interesting projects:

  • "Defender"
  • "Once upon a time in Rostov."
  • "Match".
  • "A gift with character."
  • “Happy New Year, moms!”

The last film was especially loved by Russian audiences. Beautiful and touching New Year's stories about love for the main woman in anyone's life - mother - touched everyone's heart. Even the most stern men came out of cinema screenings with tears in their eyes.

In the actress’s filmography, the film “Abolition of All Restrictions” is especially noteworthy. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko seemed to be playing themselves on the screen - their characters were trying to save their collapsing relationship. The film was a success with the audience, which, unfortunately, could not be said about the personal lives of the actors.

Currently, many directors are still attracted to actress Ekaterina Klimova, the news of her filmography is impressive. Wikipedia reports that we will soon be able to see the actress play in such films as:

  • "Torgsin".
  • · “New Christmas trees.”
  • “According to the laws of war - 2.”
  • "Love and Sax".

Personal life

Viewers are attracted not only by the acting talent, but also by the life of the actress - Ekaterina Klimova, her biography interests many. The girl’s personal life is largely hidden from the viewer, but some interesting facts can be easily found on the Internet.

Not only on screen, the role of a caring mother is characteristic of Ekaterina Klimova. Ekaterina Klimova has four children. The actress's first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, was her classmate. They sat at their desks together, and after finishing school they got married. An ordinary story, because there are so many such cases in life... In 2002, a charming daughter Elizabeth appeared in the family. Just at this time, the actress had many job offers, and she began to devote more time to her career and less time to her husband.

In 2003, on the set, the actress met her classmate Igor Petrenko. When she realized that she saw in her film partner not only a good friend, but also a man she liked, she stopped communicating with him. The celebrities were both married at that time. However, a year later, both unions broke up, and the lovers began a relationship.

Ekaterina Klimova’s second husband chose a rather interesting date for their wedding - December 31. The couple quickly signed at the registry office and went on to celebrate the beginning of a new life and year. The family of actors had two children - sons Matvey and Korney.

After being married for about 10 years, the couple announced their separation. The celebrity divorce caused a number of gossip from the media, but in fact the separation was peaceful, without disagreements or conflicts.

A year later, Ekaterina Klimova, her personal life began to be discussed more actively than ever. The actress got married for the third time, and Gela Meskhi became her new chosen one. Ekaterina Klimova and her husband met on the set of the film “Wolf Sun”. A year later, the family was replenished with a baby: Ekaterina gave birth to another daughter, who was named the beautiful name Bella.

All of Ekaterina Klimova’s children live with her, but she does not prohibit her ex-husbands from communicating with them. Almost all of her free time, Ekaterina spends her time with her children; she loves to travel with them around the world. On the Internet you can find many beautiful photos of them together from resorts.

The actress’s children are as interesting to the audience as Ekaterina Klimova herself; her children are truly distinguished by their originality. For example, the eldest daughter is interested in gothic art, and the sons show interest in creativity, following the example of their famous parents. We'll probably be able to see them on screen in the future. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova