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How dreams come true. How do dreams come true? What does it mean to fill the egregor

Every person has a dream. And not alone. Big or small. Very easy to do or requiring time and effort. But it's always there. Some have a house, some have a family, some have a car, some travel. But not everyone's dreams come true. For some, they come true very quickly, for others they come true, but very slowly, and there are also dreams that do not come true at all. At all. Why?

Most of our dreams don't come true because we are not willing to pay for them. We want to get them for free, just like that. Come, take what you like, and that’s it. Without doing anything, without changing. We want to have children, but we don’t want to become a mother. We want a big house, but we hate cleaning. We want a beautiful car, but we constantly complain about the high cost of gasoline. We want a prince on a horse, but we ourselves are far from a princess. We want to get married, and we sit at home so that the prince himself will find us. We want to earn a lot of money, but we don’t want to do anything. We want a lot of things. And we don’t want to do anything for this. Especially the things that really need to be done. And what is most needed is usually internal work.

And life is fair in everything. In balancing material joys and sorrows in our destiny. And the fact is that you have to pay for everything. Necessarily. It's a reasonable fee, but it's necessary.

The price for the same dream may be different for everyone, but it is always fair for that particular person. Some people have a large reserve of piety from past lives; now it is enough for them to do just a little bit, just lift a finger. And if no merit has been accumulated in the past, then the price is higher, and you need to work harder - either physically or spiritually.

For any dream you have to pay. Various methods are accepted for payment - effort, time, labor, inconvenience, patience, personal transformation, labor again. Labor is not necessarily literal, physical, difficult and unbearable, but much more often it is mental and spiritual. Transformation, searching for answers to internal questions, purifying the heart, purifying life.

When we hear about paying for dreams, we immediately imagine grief and pain. That happiness must be earned, paid for with tears. No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking more about the readiness to accept this happiness. Change yourself, change the world around you so that you are ready to accept your dream into your life. It's not that easy - although it seems that I'm already ready for anything. In words - yes. But in reality - no. If my dream comes true now, most likely I will not be ready for it. At all.

If your dream is a big house, be prepared to constantly clean and wash it. Every day you will have to do wet cleaning in some part of it. In the meantime, you get to the last room, in the first you need to wash the floor again. Yes, you can hire someone for this. But then be prepared to pay money for it, in the amount of a monthly salary. The house also brings with it other features - you need to have the same things in several copies, on different floors, you need to clean not only inside but also outside, you need to think bigger. There is always something that needs to be fixed and something done in the house. It cannot be taken and ignored. This is a huge job. And this is the price to pay for such a beautiful dream. Here you can make concessions - and dream of a house that you can clean yourself. Or master systems that will help you keep order in a large house with a minimum of effort.

If your dream is a large family, be prepared to cook a lot, cook constantly, wash, iron, clean even more often and get used to the noise. Be prepared for the fact that the piece of cake left “for the morning” will not survive until the morning.

That someone will use your things all the time. That your values ​​will change a lot, and instead of ballet you will bake cookies in the shape of people. And you should really like it. All this is noise, din, periodic quarrels of children, their problems, their laughter, family evenings and vacations without excursions. In a large family, there really is several times more happiness, you just need to be ready to accept such happiness.

If your dream is a child, then be prepared for the pregnancy itself. This means waiting for such a long nine months, possible toxicosis, swelling, heaviness in the legs, drowsiness and, most importantly, childbirth. And then be prepared to stay up at night, heal stomachs, grow teeth, treat sores and never belong to yourself again. From now on, your heart will walk separately from you, and all you have to do is accept it. Be ready to forgive, accept, hear, love, let go. Being a mother is a huge mental work. He is physically huge, but also mentally – words can’t express how huge he is. But what happiness this is - and this too cannot be expressed in words.

If your dream is to travel, then be prepared to adapt to any circumstances, to different climates, food, different people and languages. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone will understand you, not everyone will understand you, not everyone will be able to talk. And sometimes you will really want it. Therefore, you will need to learn languages. Not all traditions will please you, not all will suit you, some will infuriate you. Also, be prepared for the fact that on the very day when you really want to wear your favorite blue dress, it won’t be in your suitcase, because it’s at home. Be prepared for meetings and partings. Moreover, not everywhere will be tasty and healthy for you. That it won’t be convenient for you everywhere, and sometimes you really want buckwheat or sour cream, and you won’t find them in any store. But you can discover a lot of new things - if you want. Including within yourself.

If your dream is a beautiful car, then be prepared to pay transport tax for it, fill it with good gasoline, and take it for maintenance. Also, be prepared for the fact that this car can be scratched, dented, or the upholstery can be damaged. The fact that the car will require attention and investment of effort into it. Besides, you will be stuck in traffic jams. And this does not mean that you need to give up your dream. You just have to come to terms with all the consequences, with this price for your dream. Learn to take things more calmly, for example. And enjoy your “swallow”.

You have to pay for everything. For long and beautiful hair, it’s not easy to care for it. For a beautiful figure - proper nutrition and exercise. For the income you need - not only through labor, but also through benefits for other people. For healthy teeth – regular care.

For an ideal marriage - flexibility, the ability to hear another, renunciation of selfishness, patience, acceptance, forgiveness - a lot of things.

For a good relationship with parents - wisdom and maturity, again acceptance. For talented paintings - years of training.

And those people for whom it seems to you that all this is easy, simply do not tell you about their transformations, their work invested in each dream. And many of them get the greatest pleasure not from achieving the goal as such, but from this transformation along the way to the goal. They just keep quiet about it. About how many times a week they make face masks, how they always take care of their skin in the morning and evening so that it looks so radiant. About how for ten to twenty years we sat for several hours every day at the piano in order to play Mozart so easily today. About how many nights we didn’t sleep and how much valerian we drank while raising our wonderful child. About how much we had to forgive each other, how we had to change and what to give up in order to celebrate our golden wedding today. About how much time and effort was spent on publishing your book. About how difficult it was to give up cakes and ice cream for the sake of a beautiful figure. About how many clothes they have to iron every day for their entire horde.

I have to pay a lot for our dreams. Sometimes I get so tired of being the wife of a nomad who is constantly leaving on business, solving various issues, studying, working. And in order to be together, we sometimes fly the whole family to hell in the middle of nowhere to be with him when he is doing something important. This is my price that I pay, being bored when he is not there, enduring flights when we go somewhere. I pay the price for every trip that doesn't include my pots and the beds aren't nearly as comfortable. I pay my price for my husband’s success, staying here and there alone with the children. Putting them to bed yourself, ensuring they are fully cared for while dad is away. And all the more valuable is the time when we are all together, and when I can sniff on his collarbone or cry on his chest, laugh and drink tea together, talk, make plans. This is my life, my dreams and my price for their fulfillment.

People often write to me that it’s good for me to be smart, I’m married, my husband is great, and I travel. I was lucky, just lucky. I smile because I know that those who are lucky are lucky. If I hadn’t spent so much mental energy on development and growth, if I hadn’t studied how to build relationships, I wouldn’t have a husband, family, or travel. Nothing would have happened. If I had not come to God, then nothing would have happened either, and coming to him was so difficult for me. Any dream that came true cost me dearly. A lot of time, effort, labor. Be it family, books, travel, children or something else.

And I have dreams that have not yet come true. They don't come true at all. And I know why. I keep waiting for them to happen to me. That I won’t need to change, rebuild, or work. I just close my eyes, open them, and everything happens. And it doesn’t matter who does it for me and how, what price they pay. Let the dream materialize itself, just like that.

In some ways this is true for women. Much should be entrusted, delegated to the husband and not controlled. But even to make such dreams come true as a ring or a dress, you need to work hard. Learn to inspire your husband so that he himself wants to give you all this. It won't work for free.

That is, our payment for dreams is not always hard physical labor. Most often, a woman’s price for a dream is internal work. Learn to respect your husband, cultivate your self-esteem, cope with your selfishness, get rid of envy. The field for work is huge.

If you change, grow, work, overcome discomfort, go beyond your comfort zone, then your dreams become closer to you - and one day they will come true. You little by little make deposits into the account of your dreams, save, invest - and one day the required amount appears in the account. And here it is – your house, your car, your family. Enjoy, rejoice, give thanks!

And the question arises: “Is it possible to do something cheaper? Easily?" Can. Of course you can! In the material world we are free in this regard - you don’t want to work and change, just give up your dreams and that’s it. True, then you may regret this decision all your life - and this is also a price, the price for inaction, laziness, fears, apathy. This price, I must say, is very high; such experiences can poison your entire existence. The decision is still yours - whether to change, work, invest time and energy in dreams - or give up on them and do nothing. You will have to pay in any case.

Don't believe it when they tell you that happiness comes easy. You need to beg for it, earn it, put your whole soul into making your dreams come true, build your future with the blessing of the Higher Powers. But it's worth it. After all, that’s why dreams are given, so that they come true.

Olga Valyaeva

It’s possible to make your dream come true in a week!

You no longer need to wait in a life-long line to fulfill your most cherished dream. The Book of Desires is a famous and effective technique aimed at turning any aspiration into reality in just 7 days.

It’s possible to make your dream come true in a week! You just need to follow certain rules and then everything will work out. Any desires are sooner or later fulfilled, but their materialization is rather passive and slow. The famous “Book of Desires” practice will help you speed up an already irreversible process, which will make any aspirations come true in just 7 days.

Creating a Book of Wishes

The easiest way to dream and make your dreams come true literally in an instant is to actively work with the subconscious. Everyone knows that thought is material, and man is the pinnacle of progress. Thanks to proper work with thinking and precise goal setting, each of us can easily bring our deepest desires to life.

At the beginning of this practice, it is necessary to create the very Book of Desire, which helps to open the mind, study the solution, fill your desire with powerful energy and move from a negative way of thinking to positive thinking, and therefore to the fulfillment of a dream. Only 6 simple steps separate you from your life's purpose:

First step. In the beginning, you need to set your priorities. Every person has a huge number of desires that require fulfillment. But you should choose one thing, the most intimate and important. Don’t rush things, let the main thing come true first, and then move on to the rest.

Second step. Be sure to buy the most beautiful diary that will be comfortable to hold in your hands. A notebook, notebook or notebook will become your personal “Book of Desires”, the cover of which should be pleasing to the eye. Approach the choice of this item with all rigor and responsibility.

Third step. You have to work as a detective, photographer or artist. Don't be afraid, it won't take much time. In order for a wish to come true, it must be supported by a visual picture. Find illustrations, take photographs or drawings that will connect you emotionally with the desire. You can call on the World Wide Web for help. Include a visualization that will show the end result of what you want to achieve. Use photos or old magazine clippings to reflect how you will feel when you achieve your goal. The main thing is to pay attention to the little things, outlining your dream in detail.

Fourth step. This is where the fun begins. Every page of your book should be littered with positive pictures and clippings that reflect your dream. It is advisable to place them on the right side, so that the left side of the book is reserved for freedom of thought and speech. A prerequisite is a succinct statement opposite each picture. You can use affirmations of success, the main thing is that the phrase retains an emotional and mental connection with the picture. For example, you want a huge house, in modern style, with 6 bedrooms, you can find an image of such a house on the Internet, print it out and stick it in your wish book. And the positive statement on the left might sound like this: “I love my beautiful and luxurious home”.

On another page, you can safely place a happy family inside such a mansion. The members of which share a meal together, with happy expressions on their faces. The text of the affirmation will sound like this: “I am happy/happy with my new home, and so is my family.”. This way your dream will be filled with strength on every page and will continue to grow to universal proportions.

Fifth step. It will take you at most one day to create a book. Many may be interested in the question, what to do for the remaining six days? In order for your dream to come true, you need to look at your “Book of Desires” every day for 10 minutes. In other words, connect with her emotionally, give her mental energy and activity. You can go one step further and supplement the magic notebook with new phrases, magazine inserts or stronger emotions. Imagine that you have found what you want and describe your delight on the free lines of the book.

Sixth step. While admiring the Book of Desires, say out loud affirmations that are aimed at making your dreams come true. Such a practice will strengthen your desire and attract Higher powers to its realization.

The universe supports the dreamer. Many world personalities began their growth precisely after visualizing their desires. They never stopped planning, making endless lists, experiencing failures one after another. However, in the end, dreams came true, and this is not surprising. Thoughts are material: the more specifically you imagine your dream, the higher the chances of it becoming reality.

Step #1. Get rid of denial

  1. At the initial stage, it is extremely important to tune in to a positive wave. Get rid of statements with the prefix “not.” Instead of saying, “I don’t want to get fat!”, rephrase the wording. Say “I will always be slim!”
  2. This move will allow you to act in harmony with your mind. It is known that denial provokes a person to act in this way, even if he does not want to.
  3. Get rid of this habit. As soon as you notice that you are starting to formulate a phrase with the particle “not,” immediately replace the statement with a similar one.
  4. Absolutely everything serves as an example. “I won’t wake up in the morning for work...” - “It’s difficult for me to wake up in the morning for work!” “I won’t go on vacation this summer!” - “I won’t be able to go to the sea in the summer!”
  5. By removing the ill-fated “no”, you will automatically force yourself to be positive. After a certain period of time, it is easy to notice that dreams look more real.

Step #2. Eliminate unnecessary things

  1. Create a cozy atmosphere, close your eyes and lie down to rest. Imagine for a second that all your dreams came true. Consider the situation from the first stage to the last, cover it entirely.
  2. Analyze the dream. Will everything work out as you plan? Pay attention to external factors that may prevent your dreams from coming true.
  3. Such a complex psychological technique will allow you to discard empty dreams (about 70% of them). As a result, you will focus on truly valuable desires.
  4. It is known that the more specific and voluminous the dream, the more you will strive to achieve it. However, if unnecessary (useless) plans stand in the way, the process will drag on for a long time.
  5. If you skip this stage, you will begin to rush from one dream to another. You can’t waste your time on trifles and chase five birds with one stone. To stay with an ace in your hole, eliminate everything unnecessary.

Step #3. Visualize the dream

  1. In order for dreams to come true, they need to be made concrete. Imagine your own desire in the smallest detail, bring this “picture” to your mind. Visualize your dream in colors, if necessary, make graphs, 3D drawings, etc.
  2. Do you dream of a house with large windows? Master the editing program, build yourself a dream home! Make a layout, install a pool, arrange a game room in the attic. Imagine not only the house, but also you in it (very important!).
  3. Do you want to occupy a prestigious position? Dream about how you go up to your office on the tenth floor, say hello to the secretary, drink coffee, hold conferences. Consider important details: daily routine, salary, office staff, layout of the room and the building as a whole, your own workplace.
  4. The more realistic your dream is in your head, the more powerful the result will be. The created picture should fuel you every day. It is for the sake of a dream that it is worth waking up in the morning and doing psychological work with your own “I”.
  5. In the case of personal life, the situation is similar. Do you want to meet a successful man who just begs to be called a “dream”? Make a psychological and physical portrait of your future partner. Imagine his voice, gait, laughter in your head. Visualize intimacy, gentle touches and kisses.

Step #4. Use motivational materials

  1. Come up with a motivation for yourself that will bring you closer to your dream. Print beautiful pictures of your home, your desired car, or photos of countries you want to visit. Do you dream of losing weight? Copy from the Internet and download to your smartphone photos of girls who are an incentive for you.
  2. Get a notebook, write down your dream step by step, break it down into small points. It is important to understand that you will not achieve everything at once in one fell swoop. The global goal should have small sub-points. Cross them out as you complete them.
  3. In addition to scheduling your dreams, set a time frame. Be specific about what month and year a specific task will be completed. This move will not allow you to relax and waste time. There is no need to set too long a deadline for the implementation of your plans, otherwise you will put off actions until “later” every time.
  4. Get the mindset that under no circumstances will you lose motivation. Even if there is chaos, unemployment and apocalypse in the world! The path to realizing desires is sometimes thorny; you cannot leave things unfinished.

Step #5. Believe in your dream

  1. It has been repeatedly proven that dreams have a pleasant feature - they come true. Believe in your own desires, look for strength, incentive and ways to turn them into reality. Protect your dream, don’t let others say “You can’t do it!” or “You can’t!” You can do anything!
  2. If unplanned difficulties occur, do not despair. Don't label yourself as a "loser." Be patient, success does not come overnight, sometimes it takes years.
  3. Make it a habit to daydream regularly for 15-20 minutes a day. Make yourself more comfortable, reproduce the desire in your head again and again, complement the “picture” with new details. Reinforce your dream, say it out loud, go to sleep thinking about a good future.

The main human achievements begin with actions; passivity and laziness are not the allies of the dreamer. To become happy and achieve what you want, you need to dream correctly. Visualize, make a plan, set specific deadlines.

Video: how to dream correctly

Psychologists say that there are no desires that cannot be fulfilled in life. But in fact, it turns out that everything we dreamed about as children never came true. Life is full of problems, both at work and on the personal front. It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle. Therefore, we will try to tell you how dreams come true.

Formulate your wishes correctly

In order for the Universe to help you achieve your dream, you need to clearly define it. Various interpretations, such as “I want to finally rest and relax,” are simply not allowed. Because this can lead to negative consequences. You can also rest in a hospital bed. Therefore, it is worth taking these points into account and correctly interpreting your desire, for example, “I want to spend my vacation at a resort, near the sea.”

The price of a dream come true

Think about whether your desire will affect someone close to you. Dreaming of a career takeoff, you can get the desired position, but by doing this, for example, you will leave behind your friend, who also dreamed of this position, and you will no longer become friends, but enemies. Know that harmony and happiness can be achieved only without harming others.

How to make your dream come true

  • First of all, be positive. Believing in your strength and yourself will help you cope with any obstacles on the way to fulfilling your desire. What we have programmed ourselves for always happens to us. If you believe in a better outcome, you can give it a positive impulse that will help make your desire come true.
  • Sometimes parents inspire their own children that they can only earn a lot of money dishonestly, and as a result, they cannot understand why their child in the future will not strive to earn more, because he is so smart and talented. Having matured, a person is afraid to go to a higher-paying job, for fear of not being able to cope with the task.
  • Our thoughts are capable of much, and if you believe in your own strength, you can move mountains. First of all, listen to yourself, how often do you use the particle “not” in your thoughts? If often, you urgently need to tune in to the positive. A simple inscription on the table can help you with this - “I will succeed!” Every day, contemplating this inscription, you will begin to believe in yourself and will take the right steps towards your own dream.

Model your own desire

In your own dreams, you need to scroll through the path to realizing your cherished dream. Do this for at least 15 minutes a day. Or arrange your own thoughts in the form of a collage. Place yourself and phrases in the current tense on this collage, for example: “Every year I go on vacation to expensive resorts,” or “I earn a lot of money.” The written phrases will mean that this has already happened and you are happy. On the collage you can also place a car, a house, or those objects that you would like to see in your future life. The collage must be placed in a place where you can see it, since you must constantly observe it in order to bring your own dream closer.

Don't sit idly by

Nothing just happens. You can dream about something, but do nothing to make your dream come true, and then it will never come true. The main thing is not to be lazy, think about what skills you need for your new job, maybe you need to learn a foreign language, or take some courses to get a well-paid position. The main thing is to start, and the dream will definitely come true. Also, if your dream is global, it is better to break it down into steps or stages that you will go through, rising higher and higher, and eventually you will learn how dreams come true.

Psychotherapist Elena Rykhalskaya told us about how to visualize correctly in order to get what you want. Thanks to the advice of a specialist, the fulfillment of desires will happen much faster!

Some consider the process of visualization to be a frivolous process, but it has a scientific basis, since it is a consequence of the work of our perception and imagination. There is a lot of scientific research surrounding visualization that shows it works. As an example, I’ll give you a study that I told my students about when I taught at the university.

To confirm the effectiveness of visualization, three groups of basketball players were selected for the experiment. The first group regularly attended training. The second group either came to training or missed it. And the participants of the third group visualized how they dribbled the ball, threw it, passed their opponents, etc. And the group that was actively engaged and the one that visualized achieved approximately the same results.

This experiment confirmed the hypothesis that when a person imagines the process clearly and correctly, then the work of the imagination and the dominant attention on the imagined object lead to changes even at the level of muscle groups. It is important that this process be consistent and daily.

Amazing example of visualization

Another example is associated with the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson. As a child, contracting polio, he was bedridden and could only see and hear. Watching his younger sister learn to walk, he mentally repeated her movements, and soon stood on his feet. At the level of imagination, the future psychotherapist developed his body and recovered.

However, I want to note that visualization is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Clear, correct and meaningful visualization, completely focused on the result, is comparable to regular training in the gym. Only then will it give results.

I want to get married urgently!

What we devote the most time to in our thoughts is what actually comes true. But there is one more point - the emotional factor. For example, a girl constantly dreams: “I want to get married, I want to get married, I want to get married...”

But in fact, she thinks this with an emotionally negative connotation: “This is impossible, all men are…, I’m ugly, who needs me like that…” etc.

As a result, she will either never meet her man or get married, but not to the one with whom her happiness was possible. Because by visualizing with distrust of the possibility of fulfillment, and therefore with a negative emotional background, we, on the contrary, push away the approach of what we want. Today, the existence of radio waves that we send into the world around us, depending on our positive or negative mood, has already been recorded at the level of physics.

If we talk on the same plane about deeply spiritual concepts, then correctly addressed prayer and baptism increase a person’s positive energy, and therefore protection.

What does it mean to fill the egregor?

An egregor is a collection of energy caused by thoughts and emotions united by a specific idea. A person, with his actions, emotions, perceptions and way of thinking, fills the egregor and brings the desired event closer. That is, it is not only what we think about our dream. This is also the number of choices per day that leads to the desired result.

For example, a person wants to get a promotion, but instead of making a report, he goes to a party with friends. Or a person wants to go live abroad. To learn the language, he will use any convenient moment. For example, colleagues went out for a smoke break during lunch, and during this time he read an article in a foreign language.

And this is how a person approaches the desired event in small things. Such a number of choices triggers a different approach to various actions, changes thinking, and over time will definitely give its results.

But it must be emphasized that the egregor has not only cognitive content, but also emotional content. That is, if you do something, but your actions are emotionally negative (namely: you simply do not believe that this will happen), then the result will be appropriate.

Should I let go of the desire or constantly think about it?

You must imagine what you want to receive, but always in a positive way. If you doubt (“I’m unlikely to get this”), envy (“I don’t have this yet, but someone already has it”), are afraid, worried, then it’s better not to think about your desire. In this case, write it on paper, hide it somewhere away and let go of your dream.

The fact is that when we display the above emotions, our level of anxiety increases. Especially if you start to get nervous: “Well, when will this come true?”, “Well, how long can you wait?!” There is a very good saying on this subject: “If a desire does not come true, this does not mean that God said: “No.” That is, there are reasons for everything - for delaying the implementation of what you want - including.

Speaking about the emotionally negative factor, one cannot help but recall the “Fool Ivanushka syndrome.” Remember, the fairy-tale hero did not think at all about whether he would succeed or not. He didn’t doubt anything at all, he simply went towards his goal and achieved everything he wanted. The absence of doubts and thus negative emotions leads to the absence of that energy that bothers us and creates additional obstacles.

Is it possible to talk about your desire?

They often say that you shouldn’t talk about your plans and desires, because people might get jealous and ruin everything. But the point is not envy, but the fact that a person who is authoritative for you, whose opinion you listen to, may say: “You won’t succeed,” “At your age, it’s too early to start,” “Who needs you with children?” , “You don’t have an education,” etc. And thereby sow doubts in you. In principle, this can be done by an unauthoritative person. If you hear something several times, your unconscious records the information.

In addition to visualization, what should you do to make your wish come true?

Action needed! For example, a girl weighs one hundred and twenty kilograms and dreams of losing weight. She visualizes herself as slim, but at the same time lying on the couch and eating bags of chips. It is not difficult to guess what the result will be. You definitely need to start doing something in small steps in order to give impetus to your psyche and your unconscious that “I am already different, and therefore I am worthy of such and such.”

Every day you need to do at least something that brings you closer to what you want, even if it’s a very small step. Those who immediately start with the global often overexert themselves and break down.

Why do girls who visualize a smart, handsome and rich man come across their...?

First, have them read the chapter about men in my book, “Love in a Woman’s Life: The Path from Breakup and Loneliness to Mature Relationships.” And they will do the exercise “Men in my life.”

Secondly, they either have not fully analyzed all the qualities that they would like to see in a future partner, or they need to understand that if a girl wants to meet a worthy man, then she needs to meet his level of aspirations.

I will say more, if a girl has already imagined such a man, it means that he probably exists or will appear in her environment. But you need to “pull up” something in yourself: change your style, behavior, habits, etc.

And the most important thing!

Do not treat visualization and your own desires as a game, because they will definitely come true, only in a transformed, distorted form. Or “half”, or with unwanted additions, or from someone close to you. That is, when the “prince” entered the wrong door or met not you, but your friend.

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com