home · Other · How best to design a rose garden. DIY rose garden in the country: tips and photos. Flower beds of ground cover roses

How best to design a rose garden. DIY rose garden in the country: tips and photos. Flower beds of ground cover roses

Beautiful, well-groomed... In a word, not a garden, but a photo from a magazine. Do you dream about this? Select a corner for a rose garden on your property. Create it according to your own design, without involving a designer in the design. How to make a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands - read the article.

To create a perennial flower garden of roses that will delight you for many years, decide on a goal. Think about what you would like to see in this corner, what mood you want to be charged from it. Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, look at photos of different flower beds and choose the one that suits you. There are several types of design:

  • Romantic. This flower garden looks good near the gazebo. Consists of roses in delicate shades. In combination with tall plants, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility;

Romantic rose garden
  • Front. As the name suggests, these are festive compositions with bright, often contrasting colors. Greenery looks very elegant and advantageous here;

Ceremonial rose garden
  • Visible on one side. Suitable for small areas. As an option, place it near a wall or a fence. For example, place tall park roses in the background. Closer to the edges there are medium-sized climbing plants, in the foreground there are groundcovers;

Rosary visible from one side
  • Visible from different angles. Flowers for this rose garden should be planted from the center to the edges. The tallest plants will be inside; they need to be surrounded by medium-sized roses. The composition should be completed by low-growing varieties;

Rosary visible from different angles
  • Vertical. Climbing perennial varieties of roses will perfectly decorate an arch or gazebo, eventually completely covering them;

Vertical rose garden

Advice. Remember that roses cannot grow in the desired direction on their own. Do this manually, using supports and garters. Form the weave according to your idea.

  • Rose garden-rock garden. Ground cover varieties are used for it. They bloom profusely and are easy to care for. Roses of this type grow well, so they quickly create a fragrant, colorful carpet. A beautiful ensemble is obtained from a combination of roses and stones on an alpine hill;

Rose garden-rock garden
  • Mobile. The name speaks for itself: this is a mobile rose garden that can be arranged in containers or flowerpots. Looks harmonious along paths, at the entrance, best in a sunny place. For such a flower garden, choose low, abundantly flowering varieties of roses. After planting, provide drainage, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. For the winter, put the containers in a heated room.

Mobile rose garden

In addition, decide on the style of your future rose garden. The most common in modern design are:

Landscape rose garden

How to design a rosary

Having decided on the location, type and style of the rose garden, draw up a plan diagram. It will help you visualize the final version of the flower garden. To begin, mark on the diagram the boundaries of the future kingdom of roses. You can use borders or low-growing flowers for them.

To prevent different plants from interfering with each other, decide on the sizes and varieties. Look at photos of blooming roses and choose your favorite ones. Write down their names and label them with numbers on the diagram. Mark where you are going to allocate space for short people and where for tall people.

Layout of the rosary

Which corners will be occupied by perennial flowers, and where new bushes will need to be planted annually is another aspect of the plan. Mark on the diagram the areas where you want to plant certain groups of roses. Consider whether their color combination will be harmonious.

Advice. In order for groups of plants that are inharmonious in color to “coexist” in one rose garden, dilute them with varieties with white inflorescences. Do not combine warm shades (cream, orange) with cold shades (burgundy, cherry).

Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, decide where and what crops will be planted as background ones. Consider whether perennial shrubs or stone compositions fit into the ensemble you have created. Look at various photos with diagrams and draw up your plan on paper.

How to make a rose garden with your own hands. Instructions

  1. Prepare the area. It should be sunny, but not windy, free from debris and weeds. “Flower Queens” love well-drained soil, never clayey. The ideal option is to take care of the soil in advance, around mid-summer, in order to plant roses in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil (approximate depth is 60 cm), loosen the top layer and apply fertilizer. In 2-3 months you will get good soil suitable for roses.

    Garden tools for creating a rose garden with your own hands

  2. Make holes. Their depth is approximately 10 cm greater than the length of the roots (50-60 cm), width - from 25 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the variety). If the groundwater level in your area is more than 1 m, you can do without drainage. Otherwise, place small stones, gravel or expanded clay at the bottom of each hole, and sprinkle a little earth on top.

    Preparing holes for planting roses

  3. Prepare the seedlings. Cut the roots to a length of 30 cm, remove damaged ones. Shorten the part that remains above the ground to 2-3 strong shoots. There should be no leaves on the cuttings.

    Seedling prepared for planting in open ground

  4. Remove the bush from the container or pot and plant it after moistening it. This is necessary so that the earthen lump does not crumble. Depending on the growing conditions, seedlings are distinguished:
    • with a closed root system (initially, each sprout was planted in a separate container in which it grew);
    • with an open root system (such specimens grew in the field and were placed in containers immediately before sale).

    Diagram: the process of planting rose bushes

  5. Based on this, there are differences when landing. Bushes with a closed root system are simply lowered vertically into the hole and evenly covered with earth (to do this, they need to be shaken periodically). For seedlings of the second type, you should first make a small mound in the dug hole. A bush is placed on it and covered with earth. In both cases, make sure that the roots do not bend upward.
  6. After planting, compact the soil and loosen the top layer. Water the seedlings.

    Bush after planting in the ground

Rules for caring for a rose garden

Regardless of which rose garden you prefer (romantic or rock garden), do not forget to regularly water the bushes for 2 weeks after planting. For the winter, you need to cover the holes with earth (20-30 cm) or cover the shoots with sawdust and sand. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch it.

Watering rose bushes

Apply organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Weed and prune roses in summer, spring, and after flowering. If you are grafting plants, remove any wild growth. Form bushes in a timely manner. For tall varieties, place supports.

Combinations of roses with other plants

If you decide not to create a rose garden exclusively with roses, think about the flowers that will grow next to them. After all, the overall appearance of your flower garden will depend on how successful the combination turns out to be. Choose your shrub border carefully. It will hide their lower, non-flowering part. For example, for a rose garden in a romantic style, a green or silver frame made of boxwood or chistets is suitable.

Rose bushes next to other crops

For a vibrant rose garden, add greens, gold or purple to the border. Barberry and santolina are suitable for this. Good neighbors for the “queen of flowers”:

  • perennial plants - carnation, periwinkle, primrose;
  • annuals - salvia, begonia, delphinia.

Advice. To protect against pests and diseases, it is worth planting marigolds, lavender or sage next to roses.

Roses look beautiful with plants that are not afraid of shade: hosta or heuchera. The climbers will keep company. Any ground cover plants are suitable for a rock garden. In combination with stones on a hill in a rose garden, ferns or conifers look advantageous.

Landscape composition with rose

Of course, designing a rosary requires a lot of work and considerable time. But the result is worth it. You will be reminded of this every year by the colorful blooms and aroma of the flower garden, lovingly created by your hands.

Beautiful, well-groomed... In a word, not a garden, but a photo from a magazine. Do you dream about this? Select a corner for a rose garden on your property. Create it according to your own design, without involving a designer in the design. How to make a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands - read the article.

To create a perennial flower garden of roses that will delight you for many years, decide on a goal. Think about what you would like to see in this corner, what mood you want to be charged from it. Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, look at photos of different flower beds and choose the one that suits you. There are several types of design:

  • Romantic. This flower garden looks good near the gazebo. Consists of roses in delicate shades. In combination with tall plants, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility;

Romantic rose garden
  • Front. As the name suggests, these are festive compositions with bright, often contrasting colors. Greenery looks very elegant and advantageous here;

Ceremonial rose garden
  • Visible on one side. Suitable for small areas. As an option, place it near a wall or a fence. For example, place tall park roses in the background. Closer to the edges there are medium-sized climbing plants, in the foreground there are groundcovers;

Rosary visible from one side
  • Visible from different angles. Flowers for this rose garden should be planted from the center to the edges. The tallest plants will be inside; they need to be surrounded by medium-sized roses. The composition should be completed by low-growing varieties;

Rosary visible from different angles
  • Vertical. Climbing perennial varieties of roses will perfectly decorate an arch or gazebo, eventually completely covering them;

Vertical rose garden

Advice. Remember that roses cannot grow in the desired direction on their own. Do this manually, using supports and garters. Form the weave according to your idea.

  • Rose garden-rock garden. Ground cover varieties are used for it. They bloom profusely and are easy to care for. Roses of this type grow well, so they quickly create a fragrant, colorful carpet. A beautiful ensemble is obtained from a combination of roses and stones on an alpine hill;

Rose garden-rock garden
  • Mobile. The name speaks for itself: this is a mobile rose garden that can be arranged in containers or flowerpots. Looks harmonious along paths, at the entrance, best in a sunny place. For such a flower garden, choose low, abundantly flowering varieties of roses. After planting, provide drainage, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. For the winter, put the containers in a heated room.

Mobile rose garden

In addition, decide on the style of your future rose garden. The most common in modern design are:

Landscape rose garden

How to design a rosary

Having decided on the location, type and style of the rose garden, draw up a plan diagram. It will help you visualize the final version of the flower garden. To begin, mark on the diagram the boundaries of the future kingdom of roses. You can use borders or low-growing flowers for them.

To prevent different plants from interfering with each other, decide on the sizes and varieties. Look at photos of blooming roses and choose your favorite ones. Write down their names and label them with numbers on the diagram. Mark where you are going to allocate space for short people and where for tall people.

Layout of the rosary

Which corners will be occupied by perennial flowers, and where new bushes will need to be planted annually is another aspect of the plan. Mark on the diagram the areas where you want to plant certain groups of roses. Consider whether their color combination will be harmonious.

Advice. In order for groups of plants that are inharmonious in color to “coexist” in one rose garden, dilute them with varieties with white inflorescences. Do not combine warm shades (cream, orange) with cold shades (burgundy, cherry).

Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, decide where and what crops will be planted as background ones. Consider whether perennial shrubs or stone compositions fit into the ensemble you have created. Look at various photos with diagrams and draw up your plan on paper.

How to make a rose garden with your own hands. Instructions

  1. Prepare the area. It should be sunny, but not windy, free from debris and weeds. “Flower Queens” love well-drained soil, never clayey. The ideal option is to take care of the soil in advance, around mid-summer, in order to plant roses in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil (approximate depth is 60 cm), loosen the top layer and apply fertilizer. In 2-3 months you will get good soil suitable for roses.

    Garden tools for creating a rose garden with your own hands

  2. Make holes. Their depth is approximately 10 cm greater than the length of the roots (50-60 cm), width - from 25 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the variety). If the groundwater level in your area is more than 1 m, you can do without drainage. Otherwise, place small stones, gravel or expanded clay at the bottom of each hole, and sprinkle a little earth on top.

    Preparing holes for planting roses

  3. Prepare the seedlings. Cut the roots to a length of 30 cm, remove damaged ones. Shorten the part that remains above the ground to 2-3 strong shoots. There should be no leaves on the cuttings.

    Seedling prepared for planting in open ground

  4. Remove the bush from the container or pot and plant it after moistening it. This is necessary so that the earthen lump does not crumble. Depending on the growing conditions, seedlings are distinguished:
    • with a closed root system (initially, each sprout was planted in a separate container in which it grew);
    • with an open root system (such specimens grew in the field and were placed in containers immediately before sale).

    Diagram: the process of planting rose bushes

  5. Based on this, there are differences when landing. Bushes with a closed root system are simply lowered vertically into the hole and evenly covered with earth (to do this, they need to be shaken periodically). For seedlings of the second type, you should first make a small mound in the dug hole. A bush is placed on it and covered with earth. In both cases, make sure that the roots do not bend upward.
  6. After planting, compact the soil and loosen the top layer. Water the seedlings.

    Bush after planting in the ground

Rules for caring for a rose garden

Regardless of which rose garden you prefer (romantic or rock garden), do not forget to regularly water the bushes for 2 weeks after planting. For the winter, you need to cover the holes with earth (20-30 cm) or cover the shoots with sawdust and sand. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch it.

Watering rose bushes

Apply organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Weed and prune roses in summer, spring, and after flowering. If you are grafting plants, remove any wild growth. Form bushes in a timely manner. For tall varieties, place supports.

Combinations of roses with other plants

If you decide not to create a rose garden exclusively with roses, think about the flowers that will grow next to them. After all, the overall appearance of your flower garden will depend on how successful the combination turns out to be. Choose your shrub border carefully. It will hide their lower, non-flowering part. For example, for a rose garden in a romantic style, a green or silver frame made of boxwood or chistets is suitable.

Rose bushes next to other crops

For a vibrant rose garden, add greens, gold or purple to the border. Barberry, aster, and santolina are suitable for this. Good neighbors for the “queen of flowers”:

  • perennial plants - irises, carnations, periwinkle, primrose;
  • annuals - pansies, salvia, begonia, delphinia.

Advice. To protect against pests and diseases, it is worth planting marigolds, lavender or sage next to roses.

Roses look beautiful with plants that are not afraid of shade: hosta or heuchera. The climbers will be accompanied by clematis. Any ground cover plants are suitable for a rock garden. In combination with stones on a hill in a rose garden, ferns or conifers look advantageous.

Landscape composition with rose

Of course, designing a rosary requires a lot of work and considerable time. But the result is worth it. You will be reminded of this every year by the colorful blooms and aroma of the flower garden, lovingly created by your hands.

Every novice gardener dreams of creating a rose garden with their own hands. But they are often stopped by the thought of the complexity of arranging a rose garden in landscape design. In fact, this is not such a complex set of activities that only requires responsibility and patience. How to make a rose garden at your dacha with your own hands? Read about all the intricacies of this matter in the article.

In any practical matter, theoretical material is initially processed. In this case, it is important to think about what types of rosaries there are. As a result, you can choose the most suitable option for your site and growing purposes.

For a romantic type of decoration, a rose of light, delicate shades is used. If you want to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in your garden or summer cottage, this option is perfect.

The ceremonial look involves the use of flowers in contrasting shades. Varieties with a massive leaf system will look beautiful. In this case, it is better to plant a rose garden in the entrance garden.

You can arrange roses in your dacha in such a way that they are viewed from only one side. This option is great for small areas.

Visible from all sides, the rose garden design can be used anywhere in the garden. Flowers are planted from the center, starting with tall varieties, to the edge, ending with low-growing plants.

A vertical look is usually created using an arch or other vertical structures. To do this, you need to select climbing varieties of roses. But remember that this is not a vine that independently chooses the direction of growth and weaves around a vertical surface. Therefore, you will have to constantly adjust and tie up the branches.

The rock garden looks like a multi-colored carpet. For this species, ground cover plants are used that are unpretentious and grow quickly.

A mobile rose garden is roses planted in pots or other containers. They can be placed along paths or on the terrace. But it is better to put such rose gardens in a summer cottage in a warm room for the winter.

A mixed rose garden is our usual flower beds. Other flowers are planted along with roses.

Selecting a location

What colors do roses go with?

Beautiful rose gardens at the dacha will not fill the entire space, so it’s worth thinking about the other “residents” of the garden.

If you are planning to plant an unmixed rose garden, think about the plants that will surround it. The non-flowering bottom of tall plants can be covered with low flowers (cleanweed, boxwood).

The design of the rose garden includes the use of greenery - it perfectly dilutes the riot of colors. Good composition neighbors for roses are irises, asters, periwinkle, primrose, carnation, salvia, pansy, delphinium. Neighbors perform not only a decorative role, but also a protective one. Thus, lavender and sage can become protectors against diseases for roses. Climbing varieties can be placed next to clematis.

Making a diagram

In order to get a beautiful rose garden, you need to draw up a planting plan correctly and in great detail.

To begin, mark the boundaries of the rose garden at your dacha with a composition of stones or low-growing plants. Then select photos of the varieties that you like on the Internet or catalogs. But consider the height and flowering period.

You can also revise ready-made rosary designs. Perhaps some of them will be identical in garden layout. You will notice that the garden is often divided into zones.

Now draw the future composition on a piece of paper, writing down the names of the varieties and colors. Don't combine warm and cool shades. But remember that white goes well with any color - it can be a unifying color.

The rose planting scheme should have information about where the background plants will be and where the central ones will be. Therefore, it is worth dividing the area into a background zone, central and side. Think also about decorative elements: sculptures, baskets.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a rose garden with your own hands is not difficult if you follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Site preparation.

Flowers should be planted in well-drained soil, but not clayey soil. Soil preparation begins in the fall - the site needs to be dug up and organic fertilizer applied. It is imperative to clear the area of ​​debris and weeds.

  • Creating holes.

The depth of the holes should be at least half a meter. The width depends on the variety - it can vary from 25 cm to 1.5 m. If the groundwater does not go too deep, small stones or gravel should be poured into the bottom of the holes.

  • Preparation of seedlings.

Trim the roots to a length of 30 cm. Remove diseased roots completely. The upper part also needs to be shortened to 2-3 strong shoots. There should be no leaves on the branches.

  • Landing.

Place the seedling in the moistened hole. There are two types of seedlings - grown in pots or in open ground, and before sale. For the first type, you need to create a mound in the hole on which you can plant the plant and cover it with soil. The second type can be placed in the usual vertical way. But in any case, the roots should not curl up.

Fill the hole with soil and compact it. Then water thoroughly.

Decorating the rose garden with hedges

How to design a garden so that neighbors and friends envy you with white envy? You can plant roses in your dacha as a living fence. For this purpose, either climbing varieties are used, which should be planted around the perimeter of the garden or as a dividing fence. Low-growing varieties (up to 100 cm) are suitable for single-row fences, and roses of different sizes are suitable for multi-tiered ones.

Rules for caring for a rose garden

When all the planting manipulations have been completed, the last, but no less important question arises: how to properly care for roses in the rose garden?

Caring for roses in the country includes regular fertilization, pruning, formation of bushes, and preparation for winter. In autumn, the rose garden needs to be properly prepared for winter, especially if the climate is cold. First of all, you need to reduce watering, stop loosening the soil, you can carry out control treatment from and. The last feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out at the end of August.

A special feature of autumn care is covering the plants. A 30-centimeter mixture of compost, sawdust or peat is poured at the base of the shoots. You can also cover the top with agrofibre.

In spring, of course, you need to remove the cover. This must be done immediately after the end of the frost, because the plants may become stubborn. In a week you can start. Varieties such as Tea Rose require strict formation of the bush. Basically you just need to cut off all the small and dry branches, leaving healthy shoots.

Don't forget about spring prevention with insecticides.

In summer, the main element of care is watering. If you can, invest in installing automatic watering. If this is not possible, remember the main rules for watering roses:

  • The soil should be moistened, not the plant itself;
  • one bush requires from 5 to 15 liters of water;
  • water with warm water a couple of times a week.

To achieve rapid flowering, you need to remove dry buds from plants and feed them once a month.

Video “Do-it-yourself rosary”

From this video you will learn how to make a rose garden in your country house yourself.

A beautiful word for a rose garden is a demonstration nursery with roses, in which plants are presented to visitors for review. To get to such a garden, fans of the “Queen of Flowers” ​​travel many kilometers, and even people inexperienced in floriculture enjoy staying in such a place.

It is not surprising that roses can be found so often in summer cottages and garden plots: having your own rose garden, you don’t need to go on a long journey to enjoy the wonderful aroma and sight of beautiful flowers.

Varieties of rosaries

Any piece of land on which roses are purposefully and predominantly grown can be called a rose garden, no matter how many rose bushes it contains. It can include several plants of the same species or several dozen different varieties, occupy a small corner in the yard or a larger area of ​​the site.

According to the style of execution, there is a rose garden with a regular layout (parterre) and a landscape one. The parterre rose garden has correct geometric proportions; the plants in it are planted in symmetrical rows or stripes.

Paving is done between the rows or the lawn is sown. A regular rose garden includes one or more flower beds, depending on the area allocated for it. In order not to introduce dissonance into the flower garden, roses of 2-3 shades are used in each flower bed.

Important reminder. In the parterre rose garden, rose plantings are combined with conifers and plants that have not bright, but beautiful foliage shades: coastal cineraria, gray fescue, angustifolia lavender. Landscape designers do not recommend planting brightly flowering plants in a regular rose garden.

A landscape flower garden looks better in a small area. It can include as many types of roses with a variety of varieties and shades as the space allocated for it and the design idea allows. In addition to the main content, other flowering plants, both annuals and perennials, are allowed to be included in the landscape.


There are two things to consider when choosing a location. Firstly, there is no point in creating a beautiful flower garden, which uses expensive planting material, in a remote corner of the garden. Therefore, an area open to view is allocated for the rose garden. As a rule, these are flower beds in the front yard - that is, that part of the estate where it will be most convenient to admire the flowers.

Secondly, you need to take into account the needs of the plants themselves. Roses will feel comfortable in a sunny place protected from the wind.

It is not recommended to plant a flower garden under the crowns of tall trees, or on the north or west side near the house. Only some varieties of English roses prefer sparse shade. David Austin (Austins). In the hot sun they literally droop and present a pitiful sight.

The area for the rose garden should have fertile, well-permeable soil. Heavy rocky or clayey wetland in low-lying areas will not work, nor will poor sandy soil.

Advice. If the soil is scarce, although the site is suitable in all other respects, the soil can be improved or the top layer can be replaced entirely.

Drawing up a diagram

When laying out a regular flower bed with roses, rectilinear shapes are used. To ensure a good overview of each plant, two planting schemes are used: Taller types of roses are planted along the center line, and miniature types are planted at the edge, or in a checkerboard pattern.

In a landscape rose garden, it is important to think through the colors of the flower garden. A very successful combination of white and cream roses, diluted with light lilac lavender.

Also, the white color scheme looks great against the greenery of coniferous plants. Thujas can form the background for a rose garden, and creeping forms of juniper are placed in the foreground, creating a kind of footing for the rose bushes.

A very interesting rosary, conceived in the form. Its advantage is that you can put together different types of roses: climbing, straight, creeping. They are placed in increasing height and diluted with perennials with decorative foliage.

Practical advice. To make it easier to care for the rose garden, the plants in it are planted in separate groups of several bushes. The space between such “blocks” is filled with grass, paving, and lawn.

What roses to plant

When choosing seedlings, you should take into account several nuances: in what place they will be planted, whether the owners will be able to provide regular care for them, and how many bushes can be placed in the flower garden. The questions are not idle, since they determine which roses are best to choose for the rosary.

If the plants are intended for an arch, trellis or porch decoration, you need to plant climbing roses. They are used to create a background for other plants, as a screen near a resting place or as decoration on the facade of a residential building.

Climbing roses on a gazebo

In a rarely visited country house, it is better to use roses that are not capricious, disease-resistant and do not need winter shelter. This is due to the fact that during infrequent visits, the owners do not always manage to pay attention to the dacha beauties. Suitable varieties are hardy varieties of park and landscape roses, which are characterized by long flowering and a variety of colors.

Casey's park roses

Of course, if the roses are cared for, there may be other representatives of the pink kingdom in the collection: Floribunda, tea hybrids and fines.

When the space for a rose garden is large enough, it is not necessary to fill it only with varieties with long flowering. There is a unique opportunity to select plants with spectacular flowers that bloom once. At the end of their flowering, the color of the flower garden is compensated by roses with long flowering periods.

Roses for the garden:

  • Perennial Blue. A climbing rose that produces buds throughout the summer. The flowers are pink with a slight blue, semi-double, collected in huge bouquets of 10-15 pieces;
  • Corvest. The orange flowers of this climbing rose are collected in several pieces and smell pleasant;
  • Westerland. A park rose about 2 m high with expressive shiny leaves. Semi-double flowers of mixed colors (yellow, golden, orange) have a strong aroma;
  • Angelica. One of the hybrid tea roses with dark red flowers. The petals are gracefully bent outward. The height of the bush is about 95 cm;
  • New Star. Two-color rose Floribunda (pink with cream or red with cream). Blooms repeatedly, bush height up to 90 cm;
  • Scarlet. Small-flowered (patio) scarlet;
  • Pat de velor. A variety of ground cover roses. Forms a picturesque carpet strewn with small (4 cm) light pink flowers with a crimson edge;
  • Fontaine. Strab with large velvety red flowers. The height of the bush reached 2 m.

Review of the rose garden with descriptions of varieties:

Roses and their "partners"

Roses are self-sufficient and do not need partners: they can easily be used to create compositions without the use of other plants. You can simply fill the empty space with a lawn, and its emerald greenery will be the perfect backdrop for a rose garden. If the flower garden is supplemented with other flowers, they should be introduced according to a pre-drawn plan.

Rosary with bulbous

Daffodils, tulips, hazel grouse and muscari They bloom at a time when rose bushes are just beginning to awaken after winter. Early flowering bulbs brighten up the spring months in the rose garden, so their presence is highly desirable. At the beginning of June, the fading foliage of the bulbous plants is cut off so as not to spoil the landscape.

Daffodils and hazel grouse.

The same principle applies to lilies. They bloom later than daffodils and tulips, but somewhat earlier than roses. You can place them in the central part of the flowerbed so that the growing shoots of roses will hide the fading stems of lilies.

With hosts

When you need to make a border along a rose garden, it is difficult to find a plant more suitable for this purpose than a hosta. Its wide foliage is collected in lush rosettes and covers that part of the shoots on roses where inflorescences do not develop. A peculiar border, reminiscent of a low green hedge, perfectly complements the planting of bush roses.

With annuals

If bright annuals are used in a flower garden with roses, it is recommended to choose colors to match the roses, but in calmer shades. The principle is that partners should not exceed the brightness of the dominant plant. For example, next to roses of red and burgundy colors there may be marigold.

In terms of habit, they are much lower than rose bushes, and are quite suitable for the role of a partner. You can use marigolds instead nasturtium, gaillardia, cosmos.

Suitable for roses of light, warm colors Veronica, gypsophila, lobularia, lavatera, petunia or ageratum.

Rose with petunia.

How to choose healthy seedlings

Seedlings with an open root system should be purchased immediately before planting, since during storage the root system quickly dries out, which affects the survival rate of planting material. The bush must have at least 3 stems, a developed root system, and a root collar with a diameter of 1 cm.

You should not buy seedlings with drooping leaves and roots - this is a sign that the planting material has been on sale for more than one day (or maybe more than one week).

Seedlings with a lump on the roots or a clay mash are protected from drying out, but they also should not be purchased long before planting. You can store them for about a week by wrapping the earthen lump in a damp cloth and sprinkling it with water from time to time. A closed root system does not always guarantee quality, so you need to pay attention to the condition of the leaves and shoots.

Roses in containers are usually sold in a blooming state, making it easy to determine the size of the flower, its color and even its aroma. They can be purchased in advance and kept in diffuse shade until planting.

Important. When examining a seedling, you should examine the leaves and stems. They should not show signs of fungal diseases (whitish coating), dark spots or deformation of shoots.


The most favorable time for planting is the month of October: during this period of autumn, plants take root better, due to which they bloom earlier next year. Considering that planting pits are prepared 2-3 months before the expected planting of seedlings, preparatory work should begin from the end of July - beginning of August. First of all, the type of soil on the site is analyzed, and then, depending on the results, its preparation is carried out.

How to prepare the soil for planting roses in the fall

Light loams with a pH of 5-6 are most suitable for growing roses. If the soil is sandy, humus is added to it, and if it is clayey, then humus and sand are added. First, the area is cleared of weeds, humus (or humus with sand) is distributed over the surface, and deep digging is carried out.

If August turns out to be dry, the area is well watered. It is advisable to use the sprinkling method so that the soil is saturated with moisture evenly and does not become excessively compacted, as happens when watering with a hose.

Well preparation

After 1-1.5 months, when the soil settles, planting holes are prepared. It is not necessary to make too large holes; it is enough to dig them 40 cm deep and 40 cm wide. If the soil is dense, it is recommended to make the holes 15 cm deeper than usual, and pour a layer of drainage material on the bottom.

At what distance to make holes:

  • Miniature types of roses – 30 cm;
  • Patio roses – 50 cm;
  • Hybrid tea - depending on the variety from 50 to 100 cm;
  • Standard and bush - up to 2 m;
  • Climbing - from 2 to 3 m;
  • Ground cover - the distance largely depends on the formation of the bush, on average it is 2 m.

When preparing holes, you do not need to focus on the dimensions of the planting material, since they do not reflect the habit of an adult plant. Too thick plantings are dangerous for the development of diseases. In addition, remaining constantly in the shade, the lower part of the bush loses its leaves, which affects the decorativeness of the flower garden.

Sparse planting is also not desirable, since the space between the bushes begins to be overgrown with weeds, and the earth overheats in the open sun.

Seedling preparation and planting

2-3 of the strongest stems are left on the seedlings, and the rest are cut to the base. Those that remain are greatly shortened: no more than 3 lower buds should be left. Roots on planting material with an open root system are cut to a length of 20-30 cm.

This procedure is mandatory, as it promotes faster growth of new roots.

A small earthen mound is poured under bare-rooted plants, the roots are evenly distributed along its slopes, and sprinkled with a soil mixture of garden soil and humus. After watering, add soil.

Plants with closed roots are simply released from the packaging, lowered into the hole, and the space between the walls of the hole and the lump on the roots of the seedling is filled with garden soil mixed with humus. The soil around the main stem is pressed down and the plant is well-watered.

When the moisture is absorbed, the resulting hole is covered with soil or peat.

Tips for planting roses:

  • Before planting, exposed roots are dipped in a mixture of mullein (1 part) and clay (3 parts);
  • It is important that the soil from the roots does not crumble during planting, so everything must be done very carefully;
  • When the soil settles after watering, you need to take the seedling by the base of the stem and pull it up so that the budding site is 2 cm below the soil level;
  • A grafted rose planted too high will produce wild growth;
  • When planting, self-rooted seedlings (grown from cuttings) can be buried, they form additional roots.

Rose garden care

Pleasure can come not only from contemplating beautiful rose bushes, but also from systematic care for them. Although roses are very diverse, the rules of care and cultivation are the same for them.


Moderation should be observed when watering the rose garden. Roses are not capricious, but they do not like too wet soil. The soil should also not be allowed to dry out: plants will quickly respond to a lack of moisture by reducing bud formation and weak shoot growth.

The irrigation regime is adjusted depending on the weather conditions of the current summer. If there is insufficient rainfall, the sprinklers are turned on in the morning and, in addition, abundant watering is carried out under each bush 2 times a week. In rainy summers there is no need to flood the flower garden with water.


Roses are pruned in most cases in the spring. But it is not correct to cut all plants “with the same brush”; there are peculiarities of pruning each type of rose.

  • Hybrid tea. In spring, all stems are shortened to 2-3 lower buds, weak and thin ones are cut out completely. At the end of May and beginning of summer, long shoots are pinched to stimulate branching;
  • Climbing. Only weak and old shoots are cut out, last year's shoots are left, as buds are laid on them. Every 7-10 years, a rejuvenating haircut is carried out, during which all the lashes are cut off at a height of 50 cm from the ground.
  • Floribunda. Young shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length, and 2-year-old shoots are 2-3 buds above the ground;
  • Park ones. Sanitary and anti-aging pruning is carried out: old and weak branches are cut down to the root collar.

Pruning is carried out in dry sunny weather, when there is no danger of infection with fungal diseases. Cuts are made above the outer bud towards the inside of the bush.

Preparing for winter

A special point in caring for a rose garden is preparing it for winter. Not all roses need shelter. Old varieties and species (not counting English roses) can be left as is. By the end of summer, their vegetative growth stops, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates accumulates in the wood, the bark becomes coarser, and by October the plants are ready to face frost.

Modern remontant varieties of roses bloom before the cold weather, so their shoots do not have time to ripen enough for wintering. There are 5 ways to speed up the process of lignification of shoots. They can be applied to all types of roses, to those that need covering and to those that do not need to be covered.

How to prepare roses for winter:

  1. From the beginning of September, excavation work in the rose garden stops: digging, loosening, weeding. This step will reduce the likelihood of awakening buds that are in a state of rest;
  2. Since August, phosphorus fertilizers have been added to the bushes, which will accelerate the ripening process of wood;
  3. Before the onset of autumn, several fading flowers are left on the vines to stop bud formation;
  4. The tips of the shoots are pinched (especially those with a reddish tint to the leaves);
  5. At the end of October shoots on roses floribunda, polyanthas and hybrid teas cut to 1/3 of the length. Small-flowered ones are pinched;

Roses take cover almost before the frosts, around the end of October, in November. The most suitable materials for shelter are natural materials: spruce branches, leaves, pine sawdust and, of course, snow. First, the bushes can be covered with spanboard (or another type of agrofibre), and then covered with what is available. After the first heavy snowfall, the plants are additionally covered with snow.

Advice. If roses overwinter without shelter, they should still be protected from frost. In October, the lower part of the bush is sprinkled with loose soil, humus or forest litter. The height of the mound is 20-30 cm.


A great danger to roses is posed by factors beyond human control that can trigger the development of non-infectious diseases. These are excessive precipitation and early thaws followed by frosts. In order for plants to be able to withstand unfavorable times for them, it is recommended to strengthen them with complex mineral fertilizers in the fall. Also, correct agricultural technology plays a significant role in protecting plants from diseases: maintaining a sufficient distance between bushes, ensuring high moisture permeability of the soil, and creating drainage if necessary.

It is more difficult to fight fungal diseases, which are dangerous because they can be transmitted from plant to plant. Therefore, it is important to quickly recognize and eliminate the infection at the first signs.

Signs of infectious diseases in roses:

Fungicidal drugs are used to treat infectious diseases: Maxim, Falconom, Skor, Ridomil Gold, Quadris, Fundazol. Spraying is carried out every 10 days. Affected shoots are cut off and burned outside the rose garden.

Many summer residents have been dreaming of growing roses on their plot for years, but they put this question on the back burner, considering such flowers to be rather capricious. In fact, everyone can do the job; you just need to know the rules for planting roses and the basic techniques for caring for them. We will tell you how to choose a site for a rose garden, what plants to choose for your garden, and how to plant seedlings without mistakes in a place prepared for a flower garden.

The rose is an exquisite and capricious flower, but with enough attention it can successfully “thrive” in the countryside

The best place for a rose garden

Let's start with the proper selection of a place to create a flower garden. It is worth saying here that roses love the sun, so it is necessary that the area is well lit. At the same time, this flower does not tolerate wind or drafts, so it is advisable that the flower bed with seedlings be protected from the vagaries of the weather. You can select an area near the house so that the wall of the structure serves as some kind of protection for the rose garden.

How to choose colors harmoniously?

Roses of the same variety and color of petals in a flowerbed look good, but it is even better if the flowers are of different shades. To ensure that the composition is not too flashy, it is advisable to immediately think through the general concept of color. The following options are possible:

  • Rose garden in pastel colors - pink, cream, white, lavender flowers.
  • A flower garden that will not leave anyone indifferent - bright colors prevail in it, yellow, red, orange and purple stand out among them.
  • A flower bed with bushes of two bright shades that contrast well with each other looks impressive. You can experiment and combine the following shades in one flower garden: white and red, yellow and purple.
  • Another win-win option for combining colors in the garden is pastel, blurry tones of the main mass with bright splashes of individual bushes as accents. For example, a flower garden planted with roses in delicate shades, in which crimson, purple or orange flowers are occasionally found, will perfectly decorate a garden.

You can use roses in pastel colors as a basis.

What plant varieties are suitable for a rose garden?

The next step after allocating space for the rose garden and selecting flowers should be choosing a plant variety. Inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of purchasing flower seedlings that they like in appearance. The picture is not fully capable of displaying all the features of the plant. It is advisable to think in advance what type of roses will decorate the flower garden, having studied the properties and appearance of the flowers using photos and descriptions from reliable sources.

If there is a lot of space in the rose garden, you can choose tall bushes that grow well. These types include Old English, tea, their hybrids, as well as climbing varieties of roses. Their advantage is that the height of the bushes can reach one and a half meters, which looks quite impressive from the outside.

For those who have a small area allocated for a rose garden, it makes sense to try to use the available space as efficiently as possible. For small and cozy flower beds, miniature compact plant bushes are suitable.

Also, noble flowers look good in combination with other plants. It should be recognized that this option for planting roses is the most preferable. In the company of irises, carnations, catnip or lavender, roses will shine like precious stones.

Brick and stones and conifers are illuminated with the scarlet color of roses


In this section, we will learn how to design a rose garden to present your pets in the best possible light. The solution to this problem depends on the chosen plant variety, the location for the flower bed, and the preferences of the owner. Roses can be planted to decorate a hedge, climbing varieties can be entwined around arched supports, and bushes of various sizes can be planted in the form of a flower bed.

Roses as a hedge decoration

A green hedge made of flowering bushes, which you can create with your own hands in the country, looks very impressive. In addition, such a structure will bring a lot of benefits - if the plants feel good, they will grow densely over the entire area of ​​the fence and will help hide the garden area from prying eyes.

Before planning work, you should wisely select plant varieties. If the fence is single-row, low-growing roses are suitable, the height of which at the highest point reaches 1 meter. Also, when planting plants, it is worth leaving a small space between the bushes - from 0.5 to 0.7 m.

If the fence is multi-row, it is advisable to select bushes of different heights to decorate it. The first row should be from 0.7 to 1 meter high, and the last row is selected from roses that grow up to 1.5 m.

Single-row planting involves selecting roses of approximately the same height

When planting seedlings near a concrete fence, there should be at least 30 centimeters from the wall to the hole. Also, during work, you need to ensure that the roots of the plants are facing in the opposite direction from the fence.

Flower bed of roses

When planning a flower bed for a rose garden, you first need to think about its shape and carry out work on fencing the flower garden. This can be done with the help of plants, and also by pavement with stone or brick. Rose bushes are planted in the flowerbed at the very end of the work. In several places in the flower garden, you can plan to plant flowers on a standard or roses entwined with forged arched structures.

It is important to carefully consider the number of bushes that will be planted in the flowerbed. An insufficient number of plants will create the effect of a “bald” space. Roses planted too tightly depress neighboring bushes, which therefore do not produce flowers. In addition, improper planning can lead to fungal plant diseases. Typically, the distance between bushes is calculated depending on the size of adult plants - their height and estimated volume:

  • for the smallest dwarf varieties of roses, the distance between the bushes should be 0.25-0.45 m;
  • tea, hybrid low-growing plants, as well as park varieties feel good at a planting density of 0.65-1.0 m;
  • weakly climbing plants, standard roses, are planted at a distance of 1.5 meters;
  • Tall park roses, as well as weeping standard roses, need free space of at least 2-3 meters from the hole in all directions.

Dwarf roses can be planted quite densely

A spacious rose garden can be arranged in such a way that low-growing varieties are planted along its edges, and the tallest varieties are planted in the center. Then each flower will be clearly visible and the rose garden will be spectacular. If the space for a flower bed is limited, it is better to plant its entire area with dwarf and other miniature varieties of flowers. Such a rose garden will look compact and proportional.

It is common knowledge that most rose bushes have unattractive lower parts. In this regard, it is customary, with the help of other plants, to create a kind of fencing for the flowerbed, which will hide the unaesthetic bottom of noble bushes. If the rose garden pleases the eye with delicate pastel shades, lavender, sea cineraria, boxwood, and woolly tuft are in harmony with it. For roses with bright colors, you can choose plants with gold, purple and regular green leaves. Border aster, Thunberg barberry, and rosemary-leaved santolina will most optimally shade roses of rich colors.

Roses on the lawn are also good

Climbing roses

From these varieties of roses you can create unusual compositions, forming a rose garden according to your own wishes. We will offer several options for compositions from weaving plants:

  • Plant roses near a long fence so that over time they cover the fence with a thick cover.
  • An arcade of several structures entwined with roses of different shades. Such arches will decorate a large garden and allow you to create a fragrant corridor or a wide alley of roses.

The rose arches in the garden look absolutely stunning.
  • Bushes are also planted individually as an independent accent of a flowering garden. To prevent the climbing plant from falling from the wind, a wooden support is driven into the ground next to it. The distance from the peg to the bush should be 10 cm, and the peg itself should have a diameter of at least 3 cm and a height of 50 cm above the bush. Also, before digging in, the wooden support is treated with an antiseptic so that it does not rot.

Whatever design or type of construction of a rose garden made of climbing roses you choose, it is important to direct the plant branches in the right direction several times a season. Then the bush will weave around the hedge or arch as intended, and the whole composition will look natural and picturesque.

Landing rules

Plants should be planted correctly, avoiding mistakes. We are confident that even a beginner can create the perfect rosary. Let's look at the basic techniques for planting roses, as well as the rules for preparing land for planting.

First of all, you should take care of the soil. If the groundwater in the area is closer than 1 meter to the surface of the earth, drainage must be used. It is prepared like this: first, a layer of soil 70 cm deep is removed, then gravel is poured into the trench, onto which the soil is returned. In other cases, no special preparation is required. Seedlings that can be purchased for planting come with open and closed root systems.

Planting roses requires care and strict adherence to instructions.

Each type has its own planting rules:

  • Seedlings, the roots of which are in separate containers, are planted in a prepared hole 60 cm deep. It is necessary to make sure that the grafting site near the root is in the ground at a depth of 5 cm. Then you need to fill the hole with fertile soil, to which compost, ash, and sand have been added , bone flour. Damaged and damaged root shoots are removed, and the cut sites are covered with ash or crushed activated carbon tablets. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seedlings must be cut to 15-18 cm, leaving 4-6 buds on the bush. Climbing roses are shortened to 40 cm. Autumn planting does not require preliminary pruning; it will have to be done in the spring.
  • An exposed root system requires special attention. 14 hours before planting, such seedlings must be immersed in water. In this case, you need to remove excess soil from the roots. Then dig a hole into which to pour soil in a heap so that its top does not reach the surface by 7 centimeters. You need to place a seedling on this hill, and, straightening the roots, cover it with earth.

Rose bushes require constant attention. It is necessary to trim dried shoots from time to time, loosen the soil around the stem, and periodically fertilize it. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the roses will begin to lose their petals. Do not forget to regularly care for these noble flowers, then their bloom and fragrance will delight you all season.