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How to identify your wife's lover. Five sure signs that your wife is cheating on you. Changes in behavior

The problem of betrayal in love relationships becomes acute for the reason that quite a lot of people in the modern world are not able to remain faithful and, by and large, do not want to bother themselves with such things. With the times of sexual liberation, when women began to flaunt their bodies, and male infidelity became normal, a lot has changed. Now women can cheat on their husbands, which, naturally, their significant other will not like. Therefore, the men's magazine website will tell you by what signs you can understand that your wife has.

Cheating has become something common in many modern families. If previously only men sinned, since female infidelity was immediately condemned and considered a shame, a mark on a woman, then in modern society everything is permitted and forgiven. Women do not want to lag behind men, so they also begin to cheat.

We can say that now not only wives are worried about the fact that their husbands are going to the left, but also men are beginning to understand a little about the topic of how to find out that their wives have lovers. On the one hand, there is equality here, which means that women are allowed the same things as men. On the other hand, men are no different in their reaction to betrayal, unlike women who also face betrayal.

Before we move on to the topic of the article, we should address all readers, among whom there may be women: if you are cheating, then imagine that it is yours. How are you feeling? Do not forget that a woman has the same right to cheat on her husband if he has not burdened himself with fidelity to her for a long time. Therefore, if a wife went to the left because her husband was cheating on her, then he got what he deserved and himself became the reason for such female behavior.

Let's get back to the topic. All men remain owners when, within their family, wives should take care of households and children, and not sexual pleasures with other men. Modern women are no longer the same as they used to be. Now they have all become bitches and ambitious ladies who must conquer material heights, achieve wealth and universal love and fame. They are no longer very concerned about home life and raising children, which is successfully transferred to nannies and housekeepers.

Since your wife may have many complaints against you, as well as a sufficient amount of free time, she may have a lover at any time because:

  1. Many modern women no longer quite understand what fidelity is.
  2. A lover becomes as much an adornment for a woman as any dress.

Warning signs of infidelity

Before we move on to consider the warning signs that may cause you to begin to doubt your spouse’s fidelity, let us emphasize that we are talking about indirect evidence. Until you find your wife in bed with another man, until you see her in someone else’s arms, or until she herself admits to her infidelity, don’t even think about blaming her for anything. The following signs may only indicate that she is cheating on you, but you need to reliably check all your suspicions to know for sure.

So, signs of a wife’s infidelity:

  1. Strange messages and calls. A woman can begin to behave very strangely when she has a lover. If she corresponds with someone by phone or via the Internet, she tries to erase all messages. She doesn't let you mess with her phone. The wife sets passwords and does not tell you so that you do not read her correspondence. She also tries to carry her phone with her everywhere. If someone calls her, she prefers to go into another room or speaks strangely in your presence, as if she wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible. Her interlocutor, with whom she communicated so strangely, is signed by a woman’s name, although from the conversation it seemed to you that she was communicating with a man. And some phones have such speakers that you can hear a man’s voice speaking into the receiver, not a woman’s.
  2. Delays and tardiness. If before a woman did not linger anywhere, always calmly explained where she was and who she saw, was not late, and now she comes looking disheveled and not very tidy, then most likely she is hiding something. To all your questions about where she was and what she did, she speaks confusingly, awkwardly, and evasively.
  3. Stealth. Previously, the wife spoke openly about where she was going and who she was seeing, but now she can fight back with some cliched phrases.
  4. Meeting other men. A husband can learn from his friends that his wife is constantly seen somewhere with another man: either in a cafe or in a restaurant. If she was seen with someone once, then you can believe that it was her former classmate. However, if she constantly walks somewhere with someone, then this is no longer just an acquaintance.
  5. Cooling towards her husband. If a wife has someone, she may begin to treat her husband coldly. Previously, she was interested in his affairs, even nagged him and was constantly worried that he was going somewhere. And now she doesn't seem to care. She stopped nagging her husband and lets him go at any time of the day. Even more suspicious is intimacy, which may become rare or disappear altogether. Other ladies may behave in the opposite way: they become so sexy that they try to diversify sex with their husbands (offer different positions). Such behavior may appear in a wife when she serves her husband, tries to appease him, that is, as if she is atoning for her sins before him.
  6. Change in appearance for the better. Has your wife started taking care of herself? Did she take up exercise to lose weight quickly? Did she spend a lot of money to completely change her wardrobe? Have you noticed that your wife has started spending a lot of time in front of the mirror putting on makeup and doing her hair? A particular danger is posed by underwear, which can be very sexy and worn not in bed with her husband, but when a woman is going to work or just going for a walk.
  7. Talk about divorce. At the moment of a quarrel, a woman can tell her husband that she will divorce him, or calmly react to the possibility of losing him. This is only possible if the woman already has someone as a replacement husband.
  8. Profile on a dating site. If your wife is not smart enough to hide the traces of her infidelity, then you may notice that there is her page on a dating site on the Internet. This does not yet mean that she has already found someone for herself. Thus, a wife can only compensate for the lack of attention and self-love through communication with men, at least in a virtual format.

The considered signs indirectly indicate that the wife has someone else. However, her infidelity still needs to be proven, which may include a meeting with her lover or a frank conversation when the wife admits her infidelity.

How to check your wife's fidelity?

If indirect signs indicate that the wife is cheating, then it is necessary to check the fidelity of your spouse. These simple techniques will help with this:

  • Unplanned business trip. Tell your wife that you need to go on a business trip for a few days. It is better if it falls on weekends, when lovers can meet. But in fact, stay in a hotel so that you can keep track of your wife, where she goes, who she comes home with, when she returns, etc. You can order the services of a private detective who will definitely do everything as it should.
  • Unplanned fishing. If you like to hunt or fish, then please your wife by going on some nightlife activities. Give the wife the opportunity to see her lover, if she has one.
  • Spending time together. Most likely, your wife is already used to not spending time with you. And you change tactics. Offer to go shopping together, take a walk with your girlfriends, spend time together in nature, do her favorite things, etc. In other words, do not leave your wife alone while she is away from home. You can even start picking up your wife from work to be absolutely sure that she doesn’t go anywhere along the way and no one accompanies her. If your wife gladly accepts your proposals, then there is no need to worry. If your wife flatly refuses your presence every time, then you should think about the reasons for her behavior. Of course, don’t go to the point of absurdity that you even want to go to the toilet with her.

Why is the wife unfaithful?

The reason for female infidelity does not always lie in the same factors that encourage men to cheat. Why is the wife unfaithful?

  • Sudden love. If a woman begins to feel love, passion, a storm of feelings, then she can forget about everything. She may not be afraid of anything for a while and even abandon her family. However, when the passions pass, she will understand what she was giving up.
  • Replacing husband. If a woman is already tired of her husband, then she can look for a replacement. If a woman craves being fought for, then she can begin to surround herself with men in order to feel important and needed in their lives.
  • Revenge on my husband. If a husband cheats, humiliates his wife and even beats him, then the wife can take revenge on him with her betrayals.
  • Sex. If a wife does not have enough sex or is not sexually satisfied in bed with her husband, then she may succumb to the charms of her lover.
  • Compensation. If a wife lacks attention, feelings, emotions, then she can get it together with her lover.
  • Increasing your own importance. If a husband constantly tells his wife, “Who needs you but me?”, then the wife may begin to refute or test his expression.
  • Boredom. A woman may also want to experiment.

What else can motivate a wife to cheat? The following factors:

  1. Alcohol intoxication.
  2. Constant absence of husband from home.
  3. Quarrels and conflicts in the family, when a woman thinks that she can get what she needs together with her lover.
  4. A holiday romance.

Bottom line

If you don’t yet know for sure whether your wife has a lover, then you shouldn’t be very jealous of her or suspect her of anything. Remember that with your unreasonable actions you can encourage your wife to cheat on you, so as not to be guilty without guilt.

Should I sort out my relationship with my wife’s lover or not? You don’t have any relationship with your wife’s lover and need to sort things out with him. This wife entered into marriage with you, swore an oath of fidelity, gave birth to your children, she is part of your family, and not her lover at all, it is your relationship with her - so find out everything with your wife. Because you know, your wife won’t end up just because you punch her lover in the face. Or he will tell you.

I want to allow my wife to have sex with her lover. Opinions? You are doing this out of powerlessness. Allowing what you cannot prohibit is an act of weakness. And this will no longer be a marriage or even an imitation of it, but some completely different type of relationship. Here the wife is not a wife, and the husband is not a husband. There are men for whom the presence of wives and lovers “turns them on,” as they say, and not only sexually, but in general adds spice to their existence, and if you are one of those people, then everything is clear, I don’t have a question. But if not, then it is better to part with such a wife than to indulge her. Anyway, it’s not you, her, but she’ll leave you: such a woman needs a strong, strong-willed man who will grab her by the hair, bend her over and whip her on the bottom with the reins. And then she will understand (hardly?) where it is good and where it is bad. Is your wife texting her ex-lover? He is not your wife's ex. She has an interest in him, she communicates with him regularly, and if she doesn't sleep with him right now, she will in the future. But most likely he’s already asleep. A former lover is a man with whom absolutely all contacts are severed. If at least the correspondence has been saved, then this is not a former lover, but a “lover in pause mode.”

How to punish your wife's lover? Get a divorce and force him to marry her. Become your ex-wife's lover yourself - let him suffer from jealousy. It was not your lover who married you and swore an oath of fidelity, but your wife...

The wife's lover is the boss and sleeps with him because of his career. If you think that her career is so important that you can do it in any way, including this, then be patient and live with the walker. Or get a divorce. This will further contribute to the career of your unfaithful wife, and will free you from the role of a cuckold. By the way, how far has your wife progressed up the career ladder, spreading her legs under her boss? And it won't move forward. She gives herself up for hope alone.... And for pleasure, of course, too.

Did I let my wife go to her lover? Or rather, she left on her own. Well, now breathe freely and file for divorce and you need to get rid of this woman. Otherwise, she will start playing with you - she will live with this lover, then she will return to you, then she will go to someone else, then she will return... one word - she's a prostitute! If she really fell in love, she would have filed for divorce herself, even before leaving for her lover. And so she keeps you and your marriage with her in reserve.

How can I get my wife to break up with him and return to her husband? Incredible intrigue. File for divorce, but don't rush things. External hardness divorce her. This often works well. Well, the good old way - with the reins on the butt.

How to treat your wife's ex-lovers? Treat them with kindness, because you are all members of the same family!

What are the signs of a wife cheating? How to make sure that your wife has a lover? Now let's try to find answers to these exciting questions. Many people have heard about male infidelity. But when it comes to women, everything is different. It is believed that representatives of the fair sex are not capable of treason. This is partly true. But there are always exceptions to the rules.

Reasons for betrayal

And over the course of a long family life, a similar situation can occur. You can identify the signs of your wife's betrayal. There may be several reasons for this behavior of the spouse. Starting with sexual dissatisfaction, ending with the emergence of great love on the side. A truly loving man should pay attention to such a situation and try to understand what the reason is, and, if possible, eliminate it.

When such concepts as family and children are at stake, you can try to correct the situation. But first, it’s worth finding out whether there really is female infidelity or whether the first sign of his wife’s betrayal turned out to be false. How to do it? There are a number of signs that are worth paying attention to.


Let's look at the external signs of a wife's betrayal.

The woman becomes distracted and has her head in the clouds. He often forgets something and may freeze with a thoughtful look. All her thoughts are occupied by someone very fascinating, clearly not her husband. A wife may always forget something, get confused, etc. It's one thing for this behavior to happen once, but quite another for a woman to behave this way for a week or longer. These are clear signs that your wife is cheating. They indicate that she is infatuated with someone. Therefore, it is worth watching her further.

What other signs are there of a wife cheating on you? The wife began to spend a lot of time at the computer or use mobile devices to access the Internet. Although there may be several options for spending time online. For example, a woman may become interested in a certain topic, and therefore she needs time to search for information. Or maybe she is corresponding with an admirer. It is not difficult to guess what she is doing on the Internet; this can be seen from her reaction when someone enters the room. For example, if the wife flinches or abruptly switches pages in the browser, then the matter is not clean. It is possible that these are signs of his wife’s betrayal. How can I find out who she is texting with? Simple enough. But in reality it’s not so important whether she has Vasya or Petya. But if she continues to do what she was passionate about before anyone entered the room, then there is nothing to worry about. Usually, if a person has secret correspondence, he sets passwords on mobile devices and does not leave personal messages open.

How to find out passwords for her pages on social networks? First of all, you should consider whether you really want to read secret correspondence. It’s not even a question of desire, because all people have curiosity, but a question of readiness. It happens that a person is not psychologically ready to read the correspondence of a loved one. Seeing that your beloved is writing some intimate things to another man, you may not be able to cope with your emotions. After all, there are signs of his wife’s betrayal. Therefore, it is better to think several times before reading other people's letters. If, nevertheless, a man cannot leave the thought of reading his wife’s messages, then he needs to find out the password. The easiest way to do this is to observe what combination of numbers or letters she enters when unlocking her phone. Perhaps it's her date of birth or her license plate number. In fact, you can easily calculate a person's combination of numbers and letters. Especially if you live with him for many years.

Another first sign of a wife's betrayal is a trip to the hairdresser. Namely, her frequent visits indicate that perhaps the woman has an admirer.

How to determine your wife's infidelity? The signs of behavior are as follows. For example, buying new underwear indicates that the wife has a lover. It is especially worth paying attention to this when a woman gets not one new set, but several. And she's not going to stop there. New underwear is almost a 100% sign that a woman has a lover or will soon appear. Of course, here we are not talking about the fact that buying ordinary swimming trunks is a sign that the spouse has a sexual partner on the side. But when we are talking about beautiful, expensive sets that a woman buys on the sly from her husband, then there is reason to think about it. Especially if her budget does not allow this. Then we can assume that her lover gives them to her.

If we talk about the first signs of a wife’s cheating behavior, then it’s worth paying attention to how often she carries her phone with her. When a person is not waiting for anyone’s calls or messages, his device lies quietly in different places in the apartment or house. But when the picture changes, and a woman begins to walk everywhere with her phone, even taking it to the bathroom with her, this means that either she is waiting for an important call, or she is worried that a message may arrive that she would not want others to see family members.


Now let's look at the sexual signs of a wife's infidelity. First, she can avoid sex with her husband by any means necessary. Secondly, if you still have intimate intimacy with your spouse, then it becomes unemotional, like “here, use it.” There is also a third option, this is when a woman in bed begins to tell her husband that he is doing it wrong, but this is not that way. This behavior of the wife suggests that the lover is superior to the husband in bed. Therefore, if a man is interested in saving his family and returning his woman to a normal family life, he needs to be very patient.

Excessive housekeeping

What are the signs of a wife cheating? For example, excessive housekeeping of a spouse, which did not exist before. Some women, when they have a lover, begin to look after the house and cook food with great diligence. There may be several reasons for this behavior. Perhaps the wife feels guilty and begins to worry. By doing all the housework, she compensates for her immoral behavior.

There is also another reason for thriftiness. It lies in the fact that the woman is in a great mood. Therefore, preparing something delicious for her and pleasing her loved ones is not difficult.

Also, with the advent of a lover, a woman begins to actively take care of herself. Namely, he selects nutrition, goes to the gym, pool, massage, etc. From applying all the procedures and playing sports, a woman begins to look excellent, but all her charm is not aimed at her husband. On the contrary, the wife stubbornly does not pay any attention to her man.

Sleepovers with a friend and gifts

How to recognize your wife's cheating? Signs of infidelity may include the wife often spending the night with a friend. Checking whether this is actually the case or not may not expose your woman. Because women's solidarity exists. Typically, the wife's friend will be on her side and have her back. In any case, the wife’s frequent and long absences from home should be a signal to her husband that she is spending time with another man.

There is another way to catch a wife cheating; signs that the wife is having an affair are gifts that she would not buy for herself. For example, expensive earrings, perfume, underwear, watches. When asked by her husband about where this or that piece of jewelry comes from, the wife may confusedly answer that it was a gift from a friend or mother. Of course, if a woman is smarter, she can prepare in advance. Then she will figure out where she got this or that item from. But if a woman is busy with feelings and emotions, then she may forget to prepare for such questions. Therefore, you can try asking her a similar question and see her reaction.

A woman can name her man after her lover

After such a reservation, the wife becomes very uncomfortable for having made such a mistake. Therefore, she will try to be as affectionate and attentive to her husband as possible. But what has already been said is difficult to take back. Therefore, such an oversight on the part of a woman is direct evidence that she is dating another man.

Parties and behavioral changes

Frequent parties with friends, after which the wife goes straight to the shower and looks shabby, indicate her betrayal. Afterwards, the spouse sleeps sweetly with a smile on his face. Maybe without a smile. But at the same time the sleep is deep and carefree.

What are the sure signs of a wife cheating on you? For example, your wife’s way of dressing changes. The usual tracksuit is replaced by high-waisted tracksuit trousers. T-shirts are disappearing from the wardrobe altogether. In their place appear sexy blouses. Skirts become tight and seductively short. The wife begins to make her makeup bright. It is also possible to use red lipstick. It is clear from a woman's appearance that she wants to attract someone's attention.

If the relationship is broken

At a certain moment, when the passion with her lover subsides a little, the woman begins to notice his shortcomings. Then she realizes that he is not ideal either. Therefore, you should not exchange one for the other. Then the woman begins to appreciate her husband and tries to pay attention to him, please him and pamper him with something.

There is another situation, for example, when a woman seriously decided to break off her current relationship and go to her lover. This is a very difficult period for a man. Since aggression and humiliation can be directed in his direction, and any attempts to improve relations will lead to quarrels. If a man sees that a woman has already made a decision, and it is not in his favor, then the best option for him would be to retreat and give her the opportunity to calmly leave. In this situation, there is a possibility that the spouse’s nobility will raise him in the eyes of his wife. It is possible that she will think that she was in a hurry. Although it is worth saying that each couple is individual. Therefore, no predictions can be made.

A woman doesn't cheat without a reason!

There are cases when spouses separate, and after some time they come together again. Or, on the contrary, each person in a new relationship finds such harmony and sincerity that it was impossible to achieve in the previous ones. In any case, when people disagree, as a rule, both are to blame.

Men should know that a woman will rarely start cheating just like that when she is happy with everything in her marriage. Usually this behavior is preceded by some kind of dissatisfaction with the spouse, for example in sex. Either a woman’s resentment or a misunderstanding of her husband, a lack of male attention, and so on. In any case, when everything is fine and the woman’s mental health is normal, she will not cheat.

Signs of a wife's cheating. Physiological reasons

There is a situation in women when she physiologically needs a lover. Some might think that this is a problem with nymphomaniacs or spoiled ladies, but in fact this is not the case. For example, a woman got married and lives with one man for many years, does not cheat on him and everything is fine with them, they have sex, he satisfies her sexually. And so it happens that for certain reasons, perhaps even because of the husband’s infidelity, the couple separates. Then the woman gets another man. She starts dating him, marries him and after a certain time it turns out that he does not satisfy her in bed. That is, he loses sexually to his first spouse. There is no way to return to your ex-husband.

Previously, a woman could not adequately assess the sexual capabilities of her partner. This happens when, after many years of marriage and intimate relationships with only one partner, a girl cannot assess the capabilities of a new partner. She is overwhelmed by emotions. When the passion subsides, she realizes that her new husband is a bad lover. In this case, an affair on the side will help if there is no opportunity or desire to destroy the second marriage. Perhaps the new union already has small children, life is settled, there are common plans for the future, and everything would be fine if not for one nuance! Living all the time without sexual satisfaction is difficult not only emotionally, but also physiologically. Everyone knows that orgasm has a beneficial effect on the body.

Therefore, in this situation, a man on the woman’s side would be an ideal option. In addition to all of the above, you should know that new love relationships always give a person more energy and a good mood. Therefore, in order to determine whether a woman is cheating on her husband or not, just look at her and it will be clear. If a woman blossoms, a smile sparkles on her face, she strives to look good, and begins to actively take care of herself, then these are sure signs of a wife cheating on her husband. For many women, flirting is enough. They limit themselves to this in relationships with men. Light flirting and signs of attention are considered the norm for beautiful women. They are used to this and take such courtship for granted.

Now you know the behavioral signs of a wife’s betrayal. But what to do next? I would like to give some advice to men who suspect their wives of cheating.

First, you should try to calm down and understand what prompted your spouse to have an affair. Here we are not talking about women who have mental problems, or who are trying to cheat on their husbands simply because of their promiscuity, or any other deviations. Situations arise when a woman, on a subconscious level, finds in another partner what she lacks in a family union. This may be a lack of affection and tenderness, some kind of resentment, perhaps the husband is unemotional, absorbed in work or rude to his beloved. There are also cases when partners go deep into business, provide for their family, and they do not have time to spend it with their wife or have a romantic evening. And women really miss this. Therefore, when a lover appears on the horizon with a bouquet of flowers, the woman is overwhelmed with emotions and decides to cheat. If a man has wisdom and experience, then he is able to analyze the current situation and find a way out of it. Of course, this is provided that he is interested in maintaining family relationships. But if he is not interested in this, then his wife’s infidelities will be to his advantage, and he will try to convict her of them and get a divorce.

Recently, there is another reason for convicting a wife of treason, such as material gain. Since some couples, especially wealthy ones, have a prenuptial agreement that may contain clauses on the material benefit of one of the spouses if the other is caught cheating. Moreover, the fact of treason must be proven, and not be an unfounded accusation. In this situation, a woman needs to be very careful. Since a romantic evening with another man can end up costing her very dearly. We should not forget about such men who marry for self-interest and go to various tricks just to get their own benefit. Therefore, wealthy women should be especially careful in choosing partners and husbands.


Now you know how to spot your wife's infidelity. We looked at the signs of such behavior. We hope that the information was useful to you. To be honest, it is worth saying that when a woman is over 30 years old, as a rule, she comes to the understanding that sexual relationships with the same man, which last 10 years or more, do not bring the thrill that intimate intimacy does. with a new partner. Therefore, female infidelity is not uncommon nowadays. Society is becoming emancipated; there are more and more self-sufficient, smart ladies who know how to analyze, build relationships and take care of themselves and their health. Orgasm is considered an integral part of women's health. If a woman experiences it, certain hormones are released into her body. Such as endorphin, oxytocin. All these hormones stabilize a woman's mood. When developing them, in addition to a good mood, a woman has a desire to take care of her man, please him, cook something tasty, and so on. This is where happy family relationships lie. Everyone knows that single women who do not have sex for a long time become angry and aggressive. Their nervous system suffers from this, and various diseases appear. Therefore, regular orgasm is necessary for women's health, just like walking in the fresh air.

Both are to blame

Natalya Kozhina, AiF.ru: Elena, there is an opinion that women cheat less often than men, is this true?

Elena Tsedova: Female infidelity is also common, it’s just not customary to talk about it. But a man takes a lover primarily to get physical pleasure and variety, while a woman satisfies her emotional needs. This is the main difference. You are unlikely to meet a woman who, seeing a handsome male figure on the way to work, immediately decides to cheat on her spouse. But if a man saw long legs, and at the same time their owner smiled at him, he would not mind going to bed with her. For women, everything is closely connected with emotional needs; for them, sex is, first of all, communication.

—What can push a woman into the arms of another man?

— There are several reasons, but the main one is the lack of emotional support from a man. Perhaps the woman lacks a sense of her own attractiveness and importance in the eyes of her husband. At the same time, she may really love him, her family, children, home, but she needs affection, compliments, attention, but her husband does not give them.

It happens that a woman not only lacks emotions, she does not need a family. However, she remains married because society puts pressure on her: marriage is once and for life, you have children. And the woman is trying to find some kind of outlet in this situation, because, in essence, everything does not suit her. The only thing that can help her feel happy is the care of another person. Such women in their affairs on the side do not chase enviable lovers, but respond to almost the first person they meet, who captivates her with conversations about the stars and scatters them with compliments.

There are betrayals due to lack of adrenaline. When a woman’s life is normal, but she’s incredibly bored. And suddenly some corporate evening arises, where she drinks a glass of wine and immediately finds herself a hero, next to whom she can feel already forgotten feelings. The most important thing in such betrayal is to hide from someone. This is a kind of quest - “Hide your love from everyone.” The woman lacks game, and she finds it on the side.

In addition, it happens that a man simply does not satisfy a woman in sex, and here we are talking about both the most banal physical dissatisfaction and emotional, but more often both are present.

And some people cheat out of spite. When a wife finds out that her husband has a mistress, she tries in such a strange way to take revenge on him or prove to herself that she can still please men.

Good men rarely leave. But by “good” I don’t mean Batman, no. I mean a man who satisfies the emotional needs of his other half.

— It turns out that if a woman cheated, the man is guilty?

- No. In any betrayal, both are to blame. But men are inherently polygamous and, even when married, pay attention to the opposite sex many times more than women when thinking about sex. And a woman, when she finds a man whom she loves and is comfortable with, plunges headlong only into him, letting others pass by. For her, marriage is a kind of status, she values ​​it. Good men rarely leave. But by “good” I don’t mean Batman, no. I mean a man who satisfies the emotional needs of his other half. If a woman is not satisfied physically, she is able to survive this, but if emotionally, then most likely she will look for a relationship on the side. The excuse “I make money and this is my main function that makes her happy” does not work. A woman can understand with her brain that her husband works, she lives in a luxurious house, she has an expensive car, her children study in the best schools, but at the same time she will feel very lonely.

Night SMS and eternal time pressure

— How to understand that a woman is cheating?

— A clear sign is the active use of the phone or computer, when at the sound of an SMS she runs headlong to read the message as quickly as possible. Also, if the wife sets passwords on her gadgets, she begins to take her phone with her into the shower under the pretext of an important call, and at night she systematically receives text messages from “Galina the Accountant,” which cannot wait until the morning. This is the first call. The next sign is a radical change of clothes, a change of linen. If earlier the wife wore what was comfortable, then with the advent of her lover she begins to wear what is beautiful. She remembers heels, changes her hairstyle, makeup, and becomes brighter. All this happens because when a woman falls in love, she wants to be beautiful.

I note that a man can easily combine several lovers in his head at once and behave completely calmly. He will not give himself away either in his clothes or in his behavior.

And the woman’s behavior completely changes, because she plunges headlong into a new relationship. She can become either more irritable, or, on the contrary, as if atonement for her sins, more attentive, tender, and affectionate.

And one more point that is worth paying attention to is a kind of harbinger that the woman is not cheating on you, but she is clearly uncomfortable around you, and perhaps this will further result in an affair on the side. She begins to think of places for herself to go to, this could be not only regular get-togethers with friends, but also a busy schedule. For example, a woman lives, is not particularly interested in anything, but one fine day she takes English courses, cutting and sewing, a gym, dancing, running, etc. She constantly wants to leave home. But, of course, this does not apply to those who truly realize themselves through some hobbies. There should be hobbies, but if they never existed, and then they became more and more numerous, this is a sign that the person’s family is bad. Also, do not ignore the appearance of a large number of new friends who invite you to meetings. This may also indicate that your woman is in search of new emotions. And as they say, he who seeks will always find.

— Do I need to admit to cheating on my husband?

— Everyone makes this decision for themselves. But I can say for sure that it is more difficult for a woman to keep the fact of betrayal to herself; she begins to reproach herself from the inside, even if it was a one-time story. If a man cheated once, he will not worry much about it, he will very quickly forget about such an episode. Remorse can only appear if he has a permanent mistress, since living with several families is very difficult for most men emotionally.

Personally, my advice is not to shift from a sore head to a healthy one, forgive yourself, accept yourself and think carefully before confessing to your husband. The most important thing is to understand what is more important to you: family or your personal peace. If you decide to choose peace of mind, then be prepared for the consequences.

Few men will admit to cheating. For him, this is a humiliation of honor and dignity, so it is better to keep his mouth shut. Women forgive infidelity much easier.

Treason for the good?

— How should a man behave if he thinks that his wife is cheating? Should he challenge the woman to be frank and confess?

- First, honestly answer yourself the question: what will you do if your wife really cheats? You need to play out the entire possible chain of events in your head. She cheated, which means I’m leaving her, we divide the property, the children remain with the wife, etc. If a man is ready to go to the end, then you can find out everything and get to the bottom of the truth. If he understands that he loves his wife and does not want to lose her, there is no need to find out anything. It’s easier to accept the position that it was just flirting, not love, and live happily ever after.

— I’ve heard more than once that cheating can help a fading relationship, but what do you think about this?

- There is some truth in this, indeed, after betrayal and even after some light flirting, a woman seems to get an electric shock, she understands that she has a family, children, a home, everything is fine. This is the same emotional recharge that she so lacked. Yes, a woman needed beautiful words, courtship, affection, but the moment she receives all this from another man, she comes to the realization that all this is a myth. And real life with my husband and children. However, feeling some guilt, she may become affectionate, tender and begin to pay more attention to her husband. Accordingly, what will the woman receive in return? Also more attention. Therefore, yes, it really happens that cheating in some sense revives faded marital feelings, but it is better to try to help your marriage using other methods.

A woman values ​​a man by his actions; if actions are directed towards her, she is unlikely to need a pumped-up trainer from a fitness club for one night.

— What do you advise men to do so that their wives do not look for love on the side?

— You need to give a woman emotions, never forget that she needs compliments, attention, care. If you told your wife ten years ago that she has beautiful eyes, this does not mean that now you can never talk about it at all. Give gifts, by “gifts” I don’t mean yachts and fur coats every day, just some little surprises. It is imperative to talk with each other, not only about the problems of the global economy and about the child’s progress at school, but also about your personal, about each other’s experiences, about each other’s desires, to sort out discontent at the stage of their inception, and not when everything is already rushing in an avalanche accusations. Relationships are always an exchange of emotions, reciprocity. The man gave him flowers, the woman prepared him dinner, he gave him evening caresses, she gave him a massage, etc. A woman will not leave an attentive and caring man, because she gets everything she needs from him. A woman values ​​a man by his actions; if his actions are directed towards her, she is unlikely to need a pumped-up trainer from a fitness club for one night.