home · Networks · How to properly lubricate entrance door hinges. How to lubricate car door hinges to prevent them from squeaking? Warm vegetable paraffin or wax

How to properly lubricate entrance door hinges. How to lubricate car door hinges to prevent them from squeaking? Warm vegetable paraffin or wax

A door creaking indicates problems with the hinge mechanism. Proper care of the fittings will get rid of this sound and improve the operation of the structure. This does not require special skills or equipment: you will need lubricant for the door hinges.

To eliminate squeaking, it is important to understand why it occurs. The main reason for this phenomenon is the contact of parts with each other during movement. The lubricant that was originally applied to the hinges loses its properties over time. If there is a shortage of this material, the parts gradually wear out and the mechanism stops working normally.

Door hinges squeak for the following reasons:

Corrosion. Metal elements of street structures often become rusty when exposed to high humidity. As a result, the movement of parts becomes difficult and begins to be accompanied by creaking.

Pollution. Over time, dust and debris accumulate in the hinges. These substances absorb lubricant, harden and wear down the metal.

Factory defects and its consequences: distortion of the structure due to the installation of a door that is too heavy for the frame, weakening of the hinges, friction of the door leaf on the casing.

What to do if the door creaks

If this sound is the result of a manufacturing defect or improper installation, you must contact a professional who will correct the problems. If the hinges do not fit tightly to the box stand, you can tighten the screws yourself using a screwdriver. The fittings on the plastic door need to be adjusted. If the cause of the creaking lies in the formation of rust, the parts should be rubbed with machine oil mixed with kerosene and charcoal, and then treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

To eliminate door squeaking caused by a lack of lubrication or wear of parts, it is necessary to coat the elements with a special compound. There is a wide range of lubricants on the market.

What is the best way to lubricate doors?

The most popular products for treating door hardware at home:

  1. WD-40 is an effective universal lubricant in spray form that improves the sliding of parts. The composition also removes accumulated grease and rust, creates a protective film on the surface, preventing corrosion.
  2. Engine oil. It eliminates the cause of squeaking and protects parts from rust. You can also use special oil to care for sewing machines.
  3. Litol. The material is suitable for processing street structures. This product can lubricate the hinges even in severe frost.
  4. Cyatim is a heat-resistant plastic substance that protects hinges from wear for a long time and contributes to their silent operation.
  5. Solid oil. This is a viscous oily mass that allows you to quickly get rid of squeaking doors. However, grease easily absorbs dust and other contaminants, which reduces the effect of using such a lubricant.

If lubricating oils are not available, you can use a soft pencil lead. It must be broken into small pieces and placed inside the loops. In order for the lead to crumble, the door should be opened and closed 3-4 times. The substance will create a lubricating effect and the squeaking will stop.

There are several reasons why you should not use melted wax, Vaseline and sunflower oil to lubricate doors. These products are only effective until they dry out. Fat quickly becomes dirty and covered with mold, which leads to damage to parts, increased squeaking and the formation of rust.

If you have nothing else to lubricate the door hinges of your house to prevent them from squeaking, you can use regular vegetable oil. Then you should purchase a specialized lubricant. Before using it, parts must be thoroughly cleaned of grease.

How to Apply Lubricant

Before starting work, you should wear gloves to protect your hands from the negative effects of the materials. Door hinges are lubricated according to general rules.

  1. Pre-clean all parts from dirt with a dry cloth.
  2. You can lubricate door hinges without removing the door using an oil can or a tube attachment or a syringe.
  3. It is more convenient to handle parts of collapsible doors with a cotton swab or brush.
  4. More substance should be applied to worn, frayed areas.
  5. Excess lubricant must be removed with a paper or cloth napkin.
  6. More lubrication is needed inside the hinges, since the main structure is located here.

To lubricate the door evenly, after applying the product, you need to close and open it several times: the material will be distributed over the entire surface of the elements.

For detachable mechanisms

It is more convenient to apply lubricant to the hinges when the blade is removed. A detachable interior or entrance door can be easily lifted using a crowbar, which must be used as a lever. After removing the structure, apply lubricant to the hinge mechanism parts of both the blade and the box. After this, the door is hung back.

If metal elements cannot be disassembled, you need to look for traces of rust on their surface. Correct operation of the mechanism is impossible if corrosion has become deeply ingrained. In this case, you should use a special product that will help dissolve the rust. A compress is applied to the hinges: the composition should be applied to a rag, applied to the parts and left for 4-6 hours. Then wipe this area with a dry cloth. You should not try to knock off rusted parts with a hammer, as this can damage the mechanism and the blade itself.

For one-piece

If the door in the apartment is installed on permanent hinges, lubricate the internal mechanism by injecting the composition using a special device into the gaps between the hinges. After 15 minutes the procedure can be repeated. In order for the product to work on all elements, the door should be rocked from side to side several times.

Caring for fittings

To increase the service life of hinges, you need to regularly carry out preventive treatment. Once a year, parts should be cleaned of dirt and rust, then lubricated with special compounds. Timely care of the fittings will prevent squeaking and avoid costly repairs or complete replacement of the blade.

Nasty squeaky door hinges annoy everyone. They can creak for various reasons. This can be either the presence of rust on their surface or general wear and tear of parts. Often, to get rid of the annoying squeak, it is enough to simply lubricate the hinges, and for this it is not at all necessary to remove the door leaf. There are ways to do this without resorting to radical methods.

If the interior or entrance door in the apartment begins to creak, then there are reasons for this. As a rule, this happens when the door structure is in motion, that is, opening or closing.

To find out exactly what is creaking: the hinges or the door leaf itself, you need to slowly move the door back and forth, holding the handle tightly and listening to the sounds made.

Why does the door creak and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, the hinges are installed incorrectly. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the door or call craftsmen who will quickly and efficiently do this work.
  2. The door trim touches the hinges - to eliminate this reason, you just need to remove the trim and make it the right size.
  3. There are not enough balls in the door hinges - in this case, they need to be put in the required places.
  4. The hinges are simply loosely fixed - you just need to tighten them well.
  5. The leaf begins to sag - this problem can primarily affect a plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the upper or lower loop, depending on the area of ​​sagging.
  6. The ends of the door leaf touch the platbands - in this case, the fastening grooves should be deepened.
  7. The fastenings of the door structure have not been lubricated for a long time - here it is quite simple to perform this action;
  8. Rust has appeared - this problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the hinges from plaque and only then lubricate them. If corrosion has become deeply ingrained into the material, the hinges will have to be replaced.
  9. The lubricant composition is incorrectly selected - in this case, you need to remove the old product and apply a new one.
  10. The hinges are already very loose and their service life has come to an end - all that remains is to simply replace them.

This is what the main causes of a terrible door squeak look like. But basically the whole point is the lack of lubricant on the hinges. Therefore, you should figure out what is best to lubricate them.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges to prevent them from squeaking

If the door squeaks due to unlubricated hinges, a properly selected lubricant will help solve the problem.

What is the best way to lubricate the hinges of interior door leaves:

  • Sewing machine oil;
  • Machine oil, which is used for a car engine;
  • Diesel oil;
  • Tsiatim - perfectly removes not only squeaks, but also protects parts from corrosion and the effects of aggressive components;
  • With a special product WD-40 - in addition to regular lubricant, this substance perfectly fights rust, and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Do not lubricate a squeaky door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly, a short-term effect, and secondly, it causes the formation of excess plaque on the fittings, and in the end it will have to be changed.

An excellent home way to lubricate a door is to use a “soft” pencil lead. This is very simple to do - just put the stylus on the hinges and move the door a little in different directions. The material will crumble and get on all the loops.

If the front door of the house creaks, then it is better to lubricate it with substances such as:

  • Litol - this lubricant is not afraid of frost and can withstand a temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly cheap product that can act in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the front door leads to a vestibule or entrance where above-zero temperatures are constantly maintained, then you can use regular machine oil or WD-40.

To prevent the hinges from creaking, they need to be coated with a special lubricant. Moreover, sometimes this needs to be done without removing the door leaf from the hinges.

In the case of a plastic door it looks like this:

  • A syringe is taken, which is filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the fittings;
  • If pencil lead is used instead of lubricant, then the door needs to be lifted slightly so that the cracks into which the product is poured are visible.

If the plastic door leads to the balcony, then you need to start lubrication from its side. The door must be open.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of an iron door

A creaking iron or metal door needs to be lubricated. If the parts of the door structure are non-removable, then this will have to be done without removing the structure.

A metal door is lubricated as follows:

  • The door leaf opens wide;
  • Then it rises a little (for these purposes, you need to put something under the end of the door, for example a thick file);
  • After that, old grease and accumulated dirt are removed from the fittings;
  • Then you can apply a lubricant using a cotton swab, brush, syringe or using an oil can with a nozzle;
  • After completing all the procedures, the door is removed from the “lever” and moved several times in different directions so that the product is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess substance should be removed with a dry cloth.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper hinges, since the main load during operation of the door falls on them.

If the hinges are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its rotating parts and lubricate them. Sometimes there are special holes for filling oil.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door (video)

The main reason for a squeaking door in a room is the lack of lubrication on the door hinges. Naturally, to eliminate this problem, you need to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use a simpler method and do all the necessary actions using auxiliary devices. The main thing is not to forget about safety measures.

Sections of the article:

The creaking of a door when opening or closing is a rather annoying factor, which is a consequence of such reasons as the appearance of rust on the surface of the hinges or their wear during operation. Lubrication usually helps get rid of squeaking. We’ll tell you in our material how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door.

Reasons for door squeaking

An entrance or interior door may begin to creak depending on many reasons, the most common are:

  • Lack of lubricant inside the canopy, which appears during long-term operation, as it evaporates and thickens;
  • Poor installation of the door structure or insufficient number of hinges that are unable to support the heavy leaf. If creaking and distortion are detected immediately after installation, it is enough to adjust the door. If the problem is ignored and force is applied when opening/closing a skewed door, not only the canopies are damaged, but the stability of the frame is also reduced;
  • Regular contact with moisture on entrance doors unprotected by a canopy provokes the appearance of corrosion processes, which result in creaking, crunching, reduced friction of the mechanism and difficult movement of the door;
  • The use of low-quality or unsuitable lubricants, to which small particles of dirt and dust stick, clog the mechanism. Subsequently, the solid particles inside the lubricant become an abrasive, destroying the metal of the canopy with each movement of the blade;
  • Contact between door finishes and awnings;
  • Long service life and low-quality metal hinges lead to wear of the components of the mechanism, which will need to be replaced with a new one.

What can be used as a lubricant for hinges?

There are many products for lubricating door hinges, as well as tips for their use. Some lubricants have a short-term effect, some can disrupt the operation of awnings, so how can you make the right choice? First, let's look at what you can use to lubricate the hinges.

This universal type of lubricant is found in the garage or trunk of a car for every second driver. Preference should be given to viscous oils, for example, for engines or diesel.

Household oil for sewing machines

The undeniable advantages of such a product are its availability (sold in any hardware department) and its form - small bottles of 30 or 50 ml with a thin spout, which is easy to apply oil deep into the door fittings.

You should not replace machine oil with an analogue of organic origin (olive, vegetable, butter or petroleum jelly), since organic matter quickly evaporates in the air, and accordingly, the hinges will soon begin to creak again. As the organic lubricant dries, it becomes sticky and attracts small particles of dirt and dust, which impede the operation of the mechanism. In addition, organic matter provokes the appearance of rust on the hinge, which, in combination with an indelible sticky layer, increases the likelihood of replacement with new fittings.


Such a lubricant eliminates the creaking of awnings in a few minutes. The convenient form in liquid or aerosol form allows you to apply the product without additional equipment. WD-40 not only lubricates the canopy, but also cleans it of dirt and dissolves rust. But it is worth noting that WD-40 dries quickly, without constant renewal, forming a coating that does not allow parts of the mechanism to slide easily. As a result, in the future you will have to remove the blade, disassemble it, clean the hinges and select a more suitable lubricant.

It is considered the most effective long-lasting lubricant, but, unfortunately, you will have to search hard for such a lubricant in stores.

An affordable analogue of graphite lubricant, characterized by long-lasting action for several years. Suitable for outdoor entrance doors, as the lubricant is resistant to frost and temperature changes.

A thick lubricant that is usually used to improve the operation of door awnings in private houses. Fittings lubricated with lithol will not creak at temperatures from -40 to +120°C, which allows the product to be used in harsh weather conditions and boiler rooms. Litol can be replaced with budget solid oil, which retains its viscosity at air temperatures from -35 to +65°C.

Due to the high viscosity of such products, it is recommended to disassemble the hinges and lubricate them from the inside, in which case the door will not be bothered by creaking for many years. If you are unwilling or unable to remove the canvas, you can thoroughly coat the surface and joint of the loop with lithol using a cotton swab or swab, but it is worth considering that the period of silent operation will be significantly reduced.


The core of a simple soft pencil is considered an effective and affordable option for eliminating squeaking. It is not necessary to grind the rod into powder in order to then rub the joint of the canopy; it is enough to slightly lift the door leaf so that the hinge rod moves slightly out of the second part and put a piece of graphite there. Several movements of the door and the rod in the hinge is crushed into crumbs under the weight of the canvas.

Before lubricating the hinges on the door, check their surface for dirt, which can be removed with a dry cloth slightly moistened with solvent. If the hinges are rusty, you will need to first remove the rust with a suitable product. An anti-corrosion agent in the form of a spray allows you to clean the hinges without removing the fabric from them. If the rust solvent is in liquid or oil form, soak a viscose cloth and apply it to the canopy like a compress. Typically, rust dissolves within 2-6 hours, depending on the thickness of the plaque and the characteristics of the product, after which it is removed with a dry cloth.

Please note that you cannot knock off rusted hinges with a hammer or crowbar, as after such handling the mechanism will be damaged and will not be suitable for normal operation.

For ease of use, you will need a small container and a medical syringe without a needle. A small amount of lubricant will be poured into the first, and the second allows you to dose the lubricant into the gap between the hinge components.

It is recommended to apply high-viscosity lubricant using a cotton swab, swab or brush, while slightly lifting the blade with a lever to create a slightly larger gap between the loop halves. The same tools will also be needed if you have universal non-separable hinges.

The hinge is subjected to more thorough processing in that part of the sash where creaking is observed more. Usually this part of the fabric or loop has abrasions. The inside of the canopy is also carefully lubricated, since this is where all the rubbing components of the hinge are located.

Excess lubricant is removed with a dry, clean cloth or napkin.

How often to lubricate awnings

To ensure that the door opens/closes easily and does not creak, lubricate the hinges once every 5-6 months. But since in practice this is not always done, you can understand that it’s time to lubricate the hinges of interior doors without removing the panel by the following signs:

  • The door leaf is difficult to open, resisting at the point of attachment to the frame;
  • The movement of the door is accompanied by unpleasant sounds, crunching or creaking;
  • The door leaf sags, hangs unevenly, closes with force, or gets stuck in the door frame.

If you find one of the signs, it is strongly recommended to clean the surface of the hinges from dirt, and in some cases, rust, and then lubricate it with a suitable product.

Constant squeaks of door hinges irritate everyone living in the apartment. An unpleasant sound appears every time you open and close doors or even during a small draft. If the hinges are completely rusty, then this does not cause any surprise. But if used or installed incorrectly, even new mechanisms can begin to creak. The easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant sound is to lubricate the hinges.

Reasons for squeaking on door hinges

There are several reasons why door hinges may creak:

  1. Errors during the production process. When the design of the hinges was damaged during manufacturing, for example, they were welded incorrectly, a squeak will probably appear over time (we are talking about a metal door).

    To eliminate creaking in an incorrectly welded loop, you will need to digest it

  2. Lack or insufficient amount of lubrication. If there is excessive friction between the hinge elements, they will creak.

    If the hinges were sold unlubricated, you will have to apply the lubricant yourself to prevent the door from squeaking.

  3. An unsuitable lubricant can also cause irritating sounds. This problem often appears when solid oil is used. This lubricant may thicken over time. In this case, the grease will need to be removed and the hinges lubricated with another product.
  4. There are no balls in the design (in garage hinges). The door will need to be removed and balls placed in the awnings. Then, the door leaf is installed in place.

    Without the ball, friction will increase, and the canopy will not be able to fully function

  5. Worn-out canopies. In this situation, there is only one solution - replacement.

    Worn hinges are the main cause of creaking in old private houses

  6. Incorrect installation. If the hinges are not sufficiently fixed on the door or on the frame, this will most often lead to the appearance of a squeak. To eliminate unpleasant sounds, it will be necessary to change the screws or the place where the hinges are fixed.

    An incorrectly installed door hinge can not only make a squeaking noise, but also prevent the door from closing tightly.

How to lubricate squeaky door hinges

There are many options for lubricating door hinges. It is best to use machine oil.

You can go to a hardware store that sells machine oil in small jars or plastic tubes. It is intended for household needs, for example, lubricating locks, bicycles and other mechanisms. This material is also perfect for door hinges. One tube should last for several years.

The cost of one tube of machine oil usually does not exceed 100 rubles

If you don’t have machine oil on hand, you can use other options. You can solve the squeaking problem by the following means:

  1. WD-40. This product is excellent for lubricating hinges. With its help you can get rid of squeaking for a long time. If you don’t have one, then it’s better to buy one, since WD-40 is suitable for many life situations, and not just for lubricating door mechanisms. For example, the product can quickly clean rust, glue, paint, etc. It is convenient to use, since WD-40 is produced in cans, in the form of a spray.

    Usually, WD-40 comes with an extension cord, which can be used to lubricate hard-to-reach places

  2. Graphite grease. This is probably the best lubricant for hinges, as it can help eliminate unpleasant sounds for many years. Graphite lubricant practically does not lose its properties over time.

    Even a small jar of graphite lubricant lasts for many years

  3. Silicone grease is also a fairly durable solution. It can be used as an alternative to graphite material. It is great for exterior doors because silicone is not exposed to high or low temperatures.

    Silicone grease was originally intended for motorists, but is also great for lubricating door hinges

  4. Solid oil or lithol. These are popular tools, but they are not so convenient to use. It is necessary to remove the doors in order to properly process the hinges. If this is not done, then lubrication will help for a short time.

    Solid oil, when contaminated, can acquire abrasive properties.

  5. Graphite pencil. It can only be used when there are no other lubricants at all. Graphite chips have high sliding properties, but the graphite spills out quite quickly.

    A graphite pencil has the properties of a graphite lubricant, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem.

It is important to remember that you cannot use any vegetable or animal oils to lubricate door mechanisms. This is especially true for sunflower. Temporarily, this remedy will help solve the problem. But then the hinges will quickly begin to become covered with rust. This will only make the problem much worse.

Sunflower oil is very harmful to rubbing mechanisms

One day my uncle lubricated the hinges on the front door with sunflower oil. At the same time, I decided to pour it into the lock as a preventive measure. After about a week, the lock began to act up, constantly jamming, and then completely broke down. The key was so stuck that the lock had to be changed. Over time, the hinges also began to creak. I had to do a complete dismantling. There was as much rust accumulated in 3 months as in several years. We ended up cleaning it off with WD-40.

Video: universal remedy WD-40

How to properly lubricate squeaky hinges

Different types of doors have their own types of hinges. Lubrication in each specific case has its own nuances.

How to lubricate the hinges of a wooden door

The most popular type for wooden doors are universal hinges. They can be collapsible or non-collapsible. To perfectly lubricate door hinges and solve the squeaking problem for a long time, you need to remove the door leaf and thoroughly clean all elements of rust. The doors are then installed in place. The order of work for the collapsible type of hinges:

  1. First you need to purchase a suitable lubricant. It is desirable that the packaging have a “spout”. It will be much easier to work this way.

    Liquid lubricant is the easiest way to get the job done

  2. You should find the hinge pin. It is made of two elements and a rod that connects them. To lubricate effectively, it must be removed.

    The door hinge pin connects the elements together

  3. You need to open the door as much as possible and get it out. In some cases this can be done with your fingers, but often you will have to use pliers.

    Sometimes the rod sits very tightly, so you have to carefully knock it out

  4. Apply lubricant. It is necessary to lubricate the rod itself and the internal surfaces of the hinge elements directly.

    If the rod is dirty or rusty, it must be cleaned

  5. Return the rod to its place.
  6. Check the door. If unpleasant sounds remain, you need to repeat the entire procedure, just add more lubricant. This must be done until the squeak goes away completely.
  7. Wipe the loop with a paper towel or cotton cloth. All remaining oil and dust must be wiped off.

    Contamination can cause the squeaks to return

If you try to perform the operation without removing it, you can bend the metal elements. For example, when the rod is pulled out from the upper structure, the force on the lower one will increase, and the entire door may move to the side.

Non-removable canopies can only be lubricated with liquid material. There is no need to remove the door.

There are also regular (detachable) canopies, which are slightly different from hinges with a rod (universal). They are used less and less. This design is made according to the tongue-and-groove principle. The rod is welded directly to one hinge element and inserted into the other.

Doors with split door hinges can be removed by simply lifting them up

To lubricate such a canopy, it is not necessary to completely remove the doors. There is a simpler method, but it requires liquid lubricant. Lubrication is performed in several steps:

  1. Open the door as much as possible.
  2. Use some kind of lever to lift it. For example, a file is suitable for this. You need to insert it under the end of the canvas and pull it up.

    Lever significantly reduces the amount of force required

  3. Lubricate all elements that rub using a tube with a spout or a regular syringe.

    It is desirable that the cross-section of the “nose” be minimal in order to fit into even the narrowest cracks

  4. Lower the lever until the blade returns to its original position.
  5. It is necessary to open and close the door several times. This is necessary to ensure that the lubricant completely covers all elements.

This method is excellent for lubricating the hinges of ordinary wooden interior doors. They always use detachable or universal canopies.

There are also hidden hinges, which are often used for entrance doors. You should find all rubbing elements and carefully treat them with liquid lubricant. Nowadays, most models have holes where lubricants must be poured. On different types of structures they are in different places, so you just need to carefully inspect the fastening element.

The hidden hinge is not visible when the door is closed

Video: lubrication of different types of hinges

How to lubricate the hinges of a plastic door

Plastic doors have their own distinctive features. PVC material practically does not conduct heat. Also, plastic doors fit very tightly to the frame thanks to the seals.

Creaking can appear not only because of the hinges, but also because of other fittings (handles, closers, clamping elements).

Most people start lubricating the hinges right away. Other elements of the product are simply ignored. You can’t do this, because the creaking may not go away. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fittings.

It should also be lubricated. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The hinge linings are removed and cleaned of all kinds of dirt.

    The trim is removed when the door is closed

  2. Then silicone lubricant is sprayed.
  3. After applying the product, you need to ensure that the lubricant gets inside the hinges. To do this, the door must be opened as much as possible several times.
  4. Next, you need to open the closer body (it is fixed with screws) and lubricate all the rubbing elements.

    Before lubricating the clamping elements, all visible dirt must be removed.

If the door still squeaks, then the problem may lie in something other than the hinges. In this case, it will have to be reinstalled or replaced completely.

How to lubricate glass door hinges

Hinges for glass doors have a neater and more delicate design. They are often non-separable or difficult to disassemble, so liquid products should be used for lubrication.

Lubricating the hinge for glass doors usually occurs without dismantling

It is best to use WD-40. It is necessary to pour lubricant from a can into each gap found. Then check for squeaks. If it remains, add lubricant and more.

How to lubricate metal door hinges

Before installation, metal doors are thoroughly lubricated. But over time, lubricant is produced. When it becomes small, a creak appears.

In winter, you can use solid oil. It will not allow the hinges to freeze. But it is better to use a specialized product - graphite lubricant.

There are loops that do not have a ball inside, but bearings.

Metal door hinges can be treated with lubricant without removal. But this is only if they are not hidden under the overlays. If there are overlays, you will have to remove the entire structure. They are welded to the door frame and block access to the hinges. Lubrication work is carried out according to the standard principle:

If the hinges of a metal door are heavily rusted, you should first treat them with WD-40. Only after complete cleaning can you begin to lubricate. In summer, WD-40 can also be used as a lubricant.

How to lubricate a folding door

Such a door does not have hinges, but squeaking may occur in the wheels or due to a dirty guide. Everything is simple with the guide - you just need to clean it thoroughly.

It is necessary to lubricate the rollers in a timely manner so that the bearings do not rust

The wheels will have to be lubricated. To do this you need:

The guides should not be lubricated, as dirt will begin to stick even more.

How to lubricate the hinges of a double-sided door

There are also double-sided doors. They can open in any direction.

Double-sided doors are very convenient, but in a strong draft they can start to twitch

Such hinges must be lubricated with machine oil. To do this you need:

Often doors with such hinges are installed in public places. Therefore, lubrication must be carried out every 6 months. If a lot of people pass through the door, then preventive lubrication should be done every 3 months.

At first, the squeaking of doors does not cause concern, but soon it becomes very loud and begins to get on your nerves. The reason may be wear or clogging of the hinges. It is necessary to lubricate the hinges so that the door stops squeaking. Doing this yourself is not at all difficult. However, not all products can be used to lubricate the door.

Door squeaks in an apartment can cause a lot of anxiety. First you need to identify the cause of the creaking:

  1. Rusty hinges. This problem especially concerns street doors. Metal entrance structures are susceptible to corrosion due to high humidity.
  2. Lack of lubrication. Over time, the lubricant thickens, spreads, or dries out. As a result, friction appears during the movement of the door, which causes squeaking. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the hinges, otherwise they may block the door or break.
  3. Incorrect lubrication. If the hinges are lubricated with a material that is not suitable for this purpose, the door will not open and close easily. As a result, friction of parts and squeaking will occur.
  4. Wear. Typically, hinges serve the owner for many years. But even this reliable mechanism can wear out and fail over time. Then you will have to replace the hinges with new ones.
  5. Clogged door mechanism. Creaking can be caused by accumulated dust, rust, and small debris clogged with it. In this case, you should simply clean the mechanism.
  6. No special ball. To install metal gates, ordinary hinges are used, with a ball inserted inside them. If this part is missing for some reason, it must be purchased and placed inside the hinges.
  7. Manufacturing defects. The consequences of a defective or incorrectly installed door usually appear immediately. These include: distortion of the structure (if the door is too heavy for the installed door frame), weak hinges, friction of the door leaf with the casing or the door frame with the casing.

Usually at home it is enough to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. But if there was a manufacturing defect or the door was installed incorrectly, it is recommended to contact a professional.

Prohibited means

Not all products can be used to lubricate door hinges. This may only make the problem worse.

  • butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • edible fats;
  • petrolatum.

These remedies can get rid of the squeak, but not for long. Soon after lubrication, the door will begin to creak with renewed vigor, as the listed materials quickly dry out and erode.

In addition, after this the hinges may begin to rust and collapse.

What to lubricate with?

First you need to understand that it is not the door leaf itself that creaks, but the hinges. Moreover, the unpleasant sound is produced by those parts that come into contact with each other when the door moves. For example, metal creaks when the top of a hinge rubs against the bottom.

The means by which you can lubricate the door mechanism are the same for both interior plastic and wooden doors, and for metal entrance structures.

Machine oil

If the door at home begins to creak, it will be enough to lubricate the hinges with machine oil. It is important that the product is liquid, without compactions, mold or rancid odor.

Algorithm of actions:

  • open the door;
  • place an ax blade, a thick file or another wedge under its end;
  • slightly lift the door on its hinges using a substitute object;
  • lubricate the internal parts of the hinges with machine oil using an oil can or syringe;
  • lower the door leaf back onto the hinge pins;
  • pull the door vigorously up and down several times;
  • Wipe off excess machine oil with a rag.

Sometimes the door leaf is installed on permanent hinges. In this case, you can lubricate the mechanism without removing the door. To do this, lubricant must be applied between the hinge joints. Spray lubricant works well.

If it is discovered that the hinges are rusty, it is advisable to replace them with new ones, since over time the problem will only get worse.

Other means

If you don’t have machine oil on hand, you can use other means:

  1. Solidol or Litol. These products have high density. Therefore, you need to apply them to the mechanism using a wooden or cotton swab. You can also lubricate the hinges with your fingers, but in this case you should be careful not to pinch your hand.
  2. Graphite from a simple pencil. It is recommended to use a soft rod. The door will need to be lifted using a wedge as described above. The neck will need to be crushed and pieces placed between the half-loops. Then lower the door leaf back onto the hinges. As a result, the graphite pieces are crushed and a graphite lubricant is formed. This product copes well with friction.
  3. WD-40 is a universal product available in oil or spray format. It can clean the door mechanism of small debris, prevent rust and ensure ease of door movement.
  4. Ciatim is a multi-purpose remedy that will help get rid of squeaking.

These compounds are no less effective than machine oil.

Car doors

Car doors require special attention, as they are constantly exposed to the adverse effects of the environment.

Previously, they tried to get rid of squeaking using vinegar, iodine and even kerosene. But these remedies do not always give a guaranteed result and can even worsen the situation. Now there are many tools to solve the problem quickly and effectively.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

  1. Ease of application. It is advisable to purchase products with a thin nose.
  2. Formation after applying a protective film.
  3. Resistance to high humidity and frost resistance.
  4. Anti-corrosion properties.

Particularly popular are special silicone lubricants that allow you to treat not only hinges, but also door locks.

Before applying the product, the hinges should be washed from dirt and dust and degreased with gasoline. Then apply the composition.

This procedure should be carried out in early autumn and late spring. Then the protective effect will extend to the most unfavorable months.

It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the hinges and lubricate them with suitable products.