home · Other · How to make the simplest bench. How to make a bench with your own hands: choice of material, drawing, assembly. Initial stage: preparation of material

How to make the simplest bench. How to make a bench with your own hands: choice of material, drawing, assembly. Initial stage: preparation of material

A mandatory attribute of any summer cottage is a comfortable bench, which is made with your own hands from wood for the garden.

And it performs not so much aesthetic functions as practical ones.

A properly installed bench will provide an excellent opportunity to relax after hard work and at the same time admire the result of your labors.

You can daydream alone or hang out with friends.

Which you can make with your own hands is the optimal solution for decorating your dacha. But not always ready-made options for a country garden sold in stores can satisfy the owner’s wishes.

And only an exclusive creation, created with your own hands, can change the landscape design around the dacha and make your vacation more comfortable. Some projects can be seen in the photo.

Many ideas can be implemented around dacha spaces.

Where should construction begin?

It’s not difficult to make a bench with your own hands for a garden, terrace or even a bathhouse. The main thing is to know exactly for what purposes the garden bench will be built and clearly imagine the finished result.

Well, have some knowledge, which will be discussed later.

The photo below shows examples of garden benches.

Having decided to make a wooden bench on their own, some (especially beginners) craftsmen make a serious mistake.

Of course, you really want to quickly see your creation, around which you can plant flowers, but you can’t do without preparatory work for its creation.

Therefore, do not rush to pick up boards, nails and a hammer, but be patient and carry out the initial work.

Preparatory work to create the image

The first step is to make a drawing of the product. If you have no work experience, do not try to create drawings of a complex structure (for example, a bench around a tree), but start with simple options.

The development of a sketch includes the following points: the appearance of the product (whether the bench will be simple or complex) and the choice of sizes.

When calculating the length and width of the bench that you will make with your own hands, take into account the existing standard parameters:

  • Height – 400-500 mm;
  • Width – 500-550 mm;
  • Back height – 350-500 mm.

This will make the work much easier, and the product will be reliable and convenient, practical for any garden.

If there are shaped elements around the structure, they are all first drawn in the form of templates on thick cardboard.

Preparing tools for work

Every man usually has a set of necessary tools for building a wooden bench.

For work you will need:

  • Hand saw;
  • Plane;
  • Hammer and nails (it is better to use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws);
  • Wood sanding machine (replaced with regular sandpaper);
  • Level, tape measure, pencil.

If any of the above is missing, then you need to buy it or borrow it from friends.

At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the tool is of good quality, otherwise a wooden bench made for a summer house or garden will quickly break.

A short video will tell you how to choose it.

Consider one more nuance: the selected wood must be well dried, otherwise over time the parts will become distorted and the structure will become unsuitable for use.

This is especially true if the bench is placed in a bathhouse.

Details that make up the bench

The main components of a wooden garden bench are:

  • Front and rear legs;
  • Beams running across;
  • Beam running along;
  • Rails for seat and back.

The moment is extremely important. During manufacturing, it is necessary to strictly take into account the dimensions; drawings will definitely come in handy.

Even the slightest discrepancy will lead to reworking not only one part, but also the entire structure.

The video below shows how to make garden wooden benches with your own hands.

Wooden parts must not have structural defects such as cracks or knots.

If it is not possible to find wood without them, then you should carefully treat the defective area and around it.

Manufacturing of parts and trial fitting

First of all, we saw the boards. Considering that the resulting wooden bench width will be 140 mm, we will need to make:

  • 5 boards 1500 mm long;
  • 2 boards 360 mm each;
  • 2 boards 520 mm each. They will be used for bars that will connect the legs and seats;
  • 2 boards 720 mm each. It is necessary to make a cut on them, since the boards will simultaneously hold both the legs of the bench and its back.

Examples of such wooden parts can be seen in the photo below. Dimensions can be changed according to your drawing or sketch. A corner bench with a backrest looks great, around which you can then plant flowers.

After the boards are ready, you should make a trial fit of the structural parts. It will be immediately clear where there are shortcomings and inconsistencies; correcting them at this moment is easy. The boards are planed and sanded.

The edges are processed. Your DIY bench is starting to take shape.

How to properly assemble a bench made of wood?

Having prepared the above parts, you can begin to assemble the garden product into a single whole. The process will require maximum attention.

In addition, it should be remembered that wooden parts can be connected in different ways. The most common elements for connection are:

  • Nails or screws;
  • Bolts, washers and nuts;
  • Wooden chops.

The choice of a specific type will depend on the load on the bench during operation. For example, if it is intended for a child, it will be enough to use screws or nails.

Heavier loads will require bolts and nuts. If you plan to place the bench in a bathhouse, then it is necessary to disguise the metal joints and the space around them.

Connecting parts using bolts

For this type of connection, you will need a drill and a drill bit, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bolts.

In this case, they will easily fit into the prepared holes. If the diameter of the bolt head and nut is slightly smaller than the hole size, use special washers.

The caps of the connecting elements can be easily hidden from view. Using a special crown, a small recess is drilled in the place where the bolt passes through the wood.

It turns out to be a kind of niche into which the puck falls. The main thing is to choose the desired depth of the niche.

Then it is sealed with a mixture of small shavings and PVA glue. You can watch a video on the topic and study the work process in more detail.

These steps will help give your wooden garden bench an aesthetic appearance. In the photo it is impossible to see the places where there are connecting elements.

Assembly order

Having prepared all the necessary parts for the future garden bench, drilled the holes, you can begin assembly.

It is performed as follows:

  • First of all, the base is assembled, which consists of legs, the crossbar running lengthwise is screwed on;
  • Cross bars are attached;
  • The beams are screwed in, the purpose of which is to strengthen the structure and add strength to it;
  • The boards intended for the seat are attached last with your own hands.

At the final stage of making a garden bench with your own hands, special wooden plugs are made.

They can be made with a jigsaw, or with an ordinary small hacksaw.

To do this, a small round beam is sawed crosswise into pieces, the thickness of which should be equal to the depth of the recess in which the bolt and washer are placed.

The standard diameter sizes of such plugs are 15, 20, 22, 24, 30, 32, 35 mm. They are attached to PVA or sealant that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Increasing the service life of the bench

Well, your creation for the garden is ready. But the process is not over, as some more steps need to be done.

The photo shows that the corner bench with a backrest is located on the street, as in most areas.

This means that it will be exposed to natural phenomena such as precipitation. Moisture will render the tree unusable much faster.

Accordingly, it is necessary to protect it in order to prolong its operation for the maximum period.

Antiseptic treatment

As an antiseptic, it is better to choose an impregnation that has the property of penetration.

It contains various additives based on acrylic and resin, mixed with a special composition.

This whole mixture perfectly protects the wood from rotting and the harmful effects of insects.

Agree, this is quite important in the garden. And if the bench should be placed in a bathhouse, this will protect it from excess moisture.

Painting a bench in a summer cottage

After impregnation, a self-made wooden bench with a back must be coated with a varnish composition intended for outdoor use.

It perfectly withstands temperatures, atmospheric conditions and other negative influences. Ideal for a bath.

Regular paint should be used immediately after the impregnation procedure. After it has completely dried, the product must again be varnished. The procedure is simple and does not take much time.

See the photo of the bench covered with varnish here.

Work with impregnation and painting must be carried out in protective equipment, such as goggles and gloves. The composition of mixtures and paints contains substances that can be harmful to health if they come into contact with the skin or eyes.

To sum up the above, we can safely say that making garden benches from wood yourself will not be a problem.

They can be rectangular, just straight, angular, or in the form of a sofa. Whatever you want, your imagination is not limited by anything, you can make a real dacha masterpiece for your dacha.

In the photo you can see design options for garden benches, and a detailed video will make the manufacturing process even clearer.

According to the classic, everything in a person should be beautiful. This also applies to everything that surrounds us. When creating comfort in your country house, don’t forget about your garden plot. A smooth lawn or flower beds serve as decoration for your garden, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that there is a place where to sit and relax from the bustle of the city and household chores. A DIY garden bench is a great opportunity to add individuality to your summer cottage. Let's look at several interesting options for hand-made benches and figure out how to make some of them.

The simplicity of the design and the availability of materials allows even a novice craftsman to decide to create such an interior element. The best material for creating a garden bench is wood or stone. They will fit perfectly into the design of your garden plot and create a feeling of unity with nature. It is possible to create a bench from scrap materials. Surely a zealous owner will have a couple of outdated wooden chairs that can be put to use.

Whatever you decide to make a bench from, the first thing you will need in any case is a design project, and the necessary drawings and assembly diagram for it. Drawings of garden benches for every taste can be found on the Internet, but if you wish, you can develop them yourself; after all, we all received the initial skills of creating them in school, and the design of a bench is not so complicated.

  1. height - about 40-50 cm;
  2. seat width - on average 55 cm;
  3. back height - 30-50 cm;
  4. the height of the armrests from the seat is 15-20 cm.

These are the dimensions that will allow you to sit comfortably on the bench.

DIY wooden bench

Let's first consider the option of a simple wooden bench.

Below is an approximate drawing of such a bench for a do-it-yourself garden. Its most complex element is the slightly concave seat. The dimensions of the elements depend on the final dimensions of the bench. We offer the following sizes of individual elements:

  • seat boards – 25x100x1200 mm (4 pcs.);
  • legs - 100x100x440 mm (4 pcs.);
  • front upper drawers – 25x100x1200 mm (2 pcs.);
  • front lower drawers – 25x100x1200 mm (2 pcs.);
  • seat board supports – 25x100x400 mm (6 pcs.).

Prepare all the necessary tools and materials and you can begin. You will need:

  • suitable boards and timber for making the seat and legs of the bench;
  • jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • antiseptic for wood processing;
  • stain;

Operating procedure:

  1. First of all, cut out all the necessary parts according to the list with a jigsaw.

Pay special attention to preparing the seat supports. Before cutting, make appropriate markings to simplify the task.

  1. The cuts must be sanded to protect them from splinters.
  2. When the parts are ready, carefully treat them with an antiseptic to protect the wood from destruction and insects. This will extend the life of the product.
  3. Start assembly by attaching the seat supports to the upper frames according to the diagram.

Advice! Make all connections with self-tapping screws. The connection with nails is short-lived, it quickly becomes loose, and such a bench will lose stability.

  1. Attach the seat boards to the resulting frame, deepening the screw heads.

  1. Lastly, attach the legs, securing them with the lower drawers for strength.
  1. The already assembled bench can be covered with stain. This product will help give the wood the noble look of a more expensive material and emphasize its structure.

This DIY bench made from natural material will decorate any garden and will not create a dent in your wallet.

Bench with wooden back

A bench with a back is undoubtedly a more convenient option than a bench. And don’t think that making one yourself is more difficult. You can, for example, create a bench with a backrest with your own hands in an ethno style from a solid log.

For the seat of such a bench you just need to cut a log. The second part of the log can be used to make bench legs. These parts are connected to each other using metal pins.

First, holes are made in the fastening areas, the diameter of which is slightly less than the diameter of the pin. First, the pin is driven with a sledgehammer into one part to about half the height, then the second part is pushed on top.

Advice! Before hitting the material with a sledgehammer, place an unnecessary piece of board on top, this will prevent damage to the surface of the material.

The back of such a bench can be made from a log of smaller diameter. To fasten the backrest, you can use metal elements or, if not available, take wooden ones.

Don't forget to treat the wood with a protective antiseptic.

Bench - swing

The garden bench can also be made in the form of a swing. This option is especially relevant if you have children, they will obviously like it.

Have you decided to make a swing with your own hands? In addition to the usual materials for making a bench and a bench, you will need durable fastening material, such as rope or chain, as well as metal chains and carabiners. The swing can be decorated with colorful pillows made, if possible, from moisture-resistant materials.

Shop - sandbox

Another bench option that will definitely make your children happy is a sandbox with a lid.

A very convenient option that will fit into the country landscape design, will not take up much space, and will appeal to children and adults. Approximate dimensions: 1.20x1.45x0.3 m.

When making such a sandbox bench, you can rest assured that country cats will not get to the sand, and the ubiquitous magpies will not steal small toys.

Bench - flowerbed

Lovers of wild blooms surround themselves with flowers everywhere. For them, we can recommend making a bench - a flowerbed.

Even a novice master can work on such a bench. It is necessary to build a wooden floor between two boxes. It’s simpler - there’s just nowhere. The boxes are filled with soil and your favorite plants are planted there. A green corner made in this way will decorate any summer cottage.

Benches from scrap materials

To create a designer bench, it is not at all necessary to purchase material, even inexpensive ones. You can make an excellent bench from scrap materials. For example, old wooden chairs.

To create such a simple but very elegant bench, assemble a frame from a 50x30 mm beam of the same length as the seat of your bench should be. For two people 120 mm is enough. Attach the backs of the chairs to it as in the picture. For fastenings, use long self-tapping screws.

Paint the structure created in this way in the color you need.

To make the seat, you can use a sheet of plywood, fiberboard or wooden furniture panel. Cut the seat slightly wider than the frame. If desired, it can be covered with batting or foam rubber and upholstery fabric or leather substitute. A furniture stapler is very useful for covering the material.

The bench is ready! All that remains is to find a suitable place for it and enjoy the result.

Another handy material for quickly creating a bench can be construction pallets.

If you have the appropriate tools, it will not be difficult to assemble a bench of any design from them. The main thing is to carefully treat the pallet boards with sandpaper and an antiseptic protective agent (this rule works for all wooden products planned for use outdoors). In addition, such a bench can be painted in your favorite color or the wooden elements can be stained. You can decorate it with simple jute rope and metal rivets, as well as pillows of various sizes and colors and textures.

As you can see, a garden bench made by yourself is not only a place to sit. It is enough to show a little imagination and a corner for relaxation with the whole family is ready. If you make it yourself, it will save you money and time searching for a suitable option, which sometimes you simply cannot find. If you do not have sufficient carpentry skills, create a bench from scrap materials; it does not require much labor, but it looks no less aesthetically pleasing.

How to make a garden bench with your own hands from wood. Video instruction.

One of the attributes of a garden or recreation area in a suburban area is a bench, sitting on which you can read a book alone or, conversely, spend a few fun hours with friends. How can you make an ordinary bench comfortable and at the same time turn into an element of garden decor? The solution is simple - a DIY bench for your dacha. Only your own exclusive creation will fully satisfy your personal aesthetic needs.

Before you start sketching or drawing a product, you need to think about its installation location. The material of manufacture also depends on this. For example, in an old garden with large branchy trees, a wooden bench with a wrought-iron frame looks good (as an option - a product made of logs on a stone base), and in a young garden - a light, even openwork bench in a romantic style.

A small white bench stands out in contrast against the dark green hedge

If you place it in a quiet secluded corner, near or surrounded by flowering flower beds, it will become a wonderful place of solitude and relaxation, where you can spend a few pleasant minutes alone after working out in the garden beds.

An old brick wall, a bench made of grayed wood and flowers look mysterious and romantic

Often benches are an integral part of verandas, gazebos, and summer picnic areas. In this case, there should be several products designed in the same style. One example is a garden table with two benches on the sides, where on a summer evening you can have a family tea party or play board games.

Deliberately rough and comfortable wooden structure - a table, two benches and an armchair

It is better to install the bench in such a way that it offers a view not of the neighbor’s fence or garage, but of a pond, flower garden, or. The surrounding picture should please the eye, and not remind you that you need to refuel your car or renew the paint on the gazebo. It is also appropriate to place benches on the playground, by the pool, near the front entrance to the house.

A bench by the pond surrounded by flowers and greenery is a great place for relaxation and reflection.

One of the best places is in the garden, near the beds. It is better if the bench stands in the shade, for example, under the spreading crown of a tree or under a canopy, since it is intended for rest from physical labor - digging, weeding, watering or harvesting.

Relaxing in the shade of a flowering bush is a real pleasure

You can think about a decorative frame: a garden bench made by yourself looks good surrounded by low flowering bushes, specially arranged flower beds, on a small hill or on a platform made of natural stone or.

Preparatory work is half the battle

First you need to take a piece of paper and make a sketch or drawing of the proposed product. Even at this stage, questions may arise: what is the optimal height or how many legs should the bench have? There are general standards that should be followed when drawing up a diagram:

  • 400 mm – 500 mm – seat height;
  • 500 mm – 550 mm – seat width;
  • 350 mm – 500 mm – back height.

If you plan to create a product with a backrest, you should determine for yourself how the backrest will be attached to the seat. Depending on whether the bench is portable or not, the legs are planned: for a non-portable product, they are firmly fixed in the ground.

It is not difficult to fix the bench legs: you need to dig holes of the required size and fill them with cement mortar, lowering wooden parts into them

From the drawing you can estimate how much material is needed for the job. Typically, a product of this kind requires a minimum of financial investment: at the dacha there is always a lot of wooden blanks left over from the construction of a house or bathhouse, fasteners (screws, nails, bolts, staples), paints and varnishes for wood processing.

If you collect the remains of wooden products and blanks from around the dacha, you can come up with an unusual model

You will also find the necessary tools in the utility room. If the main material for production is wood, you should prepare: a plane, a saw, a jigsaw, a hammer, sandpaper, a tape measure and a pencil.

Making Benches: Six Easy Projects

You can never go wrong by choosing wood for work - a material that is soft, pliable in processing and at the same time durable, capable of serving for decades. From wood you can create elements of various shapes and sizes, shaped inserts, volumetric and miniature parts.

Project No. 1 – a simple bench with a backrest

If you have difficulty drawing up a sketch, you can use a ready-made drawing of a garden bench.

All parts are cut according to the dimensions in the drawing

This bench is traditional for city parks; similar examples can be found at river stations, near theaters or shopping centers - in those places where you have to spend some time waiting. The advantage of this option is the ease of preparation of parts and speed of assembly. To work, you will need thick beams for support (3 large and 3 smaller), bars or boards for the seat and back.

The color of the parts can be changed using impregnation or varnish of a darker shade

This model is portable - you can always move it to another, more convenient place. To ensure that it always stands level and does not wobble, when installing supports it is necessary to ensure the exact location of the parts - even a slight discrepancy will cause the product to skew.

At the end of the work - and this applies to any wood product located outdoors - all wooden parts must be treated with a special anti-mold impregnation or coated with varnish, which also contains protective components. Treated wood is resistant to moisture, lasts longer and looks like new for a long time.

Project No. 2 – classic style bench

This option is more thorough than the previous one. A bench with a rectangular seat and the same back looks great against the background of a house built from any material - wood, brick, stone.

Assembly diagram of the armrests and backrest of a bench in a classic style

For variety, you can change the color, choose a shade that is closer to the country houses. The back of such a bench is a real find for those who like to imagine and translate their ideas into wood. Straight vertical bars can be replaced with slats arranged crosswise.

Several people can easily fit on this bench

The upper horizontal crossbar would look good if covered with elegant carvings or colored designs. Armrests and legs can also be figured - but it all depends on the desire and skill of the master. It only takes a few evenings to make such a bench for your dacha, but you can enjoy relaxing on it for more than one year.

Project No. 3 – table with benches

A garden set for relaxing with the whole family consists of a comfortable table and two fixed benches.

A convenient and practical table with a couple of benches will be useful in any country house

All large parts (table, benches) are assembled separately, and then assembled into a single whole using 4 lower bars - 2 on each side.

Assembly diagram of the entire kit

The table is a tabletop with legs mounted crosswise.

Table assembly diagram

The benches are assembled easily, from bars or boards of various lengths.

Bench assembly diagram

At the last stage, the benches are first fixed to give the structure stability, then the table is fixed exactly in the middle.

Initial assembly - connecting benches

A simple-looking but comfortable table will become a gathering place for family and friends in the evenings - for communication, evening tea, and relaxation.

This table with benches can be placed directly on the lawn

You can download more detailed drawings and photos of this project.

Project No. 5 – video master class

Variety of materials, shapes and styles

Wood is a traditional, “warm” material for making benches, which is why products made from it are so different. Instead of machine-processed bars, you can take natural material with natural shapes - and before us is not just a bench, but a real masterpiece.

The original bench is made from large pieces of sawn and processed logs

It turns out that there are also stone benches, but they are valued not for functionality, but for aesthetics. You only want to sit on a stone piece in the warm season, but you can admire it all the time.

A small stone bench fits harmoniously into the floral landscape

They look refined and elegant, but only a professional blacksmith can create a garden bench with his own hands from metal.

A wrought-iron bench among the riotous colors looks more than appropriate

Combined benches and benches, built of stone and wood or decorated with textile items - capes, pillows, look interesting.

Small pillows in pink and white, neatly laid out on a bench, make the garden corner cozy and homey.

That's all for today. We hope you found something useful. If you have any questions or suggestions, you are welcome to comment.

Garden furniture items are necessary to create a place to relax at your own discretion in your summer cottage. Photos of benches in the garden look attractive. Any craftsman can make such furniture himself.

First, you will need to decide on the choice of material for the future product and select a suitable design solution.

Materials for work

A garden bench can be made from various materials. Each of them has its own advantages.

Plastic bench

This piece of furniture has many advantages. Plastic products are affordable, do not require special care, and are easy to disassemble and assemble. Today plastic is presented in a rich range of colors.

However, there are also disadvantages. A plastic item looks cheaper than a wooden item. When exposed to direct sunlight, it quickly fades and its surface can become deformed.

Wood for garden furniture

To make original benches for a summer residence, craftsmen often use wood. Wood is easy to process, the material looks noble, and installation does not take much time.

The main requirements are the absence of defects and good drying.

Stone products

The naturalness of the material is its undeniable advantage; it attracts with its natural beauty. In finished products it looks luxurious and stylish.

Items made from natural stone are easy to make with your own hands. However, the material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • Sitting on a cold stone is harmful to your health.
  • Installation of the bench is carried out exclusively permanently.

What about metal?

Metal benches are an excellent decoration for a recreation area. The cold forging method, like the hot forging method, allows you to create beautiful designs.

In addition, metal combines perfectly with glass or wood.

What should the ideal shop be like?

Among all the requirements, the main ones can be identified:

  • Comfort. It is necessary that the bench is ergonomic. A bench with a back is a good option.
  • The product must cope with serious loads. The craftsman needs to choose only high-quality materials and fittings.

Structural features of the bench

A summer resident who wants to improve the landscape around the house should know how to make a bench with his own hands. You must first determine the dimensions.

Dimensions – 1.5 mx0.4 m, height – 0.45 m (seat) and 900 m (back). The back is made at an angle of 18 or 20 degrees. It is important to complete the drawings of the bench correctly, then the work will not be a problem.

The master will need to prepare the following:

  • Primer, varnish;
  • Special sandpaper for wood;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric planer;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Self-tapping screws 40X40;
  • Blanks for front and rear legs, as well as for backrest holders;
  • Wooden boards with dimensions 1500X150 and thickness from 35 mm to 40 mm.

Making a wooden structure with your own hands

It’s good when you can find boards with the required dimensions on the market.

When there is no suitable option on the construction market, the craftsman will have to arm himself with a jigsaw to cut the material himself. A miter saw will help speed up the process.


Finished workpieces must be processed. The surface of the boards for the backrest and seat needs to be sanded. The ends are processed using an electric planer; the best option is to make them with a rounded shape.

The next stage is to give the required angle of inclination, in this case we are talking about the rear legs of the bench. These elements serve as a frame. Markings are applied to the prepared parts.

We measure the height - 0.4 m. It is necessary to make a cut equal to 20 degrees to form an angle of inclination. The distance between the legs of the bench in front and behind should be 0.28 m. A beam with a size of 0.5 m connects the legs. It is better when the strapping is done not only from above, but also from below.

The sides are connected as soon as the assembly of the main parts is completed. The boards are fastened with self-tapping screws to the strapping bars, which are located on top. Gaps are left between the workpieces to drain moisture.

When installing the backrest, the board that goes first is attached at a distance of 0.2 m from the seat, and the second - 0.38 m.


You can begin finishing the product. For this purpose, impregnation with varnish for external use is used. Such means will help provide reliable protection against any harmful actions from the outside.

How to create a metal structure?

The craftsman can create a comfortable place for a relaxation area using cold forging techniques. It is better to start with models that have angular shapes; they are easier to manufacture.

Detailed instructions

We decide on the dimensions (length - 1.5 m, height - 0.8 or 0.9 m, width - 0.4 or 0.5 m).

We make blanks for the frame from cut pipes. You will need to prepare 2 pieces with dimensions of 0.4 m and 2 more fragments of 1.5 m each. We connect these parts into a rectangle and weld them. To make the structure more durable, we weld 2 stiffeners.

To make blanks for the legs, cut the metal pipe into 4 parts, each length should be 0.4 m. The blanks are attached to the corners of the bench. To strengthen the legs, additional stiffening ribs are installed.


To make the back you will need 2 blanks. The length of one should be 1.5 m, and the other – 0.44 mm. We weld the blanks for the back together and weld them to the seat. We must not forget about the angle of inclination. For rest to be comfortable, it must be at least 15 or 20 degrees.

The back can also be strengthened with stiffening ribs.

At the last stage, the seams are cleaned. The surface of the frame is coated with a primer.

If you plan to make a product with shaped elements, then completing such a task will require more time.

DIY bench photo

At your summer cottage, you really want to have a corner where you can relax and enjoy nature. It is impossible to imagine such a place without a beautiful bench. A self-made garden bench can not only save money, but also fulfill the individual needs and ideas of everyone, because there are a lot of options and techniques for making it, and from them you can choose the one that suits you.

Step-by-step diagram for assembling a garden bench with a table

How to choose a place to install a country bench

Before you start making your own bench, you need to be very careful about where to place it. This issue is worth addressing because a bench is not only an object for the convenience of relaxation, but also a place where a sufficiently large amount of time will be spent, and therefore the view and atmosphere must be suitable. In addition, much in its design and installation process will depend on the selected area for installing a garden bench, as well as its type.

Examples of the location of garden benches from the design side.

A bench for a summer house made of wood combined with forged wood frame.

A bench made of logs with a stone base.

It will fit very harmoniously into a garden where trees with large crowns and various fluffy shrubs grow.
Romantic style bench, openwork

A garden of young trees or a vineyard would be a good place to place it.
Miniature bench painted white
It would be ideal to be in contrast with a dense hedge of rich green color. Also a good option for such a bench would be a pond, flowering flower beds, or simply in a secluded corner decorated with flowers.
Retro bench made of “old” wood

It can create a very mysterious atmosphere together with old trees with curved trunks located nearby, near which flowers of different types are planted.
Bench combined with decorative items
A very popular place to place a bench is a veranda or gazebo. In this case, a do-it-yourself garden bench should be made in a similar style with existing decorative items and the veranda or gazebo itself.
Combined benches and table

This design will be good on a small spacious plot of land, which can be decorated with floral vegetation, and can also be located next to the house or under a canopy.

In addition to the options listed, you can install a bench in a place where children usually spend their leisure time, which will allow you to be close to them when they play. It will be especially good to organize a place to rest if there is a lone tree on the site, which has a spreading crown, by installing a bench directly under it.

In addition, you can organize a canopy near the house, under which you can place a garden bench. This will be a good vacation spot even in rainy weather. There is another option to simply locate a bench in the beds where crops are grown - it will be convenient for relaxing between work in the garden.

Important: It is best to choose a location so that there are no annoying objects or buildings, garages, fences, etc. in the field of view. It is worth remembering that the view should lift your spirits and promote relaxation, and not be a reminder of how much work remains to be done at the dacha.

There are a great many options and ideas for implementation that a DIY garden bench can allow you to implement. It’s quite simple to come up with a decorative composition with its participation; for example, it looks good on elevations, decorated with boulders or shrubs; a bench that harmoniously merges into a flower bed is also pleasing to the eye.

Preliminary steps

After the location of the bench has been determined, you need to start planning the future product. It is worth considering a few points:

  1. Size. If the bench is typical in size and you do not want to design an individual model, you can use the data from the table.
  2. Method of fastening the backrest.
  3. Leg layout. This criterion can be determined based on the mobility of the product. If the bench is a stationary structure, then it should be strengthened in the ground with cement, first digging a hole in the ground of the required size.

Table of standard bench sizes.

Seat height, m Seat width, m Back height, m
0,4-0,5 0,5-0,55 0,35-0,5

When the drawing plan is drawn up, you can easily determine the size of each part of the bench from it, and then begin its manufacture.

It is also worth asking about the material from which the DIY garden bench will be made. Each material has its own special nuances that can be used as advantages to achieve the desired result.

Mandatory requirements for the bench

In addition to the previous nuances in the process of designing a product, it is worth taking into account a certain list of requirements that it must meet. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Safety. You should not allow an unreliable design of the product, because this can bring a lot of troubles when using it. To ensure safe use, it is worth choosing only high-quality material, as well as fastening devices and any accessories.
  2. Convenience. Undoubtedly, such an item in the garden as a garden bench should be comfortable so that nothing interferes with the relaxation process. To do this, you need to approach the project creation stage very competently and carefully and think through all the details in advance.
  3. Immunity to influence of external conditions. To ensure long-term preservation of appearance and service life, it is necessary to select only solid material at the assembly stage of the product. Additionally, it is worth treating it (if made from wood material) with special means that can provide protection to the product.

Design options

There are quite a lot of variations in which a garden bench can be made with your own hands. If we are talking about products made of wooden material, then for this you will need the following list of tools and materials.

Any country bench has essentially the same assembly process. To more accurately understand such a process, it can be considered using a specific example, based on the material listed above.

Help: A similar principle is used when independently creating a bench from wood in any version of its design.

Simple bench

In order to avoid any problems in the process of drawing up a drawing, it is possible to use a ready-made one. This bench is very easy to make. It is only necessary to install additional support bars of three larger and smaller sizes. Assembly occurs according to the specified principle.

Help: You can diversify such a product simply by changing the color scheme, as well as by drawing various kinds of patterns. But at the same time it is necessary to carry out processing of the wood material.


It is also quite simple to design, plus it is possible to vary the backrest by changing the arrangement of the slats, for example, making them cross-shaped. If you approach the process of creating such a shop with all the specified nuances, then it will not be used for a long enough time. For the drawing, you can use an existing one, and take the dimensions from a standard sample.

Folding bench for the garden

Metal bench

A DIY garden bench can be made not only from wooden material. You can use a metal frame, which is not difficult for anyone to make, even if you have no experience in forging metal.

To construct a frame for a bench, you can also use cold forging, namely, to connect parts of a metal frame into a single structure. At the same time, you can complement the product with something, decorating it.

The table shows the principle by which you make a garden bench with your own hands.

Process Description
Sizing If there is no design of a bench in which all the dimensions will be correctly compiled, then you can use the dimensions of the standard sample. It can be a seat length of 1500 mm, a width of 500 mm, and the backrest with such values ​​will be 900 mm. If the task of creating a bench for the garden is new, then it is better to use a type of product that is one of the simplest in design and size.
Frame construction The seat is made first. To do this, you will need several sections of pipes, 1500 mm and 400 mm long, two pieces each. If such segments are not ready-made, then you need to make them yourself. To achieve a more reliable structure, you can supplement the structure with stiffeners welded to the frame.
Designing the legs The length of the legs should be 460 mm, this is exactly the size that the pipes need to be made for this. Also, in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the front and rear legs are connected to each other. This will provide a better degree of stability.
Making the backrest The back is made in such a way that parts of pipes measuring 1.5 m and 44 cm are welded to each other. After this process is completed, you can start welding it to an already manufactured part of the structure. It is best to position the backrest at an angle of up to 20 degrees, this will provide an optimal level of comfort when sitting on the bench. Regarding the reliability of the backrest, stiffening ribs in the longitudinal and transverse directions will help here.
Polishing To complete the construction of the metal frame, the existing joints should be cleaned, as well as the metal product should be polished and coated with primer.
Manufacturing of wooden elements In order for it to take on a complete look, you need to make wooden parts that will be attached on top of the frame. Such elements can be easily completed using timber or boards. Depending on the size of the frame product, you should determine the size of the wooden elements, as well as the direction of their attachment. You must also keep in mind that all parts must be smooth, without any kind of damage.
Connecting all the elements To connect all the manufactured elements, you can use an electric jigsaw and make the required number of holes in the frame and wooden parts to attach them to each other. As fasteners, it is best to use bolts that have rounded heads, as well as nuts.
Completion of work And the very last touch, before the garden bench is made on your own and ready for use, the woody areas should be treated with stain. You can also use varnish for such purposes. This procedure will protect the material from many undesirable factors.

The good thing about this design is that due to the material that goes into the structure, it is light enough to be transported or moved to the desired location if desired. It is also important that such a product is stable to temperature changes, which is why it will be possible to use it for more than one year in a row.

Helpful information

When making a garden bench with your own hands, it is better to keep in mind the following rules, which will greatly simplify the work and help avoid difficulties:

  1. When purchasing material for construction, it is worth considering the percentage of losses when cutting out the required size of parts. It is about 10%.
  2. To avoid wastage of material, and possibly achieve savings, it is best to start manufacturing and cutting out elements and those boards that are the longest.
  3. If you want to make the seat wider than indicated in the standard dimensions, then you need to remember that deflections of the wood material are possible in the absence of a supporting frame structure.
  4. To avoid injury, it is better to initially take care of eliminating all angular and pointed areas.
  5. It is also worth remembering that wood material is prone to drying out, which must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing and leaving spaces for gaps.

Video - interesting ideas for making a garden bench yourself