home · Networks · How to salt lard in brine with garlic. Step by step recipe. Recipe: lard in brine - the result will exceed expectations

How to salt lard in brine with garlic. Step by step recipe. Recipe: lard in brine - the result will exceed expectations

There are a great many ways to prepare lard. It can be smoked, boiled in onion skins, fried over coals, baked in a sleeve, salted in a brine, pickled or coated with a garlic-pepper mixture. Lard in brine is especially tender, aromatic and moderately salty, the most delicious recipe for which, in addition to salt and sugar, includes spices and dry herbs.

Secrets of choosing lard

  • When buying bacon at the market, feel free to smell the piece you like. High-quality lard should have a subtle smell of smoke from the straw that was used to lubricate the pork carcass.
  • Visual inspection: first-class lard should have a dense, but not gristly, consistency and a well-fitting, soft skin, without scorching or stubble. The color of a good product is snow-white or with a pinkish tint.
  • It is better not to buy beautiful-looking pieces with a lot of thick meat veins, since cold salting will result in the lard turning out “rubbery.” Lard with layers is ideal for smoking or boiling in onion skins.

Recipe for cooking lard in cold spicy brine


  • lard with a small amount of meat layers - 1 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • rosemary – 1 pinch
  • oregano – 1/2 tsp.
  • basil – 1 tsp.
  • allspice and black pepper – 7 peas each
  • juniper berries – 5-6 pcs.
  • garlic – 5 cloves
  • salt – 100 g.


  1. Dissolve salt in hot water and boil the brine for 10 minutes. Then add crushed peppercorns, dry herbs and bay leaves broken into small pieces. Add crushed juniper berries and turn off heat.
  2. Cover the brine with a lid and leave it to cool in a cool room.
  3. Start preparing the lard. Scrape the surface of the bacon with a dull knife blade, especially the skin. If the lard is stained with blood, rinse it under cold water and dry with paper towels.
  4. Cut into long strips 6-7 cm wide or into cubes with the same size edges.
  5. Peel and coarsely chop the garlic.
  6. Place lard mixed with chopped garlic in a steam-sterilized three-liter jar. Fill it with cooled spicy brine, tie a canvas cloth around the neck of the jar and place it in the cellar or refrigerator for 5-7 days.
  7. At the end of salting, remove the lard sticks from the jar, dry them, roll them in a mixture of peppers and herbs. Wrap the finished product in parchment and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for cooking lard in hot brine


  • lard – 1-1.2 kg
  • water – 7 glasses
  • salt – 8 tbsp. l.
  • cloves – 5 buds
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • ground chili pepper – 1 tsp.
  • whole black and allspice – 8-10 peas each
  • ground paprika – 3 tsp.
  • garlic – 12 cloves.


Recipe for salting lard in brine

Lard prepared in this way is excellently stored, does not spoil for a long time and retains its taste.


  • thick bacon without meat streaks weighing about 2 kg
  • water – 1 l
  • coarse, non-iodized salt – 1 cup
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • black peppercorns – 1 tsp. no slide.


  1. Boil concentrated brine (brine) from salt and water and cool it.
  2. Cut the lard, thoroughly cleaned on all sides, into 5x10 cm bars.
  3. Adding peppercorns and bay leaves between the layers, place the pieces of lard in a three-liter jar without pressing.
  4. Pour the cooled brine into the jar, cover with a saucer and leave at room temperature for a week. Then put the jar in the refrigerator for storage.

Few housewives know how to properly salt lard at home. And in vain: salted lard is a product that is not only tasty and satisfying, but also very beneficial for the human body. Although previously this benefit was often questioned.

Now scientists have proven that animal fat contains substances important for the functioning of many organs, and therefore eating lard is important and necessary for everyone. But just don't overdo it. Excessive consumption of absolutely any product, even the most beneficial, can, of course, be harmful.

Today we will tell you how to choose the right quality lard for salting. And it’s delicious to cook at home with or without spices. You will learn that salting lard at home is not difficult.

With our recipes you can prepare a traditional Ukrainian dish quickly and tasty. To begin with, you should keep in mind that homemade salted lard has different tastes. And they depend on a huge number of factors:

  1. choice of salting option;
  2. selection of the product itself;
  3. age, etc.

How to choose the right lard for salting

To make delicious salted lard at home, first. What you need to do is choose the right product for pickling.
How to choose a product, some useful tips.
1. The optimal size of a piece of lard for salting is from four to six centimeters in thickness. Remember, the thicker the product, the tougher and older it will be.
2. Pay attention to the color of the lard intended for salting. The product should be white or pale pink. Yellow color indicates that the product is stale or was stored under improper conditions.
3. The skin should cut well, have a light orange color and be free of bristles. When it is easily and effortlessly separated from the main piece, then the product is of good quality.
4. Smell: cut a piece. The fresh product has no specific odor either outside or inside.

How to dry salt lard with garlic and pepper

The name of the person who salted lard for the first time has sunk into oblivion. But the product appealed to many people. Most likely, the soldiers of Rome first salted it and took it with them on a long campaign.

In warm climates, salted lard did not spoil for a long time. It could not only be eaten with bread, but also various hearty dishes could be prepared from it. The tradition of salting pork fat has spread to all Slavic territories, the Baltic states and European countries.

You can salt lard yourself at home. The success of a business depends on choosing the “right” main product. You need to purchase it in pairs, preferably homemade from a trusted place. Frozen lard will not turn out very tasty.

The thickness of the piece is a matter of personal preference, but you should not salt pieces thinner than three to four cm.

For dry salting you will need:

  • pork lard 1.2 - 1.5 kg;
  • finely ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • salt, necessarily coarse -100 g
  • fresh garlic - 4-5 cloves.

How to dry-salt lard at home - step-by-step recipe with photos:

If the piece intended for pickling is not heavily soiled, there is no need to wash it. It is enough to clean the stained areas with a knife.

Separately, combine salt and pepper and mix.

Cut the lard into pieces. It is optimal to make pieces about 6 cm wide and 7-8 cm long. Roll the cut pieces on all sides in the resulting mixture.

Place it in a clean container and mix with chopped garlic. If there is any salt and pepper left, add the mixture on top.

Place the container in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

After a week, the salted pork lard with pepper and garlic is ready. A piece of black bread with salty, aromatic lard tastes better than a hamburger from a fast food cafe.

Recipes for salting lard in brine at home

And now about how to salt lard in brine and spices and what you need for this.

Attention! To ensure that the lard is well and quickly salted, choose thin pieces (up to 5 cm in thickness). If you salt a thick piece, cut it into several smaller pieces.

Cold salting of lard in brine in a jar

This salting option is considered classic and the salting period is 3-4 days.

  • lard in the amount for one three-liter jar, if packed tightly in pieces;
  • jar (3 liters);
  • water – 1 liter;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • allspice and black pepper (can be ground, or peas);
  • salt – 6 tablespoons;
  • laurel – 3 leaves;
  • a pinch of spices (anise, cumin, coriander, cardamom).

How to salt lard in brine in a jar - recipe with photos step by step:

On a note! The spice mixture can be purchased at the store. Seasoning “For pickling” is perfect.

Pour water into a saucepan (it’s better to use a saucepan), add salt and mix thoroughly. Place the brine on the fire and stir until the salt crystals are completely dissolved in the water.

Crush the spices (coriander, peppercorns) a little with a spoon. If you take bulk spices, then, accordingly, there is no need to crush them. Add all the spices, except garlic, to the boiling brine, mix and immediately turn off.

Peel the garlic cloves and cut in half lengthwise. If you took large slices, then cut them into several longitudinal parts. Crush a little with a spoon. Add garlic to the cooled brine and stir.

We take a jar and put pieces of lard cut lengthwise into it.

Attention! The lard should be packed tightly into the pickling jar. At the same time, so that later there is an opportunity, if necessary, to get one or two pieces.

Pour the lard into the jar with completely cooled brine along with the herbs, spices and bay leaves that have settled to the bottom.
Shake the jar and leave it in the room without closing the lid for 2 hours.

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Cover the salted lard in the brine with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. The longer a jar of lard sits and salts, the correspondingly saltier it will be.

Homemade lard in brine will be completely ready in a week. Then you can eat it or continue to store it in this form in the refrigerator.

If you don’t like to eat wet lard, just removed from the brine, you can do the following:

  • take it out of the jar, place it on a paper towel;
  • After drying, sprinkle a little with any spices you like (just a little). Wrap in cling film and store in the freezer. You can store it at home in this form for more than a year.

Lard in brine - the most delicious recipe in onion skins

It turns out incredibly aromatic, strong in consistency, tasty. It is salted in this way quickly: just 1 day and the dish is completely ready.

To prepare take:

  • 1.5 kg. fresh white bacon (preferably with layers of meat);
  • salt 100 grams;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 9 black peppercorns;
  • 4-6 peas of allspice;
  • onion peel (50 grams is enough).

Step-by-step recipe for salted lard in onion skins:

Take a saucepan, 3-5 liters will be enough. Place the dry husks, previously removed from the onions and washed under water, on the bottom of the pan. Place pieces of lard on top of the husk. Top the product with salt, sprinkle with pepper, lay out bay leaves and chopped garlic.

Attention! To salt aromatic lard using a hot method, we recommend that before adding garlic to it, mash it a little with a knife or spoon.

Fill the contents of the pan with water and set to heat.

On a note! The lard will float in the water; to prevent this from happening, we recommend covering it with a plate on top.

When the brine in the pan on the stove begins to boil, wait 10 minutes and reduce the heat to low. Leave in the hot brine for another 15-20 minutes, then remove from the stove and leave to brew in any cool place for a day.

After the specified time, lard in onion brine prepared at home will be ready. The product remains to be taken out, dried, sprinkled with spices and eaten or stored in the freezer.

Hot salting of lard in a jar with garlic and spices

The product is salted in this way in 3-4 days.

For pickling, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh lard;
  • any spices to your liking (you can purchase seasoning “For salting lard” or make your own mixture of garlic, pepper,
  • bay leaf, thyme, coriander, etc.);
  • water – 1.2 liters;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons with a small slide.

How to salt lard with spices in a hot way with garlic and spices at home:

Put water on the fire, bring to a boil, turn it off and let it cool completely to room temperature.
Peel the garlic, press the cloves a little with a spoon, and add to the water. Crush the peppercorns and other spice grains with a spoon, so they will release all their flavor to the brine. We put it all in water.

Attention! If you use purchased ground spices for pickling, they will be added to the dish last. After filling with brine.

Add salt to the pickling brine and stir until it is completely dissolved in the water. Pour the brine into a jar (if you salt in a jar), or leave it in the pan.

Cut the lard into small pieces, approximately 12-15 cm in length. No more. Place them in the prepared brine and cover with a lid. The lard in the brine should be completely covered.

Place the container in the refrigerator or on the balcony if pickling is carried out in the cool season for 3-4 days. After the specified time, delicious salted lard in spices will be ready!

You can take it out, cut it and eat it. To store at home, remove from brine, dry, sprinkle with a little salt mixed with seasonings and place in the freezer.

On a note! Lard with layers of meat will taste more pleasant, and it doesn’t matter how you salt it.

You can serve it as an independent dish with bread, onions and garlic, as an addition to cabbage soup, borscht, as well as with potatoes, any porridge and even with dark chocolate.

Video: boiled lard in a bag - cooking recipes

Lard is one of the oldest, most popular products on the planet. There is probably no other dish that writers of different nationalities would so often mention in their works, artists would paint in still lifes, and people of different nationalities would remember in jokes.

And everyone loves him: ordinary plumbers and military generals, villagers and city slickers, factory workers and bankers. Unlike foie gras or black caviar, everyone can afford to treat themselves to lard for lunch.

Lard with garlic in brine


  • drinking water – 1 l,
  • coarse salt (not “Extra”) – 7-8 tablespoons,
  • lard – 1 kg,
  • garlic cloves – 6-7 pieces,
  • bay leaves – 5-6 pieces,
  • allspice peas – 5-6 pieces,
  • black peppercorns – 7-8 pieces.


1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and place on fire. Add salt and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. When the salt water boils, remove the saucepan from the stove and cool its contents to a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

2. During this time, prepare the lard. If you bought a kilogram of lard in one piece, you can cut it into three parts (the main thing is that the resulting pieces can be easily placed in a glass container).

3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them into thin slices.

4. Rinse the laurel leaves with water and break each into 2-3 pieces.

5. Make small cuts in the lard slices over the entire surface, on each side, insert garlic slices into them and place the lard in a glass jar.

6. Try to evenly distribute the pieces of bay leaf between the lard, throw allspice and black peppercorns into the jar.

7. Pour the lard with brine that has cooled to the required temperature, cover the top of the jar with a saucer (the main thing is not to seal it tightly with a lid) and leave it in this state for 1-2 days in a dark place. After the required time has passed, send the jar of lard to a cool place for another couple of days.

8. After two days, remove the jar from the refrigerator, remove the lard from it, and blot it with a paper towel or napkins to remove excess moisture.

9. Wrap each dried slice of lard separately in foil and store in the freezer. This way it can last for a very long time.

Hot salted lard (with liquid smoke and adjika)


  • lard – 1 kg,
  • drinking water – 1.5-1.6 l,
  • coarse salt – 240-280 g,
  • bay leaves – 7-8 pieces,
  • adjika (spicy) – 1 teaspoon,
  • black peppercorns – 15 pieces,
  • liquid smoke – 5-6 g,
  • paprika and garlic cloves (for grating lard) - to your taste.


1. For hot salting, take lard 3 cm thick or more, cut it into convenient pieces (so that they can fit well in the saucepan where you will salt them).

2. Place a saucepan on the stove, pour water into it and let it boil. Add salt, bay leaf, adjika and peppercorns; Stir everything well to completely dissolve the salt and let the water boil again.

3. When the water starts to boil again, pour liquid smoke into it (this is the most important secret of the hot method of salting lard, without it the desired result will not come out), stir.

4. Place pieces of lard into the boiling brine, wait until the water boils again, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Now turn off the heat, cover the saucepan with a lid and leave it in a warm place to cool slowly and gradually for 12 hours.

6. After the required time has passed, remove the lard, dry and rub thoroughly with paprika and garlic.

7. The lard is ready, you can put it in a cold place, or you can immediately serve it with borscht and Borodino bread.

This is a very old and proven method.


  • lard – 1-1.5 kg,
  • drinking water – 1 l,
  • onion peel – 100-120 g (from 6-8 onions),
  • coarse salt – 100-150 g,
  • black peppercorns – 13-15 pieces,
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces,


1. Cut the prepared lard into pieces convenient for placement in the pan.

2. Take a saucepan, add salt, bay leaves, peppercorns and onion peels into it. Pour water into it, place everything on the stove, let it boil, stirring constantly until the salt dissolves.

3. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, place the lard in it so that it is completely covered with brine (to do this, you will have to stack the pieces at the bottom tightly to each other so that they do not have the opportunity to float to the surface). Let the lard simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

4. When the required time has passed, turn off the stove and let the pan with lard cool, then put everything in a cold place for a day.

5. After a day, remove the pan from the refrigerator, remove the lard and place it on a plate for 15 minutes to drain excess liquid.

6. Peel the head of garlic, pass it through a press and thoroughly rub the dried lard on all sides.

7. Once again, put the lard in a cold place for a day. And then you can eat it, and store some part in the freezer.


  • pork lard – 1 kg,
  • drinking water – 1.5 l,
  • coarse salt – 250-300 g,
  • bay leaves – 6-7 pieces,
  • ground black pepper – 1 tablespoon,
  • cumin (in seeds) – 1 teaspoon,
  • medium head of garlic – 1 piece.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, add bay leaves and bring to a boil. Boil until a rich laurel aroma can be felt in the kitchen.

2. In a large wooden mortar, thoroughly grind the salt with black pepper and cumin using a pestle. Peel the garlic cloves, pass them through a press and add to the salt. Then transfer this entire mass to water, stir to dissolve the salt.

3. Remove the pan with the brine from the stove and let it cool completely.

4. Cut the prepared lard into pieces, place in a glass jar, and fill with cooled brine. Cover the jar with a lid and place at room temperature for 3-4 days to salt out.

5. After the required time has passed, move the jar of lard to a cold place (cellar or refrigerator) and keep for a couple more days.


  • pork lard – 1 kg,
  • drinking water – 1 l,
  • coarse salt (not “Extra”) – 160-170 g,
  • granulated sugar – 80 g,
  • bay leaf – 3-4 pieces,
  • black pepper – 15 peas,
  • allspice – 4-6 peas.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, let it boil, add salt, sugar, allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaves. Stir to dissolve sugar and salt, simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool the marinade.

2. Cut the lard into pieces approximately 5x10 cm, place in a glass jar, pour in the marinade, close the lid tightly and put in a cool place for a week (maybe a little less, 5-6 days).

3. When the required time has passed, take out a piece of lard, dry it slightly, cut it and you can eat it. Store the remaining pieces in brine in a jar.

Ingredients for pickling:

  • pork lard – 1 kg,
  • drinking water – 1 l,
  • coarse salt – 300 g,
  • coriander seeds – 2 teaspoons,
  • black peppercorns – 20-25 pieces,
  • allspice peas – 10-12 pieces,
  • bay leaf – 6-7 pieces,
  • medium head of garlic – 1 piece.

Ingredients for rubbing (rolling) lard:

  • garlic – 1 small head,
  • white, black and pink peppercorns - 1 teaspoon each.


1. Place salt, allspice and black peppercorns, coriander seeds, and bay leaves into a saucepan. Add garlic, peeled and passed through a garlic press. Pour water, put on fire, let it boil, stir constantly until the salt is completely dissolved. Remove the boiled liquid from the stove and let cool.

2. Cut the lard into bars measuring 5x15 cm, put them in a glass container, pour in the cooled brine, cover with a lid and put in a cool place for four days.

3. After the required time has passed, remove the lard from the jar, dry it with paper towels, wrap each piece in foil and put it in the freezer for a day.

4. After a day, remove the lard from the foil. Place black, white and pink peppercorns in a mortar and crush them using a pestle. Peel and chop the garlic using a garlic press, mix it with pepper, and wipe the lard on each side with the resulting mixture. Wrap the lard in foil again and put it in the freezer for a day.

5. When the day has passed, the delicious lard is ready. Eat and enjoy. Store lard that you won’t eat right away in foil in the freezer.

— for salting in brine, it is advisable to choose lard with a good meat cut (it is called undercut), it is considered more tasty and soft;

— pay attention to the color of the lard when purchasing, it should be a pleasant, slightly pinkish tint, do not take a yellow or gray product (most likely, this is the lard of an old animal);

- be sure to smell the product you buy so that they don’t slip you boar fat;

- before salting, the skin must be scraped very carefully with a knife and the lard must be washed thoroughly;

- to salt lard in brine, you can use another container instead of a jar (for example, a bowl or pan), but then you will need some kind of pressure to press down on top, otherwise the lard will constantly float to the surface;

- the finished salted lard can be rubbed with some of your favorite seasonings and spices if desired.

Salted lard is a product that many people love. Each housewife has her own secret for salting it, but recently salting lard in brine has been gaining popularity. This method is very simple, and the result is excellent: tender, tasty lard that you will definitely like.

My mother-in-law told me how to properly salt lard in brine. When I once mentioned in a conversation that I would like to try this method, she assured me that she knew the most delicious recipe for salting lard in brine - this is exactly how her mother and grandmother prepared it. You understand that I had no choice but to use it.

And I was very pleased, so now I also make lard in brine in a jar - my mother-in-law’s recipe is simple and successful, I really like it. I shared this method with my friends - and they also now prepare salted lard. If you are also interested in how to deliciously pickle lard in brine, I invite you to my kitchen - I will tell you everything in detail and step by step.


  • 0.5 kg of fresh lard;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4-5 peas of allspice;
  • 6-10 black peppercorns;
  • 3 small bay leaves;
  • 0.6 liters of water.

How to deliciously pickle lard in brine:

First of all, a few words about the lard that we will salt in brine. We buy lard only at the market, where you can make sure whether it is soft, whether the skin is hard, and you can smell it to see if there is an unpleasant odor. We choose lard that is not very thick (after all, thick lard simply will not fit into the neck of the jar). It is best to buy lard with a layer of meat, from a young pig - it is thinner and its skin is more tender.

Lard for salting must be fresh: previously frozen lard will be hard after salting. We choose white lard, with a pinkish tint, and a pleasant aroma. If a piece of lard has reddish streaks (with blood), first soak it for several hours in cold water, keeping the lard in the refrigerator for this time.

We rinse the lard with cold water and place it on a paper towel to remove excess moisture (if the lard was pre-soaked, just dry it). Then cut the lard into oblong pieces of such a size that it is convenient to put them in and take them out of the jar.

We thoroughly wash the pickling jar with soda; there is no need to sterilize it. For 0.5 kg of lard, a 1-liter jar is enough. We place the pieces of lard vertically in the jar, so that around each piece there is free space for the brine, otherwise the lard will not be salted.

Peel the garlic and wash it. We cut large cloves lengthwise into 2-3 pieces (if the cloves are small, take more of them - 7-10 pieces). Place garlic, bay leaf and pepper between the pieces of lard. We also put garlic and pepper on top.

Now a very important point - how to make brine for lard... Bring the water to a boil, add salt and boil for a couple of minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved. Set the pan with the brine aside to cool. We will use the brine when it has cooled to about 40 degrees C. Fill the lard in the jar with warm brine, cover the jar with a lid and leave at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

Then we put the jar of lard in the refrigerator. On the 3rd day we start tasting lard. If it is not salted enough, leave it in the refrigerator for another day, but if the lard is ready, remove it from the jar and dry it with a paper towel.

Now you know how to salt lard in brine. Isn't it simple?

Salted lard with garlic, and a crust of black bread... mmm... You won’t find a better snack to go with a glass of cold vodka...

There are many recipes for salting lard. Each of them is good in its own way. But the main secret of delicious salted lard lies in the lard itself. Yes, yes, it is important for salting to choose the right lard with a soft and thin skin, without any foreign smell. Layers from the back or sides of the pig are best suited. The thickness of the lard should be approximately 3-5 cm (up to 10 cm for amateurs). Thin veins of meat are allowed. Today we will salt lard in brine. The recipe is simple and in my opinion one of the most successful.

Pork lard - 2 kg;
garlic - 1 head;
salt - 1 glass;
water - 5 glasses;
bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.;
peppercorns - to taste.

First of all, let's prepare the brine. Pour five glasses of water into a saucepan, add one glass of salt and bring to a boil. The proportions are time-tested, so don't hesitate. You can also make lard preparations for future use, then increase the amount of brine in proportion to the amount of lard. Cool the prepared lard brine to room temperature.

While the brine is cooling, prepare the lard. Cut pieces the width of a matchbox. Such pieces are easy to put in a 3-liter jar, and then take them out from there.

Chop the garlic with a knife and generously rub pieces of lard on all sides.

We put the lard in the jar not too tightly so that it does not fade. Between pieces, don’t forget to add bay leaves and peppercorns. Fill the lard with cold brine.

Cover the jar with a towel and leave the lard to salt at room temperature for at least 4 days, maximum 6 days. It depends on the thickness of the fat.

After the required time has passed, remove the lard from the brine. We put it in bags and put it in the freezer. In this form, lard can be stored for as long as desired. But I think such delicious salted lard is unlikely to last longer than a month...