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How to find out hidden friends in VKontakte. Several ways to see hidden friends

In Russia, because it has one million members and every day there are more and more of them.

By the “status” of a person, photographs and his reposts, you can understand what is happening in his life. Quotes, photographs and videos are like a summary of the new century.

They communicate, meet each other, fall in love, get married and even break up. So that some people hide some contacts from

their faithful ones, and it is precisely such faithful ones who are tormented by the question of how to look for hidden friends. Everyone knows that you can find and find out literally everything on the Internet, but how can you find out if you are not a hacker?

When you open a person’s page, you see the information that he wanted to show. Information about “special” friends can be hidden from page guests.

To hide friends, you need to go to the “Settings” section and select “privacy”, then select the person “x” and move it to hidden lists. An easy procedure - and all your secrets are locked away! Just remember to save your changes.

Ethical or not, it is possible to recognize hidden friends. There are several tricks that reveal the “Madrid secrets” to the curious.

To do this, you need a unique participant ID address. It can be found on the user page, in the top address bar of the page. ID must consist of numbers, not letters. If you see letters, you will have to look for numbers, but fortunately, this is not difficult to do.

How to find out a real unique address?

You will find a unique address on the official VKontakte website. To enter the site you will need to go through identification; enter your password and login as usual. Go to the page of the user you are interested in and in the address bar of the page you will enter the ID, it looks something like this - http...id789654, it is usually written at the end of the line and has six digits.

Or you can do it in another, easier way. Go to your victim's page. Right-click on your avatar and select “open image.” There are different descriptions of this function for different browsers. For example, in Chrome it will be called “open image in new tab”. When you open the image, you can read the ID address on the top line of the page, six solid numbers. A unique address can be in the middle.

There are also a lot of gray sites on the Internet that are eager to provide their services to seekers for a couple of thousand rubles. They promise to open all information about a particular VKontakte user. Don't trust them, almost all of them are scammers.

So you learned about how to see hidden friends. But remember that this is a person, and you are violating his secret. You can recognize hidden friends, but at the same time, every curious person is capable of the same tricks, only in relation to you. To avoid being a victim of such a situation, it is better not to keep personal information on a social network. There are no other possibilities, because there is no place for safety on the Internet. We must be aware that there are many users who are wondering how to see hidden friends, as well as find out other classified information.

VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia. By adding a person as a friend on VKontakte, you can leave him messages, communicate with him online, send him photos and links to interesting materials on the Internet.

How to see friends on VKontakte?

How to see your friends

Let's start with the simplest thing - how to see who your friends are. To do this, log into your social network page, find the “My friends” item in the menu on the left, and click on it. On the page that opens, go to the "All friends" tab. You will see a list of VKontakte users whom you have added to your account as friends.

How to see a friend's friends

If you want to see who is in your friend's friends, you can do that too. Just go to your friend's page. Find the "Friends" block and click on it. You will see your friend's friends list.

How to see a friend's hidden friends

VKontakte differs from many social networks in that you can hide some information from visitors. You can also hide from prying eyes those people whom you have added as friends. To do this, just go to the “My Settings” menu item, then to the “Privacy” tab, find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Next, follow the "All friends" link, select the accounts you want to hide, and save the changes.

And if you want to see at all costs who your friend has hidden, then this can also be done. There are many online services on the Internet that offer to find hidden friends on any account, the main thing is not to stumble upon scammers.

One of the services is igoos.net. To find hidden friends of a VKontakte user, paste their id into the special field and click the “Add” button. The program will immediately display a list of open friends. Next, press the "Search for hidden friends" button. The task progress indicator will show how many people out of the total number of users who had contacts with the person you are interested in are in his hidden friends. The search takes a very long time. Of course, there is no certainty that all hidden friends have been found. But to be sure, the id can be scanned again by checking the “Scan only suspects” checkbox.

Another similar service is

There is a function that allows you to see hidden friends in VK. It has become a replacement for complete privacy of contacts. Now you can hide only part of them, and leave the rest freely available for viewing. But technology does not stand still. And today you can see what a social network user hid from prying eyes. There are at least two ways to help reveal its secret. They will be discussed later in the article.

What are “hidden friends” on VKontakte?

Social network users have long known how to view a friend's contact list. Just go to its page and click on the appropriate link. The entire list of friends will be displayed on the screen. But it will be complete only if the VK user does not hide some of his contacts.

On a note! The creators of the social network VK give page owners the right to independently manage personal information. Therefore, some data that is not intended for the public eye can be hidden. This also applies to friends. To hide them, just use the private settings.

How to recognize hidden friends on VKontakte? Perhaps this information will be useful for the owner of the page, who once, for some reason, hid some of his contacts, and now has forgotten how to view them.

How to see hidden VK friends: 1 way

Using this method, you can not see who exactly the user has hidden, but rather see the number of such contacts. The method is simple and, most importantly, does not violate the rules of the social network.

On a note! The performance of this method can be checked not only on someone else’s account, but also on your own account. Only what the vk interface offers is used. There are no hidden services involved in this case.

So, to see hidden friends on VKontakte, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, you will need to go to the page of the VK user whose hidden friends you want to see. Near his avatar you can see the main horizontal menu. Select the “Friends” section. After clicking on this link, a general list of the user’s friends will open, and their number will also be indicated.

  1. In the upper right corner, you can open the “Options” subsection, and then filter the general list of friends by selecting male representatives. Then look at the number of contacts after filtering. Remember the number.

  1. Do the same if you find women among your friends. The steps are similar to the previous ones: specify the appropriate filter in the parameters. See how many of your friends are female.

  1. In principle, that's almost all. Now you need to add both numbers (number of men and women). And then subtract the resulting amount from the total number of friends indicated in the first photo. This will be the number of hidden contacts.

If, after summing up the number of men and women, the result is a figure equal to that reflected when viewing the total number of friends, the user has no hidden contacts.

It is worth noting that this method, although simple, does not provide any guarantees. That is, you do not need to perceive the resulting figure as an exact value. However, the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of having hidden VKontakte friends.

On a note! It is worth checking first whether there are deleted or blocked accounts in the VK user’s contact list. If the answer is yes, then you should calculate them when doing the calculations. After all, after deleting or blocking an account, the system does not distinguish the user by gender. Thus, the filter does not take them into account.

Find out hidden VK friends using the service: method 2

Another sure way that helps to break through hidden friends on VKontakte is to use a special service. Of course, this method is not very legal. After all, if a VK user hid his friends, he had his own reasons. And if another person tries to view them, it turns out that he is invading the personal information of the page owner. However, a third-party service works successfully and helps you find what is hidden from prying eyes.

To see the list of hidden friends on VKontakte, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to website https://vk.com/com220, where the service is located, used to check the hidden friends of users. The page will open. Below is a list of what can be found on the site. You need to click on the first link, which will help you see who any user is hiding.

  1. The next page opens, where in the appropriate field you will have to enter the ID of the person whose hidden friends you want to see. Click on the button next to it that says “Search for hidden friends.” This causes the service to begin the process of scanning the user's page.

  1. The program requests access to your account. Click “Allow” if you want the search to continue.

  1. Upon completion of the scan, you will be able to find out the hidden friends of the VKontakte user. The photo shows that three such contacts were found.

If the service does not find anything, there will be no contacts in the hidden friends section.

Thus, viewing the number of hidden friends on VKontakte, as well as finding out their accounts, is completely easy. However, a user who decides to take such actions must understand that his page can be scanned in the same way. After all, the service is available to everyone. What then is the point of hiding friends if everyone can see them with the slightest effort?

Video: how to see hidden VK friends?

Of course, looking at your friend’s hidden contacts is not an entirely honest method. Therefore, it should be used only in extreme cases, when you really need to find out this information. The video provides detailed instructions.

How to see hidden friends on VK if you don’t have access to someone else’s page, but it’s terribly interesting. How to understand without third-party services and applications that the user has hidden someone from his friends list. What services are best to use to find out information about hidden friends for free. We will consider these and other topics in the article.

Let's start with the fact that the methods by which ordinary users find out information about someone else's page are divided into several types:

  1. Those that violate and do not violate the general rules of the social network. In the first case, liability will follow for the developers of the service or program; the service itself will soon stop working, because the system engineers will close the security gap. The latter either work on the social network itself or exist without violating the rules, and therefore are harmless and are not particularly interesting to the administration.
  2. Free and paid methods. We have collected free ways to get information that do not violate the rules of social networks in this article, and paid ones are usually the fruit of the hard work of scammers who want to steal your money, page, or simply drive traffic. In any case, this is not suitable for you.

Method number 1. Before moving on to third-party sites, we’ll tell you about a small life hack on how to recognize hidden friends on VK.

  1. Go to the account you are interested in and open your friends list.
  2. Note the total number of users.
  3. Use the filter to see how many male and female accounts are in the list.
  4. Add up the resulting values. If the number matches the number of mutual friends, there are no hidden friends.

The method does not guarantee that the difference in the obtained values ​​is the number of hidden friends; pages are not displayed for various reasons, so you should not get hung up on this. However, the higher the number, the higher the likelihood of hidden profiles.

Method number 2. To find hidden friends on VK, sometimes it’s enough just to be attentive. If you have both “suspects” as friends, visit one and the other one by one.

If you find a second account among mutual friends, it means it is not hidden. If friend No. 1 shows the second one in the general, but the other user does not, you have found what you were looking for.

Method number 3. The third method will require “Sherlock mode”.

  1. Look through the wall posts and photos of the person you're interested in to find out which accounts are the most active, or make friends with them.
  2. Open pages in new tabs.
  3. Pay attention to the column “Mutual friends”. If a user hides someone's profile, the person being hidden does not necessarily do the same.

How to see hidden friends on VK of another user

How to see hidden friends in a contact on someone else’s page and get a guaranteed result? Any search engine for such a request knocks out a thousand answers. We suggest turning to trusted services that do not charge fees for services.


220VK allows you to find hidden friends, monitor activity, visits, user blacklist and some other useful things. The service gradually collects data about the user, producing the resulting result.


To view hidden friends, VK.CITY4ME with a more difficult to understand interface is also used.

In some cases, scanning takes a long time (up to several hours), so be patient if you really want to know who is hidden.

Free programs to find hidden friends

There has already been talk about programs that allow you to see hidden friends on VK for free. You are not sure that the service is good until you try it. You should be especially careful with programs, because they have to be downloaded to your PC, unpacked and installed, and this can damage your VK page and all the data on your computer.

VKontakte developers do not recommend using such gadgets, entering personal account information, or performing quick authorization on dubious resources. As a result of such actions, personal information ends up in the hands of criminals.

We would not want to become the cause of such unpleasant events in your life, so we do not use such programs ourselves, and we do not recommend them to you.

Quite often there are members of a popular Russian social network who, for some reason, decide to hide some of their comrades from others. If a friend on a social network has closed part of his contacts from prying eyes, then this information is invisible to strangers. However, there are a couple of opportunities to see all the interlocutors of the citizen you are interested in, without exception. If you have a strong desire to find out how to see hidden friends on VKontakte, then this can be done in several ways.

Ways to find closed acquaintances

Option one:

  1. Create a new page on a social network.
  2. Fill it with plausible information.
  3. Send the application to the desired participant.
  4. After he accepted the application, go to the “My Friends” page, and then click on the “Add Friends” button.

After this, you can see a page that will show possible mutual acquaintances, among them all the secret ones will be present.

Option two:

This option, how to see another person’s hidden VKontakte friends, is less effective; in essence, it is based on pure chance. It may happen that, quite by accident, you became able to see the page of an acquaintance who is a subscriber of your friend, who hides his contacts. This person, therefore, is invisible in the account of a conspiratorial comrade.

In a similar way, you can find other hidden friends. Thus, finding all the classified people will take too much time.

How can I get a complete list of accounts that are closed to other people?

There is a simple, but not entirely safe method of how to view the list of hidden friends on VKontakte. This can be done using special programs. Some of them need to be downloaded and then installed on your computer. In others, it is enough to enter the id (the last digits of the address bar at the top) of the person you are interested in, after which the program will show all his data and contacts. There are sites that require you to enter login information, after which they promise to show you the entire list of invisible friends.

However, you need to keep in mind that all such programs can harm your computer. Therefore, if you decide to use one of them, be especially careful and do not trust suspicious sites. When using the services of these applications, you need to remember that personal information may become available to other users. Therefore, you should be careful with sharing your logins, passwords and other secrets.

How to keep your friends secret?

Perhaps you yourself have decided to restrict some users from your confidential information and are wondering how to hide your VKontakte friends. It's not at all difficult to do.

On the site you need to select the “My Settings” item, and then visit the “Privacy” section. Here you can choose those who should be protected from prying eyes.

Here's how to find strangers, as well as hide personal friends on the VKontakte social network. This is very useful if you need to find out more about a user and his social circle. But be very careful when working with other people's data, so as not to harm yourself and others.