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How Omega 3 affects. Benefits for the heart

Where is Omega-3 found?

Omega 3 refers to fats. Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also called vitamin F. You can see this in more detail in the classification table in my article. The Omega-3 group consists of the following polyunsaturated fatty acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA or EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA or DHA) and A-linolenic acid (ALA). They are vital for human health. Two of them are considered the most useful and deficient for the body - DHA and EPA. They are found in fish oil. They are not found in land plants. Land plants contain another acid from the Omega-3 group - ALA, which is not particularly deficient for humans.

Let's take a closer look at products containing Omega-3, breaking down the polyunsaturated fatty acids listed above.

High content foods

Omega 3

A-linolenic acid (ALA)Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA or EPA)Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA or DHA)
Contained in plants. And EPA and DHA can be synthesized from itContained in large quantities in fish of cold seas and marine mammals
Linseed oil
Flax seeds (23 g/1 kg)
chia seeds
mustard oil
rapeseed oil
soybean oil
pumpkin seeds
beans, beans
Oysters, shrimp, squid, lobster

Sea fish:
1. mackerel - about 50 g per 1 kg of weight
2. herring -30 g/1 kg
3. salmon -14 g/1 kg
4. tuna
5. trout
6. capelin
7. cod
8. mullet
and etc.

Seals, walruses

To fully absorb Omega-3, you must also include a sufficient amount of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc in your diet. Vitamin E acts as a preservative for Omega-3; it protects Omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation. Therefore, Omega-3 consumption must be done in combination with the listed vitamins.

The role and benefits of Omega-3 for the human body

Omega-3 performs a wide range of vital functions for the human body.

  • First of all, Omega-3 is involved in the production of biologically active substances - eicosanoids. Eicosanoids, in turn, participate in processes that constantly occur in the cells and tissues of the human body. If the balance of these substances is suddenly disturbed, then diseases of organs and then entire systems occur in the human body. Various pathologies occur.
  • Omega-3 is the most important building material for cell membranes of all organs. And first of all, these are brain cells, retinal cells and sperm cells.
  • Omega-3 ensures proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, providing them with good elasticity.
  • Prevents the development of gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases
  • Helps strengthen the immune system by inhibiting inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Resists allergic reactions.
  • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Acts as a source of energy and vitality in the body.
  • Helps strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Improves the quality of hair, nails and skin.
  • Promotes concentration, attention, good memory, quick reactions and a sharp mind.
  • Promotes weight loss, weight loss and normalization of metabolism.

Perhaps this list could be expanded further, but, in principle, it is already clear that a lack of Omega-3 entails a number of problems for the human body.

Let me also remind you here that Omega-3 is not produced or synthesized in the body. This means that we must obtain this essential component from the outside, namely through food.

Signs of Omega-3 deficiency

People who do not receive Omega-3 from food

  • more susceptible to weight gain. Without the required amount of Omega-3, weight loss is impossible
  • has a weakened immune system
  • more susceptible to cancer
  • more susceptible to stress and depression
  • lacking energy, with decreased vitality
  • has memory problems
  • has vision problems
  • has inelastic, inelastic skin and possibly skin conditions
  • has a high likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes

Therefore, if you notice irritability, loss of energy, depression, problems with memory or vision, problems with hair or skin, problems with joints, powerlessness in trying to lose weight, pay attention first of all to the amount of foods you consume that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 acids.

Contraindications and possible harm of Omega-3. Excess Omega-3

In principle, I believe that an overdose of Omega-3 is not dangerous for our countries. We don’t have that much fatty fish in our diet and we don’t eat it every day.

Nevertheless, I will still write a couple of lines on the topic of excess and possible harm of Omega-3.

Omega-3 helps thin the blood. And people who have problems with blood clotting should be careful when taking Omega-3 drugs and products containing Omega-3, as there is a possibility of causing bleeding.

Bleeding can occur in both the stomach and intestines.

And even wounds on the skin can bleed for a long time and heal poorly.

If you have chronic low blood pressure, consult your doctor. You may also need to limit your Omega-3 intake.

Omega-3 for weight loss

There are two types of adipose tissue in the human body - white and brown. White adipose tissue stores fat. But the brown one, imagine, it burns!

In adults, most of the fat is contained in white cells. Brown fat cells predominate in infants. Research in recent years has shown that fish oil can transform white fat cells into brown or beige fat.

Fish oil, like eating fish itself, is the key to success in weight loss programs.

If there is insufficient intake of fats into the body, and above all the healthy ones we are talking about here, a person does not have a feeling of satiety. There is also an increase in blood sugar levels, and, as a result, a feeling of acute hunger. Which you reflexively want to quickly suppress by eating quick simple carbohydrates, in simple terms - a chocolate bar, a bun, candy, sugar. And these products, as we remember, work exclusively on poor weight gain and fat deposition in problem areas.

Thus, if you are in the phase of weight loss and weight loss, it is imperative for you to pay attention to the amount of Omega-3 intake. Special dietary supplements made from fish oil will help you. And how to choose the right Omega-3 drug, I tell you in my article “ “

I hope the value of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is now clear to you. All that remains is to implement this knowledge into life and into your daily diet. 😉

Today, information about the important role of fats in the diet, especially Omega 3 fatty acids, is becoming increasingly relevant. However, even now many people do not understand why Omega 3 is useful and do not see the difference between the harmful saturated fats present in processed foods and the beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids.

A healthy lifestyle today is unthinkable without the use of incredibly beneficial substances for the human body. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). This valuable substance is not produced by the body, but comes only with food.

Omega 3 consumption reduces the risk of mortality due to vascular and heart diseases by 30%. The daily intake of PUFAs for an adult is 0.8-1.6 grams. A deficiency of Omega 3 can cause brain disorders, degenerative changes in muscles, bones, liver, and heart.

The benefits of Omega 3 for the human body can hardly be overestimated - polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3:

Ensure the formation of the child’s brain and retina during intrauterine development;

They have a unique ability to suppress inflammation;

Serve as a building material for nails and hair, help maintain healthy skin;

Prevent the development of cardiovascular and neurological diseases;

Reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and normalize blood pressure;

Improves memory and intellectual abilities of a person;

Remove cholesterol from the body, improve vision;

Provide natural rejuvenation, smooth out wrinkles, vigor and energy;

Increases the reproductive function of the male body;

Strengthen the immune system, resist free radicals, slow down the aging process;

Have a positive effect on the psyche and emotions, reduce depression syndromes;

Reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Food rich in Omega 3 helps normalize metabolism and prevent obesity and diabetes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids themselves do not burn fat deposits, but they make the process of losing weight more correct and comfortable.

Foods containing Omega 3

The world learned what Omega 3 is relatively recently. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were discovered in the seventies of the last century by the Danish scientist Dyerberg. He noted that the Eskimos living in Greenland almost never suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

During the experiments, it turned out that the elements that form the basis of the Eskimo diet fish, seal meat and whale oil contain large quantities of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The largest amount of this valuable substance in the animal world is contained in deep-sea fatty sea fish.: mackerel, herring, trout, tuna, salmon, sardine. The Omega 3 content in river fish is several times less.

The daily human need for Omega 3 is provided by:

  • 1 teaspoon;
  • up to 8 pieces of raw or dried nuts;
  • 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil;
  • 70 grams lightly steamed fresh salmon;
  • 90 grams of canned sardines;
  • 120 grams of canned tuna.

Heat treatment leads to the loss of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of their beneficial properties, so it is more preferable to eat salted or canned fish in oil.

What are the benefits of Omega 3 for pregnant women?

The benefits of Omega 3 during planning and pregnancy can hardly be overestimated. Giving the child about 2.5 grams of PUFAs every day, already in the early stages of pregnancy many women experience a deficiency of this substance. Omega 3 deficiency significantly increases the risk of developing neurological diseases and intellectual disabilities in a child.

Omega 3 has a positive effect on the development of the fetus, protecting against adverse factors and strengthening its health. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids is recommended for the normal development of the fetus and the prevention of gestosis - a dangerous type of toxicosis accompanied by increased blood pressure, severe edema, damage to the nervous system, placenta, liver, and kidneys.

Omega 3 acids reduce the risk of premature birth and spontaneous abortion. They have the ability to inhibit excessive activity of the immune system, which in some cases actively attacks the placenta.

Benefits of Omega 3 for children

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids actively form the child’s nervous, hormonal, and immune systems, promote proper brain development, and maintain the functionality of the visual apparatus.

In the first year of life, the child receives these valuable substances through mother's milk. During breastfeeding, 90% of women experience an acute lack of Omega 3, and therefore lipid deficiency may be observed in the child’s body from an early age.

Omega 3 deficiency in childhood is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • atopic dermatitis, diathesis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hyperactivity;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • decreased memory, concentration, and academic performance.

Child brain development continues until age 14. The daily dose of Omega 3 for a growing body should be at least 1 gram, Why do children take specially developed drugs? Children's menus must be enriched with seafood, vegetables, fruits, and linseed oil.

Possible harm of Omega 3 for the human body

The use of Omega 3 rich drugs and products can bring more than just benefits to the body. An overdose of these compounds has much more severe manifestations than their deficiency. Polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulate in the body very slowly, so it is extremely difficult to achieve their excess.

Only systematic and long-term use of Omega 3 in high doses can pose a danger to the body. Most often, an overdose can occur in the following cases:

  • for inflammatory and other intestinal lesions;
  • in old age;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for liver diseases.

Symptoms of intoxication include dyspeptic intestinal disorders, headaches, heavy periods, nausea, vomiting, and chest pain. An overdose of foods and medications containing Omega 3 acids can cause severe blood thinning and carry the risk of heavy bleeding even with minor cuts. The risk of hypotension or hemarthrosis - internal hemorrhage in the joints - increases.

Contraindications for use

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can have side effects and harm human health in some diseases. There are certain contraindications for their use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • chronic and acute diseases of internal organs;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe injuries and bleeding;
  • renal or liver failure, hemorrhoids;
  • pulmonary or other localized tuberculosis in active form;
  • hypercalcemia - increased levels of calcium or vitamin D in the blood;
  • endocrine thyroid disorders;
  • stones in the gall bladder or bile ducts;
  • children's age up to 7 years.

Including Omega 3 rich foods in your diet at least 2-3 times a week will help maintain an optimal balance of healthy fats in your body. Special dietary supplements or serve as a source of PUFAs for the body if it is not possible to ensure their supply in sufficient quantities with foods.

Scientists have proven that vital omega-3 fatty acids are better absorbed from natural foods than from dietary supplements. Fortunately, most of these products are quite affordable and can be found in any store. So for the sake of beauty and health, it is enough to add only a couple of items to your diet.

Photo: Getty Images/Westend61

What is the benefit

Omega-3 acids are fatty acids that are essential nutrients. They are a group of three fats: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The body uses them to regulate blood clotting, build cell membranes and maintain cell health. These are fats that are good for the cardiovascular system, they help reduce the level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood - the so-called bad cholesterol.

In addition, omega-3 fats can suppress various inflammations. On the one hand, inflammation is a normal part of the body's immune response. On the other hand, research shows that they also underlie many serious diseases, including cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.

These substances have found use in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, lupus, high blood pressure, eczema, diabetes, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3 is recommended to be taken during pregnancy.

It's important to remember that not only are this type of fatty acid important for health, omega-3s are also essential. In the human body they are not synthesized independently, so it is very important that they come with food.


Signs that you are lacking omega-3 acids

Nutritionists believe that most omega-3s are not getting enough. A serious lack of fatty acids of this type is signaled by:

Joint pain;

Increased fatigue;

Dry and itchy skin;

Brittle hair and nails;

Inability to concentrate.

In addition, a lack of omega-3 acids can lead to type 2 diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular diseases.

There is another side to the problem: sometimes a person consumes large doses of these acids, but the symptoms of deficiency still remain. Here we can talk about poor absorption of omega-3. For their complete absorption, the body must have adequate amounts of nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B3, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc.

Vitamin E protects omega-3 fats from oxidation, so it should also be present in your diet. In addition, the activity of omega-3 fats reduces the consumption of saturated and hydrogenated fats: fatty meats, for example, margarines and products made from them.

Omega-3 fats, like all polyunsaturated oils, are extremely sensitive to heat, light and oxygen. They oxidize or, more simply put, go bitter. This affects not only their taste and smell, but also their nutritional value.

Photo mphillips007/iStockphoto/Getty Images

Where to look for the right fats

Doctors recommend consuming 500 to 1000 mg of omega-3 acids per day. This, by the way, is not so difficult, and it’s also delicious. One of the best sources of omega-3 is seafood. For example, a hundred-gram jar of canned tuna contains exactly the same amount of fatty acids in its own juice. Also rich in omega-3 fatty fish: halibut, herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines.

Another excellent source of omega-3 fats are oysters, lobsters, squid, and shrimp. What’s nice is that these products do not make you feel better. And the body also receives a good portion of high-quality protein.

An important factor is the origin of the seafood. Only those caught in natural conditions are rich in essential acids. Farmed fish are fed fishmeal and algae additives, making them less healthy.

Where else?

Plant sources

Pumpkin and flax seeds, walnuts and peanuts are also rich in omega-3 acids, as is the oil squeezed from them. Flaxseed is considered especially generous with this type of fat. It can be added to porridges and salads, bake bread, buns and pies with them. Omega-3 fats are also found in soybean, mustard and rapeseed oils.

There are omega-3s in vegetables, especially a lot of these acids in green leafy ones: Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, for example, spinach, parsley and mint. A good source is pumpkin. Vegetarians are advised to eat more beans - especially red beans - to get their omega-3 fats.

Photo mikroman6/Moment/Getty Images

Meat and eggs

Meat is a potentially good source of omega-3 acids, but it's not that simple. If the animal was kept on a grass diet, then yes, there will be a lot of proper fats in the meat. If he was fed grain, there will be less omega-3. If you use compound feed, there will be almost no omega-3 at all.

In eggs, omega-3 acids are found mainly in the yolks, which many avoid eating due to the presence of saturated fat and cholesterol.


It is important to remember that any substance, even the most useful one, turns into poison in large doses. Studies have shown the risk of hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding in people with blood thinning diseases from excessive consumption of omega-3 acids, so if you are predisposed to such diseases, it is worth being careful. And in any case, before taking any dietary supplements or radically changing your diet, you should consult your doctor.

“Products that are sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are very expensive and inaccessible to the vast majority of the population in developed countries. These are seafood and meat from wild or free-range domestic animals.

But it is impossible to buy linseed oil in good quality. It is almost always sold already rancid. The reason is a violation of storage conditions. The only option to buy it is to live near the place of production. It should be stored in a dark container and in the refrigerator, but in stores it is always at room temperature and usually in transparent glass. If you still decide to save money and buy it, smell it before each use. The smell of fresh flaxseed oil should be nutty and sweet. If it smells like rancid fish, it has already gone bad. Throw it away.

The preventative dose of omega-3 is 1 gram per day. If you have certain diseases or expect a therapeutic effect from omega-3, it is recommended to increase the dose to 2 grams per day.

Today's article will be entirely devoted to fats, namely Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids has already been proven many times, many articles have been written on this topic, but I want to once again convey to you, my dear readers, the importance of consuming these acids in the right amount EVERY DAY! Today I'll tell you Why is it useful to take Omega-3?, how to choose the right Omega-3 fatty acids in capsules, why you need to take them every day and much more, so sit back and let's get started!

What is Omega-3?

OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 PUFAs) are three fatty acids: decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and plant-derived alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These three acids are essential for the human body, especially ALA, since theoretically EPA and DHA can be synthesized from ALA, but for this the person must be ABSOLUTELY healthy, and he must not have a deficiency of other useful substances in the body, which is nowadays almost impossible. If this synthesis does occur, then only 0.1-5% of ALA is converted into EPA and DHA, and this is very, very little. It is for this reason that all 3 Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential and vital for humans! But today I will still pay more attention to two of the three fatty acids - decosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, which are responsible for many processes in the human body.

Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  1. Plant Omega-3s (ALA): flax seeds , linseed oil , camelina oil, walnuts, oat germ, soybeans, tofu, spinach.

  1. Animal Omega-3s (DHA and EPA): fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine, mackerel) , canned tuna, yolks of domestic chicken eggs (in chicken eggs raised in poultry farms, the Omega-3 content is negligible).

  1. Omega-3 capsules


Plant sources of Omega-3 fatty acids contain more alpha-linoleic acid and do not contain DHA and EPA, which is why it is so important to get Omega-3 from both plant and animal sources, because the Omega-3 contained in flaxseed oil. cannot replace Omega-3 from fish oil.

Daily serving sizes to meet your Omega-3 needs

Here is a list of foods that you should eat DAILY. The exception is fatty fish, which should be consumed 4-5 times a week.

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds) – 30-35 g
  • Flaxseed/camelina oil – 1 tbsp. or 1 tsp. flax seeds.

You can either just drink the oil, or drink it and immediately wash it down with water, or eat it with a slice of black bread.

Flax seeds can be consumed in the following ways:

  1. Chew in your mouth, and do not swallow it whole! The seed itself has a hard shell and contains water-insoluble fiber, which passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract in transit, cleansing the stomach walls of various debris and digestive by-products, and the undigested fiber exits the body. The way these seeds stay in the stomach is quite short, so the body simply does not have time to absorb the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids it contains.
  2. Grind in a coffee grinder, dissolve in water and drink. In the ground state, all Omega-3 is completely absorbed by the body.
  • Fatty fish varieties – 100-120 g (4-5 times a week)
  • Omega-3 capsules – 1-1.5 g per day.

If you do not consume any of the above products, your daily dose of Omega-3 capsules should be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Daily Value of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The daily value of Omega-3 depends on gender, health status, nutrition and lifestyle.

  • To prevent various diseases and strengthen the immune system, it is enough to take 1-1.5 g of Omega-3 per day, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For athletes and actively involved in fitness (3-5 times a week), the dose is increased to 2 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • If the goal is to build muscle mass, then the daily norm is 2-3 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For those who are losing weight, the daily norm is 3-3.5 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, the daily intake of Omega-3 is 1.5-2 g, divided into 2-3 doses.

If you take Omega-3 capsules as a dietary supplement to food, in a ratio of 700:1000 mg per day (DHA:EPA, respectively), then in addition to this, your diet should contain 4-5 fish dishes per week for 100-120 g (this is approximately 8-10 g of Omega-3 fatty acids). It turns out that if you eat fish and take Omega-3 capsules (take 2 Solgar capsules with a dosage of 950), then in a week you will receive an average of 20 g of Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

If you do not consume any sources of Omega-3 with food (do not drink flaxseed/camelina oil, do not eat fatty fish, walnuts, etc.), then your daily dose of Omega-3 in capsules should be equal to your rhythm of life (from 1.5 to 3.5 g).

Now let's look directly at this question: What are Omega-3 fatty acids good for? for the human body?

Benefits of Omega-3


The gray matter of the brain is 60% fat, and to a greater extent our brain needs Omega-3 fatty acids, since they are part of cell membranes and help transmit nerve impulses from one cell to another, which makes the process of remembering and storing and recalling the necessary information much better and faster. Benefits of Omega-3 for the human brain is simply colossal, and you can’t argue with that.

If there is a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body, then a change in the composition of cell membranes occurs: the brain uses less preferable sources of fats (Omega-6 or trans fats from junk food) instead of EPA and DHA. These fats cannot perform the same functions and provide the brain cells with beneficial properties, and for this reason the “fake” cells become useless. When the body has identified unnecessary and useless cells, the process of their destruction and disposal begins. Over time, this loss makes itself felt in the form of a decrease in a person’s intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as their ability to quickly solve the tasks assigned to them.

It has long been proven that if the expectant mother, while pregnant, does not receive enough of these fatty acids, then the child is often born either mentally retarded, or his intellectual development is very much behind other children of his age. That is why all pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers NECESSARILY You need to take Omega-3 fatty acids for normal development of the fetus and child.


The cardiovascular system

Benefits of Omega-3 for the cardiovascular system:

  • Omega-3s reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, making the blood less viscous, thereby reducing the likelihood of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, improving their patency;
  • lower blood pressure.

Nervous system

EPA affects the production of serotonin, which helps a person get rid of depression and overexcitement.

Metabolism and weight loss

  • Daily consumption of Omega-3 reduces fat deposits and increases fat burning by 15%.
  • Observed.
  • Insulin sensitivity increases by slowing down the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and this in turn makes the absorption of carbohydrates slower, without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar.
  • Improves the transport of lipids through the bloodstream to the sites of their combustion.
  • Omega-3s are able to block the synthesis of bad prostaglandins E2, which are formed from Omega-6 fatty acids. These prostaglandins suppress the process of lipolysis and increase oxidative processes in the body. At the same time, Omega-3s synthesize good prostaglandins E3, which act exactly the opposite: they reduce muscle pain after exercise, preserve muscle mass, and also accelerate the process of fat utilization.

Muscle gain

Fish oils, in particular EPA and DHA, affect protein synthesis in muscle tissue, as well as the growth of the cells themselves.

EPA and DHA are part of cell membranes, and when a person actively works out in the gym with the goal of building muscle mass, he needs elements from which his muscles will be built, and so Omega-3 fatty acids are these very building blocks, from which you will be able to build more muscles on your body.


Probably one of the most important reasons why and why it is useful to take Omega-3 fatty acids, so this is an increase in immunity! Omega-3 is a unique substance that allows you not only to normalize blood pressure, stay sane, lose weight or build muscle mass, but also be absolutely healthy 7 days a week and 365 days a year! I'm not exaggerating! The unique antioxidant properties of Omega-3 help people who often suffer from colds, allergies, asthma, skin diseases, etc., cope with their ailments much faster, and in most cases, even prevent the appearance of signs of these diseases.

Consumption of Omega-3 PUFAs is a good prevention of cancer diseases such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc.

For those who regularly engage in sports, the consumption of Omega-3 is mandatory, since these fatty acids neutralize the work of free radicals, which are most often formed during aerobic sessions and cardio training (cycling, running, swimming, step aerobics, dancing, workouts). HIIT principle, etc.).

 For reference

Free radicals are defective oxygen molecules that have one unpaired electron; these cells seek to take this missing electron from other healthy molecules. When this process becomes widespread, most of the body's cells become unstable and defective, due to which the cells cease to perform their functions and lose communication with each other, which leads to disruption of normal biochemical processes throughout the body and acceleration of the aging process.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids is to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. So, if you spend a lot of time on cardio equipment and like to dance for several hours a day, then your No. 1 supplement should be Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 PUFAs also increase endurance, raise the overall tone of the body and improve the absorption of calcium and magnesium, the deficiency of which is often found in athletes.


  • Omega-3 fatty acids synthesize eicosanoid hormones, which are responsible for suppressing inflammatory reactions and for all cells of the body to perform their functions.
  • Omega-3s control the production in sufficient quantities of male and female sex hormones, which are responsible for the reproductive function of both women and men.
  • They suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible not only for bad mood, but also for the breakdown of muscle tissue.


  • Omega-3 relieves inflammation in the joints.
  • Prevents the destruction and wear of cartilage.
  • Improves joint mobility.

Well, we’ve sorted out the beneficial properties of Omega-3, and now I hope you don’t have any doubts about the need to take Omega-3 as an additional source of strength and energy for you and your body.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain and absorb the required amount of Omega-3 from food alone, and to be honest, it is almost impossible to do. That is why the reception Omega-3 capsules– this is a good opportunity to help our body still receive the right amount of these fatty acids daily and without unnecessary headaches associated with searching for environmentally friendly salmon or salmon that do not contain antibiotics, hormone-containing drugs, pesticides, etc. So now we smoothly move on to the most important question: how to choose Omega-3 in capsules, so as not to run into fake or low-quality products?

How to choose Omega-3?

To choose the right Omega-3 fatty acids in capsules, you must first CAREFULLY examine the front and back of the packaging, where the composition and content of fatty acids in one capsule is usually written. But before that, you should pay attention to one more very important stage - this is the PLACE TO BUY this wonderful supplement.

Place of purchase

When I wrote an article about playing sports, I said that it is not advisable to buy all vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes in city pharmacies. I do not promote traditional medicine or homeopathy, but am simply guided by my personal observations, experiences and analysis of the composition of pharmacy vitamins.

I already talked about Omega-3 from Doppelherz in the previously mentioned article, but these were just flowers, I saw berries just a couple of weeks ago, when at one of the lectures on nutrition we conducted an experiment on pharmaceutical Omega-3. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the company, but this is not so important, because after what I saw, I will never buy any vitamins at the pharmacy again and I will try in every possible way to dissuade you from doing so.

The essence of the experiment:

We took two companies of Omega-3 fatty acids: one was Ukrainian-made (sample No. 1), and the other was an American company Amway "Nutrilite Omega-3"(sample No. 2). We also took two pieces of regular foam. Next, we pierced these two capsules with a needle, poured the contents onto pieces of foam plastic and began to observe. What began to happen to the polystyrene foam on which sample No. 1 was poured simply shocked me! To make it clearer, I am attaching a photo:

As you can see in the photo, the pharmacy Omega-3 COMPLETELY DISSOLVED the foam within one minute, sample No. 2 (Omega-3 from Amway) remained flowing down the piece of foam without causing any reactions on its part.

Just think about what should be contained in the capsule (for a minute - vitamins to improve health!!!) so that it can completely melt a piece of foam??? Now imagine what will happen to the walls of our stomach when these Omega-3s enter our body...? I don't think it's good. What are the benefits of these supplements then?

This seemingly harmless experiment once again proved to me that pharmacy vitamins are not only of no use, moreover, they can also DO HARM! Therefore, I advise you to buy Omega-3 fatty acids either in sports nutrition stores and only from trusted companies, or order them on the official websites of companies such as NSP, Amway and Solgar.

When the place of purchase has been determined, the next stage begins in selecting quality Omega-3s.

What is it made from?

You've likely heard that Omega-3 supplements, like fish oil, come from fish. That is why it is valued so highly, since animal sources of Omega-3, according to Australian studies, have better digestibility and cardioprotective activity compared to Omega-3 of plant origin.

Omega-3 content in fish and seafood

But getting Omega-3 from fish does not mean getting a high-quality and healthy supplement. There are several important rules to pay attention to when choosing Omega-3:

1. Omega-3 must produced ONLY from muscle tissue of high-grade fish species such as: Atlantic salmon, trout, salmon, herring, etc. It is these types of fish that contain the most Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for the human body. If the Omega-3 supplement you are about to buy says “extracted from cod liver,” then do not buy it under any circumstances.

The fact is that the liver is a filtering organ, both in humans and in fish, which protects the body from any infection. All toxins, poisons, antibiotics and other foreign dangerous substances that potentially pose a threat to the entire body pass through the liver and are retained. It is for this reason that I do not recommend buying liver in supermarkets and preparing it for yourself and your loved ones, much less buying an Omega-3 supplement obtained from this organ. Thus, along with the beneficial Omega-3 PUFAs, of which there are not so many left, you also get the entire spectrum of hormones and medications fed to this fish.

2. The second important condition is breeding place for these fish . If the fish is grown on closed farms where there is no access to running water, where the fish are fed daily with synthetic feed with antibiotics and hormones, then such fish a priori cannot be a useful source of Omega-3 fatty acids! Every cell of her body is oversaturated with these harmful substances, which, together with Omega-3 PUFAs, enter the human body. Therefore, to choose a high-quality Omega-3 supplement, you need to make sure that the packaging indicates: “refined”, “purified” or, if the text is written in English, “purified”. This means that all the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in this supplement have been completely purified from impurities, mercury and other harmful toxic substances that fish absorb during their normal life, even in the wild.

3. And the third important condition that you need to pay attention to when choosing Omega-3 is EPA and DHA content in the supplement. Everything is very simple here - you need to choose those supplements that contain the maximum amount of these fatty acids. Too little EPA and DHA means that the contents of the package will run out very quickly if you adhere to the optimal daily intake of DHA and EPA, and after 2 weeks you will have to buy this supplement again. And if you do ordinary arithmetic and calculate how much money you will spend on purchasing Omega-3 with a low content of EPA and DHA, drinking 6-10 capsules a day, then you will understand that buying one package with the maximum content of these acids is at least for you will cost 3 times cheaper.

Optimal daily doses of DHA and EPA:

DHA – for prevention 700 mg per day; for various diseases, weight loss, weak immunity, the dose is doubled.

  1. Now Foods Omega-3

This is probably all I wanted to tell you about such a super useful supplement as Omega-3. Now you know everything about benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for any person, and even more so for those actively involved in sports. Now you're aware how to choose Omega-3 and not to run into a fake, I’ll just remind you of the main points that you should adhere to when choosing a quality supplement: 1) stay away from pharmacies 2) choose Omega-3 with the maximum amount of DHA and EPA 3) choose a purified/refined version of Omega-3 4) do not buy Omega-3 fatty acids extracted from the liver of cod or other fish. Following these rules will help you choose best Omega-3 supplement and get the maximum benefit from its use.

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle is very good, but you shouldn’t be too zealous. For example, chasing around pharmacies for all possible vitamins. The so-called Omega-3, -6, -9 have been mentioned especially often in the last few years. Are all of them as necessary for our body as Omega-3? Why is it beneficial to take fatty acids and for whom?

What are unsaturated fatty acids?

We all know that foods contain three main categories of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But not everyone knows why they are useful or harmful. Proteins and carbohydrates are the building materials of most cells in our body, which makes them vital. But we perceive fats as something completely unnecessary and even harmful (excess weight, atherosclerosis, etc.) for beauty and health. But why then do doctors recommend drugs such as Omega-3 to us? Their price is low, and we often neglect them.

First of all, because fats are the energy reserve of our body. Their amount in the diet of a healthy person should be at least 40%. In addition, they are a nutrient medium for cells; on their basis, many compounds necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems are synthesized.

But fats are very different in their effects on the body. An excess of animal origin in food leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity, and a lack of them leads to dry hair and skin, lethargy and general irritability, and depression.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and -9 are essential for our health. They are involved in most chemical processes in the body. But Omega-3 acids are considered the most valuable, as well as the most deficient. Pregnant women and young mothers know best why it is beneficial to use them.

What are the benefits of Omega-3?

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids most affect the functioning of the following functions and systems of our body:

  • The cardiovascular system. A sufficient amount of this substance ensures a normal level of cholesterol in the blood, that is, it reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Also, the use of Omega-3 in the treatment of cardiac problems reduces the risk of blood clots and makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic.
  • Musculoskeletal system. Omega-3, Omega-6 promote better absorption of calcium, thereby strengthening bone tissue, protecting against osteoporosis. Omega-3 also protects joints, makes them more mobile, that is, prevents arthritis and its varieties.
  • With a long-term lack of Omega-3 in the human diet, communication between nerve cells in the brain is disrupted, which provokes the development of diseases such as chronic fatigue, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and some others.
  • Skin, hair, and nails are the first to reflect Omega-3 deficiency. Why is it useful to take this vitamin in capsules? This way you can quickly get the external effect: your hair stops flaking, becomes smooth and shiny, acne disappears on your face, and your nails become strong and smooth.
  • Many oncologists claim that a lack of Omega-3 can cause the development of breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Omega-3 for pregnant women and children

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are most necessary for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy, they actively participate in the formation of the baby’s brain and peripheral nervous system, so the female body gives the child about 2 grams of Omega-3 every day. In this case, capsules with natural fish oil or synthesized acid will be very effective, since ensuring the supply of the required amount of vitamins with food can be problematic, especially with toxicosis.

If you do not provide a pregnant woman with the necessary Omega-3 norm, then there may be a threat of late toxicosis, premature birth and depression.

Signs of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

The most obvious sign of a deficiency of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Hair becomes dull and dry, with split ends and dandruff. Pimples on the face, rashes and peeling of the skin can also indicate a lack of this acid in the body. Nails begin to peel and break, become dull and rough.

Other signs include depression, constipation, joint pain, and hypertension.

Daily norm

When determining the daily intake of Omega-3 will be or consumption with food - it does not matter) we must remember that these acids are not synthesized by the body, accordingly, we must constantly receive the entire supply from the outside. Every day a healthy person should receive from 1 to 2.5 grams of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and from 4 to 8 grams of Omega-6.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman’s need for Omega-3 increases to 4-5 grams per day. In addition, the recommended dose of Omega-3-based drugs (instructions for use must be carefully studied) is increased in the following cases:

  • in the cold season;
  • for cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • with psychological depression, depression;
  • in the treatment of oncological diseases.

In the summer and with low blood pressure, it is recommended to limit yourself to products containing Omega-3.

Foods High in Omega-3

There are three main categories of foods that contain the maximum amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are vegetable oils, fish and nuts. Of course, Omega-3 is also found in other foods, but in much smaller quantities. The table will tell you more about the content of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in 100 grams of products available to us.

The content of useful and nutritious substances in certain products depends very much on the method of their cultivation, preparation and consumption. For example, when salting or smoking fish, its entire supply of Omega-3 is lost, but canning in oil preserves fatty acids.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only the diet, but also the correct preparation of dishes.

Omega-3: instructions for use

If you nevertheless decide to replenish the deficiency of fatty acids in the body with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, then it is best to consult your doctor and read the instructions for the recommended product.

The standard method of using all drugs containing Omega-3 (their price depends on the quality of the raw materials and starts at 120 rubles per package) involves two options - treatment and prevention.

If a deficiency of these fatty acids is detected in the body, the drug should be taken 2-3 capsules per day after meals for a month. The doctor's recommendation may differ from the doses prescribed in the instructions depending on the patient's condition.

For the purpose of prevention, the whole family can take a drug with Omega-3 during the cold season, for which it is useful for children over 12 years of age and adults to take 1 capsule per day for three months. For a younger child, the dose should be prescribed by a pediatrician.


Omega-3 preparations should be taken with caution and under medical supervision by people with kidney, liver and stomach diseases, as well as by the elderly.

  • if you are allergic to fish oil;
  • with renal failure and stones in the gall or bladder;
  • during active tuberculosis;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland.

How to properly consume fatty acids?

Of course, the maximum nutrients and vitamins are found in fresh or minimally processed foods. The same should apply to products high in Omega-3, for which it is useful to follow the following rules:

  • Use vegetable oils in salads, since during frying most of the fatty acids will be destroyed. By the way, you need to store the oil away from the sun - in dark glass bottles.
  • It is also better to add flax seeds raw to salads or as a seasoning in ready-made dishes.
  • You need to choose raw fish, not frozen.
  • By eating 5-10 walnut kernels, you will provide yourself with your daily requirement of Omega-3.

Remember that high-quality and healthy foods can fully provide us with polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a properly designed diet, you will not need any additional medications.