home · Installation · What color should a wallet be to attract money? Money colors and attracting money according to Feng Shui, determining your color

What color should a wallet be to attract money? Money colors and attracting money according to Feng Shui, determining your color

In everyday life we ​​are surrounded by many different objects. Many teachings on esotericism claim that each object has its own energy component, which can attract good luck and wealth or, conversely, repel it.

Take, for example, a wallet. It is an important and mandatory attribute in every woman's handbag. It turns out that there are many tips for choosing with which you can learn how to attract cash flows to yourself. After all, there are situations when a person tries in every possible way to get rich, working tirelessly, but all attempts and efforts turn out to be unsuccessful. How to choose the right wallet, focusing on your zodiac sign or using Feng Shui techniques, what colors characterize and how to attract cash flows - the answers to all these questions already exist, you just need to put ancient knowledge at your service.

Which wallet attracts money

A wallet is considered correct if it meets certain criteria. So the correct wallet should be:

What color should a wallet be to attract money?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that finances gravitate towards colors that have the energy of metal and earth. But you need to take into account not only which color attracts banknotes most, but also your own tastes and preferences. The purchased wallet must be to the liking of its owner.

Black. A universal color with powerful energy. Finances in such a wallet are spent slowly, so the owner can avoid unreasonable waste and save a certain amount. To enhance the attraction of money, the best material for such a product is calfskin; it will also help increase savings.

Red- is a generator of cash savings and a magnet of cash flows. There will always be money in it. The best color for those who want to get rich quickly. In addition, red attracts success and encourages the owner to new ideas. Such an accessory is suitable for bright and emotional personalities, but for timid, modest natures, on the contrary, it can cause harm, draining them both physically and emotionally. The most favorable material would be patent leather.

Green. A fairly positive color, but at the same time calm and peaceful. Suitable for those who are starting something new and want to get financial profit from it in the future and, on the contrary, are not at all necessary for those who sit still waiting for money to fall from the sky. The owner of a green wallet must have energy and optimism. It is also the color of health, and if a person has a dangerous occupation, such an acquisition will be very useful. It should also be noted that such a purchase will bring double luck to those people whose birth year ends in the numbers 4 or 5.

Yellow. The most suitable color for romantic and creative people and those who do not know how to handle money, spending it thoughtlessly and generously, as well as for spiritually rich people who do not put material wealth first. A wallet of this color will protect the owner from thieves and those who want to take advantage of a person’s kindness. A suitable material is suede, the fibers of which will slow down outgoing cash flows.

White or silver. Colors of comfort and development. Wallets of this color will remove all barriers to prosperity; the amount of money in them will grow, bringing confidence and prosperity to the owner.

Golden. A wallet of this color is not designed for constant income; it is the color of unexpected and easy money. The owner of such a wallet can win the lottery or find a large denomination banknote. But if the choice is still made in favor of this color, the best material for the wallet will be suede.

Multicolored. The owners of such wallets are bright and creative people, directing all their strength and energy to accumulating and increasing income. The colors should carry positive financial energy and be combined with each other.

It is strictly not recommended to purchase wallets in blue or its shades. Blue symbolizes temporaryness, passing and impermanence. Financial flows from such a wallet will flow quickly, like water through a sieve.

Feng Shui wallet to attract money

For many of us, feng shui is dragging things and furniture around the apartment in search of the most successful place in order to attract wealth and energy. In fact, this is a science that leads to spiritual enrichment, giving a broad interpretation of colors. The concept of color is key and is based on five elements - fire, water, earth, metal, wood. According to Feng Shui, the color of a wallet should be chosen based on factors such as a person’s date of birth, his emotional state, and the phase of the moon.

Money energy, according to Feng Shui technique, can be created using shades:

  • metal - yellow or orange;
  • earth - palette from black to brown;
  • tree - green.

Fire can give movement to financial flows, but with the risk of losses. The water element is considered unfavorable.

Rules for using a wallet according to Feng Shui.

Which wallet attracts money according to your zodiac sign?

Very often we do not see the connection between the zodiac sign and the choice of wallet color. But addiction exists and quite strongly influences human life - astrology describes a person’s character and temperament, and the most favorable color promotes peace and harmony. Money, in turn, also prefers shades corresponding to the zodiac sign.

So, what colors should representatives of the zodiac constellations pay attention to:

Aries- a rather benevolent sign; gold and green will be the most favorable.

Taurus- a very sensual sign. He owns green, turquoise, and shades of pale light green.

Twins. Mysterious and ambivalent natures will like gray, green, yellow and purple shades.

Cancer. Representatives of this sign belong to the colors white and silver.

Bright Leo Red, black and gold will appeal to you.

Strict Virgo will prefer blue, green and purple colors.

Rational sign Scales will select all the colors of the water element.

The fairest sign is Scorpion will prefer red, pink and yellow.

Modest Sagittarius will select all shades of blue and purple.

Stubborn representatives of the sign Capricorn love black, green and grey.

Calm Aquarius Love these white and blue colors.

Fish I fell in love with all shades of blue and purple.

What to carry in your wallet to attract money

To attract finance and energy replenishment, you need to put all kinds of talismans in your wallet. There are many of them, for every taste. It could be:

In fact, it doesn’t matter what you put in your wallet, the main thing is to believe in your talisman, and it will help fill your wallet and protect the owner from negative influences.

Is it possible to carry photographs in a wallet?

The answer to this question is quite ambiguous. It all depends on who is shown in the photo. If the photo shows rich and successful people, this will be quite appropriate and can help a person in his quest to become more prosperous.

But photographs of loved ones block financial flows. They also say that the person depicted in the photo can become greedy or, conversely, too wasteful. There is also a popular belief that if you carry a photo of your loved one in your wallet, the couple will soon break up.

But if you really want to, you need to wear photographs of those people you care about, including financially. It is strictly forbidden to carry photos of people through whose fault a person has ever had financial problems or of those who extract money from him. As a result, you may end up in debt.

Of course, these are just signs, and to believe them or not, each person decides for himself.

When is the best time to make a purchase or clean out your wallet?

Following the Feng Shui technique, it is recommended to change your wallet every year and draw conclusions about the luck of a particular wallet. If it did not bring material wealth to the owner, you should say goodbye to it without hesitation, and if it was successful and stored large sums of money, you should not rush to replace it with another. If the purchase of a new thing is inevitable, it should be done in the phase of the waxing Moon, preferably when it is in the sign of Taurus.

And also during the growth phase, the condition of the talismans should be checked and, if necessary, replaced with new ones. The period of the waning of the Moon is favorable for cleaning your wallet and freeing it from garbage, in the form of checks, etc.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are a number of rites and rituals to attract money. Nevertheless, you can attract financial flow into your life without any special actions, for example, by simply choosing the right wallet. What color should a wallet be to attract money? This question can be answered by astrologers, magicians and Feng Shui specialists.

Cash has always attracted the colors of wealth, that is, the colors of earth and metal

Few people know that an important role in a person’s life is played not only by the things with which he is surrounded, but also by the colors of these objects. Colors can create special vibrations that attract different events into a person’s life. What kind of vibrations it will be, positive or negative, depends on the chosen color and what the person wants to receive.

For example, wanting to achieve financial well-being, a person can work long and hard, but the money will not stay with him for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is often incorrectly selected things that create negative vibrations and send financial flow in the wrong direction. Of course, there are no absolutely good and absolutely bad flowers, but they all act differently. Thus, the color of the wallet for attracting money will not depend on the fact of receipt of funds, but rather on the speed of their receipt and the ability to manage funds.

It is quite difficult to figure out what color of wallet attracts money. In addition, it is recommended to focus not only on the color of the product, but also on your own astrological sign, since completely different colors bring luck and financial independence to different zodiac signs.

The main colors of wallets are red, blue and black. When choosing a wallet, it is recommended to give preference to these three colors. They are considered favorable for absolutely all people. However, this does not mean that wallets of other colors are prohibited. You just need to choose the right product.

How will the green wallet impact?

What color should a wallet be so that there is always money in it? Of course, green. The fact is that this color has long been associated with wealth and material well-being. Green items are widely used in various rites and rituals that are aimed at attracting financial well-being.

At the same time, a green or light green wallet has one significant drawback - the color increases the risk of being robbed. This is primarily explained by the fact that such a wallet is visible from a distance, and therefore attracts attention.

The green color of a wallet can also tempt a person to spend rashly. This is due to the fact that this color relaxes, so people part with money more willingly and without hesitation. Choosing a green wallet with multi-colored decorative elements will help reduce the negative vibrations of this color. A good solution would be to purchase a dark green wallet with red and black accents. Such a spotted product will confuse potential robbers, and at the same time reduce the urge to waste.

Universal black color

The black color of the earth is a symbol of fertility, the beginning of all things, money will willingly come to such a call

For those who don’t know what color of wallet attracts money, experts recommend choosing a black wallet. Black color symbolizes wisdom, restraint and rationalism. It will protect a person from thoughtless spending. At the same time, black is a neutral color, so it will not have a significant impact on financial flows.

Some experts note that black color increases the wisdom of the owner, as it does not distract thoughts. A wallet of this color is perfect for men and self-confident women.

Gold and silver color

It would seem that the most money-attracting color of a wallet is golden. However, experts do not agree with this. Such a wallet really attracts money, but it negatively affects a person’s character. Gold and silver products attract too much attention. A person begins to admire the sparkling shimmer of the sun on a brand new wallet and completely forgets about sound savings and respect for money. People who prefer products of such colors are prone to excessive boasting, which they often regret.

Money loves respect and counting. A gold and silver wallet makes a person wasteful and inattentive. In this case, attention is drawn to the wallet itself, and not its contents. Money may become “offended” in such a relationship, and as a result, the financial flow may be interrupted.

As in the case of a green wallet, the negative impact of a product made of iridescent golden material can be reduced by calm and restrained colors used for decoration.

Black wallets with sparkling inserts of golden or silver leather will have a positive impact on both financial flow and a person’s character. Such decorative elements will make it easier to part with money, but the overall black background of the wallet will not allow you to turn a person into a spender.

Red and pink shades

Red is the ideal shade for accumulating wealth quickly

What color a money wallet should be depends on the person’s preferences. One of the most favorable colors is red and all its shades. Fuchsia-colored products and pink wallets fall into the same category.

The red wallet literally magnetizes money. At the same time, a wallet of this color makes a person more assertive and a little aggressive in business matters, resulting in improved professional acumen and skills. This wallet can be recommended to people who have long been eager to prove themselves at work and achieve a promotion.

Pink shades of a purse increase financial flow, but do not increase overall aggression. Products of this color can be recommended to emotional and vulnerable individuals.

Yellow and orange wallet

Yellow and orange are considered neutral colors when it comes to increasing material well-being. This color of a wallet or purse does not play a special role in attracting money, but due to its bright color it can attract pickpockets.

Suede will help to slightly enhance the positive vibrations of yellow color. According to experts, a fleecy wallet will slow down the outflow of finances from the wallet. This applies to wallets of all shades of yellow, orange and even beige.

Blue shades

The blue color of the wallet helps enhance intuition

Those who are in doubt about what color to buy a wallet to attract money are advised to pay attention to bright and rich shades of blue. Experts say that this color increases intuition and has a beneficial effect on professional acumen. In order for a product to really attract finance into a person’s life, preference should be given to muted but rich colors. A blue wallet can be replaced with a purple one - the vibrations of these colors are the same.

But you shouldn’t just buy a pale blue wallet, except in cases where this color of the wallet suits a person’s horoscope. This is due to the fact that this shade makes a person overly vulnerable and impressionable, which negatively affects the handling of money.

How to choose the best wallet?

The choice of wallet, in addition to your own preferences, depends on several factors. For those in doubt, you can use the table below. It suggests the color of the wallet depending on the person's birthday. Moreover, the date of birth should be reduced to a simple number. If a person was born on the 6th, you must choose a wallet of the appropriate color. If a person was born on the 21st, you need to add both numbers (2+1) and choose a wallet whose color corresponds to number 3 in the table.

If your date of birth falls on the 11th or 22nd, there is no need to reduce it to a simple number. The lucky ones born these days can choose a wallet of absolutely any color.

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky wallet color

A wallet whose color corresponds to the lucky colors of different signs will help you attract money according to your zodiac sign.

  1. Bags, clutches, purses and wallets in brown shades will help Aries get rich. You should give preference to soft leather products and avoid artificial materials.
  2. Taurus should pay attention to a wallet of any shade of green, both light and dark.
  3. Gray wallets will bring success to Gemini in financial matters. You can also pay attention to silver and purple colors.
  4. Cancers are advised to purchase white wallets. Good luck in financial matters will also be ensured by the combination of white and blue.
  5. For Leos, exclusively red wallets are recommended - from muted to scarlet. It would be good if the product is decorated with gold fittings.
  6. Virgos are advised to pay attention to the universal black and brown colors.
  7. Blue and brown wallets will bring success to Libra.
  8. Scorpio should pay attention to all shades of red and yellow, and then success in financial matters is guaranteed.
  9. Astrologers recommend any shades of blue for Sagittarius.
  10. A black or gray wallet made of high-quality leather will suit Capricorn.
  11. Shades of blue, white and gray wallets are recommended for Aquarians, and a wallet made of high-quality suede will protect them from thoughtless spending.
  12. Pisces should choose among all shades of blue.

In addition to choosing the color of your wallet, you need to pay attention to its shape and size. According to Feng Shui, a wallet should be as thick and long as possible. Preference should be given to correct forms and quality materials.

Find out what your personal money color is by your date of birth!

In order to let new energies into your life, you can get yourself a new wallet of your personal money color or the money color of the year. 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog, and the monetary colors of the year - brown, yellow!

According to your personal Ba Tzu card (“4 pillars of destiny”), each person is born with his own element of personality. This element is unchanged. By knowing your personality element, you can find out your personal “money” color.

Knowing your “money” color, you can choose your wallet, important folders, business card holder and other business accessories according to it, significantly improving your money luck!

How to determine your personal money color?

1. Go to the website www.8zi.ruand enter your birth details in the boxes provided.

2. In front of you is your personal Ba Tzu card. To see the names of the hieroglyphs, check the box where it says “professional version”.

Of course, the Chinese characters will not be clear to you; they can only be deciphered by consulting the Bazi. But you are only interested in one hieroglyph, which is located here:

This is an element of your birthday.

2. Now look at your personal money colors based on your element of the day:

Earth- blue, blue, purple, black.

Metal- green, turquoise.

Tree- terracotta, yellow, sand, brown.

Fire- white, gold, silver, gray.

Water- red, orange.

Attention! A personal money color may not be useful to you (the usefulness and unhelpfulness of colors is determined in the Ba-Tzu Consultation. Therefore, do not get carried away with clothes and interior items of personal money colors, if you have not applied for decoding of your personal Ba-Tzu card! Surround yourself with clothes and Only those who have consulted Ba Tzu or Feng Shui and know that these colors are favorable for him (strengthen his personality and give good luck) can bring money colors into the interior. Just use for a wallet, folders, etc. in limited quantities quantities.

How to charge your wallet?

Read an abundance mantra that attracts money energy, for example: “Om Namo Dhanadaye Svaha” (3-9 times) or write it down by hand and put it in your wallet. This is a very simple and effective mantra.

There is another Tibetan mantra "7753191" is a special mantra that was kept in the manuscripts of Tibetan monks. It is called "Money Magnet". This combination of numbers is very powerful. It is recommended to read it 77 times in a row 7 days in a row. If you repeat the mantra once, it will simply mean enrichment, but not exaggeration of income. It is important to repeat it 77 times for an increase!

Now fill your wallet by putting in it a bill whose number ends in 8 or 9, mint, and the money you have. It is better when the money is from large to small.

The bills have numbers on the left. It is better to put money in your wallet with these numbers first so that they look at you.

Finally, place a handwritten money affirmation with a protective mantra in one of the wallet compartments: “Namo Hari Dieh Hari Dieh Kumar!” (this magic wallet is always full of money!).

And may the money be with you!

Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui helps to understand the processes occurring around us from an energy point of view. The wisdom of this teaching says that an excellent way to attract money is color therapy.

Each color has its own special energy. All schools of psychology fully agree with this, which also note the fact that colors can awaken in us a variety of feelings, ranging from fear to love. Some colors are provocateurs, while others, on the contrary, calm a person. Previously, we wrote about 12 rules that help preserve energy. This is the basis to which the flower stimulation method can be an excellent addition.

Mechanism of action of color

Money is attracted not by the color itself, but by the consequences of its influence on a person. Each shade contains its own possibilities, which the Universe has determined. This is very easy to understand, since each of us understands that an excess of red, for example, is very unnerving, infuriating, and provoking. Imagine white walls - they are completely neutral, but there is a feeling that something is missing. If you paint the walls yellow, your mood may be fine, but try to imagine how difficult it will be to concentrate on business in such a house.

The opinions of feng shui specialists and psychologists do not differ, but they have different explanations for the mechanisms of influence. From the point of view of Feng Shui, attracting good luck in money and in any other area of ​​life is the energy of Qi, which requires special methods to attract. Psychologists believe that the color itself has a special power that helps luck find its way to us.

What colors attract money according to Feng Shui

Best money shades: red, blue, black, orange. Red color improves the circulation of Qi energy throughout the home. Use it to ensure that luck is always with you. You can do this in several ways:

Method one: red ribbons. Hang red ribbons in front of the entrance to your apartment. The line from the front door to the window or wall represents the main vein through which all the energy flows into the house. By hanging red ribbons so that they hang freely from the ceiling, you attract good luck to your home. Accordingly, this luck can be directed in any desired direction.

Method two: red color of clothes. The color red stimulates the nervous system, which causes a competitive spirit in people. This is why red is the most popular color among sports car manufacturers. In addition to red, you can also use blue shades, which improve memory, thinking and sharpen intuition. This color is suitable for those who are engaged in mental work and are not going to engage in battles for career growth. Blue shades will help you come up with something unique or just focus on a complex project. Black color, the magic of which we wrote earlier, will also not be ignored, since it helps to impress the people around us. He is talking about some secret hidden within you. This can be used during important negotiations and business meetings. Use not just one color, but a combination of them. Dilute each color with other shades, as this is more aesthetically pleasing and energetically effective.

Method three: use of red talisman stones. Feng Shui sages believe that red jasper, ruby ​​and garnet bring incredible financial luck to their owners. If you are at home, then place these stones near the mirror in the hallway. It is also desirable to have coins and figurines of a three-legged toad or dragon near the mirror. When you go outside or go to work, these talisman stones should be next to you. They don't have to be worn as decoration - just having them next to you is enough.

In addition to creating a style, the remaining colors can also be used in creating the interior of the house. Blue is suitable for the office, black for the living room, orange and red for the bedroom. Light shades should be positioned higher than dark ones as this will allow negative emotions to remain at the bottom without disturbing your mind.

By and large, psychology has the same view of the magic of color as feng shui, but there are a couple of important points that should be mentioned.

Firstly, psychologists advise choosing the color of clothing depending on your mood and circumstances. Red can make you irritable when you're already on edge and ready to explode. Black can make colleagues and partners take you too seriously, and blue can lead you down the wrong path, depriving you of opportunities for career growth.

Secondly, a particular shade is not always capable of evoking specific feelings. Your confidence and energy levels also play an important role. Don't expect a black suit to do all the work for you. He can help, but you shouldn’t rely on him alone for salvation in a difficult situation.

We wish you good luck and successful exploration of color therapy. It will help you relieve stress, attract good luck, increase energy, or simply improve your mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2016 04:02

A Feng Shui manicure will help you harmonize your inner world and attract good luck in business. If you want your...

The wave vibration of each color is different. Some colors have a beneficial and encouraging effect, others reduce energy and worsen health. The energy of color can attract both prosperity and misfortune to a person.


The color white symbolizes the pure white light of daylight. This color brings well-being in the form of joy, purity, and good intentions.

For a long time, this color has been used to depict the robes of angels and saints. White color is the color of transition to another world and another dimension. Used in wedding dresses as a symbol of transition to a new joint World.


Red color activates cosmic external and internal energy. This energy can be used both to achieve well-being and to destroy the old world.

In Feng Shui, coins are tied with red ribbons, which is supposed to attract money and material wealth. The red color of clothing attracts the attention of others. The color red is believed to symbolize beauty and health.


Orange is the color of romanticism and dreaminess. Helps to reveal creative intuitive abilities. Increases the creative power of good guiding towards well-being.

This is the color of knowledge. Activates the skills of memorizing large amounts of information. Promotes the development of interaction and communication between people.


Yellow symbolizes the Sun, as the source of all life on Earth. This is the color of a calm and relaxed, slightly frivolous outlook on life.

If you see the surrounding reality as a stubborn struggle between good and evil, then you will love this color. Your perception of the world may change. You will not be so strict and critical of this reality.


Green color is a symbol of all plant nature. Expresses great potential of internal energy. Shows a desire for self-affirmation.

Green color gives rise to the search for your soul mate. Leads through life to the creation of family well-being and joint prosperity. Inspires new ideas and all kinds of updates.


Blue is the color of the sky. The color of inner peace and restoration of human energy. For well-being, bestows cordial kindness and gentleness. Gives inner harmony.

Blue color normalizes sleep and relieves fatigue. This color can be used against inflammatory processes. It also helps neutralize various pain sensations.


Blue is the color of seas and oceans, the color of water. Relieves internal tension. Sharpenes intuition, which promotes progress towards well-being.

Blue color fills with conscious self-control and eliminates unrestrained aggression. Reveals such a quality as sincerity.


Violet is considered the color of deep spirituality. It has a very strong effect on the subconscious. Includes sensitivity of connection with the “subtle” World.

Frees you from tormenting doubts and deep-seated fears of all kinds. Purple color attracts money and wealth well. It has a beneficial effect on the entire energy field (aura) of a person.


The color brown symbolizes the Earth. A sign of stability, consistency, indestructibility. This color promotes concentration.

It helps you calm down quite quickly and, if necessary, make the right choice, making a decision in favor of your well-being. It has a good effect on the activity of metabolic processes in the human body.


Black - symbolizes mourning. Usually the color attracts gloom and uncertainty. Provokes depression and stress.

Pessimistic views on life lead to depleted energy and illness. Be careful with this color, it can neutralize your persistence.

Rainbow color of prosperity

Since childhood, we have liked the whole diverse palette of colors. But over time, we give preference to one or two or three colors. Which speaks about our “one-sided” internal psychological state.

The framework of blocked thinking does not allow us to get further beyond the expanses of perception. A narrowed view does not allow one to perceive the whole rainbow of colors of Life.

To broaden your look, change your preference for colors and their shades. Diversify your wardrobe and inner life. You can start using colored dishes. This will already bring a certain mood to well-being!

Of course, you can use the mental practice “Fundamentals of Well-Being”. It uses the activation of the "subtle body" with the help of color, which expands consciousness and leads to well-being.

Wish you luck! All the best!

© Pavel Radeev ∞