home · electrical safety · When can you replant a chrysanthemum? Chrysanthemums: planting, growing, care. Soil for indoor chrysanthemums

When can you replant a chrysanthemum? Chrysanthemums: planting, growing, care. Soil for indoor chrysanthemums

Autumn. It's damp, gray and slushy outside. Nature falls asleep. But among this gray colorlessness, one of the most unpretentious flowers in any flower bed - chrysanthemums - delight us with bright spots until the very frost. And often, passing by some flowerbed, we note beautiful colour and we understand that we would like to see this beauty on our site. But it’s autumn and is it possible to replant chrysanthemums now, during their active flowering period?

I warn you right away: I am writing this article only from my own experience! I replant chrysanthemums at any time: both in the fall and in the spring, despite the fact that some authors of encyclopedias write that chrysanthemums are replanted only in the spring, and in the fall they are dug up with a clod of earth and put away for storage.

Why do I prefer autumn? Firstly, the color is visible. This means that I am not buying blindly, and in the fall a year later there will be no unpleasant surprises in the already formed flower bed. Secondly, I immediately form a flowerbed, select the colors, shades and combinations I need. That is, on next year I already have a beautiful, carefully decorated flower bed in bloom. Thirdly, it’s more convenient for me - less worries in the spring.

Preparing the flowerbed

First of all, I prepare the soil for the flowerbed. Important: I prepare the soil in dry and clear weather, but plant it on a cloudy day after rain or directly during rain. This allows new plants to take root and take root. Since we are replanting in the fall, the flowers should have time to grow root system until winter. So it's necessary a large number of peat, vermicompost, humus or compost.

I dig up the flowerbed or loosen it well using a walk-behind tractor. Then, in accordance with the flowerbed plan, I prepare the holes. I dig holes about 2 times deeper and 15 centimeters wider than needed for planting a chrysanthemum bush. After the holes are ready, I mix the dug soil 1 to 1 with compost, peat or humus, then pour some of it back into the hole. We make the distance between the holes 30-35 centimeters. Now I leave the flowerbed until the plants are planted.

Chrysanthemum planting time

IN different regions the time for transplanting chrysanthemums varies and depends on temperature regime in a specific place. Chrysanthemums are transplanted approximately 20-25 days before the onset of cold weather and frosts. That is, in the more northern parts of the country, replanting will be carried out at the beginning of September, in the southern parts, planting can be done until the end of October. The main thing is to choose a day with suitable weather. The best is with a leisurely drizzling rain.

Planting chrysanthemums

According to the temperature conditions in my region, I plant chrysanthemums in mid-October - on the eve of Indian summer. I buy bushes immediately before planting - the day before or the day before. When choosing bushes, make sure that the root of the plant contains a lump of earth. Under no circumstances take a chrysanthemum with bare roots!

I lower the chrysanthemum into a well-moistened hole prepared in advance along with a lump of earth on the roots. Then I carefully add soil mixed with humus or peat until the hole is full and press down the soil. If necessary, I add more soil. And this is how I plant every bush.

After planting, 2-3 days later, if the weather is dry, I make sure to water the plants. During this period, chrysanthemum needs moisture and nutrients for rooting. Therefore, I carefully make sure that the soil does not dry out and the plant does not die. By the way, after planting, I carefully cut off all the flowers and buds so that the rooting plant does not waste its supply on them nutrients.

That's all. The flowerbed with chrysanthemums is ready. Now we wait for the plants to take root and take root. If you plant on time, the flowers will survive the winter well and will not freeze.

Among amateur gardeners, many grow chrysanthemums in pots at home, which are a decoration for any room, apartment or house. These flowers differ in shape, size, color, and type, so they can be purchased for the interior of your home or according to personal preferences.

If you plan to grow indoor chrysanthemums in pots, then the most suitable miniature varieties, which are no more than 70 cm in height. Chrysanthemum buds are also different, ranging from the smallest - up to 2.5 cm and ending with the largest - up to 25 cm in diameter. In most cases, varieties of Chinese, Indian or mulberry chrysanthemum are purchased for the home, which produce abundant bushes with a mass of flowers. Here are the most common indoor chrysanthemums in pots that are ideal for home grown. By folk superstitions Tradescantia and wax ivy should not be kept together.

Zemblamix. Beautiful flower with fairly large buds that bloom in September. Typically, this variety produces one flower at a time, which can be up to 25 cm in diameter. If the bush produces three buds, then the maximum flower diameter is no more than 12 cm. Chrysanthemum Zemblamix has a strong stem and can stand in a bouquet for several weeks.

Multiflora. Belongs to small-flowered varieties. During growth, the bush takes the shape of a ball and does not need additional pruning. Due to the abundance of multiple flowers, the foliage of the bush is practically invisible. This mini variety includes about 400 varieties.

Globular. A fairly young variety that is used for growing on the balcony. During growth, the bush takes on a spherical shape and does not require special care.

You can buy rose and chrysanthemum seeds in pots at flower markets, shops and even via the Internet by mail, where minimum prices. For example, the cost of a young potted chrysanthemum bush in online market catalogs starts from 70 rubles and reaches 300 rubles. How much do asters, hydrangeas, crocuses and oaks cost?

Planting chrysanthemums from a bouquet

Some people believe that a gifted bouquet of flowers in a vase cannot be revived, rooted and planted in the ground, otherwise disaster awaits. However, this is not at all true. After all, any cut flowers give joy. There is nothing better than saving and reviving a faded flower and giving it a second life. Therefore, to root cut chrysanthemum stems, they are cleared of old leaves, faded buds are cut off, and the branches are cut again. Next, the flower stems are placed in water with the drug Kornevin for several days to speed up the germination process.

Chrysanthemum cuttings are planted when the branches have sprouted and taken root, in a loose soil mixture, which is sold in flower shops. If desired, you can make it yourself. One chrysanthemum stem can produce several cuttings; their size should not be more than 10 cm. Each of them is planted in a separate pot and covered glass jar for creating greenhouse effect. It is very important to ventilate the cuttings every day for 1-2 hours. If everything is done correctly, the rooting of cuttings from a bouquet begins in two weeks. After this, the jars can be removed.

Home care

If chrysanthemums appear in pots in the house, then there is no need to place the flower on the south-facing windowsill. After all, this plant does not tolerate extreme heat and direct sunlight. Otherwise, burns will appear on the foliage. After purchasing chrysanthemums in pots, they are immediately transplanted into a new container with good drainage holes. To ensure that the gerbera plant is lush and blooms profusely, its tops are pinched. Execute this work before buds form, otherwise flowering may not occur. All crooked and protruding shoots are removed to form beautiful bush. The more small branches are removed, the larger the rest will be.

For lush flowering and a strong plant simply needs feeding. Fertilizers are applied immediately after transplanting the bush. For these purposes, you should prepare a solution from crystallon. This fertilizer was created specifically for growing potted chrysanthemums, therefore it contains: potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and molybdenum. This feeding develops the root system and produces abundant flowering.

Chrysanthemums in pots are watered often, as they love water, but too much water is also destructive.

Usually water the flower two to three times a week, winter time less often. Do not allow the earthen clod to dry out flower pot, which can cause the lower leaves to yellow and fall off. If, on the contrary, you fill the flower, then mushrooms and mold will begin to multiply inside the soil. Many gardeners advise watering chrysanthemums in pots after sunset.

Propagation of potted chrysanthemum

The best time to propagate chrysanthemums in pots by cuttings is early spring. To do this, plant cuttings are used. After young shoots have appeared on the overwintered branches, you can begin cutting the branches in the spring and then plant them in the ground. At this time they are accepted very quickly. For quick rooting of shoots you can use special drugs, purchased at a flower shop. Water parts of the stem generously.

The second way to propagate perennial chrysanthemums is by dividing the bush. To do this, an adult bush after wintering is removed from the pot and its roots are divided, breaking off each one separately. All separated parts are planted in separate pots with nutritious soil. After transplantation, young seedlings require frequent watering, usually once every 2-3 days. If the branches of the chrysanthemum have become very elongated during the wintering period, then they are pruned, forming correct form for a bush. If this is not done, then by autumn shapeless bushes with uneven flowering will grow. All yellowed leaves and thin, weak branches are removed.

Transplanting a flower into another pot

When replanting hyacinth in pots in the fall, the flowerpot for the bush should be slightly wider than the previous one. Young bushes are always replanted once a year, and older specimens once every two years. Before replanting a homemade bush chrysanthemum with a diameter of 19, it should be prepared. First replaced old soil for a new one, it must have a similar composition. A new pot is usually 1.5 liters larger than the old one and 2 cm wider. During replanting, a mandatory rule is the presence of drainage. Expanded clay is purchased for these purposes.

Soil for white bush chrysanthemums in pots is sold in any store, but if desired, you can make it yourself. For these purposes, humus, turf and deciduous soil, and coarse sand are mixed. In addition to selecting the soil, it is very important to apply fertilizers that will ensure flowering and growth. Home birch and chrysanthemum love chicken manure as fertilizer, but here it is important to correctly calculate its dosage. During transplantation, the flower bush is transplanted completely or divided into fragments for the purpose of propagation.

Problems during cultivation

If hoya and decorative chrysanthemums in a pot turn yellow, dry out and wither, then this fact indicates the presence of diseases, or not proper care.

For example, the soil was too dry or, on the contrary, flooded. Therefore, the first step in case of problems with a chrysanthemum, if it has dropped its leaves, is to replace its soil. Next, you should pay attention to its illumination, for example, due to insufficient light, the bush began to disappear and does not bloom. Therefore, if the bush did not produce flowers in the fall, then you need to reconsider its care and maintenance conditions.

For example, the intensity of light rays during the day is at least 10 hours. Feeding includes potassium and phosphorus, and pinching the plant should not be too late. Sometimes it happens that chrysanthemums in pots have dried out and only the branches have partially begun to die. The first thing you need to do to resuscitate the bush is to remove all dead wood and inspect the ground. Perhaps the flower was poorly watered, or pathogenic bacteria multiply in the soil and infect the entire bush.

In addition to microorganisms, home chrysanthemums can infect some harmful insects. For example, on leaves it is often found spider mite, which affects the surface of the green crown. To combat it, use a weak soap solution, after which the flower is washed with warm water. Another common problem is powdery mildew, which manifests itself as a gray coating on the leaves. A solution with a fungicide will help combat this problem. In addition, chrysanthemums in pots are often affected by gray rot and septoria. Rot appears as a gray, fluffy coating on the leaves, and is also removed with foundationazole. Septoria causes red spots on the leaves; you can fight it with the help of the drug described above.

During the fall season, flower shops offer a variety of flowers for sale. Chrysanthemums are no exception, as they are autumn flower and it blooms only at this time. They are very often given as gifts and bought already cut, but few people know that these flowers can be grown at home. And in spring time Some varieties can be planted in the country and enjoy their scent and flowering in the fall.

Chrysanthemum is a plant with abundant flowering bushes and small-flowered or large-flowered buds that bloom in the fall. There are a very large number of flower varieties, but not every species can be grown at home.

Home chrysanthemum loves cool temperatures and short sunny days. It is less capricious; it does not need to be placed on a windowsill or balcony. From extreme heat above 18 degrees and straight sun rays Growing chrysanthemums in pots is overshadowed by a short flowering period, drying out of the buds, etc.

Chrysanthemums in pots love moisture, so there is no need to allow the soil and root system to dry out. If you don't water indoor flower, then it will die, but there is no need to fill it either.

Chrysanthemum zembla belongs to perennial plant, which feels great both at home and outside in a normal environment. It begins to bloom in early September with large buds and pleases different colors. It is believed that the zembla chrysanthemum is solitary, more than 1 bud is formed on the stem, and the length reaches 12 centimeters in diameter. And after cutting, flowers in a vase can last up to three weeks.

Zembla chrysanthemum comes in different types:

  • zembla lilak;
  • zembla white;
  • Zembla lime;
  • Zembla VIP;
  • Zembla purple.

Chrysanthemum deco. The birthplace of this flower is Japan. Residents of this country consider this flower to be a symbol of their country and believe that the morning dew from the flower is the elixir of youth.

White deco chrysanthemum bouquets compete with white roses and are sometimes used for bridal bouquets. Because they are also a compliment to innocence and purity.

It can also be grown on summer cottage on permanent place like perennial flowers, wrapping them up warmly for the winter.

Not only deco chrysanthemums require the same care as indoor chrysanthemums, but also mix chrysanthemums, with proper care, will rejoice with their mix buds in the autumn season, like a ray of summer light.

Gallery: indoor chrysanthemum (25 photos)

Home care

Caring for a chrysanthemum in a pot includes the following items:

  • lighting;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • spraying.

From how to care for homemade chrysanthemum its health and beauty depend on the pot. For spring and summer time It is recommended to place indoor flowers on well-ventilated balconies or place them in the shade on a summer cottage.

Temperature. Temperature is very important for a flower. When deciding how to care for indoor chrysanthemums, it is worth considering control of the room temperature. Each season has its own temperature: in summer from 20–23 degrees, in autumn from -3 to -8 degrees. If the temperature is maintained, chrysanthemums grow and delight with their blooms.

Watering. Chrysanthemums need good watering, but you shouldn’t fill them. Among the recommendations on how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot, there is a ban on pouring water into the tray. This procedure will lead to disease of the root system. You need to water 1-2 times a week or when it dries out. upper layer soil.

Spraying. When caring for chrysanthemums home condition spraying is very important special device for spraying, which can be purchased at the store. In summer, you can place jars of water near the pot. cold water, and in the autumn there is no need for additional spraying.

How to replant a chrysanthemum

If you decide to grow these flowers, then you need to know how to replant chrysanthemums and what soil to choose. Since these plants begin to bloom in the fall, it is better to replant in the spring. The procedure can be performed in the fall after flowering and pruning for the winter.

Transplanting chrysanthemums in spring allows capricious plant Over the summer, get used to the new potty. If the chrysanthemum is young, then it must be replanted every year about three years, and then you can do it once every two years.

Soil is of great importance for chrysanthemums. It can be purchased at a special store or the same soil can be prepared at home. To do this you need to mix:

  • two parts of turf soil;
  • one part of sheet soil;
  • one part of humus;
  • one part sand.

Mix the soil and heat it well in the oven; this method kills pests and fungi that can infest the flower. You can also add a little chicken manure, the main thing is not to overdo it so that the soil does not become acidic. The addition of chicken manure has a positive effect on the root system of the flower.

Take a pot with a larger diameter than it was, line the bottom with pebbles or expanded clay. This must be done so that there is a drainage layer.

You need to be very careful and careful. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot and shake off any unnecessary soil. All actions are performed carefully so as not to damage the root system. After this, place the flower in new pot, carefully fill in the soil prepared in advance. Lightly compact the soil and then water thoroughly.

How to replant a store plant

The decision about when to replant chrysanthemums from the store is made by the flowers themselves. They indicate their readiness by adapting to the temperature and lighting conditions in their new home. If you purchased a chrysanthemum in autumn period and the flower is still blooming, it is better to transplant it closer to winter.

If the chrysanthemum was purchased in winter period, That better transplant produce in the first month of spring.

It happens that cut flowers that have been standing in a vase have sprouted shoots; they can be kept in another water and then planted in a pot. And observe all temperature conditions and air humidity. And most importantly, do not place it on the balcony in direct sunlight.

When replanting for the first time, it is very important to choose soil that is already prepared in a specialized store.

Reasons for lack of flowering

In the autumn, chrysanthemums bloom and delight with their aroma, as if giving a small piece of summer in winter. But it may also happen that the chrysanthemum does not bloom, although it looks healthy, and the leaves are green and rich. Even experienced florists often cannot understand why there is no flowering. A capricious plant not flowering may be due to the following reasons:

  • wrong choice of varieties;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • bad light;
  • crown formation;
  • home warmth;
  • pests and diseases.

Wrong choice of variety. Often, plants bought in a store do not bloom at home; flower growers seem to replant them and properly care for them, but the flower never blooms. This can happen precisely because the variety is selected incorrectly. For example, a florist is tinkering with a flower intended for growing outdoors and does not require additional care. This plant does not bloom at home.

To avoid an erroneous outcome when purchasing in the fall, you should consult with the store salesperson.

Bad light. If selected the right flower, and it didn’t bloom in the fall, then maybe it’s wrong lighting solution. Due to lack of light, the plant will not open its buds. You need to choose the right lighting or add some light objects.

Lack of nutrients. This is one of the reasons for the lack of bud formation. Correctly chosen plant food will help the capricious plant bloom. But excess feeding is also very harmful. An overfed chrysanthemum will not rush to bloom, but will grow. Feeding should include phosphorus and nitrogen.

Crown formation. All house flowers need pruning and pinching, otherwise they will not bloom. Start pinching chrysanthemums from the first year of young shoots. And also, if the flowers begin to fade, then you need to cut them off so that the plant does not waste its energy in vain.

Home warmth. Flowering failure can be affected by temperature conditions. In order for the flowers to bloom on time and delight with their beauty, the temperature must be maintained at 20 degrees during this period. And after flowering, it is necessary to trim the plant and put it in a cool place until spring.

There is another terrible disease - routine ticks. As soon as the first signs of this disease appear, treatment must be started immediately. To begin, wash each leaf with warm water and pinch off each damaged leaf.

With the onset of autumn, beautiful chrysanthemums begin to bloom in flower beds. For a long time, until the very frost, they decorate the garden. If the climate is mild, then you can admire their blooms until the snow. But in the conditions of Siberia, sometimes this is impossible. Early frosts kill flowers without allowing them to fully bloom. Therefore, autumn replanting of chrysanthemums is great way not only prolong flowering, but also protect them from freezing.

Replanting chrysanthemums in autumn

Blooming chrysanthemums need to be replanted carefully. The slightest damage to the roots is disastrous for it. To begin with, I prepare a spacious pot and arrange drainage from pebbles at the bottom. The most ordinary soil, from the garden, will do if it is not too acidic.

Before digging, I water the bush well. You need to dig up a flower with big lump soil, you need to take into account that the roots go quite deep. I place the flower in a pot for drainage, then fill the voids with soil. Then the soil will settle a little, it will need to be added.

At first I place the flower pot in a cool, dark place. For about a week he has been standing on the veranda. Then I take it home, but I also choose a cooler place.

When the chrysanthemum fades, I cut the stems, leaving 15 centimeters, the same as when cutting chrysanthemums, which I wrote about here. I water it and put a paper bag on top of the pot. In this form I lower it into the cellar for winter storage. The flower needs peace at this time. So, at a temperature of +3 degrees it is perfectly stored. Sometimes I check it and water it a little every 2 weeks to keep the roots from drying out.

With the onset of spring, you can remove the bag from the pot so that sprouts begin to appear. When they pass spring frosts, the plant can be planted back into the ground.

When can you replant chrysanthemums in the fall?

It is better to replant chrysanthemums in the spring, and in the fall, dig up the bushes along with a large lump of earth and put them away for the winter in a dry place. basement with a temperature of +5 degrees. But if you have winter-hardy varieties, then you can replant them in the fall, you just need to calculate the planting time correctly.

The best time to plant chrysanthemums in the fall is late September - early October. A cloudy or even rainy day will be the most ideal day for planting.

Remember: In order for your bushes to take root well, for planting in the fall, choose those plants on which basal shoots have formed. During this period, you should not plant bushes that are blooming, as there is a risk that they will not take root and die.

How to properly replant a chrysanthemum in the fall

When planting your chrysanthemum bushes, do not deepen them, but add a sufficient amount of fertilizer to the planted hole: approximately 4 kg of peat, humus or compost. Mix the fertilizers very well with the soil in a 1:1 ratio.

The holes for planting chrysanthemums should be 40 centimeters deep. Water them well, provide drainage, and sprinkle a little prepared soil on top. Next, place your shrub and fill it up. Don't forget that you don't need to go deeper. If your chrysanthemum is large, provide it with a support.

Place and preparation for transplanting chrysanthemums in autumn

Seedlings can be planted only when the threat of night frosts has passed, as a rule, this happens in the second half of May or early June. Some gardeners prefer to plant and care for chrysanthemums in the fall.

In this case, you need to make sure that there will be no frost in the next 15 days after planting the plants in the ground. When choosing a place for a flower bed, the main decoration of which will be chrysanthemums, you should give preference to well-lit areas. You also need to make sure that chrysanthemums are not damaged by drafts, wind and stagnant water in the soil. It is desirable that the soil composition is slightly acidic or neutral, rich in micronutrients. If the soil is depleted, then before planting chrysanthemums, vermicompost or humus is added to it; rotted cow manure is best avoided, as the flower does not like it.

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Chrysanthemums are not picky about soil and will grow well in ordinary garden soil, to which a little humus and sand have been added. The only condition- they don’t like chrysanthemums acidic soils. To enhance branching, pinching and pruning are used. Feeding: spring-summer - once every 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers, winter-autumn - without feeding.

Features of chrysanthemum care

An autumn flower will not require much attention, so the gardener will only need to pinch it in a timely manner, and also not forget about watering and fertilizing.

Pinching chrysanthemums in autumn

After the appearance of the 8th leaf, it is recommended to pinch the tops; this procedure stimulates the growth of side shoots, due to which the bush will acquire a lush, spherical shape. The exception is large-flowered varieties; when caring for them, on the contrary, side shoots are removed.

Watering chrysanthemums in autumn

For watering, use only water that has been left standing in a barrel, preferably rainwater. Chrysanthemums love moisture, so watering should be plentiful. It is better to use a garden watering can without a sieve, since drops of water falling on the foliage will negatively affect the decorative appearance of the bush. If the soil is not mulched, then once a week it is recommended to weed and carefully loosen the top layer of soil.

Lighting and air humidity of chrysanthemums in autumn

Lighting: The plant is light-loving; it needs shading from direct sunlight during the hottest hours. Watering: Abundant - the soil should be moist all the time, but not too damp. Reproduction: usually by cuttings, seeds and dividing the bush.

Air humidity: Prefers periodic spraying. (More for hygienic reasons than for hydration.) Transplantation: Young plants are replanted annually, old ones after a couple of years. Mostly the plant is replanted in the spring.

Chrysanthemums are unpretentious frost-resistant plants that are distributed almost everywhere. Today they can easily be found in any flower garden or botanical garden. Growing these plants can delight you with their bright colors until late autumn; in addition, they grow and take root very quickly. Many inexperienced gardeners are often concerned with the question of whether it is possible to plant chrysanthemums in the fall, and how to do it correctly. After all, every gardener knows that a lot depends on the choice of place and time of planting for this flower. You can simply destroy a plant by choosing the wrong conditions for its living and growth.

planting and care

Bushes of this flower are usually planted in autumn and spring. In addition, when carrying out this procedure in the autumn, it is necessary to take into account that the chrysanthemum definitely needs some time to take root. Planting chrysanthemums in the fall is a very responsible task that requires a special approach. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The period before the onset of winter cold should be at least twenty days. When planting, they try not to deepen the plants, and be sure to add a large amount of fertilizer to the hole. Five to six kilograms of compost, vermicompost, peat or humus will do. Fertilizers must be mixed with an equal amount of regular garden soil. After transplanting or planting a chrysanthemum, it must be watered generously with warm water. Plants should be planted in such a way that the distance between them is from thirty to fifty centimeters.

It must be remembered that garden chrysanthemum, which can be planted both in spring and autumn, is very demanding on watering and loves water. That is why it needs to be watered abundantly and regularly with settled warm water. Violation of the regime causes severe coarsening of chrysanthemum stems and affects its flowering: it reduces the size and brightness of peduncles. The soil under the plant should always be slightly moist. However, overwatering and stagnation of water must be avoided, otherwise the chrysanthemum may rot. In summer and spring, before the buds appear, you need to fertilize the plant big amount nitrogen fertilizers, which will allow him to grow a large amount of green mass. It needs to be done once every fifteen to twenty days. After the bush has grown and strengthened, the fertilizing is changed to phosphorus, which promotes abundant and long-lasting flowering of chrysanthemums and increases their immunity. Also sometimes a small amount of fertilizer is added as additional fertilizer.

Planting a chrysanthemum in the fall is a rather complex and dangerous process, because the proper development of the plant requires good nutrition and temperature conditions during the first few months, when it intensively increases its vegetative mass. If you plant a flower too early, it may begin to bloom and die during the cold weather, if it is too late, then its strength may not be enough for the winter period. If you have firmly decided that you need to plant chrysanthemums in the fall, then best advice will find a specialist who has already done this and knows how to choose the right time for landing that matches your latitude.