home · Measurements · Collagen: minimum benefits, maximum side effects. A tale about collagen, collagen supplements, connective tissue, joints and beauty. What is collagen and what is it for?

Collagen: minimum benefits, maximum side effects. A tale about collagen, collagen supplements, connective tissue, joints and beauty. What is collagen and what is it for?

The active use of collagen in anti-aging cosmetic therapy has led to the fact that its very mention is automatically associated with various injectable preparations, serums and other products that make the skin more elastic.

This is the most famous, but not the only effect of the substance. The effect of collagen is not simply to reduce and smooth out wrinkles, but to generally slow down the aging process. It takes a certain part in losing weight, increasing the body’s endurance, and plays an important role in the sleep process, that is, whether a person gets enough sleep or not.

Collagen is one of the most common and unique proteins in its properties. It is a kind of “adhesive composition” that holds the entire body together, holding together muscle groups, tissues, and organs. An integral part of tendons, ligaments, joints and bones, it provides mobility but prevents these moving parts from falling apart.

Together with elastin, which is also found in connective tissue, collagen makes tissue elastic. This determines the most important function of the substance, thanks to which this protein is included in numerous procedures to maintain youth, firmness, elasticity, and beauty of the skin.

Collagen production decreases with age. The older a person gets, the less amount of this protein is synthesized in the body. This is also facilitated by other factors, which include the three reasons listed below.

We damage collagen

Age-related changes, of course, lead to a natural decrease in the synthesis of this androgenic protein, but the lifestyle a person leads also contributes to this process.

Poor nutrition, bad habits, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (solar) radiation lead to collagen production beginning to decline at a rapid rate. This also applies to elastin. Eating foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates depletes collagen levels.

If you eat right, get enough sleep, engage in regular physical activity, and try not to be exposed to sunlight during peak hours, this will help significantly reduce the rate of decline in the synthesis of both collagen and elastin, which will lead to maintaining youthful skin and a thin waist.

Along with poor nutrition, poor environmental conditions, and ultraviolet radiation, collagen levels also drop due to smoking, as well as under the influence of toxic chemicals.

The combination of bad habits and poor nutrition with the negative impact of the environment and the natural aging process leads to internal and external self-destruction. This can only be avoided if these factors are limited, that is, by normalizing your own diet and giving up bad habits.

Decreased collagen levels as a result of autoimmune disorders

There are a number of diseases, including autoimmune diseases. They lead to the production of antibodies that damage collagen. Taking collagen supplements can solve this problem. It is not recommended to take such drugs on your own. First, you need to consult with a specialist who will determine the advisability of taking such a remedy, and only then begin therapy.

Most of the factors that lead to the destruction of collagen can be controlled by humans. Of course, this will not completely stop the process of its natural loss with age, but it will not allow it to decrease below the level that is considered natural at a given age.

Useful properties of collagen

The importance of a protein such as collagen for the human body is difficult to overestimate. Its valuable properties and usefulness are noted by everyone who begins to avoid factors that influence the reduction of collagen, as well as monitor their own diet or use supplements containing this substance.

A study was conducted, the focus group of which was women in the age group from 35 to 55 years. During the experiment, pacifiers (placebos) and supplements were randomly distributed between them, some of which contained 2.5 and others - 5 g of collagen. Over the next two months of the study, tests were carried out on the moisture content of the skin, the degree of roughness and elasticity of the dermis.

The results of the experiment showed the following:

  • Women who received collagen rather than placebo had more elastic skin;
  • indicators of improvement in the condition of the skin were more evident among representatives of this age group;
  • general improvement of the skin due to hydration - restoration of water balance.

There is another study, the age limit of which was slightly lowered (33-45 years). During the experiment, women used serum containing antioxidants and collagen peptides, which increase protein levels in the body. A few hours after using the drug, statistical changes towards improvement in getting rid of wrinkles were noted. The result was progressive. The improvements lasted from one to three months.

Most women note the fact that after using cosmetics and products containing collagen, stretch marks, wrinkles, and cellulite begin to change and smooth out. This is only the first stage of influence. If you continue to use the products, the improvements will be more pronounced.

Weight loss

Collagen should not be perceived as a miracle cure for getting rid of fat. Protein helps you lose several kilograms, which is due to the increase in metabolic rate as a result of its intake. Collagen hydrolyzate, taken one tablespoon daily, allows you to lose up to 4.5 kilograms on average in three months. Glycine, which is part of the protein, promotes the movement of sugar not into fat depots, but into tissues, providing an energy boost.

Collagen's effects on digestion haven't been fully studied, but fans of the protein believe it can help alleviate many disorders. Particularly positive effects are noted by people with increased intestinal permeability.

This syndrome is characterized by the fact that toxins enter the blood through small holes formed in the intestinal walls. Collagen, filling these holes, prevents this process, and in addition it:

  • relieves irritation from the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • breaks down proteins into ones that are easier to digest and use;
  • “creates” new and restores old (damaged) cells of the intestinal walls;
  • Helps maintain gastrointestinal motility.

This affects the improvement of digestion processes and stabilizes intestinal function.

Both bones and joints contain their own (anthropogenic) collagen. It is necessary for the human skeleton. And, as shown in a study conducted on athletes, during which some were given a placebo and others were given collagen hydrolyzate, this protein causes improvements in the condition of bones and joints both in a resting and sitting position, and when walking, as well as carrying and lifting various objects. objects.

The studies were conducted not only with athletes, but also with people suffering from arthralgia and problems with the knee joints. The results showed a significant effect of collagen compared to placebo. It has been found that collagen not only maintains health, but also reduces the risk of deterioration of even diseased joints.

Some sports supplements contain collagen due to the protein's ability to enhance athletes' performance and build muscle mass. One study demonstrated a reduced risk of ligament and tendon injuries in athletes who took collagen peptides in dosages of 30 to 70 grams daily.

Taking collagen not only keeps joints and tendons in good condition, but also reduces the risk of injuries of varying severity. The latter is especially important for athletes.

Collagen, being a protein, plays an important role in restoring hormonal levels. Of course, this aspect of the substance has not yet been fully studied and requires more thorough research, but it represents a fairly promising direction in the relationship between collagen and the stabilization of hormone levels in the body.

Energy-providing glycine helps improve sleep. This was proven in a randomized study in which some people received collagen and others received a placebo half an hour before bedtime. Further, the usual duration of time spent in sleep was reduced from seven 7.3 to 5.5 hours on the three subsequent nights.

And although the results of the experiment cannot be called one hundred percent convincing, it was found that in many cases people feel less tired and tired after reducing their sleep time while taking collagen than a placebo. The introduction of collagen into the usual diet improves sleep, eliminates daytime sleepiness, and for some it helps improve the quality of memory.

Neither glycine nor collagen are sleep aids, but they have a positive effect on the sleep process itself.

Where is collagen found?

This protein is present in regular foods that can be included in your diet without any problems. A bowl or glass of bone broth can give you a real collagen boost. The substance is present in both pork and chicken skins. Not all people consume broth every day, and some do not eat chicken, much less pork skin, so preference should be given to dietary supplements.

Powdered collagen peptides, sold in stores and online, can be added to hot and cold drinks. Gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen are available and easily digestible. Daily consumption of any of these selected forms of fibrillar protein (collagen) will not cause any harm, since it has no side effects, but, on the contrary, will significantly improve both the external condition of the skin and the entire body.

From: nutritionsecrets.com

They say that collagen is the elixir of youth for fitness girls? Is this true, let's find out. You can often see collagen in the catalog of sports nutrition stores. What kind of product is this, what is it intended for and is it possible to rejuvenate with it - we will answer all these questions in the article.

Benefits of collagen

Collagen is a type of protein that makes up the tissues of our body. True, unlike proteins, collagen does not promote muscle growth and strengthening, so it is useless to purchase it for this purpose. It is found mainly in ligaments and cartilage and is responsible for the health of joints, and is also a structural element of the skin, ensuring the maintenance of its elasticity.

When a girl engages in fitness, dancing, or running to lose weight, the load on her joints is very high. A large number of jumps, hitting the ground with your feet, walking on your hands, lifting weights - all this wears out the joint. And if you want to stay healthy for as long as possible and engage in your favorite activities, you need to take additional care of your joints. After all, they are the most vulnerable in our body.

Collagen is produced by the body itself, but is often not enough. With age, its production decreases in all people.

Other causes of collagen loss include:

- presence of hormonal problems,

- smoking,

- drinking alcohol,

- frequent exposure to the sun,

- lack of fluid,

- stress.

But the need for collagen, on the contrary, is always high, especially when it comes to physical activity.

Therefore, it is advisable to take additional collagen. For fitness nutrition, it is sold in tablets and powders, which are completely natural and prepared by prolonged digestion and processing of animal bones and cartilage. We think this immediately reminded the housewives of cooking jellied meat. The analogy is not accidental: jellied meat, like jellies, are indeed the healthiest dishes for joints. By consuming them, you can also compensate for the lack of collagen.

So, let's summarize: benefits of collagen– in that it strengthens the cartilage and ligaments of the joints, ensuring their mobility, health and active nutrition. Actually, the joint is built from collagen and cannot function normally without it. True, fitness girls will be able to appreciate another effect of this protein - rejuvenation and preservation of youth.

On average, when playing sports and without joint diseases, a person needs to take 5 g of collagen.

The benefits of collagen for women

As we have already written, collagen is part of the main composition of the skin (approximately 75%). Moreover, he supports its “framework”. With age, the face begins to sag, which means there is little collagen, its production decreases over the years.

Collagen has the ability to retain water inside cells. Old skin is usually dry and flabby, which in turn leads to the formation of wrinkles. Collagen not only maintains skin tone, but also helps to moisturize it.

We think the logic is simple: the more collagen in the skin, the more toned, fresh, elastic and young it is. Actually, this is a great opportunity to move away the plastic surgery, or even replace it altogether.

You've probably already come across collagen creams for rejuvenation. We will not talk about their effectiveness. Just think about the difference between external use and internal saturation of the entire body with this beneficial protein. It is clear that drinking collagen will be much more effective.

How to determine collagen deficiency:

- the skin becomes dull and drier;

- the face begins to sag beyond its age (mask of a sad face);

— joint pain, fatigue, decreased joint mobility;

- when jumping or awkward movements, the joint is quickly injured (becomes more fragile) and takes an incorrect position;

- there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs in the area of ​​the joints, there is a feeling that the joint may “crack” from the weight of the body or when carrying heavy objects, although this has not happened before;

- the joint has become less mobile and elastic, you cannot freely make rotational movements, when walking and physical activity you get the feeling that the joint “does not allow” you to perform the movement.

Collagen: contraindications

Since it is a protein, then contraindications to collagen relevant: liver and kidney diseases, some bladder diseases, allergies to protein foods, individual intolerance.

But in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis), in case of injuries (fractures, dislocations, sprains), on the contrary, it is recommended to drink collagen.

Collagen is the main protein in the human body and other mammals, which is found in connective tissue, as well as in bones, ligaments, skin, joints, and all organs and structures. Collagen is needed to maintain the elasticity and strength of the skin and to maintain the health of the entire body. This protein is found only in multicellular animals, but is completely absent in plants, fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. When collagen is denatured, gelatin is obtained.

Collagen is a protein filament that is part of the intercellular matrix along with elastin and proteoglycans. These threads help maintain connective tissue in good condition and represent about 1/3 of the total mass of all protein in the human body. Together with elastin, they create the framework of the dermis, have a moisturizing effect and give the skin elasticity.

This protein is translated from Greek as “generating glue”, since it connects or glues cells together and promotes the formation of organs and tissues. Collagen fibers are quite flexible, but are not as elastic as elastin fibers.

Approximately 40% of protein fibers are found in the skin, 10% in internal organs and approximately 50% in skeletal tissues. The fibers are constantly renewed, but by the age of 25 in men and women, fibroblast activity decreases, which leads to a slow replacement of old collagen fibers with new ones. As a result, skin turgor is lost, the amount of moisture in the cells decreases, and the first wrinkles appear.

Additional damage to the fibers occurs due to the fact that a person tenses his facial muscles when he frowns or laughs.

In addition, the low content of this proteinoid in the body is associated not only with natural aging, but also with the action of additional factors:

  1. Smoking;
  2. Effect of sun rays;
  3. Air pollution;
  4. The onset of menopause in women.

In order to restore lost collagen and prevent its loss, you need to know what products and products contain it.

Types of collagen fibers and their composition

Collagen fibers contain the following components:

  • Arginine;
  • Leucine;
  • Hydroxylysine;
  • Valin;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Serin;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Tyrosine and other beneficial substances.

To date, 28 types of collagen fibers are known, which are encoded by more than 40 genes. About 90% of all collagen fibers are of the first, second, third and fourth types.

  1. The composition of the skin, tendons and bones includes the first type of collagen fibers;
  2. Cartilage tissue contains the second type;
  3. The third type is part of the fetal tissue and vessel walls.
  4. Lens capsules and basement membranes consist of type 4 proteinoids.

In the human body, collagen fibers have a wide range of effects:

  1. Protective;
  2. Stimulating;
  3. Strengthening;
  4. Increases the elasticity and firmness of tissues.

Tissues receive protection from mechanical damage, and organs receive support and shape. Collagen helps stimulate the formation of cell membranes and inhibits the growth of tumor formations.

Synthesis of collagen fibers

The synthesis of this proteinoid is a rather complex process, the main stimulator of which is ascorbic acid. With a deficiency of this substance, collagen fibers become too loose and their functions are reduced. In addition, hormones influence the synthesis process, helping to reduce the thickness of the dermis and inhibit the activity of specific enzymes. The dependence of synthesis on sex hormones, namely on the content of estrogen in the blood, has been proven, since in women during menopause the number of collagen fibers decreases.

The rate of proteinoid turnover varies depending on where it is contained. Fiber renewal occurs quickly in the liver and somewhat slower in joints and bones. In men, the production of collagen fibers in the body depends on the action of the hormone testosterone, the content of which decreases gradually, so skin elasticity, muscle and bone density last longer.

The production of elastin and collagen fibers accelerates when the skin is damaged (burn, injury or cut). Accelerated synthesis leads to the formation of dense scar tissue consisting of these proteins.

With a congenital disorder of collagen synthesis in humans, diseases such as lathyrism, osteogenesis imperfecta, and Marfan syndrome can be identified. This problem is manifested by the presence of heart defects, damage to the ligamentous apparatus, skeletal system and cartilage.

Sources of collagen fibers

Like many useful substances, this useful proteinoid is found in various foods, but it has a very low concentration.

Most collagen fibers are found in:

  • Skin, joints and tendons of cattle;
  • In red fish.

Studies show that such animal protein, despite its availability, is not sufficiently absorbed. This is due to its molecular structure, which makes it difficult for the substance to enter cells. Collagen extracted from marine animals is somewhat cheaper, but its disadvantage is a possible allergic reaction.

This proteinoid can be found in preparations for men and women who play sports.
In some trendy restaurants you can find dishes with collagen powder, which is added to vegetable, meat or fish products.

Promote the production of collagen fibers and maintain skin elasticity:

  • Nuts;
  • Citrus;
  • Spinach;
  • Cabbage;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Beef;
  • Red pepper;
  • Brown rice

In the cosmetic field, two methods of delivering collagen fibers are used: stimulation of the synthesis of its own substance and the use of a production proteinoid.

  1. For external use, creams, masks or gels with collagen are used. Large molecules of this protein cannot penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and accumulate in microcracks or skin irregularities. After applying the cream or gel, a moisturizing film is formed on the surface of the dermis. The disadvantages of such cosmetics include only a superficial effect. At the same time, the film on the skin closes the pores and makes it difficult for water to evaporate.
  2. For the contouring procedure, special fillers with collagen are used, which are injected under the skin.
  3. The mesotherapy procedure, which uses synthetic collagen fibers, is very popular. Injections with collagen fiber are performed to correct lips, acne scars, and age-related changes in the skin. The maximum effect occurs almost immediately and lasts for 12 months.

This substance is also capable of prolonging the effect of oils and extracts included in various cosmetic compositions. When applied to hair, a protective collagen layer is formed on its surface.

Uses of collagen

Preparations with collagen fibers should be taken like regular protein. A single dosage is about 5 g of the drug. The supplement should be taken in the amount indicated in the instructions between meals. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a dosage of 10 g. For problems with ligaments, joints or tendons, it is recommended to take special preparations with glucosamine, which promote a speedy recovery.

Indications for use:

  • Decreased skin tone;
  • Flabbiness;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Cellulite;
  • Scars;
  • Scarring.

This substance is absolutely safe and does not cause any side effects after administration. If you are individually intolerant to the components of a biological supplement or a medicinal substance containing collagen, an allergic reaction may occur. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to purchase the product only in specialized stores.

You can improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system with the help of a dietary supplement that contains ascorbic acid and protein hydrolysate. Hydrolyzate is processed collagen fibers of animal origin. They are absorbed quite well by the body and restore the deficiency of the substance.

It is recommended for older people and athletes to use collagen as a food supplement.

Taking this substance will also be useful:

  • During the period of rehabilitation after burns or injuries;
  • To restore cartilage tissue;
  • For joint pain;
  • In the presence of "orange peel".

After regular and long-term use of this dietary supplement, you can get rid of joint pain, increase skin elasticity and restore the joint-ligamentous system.

Restoration of collagen fiber content

In order to stop the signs of skin aging and restore proteinoid synthesis, it is recommended to use complex techniques.

You can follow this treatment regimen:

  1. Hardware techniques;
  2. Contour plastic;
  3. Microneedling;
  4. Biologically active additives;
  5. Special diet;
  6. Hormonal drugs.

Among the procedures using a special device, ultrasonic peeling and iontophoresis, microcurrent therapy are popular and effective. For the mesotherapy procedure, it is recommended to use vitamin-protein complexes. At home, you can use a mesoscooter device, which helps stimulate the production of new cells and improves the condition of tissues.

It is advisable to combine dietary supplements with collagen with a diet enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It is recommended to consume foods that help increase the level of the hormone estrogen: these include dates, fatty fish, cereals and vegetables.

Herbal hormonal drugs include drugs based on testosterone and estrogen.

It is recommended to use cosmetics or medications with collagen fibers after consultation with a doctor and medical examination. The doctor will prescribe treatment based on the individual problem, which will have the maximum effect.

Every person, and especially women, always try to find a way to preserve their beauty and youth. Today there are a huge number of methods and tools that promise to give unsurpassed results, but which of them really deserve attention? Many women give their preference to collagen, which can really work wonders on women's skin.

What is collagen and what is it for?

Collagen is a very important protein in the human body, the production of which is carried out by fibroblasts. In addition to the fact that collagen is involved in the structure of the skin, it is also found in our bones, hair, and blood vessels. Despite this, collagen plays a huge role in the life of our face, or rather its youth. As soon as the amount of this element is less than normal, the skin immediately loses its healthy appearance, small wrinkles, dryness and the rest appear. Today it is possible to influence the body and support the amount of collagen not only in the external path, but also with internal. To do this, it is enough to use drugs and devices that will stimulate the work of fibroblasts. You can also inject ready-made collagen into the skin in the salon. Thus, you will immediately notice the result and it will be the most effective of everything that modern cosmetology can offer.

What types of collagen are there and how to use it correctly

Today you can find three types of collagen, which can be used for cosmetic purposes: animal (mined from the skin or vessels of animals and is used today not as often as other types, because it can cause strong allergies), vegetable (mined from wheat protein and excellent It is suitable for human skin. Allergies are very rare. The price is high and only a few can afford a procedure with this type of collagen) and marine (extracted from fish leather. It is more expensive, but the risk of allergies is not much smaller than from an animal).

You can use collagen both in the salon and at home. It’s better, of course, to entrust this matter to a professional, just as collagen needs to be injected into the skin. It has the ability to penetrate deeper into the skin and give really good results. In order to increase its effectiveness, collagen is administered in a micronized form, because the collagen molecule is too large to fit in a cell, and thus it can benefit our skin. In the salon, collagen is injected with injections. After them, redness and swelling may appear, which will quickly disappear. The effect of collagen will last for six months, then the procedure will need to be repeated.

Homemade collagen is of course not as effective, because it can only reach the top layer of skin. But you should not refuse to use it, because you will have beautiful skin without wrinkles in any case. At home, you can only use collagen as a face mask. You can buy collagen at the pharmacy. It is liquid and is sold in a bottle with a dispenser. As a rule, such collagen is used as an additive to various cosmetic products. Experts recommend using collagen for women over 35 years of age who have already shown the first signs of aging.

So, we can say that collagen is a unique product in cosmetology that will help maintain a beautiful and healthy face without harm to the body. Also, this procedure will use a minimum of chemicals, because collagen is a natural component that will help you stay fresh, beautiful and attractive until old age and even longer!