home · Installation · Landscaping pond with your own hands. A decorative pond is a worthy decoration for your dacha. We outline an action plan

Landscaping pond with your own hands. A decorative pond is a worthy decoration for your dacha. We outline an action plan

In the summer we all want to have a good rest by the water, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea. Some people spend their summer holidays at their own dacha, but even in a small area you can create a comfortable relaxation area for yourself using an artificial pond made by yourself.

Pond for a summer residence - where to start

So that the issue of constructing a reservoir does not seem so complicated, it is necessary to break the entire process into several stages and carry them out sequentially.

First, decide on the location for the future artificial pond and its size on your summer cottage.

How to choose the most suitable site for a pond in your country house:

Important! It is easier to build a pond of a small area. If you are confused by the amount of work or the financial side of the issue, start with a small lake.

Perhaps, later, having experience and skills, you will create a fairly large version of the reservoir at your dacha with your own hands; good experience in carrying out the preparation is shown in the video

Determining the size and shape of the future reservoir at the dacha

The depth of the reservoir, according to experts, should not be too great; for an artificial lake, a depth of up to two meters will be sufficient. The deepest part is usually made in 1/5 of the area of ​​the entire reservoir.

When planning a pond, take into account the landscape of your dacha site. Designers advise doing it on a flat surface area, and if the topography of the dacha area is hilly, with slopes, in this case it is better to opt for a flowing stream or cascade.

You need to choose which version of the pond will fit most advantageously and interestingly into the landscape of your dacha site. Designers of landscape objects offer a lot of options for designing decorative ponds; you just need to delve into the subtleties and nuances of various projects and choose the best one, optimally suited specifically for your dacha.

Varieties of shapes of water bodies

A reservoir can have clear geometric shore lines, especially if it is located on the territory near a mansion built in a strict aristocratic style, with alleys, paths, and flower beds of regular geometric shapes. In this option, a pond or lake will organically fit into the overall interior of the site.

A small pond can be made round or oval in shape, and moisture-loving plants can be used to decorate it.

If you want to get closer to the natural landscape, the coastline is made in a winding or free-form shape so that it resembles as much as possible a natural body of water in a country house.

It is necessary to think in advance about the design style of the artificial lake so that it matches the style of the rest of the dacha, complementing it.

Before you begin work at your dacha, you also need to consider how you plan to use your future artificial pond. If you want to get a place for swimming, then it will not be possible to breed fish in it. The decorative pond cannot be used for swimming due to sanitary standards and hygiene requirements.

When choosing the size of a future reservoir, keep in mind that an artificial pond is the same biological system as a natural pond or lake, with an optimal ratio of animal and plant life, a water purification system, and self-regulation of microorganisms.

It is easier to monitor and maintain the eco-balance in large artificial reservoirs; in small, as well as in small aquariums, maintaining the necessary balance is much more difficult. But making it yourself, both financially and in terms of labor costs, is much easier to make a small pond.

Shape of a pit for a pond at the dacha

It is clear that in order to make an artificial pond in the country, first of all, you need to dig a pit of appropriate shapes and sizes. The foundation pit for a pond has its own characteristics. In shape, it resembles a deep plate with wide edges, as can be seen in the photo.

Along the edges of the pit there should be a shallow coastal zone, then there should be a protrusion that prevents the overflow of water from the coastal zone into the swimming area, and vice versa. A recess is made in the center to the required size.

To maintain ecological balance, the water in the pond must circulate, otherwise it will quickly become clogged, silt up and lose its decorative and attractive appearance.

In a small pond at the dacha, to maintain cleanliness, a skimmer is installed, which allows you to clean the surface layer of water from contaminants, and a UV sterilizer. To do this, drainage pipes are installed at the bottom of the reservoir, through which water is pumped into the filter and back to the swimming area, as in the photo.

Materials for waterproofing the bottom of a reservoir

There can be several options for making a waterproof bottom of a reservoir:

  1. Using a ready-made plastic mold. This choice of bottom greatly simplifies the procedure for making a reservoir for a summer residence, but it limits the possibilities for choosing the size, shape of the banks and the volume of the water space by the shape and dimensions of the selected container. Typically, such a container has a small volume of up to 4 m 3;
  2. The bottom of a pond in a country house can be made of concrete, but this will be a rather labor-intensive procedure, and additional protection from frost will be required to avoid cracking of the concrete base. In addition, if there is a need to remodel or dismantle the pond at the dacha, this will be quite problematic;
  3. One of the most budget-friendly options for a summer residence would be the bottom of a clay reservoir, but the process is quite labor-intensive. You will need to apply two layers of clay dough to the bottom of the reservoir bowl, and then strengthen the bottom with fine gravel, pressing it into the clay layer;
  4. The most optimal and most used method is to use a special film laid on the bottom of the pit.

Important! If the width of the film roll does not allow covering the entire bottom of the pit in one solid piece, it is necessary to weld the seams so that water cannot leak out of the reservoir.

When choosing film, keep in mind that cheaper options have a significantly shorter service life and are destroyed faster when exposed to frost and sunlight, video

Excavation work

Digging a pit under a body of water 20-30m2 or more with your own hands is not an easy task. It may be easier to use equipment in the form of a small excavator. If the amount of excavation work is small, you may be able to do it yourself or hire several workers armed with shovels, video

The main thing is to correctly indicate the size and shape of the required pit.

We mark the boundaries of the future reservoir using a rope or hose; you can sprinkle the contours with sand so that they can be easily distinguished. Then, along the contour of the coastline, we dig a trench to approximately the depth of a bayonet, thus obtaining the first level of depth - the line of the swamp zone, up to 40 cm deep and 30-50 cm wide. Then we dig the next level inside with a gradual deepening towards the center of the pit, so that as a result It turned out to be a bowl, as in the photo.

The second level is made to a depth of 1 meter, the deepest third level is in the center of the pit.

Important! While digging a pit, check the level of the banks; they should be the same height.

Along the perimeter of the dug pit, another ditch is dug, up to 30 cm deep, so that the edges of the film can be laid and secured in it.

Film laying

Before laying the film, the bottom of the pit must be leveled, compacted, stones, tree roots, and debris must be removed. Then pour a layer of sand, 15-20 cm, carefully level and compact. After this, a layer of roofing felt or geotextile is laid, old linoleum can be used, and then the bottom is lined with film.

The edges of the film are secured with bricks or stones, and after that the reservoir is filled with water. Water is poured in several portions, if there are air bubbles under the film, they need to be removed during the process of filling the reservoir with water, take into account the experience of others in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlxWYFNrkig. After this, the ends of the film are laid in the prepared ditch and secured with crushed stone or large stones.

Arrangement of a reservoir at the dacha with your own hands step by step

When you fill the pond at your dacha with water, measure how much water is required. This will be the capacity of your pond. In accordance with these data, it will be possible to select the required power pump, filters and other equipment for purifying water in a pond at the dacha. Usually you can purchase it as a kit and install it yourself according to the instructions.

Then you need to strengthen the edge so that the earth does not crumble into the reservoir, and design the shoreline in accordance with your project.

You can place a large stone on the bottom; it must be round in shape so as not to damage the film and injure swimmers. You can also decorate the banks of a pond at your dacha with stones; it is better if large boulders alternate with smaller stones. In addition to stones, driftwood, wooden structures, animal figurines and other options can be used to decorate a pond in your dacha.

Moisture-loving plants with large leaves, such as bergenia, as well as ferns, lilies of the valley, and coniferous shrubs, are also suitable for decorating the banks of a reservoir in the country. In shallow water you can plant plants such as calamus, reeds, cattails, or water lilies as in the video

In the center of the garden pond there are water lilies and lotus. An interesting design solution would be to create a flower arrangement floating in the center of a pond, as in the photograph.

Usually, plants in special containers or pots are used to decorate decorative ponds; they are conveniently removed while cleaning the bottom and changing the water.


Anyone can create a reservoir in their dacha; the main thing is to carefully follow the recommendations of experts. Of course, you will have to spend time and money, but as a result you will get a wonderful place to relax and will enjoy spending time at your dacha.

Relaxing in the country is a favorite pastime for many people. The only thing that can compete with him is a trip to the shore of a reservoir. By installing an artificial pond in your dacha, you can get an excellent place to get rid of fatigue and relaxation. Moreover, building an artificial pond with your own hands will not be difficult; you just need a little perseverance and imagination.

Types of reservoirs

Depending on what functionality you plan to provide to the pond you have built, artificial reservoirs can be divided into several categories.


This category includes artificial reservoirs of significant size. Such a pond, built at the dacha with your own hands, as in the photo, has not only decorative properties, but also allows you to refresh yourself, or even swim, without leaving the site.

Pond with fish

A pond for breeding fish is suitable not only for fishing enthusiasts. Your family members, especially children, will enjoy spending time at the lake, watching the bright and beautiful fish.

Mini pond in the country

A small pond that is an element of the landscape composition. Performs exclusively decorative functions and does not involve placing a recreation area around it.

Decorative pond in the garden

A garden pond, built with your own hands, which is the central place of the recreation area. The combination of sufficient size and beautiful design will not only please the eyes, but will also give pleasant coolness on a hot day.


Having decided on the functionality of the reservoir, it is worth moving on to choosing the style in which the decorative pond at the dacha will be executed. There are two main options.

  1. Formal (regular) pond. An artificial reservoir of strict geometric shape. Ideal if you want to emphasize the geometric shapes of a building or the site itself. Creates a sense of order and looks appropriate next to geometrically correct flower beds, lawns and other decorative elements on the site.
  2. Landscape pond at the dacha. It is carried out in any form and fits very easily into the surrounding landscape. This option fits any style and looks as natural as possible. Its construction requires significantly less effort than equipping a geometric reservoir.

Selecting a location

When organizing a pond at your dacha with your own hands, as in the photo in the article, the terrain is of great importance. On flat areas you can place a pond in a garden of any style and size. Uneven areas create more difficulties when deciding how to make an artificial pond, but at the same time they can serve as natural cascades and elevations for waterfalls.

It is necessary to build a pond with a fountain at the dacha with your own hands in an open area so that the pond is clearly visible from every corner of the dacha. The depth of groundwater and the qualitative composition of the soil can affect the permissible depth of the reservoir, as well as the complexity of the work and the use of additional materials. When thinking about how to build a pond at your dacha with your own hands, in addition to the terrain, you should take into account a number of other important points.

  1. Compatibility with the environment. A mini pond at the dacha, visible from all sides, should be combined with buildings and green spaces on the site.
  2. Illumination of the area. It is preferable to choose the most shaded place on the site for the location of the reservoir. This will prevent increased water evaporation. In addition, with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, there is a high probability of active development of microorganisms in the water, which will negatively affect the aesthetic component.
  3. Environment. Do not overuse vegetation near an artificial pond. Long and thick roots of large trees can eventually lead to damage to the insulating layer, which in turn will require repairs and putting the reservoir in order. Leaves falling into the water from tree branches located too close to the pond can cause siltation and will require regular cleaning. On clear days, nearby trees or buildings will be reflected on the surface of the water. Therefore, you should worry about a beautiful exterior in advance so that your gaze does not fall on a rickety shed or a dry fallen tree.
  4. Expansion of the reservoir. In the future, you may think about the need to increase the area of ​​the reservoir, additional functional and decorative elements. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide in advance a place for a possible expansion of the reservoir at the dacha with your own hands.
  5. Electrification. If you are planning to install lighting next to or directly in a pond, or placing an electric fountain or other movable structures, you should worry about laying all the necessary electrical wiring in advance. It is best to place wires underground, protecting them with durable boxes or corrugation.

Size selection

Having chosen a place on the site that will occupy a pond in the garden, you should decide on the size of the future reservoir. Landscape design specialists do not give clear recommendations in this regard. However, a decorative pond built with your own hands on a summer cottage should not occupy more than 8-10% of the area of ​​the plot, because a larger structure will look like a bulky and alien object.

The depth of a pond in the garden depends on the purposes for which it is created, as well as on the capabilities of the owner, who equips the pond with his own hands on the site. The photos below will help you make your choice.

Selection of materials

When arranging ponds on your summer cottage with your own hands, you should approach the choice of material with the utmost care. There are many options for what material is best to use to build a small pond in your dacha with your own hands.

The photos in the article and the list below highlight the following main categories.

Concrete pond

A capital structure, which is the most expensive option for arranging a pond in a country house. The advantages of using this material include increased strength and durability of use.

Plastic container

An industrially made mold made of high-strength plastic allows you to solve the question in the shortest possible time: how to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands. Various shapes and sizes allow you to choose an option suitable for the most demanding owner.

PVC film or polyethylene film

The use of these materials makes it possible to create a garden pond with your own hands of absolutely any shape. The disadvantages of such a material include low resistance to external influences and a short service life

Butyl rubber membrane

A do-it-yourself garden pond made from such a film will please the eye longer than the decorative pond in the photo below made of polyethylene or PVC. When planning how to make a pond on your site with your own hands, it is worth considering that the service life of the membrane reaches 50 years, and the increased resistance of butyl rubber to severe frosts makes it a very advantageous material.

To save money, you can use various available materials. An old bathtub, basin or car tire for a mini pond - these and other “folk” remedies are used to create ponds in the country. Our photo gallery will suggest other original ideas.

Necessary equipment

Depending on the functionality of the reservoir and the material from which it will be made, the following tools may be required during the creation process: a shovel, a cart for transporting excess soil, a level, pegs and a strong cord for marking, as well as a hose for watering. This set of tools will be enough to place mini ponds in your dacha with your own hands, as in the photo above. If the planned pond in the garden is of significant size, it is worth assessing the feasibility of using construction equipment. For a pond intended for fish breeding or designed for a particularly long service life, the installation of additional equipment may be justified:

  1. An aerator that saturates the water with oxygen necessary for fish.
  2. Pump for filling or draining water.
  3. Cleaning filter.
  4. A device for sterilizing water and removing dead algae.

Details of creating a pond from film

PVC film, due to its performance qualities and relatively low cost, is one of the most popular materials for pond construction. In addition, in order to make a pond with your own hands from PVC film, no special skills or special knowledge are required.

To equip reservoirs, you should not use films with a thickness of less than 0.5 mm, and if you plan to create a particularly deep reservoir, it is better to take a film with the maximum available thickness.

The use of multi-colored film allows you to achieve different optical effects: black will make the bottom of the reservoir mirror-like, and nearby trees and buildings will be clearly reflected in it, brown film is perfect for simulating the soil bottom, and film of light blue or cream tones will make the reservoir as transparent as possible, which will allow you to conveniently observe the movement of fish.

The selected film should be cut so that it covers the bottom and walls of the reservoir, leaving a margin of up to one meter. The cut pieces must be joined with specialized glue or adhesive tape for such work.

Before digging a pit, you need to carefully consider the size, shape of the bottom and walls of the reservoir. If you plan to create a complex multi-stage structure, it is better to first draw a detailed diagram on a sheet of paper indicating all dimensions.

Having marked the selected area, we begin to dig a hole. It is better to remove soil in the direction from the edges of the future reservoir to the center, gradually going deeper to the required limits. The bottom and walls of the finished pit must be carefully examined for the detection of foreign objects, sharp roots, etc. Any debris found must be removed to prevent damage to the film. We lay the prepared film on the compacted bottom of the pits, fixing it with stones and sprinkling the edges with soil.

Next, you need to strengthen the banks of the pond. For this you can use various materials. For flat banks, a geogrid or polymer grid is suitable; you can also use a regular chain-link mesh. For vertical banks, the use of piles or supports will be required.

You can complete the design of the pond by adding various decorative elements, planting plants and installing underwater or outdoor lighting.

Decoration with plants

When decorating a pond in the garden with plants, you should understand that they are divided into those that are planted on the shore along the edges of the pond, and plants that live directly in the water. The root system of shore plants will additionally strengthen the walls of the pond. When planting plants in a pond in the garden, it is important to keep in mind the speed of their growth, otherwise, after a long absence, there is a risk of finding a pond completely covered with a thick carpet of vegetation.


In order to decorate a pond in the yard with your own hands, in addition to various plants, beautiful stones and other decorative elements, the use of lighting gives a good effect. The colored glow spreading from under the water will create a wonderful decoration for your pond at night. Additional lighting can also be placed above the water.

You can use various fountains as decor for decorating a pond at your dacha with your own hands, as in the photo in the article. The functioning of the fountains is ensured by the operation of pumps, which can be hidden at the bottom of the pond under the stones. Surface devices are also used. Pumps come in different capacities, which affects the height and intensity of the water jets.


You can add decorative fish to a pond at your dacha, when choosing which it is important to fully understand the conditions under which they are kept. It is worth buying those types of fish that get along well with each other and do not quarrel.

Pond care

A decorative pond at the dacha requires some care. Planted plants must be protected from the cold or moved to a warm room. During a long absence, the surface of an artificial reservoir at the dacha should be covered with a special mesh to protect it from debris. Leaves and other debris that have fallen into the country pond are caught with a net, and if a large amount of sludge forms, it is necessary to clean the reservoir. The water must be periodically updated using a garden hose or a regular bucket (if specialized equipment is not available).

Photo gallery

In our photo gallery you will see more than 33 examples of beautiful ponds in the country.

I really want to relax after the summer heat and physical labor near a picturesque place. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is water. Unfortunately, not all plot owners are lucky enough to have a pond in their dacha. Therefore, many summer residents set up a mini pond in their country house with their own hands. We will talk about this in this article.

Perhaps at first you will have questions: how to do it? what material? where to place it? But believe me, you can build a pond with your own hands. Moreover, we are talking about a small pond in the country - mini copies of reservoirs from 0.5 to 1.5 m3.

Design of the future pond

Thanks to today's technologies, the owner can build a pond of any complexity. For example, there are three possible options for a small pond: cover a hole in the ground with film and fill it with water; use a ready-made container that may be right at hand; Fill the walls of the hole in the ground with concrete and fill with water.

Option 1

To begin, create a design for your future pond on paper. Consider the width, depth and thresholds for planting. Start drawing outlines on the ground. This can be done with paint or sand.

If you plan to have several tiers in the pond, then mark them and dig them out one by one.

Purchase a film for your pond with a calculation of +0.5 m on the sides on each side of the pit bowl. You will also need to purchase: geofabric - a material that is laid on the bottom and walls of the bowl to protect the film from damage. Although you can use something from the bins: unnecessary carpet, old linoleum.

Geotextile for ponds

You can secure the film with crushed stone by placing it in trenches dug along the edges of the thresholds. Fill the pond with water gradually, taking breaks. Line the shoreline with stones and fill the bottom of the pond with small pebbles.

Option 2

First, decide on the shape of the container in which the water will be. Then dig a pit under it, stepping back 30 cm from the sides. Compact the bottom so that it is level. If you have chosen a multi-tiered plastic mold, then pour water gradually, and fill the space between the mold and the pit bowl with sand.

There are many more options for a small pond in the country. Can be used:

  • Unnecessary bath. Apply the dimensions of the bathroom to the area, adding 10 cm on the sides. Dig the pit 20 cm deeper. Under the bathtub drain hole, make a drain using stones for drainage. Place crushed stone and sand at the bottom of the hole and compact it.
  • Taz. We follow the path of least resistance and use the most budget option, because you can even use a leaky basin by covering the hole with film. Leave the edges of the basin above the ground. Under the bottom and between the walls of the basin and the pit, lay a layer of clay and sand solution. Pour soil into the bottom of the basin to plant duckweed and urut or whatever you choose. Such a pond will be miniature and beautiful.

Pond from the bathroom

And also tires, a barrel, a boat or even an old cabinet! Conveniently, some of these containers can be brought into the house for the winter. Indeed, making a pond with your own hands is not difficult!

How to make a pond from a bathroom (video tutorial)

Option 3

I think many will agree that to build a pond according to the third option, you need some, at least basic, builder skills. But at the same time, don’t let this scare you, because any summer resident or owner of a plot in the private sector is already a bit of a builder. And as a reward for your efforts, you will have an almost eternal piece of paradise in your yard.

Stages of constructing a reservoir at the dacha (video)

Take your choice of pond location seriously, because it will no longer be possible to move it. Now we can begin.

If you decide to make a pond without thresholds, this will greatly simplify the task. Dig a pit with slopes of 45 degrees. Compact the hole and fill it with sand.

Place PET or PVC film on the bottom without stretching it too much. Start pouring concrete from the walls, and then move to the bottom.

Try to complete this part of the work in one day to avoid cracks at the joints.

Press in the reinforced mesh. Pour the second layer of concrete as soon as the first one dries. Constantly check the horizon level. Add water when the concrete has completely hardened.

Concrete pond

Before deciding on an option for building a pond, decide which design idea will look especially natural on your site. If the house, paths and flower beds are designed in a strict style, feel free to create a pond of clear shapes. If you like everything natural, then any arbitrary shape will do.

Let's decide on a place

How to make all the inhabitants of the pond feel comfortable? If you have a large plot of land, then carefully study the area so as not to make a mistake with your choice. There are several secrets that we will share with you.

  • The roots of old trees can interfere with the work, and over time, even with the walls of the reservoir. Also, falling leaves and fruits will force you to clean your pond frequently.
  • Choose a place with the expectation that the pond will be in the shade for some time so that algae and microorganisms do not develop too actively in it.
  • At the same time, the sun is needed for plants along the bank. So you will have to look for the best option, taking these nuances into account.
  • If your pond is small but deep, then make sure that it is always within sight when children are playing nearby. And why hide such beauty from view?
  • The pond will look best in a depression. They almost always go down to the lake, river, or sea.

Mini pond for the garden

Let's think over a possible ecosystem

If you want fish to live in your pond and flowers to bloom, then several rules from this section will help you.

Plant selection

Decorative flowers in a pond do not suffer from temperature changes and can even withstand frost (of course, except for southern varieties of plants, which will need to be hidden for the winter). But still make sure that the water in the pond will be heated by the sun for at least five hours during the day.

The less light, the faster the mini pond at the dacha turns into a small swamp. Then it will look completely unattractive, a characteristic smell and flowering will appear.

In nature, an amazing process of self-purification has been launched, and at home, the owner must take care of the cleanliness of the reservoir.

As in a natural pond, plants in a home pond are divided into the following types:

  • those that grow on the shore;
  • those that grow in the humid zone at the border with water;
  • floating on the surface;
  • shallow water and those that grow at depth.

Although the humidity on the shore along the pond will be higher than in other places, simple garden plants will be able to take root there. But still, make sure that they do not look awkward or random next to other inhabitants of the pond. Begonias, aquilegias, impatiens and many other perennial plants that are used to decorate landscapes will be harmoniously combined.

An area with constant humidity, but without stagnant water, is the best place for moisture-loving perennial plants. Among such stars are meadowsweet (meadowsweet), lysichiton, darmera, iris and many others.

Irises also thrive in shallow water. They compete with susak, pontederia, shank

The water lily can rightfully be called the deep-sea queen. She calmly copes with harsh winters. Water lilies are not only beautiful, but also useful. They are the ones who can create the shade necessary for the pond. Other deep-sea beauties include lotus (however, it needs to be dug up for the winter, because in most of the territory of the former USSR the water does not warm up for almost 8 months, as needed for such varieties to bloom), watercolor, oronium, water chestnut and many other bizarre inhabitants of the depths.

Rivals for deep-sea plants are algae, which saturate the pond water with oxygen and support the vital activity of other organisms. Among them are swampweed, hornwort, etc.

Animal inhabitants

Insects, microorganisms and simple plants will grow in your pond on their own. You will have to take care of the fish yourself.

Fish in a pond at the dacha

But don’t think that you can’t get them. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here. Check the depth of your pond - it should be at least 90 cm deep. This is necessary for the fish, because this way they can survive the winter. And in summer the water does not warm up too much. Ponds of shallower depth are only suitable for growing ornamental plants.

By the way, in ponds with fish, a third of the water surface should be covered with greenery.

Many different decorative elements and design techniques are used in landscape design, but the most striking and impressive is the artificial pond. Moreover, it is not necessary to hire designers and builders to create similar decor for a summer cottage. If you follow the instructions exactly, you can build a pond at your dacha with your own hands. You must first select a suitable place under the pond, decide on a style, select materials and prepare tools for work.

Before digging an artificial pond, you need to choose a suitable place. Since an artificial pond should be clearly visible from all points of the site, when choosing a suitable location, the following nuances are taken into account:

  1. The configuration and dimensions of the pit depend on the size of the summer cottage. A small pond on six acres should not have complex outlines.
  2. Be sure to take into account the height of the groundwater and the composition of the soil. The depth of the reservoir and the need for additional measures to protect against moisture coming from the soil depend on this.
  3. When arranging a pond, the terrain of the area is taken into account. With its outlines, a reservoir can follow the uneven surface, go around hills and slides, or be located in a lowland.
  4. To build a pond on the site, choose a shaded place in which the duration of exposure to direct sunlight does not exceed 5-6 hours. Otherwise, under the scorching sun, moisture will evaporate, and favorable conditions will be created for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. However, deep bodies of water require longer lighting.
  5. If in the future there are plans to expand this element of landscape design, then there should be free space on one or more sides.
  6. In order to additionally illuminate the pond, and also to operate the pumping equipment, electricity will have to be supplied to the construction site. It is worth thinking about electrification and laying wires in protective corrugation in advance.
  7. Shrubs and trees, which could damage the waterproofing with their roots, should not grow nearby. In addition, falling leaves will pollute the water.
  8. There should be no outbuildings near the place for garden decoration, which will spoil the impression with an unattractive reflection in the water surface.

The water decor of the garden should be in harmony with other elements of landscape design and objects on the site. As a rule, construction begins in the spring so that the vegetation and inhabitants of the reservoir take root during the warm season.

Choosing the style and size of an artificial pond

Looking at landscape ideas for a pond at your dacha with your own hands, you will notice that there are several varieties of them. Small ponds and decorative ponds have a simple shape and shallow depth. Ponds with fish require a careful approach, selection of the optimal depth and location, as well as the installation of additional equipment. The functions of a country pond can be performed by a swimming pool.

Before building a pond at the dacha with your own hands, decide on the style of the future creation. There are the following types of landscape reservoirs:

  • Regular. These are models with clear, regular outlines. Use square, round, oval or rectangular shapes. They harmonize well with a modern large house or cottage in a classic style.
  • Landscape. They are characterized by irregular natural contours. The pond resembles a natural pond with plants growing along the banks. The form can be any. This variety is chosen for areas on the terrain with small country houses.

The size depends on the dimensions of the territory. It is usually recommended to allocate no more than 10% of the local area, but in practice a lot depends on personal preferences. The depth depends on the purpose and size. If you decide to breed fish, then the depth must be sufficient. When choosing the size, take into account that the pond must maintain biological balance, which is necessary for self-purification. There must be a coastal, shallow and deep-water zone, and no more than half the area is allocated for plants.

On a note! Keep in mind that a large body of water is more difficult to maintain.

Materials for manufacturing

To make a pond at your dacha with your own hands, it is important to select the necessary materials. Large structures are made of concrete. This is the most expensive and durable option. A small pond is built from a plastic container. Car tires or an old bathtub are also suitable for making it. You can simply dig a pit in the ground with a given depth and outline and lay a film on its bottom.

Necessary tools for work

The following tools are used in the work:

  • building level;
  • cart;
  • cord;
  • shovel;
  • hose;
  • pegs;
  • cleaning filter;
  • sterilizer;
  • pump equipment;
  • aerator.

The last four devices are not necessary to use. They are bought if they want to make a technological reservoir with an abundance of vegetation and other living inhabitants.

How to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

To make an artificial pond at your dacha with your own hands, step-by-step instructions will be useful. Depending on the materials used, the sequence of actions differs. The concrete variety is the most difficult to make, so we'll start with that.

Concrete pond

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, the terrain is broken down. The pegs are driven in and the cords are pulled. Remove the fertile soil layer to a depth of 15-20 cm.
  2. They dig a pit of a given depth, length and width.
  3. The formwork is installed and the reinforcement cage is laid.
  4. Concrete solution is prepared and poured into the formwork structures.
  5. After a couple of weeks, the formwork is removed.
  6. They carry out waterproofing and install the necessary equipment.
  7. Decorate the pond.

Tire Pond

It’s easy to make a mini-pond at your dacha out of car tires. To begin with, one side of the tire is cut off to create a shape like a bowl without a bottom. The edge is sanded. Next, dig a hole of a suitable size.

The prepared tire is installed in the pit. The gaps between the tire and the ground are filled in a circle and compacted. Sand is poured onto the bottom, compacted and leveled. The resulting structure is covered with thick polyethylene film laid in two layers. The edges of the material are brought to the surface of the earth by 15-20 cm.

A layer of soil is poured around the reservoir to hide the film, and the banks are decorated with stones. Now all that remains is to pour water and plant ornamental plants in a circle.

Having figured out how to make a pond from tires, it is easy to understand the principle of constructing a pond from a plastic container. There are ready-made forms made of fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride on sale. With their help, a pond can be made in record time, and it will last up to 30 years.


  1. First, the terrain is broken down using pegs and a stretched cord. Remove the fertile layer of soil.
  2. Then they dig a pit slightly larger than the dimensions of the plastic mold.
  3. The prepared container is placed at the bottom of the pit, and the voids between the vertical walls and the edges of the pit are filled with soil and compacted well. During the installation process, be sure to use a building level so that the container does not skew in one direction.
  4. Now all that remains is to fill the mold with water and plant ornamental plants around.

It is better to use a bowl made of fiberglass reinforced with rubber. This model is more reliable and repairable. The only drawback of this method is the difficulty of transporting the bowl.

Pond from an old bathtub

On a small summer cottage a pond from a bathroom will fit. The installation principle is similar to installing a polymer container. There is only one difference. The hole in the bottom should not be plugged, because it can be used to drain water. To do this, after digging a pit in the place where the hole will be located, make a recess measuring 50x50x50 cm. Crushed stone is poured into it. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand. The bathtub is installed in the pit so that the drain hole is above the depression with crushed stone filling. The voids along the vertical walls are also filled with sand and compacted.

The bathtub can be painted with moisture-resistant paint. Since it is not possible to plant plants at the bottom, they are simply installed in special pots. Stones are laid around the sides and ornamental plants are planted. If necessary, remove the plug at the bottom, drain the water, wash the walls and fill the bath with fresh water.

Pond in film soil

The configuration of such a pond can be any. The most short-lived is polyethylene film. PVC varieties will last up to 10 years. The most durable and reliable option is butyl rubber film. It will last up to 50 years and can withstand repeated freezing. This material is chosen for deep reservoirs with a rocky bottom. When choosing a film, take into account resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, they dig a pit. It is more convenient to move from the edges to the center. In sandy soils, vertical walls are made with a slope of 45°. In black soil or clay they can be made strictly vertical.
  2. To correctly determine the size of the film, multiply the length (width) by 2 and add a margin of 55-60 cm.
  3. The bottom is compacted, then a waterproofing layer of stones and sand, geotextile or PVC film is laid.
  4. This is followed by a sand cushion, which is needed to protect against damage from sharp stones and other objects.
  5. Then the bottom and walls are covered with film, the ends of which are placed on the horizontal surface of the banks by 30-40 cm. The strips of material are glued together with adhesive tape or special glue. If there are bends, then make one large fold and press it down with boulders.
  6. The edges of the film are pressed with stones and sprinkled with soil.
  7. After this, all that remains is to add water and plant ornamental plants.

Important! You can use black, blue, white or brown film. Minimum thickness – 0.5 mm. The deeper the reservoir, the thicker the material.

Designing a decorative pond at the dacha

Now let's figure out how to improve a pond at the dacha. There are many options for decorating the shores and water surface. When choosing a method, take into account the dimensions of the pond, its purpose and depth.

Fish in the pond

Of course, there is no need to launch fish into the pond from a tire, because there will not be enough space for them. Favorable conditions must be created for underwater inhabitants. First of all, the depth of the container must be sufficient so that in the heat the fish can go deeper. The bowl should not overheat, because in warm water the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases and it is more difficult for the fish to breathe. It is advisable to install an aerator. There must be green spaces in the pond itself and along its banks in order to create the necessary shading and favorable conditions for residents.

Important! Ponds with fish require additional water purification. To do this, a submersible pump is installed at the bottom, which is connected to a filter device. From it, clean water again flows into the pond.

Pond Plants

Most often, various plants are used to decorate a pond. Moreover, when planting certain varieties, the following habitat zones are taken into account:

  • in the coastal zone it is better to plant conifers, ferns, elderberries, lilies of the valley, meadowsweet and bergenia;
  • along the coastline they are planting snakeweed, lipweed, marigold, fluffy, speedwell, and forget-me-not;
  • in shallow water up to 20 cm deep, reeds, calamus, umbrella squirrels, arrowheads and cattails thrive;
  • deep-sea plants growing at a depth of 30-150 cm include egg capsule and water lily;
  • There is also vegetation that prefers to live on the surface of the water - this is telores, water-red and duckweed.

Advice! To plant plants at the bottom of a reservoir, special containers are used that are installed at different depths.

Other design options

To illuminate a pond at your dacha with your own hands, it is not necessary to conduct electricity to the site of its construction. The easiest way is to use special luminous stones made of PVC or portable lamps powered by solar batteries. These devices accumulate energy in the house, and in the evening they emit light for 6-7 hours.

There are other ways to design an artificial reservoir in the country:

  1. A large stone is placed in the center of a shallow pond, on which a flower pot is placed. Such a decorative island can have different sizes and shapes.
  2. It is not necessary to plant plants along the banks. They can be installed directly in pots.
  3. Most often, cobblestones of different sizes are used to decorate the banks. You can make an alpine slide from them and decorate it with vegetation or lay rounded stones around the banks.
  4. A beautiful bridge is made over a large pond, gravel or paving slab paths are arranged nearby, and a bench or canopy is placed.
  5. The most difficult thing is to arrange a waterfall or fountain, since this will require pumping equipment. You will also have to lay a pipeline system, install filtering devices and arrange the necessary pipe slope.

Having made a decorative pond at your dacha with your own hands, it is important to provide it with proper care in order to maintain the beauty of the garden decor. Fallen leaves are regularly removed from the surface of the water, since rotting leaves create favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms. To protect the pond from falling leaves, a special mesh structure is installed, but it will disrupt the harmonious natural appearance of the landscape. It is easier to collect leaves with a net.

Water is periodically added to the reservoir because it evaporates. To do this, use a bucket or garden hose. To prevent algae from growing in the pond, lilies and cattails are planted. With the onset of cold weather, some plants growing in shallow water are transplanted into pots and moved to a warm room, providing them with proper care during the winter.

The pond is cleaned periodically. The easiest time to do this is in winter. Ice is removed from a small reservoir by breaking it into pieces and removing it along with frozen silt. Algaecides are occasionally used for cleaning, but their frequent use is not recommended.

Landscape ideas for a pond at the dacha with your own hands

Many summer residents want to somehow diversify their summer housing. They create beautiful ponds in the yard. A pond is an artificially created body of water for fish farming or irrigation. A self-created pond in the garden is an art.

How to make a small pond at your dacha with your own hands

How to create a small pond in the country? First you need to choose a place for the future reservoir. A correctly chosen location for the future pond will save you from all sorts of problems. A suitable site for a pond should look like this:

  • there will be no trees on it, since the leaves fall off and the roots grow in such a way that the bottom can be damaged;
  • a large amount of sun should fall on the surface, and for quite a long time, as this promotes the development of plants;
  • there must be additional space, because over time it can be expanded, so it is better to consider this option in advance;
  • The surface needs to be flat.

And, most importantly, remember that the pond cannot and should not occupy more than 3% of the area of ​​the dacha plot! From various sources, we have found out that feng shui experts suggest the best way to place a pond in front of the house so that you can admire it from the window. In order for the plants to feel good, it is necessary to make the bottom with steps.

Water lilies are planted in shallow water, and fish spend the winter at the lower level of the pond. Also, you should not make a hole more than 2 meters deep. The small pond is about 3 square meters in size. A small pond is a profitable solution. It will take less materials and effort to create such a masterpiece.

By the way, a small pond will have to be cleaned much more often, since there is little space for inhabitants to clean it.

How to make a large pond at your dacha with your own hands

How to create a large pond on a site? The location of the pond will be the same as for a small one, in this they are no different. If the area of ​​the plot is small, then you should not make the pond large. When choosing the size of the water area, it is important to consider the following: your own desires or capabilities.

If, after all, the reservoir turns out to be huge for the site, then a small island will help to get out of this situation - it looks very nice and interesting. We will also consider the following criterion: the area is large and a composition of a small number of reservoirs that can be connected by a stream will look better on it. You can also finish your masterpiece with a bridge, throw it over a pond and decorate it with flowers.

How to make a decorative pond at your dacha with your own hands

How to make a decorative pond? Such ponds are deeper than others. They are decorated in an amazing way with the help of fountains and bridges. Decorative ponds are usually created near a house, terrace or gazebo. In this case, they become a recreation area. The great saying of Jerome K. Jerome: “A man can look at water as long as he pleases.”

The depth of the pond determines the intensity of the water bloom. The plants that cause this process reproduce in shallow water. The bottom of the pond can be of different shapes. You should know that the planting zone is shallow-water (25-50 cm deep) and deep-water, more than 50 cm deep, plants. The depth of the pond determines the slope of the underwater shore. A slope of less than 30° is considered natural.

Types and ideas for a pond

The next stage of creating a pond on the site will be choosing the style of the pond. The landscape pond looks very natural. When created correctly, such a reservoir gives the impression that it has been here for a long time. It is important to remember the following: if the pond is small, then the shoreline should be smooth. If, on the contrary, it is large in size, then you can use your imagination in every possible way with its boundaries.

It is better to locate such ponds away from prying eyes, in silence and alone with nature. Such a pond can be decorated in different ways: you can decorate it with boulders, plant shrubs, or place it under a lush tree. The advantages of such reservoirs: low cost and no special excavation work required. A formal pond is a body of water with strict geometry. It can be a circle or a square, depending on your imagination. If there are flower beds of the same shape near the house, then feel free to place it nearby.

Just don’t go overboard with the size - the borders should be completely visible.

If you decide to make a round pond, then its soft lines will look very advantageous near the gazebo. Such a pond will make the composition softer and more delicate. A regular pond is ideal for a small area. The cascade pond is also not inferior in its beauty and originality. A raised pond is a very interesting element of landscape design. Rising above the ground, he becomes dominant. Caring for such a pond is simple and pleasant. This option is suitable for people who are no longer young.

Note to summer residents- the height should not exceed 30-40 centimeters. A raised pond has several advantages: you don’t need to dig a pit to create it; It is easy to clean, you just need to drain the water, it is less dangerous for children. However, there are also disadvantages: a large pond looks bulky; The water gets very hot in the summer, but vice versa in the winter.

If natural reservoirs are created by Mother Nature, then artificial ones have to be created ourselves. First you need to dig a pit, the shape of which will depend on what kind of pond you want to create; create stepped or stronger walls of the reservoir; when creating, it is better to avoid straight lines; Summer residents also use ready-made forms. Such bowls have many advantages: accessibility, quick installation, long service life, easy reconstruction option, simple operation. There are also several disadvantages to using such materials:

Let's move on to the pros and cons of the pond that people dig themselves. The advantages are as follows: any shape and size, it is cheap to create from film, it is resistant to changes in weather conditions, living organisms can live normally. The disadvantages are: work from the very beginning, materials and tools are purchased separately.

Necessary materials for building a pond at the dacha

The most expensive material from which ponds are made is concrete. But its qualities and characteristics are durable and reliable. Working with concrete is very difficult compared to other materials. It will be impossible to remake it over time; you will have to destroy everything again and start from scratch. The cost of work is high. But this material can withstand climatic conditions.

Typically, such material is rarely used by summer residents. Such reservoirs are more common in parks or squares in the city. To produce a plastic pond, polyethylene is used. They have different lengths, colors, shapes, volumes. The advantages of using this material are that it is lightweight, easy to maintain, and durable. Differences between ponds made of fiberglass and others: high strength, environmentally friendly material, it can be repaired.

How to make a pond from a bathtub