home · Installation · Light lettering. Tattoo inscriptions for girls - with meaning, in Latin with translation, beautiful styles, sketches, photos. Benefits of hand painting with henna

Light lettering. Tattoo inscriptions for girls - with meaning, in Latin with translation, beautiful styles, sketches, photos. Benefits of hand painting with henna

Maria Zakharova

A woman devoid of good taste will look tasteless even in a stylish dress.


If something grandiose or epic has happened in your life, leaving an imprint on your memory and heart, do not forget about it. For some, such moments are perceived as everyday, but for you, they are a holiday that brings happiness. Do you want to capture these magical sensations? The ideal method to remember a great event is to create a tattoo on your body that expresses your feelings. If you have made up your mind, the question remains of how to choose the appropriate inscription for the tattoo.

Tattoo lettering for girls and men

Animals, natural landscapes, specific persons embossed on the body in the form of tattoos take up a lot of space. For some, this is not a problem. But if you want to be an exemplary office worker, a tennis instructor for famous people, or have any prestigious job where appearance is strictly monitored, a full sleeve or a fully decorated back with tattoos is not the best option. Express your individuality, show your character traits, and emphasize your subtlety of thinking with the help of a tattoo inscription. What is its advantage?

A tattoo in the form of an inscription is more compact, cheaper and easier to maintain than a color drawing; it carries a certain motivation for you. Words are material. Great economists conducted experiments at Harvard among students who had to answer the question “What do I want to become in life?” There were 3 answer options:

  1. Do not know yet;
  2. I decided who exactly I would be, but I didn’t take notes anywhere;
  3. I am sure that I will be this and that, I wrote it down in my diary/diary.

Guess which of these 3 groups achieved everything they wanted in life, earning a million dollar fortune? Defining a goal is not enough.

Seeing every day what you are going to, striving for, makes you much closer to the desired result. A tattoo in the form of an inscription quite realistically determines the fate of successful people. To clearly answer yourself what a tattoo should reflect, you need to draw up a small survey plan. This way you will arrive at the desired result – a capacious, optimal inscription.

  1. What is most important to you in life? What moral values ​​come first?
  2. What do you want to achieve? Career success or create a big, strong family?
  3. Do you want to capture a moment in your life with a tattoo or describe what awaits you in the future?
  4. Which language is closer to you for expressing thoughts through tattoos?
  5. Where on the body should the future tattoo be located?
  6. You don't have to limit yourself to one goal. Place a few, marking them with an inscription in the form of a tattoo, and you will come to your dreams in due time.

About love

Love takes first place in the life of both men and girls. This is a feeling that lifts people up, giving them wings and freedom. While someone is searching, another person has already found his happiness. With the first option, you should choose an inscription for the tattoo that will give hope that love is always nearby. If you are already in a relationship, try to identify the feelings you experience with this person. In the inscription of the tattoo, display them or the name of your loved one. The sign of attention will certainly be appreciated.

About life

Having lived for a year or two, a person understands that his actions can easily be described in one phrase - a credo. No matter what happens, you are committed to your principles, ready to help, or are in the stage of waiting for motivation. Find yourself? The inscription of your life credo in the form of a tattoo will help you not to go astray and adhere to those principles that reflect your essence. “Live the way you want”, “Follow your dreams”, “Life is short, don’t miss the moment” - this is a tattoo reminder that will be your daily motivation.

About family

Having decided on your main priority – family, try to capture such a moment with an inscription in the form of a tattoo. Many cannot decide to take this step, considering tattoos to be useless symbols that do not carry meaning. Does this occur to you when you see tattoos denoting the names of your own children, lines dedicated to your mother or father? These people are everything to you. Everyone has the right to appreciate them, but giving them a place on the body in the form of a tattoo is sacred.

Examples of tattoos: “mom, dad, I love you”, “there is so much of our love - like to the moon and back”, “forever in memory”, “together forever”, the inscription “family” and the infinity sign. It would be great if family members decide to get a tattoo (if they are over 18 years old). Giving everyone the same designation in the form of a tattoo with names or dates of birth is an original idea!

Philosophical phrases with meaning

When you feel like you don't have the courage or stubbornness to do crazy things, motivate yourself daily with a tattoo. This role will be played by an inscription with a philosophical meaning in the form of a tattoo. Consider several tattoo options in different languages. Latin remains the preferred language - the ancient and only language of ancient philosophers. The main thing is that the urge to get a tattoo is not a momentary temptation, but a desire for a long time. Spontaneous tattoos are often adjusted to other, more deliberate options.

Where to place a tattoo on the body

For a tattoo to look beautiful, it needs to be done in the right place. If you have chosen a small tattoo of one word, it is appropriate to place it on the back of your neck, on your leg, or around your finger. The quote should be applied on the back, ribs, forearms, and chest. If you want the tattoo inscription to remain special only for you, choose a place inaccessible to prying eyes, where light clothing or underwear is located.

Another nuance when choosing a tattoo location is hormonal problems in men or women. They lead to weight gain or weight loss, and this affects the skin. The places where weight is gained most quickly are the stomach and thighs. By getting a tattoo on them, you risk getting a “vague” result over time. Getting a tattoo on thin skin is unpleasant and painful, so when deciding to apply a saying of thought on the wrist, think twice.

Examples of beautiful phrases for tattoos and their meaning

Have you decided on a bold inscription on a tattoo, but haven’t come across a suitable verbal expression? The tattoo examples below will help you decide. You will find winged aphorisms in Latin, English, Italian and other languages, and if you want to be unique, get a tattoo in your native Russian speech. This way you can easily achieve your goals.

In Latin

Inscription for a tattoo about life:

  • Qui sine peccato est – There are no people without sin.
  • Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Life passes quickly, have time to live now.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - Man creates his own destiny.
  • Cum deo - tattoo for believers “With God”.

Inscription for a tattoo about stubbornness and courage:

  • Audacesfortuna kuvatrr juvat - Only the brave ones get happiness.
  • Ne cede malis - Don’t be discouraged when misfortune strikes.
  • Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito - Don’t run away from problems, but boldly go to meet them.
  • Veni, vidi, vici - the famous phrase of Caesar in the form of a tattoo “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
  • Gutta cavat lapidem – A water molecule wears away a stone.

In the Arabic language

  • philosophical inscription on tattoos “Everyone has their own path.”
  • tattoo meaning “Only love forever.”
  • tattoo in the form of an inscription about empty promises “The crowing rooster begins to tell tales from the egg.”
  • tattoo about courage “If the day has come when you set off on a journey, then consider yourself halfway done.”
  • tattoo in the form of an inscription about clarity of mind “Do not extol a person’s religion above his mind.”

In English

  • Failure does not mean I"m a failure; It does mean I have not yet succeeded - Failure does not mean that I am a failure; it means that success is still ahead. (It is better to place such an inscription on a tattoo in several lines).
  • Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds – Be careful with your thoughts, because they are the beginning of actions.
  • Now or never - Now or never (This tattoo is suitable for those who do not dare to change their lifestyle or routine work).

In Italian

  • Il ricordo di te vivr nel mio cuore - a memorable inscription for the tattoo “My heart will always remember you.”
  • Il cuore di una madre un abisso in fondo al quale si trova sempre il perdono – family tattoo “The real abyss is the heart of a mother. There will always be blessings and forgiveness there.”
  • Prendi la mia mano, non lasciarla andare, per me vali pi della vita - Take my hand - hold it. You are more than life to me!
  • Nessun rimpianto, nessun rimorso - I never regret anything.

In French

Tattoos about love:

  • coute ton coeur - Listen to your heart.
  • Personne n’est parfait, jusqu’ ce qu’on tombe amoureux de cette personne – A person is not perfect until someone loves him.
  • C`est l`amour que vous faut – the inscription on the tattoo about the main thing “Love is all that is needed.”
  • Une seule sortie est la vrit – a tattoo that answers all questions. “The only solution to everything is the truth.”

In Hebrew

  • tattoo inscription with a material meaning: “He who has the money calls the tune.”
  • tattoo motivation “Better do it late than never.”
  • tattoo inscription about empty words “If a dog barks, this does not mean that it will bite.”
  • There is only faith in the heart.
  • The road belongs only to those who walk along it.
  • I am for my beloved, and he is for me.
  • I am surrounded by happiness, love and beauty.

What inscriptions should not be made?

If you decide to use a foreign language, then you should not make unverified tattoo inscriptions. Relying on a tattoo artist is the wrong decision; he is not always a native speaker of Hebrew or Latin. When deciding on a meaningful tattoo inscription, find a person who speaks, writes, and thinks in the chosen language. If you want the tattoo to be elongated vertically, in this case, ask the native wearer to write the phrase in the final version so that the tattoo artist does not make a mistake during application. Then the tattoo will have not only a beautiful appearance of the inscription, but also a meaning.

Prices for tattoo lettering

In each salon you need to check the prices for tattoos in the form of original inscriptions. Approximate rates for a short word - from 1500 rubles, quote - from 2000 rubles, calligraphy - from 2000 rubles, individual sketch - from 4000 rubles. Consider the parameters of the tattoo. If it is the size of a matchbox, then the prices are approximately the same; if it is larger, the cost will be higher. You can find out how much it costs to get a tattoo of your favorite celebrity (for example, Angelina Jolie, David Beckham). If you can afford it, go for it!

Find out more about for girls.

Photos of popular inscriptions for tattoos

Some people in the world think that fate was decided long ago for everyone, others are the builders of their lives. No one knows where the truth is, but courage is clearly characteristic of the second group. After all, building a path with your own hands, giving yourself motivation in the form of a tattoo text, is better than waiting for a miracle with folded hands. Photos of tattoos will help you decide on the ideal option, placement, and font.

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Lettering for tattoos with translation

The desire to decorate one’s body is inherent in all people, which determines the choice of design for a tattoo. After all, this is precisely how a person strives to express himself, his inner world, and spiritual development.

Increasingly, especially in recent years, many people prefer phrases, and the language in which they are made can be very different. These ancient sayings in even more ancient, forgotten languages ​​also do not leave Russian expressions unattended. Indeed, what other language is so rich in catchphrases, literally a couple of words of which can reveal the full depth and beauty of the world around us!

Who are these tattoos suitable for?

If in previous years, tattoos were chosen mainly by famous and well-known people, today getting a tattoo has become fashionable among ordinary people.

Qualities symbolized by tattoos

Every word, even a small stroke of the tattoo has a meaning that experts can decipher. Most people who like to decorate their bodies want to make a statement about themselves, make them talk, and sometimes even think about everything that happens in the world around us.

What places are best for such tattoos?

There are no clearly defined places on the human body where a tattoo in the form of an inscription in Russian or other languages ​​can or cannot be applied. The exception is some amulets that are directly related to certain religions.

Women's tattoos - small inscriptions are distinguished by sophistication, they are beautiful, with smoother lines, located in the most unexpected places - on the ankle or wrist, along the entire line of the spine or on the inside of the arm.

Men's tattoos, as a rule, are clear, made in the Gothic style; they can be surrounded by monograms and other designs, as if emphasizing the content of the phrase.

What styles are best for making such a tattoo?

The choice of style is influenced by the meaning inherent in the applied phrase. The deeper it is, the simpler the picture is framed.

Symbol options

When deciding on the choice of symbol or phrase, you should contact professionals from a tattoo parlor. They have a lot of photos at their disposal, after studying which it will become much easier to choose the most suitable sketches:

Celebrities with this tattoo

A young performer, participant in one of the Russian competitions “The Voice”, Alexandra Vorobyova, literally from the first minutes of her appearance on stage, intrigued the audience with the inscriptions on her body.

One of them, translated from English, “not a step back - only forward,” inspires new achievements.

The second personifies her attitude to life: “music is life.”

The third is a note shaped like a cherry.

Zemfira displayed the first letter of her surname Ramazanova, placing the “R” on her left wrist.

Tattoos with meaning have become not only a fashionable decoration for girls, but also one of the ways to emphasize their individuality, demonstrate their life credo, express their feelings, and capture a memorable event. Experienced artists strongly advise studying the meaning (translation) and meaning of the selected phrase or picture before applying a tattoo to the body.

With the help of a tattoo design, it is not always possible to fully express a particular thought, your emotions, or your life position. For these purposes, phrases and quotes are best suited, and they can be in Russian or in other languages ​​- Latin, English, Spanish, French, etc.

Inscriptions in Russian

Recently, girls are increasingly choosing words and phrases in Russian for tattoos with meaning. It is rich in beautiful and succinct words, witty phraseological units and proverbs, and wise aphorisms of the classics.

Examples of popular sayings in Russian for tattoos:

  • better a terrible end than endless fear;
  • Dreams Come True;
  • bless and save;
  • Families First;
  • Thanks to my mom for my life;
  • that which does not kill us makes us stronger;
  • a mother’s smile is more valuable than each of you;
  • everything is within us;
  • the best is inevitable.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

Despite the fact that the Latin language is considered dead, many aphorisms and catchphrases in it have survived to this day. They are filled with wisdom and deep meaning, although their meaning is not always obvious to others.

Latin inscriptions are an excellent tattoo option for thoughtful and deep-thinking girls.

Phrases about love:

  • Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all;
  • Amor et honor. Love and honor;
  • Magna res est amor. Love is a great thing;
  • Amor caecus. Love is blind;
  • Amor gignit amorem. Love gives birth to love.

Philosophical sayings:

  • Per aspera ad astra. Through the thorns to the stars;
  • Malo mori quam foedari. Dishonor is worse than death;
  • Tempus neminem manet. Time will wait for no one;
  • Primum non nocere. The main thing is to do no harm;
  • Educa te ipsum. Educate yourself.

Sayings about God and faith:

  • Deus conservant jmnia. God preserves everything;
  • Fidem habe. I have faith;
  • Via sacre. Holy way.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Girls quite often choose inscriptions in English for meaningful tattoos. These can be succinct short phrases, entire quotes from works and films, catchphrases, etc.

Short symbolic phrases:

  • Love. Love;
  • Be yourself. Be yourself;
  • Independent. Independent;
  • Serendipity. Insight;
  • Free. Freedom.

Sayings about love:

  • While I’m breathing — I love and believe. While I breathe, I love and believe;
  • You and I – belong. You and I are one;
  • Love never dies. Love never dies;
  • Make love not war. Make love Not War;
  • Love is anguish. Love is pain.

About life:

  • A life is a moment. Life is a moment;
  • Live without regrets. Do not be sorry about anything;
  • To be or not to be? To be or not to be;
  • Fortune favors the bold. Fortune favors the brave.

Animal tattoos and their meaning

Since ancient times, people have made tattoos on their bodies with images of various animals, believing that thereby they endow themselves with certain qualities and properties.

Such images in the world of tattoos are still endowed with special symbolism and meaning:

  1. The snake is a symbol of wisdom, temptation, life and death, the feminine principle.
  2. Viper means power, wisdom, strength and deceit.
  3. The lizard is associated with dexterity, ingenuity, and rebirth.
  4. The spider symbolizes wealth, intelligence, fear, modesty.
  5. The wolf is one of the most popular images for tattoos; it has meanings: nobility, strength, loyalty, power.
  6. The bear is a symbol of strength, power, rebirth, courage.
  7. The image of a fox indicates wit, cunning, ingenuity, and is also a symbol of sexuality and longevity.
  8. Panda is a bright image symbolizing kindness, friendship, peacefulness, and tranquility.
  9. The cat symbolizes independence, beauty and agility.
  10. A dog tattoo means devotion and fidelity, bravery and courage.
  11. The tiger is associated with strength, passion, power, rage, anger.
  12. The panther simultaneously symbolizes femininity and courage, beauty and strength, rage and cunning.
  13. Leo personifies courage, strength, pride, nobility, rage.
  14. Scorpio is a dangerous animal, the image of which means respect, justice, pain, loneliness.
  15. The image of a turtle is associated with reliability, calmness, wisdom, and security.
  16. The butterfly is the embodiment of beauty, soul, femininity and tenderness, sophistication and grace.
  17. Dragonfly is a symbol of speed, lightness, courage, endurance.

Flowers and plants and their meaning

Meaningful tattoos for girls in the form of flowers and plants look especially feminine, elegant, and gentle.

However, when choosing a suitable sketch, you should be guided not only by the aesthetics of the image, but also by its symbolic meaning.

What do they mean:

  1. The rose is a symbol of pure primordial love. This same flower with thorns indicates loss and pain.
  2. A white or pink lily indicates purity and purity, a red flower speaks of passion, and an orange flower speaks of freedom and self-sufficiency.

    Tattoos with meaning for girls can be both large and small, depicted with a picture or inscription.

  3. The lotus is associated with eastern wisdom, and also means the two sides of the universe - light and darkness, good and evil.
  4. A red tulip symbolizes passion and emotions, and a yellow one symbolizes loss, the bitterness of parting.
  5. The image of sakura is associated with the idea of ​​Japanese philosophy about the transience of time, youth and love.
  6. Chrysanthemum represents nobility, respect, happiness, and love of life.
  7. A dandelion tattoo speaks of playfulness and coquetry. A flower with scattering seeds symbolizes the transience of time.
  8. In the East, the orchid is considered a symbol of heroism, as well as a talisman for happiness and good luck.
  9. Poppy in Rus' was perceived as a symbol of youth and beauty; in other cultures it is given other meanings - sleep, death, memory.
  10. Clover - the shamrock symbolizes the unity of body, soul and spirit. Four-leafed - a good luck charm.
  11. The maple leaf is a universally recognized symbol of goodness and peace. It also indicates the strength and indestructibility of the spirit.

Religious tattoos

Tattoos on a person’s body used to serve as a sign of his involvement in a certain tribe, class, or faith. Despite the fact that now tattoos have become more of an aesthetic nature, many people put a deeper meaning into the chosen design or inscription and demonstrate their values, including religious ones.


  1. Christianity. The Orthodox and Catholic churches do not welcome tattoos on the body, despite this, recently the popularity of Christian-themed tattoos has been growing. The personification of faith is the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the cross; they are most often chosen for religious tattoos. In addition, the faces of other saints, as well as quotes from the Bible, are applied to the body.
  2. Islam. Muslims are prohibited from painting on their bodies, but this does not stop everyone. Phrases from the Koran written in Arabic script are popular.
  3. Buddhism. One of the most popular images is the Buddha; he symbolizes the strength of spirit and character, the beauty of the soul. Most often, a laughing or dancing Buddha or his symbolic images are chosen for tattoos: for a girl - a lotus flower, and for a man - an image of a lion.

Tattoos for memory

A tattoo with meaning for girls can symbolize an important, significant event in her life:

There are no specific rules in this matter, because each person decides for himself which event was significant for him.

Mythical tattoos

Our distant ancestors believed in the existence of mythological creatures and gods, they prayed to them and made sacrifices. Their images were applied to the body and were considered a kind of protection and amulet. Despite the fact that these days such characters are considered fictional, some of them have become vivid symbols of certain qualities, intentions, and life positions.

Mythical tattoos not only have an original, bizarre appearance, but also carry a hidden, deep meaning:

Slavic tattoos and runes

The Slavic style is a special direction in the field of tattoos; with its help, people try to emphasize their belonging to an ancient culture and its bearers.

Different images are selected for application to the body, each of which is endowed with its own symbolism and meaning:

  1. A tree with roots is a Slavic symbol of longevity and good health.
  2. A snake or lizard pierced by an arrow is a talisman for health and relief from illness.
  3. Veles is the god of the earth, lord of the wind and mystical power. Symbolizes fortitude and perseverance.
  4. Lada is the goddess of love and beauty, helps women find family happiness.
  5. Svarog is the main god in the Slavic pantheon, symbolizing power, strength, power.
  6. Yarilo is the god of the sun, his image is associated with awakening, energy, and strength.

Runes among the Slavs served as a written means of transmitting information. It was believed that each rune had a sacred meaning and magical power.

Their image gives tattoos a special meaning:

Celtic images

Historians believe that the artistic style of the Celtic peoples was formed in the 9th century. n. e. The unique feature of their art is the continuous curved lines that have no beginning or end and form a unique pattern. In this way, the Celts wanted to show the beauty of nature, the chaos and harmony of the universe.

The island technique of Celtic ornaments in tattoo art allows you to create unique images filled with deep meaning:


Meaningful tattoos for girls in the form of hieroglyphs are especially popular due to their interesting writing and hidden content, the meaning of which is known to few people except the owner of the tattoo. The Chinese writing system has about 50,000 characters (tzu), and the Chinese use about 4,000 tzu in everyday life.

It is believed that hieroglyphs have a certain mystical meaning and can influence a person’s life and destiny, so most often the corresponding signs are chosen for tattoos.

Here they are:

  • Love;
  • bravery;
  • family;
  • the Dragon;
  • fate;
  • miracle;
  • luck;
  • force;
  • hope and more etc.

Japanese characters with similar meanings are also used; they are simpler to write, but look no less impressive.

Japanese tattoos

The Japanese style of tattoo is distinguished by its characteristic style, the distinctive features of which are subjects associated with national folklore, large size, bright colors, and intricate patterns.

Several key images stand out:

Tattoos for two

Tattoos for two are a popular modern trend that symbolically connects lovers into a single whole.

They can be made in different forms:

  • 2 parts of a single phrase;
  • 2 elements of one image;
  • identical symbolic images or inscriptions.

Small finger tattoos - meaning

Miniature tattoos on girls’ fingers serve not only as an original decoration, but also carry a certain meaning:

The meaning of tattoos made on the neck

According to statistics, girls in 2 cases out of 10 choose the neck to get a tattoo. On this part of the body, images look the most interesting and mysterious, especially if part of the image is hidden by hair.

The meaning of the tattoo on the neck is determined by the selected designs:

For girls, a tattoo with meaning allows you to decorate your body and emphasize your individuality. There is an opinion that the right choice of inscription or image will help change fate, bring luck, love, and health to life.

Video about tattoos for girls

The best small tattoos for girls:

Mini tattoos with hidden meaning:

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but is considered dead as it is not used colloquially. The greatest minds of mankind spoke this language, which is why many aphorisms in Latin have been preserved to this day, in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo think about its meaning so that the image does not become boring over the years. Latin inscriptions are ideal for hiding the meaning of a tattoo from others.

"Fly on Your Wings"
"She Walks in Faith"
“Seize the moment”, “live in the present”

What to do? Choose an inscription from many existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting should you use to make your tattoo look beautiful? Which part of the body should I apply it to? All questions have answers.

Ideas for lettering tattoos

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main thing is the semantic load. Only a long selection of a meaningful phrase will lead to success. The expression can motivate, remind you of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but it should not get boring. By piercing your body, you reveal part of your soul and moral values ​​to the world.

What should you choose for yourself?

"Time flies"

"I'm completely imperfect"


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. You can imprint the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms on your body in Latin. The most popular among them are:

  • Magna res est amor - “Love is a great thing.”
  • Amor Vincit Omnia – “Love conquers all.”
  • Amor et honor - “Love and honor.”
  • Si vis amari ama - “If you want to be loved, love yourself.”
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - “I love and believe while I breathe.”
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - “Life ends, but not love.”

Life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. A life motto that you always remember gives strength to work, implement plans, and eternal struggle. Here are some suitable sayings:

  • Suum cuique – “To each his own.”
  • Silentium - “Silence”.
  • Procul negotiis - “Get out of trouble.”
  • Per aspera ad astra – “Through thorns to the stars.”
  • Vivere militare est – “To live is to fight.”
  • Experientia est optima magis – “Experience is the best teacher.”

Women's inscriptions

The tenderness and sensuality of female nature differs from male rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - “Holy of Holies.”
  • Amat victoria curam - “Victory loves care.”
  • O fallacem hominum spem! - “How deceptive human hope is!”
  • Abo in pace - “Go in peace.”
  • Cantus cycneus – “Swan song”.
  • Contra spem spero - “I hope without hope.”

Reminders of the transience of life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give impetus to constant development, because you need to do everything. Tattoos about death are relevant among people whose lives hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!"
  • Fatum - “Fate”.
  • Jus vitae ac necis - “The right to dispose of life and death.”
  • Malo mori quam foedari - “Dishonor is worse than death.”
  • Me quoque fata regunt - “Fate has subjugated me too.”
  • Via sacra – “Holy Way.”

Thoughts on freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebellion and the ability to make their own choices. There is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos for them:

  • Homo liber – “Free man”.
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro – “It is shameful to sell freedom for gold.”
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - “Life without freedom is nothing.”
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae – “Absolute freedom of choice.”
  • In arte libertas – “In art there is freedom.”

“A friend is the second “I””

To sum up, we can confidently say that each person is individual and can find a Latin catchphrase to his liking. Like tattoos, they look harmonious and are filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what life values ​​do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and part of the body. After talking to yourself, it becomes clear whether a tattoo is needed or is it dictated by fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

"I'll bend, but I won't break"
"God Feeds the Crows"

Tattoo artists offer 2–3 times more Latin fonts than Russian ones, because they are more often popular. The tattooed person chooses: ancient or modern font, print or cursive, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity, Gothic, Middle Ages and other fonts captivate with their variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on their websites offer you to choose a font for a Latin tattoo online. To use the service, you need to enter the inscription in Latin in a special field. After this, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on the saying.

If you decide to get a tattoo in a salon on whose website you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the artist. If there is another salon in the city, just print out the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend as much time choosing the font as you do the inscription. For outsiders, form is more important than content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

When an inscription for a tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? To hide or not? How to arrange long text so that it looks beautiful?

"We trust in God"
"I wish you success"
"Great things start small"

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the person’s pain threshold and ability to tolerate the effects of the tattoo machine.

  • Hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, hand, fingers - where to write the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing large inscriptions on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in a photo, it is better to abandon the idea, since the employer may be embarrassed by the fact of having a tattoo.
  • Tattoos on the wrists do not wear well, so it is better to abandon the idea.
  • The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people highlight mild pain and the simple ability to hide the inscription. The area is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.
  • The stomach as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may become distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral area.

"Waiting for a defender"
  • The leg is also open to the creativity of the tattoo artist. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar; it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, the pain is intensified, as there are many nerve endings there.
  • It is also important to take into account that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot, which is in contact with the floor, and on the palms.
  • Very painful parts of the body are the chest and chest (for girls), the sacrum (for guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

“And I’m in Arcadia”
"From sea to sea"
"Through the thorns to the stars"

Advice! Choose a master based on his portfolio. He may be a drawing genius, but not know how to work with fonts. Look for someone who does an amazing job as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo lettering

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also decorate their bodies with Latin inscriptions that are meaningful to them. In this way, they attract the attention of the public, who decipher the meaning of the sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

After the birth of her first daughter, Ksenia Borodina tattooed her name on her hand. The idea came from Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who has not made a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back that translates as “Both soul and body”, and on her wrist - “The main thing in life is love.”

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can highlight the illiteracy of the tattoo artist, who may make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font
« I will always be a keeper"

Advice! T Check the spelling of each letter carefully. The master may make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do tattooed people think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the reviews of the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: On my shin there is the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus. Translated, it means “Let’s have fun while we’re young.” Many who know the meaning of the words ask what will happen when I get old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70 I will feel like I’m 20. In three years I haven’t gotten tired of the tattoo.

Elvira, 32 years old: At 22, I was hit by a car and came close to death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of my family and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, the inscription Memento mori has been emblazoned on my shoulder. When I'm having a hard time, the tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me the strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: “Remember death.”

A tattoo on the back of the thigh will only be visible in the summer.

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. That’s why I have a small inscription under my chest that is meaningful to me: Audaces fortuna juvat – fortune favors the brave. I have never regretted getting a tattoo. Rather than putting a design on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but precise saying that characterizes the person.

Alexandra, 30 years old: I've been tattooing for about five years. Latin lettering has been in great demand lately and I can see why. Their meaning is important to the owner. It becomes a real talisman for a person.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that people put inscriptions on their bodies that tell about a person’s character.

Advice! If you want to emphasize your individuality and intelligence, choose from a variety of tattoos with Latin inscriptions.


Aphorisms, catchphrases, sayings for tattoos (inscription tattoos).

In order to convey any meaning with your tattoo, it is best to use inscriptions. No, pictures can also symbolize and mean a lot, but the problem is that the picture can be understood in different ways, or you can not understand it at all. And the inscriptions in the tattoo describe the taught meaning much more specifically. And it doesn’t matter what font, what handwriting, what language, the main thing is that they fulfill their main function - they convey meaning. In a tattoo, in addition to the meaning, of course, they take into account the beauty and style of the writing, the size and the semantic meaning. A wonderful opportunity to combine all these integral qualities of an inscription tattoo is provided by phrases for tattoos in Latin. The Latin language is distinguished by its beauty and meekness, the ability to express a huge, deep meaning in a short text. Therefore, the most beautiful, most famous phrases or sayings of great people were spoken in Latin.

Latin inscriptions as tattoos are becoming increasingly popular among young people around the world. As a rule, these are people more interested in philosophy and science, who want to emphasize their individuality and intellectuality.

One of the main areas of tattooing is the depiction of various kinds of catchphrases and mottos. On this page you can see the most common options:

Arrive ce qu'il pourra (French) - Come what may.

A tout prix (French) - At any cost.

Audaces fortuna juvat (lat.) - Happiness favors the brave.

Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.

Buvons, chantons et aimons (French) - We drink, sing and love.

Cache ta vie (French) - Hide your life.

Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!

Cercando il vero (Italian) - I am looking for truth.

Contra spem spero (lag.) - I hope without hope.

Croire a son etoile (French) - Believe in your star, i.e. Hope for happiness.

Cum deo (lat.) - With God.

Da bin ich zu Hause (German) - Here I am at home.

Debellare superbos (lat.) - To suppress pride, the rebellious.

Der Mensch, versuche die Gutter nicht (German) - Man, do not tempt the gods.

Dictum factum (lat.) - Said and done.

Dieu et liberte (French) - God and freedom.

Dieu et mon drolt (French) - God and my right.

Due cose belle ha il mondo: Amore e Morte (It.) - There are two beautiful phenomena in the world: love and death.

Du sollst nicht erst den Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.

Eigenhum ist Fremdentum (German) - Property is someone else's.

Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate.

Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to make mistakes.

Est quaedam flere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.

Ex voto (lat.) - By promise; by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember about me!

Fatum (lat.) - Fate, fate.

Fecit (lat.) - Did, fulfilled.

Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the matter.

Fortes fortuna adjuvat (lat.) - Fate helps the brave.

Fortuna non penis, in manu non recipe (lat.) - Luck is not good, you can’t hold it in your hands.

Fu... e non e! (it.) - He was... and he is not!

Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.

Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.

Gott mit uns (German) - God is with us.

Grace pour moi! (French) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!

Guai chi la tocca (Italian) - Woe to the one who touches it.

Gutta cavat lapidem (years) - A drop chisels a stone.

Naes fac ut felix vivas (lat.) - Do this to live happily.

Help yourself (English) - Help yourself. (Take it yourself!)

Hoc est in votis (lat.) - This is what I want.

Homo homini lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.

Homo liber (lat.) - Free person.

Homo res sacra (lat.) - Man is a sacred thing.

I can’t afford to keep a conscience (English) - I don’t have the means to keep a conscience.

Ich habe gelebt und geliebt (German) - I lived and loved.

Ignoti nulla cupido (lat.) - What they don’t know about, they don’t want.

Il faut oser avec une femme (French) - You have to be brave with a woman.

Il fine giustifica i mezzi (It.) - The end justifies the means.

In God we trust (English) - We trust in God.

In hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live with this hope.

In vino veritas (lat.) - The truth is in wine.

Joi d'amor (It.) - The joy of love.

Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero (Latin) - I swore with my tongue, but not with my thought.

Jus vitae ac necis (lat.) - The right to dispose of life and death.

Killing is no murder (English) - Killing is not murder.

La bourse ou la via (French) - Trick or treat.

La donna e mobile (It.) - A woman is fickle.

La via est un combat (French) - Life is a struggle.

Leben und leben lassen (German) - Live and let others live.

Le devoir avant tout (French) - Duty comes first.

Macht geht vor Recht (German) - Might is higher than right.

Magna res est amor (lat.) - The great thing is love.

Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.

Malum necessarium - necessarium (lat.) - Necessary evil - inevitable.

Memento mori (lat.) - Remember death!

Memento quod es homo (lat.) - Remember that you are human.

Me quoque fata regunt (lat.) - I also submit to fate.

Mortem effugere nemo potest (lat.) - No one can escape death.

Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.

Nil inultum remanebit (lat.) - Nothing will remain unavenged.

Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don’t touch me.

Now or never (English) - Now or never.

Oderint, dum metuant (lat.) - Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.

Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything that is mine with me.

Omnia vanitas (lat.) - Everything is vanity!

Pac'e gioja (Italian) - Peace and joy.

Penis longus, vita brevis (lat.) - X@y is long, life is short

Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.

Pisces natare oportet (lat.) - The fish needs to swim.

Potius sero quam nunquam (lat.) - Better late than never.

Procul negotiis (lat.) - Away from troubles.

Que femme veut - dieu le veut (French) - What a woman wants, God pleases.

Qui ne risque rien - n'a rien (French) - He who does not take risks has nothing.

Qui sine peccato est (lat.) - Who is without sin.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem (lat.) - Whatever the ruler pleases has the force of law.

Requiescit in pace (lat.) - Rest in peace.

Sans phrases (French) - Without further ado.

Senza amare andare sul mare (It.) - To wander the sea without love.

Senza dubbio (Italian) - Without a doubt.

Sic itur ad astra (lat.) - This is how they go to the stars.

Sic volo (lat.) - That's how I want it.

Silentium (lat.) Silence.

Sono nato libero - e voglio morire Libego! (it.) - I was born free - and I want to die free!

Souvent femme varie, Bien fol est gui s’y fie! (French) - A woman is often changeable, the one who believes her is very stupid!

Struggle for life (English) - Struggle for life.

Supremum vale (lat.) - Last forgiveness.

Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.

Sweet is revenge (English) - Sweet is revenge.

That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.

Tous les moyens sotn bons (French) - All means are good.

Tout pour moi - rien par moi (French) - Everything for me - nothing from me.

Trahit sua quemque voluptas (lag.) - Everyone is attracted by his passion.

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.

Ubi bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.

Unam in armis salutem (lat.) - The only salvation is in the struggle.

Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.

Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.

Via sacra (lat.) - Holy path.

Virginity is a luxury (lat.) - Virginity is a luxury.

Vita sene libertate nlhil (lat.) - Life without freedom is nothing.

Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live means to fight.

Wait and see (English) - Let's wait and see.

Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.

Weltkind (German) - Child of the world.

Lettering tattoos are one of the most common areas of tattooing in Rostov. This style is especially popular among young people. Often tattoos do not express the fullness of meaning that the bearer of the tattoo would like to convey; this is where inscription tattoos are well suited because... the text conveys the entire meaning of the tattoo, so the choice of phrase should be taken with particular seriousness. Lettering tattoos can be combined with the main tattoo design or used alone.

The use of inscription tattoos is almost unlimited because... They can convey any meaning. This can be an expression of a religious nature carrying a spiritual meaning, or as a memory of some important event in life, for example an important date, the loss of a loved one, the names of children or relatives and much more. The most frequently used statements and aphorisms of philosophers, great and famous people, in different languages, here you are limited only by your imagination.