home · On a note · The best floor-standing boiler for the home. Which gas boiler is best for heating a house? Rating of double-circuit gas boilers

The best floor-standing boiler for the home. Which gas boiler is best for heating a house? Rating of double-circuit gas boilers

What a large number of articles on this topic exist on the Internet and each of them is written as a carbon copy. Of course, there is a lot of benefit in this information and it will definitely help in choosing a gas boiler for your home. But at the same time, the main secrets of purchasing a boiler are not revealed there. But you're in luck. You will learn about them in this article. Therefore, less introduction and we begin to reveal the topic.

When comparing gas boilers, you will definitely be faced with the choice of a floor-mounted or wall-mounted option. And in fact, it is very difficult to tell you the right choice. After all, each option has its pros and cons and each satisfies its own specific criteria. Therefore, let's divide them by importance.

Buy a wall-mounted gas boiler if:

  • You need more efficient work
  • We need all sorts of interesting operating modes
  • Requires compactness and minimum installation difficulties
  • If your house does not exceed 300 square meters

Choose a floor-standing gas boiler if:

  • Do you have a really big house or property?
  • A longer service life is important to you (applies to cast iron boilers)
  • Need simplicity and stable operation
  • Do you want a non-volatile solution?
  • Are you ready to spend money on an additional chimney and other components?

Double-circuit or single-circuit boilers?

This applies more to wall-mounted models. The recommendation here will be simple. If you have a small house with one bathroom and a kitchen, then take a double-circuit boiler and use hot water from it.

If you have several bathrooms, then choose.

The main problem of double-circuit boilers is their low productivity. At the same time, such a device can provide one point of hot water. If there are several of them at once, problems may arise. For example, with a suddenly cold shower. Everyone has gone through it, everyone knows it and doesn’t want to repeat it. Therefore, it is better to install a boiler.

Boiler with the best gas consumption

When comparing gas boilers with each other, you will probably ask the seller: “what gas consumption will my 100-square-meter house have with your boiler?” The seller of brand X boilers will tell you that the consumption will be 5-6 cubic meters per day, and the seller of brand Y will give a figure of 7-8 cubic meters. You will be happy to buy the one in which the consumption will be less.

Do you know what your mistake will be? The fact is that you asked this question at all. Because not a single seller will give the correct gas consumption figure. Today, the reality is that gas consumption depends not so much on the boiler, but on the heat loss of your home. And every home will have their own!

The boiler itself performs the function of compensating for heat loss. From here, remember the main thing: when choosing a gas boiler in the same price segment from classmates, you will get similar gas consumption. Now these figures have long been equal for all brands. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much about consumption.

Which boilers have the best efficiency?

As our practice shows, it is a rare brand that writes the truth about the efficiency of its boilers. And here's an example for you:

We have a gas boiler of the Ochag brand from the ServiceGaz plant. We study the technical characteristics and see that the efficiency of their Ochag Standard boiler is 92%:

Just good, we think, and we go to study similar boilers and come across one of the best floor-standing boilers today, Baxi Slim. We look at the efficiency and see a value of 90%.

Takes pride in the country! Our boilers are 3 times cheaper, and their productivity is also a couple of percent higher!

What is important for you to know about boiler efficiency? Wall-mounted boilers will always have higher efficiency than floor-mounted ones. It fluctuates around 92-93%. All wall-mounted boilers have similar efficiency. The ceiling was reached a long time ago and the difference is usually in hundredths of a percent.

The maximum efficiency of a floor-standing boiler is 90%. No brand has yet managed to achieve a higher figure. And this indicator is usually found only in expensive brands.

More power - more gas consumption

When choosing a gas boiler, you may often be faced with the fact that there is no suitable boiler for your area. Let’s say your house is 80 square meters, and you only have boilers from 15 kW.

An inexperienced buyer will look for boilers with a power of around 10 kW. An experienced person will buy what he likes. After all, in fact, it makes no difference with what power reserve you use a gas boiler. Your expenses will be similar.

As mentioned above, the boiler’s task is to compensate for heat loss in the house. A more powerful unit will simply do this faster. And the consumption will be comparable.

Aluminum or copper heat exchanger?

Among gas boilers, there are models with both the first and second heat exchanger. With copper it is still more common. An aggressive marketing policy convinced us that nothing could be cooler than copper. In general, this is true. But few people know that the efficiency of a boiler with an aluminum heat exchanger decreases by less than 1%. Therefore, if you come across an excellent boiler, then the heat exchanger in it is not copper, this is not a reason not to buy it.

But it is worth noting that by using an aluminum heat exchanger, the manufacturer is really trying to save money.

106% for condensing boilers

Sectional view of a condensing boiler

When choosing gas boilers, you may come across ones that are famous for their high efficiency. We talked about the design of these models in a separate article. Here we will tell you in what cases it is worth buying them.

It is important to understand the main thing - not one boiler can produce an efficiency higher than 100%. But manufacturers often like to write about an efficiency of 106% (the last figure can be any). Therefore, you should not pay attention to this indicator. The same principle applies here as was stated earlier - all condensing boilers have similar efficiency, higher than traditional ones, but below 100%.

condensing boiler operation diagram

You should only buy them if you use low temperature heating systems. Such as, for example, . It is at low temperature operating conditions that savings are achieved. In other modes, the behavior is the same as in traditional boilers.

The difference between an expensive wall-mounted boiler and a cheap one

In fact, for the main task - heating your room, you can easily choose the most budget wall-mounted gas boiler of brand X rather than the same brand, but from a more expensive segment. After all, their gas consumption will be absolutely the same.

Everything else is not always the necessary bells and whistles. Such as additional sound insulation, energy-efficient pump, functions, sophisticated display, etc.

Even now, in order to save money, they began to use tubes and connections made of composite materials in cheap boilers, and metal in more expensive ones. Whether this is good or bad, time will tell.

It is important to understand one thing: if you choose a boiler for the purpose of regular heating of the house, you can take even the simplest gas unit.

This is how the material turned out. Anything to add? Write about it in the comments!

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A gas double-circuit boiler is an excellent alternative if you do not want to connect to centralized heating. Such a device can be installed both in a city apartment and in a private house and take advantage of the benefits of its operation all year round. Our rating of the best models of double-circuit boilers will help you make the right choice.

Recently, double-circuit heating boilers have become relevant: they can simultaneously heat a building, supplying it with warm water. The design of the model contains two coils, each of them is responsible for its own function. To answer the question of which wall-mounted gas boilers are better, let’s consider the main criteria for selecting devices:

  1. Combustion chamber type. Among the products you can find models with an open and closed combustion chamber. The open type is used for buildings with a large area, as it takes air from the room. The closed type is suitable for apartments and country houses where chimney installation is not required.
  2. Power. It is calculated based on the area of ​​the space, the height of the ceilings, and the number of windows. The more ways of heat loss, the more powerful the boiler is needed.
  3. Performance. The more hot water intake points there are in the house, the higher the boiler performance should be.
  4. Manufacturer. There are a number of models of domestic and foreign production on the market that have equal quality indicators. It is better to give preference to proven brands.
  5. Service and warranty. When choosing a boiler, you should take into account the risk of breakdown and the possibility of purchasing spare parts in your region of residence.

Expert advice

Mikhail Voronov

Specialist in the field of household appliances, electronics, construction tools, goods for cars, sports and recreation, beauty and health.

Today's most popular models can be considered in our rating with a brief overview of their characteristics.

Rating of double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers

Our selection of the best wall-mounted gas boilers opens with a model from the Leberg brand. This device is a convection boiler with a power of 20 kW. The design includes a closed combustion chamber, a built-in circulation pump, and an electronic control panel. The device also has a 6-liter expansion tank built into it.

The maximum pressure for the heating circuit is 3 bar, while the maximum pressure for DHW is 6 bar. Among the functions, this boiler is equipped with flame modulation, automatic ignition, pressure gauge and thermometer. The user can be sure of their safety thanks to gas monitoring, freeze prevention, and pump blockage protection. Leberg Flamme 24 ASD is a wall-mounted boiler of good quality and performance, suitable for the home.

  • Simplicity of design and management;
  • Reliability;
  • Availability of all necessary protective functions;
  • Possibility of power adjustment.
  • Not detected.

Gennady, 52 years old

We installed this boiler to replace the old one, which had served its 15 years. I have never regretted this device. Firstly, it is domestically produced, reliable, and the quality of the iron is excellent. Secondly, it perfectly performs its stated functions: I heat a two-story private house, and it also heats water perfectly.

The seventh position in our hit parade for the best gas boilers is occupied by a model from from Navien. This is a double-circuit unit with a maximum heating power of 13 kW. The device allows you to heat a room up to 130 square meters. The design features auto-ignition and flame modulation. The combustion chamber here is also closed, which ensures safety for the user.

Important! Modern boilers are equipped with a special function that turns off the installation in the event of an emergency.

The device has a built-in expansion tank with a volume of 6 liters, the weight of the boiler is relatively small - 28 kg. The chimney diameter is 100 mm, the installation is equipped with frost protection. The manufacturer claims that the buyer will be able to use hot water even with low gas pressure. In addition, in the event of a power outage, a special chip is activated in the boiler, ensuring that there are no breakdowns in the future.

  • Availability;
  • Economical gas consumption;
  • Quiet operation;
  • The kit includes a remote control panel.
  • Slight delays when turning on.

Maria, 38 years old

Last year, for the first time, we abandoned centralized heating and installed our own Navien double-circuit boiler. The device heats an area of ​​80 sq.m., while hot water flows without problems. I like that there is a remote control with which we can set programs for work.

A gas wall-mounted boiler from Mora-Top took sixth place in our rating. This is a convection model with a power of 23 kW, on the front panel of which the most necessary levers are located: adjusting the water temperature and heating. There is also a small display showing the necessary information.

The mounted gas boiler Meteor Plus PK24KT is a convenient and practical solution for a private home. A closed chamber, flame modulation, the presence of a circulation pump - all this helps ensure safety during operation. The expansion tank has a volume of 6 liters, and the maximum productivity at a water temperature of 35 degrees is 9.4 liters of water per minute. The boiler operates on single-phase mains voltage.

  • Economical gas consumption;
  • Electronic control on display;
  • Auto diagnostics;
  • High level of efficiency – 90%.
  • Heavy weight.

Maxim, 36 years old

I bought this model for one simple reason – low gas consumption. The device operates only with grounding, so it is safe to use. The ease of use also captivated me - you set the temperature on the display, and everything functions. The boiler is easy to maintain - you unscrew a couple of bolts from the side and the panels are removed.

Next in our top wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers is a device from the company Oasis. The maximum heating power of this model is 18 kW. The design features automatic ignition, as well as an undoubted bonus - the ability to connect heated floors. This unit is capable of heating an area of ​​up to 180 sq.m.

Advice! When installing a gas boiler, hot water intake points must be located in close proximity.

The Oasis convection boiler is electronically controlled and has a closed combustion chamber. The mains voltage must be single-phase. The temperature range during operation varies from 30-80 degrees.

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Frost protection;
  • Fast and high-quality water heating.
  • No remote control.

Anna, 30 years old

My husband and I moved to a country house where there was no heating at all. We installed this boiler and immediately appreciated its advantages. It heats a large area of ​​the room and is also very easy to maintain. When a problem arose, the husband himself opened the panel and fixed everything.

The fourth place in the list of the best gas double-circuit wall-mounted boilers is occupied by a representative of the Lemax company - the best heating and hot water supply device of domestic production. One should not assume in vain that the Russian manufacturer offers low-quality products: Lemax is a combination of modern safety requirements with German and Italian developments.

High efficiency is achieved due to a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial chimney with a turbine. According to the review of this device, it is equipped with two independent circuits based on brass coils. The power range is 11-32 kW, which makes the model productive. The boiler is compatible with a large number of modern thermostats and control systems, which is beneficial for maintenance.

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  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Strength;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Compactness;
  • Large heating area – up to 300 sq.m.
  • High cost compared to similar models.

Evgeniy, 45 years old

I installed this Russian-made boiler because, according to reviews, it is the best in its segment. I am satisfied that all the necessary information is displayed on the display, and even a pensioner can master the simple controls - this is how I taught my dad to use the device when we are not at home.

The top three wall-mounted gas boilers for heating a private home are opened by a device from manufacturer Baxi. This boiler is a combination of Italian quality and maximum efficiency at a reasonable cost. A distinctive feature of the device is a removable digital panel, which is also a room temperature sensor. This feature allows the boiler owner to decide where the control panel will be located.

In terms of reliability, this unit exceeds all expectations: a 60-liter boiler, LCD display, stainless steel dividers, as well as smooth electronic ignition. The installation can be reconfigured to work with liquefied gas, which is also convenient for different living conditions.

  • Brass hydraulic group;
  • Rich functionality;
  • Possibility of programming;
  • Button control;
  • Premium boiler.
  • High price

Vladimir, 49 years old

Despite the high price of this device, I still decided not to skimp on safety and quality. The boiler has been heating my house for three years now, runs very quietly, and also shuts off when emergency conditions arise. The boiler allows you to set the exact temperature, which is very convenient when a large family lives in the house.

Numerous reviews of gas boilers allowed us to place the model from the Ariston brand in second place. Stylish appearance - the white body is combined with a silver electronic control panel. Buyers are also attracted by the affordable price and basic functions without unnecessary bells and whistles. This device is suitable for use in rooms up to 220 sq.m.

Many owners of private houses and industrial buildings are switching to autonomous heating, using gas as an energy source: this is the cheapest and most profitable.
The market offers a huge variety of foreign-made boilers of different price ranges; there are also Russian gas heating boilers, the prices of which are more affordable. Let's take a closer look at them and try to understand the proposals of the domestic manufacturer.

A boiler is, first and foremost, a functional device, and it is not cheap to purchase. But the most important thing is that with the right choice, it is the boiler that can significantly reduce the costs of its owner, and the number of repairs of the heating system, the frequency of visits to service centers and the participation of the residents of the house in the maintenance of heating equipment depend solely on the successful choice.

Will the boiler start at the beginning of the season, will it have to be lit manually and how often, will it provide the maximum possible savings on heating, will the boiler lead to air pollution and the room in which it is installed, will it lose its appearance over time and how long will it last - all this depends on the correct choice of boiler suitable for a particular room. Moreover, you can avoid all of the above inconveniences without overpaying, but simply by competently choosing heating equipment.

When choosing a gas boiler, you usually pay attention to the following characteristics:

Boilers are classified according to installation method, functionality and method of exhaust gas removal. According to the method of installation, boilers are wall-mounted and floor-mounted, according to the type of functionality they are single- and double-circuit, and according to the method of gas removal - with a closed and open combustion chamber.

Floor-standing boilers are in greatest demand: they allow heating a large area, are reliable and have a wide power range - 11–68 kW.

Russian manufacturers have learned to produce floor-standing boilers adapted to our operating conditions and capable of competing with imported models, therefore, by purchasing a Russian-made floor-standing gas boiler, you can reduce start-up costs and get a completely reliable heating device that is in no way inferior to foreign ones.

The storage unit can hold up to two hundred liters of water. Thus, if you buy a double-circuit floor-standing gas boiler made in Russia, two problems are solved at once - heating and hot water supply. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase a boiler for a single-circuit boiler, then it will work on the double-circuit principle. However, double-circuit boilers are much more compact, so they are better suited for rooms with limited space. But they have a requirement: the flow of incoming water must be under high pressure. In addition, they are not suitable in cases where the bathroom is located at a great distance from the boiler itself.

Closed and open combustion chamber

As for the type of combustion chamber, an open chamber uses room air and exhausts exhaust gas through a chimney; a closed chamber (turbo) contains fans that take air from outside and send combustion products there. Boilers with an open combustion type operate on the principle of gas burners, they heat up themselves, warm up the air around them (hence the lower efficiency), and require some distance from flammable objects. Turbo models are considered more economical and safe.

Among domestic models you can find all the listed types of floor-standing boilers, choosing according to the necessary parameters. Experts believe that modern Russian-made floor-standing gas boilers, even if they do not have highly competitive technical and operational characteristics, perform their main functions properly.

Popular Russian manufacturers of heating equipment

When choosing heating equipment at an affordable price, it is reasonable to proceed from considerations of individual needs, focusing not only on the brand. In general, reviews of floor heating are increasingly positive, perhaps this is due to a decrease in purchasing power, or maybe our compatriots began to trust local manufacturers more and gave themselves the opportunity to evaluate Russian equipment.

Domestic gas boilers have a number of advantages for Russian buyers:

  • reasonable price;
  • good service base;
  • optimal efficiency.

Among the disadvantages of Russian boilers are:

  1. large weight and dimensions;
  2. inability to regulate temperatures;
  3. often outdated design.

Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant

The plant has been producing heating equipment for more than 40 years. The company presents boilers of three series (types) on the market: Economy, Universal and Comfort. Depending on the type, Zhukovsky gas boilers are equipped with imported automation or the development of our own engineers. The automation disconnects/connects the burner, monitoring the temperature in the heating system, monitors the readings of safety sensors and turns off the gas supply to the boiler if a potentially dangerous situation occurs. All ZhMZ models do not require connection to the electrical network. Among them there are both double-circuit (AKGV) and single-circuit models (AOGV).

Floor-standing gas boilers ZHMZ of the Economy series are equipped with an atmospheric burner, equipped with emergency draft sensors, are easy to set up, and have high efficiency. However, these models do not provide protection against overheating, which requires a more accurate calculation of power when purchasing a boiler, as well as periodic manual ignition of the igniter in cases where the protection is triggered. In addition, economy-type devices require a mandatory annual maintenance procedure before the start of the season.

But the price for Zhukovsky gas floor heating boilers is so attractive that these minor inconveniences can be ignored. In addition, the listed service features apply only to Economy series boilers. The automation of the Universal and Comfort models is more advanced (made in Italy and Germany, respectively). These models do not require maintenance, are reliable and unpretentious.

Price is one of the main advantages of Zhukovsky heating devices, but not the only one. In addition to their low cost, they have high efficiency (80 - 92%), a high degree of reliability and have a long service life. The standards of the plant, which, by the way, also produces special-purpose aviation equipment, lead to confidence in the durability and long service life of the heating equipment produced here. If you need a Russian-made floor-standing gas boiler whose price is minimal and whose operation is stable, perhaps you should take a closer look at Zhukov’s models.


Like Zhukovsky, this plant has been producing heating equipment for quite a long time - more than 20 years. The company produces single-circuit and double-circuit boilers with the usual markings AOGV and AKGV, as well as boilers of its own design of the ISHMA series. All of them are equipped with imported automatic equipment, almost all models are energy independent, have a relatively modern design and low price.

The reviews for Borino gas boilers are quite good, they speak especially warmly about the ISHMA series models - they are additionally equipped with gas pressure sensors, providing the devices with an increased level of equipment automation and helping to reduce specific gas consumption by about 15-20%. An important advantage of Borin heating devices is the durability of the budget AOGV and AKGV series due to a reliable cast iron heat exchanger. True, this affects the cost.

For comparison, heat exchangers of ZhMZ boilers are made of steel, so they are cheaper. Due to the cast iron elements, some models of Borin boilers are also heavy.

For those who are looking for floor-mounted Russian gas heating boilers that are particularly durable, it is worth considering models from Borinskoye OJSC.

In general, if you compare boilers by heat exchanger material, you should take into account some comparative characteristics of cast iron and steel models.

Steel heat exchangers:

  • cheaper than cast iron;
  • easier to transport and install;
  • They last a little less than cast iron.

Modern steel grades, when properly used, provide a service life of up to 30 years.

Cast iron heat exchangers:

It should be borne in mind that prices for floor-standing gas boilers made in Russia partly depend on the material of the heat exchanger.

If you need to buy a single-circuit floor-standing gas boiler that would look attractive, you should also consider Borinsky’s proposals. The boilers are coated with polymer enamel, which gives them an attractive appearance: they will fit well into a modern interior and will look quite impressive. But there are also disadvantages: increased sensitivity to fuel quality and susceptibility to corrosion.

In general, Borinsky’s heating equipment is perhaps even the most reliable domestic gas floor heating boilers, the prices of which are significantly lower than similar offers on the foreign market. All models of Borinsky boilers are ideally suited for operation in Russia and are characterized by high efficiency, up to 90%.


The Engel heating equipment plant “Signal” has recently been gaining popularity. His gas boiler Signal KOV-10ST and other models are collecting good reviews, given the optimal price/quality ratio, however, installation of Signal boilers can be difficult due to divergent connector standards. Reviews for this Signal gas boiler are generally positive, as for other models of the manufacturer. They attract mainly due to their low price.

There are single- and double-circuit models on the market, the automation is imported, and they are moderately capricious in operation.

For many who decide to buy a floor-standing gas boiler, price often becomes the main selection criterion, but the Russian market offers such a variety of heating equipment made in Russia and the CIS at a relatively equal and affordable price that it is possible to choose a model that matches requirements for all key parameters.

Many became interested in the small-sized and attractively designed Pechkin boilers (Taganrog), choosing as the main argument that, for example, the Pechkin KSG-10 gas boiler is small in size and equipped with an autonomous continuous water heating system. And someone chooses a Hephaestus floor-standing gas boiler, which has an original water-tube heat exchanger design based on the “Russian stove” principle, which ensures quick and efficient heating of the entire heating system.

You can buy a ThermoBar gas boiler (Ukraine) with a multi-section atmospheric burner, which ensures clean combustion products, silent operation and avoids the accumulation of soot in the combustion chamber even during long-term operation of the device. You can read about other popular Ukrainian-made gas boilers. In addition to the manufacturers mentioned above, the Lemax and Rostovgazapparat enterprises have steadily occupied their niches.


The offers of the Taganrog enterprise Lemax will be of interest to those who cannot decide on the type of boiler heating: Lemax offers solid fuel heating devices that can be easily converted to gas. The company offers gas boilers in three types, both single-circuit and double-circuit, the distinctive features of most of which are a special coating of the steel heat exchanger that protects the boiler from corrosion. There are models with cast iron heat exchangers. All boilers are equipped with imported components, have high efficiency, and are energy independent.


Rostov equipment is valued for its design feature, which allows complete combustion of fuel. Heat exchangers at this enterprise are made of steel, cast iron and copper. The boilers are equipped with high-quality imported automation.

Quietness, environmental friendliness, design, dimensions - any of these parameters can become a decisive argument when choosing. The main thing is that domestic manufacturers have learned to create heating equipment that is affordable and capable of competing with the foreign market.

A gas boiler is a heating device that uses natural main gas to generate heat. This type of fuel is cheaper than electricity, which is why gas-powered devices are so popular. “Plumber Portal” will tell you about the features of the equipment so that you can choose an effective, reliable and safe single- or double-circuit gas boiler for heating your home from the whole variety of these devices.

To understand which unit is best for an apartment or house, you must first study the types of gas heating boilers.

Thus, domestic gas heating boilers can be classified as follows:

  1. By material: cast iron, steel, copper.
  2. By location: wall and floor.
  3. By type of combustion chamber: open and closed.
  4. By the number of circuits: single-circuit and double-circuit.
  5. According to the presence of additional functions, automation, external characteristics.

Let's look at the types of gas boilers in more detail.

Heat exchanger material

It is worth choosing the internal heat exchanger of heating equipment very carefully, since liquid circulates inside it, and a powerful flow of thermal energy moves outside. Therefore, the material used to make the heat exchanger must have good thermal conductivity, on which the efficiency of the device depends, and at the same time a high margin of safety.

Manufacturers install heat exchange coils in gas boilers made from:

  • cast iron;
  • of stainless steel;
  • copper

At first glance, a boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger is the most reliable, since it is the least susceptible to corrosion. However, such units are very heavy, and very often, due to non-compliance with the rules of operation of the device, the cast iron heat exchanger cracks in the contact zone of the liquid with a very different temperature. This type of device requires more frequent cleaning.

In this regard, many homeowners choose to connect a steel heat exchange coil. Stainless steel devices are cheaper than copper and cast iron units. In addition, steel is very ductile, so the likelihood of cracks occurring in areas with temperature changes is much lower. However, such heat exchangers, being in the heating circuit, quickly corrode.

Thus, the most reliable choice is a copper heat exchange device. Copper has the best heat transfer rate, is highly resistant to corrosion processes, has good ductility, and is light in weight. Copper heat exchange coils are very compact, but the high price of such devices forces one to choose less reliable, but cheaper units.

Heat exchangers also differ according to the type of internal structure: conventional and bithermal. In the first case, it means connecting only one liquid circulation circuit, and in the second case, you can connect two water circulation circuits at the same time. Double-circuit boilers are equipped with two conventional heat exchangers or one bithermal coil, which is much more economical.

Combustion chamber and burner type

Heating is impossible without maintaining gas combustion using indoor or outdoor oxygen. In the first case, the heater package contains an atmospheric burner for natural circulation of air flows, and in the second case, the device is equipped with a closed burner with forced oxygen injection. In this regard, the consumer can choose a gas boiler for the home with one of two types of combustion chamber:

  1. Open - to maintain the combustion process in the firebox, air comes directly from the boiler room or room where gas equipment is installed.
  2. Closed - oxygen for the combustion of the flame is taken from the street using additional ventilation or a chimney designed according to the “pipe-in-pipe” principle.

If we choose between a closed firebox with a turbo burner and an open chamber with an atmospheric burner, then it is worth understanding that an open combustion chamber will require the installation of a chimney of 5-7 meters to ensure natural draft, which is not always possible. Therefore, each individual case requires an individual approach.

Wall and floor models

Everything is very clear here - floor-standing gas boilers for heating a private house can only be installed on the floor, since their dimensions, weight and power are much greater than those of a wall-mounted gas boiler, which is used when space is limited. Wall-mounted gas heating boilers are usually installed in the kitchen of an apartment building.

At the same time, installing a gas boiler in an apartment requires compliance with certain installation standards, which are much stricter than when installing a gas boiler in a private house.

  1. Wall-mounted appliances have a relatively small power, which averages 35 kW, since wall-mounted boilers are equipped with a copper heat exchange coil that cannot withstand too high temperatures.
  2. Gas floor units are the optimal choice of heating device for a private home, since such equipment can easily heat a building with an area of ​​up to 700 sq. m. There are even outdoor models that can be installed outside a residential building.

Floor-standing double-circuit or single-circuit devices, depending on the configuration of the batch, can be equipped with a turbocharged or atmospheric burner. A distinctive feature of turbocharged models is their high efficiency and high safety margin, while a unit with an atmospheric burner is more durable and less noisy, and their cost is lower.

Single- and double-circuit gas boiler

Considering the types of gas heating equipment, one cannot help but note their differences in the number of circuits.

A single-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house in its standard configuration is used only for heating the building, and floor-mounted or wall-mounted double-circuit devices, in addition to heating premises, also supply hot water to water intake points.

In order for a single-circuit gas boiler for heating private houses to also perform the functions of double-circuit devices, you can additionally connect a boiler. But it’s still better to immediately use a double-circuit gas boiler for heating houses.

Connection diagram for a single-circuit unit with a boiler:

There are also significant differences in the design of these types of heating gas equipment.

The double-circuit wall-mounted one is much more compact than its single-circuit counterparts, so they are the best option for a small room with a lack of free space. At the same time, such models put forward higher requirements for operating conditions.

Since dual-circuit devices heat water in the system, to automatically turn on the hot water supply, it is necessary that the flow of incoming water has good pressure and therefore the consumption of hot liquid increases significantly.

In addition, the double-circuit floor option is not very suitable for large areas if the water intake points are too far from the liquid heating device. This feature of dual-circuit equipment is due to the fact that in this case an additional circulation pump cannot be connected.

Single-circuit devices also have design features that affect the operation and installation of gas equipment. First of all, it is worth noting the large dimensions of such units, as well as the labor-intensive process of installing a gas boiler in a private house.

Moreover, if a boiler is included in a single-circuit system, it can be equipped with an additional circulation pump, which will supply hot water to several water intake points - shower, kitchen, sink, however, the efficiency of such single-circuit heating equipment is limited by the volume of the boiler, and the cost of the system increases.

Which device is better to choose for your home?

The selection of a gas boiler for a private home largely depends on the area of ​​the room and other factors.

The technical documentation for a gas heater certainly covers information about the requirements and rated power of the device. Often the manufacturer indicates the area of ​​the room that this boiler can heat, as well as instructions on how to install the unit.

When making calculations, an experienced heating engineer should take into account:

  • cubic capacity and area of ​​the room;
  • climate of the region of residence;
  • quality of external thermal insulation of walls; the number and size of windows, as well as what type of double-glazed windows are installed in them;
  • the presence of balconies and street doors;
  • heating system data, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fuel and the gas pressure in the line. A separate calculation must be made for the DHW system. And only after that both figures are summed up, and then increased by 15-20% for a margin so that the boiler can cope with peak and constant load.

There are a lot of characteristics for choosing a gas boiler, but the main ones are:

  1. Output power of the equipment.
  2. Layout device (number of circuits, material from which the heat exchanger is made, type of housing).
  3. Installation location.
  4. Is there automation for safe operation of the equipment?
  5. Price. Not always a cheap option of poor quality.

All these points are interconnected. If there is no space for installing a large unit or the desire to install a device in the kitchen whose appearance will be in harmony with the interior of the room, one is forced to opt for a wall-mounted model, whose power is much less compared to a floor-standing device. And if it is necessary to heat hot water, they are forced to buy double-circuit equipment.

The best models of gas boilers

Nowadays, the market offers a wide range of this equipment in various price categories - from fairly cheap Chinese-made products, which are of rather dubious quality, to boilers with turbocharged combustion chambers and other technical bells and whistles from branded manufacturers, but the price of such devices is also quite high.

There are several types of gas boilers, so when choosing equipment for your home, you need to know exactly what you need.

  1. Vaillant atmoVit INT 164-564/1-5 is the best device for a home with an area of ​​50 to 150 m2. Cost 81,000 – 100,000 rubles.
  2. Bosch WBN6000-18C RN S5700 is the optimal dual-circuit model for a building with an area of ​​100 to 180 m2. Price 36,000 – 43,000 rubles.
  3. Viessmann Vitopend 100-W type A1JB 12 kW - the best price-quality ratio in a double-circuit condensing version for buildings with an area of ​​up to 120 sq. m. Viessmann cost 35,000 - 41,000 rubles.
  4. Ferroli Divatech F24 D is the optimal option for heating and hot water supply to buildings with an area of ​​100 to 240 m2. Price 40,000 – 45,000 rubles.
  5. BAXI SLIM 1.490 iN is the best single-circuit unit for heating a private house from 200 to 300 m2. Cost 70,000 - 78,000 rubles.
  6. Buderus Logano G334WS-73 is an ideal model for a home with an area of ​​more than 300 m2. Cost 315,000 - 350,000 rubles.
  7. Protherm Bear 30 KLOM is the best floor-standing Protherm model with an open burner, for buildings up to 260 m2. Price 49,000 – 55,000 rubles.
  8. Irbis Khoper 25 SABC is the most budget-friendly unit with acceptable build quality for buildings up to 250 sq. m. Cost 33,000 - 36,000 rubles.

These companies have been presenting their products on the market for a long time and their quality has been tested by a huge number of customers. Although domestic equipment (Irbis) is inferior in ease of use and performance characteristics to devices manufactured by foreign companies, they perform their main task properly.

The temperature characteristics of all models are not very different. All boilers comply with all safety standards and norms, but more expensive models have a complex multi-stage self-diagnosis system, as well as fairly effective automatic protection. The service life and reliability of equipment are characterized by the quality of assembly and parts, and, of course, compliance with all requirements and operating standards.

Installation rules and subtleties

The site’s consultants recommend strictly following the rules for installing a gas boiler. To install such equipment in a home, you must obtain permission. This opportunity will only appear after a number of the following conditions are met:

  • the room must be equipped with good ventilation and a source of natural light, which will be required for servicing the equipment;
  • in the boiler room, the ceilings must be at least two and a half meters, the room area must be at least 4 m2, the doorway must be at least 80 cm wide;
  • The power supply system must be equipped with current and thermal protection. The choice of a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers is a separate point that requires separate consideration and must be given sufficient attention;
  • The width of the chimney directly depends on the power of the boiler. For example, the power is about 30 kW, then the chimney diameter should be at least 13 mm;
  • presence of pressure and temperature sensors;
  • It is prohibited to install gas equipment in basements;
  • The gas pipeline must not be laid in fire hazardous areas;
  • regardless of the type of gas pipeline (closed or open), the pipes for it must be metal;
  • The boiler room must have a gas level analyzer, as well as an electric valve, which, if necessary, will shut off the gas supply.

Helpful advice! To install a gas boiler, as well as to complete all the necessary documentation, you need special tools and professional skills. If you have neither one nor the other, then the best solution would be to contact an organization that deals with this.

If you have decided to independently replace your old heating equipment with a new one, then it is best to do this in the following sequence:

  • flush the old heating system. If the pipes are clogged, this will significantly reduce the life of a new boiler, even of very high quality, so it is recommended to use a special compressor to remove blockages and contaminants. If it is impossible to clean the pipes, then simply replace them with new ones;
  • dismantle old equipment;
  • install new equipment, taking into account all the recommendations in the boiler operating instructions;
  • connect the boiler to the smoke exhaust system. If the house does not have its own chimney, then it is better to purchase a coaxial chimney. The equipment instructions usually indicate the requirements for the characteristics of the chimney. This is a rather important point, since due to the insufficient width of the chimney or its low height, most of the combustion products will enter the room;
  • The boiler must be connected to the gas pipeline. You won't be able to do this with your own hands. This is carried out only by organizations that have the appropriate permission;
  • the unit crashes into the heating system and the PVA system;
  • commissioning work is being carried out. They are a fairly important point during installation, since the future efficiency of both the boiler itself and the entire system depends on them.

To install a new gas boiler you will need to perform the following steps:

  • check the presence of all components - they should include a mounting template, a strip for connecting gas and water, the necessary pipelines and the boiler itself;
  • select a level to secure the hanging bar, then attach it;
  • install gas and water pipeline gaskets by removing protective plugs;
  • install the boiler itself, then connect the water circuit and gas supply system to it;
  • Connect the power supply and equipment to the chimney.

Particular attention should be paid to voltage drops. Which voltage stabilizer is best for a gas boiler depends on the power model of the equipment itself.

Thus, before choosing a gas boiler for a private home, you need to determine the requirements for its functionality. For houses where there is a boiler or a water heater, purchasing a double-circuit boiler will be an irrational decision, due to the unnecessary waste of money, but if there is a need to equip a hot water supply, a double-circuit gas boiler for heating a house will be the optimal solution.