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Carrots with apples for children. Carrot salad for children's menu. Everything good is normal

“The beauty is sitting in prison, and her braid is on the street.” There is hardly a person on Russian territory who does not know the answer to this riddle. And it’s even harder to imagine a person who has never eaten carrots. Since childhood, we have known about the benefits of vegetables, which contain a huge amount of vitamins; we were told: if you eat a lot of it, you will grow faster and see better. So what is unique about this miracle carrot?

Carrots are a biennial plant from the Apiaceae family. In our diet, we use cultivated, or seeded, subspecies of wild carrots, which were originally grown in the Mediterranean. In Ancient Greece, more than 4 thousand years ago, they were familiar with the healing properties of carrots; they were considered a sacred plant. In the 17th century, carrots were still considered a delicacy in different countries. There is a legend that the gnomes exchanged the red-haired beauty for gold bars, because they liked her so much.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrots contain a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is very beneficial for the health of adults and children.

To understand what determines the beneficial properties of carrots for children, let’s look at what it consists of at the molecular level:

Chemical composition (per 100 g of carrots):

  • Water – 88 g
  • – 7 %
  • Proteins – 1.3%
  • Fats – 0.3%
  • Vitamins:
  1. (beta-carotene) – 9 mg
  2. (ascorbic acid) – 5 mg
  3. Vitamin PP – 1 mg
  4. (tocopherol) – 0.6 mg
  5. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.07 mg
  6. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.06 mg
  7. – 8 mcg

Macro- and microelements:

  • Potassium – 270 mg
  • Sodium – 156 mg
  • Phosphorus – 94 mg
  • Calcium – 83 mg
  • Copper – 80 mcg
  • Magnesium – 38 mg
  • Iron – 7.4 mg
  • Iodine – 5 mcg

And also chromium, zinc, cobalt, fluorine, manganese, nickel, molybdenum.

The calorie content of carrots is about 35 kcal.

It is thanks to its rich composition that carrots are useful for everyone. Since ancient times it has been used primarily as a medicinal plant and only then as a vegetable. First of all, carrots are known for containing carotene - provitamin A. Provitamin is a substance that, after certain chemical reactions in the body, turns into vitamin A. And in translation from Latin carota means “carrot”. It is rightfully considered the main source of plant vitamin A (carotene). In the body, it promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, healthy skin, teeth and gums, hair; plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, especially increases resistance; participates in the synthesis and regulation of hormones. Retinol is a component of the main visual pigment rhodopsin. With its help, light is converted into brain signals that allow a person to perceive images. Retinol, being an antioxidant, provides protection for the body, since it acts as a structural component of cell membranes.

It should be noted that vitamin A is fat-soluble, so carrots must be consumed with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream to convert carotene into retinol.

Carrot juice is also very useful. Our ancestors used it in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, and frostbite.

When should children be given carrots?

For a child, vitamin A is simply necessary, and getting it is not at all difficult: you just need to make carrots a regular guest in the diet.

Finely grate the carrots, add nuts, honey and stir. The salad can be decorated with cherries.

Carrot cheesecakes

You will need: 300 g cottage cheese 9%, 100 g carrots, 4 tbsp. l. semolina, 1/3 tbsp. sugar, 10 g butter, 1/3 tbsp. flour and 1/2 egg.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add grated carrots and a little water, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add semolina, mix thoroughly and let cool.

Mix the cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, half the egg, sugar, flour and stewed carrots. We make balls from the resulting mixture, roll in flour and fry. Serve the cooled cheesecakes with sour cream.

Salad for breakfast

Grate carrots and apples on a coarse grater, add raisins, pour sour cream. Stir and sprinkle walnuts on top. Very tasty, fast, and most importantly – healthy.

Bon appetit! Health to you and your kids!

Fresh vegetable salad with apples like in kindergarten, technological map No. 17.

The technology for preparing a salad from fresh vegetables with apples is like in kindergarten.

So, having weighed all the necessary products for a salad of fresh vegetables with an apple, just like in kindergarten, I got the following results:
2 small tomatoes - 100 grams.
Half a not very long cucumber - 100 grams.
1 small carrot - 80 grams.
1 small (closer to small) apple - 120 grams. The apple should be firm.
1 medium lettuce leaf - 25 grams.
20 grams of vegetable oil is about one and a half tablespoons.

Peel the carrots and apple thinly and cut into strips. For slicing, I used a Burner grater - quick and convenient. As for me, cutting vegetables into thin strips using a regular knife takes quite a lot of time.

The carrots need to be simmered.

What does it mean? Poach means lightly simmer in a small amount of water or in its own juice. The water should only cover the vegetables by a third. Be sure to cover with a lid, since the bottom layer will be cooked in water, and the top layer will be cooked by the resulting steam. Why is this being done? To slightly soften a fairly hard vegetable. At the same time, the carrots should not be cooked and become soft, so be careful - literally a minute and a half and that’s it, turn it off.
Drain the water and cool the carrots.

Sauté the apple in the same way. Here you need to be especially careful - I kept the chopped fruit in boiling water for only 30 seconds. The straw is quite thin, and if you cook it longer, the apple will turn into mush.
To be honest, I don’t really understand why you should include an apple. Everything is clear with carrots - they are really hard, and children may not like them very much. But the apple... I think, if you wish, you can skip this step.
Drain the water and cool the apples.

Since the previous ingredients were cut into strips, cut the remaining ones in approximately the same way.

All that remains is to combine everything and mix in a bowl, lightly salt (optional) and season with vegetable oil.

Seasoning and salting should be done immediately before serving, as the salad begins to release water quite quickly. It's worth paying attention to this.

In general, I liked the salad of fresh vegetables with apples, just like in kindergarten. For myself personally, I added a pinch of sugar and a little lemon juice - the taste became noticeably brighter (I would recommend you do this too).
Bon appetit!

They won’t appear soon, next summer... I mean ground-garden ones, and we won’t give that plastic beauty that is in supermarkets all year round to our children and we won’t want to eat it ourselves! Is it true? Well, what then should you use to prepare a vitamin salad for children in the autumn-winter season? Of course, from carrots and apples! This couple will be at the markets all fall and winter, and fruits and vegetables are from our latitudes, which means they are good for us, and you can eat them until spring - in the form of salads!

Carrot and apple salad is very simple, preparing it takes five minutes, and how delicious it is! Sweet like dessert! And how useful! Bright, orange, like a red autumn leaf, carrots are full of carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A, necessary for sharp eyes! This is what our schoolchildren, who constantly read, write and sit at the computer, need. Vitamin A also protects against colds! In the fall - that's it.

And apples have twice as much vitamin A as citrus fruits! They also contain a lot of iron, which is necessary for good hemoglobin. If the apple is sour, it will provide a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is important for strong immunity. Juicy fruits also contain a lot of vitamin B2, which is called the “appetite vitamin”! So a carrot-apple salad, even though it is sweet, can be given to your child before a meal - such a dessert will create an appetite!


  • 1 medium sweet carrot;
  • 1 medium-sized juicy apple;
  • Optional: raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sour cream.

Recipe for vitamin carrot-apple salad:

Wash the carrots thoroughly with a brush and peel them. We will also wash the apple, remove seeds, membranes and peel.

Grate the carrots and apple on a coarse or fine grater, as you prefer. If the child is small, it is better to grate on the most delicate grater, which turns the fruit into puree.

Mix grated apple and carrots.

How to dress a salad with carrots and apples

But then it’s a matter of taste! We seasoned it with honey, it’s very tasty when the honey is mixed with carrot and apple juice. If you are allergic to honey, you can sugar it - just a little, because carrots and apples have enough natural sweetness! And you can top it with sour cream or yogurt without additives, you get a different, but also appetizing and healthy taste!

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Healthy food is not always tasty, and even adults understand this, but children feel it intuitively. No one doubts that carrots are healthy, but how can you explain this to a child, or even better, make sure that he himself asks for it for tomorrow, lunch and dinner, or at least does not refuse it three times a week? It's simple - carrot salad in a sweet version.

Main ingredients:

  • carrots - 5 pcs.;
  • dried cranberries - ½ cup;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - ½ pcs.;
  • liquid natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • coriander seeds - to taste.

Cooking method

Wash the carrots, peel and grate them on a coarse grater, but you can also chop them in a food processor. The cranberries are finely chopped and mixed together with the carrots. Squeeze lemon juice and orange into a separate small bowl, and add coriander seeds and liquid honey. Everything is thoroughly mixed and served to the table.

Cooking options: This salad can be not only sweet, but also more savory, with the addition of a richer dressing and garlic. You can also add a little garlic to the sweet version, and use a little frozen red currant instead of cranberries.

To prepare an “adult” version of the salad, you need to complicate the dressing.

Main ingredients:

  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon.

When lemon and orange juice have already been squeezed into a bowl, liquid honey and coriander seeds are added, and the rest of the dressing ingredients (butter, garlic and salt) are added here one by one. If someone doesn’t think it’s enough, you can add ground black pepper, but just a little, more for the look and smell.

The salad is extremely healthy in both sweet and regular versions. It is easy and quick to prepare and can be served daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as an addition (in the case of a regular salad) to serious meat main courses, and for dessert.

Considering the fact that the main component here is carrots, when choosing it you should give preference to a juicy vegetable with pronounced sweetness. Old carrots will not resonate with either children or adults.

Technological map No. 32.

And a description of the cooking technology.

In general, this cheese and carrot salad is made very quickly. The only reason the cooking time is delayed is when cooking the carrots. You understand, this is not a matter of minutes.

Wash the carrots thoroughly, cut out any dark spots and cook. How long to cook depends on its thickness. Just cook until a fork or knife fits into the vegetable fairly loosely. But! Do not overcook, the carrots should not be overcooked or too soft.

Cheese. Everything is simple here. According to technology, it is simply rubbed on a coarse grater. Personally, I also always cut it into strips - since we cut everything, we also cut the cheese at the same time, and it looked prettier to me. But, as they say, you can’t erase words from a song, which means that if the flow chart says “three on a grater,” then that’s what we do. Moreover, after trying it, I was definitely convinced that the taste of the salad did not suffer from this in any way).

Well, the third ingredient is cucumbers. They need to be sorted out, washed in running water, then scalded with boiling water and the “tails” cut off.

Since my cucumbers are not particularly young, and perhaps some of the skin is already starting to taste bitter, I do not scald them, but thinly cut off the skin. It's better to play it safe than to throw out the salad because of the characteristic cucumber bitterness. Cucumbers, like carrots, are cut into small strips.

All that remains is to simply mix everything and season with vegetable oil. If you want, you can add a little salt. But don’t forget that there is a lot of cheese in the salad, which will give the salad that very saltiness, so be careful, especially since we are talking about the children’s version.

Oil must be added immediately before serving.
Well, as I already said, I love and know this cheese and carrot salad with mayonnaise dressing, and I recommend that you try just this option. Just to make it easier, you can take mayonnaise and natural yogurt 50/50 or mix it in the same proportions with sour cream.
Try it, it's ready!