home · Measurements · The powerful magical meaning of Celtic patterns: Celtic amulets. Celtic knot: symbolism, meaning, varieties and features of creation

The powerful magical meaning of Celtic patterns: Celtic amulets. Celtic knot: symbolism, meaning, varieties and features of creation

The name “Celtic” was given to those types of knots and stylized designs that served a decorative function among the ancient Celts. Mostly, church monuments with manuscripts were painted with Celtic knots (notable examples include the Book of Kells, the Lichfield Gospel of the 8th century and the Lindisfarne Gospel. It was from that time that their spread across different countries and cultures of the world began.

The earliest interlocking patterns first appeared during the Roman Empire. And by the 3-4th century, a special form of art was formed from knotted ornaments, which was soon embodied in the form of decorating mosaic floors. Celtic patterns were very popular in the architecture of Ancient Byzantium, as well as in the art of the Celts, Copts and Islamists.

Each of the Celtic patterns is characterized by its own special sacred symbolism. Today, Celtic symbolism is actively used - it can be found on various amulets, amulets and pendants.

The Celts firmly believed that every person is a piece of the World Tree. It was precisely this that he had to achieve at the final stage of his path, after physical death.

For each Celt, a special print was chosen for the amulet, which was believed to correspond with his destiny. It was the symbolism of the ornament that could tell about the state of health, well-being, finances, as well as love - in general, about all the components of a person’s life.

All Celtic patterns are harmoniously intertwined with each other, forming very bizarre figures. All Celtic patterns are characterized by artistry and filigree. It is thanks to their unimaginable aesthetics, mystery and symbolism that they retain their popularity to this day.

In appearance, Celtic patterns are very similar to intricate and cunning labyrinths. At the same time, their main idea is the following: a person is forced to spend his whole life in search of the truth and learn all the facets of his personality.

What do the different Celtic symbols mean?

At the first glance at the mysterious Celtic ornaments, the soul is filled with a very unusual feeling - they attract the eye and simply fascinate. All symbols are not just drawings, but ordinary abstractions, and each symbol has its own meaning.

  • . The cross, to which a circle is added, has a deep meaning. It symbolizes the harmonious combination of all 4 elements or directions of light. At the bottom, the cross always expands - this indicates the increasing needs of a person. The symbol of the cross also exists in the Christian religion and paganism. In the latter he is personified with the energy of the sun. There is an opinion that the Celtic cross can protect against the negative effects of evil spirits and fill its owner with life wisdom.
  • Butterfly - personifies the human soul, and also correlates with the theme of rebirth after death and change.
  • Tree of Life. In Celtic culture, a tree was depicted as arms that reach towards the sky at the top and resemble roots at the bottom. The ancient Celts always believed in the existence of parallel realities. The Tree of Life symbolizes the unification of ordinary life, life in the Higher Worlds and the Underworld.
  • Heart - even the avid Celtic warriors were inherent in romance. So they have a heart symbol, which is drawn as one continuous line. The heart symbolizes the union of two souls.
  • Trefoil (or trixel). It appears very often in Celtic symbolism. The trefoil will indicate the unification of the earth, water and fire elements. It has very strong protective abilities; it will make its owner more successful, lucky and rich.
  • Spirals. They are always triple. The spiral signifies eternity, unceasing spiritual growth, as well as harmony between the physical and spiritual.

The Celts were of the opinion that all ornaments are formed by the Threads of Life and it is unacceptable to change the patterns, because they were given to us by the gods from above. Symbols were carved on stone, also engraved on metal media, and used to decorate books.

At this point in time, Celtic patterns are applied to amulets and amulets. They are also often used in the form of tattoos. Before you decide to settle on a particular Celtic style, it would be a good idea to carefully study the true meaning of the signs. After all, using magical symbols, you inevitably influence your destiny.

Types of Celtic Knots

Let's look at the most commonly used types of Celtic knots.

Protection node

The ancient Celts decorated their homes with similar amulets in order to protect themselves from any misfortunes. In addition, the sacred sign was used on military weapons: it was applied to shields for battle and to the bodies of the warriors themselves. They believed that the symbol had powerful life-affirming energy.

There was also an opinion that the protective knot removes any illness or evil eye from a person and provides protection from all diseases.

As a rule, protective knots were hung near the front door (so that evil could not penetrate inside the home), or above the bed (in this case, the knot provided sweet dreams for the family).

Celtic love knot

It symbolizes the unification of male and female energy, thanks to which the birth of new forms becomes possible, which also “mate” with each other and contribute to the birth of subsequent ones.

The love knot indicates the union of two souls and can help lovers maintain their feelings over many years. If both in a couple have such an amulet, it means that no one can separate them.

There is also a second meaning of the knot of love - the symbol harmoniously combines the mind, body and spirit.

It should be noted that in reality there are no specific shapes that indicate that certain types of knots symbolize love. All this is determined by the human subconscious. For this reason, a heart woven into a trefoil is consciously associated with the manifestation of Love in all the highest senses of the word.

Closed nodes in their various manifestations and forms represent basically infinity, which is clothed in certain qualities of the divine nature. Therefore, they are often used, for example, in black magic, when they want to consolidate some negative qualities, enclosed in a closed knot in an endless series of troubles. To explain this more simply, in practice, the same events begin to repeat in a person’s life, dressed in different external forms.

The process of creating Celtic knots

Knots can be drawn, embroidered or burned - their magical effect does not depend on the method of creation. It is important that the person himself feels subconsciously which of the methods listed above is worth using.

During the creation process, great importance is given to the shape of the nodes. The most popular is the circle shape, which is associated with eternity, infinity and great potential for vital energy.

It becomes possible to strengthen certain qualities, thanks to which they will constantly be present in your life. In other words, the Celtic knot is a manifestation of the cause-and-effect relationship, known to us all by the saying “what goes around comes around.”

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This kind of weaving, when a solid loop is created that has neither beginning nor end, can be called a Celtic knot. Of all the art of the Celts, it is the Celtic knot, the meaning of which for many is still a mystery, that is most famous throughout the world.

What is a Celtic knot?

Celtic weaving, also known as the Celtic knot, is a decorative applied art that is generally believed to have developed under the influence of Christianity. In ancient times, this very weaving was used to decorate the Bible.

In addition, Celtic knots were used to form memorial crosses and precious jewelry. There is a theory that wooden objects and textiles were decorated in this way, but too few examples have survived to this day to be able to say with confidence how widespread such a tradition was.

History of the Celtic Knot

Irish sacred books survive from the seventh century AD. They were already decorated with a Celtic knot. It is believed that the ornament was invented even earlier by Coptic monks, who, in turn, brought its idea from either Syria or Egypt. In any case, the knot passed from the Copts to the Anglo-Saxons, who spread the images throughout Ireland.

Coptic knots, considered the ancestors of Celtic knots, attract attention because of their consistency. They differ from Roman knots and German weaving in the absence of freely hanging ends.

The beauty that conquered the world

Ireland was not the only place where the Celtic knot was widespread; its significance for the cultures of neighboring areas is also great. Weaving quickly gained popularity in Wales and Scotland, and also found its way to Northumbria.

Thanks to the monks of the Celtic Church, especially missionaries traveling to different countries, weaving spread to European countries. The style was adopted some time later by the Vikings. It was from the Celtic knot that the “animal style” so characteristic of the Vikings arose.

Development of the idea of ​​Celtic knots

Over time, images of a variety of animals, mostly fantastic, began to be woven into Celtic knots. This happened under the influence of the cultures of the Picts and Saxons. When the craftsmen and artists of past centuries were able to combine the complexity of knots and the phantasmagoria of imaginary animals, they formed what later became known as “Insular Art” - a unique style of jewelry making and surface decoration, unmatched in both complexity and beauty.

An important law that applies to all Celtic knots: no artist doing work in this genre will leave loose ends hanging. It will either be a spiral, because it is stylized to resemble a part of an animal’s body. A pure knot in Celtic art is infinity in its material embodiment. This is the basic idea of ​​art.

Around the 8th century AD, the Book of Kells was written. To this day, it is the most important source of information about the traditions and patterns of Celtic knots. The book also tells about the various decorative ornaments common among the Celts. The paintings collected in the Book of Kells are incomparable in their beauty to any other applied art.

Giraldus of Cumbria, a scientist who lived in the 13th century, stated: The Book of Kells is a gift to people from angels. Much later, the famous modern author Umberto Eco expressed the opinion that the Book of Kells is nothing more than the fruit of hallucinations.

Recent decades have been characterized by a surge of interest in Celtic culture in general and the arts and crafts in particular. Of course, Celtic knots immediately came out on top. True, the samples that are created these days are nothing more than copies of truly real historical works. However, there are several artists who have approached the issue thoroughly - guided by information about previous technologies that have survived to this day, they create more and more new patterns, complex, striking the imagination with their beauty.

Subtleties of Celtic knot meanings

Nowadays, the issue of the symbolism of the Celtic knot has become very complex. It is difficult to determine what the real significance is - this requires serious archaeological research. Probably, a lot can be learned from those church books that were customarily decorated with Celtic knots. There is an assumption that the continuity of the loop is a reference to eternity. All elements of the product are dependent on one another and, probably, this also refers to the ideology of Christianity: help your neighbor.

Another theory says that Celtic knots were woven to protect against evil forces and spirits from the other world. When human figures or silhouettes of phantasmagoric creatures were woven into the knots, this was probably supposed to reflect the interconnection of all living things. If two or more knots were woven, this reflected the connection between the divine and the human.

Sometimes knots were woven to forever tie two people in love, and special motifs were made for hunters so that they would return only with prey. Of course, there were Celtic amulets. These were believed to be very powerful amulets. Needless to say, to this day many sincerely believe in this.

If you study modern editions of the New Testament, you will notice: here and there there are pictures of supposedly Celtic knots. You should not pay much attention to them; such samples do not carry any meaning. These are just decorative elements.

The Celts remain in the distant past, and this makes it difficult to understand their art. Today, only archaeologists and symbolic scientists can unravel the symbolism of knots. Those Celtic symbols that have survived to this day are interpreted by people completely differently, not in the same way as the ancient people themselves perceived them. This is not surprising, because the realities of life have undergone significant changes.

Meanings: general rule

A general rule has been developed to help understand the meaning of Celtic knots. It cannot be said that it works in 100% of cases, however, it almost always works, especially if the knot is relatively simple.

The shape of the drawing is what first lifts the veil of secrecy and explains the Celtic symbols. If some animal is woven into the knot, this means that the creator wanted to convey a trait, a sign that is most characteristic of this creature.

The circle in the Celtic knot is intended to represent the idea of ​​unity and eternity. Rebirth and the endless cycle of life are depicted as a spiral. To depict the sea, the greatness of heaven and earth in a knot, the Celts resorted to triangles and trefoils. The protective functions were carried out by square and rectangular elements of the pattern. To reflect the close relationship between nature and man, figures of people and animals were woven.

What is a Celtic amulet knot?

The most famous amulet based on the Celtic knot is the Taliesin knot. It received its name from the name of a bard who lived in the 6th century and was known for his prophetic abilities. Taliesin was a druid, and therefore the knot named after him helps to reveal talents and abilities for mysticism, and also protects against black magic, hostile witchcraft and demons. A talisman depicting Celtic symbols will help you discover the truth, cope with your fears and find the path to omniscience.

The Big Knot is also known. Such an amulet was supposed to protect a person. The influence of the amulet is strongest in interpersonal relationships, and only good ones. The Celtic knot is very different from the Gordian knot, since it is impossible to cut, much less untie, the weaving. It is equally impossible to comprehend infinity or to dominate eternity. But the amulet based on the Celtic knot shows that you can forever connect yourself with infinity.

The main purpose of an amulet with a Celtic knot is protection from unpleasant events. The amulet protects from difficulties and helps to overcome obstacles; it can help cope with an illness or enhance certain personality traits of its owner. A Celtic knot made from cord is usually made by an expert in knot magic, a sorcerer or a healer. Sometimes a person weaves Celtic knots for amulets for himself.

When creating a knot amulet, you need to correctly program it to help yourself, subjugate it and put a piece of yourself, your will, into the amulet. Only then will it work. You cannot give an amulet knot as a gift, but you can inherit it. If you really want to give such a gift, you can give a blank, which the person can then customize for himself. However, if you give a ready-made amulet, it can become a talisman for good luck.

What is a Celtic Love Knot?

The Celtic love knot is an amulet that people have trusted with their deepest feelings for many centuries. This talisman is a symbol of the unity of two hearts. It has become widespread in different cultures, and today the Celtic love knot can be found almost all over the world. Endless hopes, the interweaving of feelings and faith, the confidence that love will never end - all this is embodied in the endless Celtic love knot. It helps two lovers link their lives forever; it can become an oath of fidelity for them.

Knots were very important in Celtic magic, and the love knot was especially highly valued. Its use in love magic was characteristic not only of the Druids of the 6th-8th centuries, it has survived to this day. A powerful egregor still has power today, because people’s ability to love has not decreased.

A closed knot of love has no end or beginning, symbolizing the fact that love is changeable, diverse, it changes smoothly and changes people, connecting them with each other. The essence of the Celtic love knot is to create the most favorable situation for two soul mates. Two people decide their destiny, create a path in life, guided not only by their passions, but also by God’s providence, and the harmony and symmetry of the love amulet helps them in this. Smooth Celtic weaving excludes any manifestation of destructive chaos.

Exchange a Celtic love knot - imprint your feelings on heavenly tablets. This ritual is no less important than, say, the exchange of wedding rings.

What can you use to make a Celtic knot?

Celtic knots can be made from a variety of materials. If these are decorative patterns for decorating expensive books, for example, the Bible, then they can be woven or woven from a thin cord. This is how you can make a bookmark for a book.

If we are talking about an amulet, amulet or decoration, the Celtic knot can be made from a variety of materials. For example, a Celtic beaded knot is considered a popular decoration these days. Besides:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • wool.

Of course, it is better to use completely natural materials. However, if a child wants to weave a friendship bracelet with the image of a Celtic knot, ordinary floss threads will suit him. In general, the choice of material remains entirely at the discretion of the one who decided to make a Celtic knot or an ornament stylized as Celtic knots.

Celtic knot weaving patterns

Would you like to make a Celtic knot? The weaving pattern is here.

Weaving a Celtic knot from beads:

You can also weave a Celtic knot according to this pattern:

Good luck in creating unique ornaments!

Our ancestors believed that in the entire universe there is no force more powerful than love. The ancient Celts also agreed with this. It was they who created the unique amulet Celtic Love Knot, which unites within itself the unity and inseparability of two loving hearts. Love is multifaceted and endless in its “chaotic movement.” Such a message is hidden in this amulet. Despite everyday problems, the Celtic Love Knot will help you find among thousands of people the only one with whom fate is destined to create an unbreakable family union for the rest of your life. This talisman is universal - suitable for women and men.

Description and meaning

According to ancient ideas, it is in the human heart that the meeting and unity of two principles takes place - the bodily and the Divine. For this reason, true Love arises and “burns” with fire inside each of us. The Celtic Love Knot amulet will not teach you to love if there is emptiness in your soul - it will only strengthen the sincere feelings that you will experience for the chosen one of your hand and heart. The amulet indicates the spiritual union of two souls and helps lovers maintain passion and desire throughout their lives. The Celtic love knot carries the idea of ​​continuity. If both of a couple wear a silver talisman, no one will be able to separate them.

This ancient symbol harmoniously combines three important components of every person: mind, body and spirit. In essence, this ornament is a closed loop, symbolizing the connection between life and eternity. The Celtic love knot is associated with a journey through life through a series of changes and intricate labyrinths of events. The trefoil or trixel symbolizes the unity of three elements: Earth, Water and Fire. The ancient Celts believed that this sign was endowed with powerful protective properties and also attracted money and good luck. Wearing this amulet, a person will not only meet his soulmate, but will also be in an unbridled search for truth, learning the hidden facets of his own personality.

Scope of application

A person’s entire life is an interweaving of destinies, actions, thoughts and roads. Finding your happiness in this chaos is sometimes very difficult. This is why the Celtic Love Knot was created. It brings two lonely hearts into a single whole, protects love relationships, and gives protection from infidelity. If you are rushing between two partners, unable to decide who to give preference to, a silver amulet will help you make the right decision. The Celtic Love Knot is ideal as a wedding gift as it symbolizes everlasting and faithful love. The talisman will also help revive relationships that are on the verge of breaking (provided that the feelings between lovers are sincere). You can buy the Celtic Love Knot amulet in our online store.

The Celtic knot is a tattoo that is especially common among strong and purposeful men. It is believed that such a design on the body helps to gain the fearlessness of the Celtic warrior and his faith in victory in everything and always. The mysterious meaning of the symbol has not been fully solved, but this article presents the main theories for interpreting the Celtic knot from the point of view of different times and peoples.

History of the symbol

Despite the name, the Celtic knot, like other similar ornaments, is a mixture of Slavic, Byzantine, Gothic, and Indo-Aryan styles. The Celts were a militant and numerous people, which affected their culture.
The Celtic knot was first depicted on belt buckles, horse harnesses, when painting church monuments, etc. It was believed that this image protected people in battle and protected them from evil spirits. The knot is formed from endless and continuous curved lines that form an intricate pattern. This symbolizes the complexity of life's path, as well as its cyclical nature.
Later, the Celtic knot began to be used in black magic. It was used to consolidate harmful spells, as if imprisoning a person in an eternal series of failures and misfortune.
Some scholars argue that the symbol can also be seen as a Celtic cross. The individual parts of the knot actually form something similar to crosses, so the meanings of these two signs are similar.

Tattoo meaning

The Celtic knot consists of a combination of lines, loops and spirals that have no end. These structures of the symbol are usually called threads of life. They symbolize the relationship between all living beings and world events, as well as the infinity of life. The main belief of the Celts was reincarnation, because thoughts about rebirth allowed them to feel braver in battle and not be afraid of death. The shape and structure of the individual parts of the knot did not change over the years, as the people were sure that the symbols were messages from the gods.

Celtic knot designs seem to convey the intricacy and diversity of nature, and the threads of life form a map of the path with their own complex plots and loops. The symbol also means the point of intersection of heavenly and earthly forces or the human soul and body. In a tattoo, the Celtic knot primarily symbolizes a graphic representation of a person’s life path with all its joys and problems.

If we briefly characterize the meaning of most Celtic ornaments, we can highlight the following basic ideas:

  • Continuity of the world;
  • The cyclical nature of life and the fight against death;
  • The inextricable connection between human soul and body;
  • Spiritual growth (in drawings with a spiral);
  • Revival and fearlessness;
  • Eternity of existence.

It is worth considering some popular patterns separately. The Celtic knot of protection tattoo was very common among the Celts themselves. They also applied this image to their shields or other military paraphernalia. It was believed that this protected in battle and also protected from evil forces. In a modern interpretation, such a tattoo protects against magical influences, and also allows you to use the wisdom of your ancestors when making an important decision - it simply “suggests” the correct answer.

The Celtic knot, which has a triple helix in its structure, means the trinity of spirit, as well as the combination of these three energies at one point. Among the pagans, the triangle was the embodiment of the three stages of a single goddess, the feminine principle as a whole - Virgo, Mother and Crone. During the Age of Enlightenment, the interpretation changed somewhat; the three parts of the knot symbolized the unity of Body, Spirit and Mind. In Christianity, the symbol has always embodied the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is believed that a tattoo with this sign is suitable for representatives of even ancient religions, since in almost every belief there is a triad, which is symbolized by the Celtic knot.
In addition, the spiral structure of the Celtic knot also symbolizes the improvement of the human soul - through many deaths and rebirths, he will still be able to become closer to the perfection of the Lord. In modern tattoo culture, this means a person’s desire for self-development, knowledge of the world and himself, the desire to improve and even feel superior to other people.

One of the Celtic patterns often used in couples tattoos is the love knot. It combines two principles. This symbolizes spiritual closeness, unity and fusion of lovers, as well as eternal fidelity to each other.

Placing a tattoo on the body

Traditionally, this tattoo is tattooed on the arm: shoulder or forearm. The first option can be considered especially successful when combining several different Celtic ornaments or any other tattoos. Less commonly, tattoos are placed on the back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades or on the lower back), neck or back of the lower leg. Women sometimes get a tattoo between their breasts near the heart.

Color spectrum

From the photo of a Celtic knot tattoo you can see that it is almost always done in black or dark gray. Rarely do masters offer their clients to combine several shades in different parts of the symbol - this will symbolize individual stages in life. In couple tattoos, two beginnings are often performed in different colors as the embodiment of the two souls of lovers.

Celtic knot for men and women

Initially, the Celtic knot was worn exclusively by men, as it was a symbol of a warrior and conqueror. Nowadays, little has changed, and such a tattoo is almost impossible to find on a woman’s body. However, strong-willed women can wear a Celtic knot to gain self-confidence and even acquire some masculine character traits.

Tattoo styles

In fact, such a tattoo can be done exclusively in one style - Celtic (Celtic tattoo style). This is due not only to established traditions, but also to certain rules for applying designs to the body. Each element of the knot carries an important meaning, and using any other style simply deprives the symbol of any meaning, and it simply turns into a beautiful tattoo. If you are attracted to this particular option, we can recommend techniques such as graphics, linework, tribal or dotwork.

You can learn more about Celtic patterns and their meaning from this article. They not only look beautiful in jewelry and on clothes, but also carry a secret meaning that not everyone knows.

In the article:

Celtic patterns and their meaning

Almost all Celtic ornaments and patterns imitate weaving. Sometimes they resemble braids, fabrics or baskets. Many magicians believe that witchcraft is woven, so there is an opinion that all Celtic patterns have a secret meaning and are not just decoration.

Celtic patterns

All knots that make up Celtic weaving are made from one thread - the Thread of Life. In fact, they symbolize a person’s entire life path or certain segments of it. The Celts considered it impossible to modify the ornament, since it was given to them by the gods.

Currently, jewelry in this style is very popular. In Celtic times, these symbols were engraved on metal and carved into stone, and in the Middle Ages, monks decorated handwritten books with them. If you are going to acquire such a talisman, you should first decide on a specific symbol and find out about its meaning.

Celtic amulets - symbols

Labyrinth - it is a symbolic image of a person’s life path. This sign was most often used by monks when copying books by hand; it can be seen on every paper rarity. It personifies the continuity of life of the Universe and the connection of all things that are within it. This is a good talisman for those who are engaged in developing their abilities, understanding the world, and not only the one that is visible to everyone. Great option for meditation.

They have a rich history. Their appearance has many features similar to labyrinths. The cross has always been considered a symbol of the union between earth and heaven, man and woman. This is a sign of support from higher powers and harmony. Wearing it for a long time can lead to expanding the boundaries of consciousness and horizons.

Spirals symbolize human spiritual growth. Celtic spiral charms are usually triple. This is a symbol of the triple nature of man and the Universe, the inner harmony between mind, body and spirit.

Classic weaving, which can be seen in the margins of ancient books, symbolizes the spiritual and life path, fate, so to speak.

Celtic amulets - animals and birds

Celtic means freedom and liberation of the human soul from connection with the world of the living. It can help in communicating with otherworldly forces, push the boundaries of consciousness and let something new into it. The Celts considered birds to be messengers of the gods, so amulets with their images help in fortune telling, dream interpretation and any attempts to find out what is hidden.

If we talk about birds more specifically, then raven and pheasant - these are the birds with which the Celtic traditions require soothsayers to wear amulets. In addition, the raven in many cultures was considered a symbol of death. Pigeon - a bird of spirituality, peace and, as in most traditions.

Partridge considered a bird of cunning. If you lack this quality, you can get a Celtic amulet with a partridge. Duck helped to gain additional vitality and desire to develop. Heron was a bird of vigilance. An amulet with a heron made it possible to prevent deception and betrayal.

Albatross meant movement towards perfection and the desire to gain wisdom.

The Celts considered it an amulet of healing. This is not only a suitable option for a sick person, but also for someone who is involved in healing the sick, such as a doctor or medical student. Besides, snake It also symbolizes wisdom, restoration, rebirth, spiritual resilience and brings additional vital energy.

Deer in many Celtic legends he was a guide who accompanied the hero to his goal. The amulet with it will help in spiritual quests, bring prosperity and abundance. It is best suited for men, as it enhances the corresponding character traits. The amulet brings additional vital energy and makes a person more active, but within reasonable limits.

Celtic horse - this is fertility, motherhood, etc. A good amulet option for those who are interested in horse riding, gardening, or involved in nature conservation. Perfect for women because it can help conceive a child and give birth easily, maintain youth and gain inner and outer beauty. Such a talisman can be a strong source of female vitality.

Dolphin among the Celts it symbolized spiritual cleansing.

Dog - loyalty, caution and protection. In the past, such amulets were believed to bring healing, protection on the road, and additional vitality. Those who wear it will rarely remember being tired. Brings good luck and goodwill to people.

Fish mean the search for secret knowledge, wisdom and the development of divination abilities.

Boar is responsible for hospitality, the ability to communicate with people and organize holidays. It brings wealth and is well suited to people who make it their goal to be the life of the party. At the same time, the boar provides protection and teaches you to stand up for yourself.

Butterflies among the Celts they were a symbol of change, rebirth and new beginnings. They believed that the spirits of the deceased could appear in this world in the form of butterflies. This is a sign of remembrance of one's ancestors and honoring one's family, reincarnation and the ability to develop.

Bulls necessary for those who want to gain self-confidence, improve health, physical strength, endurance and character. An excellent amulet for men.

Amulet with an image lion better suited for men. It develops appropriate character traits, strengthens health and physical strength, teaches nobility and reveals the positive qualities of a person.

Other Celtic symbols and amulets

Dragons existed in many cultures, not just Celtic. The latter gave amulets with their image the ability to see clearly, not to be deceived, and to grant the ability to divination and witchcraft. They have protective properties. In legends, dragons were guardians of sources of sacred knowledge from the uninitiated, and their lairs personified places of power, the acquisition of wisdom and sources of energy. In addition, an amulet with a Celtic dragon amulet grants independence and the ability to control people.

sacred tree is the embodiment of the Tree of Life. Such an amulet brings wisdom and vitality, promotes the development of intuition and magical abilities, and gives longevity and good health.

Leaves often seen in Celtic symbols and amulets. Their interpretation depends on the type of wood. The leaves, in general, symbolize the energy of the tree and the gods to whom it is dedicated. The Celts attached great importance to plants, so interpretations of images of fruits and leaves will depend on