home · On a note · Nikita Dzhigurda with new girl Donna. Dzhigurda has a new passion - Donna Luna

Nikita Dzhigurda with new girl Donna. Dzhigurda has a new passion - Donna Luna

Having divorced figure skater Marina Anisina, Nikita Dzhigurda plunged headlong into a new relationship. His next lover was a lady calling herself Donna Luna. Nikita met her at the recording of a television program about the magic of precious stones. Donna is a jewelry designer. She lives in Italy, although she is originally from Russia, and speaks excellent Russian.

As stated on Donna's website, she is the creator of Jewelry Magic Theatre. The woman is interested in mysticism and esotericism, so she and Nikita found common topics of conversation. Donna shared a photo on social networks: she and Nikita are sitting at a table on which there are ceramic phalluses of different sizes...

They say that during the recording of the TV show, Dzhigurda not only talked about the magic of stones, but also hit on the new “goddess”. And after the program, he invited her to visit him and get to know her better. The lady didn't refuse...

They have a romantic relationship. She has been staying in his Moscow apartment for several days. More precisely, this is the apartment of his ex-wife Marina Anisina,” ex-director of Dzhigurda Antonina Savrasova told KP. – Having learned about Nikita’s new muse, Marina demanded to vacate her home. She said that she would rent out square meters: she needed money. Nikita simply has nowhere to live, but his current enchantress is a wealthy woman, has real estate in Italy, as well as Italian citizenship. So if he has to go to the court, he won’t stay on the street. A designer from Italy is going to promote her jewelry line in Russia, and she probably needs Dzhigurda for PR purposes. And personal relationships will only add sensuality.

How is Dzhigurda’s relationship with Anisina going?

They essentially don't have a relationship. He persuaded Marina to write an open letter to the President of France about how Nikita “is oppressed in Russia, they do not give him an inheritance.” Dzhigurda assures that he dreams of becoming a French citizen and asking for political asylum.

The showman created an entreprise performance in which, of course, he gave the main role to himself. And he invited the no less scandalous actor Alexei Panin as a partner. As planned, this will be a performance in verse (directed by the author himself) of “two sexual brawlers.” Alexey Panin has already given Nikita his consent to become his partner on stage. Dzhigurda noted that for such deadly charismatic men as he and Panin, he composed a plot with an erotic context. However, they didn’t expect any other context from Dzhigurda...

Tags: Dzhigurda, Donna Luna

The whole country is following the unpredictable relationship between Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina: the couple either filed for divorce or got back together. Today they held a big press conference to finally tell whether there was a love polygon.

Nikita Dzhigurda declares at every corner that he is faithful to his “goddess Anis” - Marina Anisina. However, in early October, images began to appear online: they show the showman passionately hugging the Italian Donna Luna.

Posted by NIKITA DZHIGURDA (18+) (@instadzhigurda) Oct 1, 2017 at 8:51 PDT

Only in May did Anisina and Dzhigurda kiss tenderly in public. Then, two months after the official divorce, the couple reunited. The press conference was more like a wedding, with a crowd of journalists as witnesses. And today three people are sitting in the same place. “Goddess Anise”, a shocking actor and the one whom the press dubbed his mistress. The languid lady with a fan is Italian designer Donna Luna.

Donna Luna does not recognize her relationship with Dzhigurda.

One person in the field is not a warrior, so by the will of heaven I am next to him, like a magic stone. I want to officially declare that Nikita Borisovich is just my space brother!

Donna Luna, Italian designer.

Dzhigurda met Donna at a recording of a TV show about the magic of precious stones. She is a jewelry designer who lives in Italy, although she is originally from Russia. The woman is interested in mysticism and esotericism - there were many common themes with Nikita! After recording the show, the actor allegedly hit on the new “goddess.” Footage of the couple in bed and without clothes was leaked to the press. Only the actor has his own, non-erotic version: the footage is from the set.

I have this video on my phone. Marina knows, Donna and I are just filming a video for the New Year!

And Marina Anisina confirms the words of Nikita Dzhigurda.

I knew Donna Luna, we talked. And I saw the filming of the video in full

Marina Anisina, Olympic champion in figure skating.

Simultaneously with rumors about Dzhigurda’s “fresh” romance, photographs and videos from Anisina’s Instagram appeared in the press, where she was with a certain man.

Posted by Marina Anisina (@marinanisina) Oct 20, 2017 at 2:57 PDT

A figure skater in the arms of French chef Roman Ducasse. The caption to the video of their dance together reads: “Roma dances no worse than Nikita Borisovich!” The public verdict is a novel!

All this has been going on since the moment we declared our rights under the will of Lyudmila Bratash. The public is thus distracted from the main thing. The emphasis is on personal life, on dirty laundry, which we don’t have!

Nikita Dzhigurda, People's Artist of Chechnya.

The artist assures that the Frenchman is just a friend for Marina; black realtors want to quarrel between him and his wife. The court just sided with Nikita and Marina in the high-profile case of the multimillion-dollar inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash, the godmother of the children of Anisina and Dzhigurda. Bratash died under very mysterious circumstances. She left all her money (which is 800 million rubles), as well as how many apartments in Moscow and France, to the outrageous couple. However, the relatives of the deceased entered the struggle for the inheritance; they claimed that the will was fake. The trial lasted almost two years. The couple themselves celebrated 10 years since their first meeting in July.

Anisina and Dzhigurda have two children - son Mick Angel Christ and daughter Eva-Vlada. The whole country could follow the birth of her youngest online: the actor filmed the birth and posted it online.

2017 was a test for their marriage. The figure skater filed for divorce, she stated that she was tired of her husband’s crazy antics and infidelities. Dzhigurda told everyone: his wife flew to France, to her lover - former figure skating partner Gwendal Peyzero. In early May, Anisina surprised fans with a selfie with Dzhigurda and announced that he had been forgiven. The couple's eternal honeymoon, despite the gossip, continues.

A few days ago on Instagram Nikita Dzhigurda Photos appeared with a spectacular brunette. The mysterious stranger turned out to be a lady calling herself Donna Luna Venice.

The artist met the beauty on the set of the program “Nostalgia for a Miracle,” which will air on the Nostalgia TV channel on Friday, October 13.

According to reviews from Dzhigurda’s acquaintances, in recent days he has almost never parted with his new acquaintance.

A post shared by NIKITA DZHIGURDA (18+)(@instadzhigurda) on Oct 1, 2017 at 4:02am PDT

Donna Luna is the owner of a jewelry house. Her father is Venetian, but the beauty speaks excellent Russian and has been doing business in Russia for several years. According to Donna Luna, the secret to success is not to be afraid of change:

“You need to love your job more than the money it brings. There is a mystery in each of us, you just need to discover it in yourself. Whatever you do, the main thing is that it is interesting to you. For example, 10 years ago I was doing a completely different business - I had several stores, and I also acted as an intermediary in the field of luxury gifts in the city of Lugano. I had a position in society, a stable income, but I didn’t have the feeling of flying. Having left everything, I left for Venice, changing my profession and life.”

Obviously, that’s why the businesswoman was not afraid of the fickle and unpredictable gentleman. At a party for the opening of a new restaurant, the artist merged with Donna Luna in a hot embrace while dancing.

Donna Luna herself does not advertise her close relationship with Dzhigurda. A joint photo with the artist on her blog alternates with photographs of other spectacular men.

The beauty accompanied the frame depicting Dzhigurda and Donna Luna with the comment: “Ah... Russian Men... it’s hard to resist... but I’ll try” (the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. - Ed.).

However, according to StarHit, Donna Luna is staying in the same apartment where Nikita lives. For this reason, the owner of the apartment, the actor’s ex-wife Marina Anisina, demanded that he vacate the premises.

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Let us recall that in the summer Dzhigurda made peace with Anisina and more than once shared joint photos during the holidays in France. Back in early September, the actor published photo reports from Greece, where he traveled with his ex-wife and children.

Dzhigurda explained to his fans that he has every right to communicate with other women: “Anisina is my married wife. I am faithful to Her Soul. But on the physical level we are divorced according to Her desire! So, I dance with whoever I want and how I want.” The artist added in an obscene form that he does not have sex with anyone except his ex-wife.

Dzhigurda said: “if Anisina falls in love with another man, I will let her go peacefully, without scandals (10 years ago I told Marina the same thing), because I love this unique WOMAN with divine LOVE!”

Marina Anisina kicks her ex-husband Nikita Dzhigurda out of her Moscow apartment.

According to media reports, Anisina decided to do this because her husband had an affair with an Italian of Russian origin, Donna Luna.

Nikita Dzhigurda and Donna Luna met on the set of a program about precious stones and their magical properties. Donna Luna is not only a jewelry designer. She is also interested in esotericism and mysticism. Donna Luna and Nikita Dzhigurda quickly found common topics for conversation.

As the ex-director of Dzhigurda Antonina Savrasova said, Luna spent several days in Anisina’s apartment.

“They definitely have a romantic relationship. Marina Anisina found out about the actor’s new muse and asked to immediately vacate the apartment. As far as I know, new acquaintances are going to cooperate,” Savrasova noted.

Dzhigurda himself writes in his Instagram that he is faithful to his married wife with his soul. According to him, he can “dance” with anyone, but he does not cross the line and only tantrates other goddesses.


The flamboyant Russian showman began going out with his Italian mistress, whose name is Donna Luna.

He met her on the set of a program dedicated to magic stones.

Donna Luna works in the jewelry business and lives in Italy. But lately the spectacular brunette has been visiting Russia more and more often. At one of the events organized in honor of the opening of the restaurant, Dzhigurda danced and warmly hugged Donna Luna.

As journalists found out through Nikita's former director Antonina Savrasova, Donna Luna moved into the apartment where the actor lives. Let us remind you that Dzhigurda’s Moscow apartments belong, according to documents, to Marina Anisina.

“Having learned about Nikita’s new muse, Marina demanded to vacate her home. She said that she would rent out square meters: she needed money. Nikita simply has nowhere to live, but his current enchantress is a wealthy woman, has real estate in Italy, as well as Italian citizenship. So if he has to go to the court, he won’t stay on the street. A designer from Italy is going to promote her jewelry line in Russia, and she probably needs Dzhigurda for PR purposes. And personal relationships will only add sensuality,” said Savrasova.

Let us remind you. In the summer, the actor managed to make peace with Marina Anisina. They spent a romantic holiday in France with their children. However, apparently, the former spouses did not dare to resume their romantic relationship. Dzhigurda explains that he sees nothing reprehensible in flirting with other ladies.

“Anisina is my married wife. I am true to her soul. But on a physical level we are divorced according to her wishes! So I dance with whom I want and how I want. But if Anisina falls in love with another man, I will let her go peacefully, without scandals (10 years ago I told Marina the same thing), because I love this unique woman with divine love,” Dzhigurda explained.