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Night of Predestination c. What happens on the Night of al-Qadr. When the night falls Al-Qadr

The Night of Laylatul-Qadr, the Night of Al-Qadr, the Night of Predestination, or the Night of Power is a particularly revered night among Muslims, which comes in the blessed month of Ramadan.

The Qur'an says that the night of Destiny al-Qadr is better than a thousand months without it.

What is the Night of Power and Predestination al-Qadr

The night of al-Qadr is one of the most revered nights in Islam, when the Prophet Muhammad revealed the first surah of the Quran in 610 in the Hira cave of Jabal an-Nur mountain.

That night, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the praying Muhammad and, pointing to the scroll, said: “Read!” (Koran!). At this time, it is customary to ask God for forgiveness for sins and read the Koran.

The name of the night Laylatul-Qadr or al-Qadr is translated from Arabic into Russian as the Night of Predestination and Power. It can also be translated as “crowdedness.” According to legend, on this night such a huge number of angels descend to earth that they feel crowded.

There is also another translation - “limitedness”. This interpretation is explained by the fact that knowledge about which night of the next month of Ramadan will be Laylatul-Qadr is deliberately limited by the Almighty.

When is the Night of al-Qadr

The exact date of the holy night is unknown to anyone; it usually falls on the last 10 days of Ramadan fasting. Many theologians pay attention to the night of the 27th day of the month of Ramadan, saying that this is the most likely time.

The Quran mentions the numbers 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. The Prophet Muhammad instructed: “Wait for the coming of the night of destiny on one of the last ten odd nights of Ramadan.” That is, the night of al-Qadr can occur on any odd number, starting from the 21st and ending with the 29th night of the Holy month of Ramadan.

Muslim believers spend these days of fasting in intense prayer so as not to miss that very night of Predestination.

It is not without reason that some famous scientists said: “A person should look for Laylatul-qadr in every night of the year.

Most Islamic scholars believe that Night falls precisely on the night of the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan. In this regard, solemn and festive events at both the state and local levels dedicated to this significant event are often held on the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan.

The holy night begins immediately after sunset and lasts until dawn, ending at the time of morning prayer.

Signs of the Night of Predestination

This night is special: it can be distinguished from others by certain signs.

On this quiet, calm, cloudless night there is no precipitation, it is full of brilliance and radiance, the trees are bowing, and a special aroma is in the air.

And the sun rises in the morning without rays, like the full moon, and the sunrise is unusual, gentle, distinguished by a special light.

If you did not notice these signs, this does not mean that the Night of Destiny did not happen, because not everyone sees and notices them.

What happens on the Night of al-Qadr

The hadiths say that Muslims regretted not having enough time to do good deeds due to the brevity of earthly life.

In this regard, the Almighty sent them a special night, in which the mercy of Allah is manifested more strongly than on ordinary days.

On this night, worship of the Lord, like any good deeds, even the most mundane and everyday ones, are more significant in terms of Divine reward than those that were performed over a thousand months.

The power of the Night of al-Qadr lies in the fact that the reward for prayer performed at this time is equal to that which would be rewarded for reciting prayer for a thousand months, or 83 years.

How to celebrate the Night of Power

In Laylatul-Qadr, the best pastime for a Muslim is considered to be performing repentance (tawba) in order to earn the forgiveness of the Almighty for the sins committed. On this Night you need to perform missed prayers, read the Koran, forgive past grievances, think about your deepest dreams and turn to the Almighty with your most heartfelt requests.

It is no coincidence that Muslims prefer to spend the Night of Laylatul-Qadr in the mosque. If for each letter of the Koran read at other times one reward (sawab) is given, in the month of Ramadan - from ten to a thousand, then on the night of al-Qadr - up to 30 thousand rewards.

Missing the Night is considered an irreparable loss. Believers also need to perform additional prayer and at least one good deed during the last ten days of Ramadan. If a person is not able to spend the whole night in worship, it is advisable to at least enliven the last third of the night with service.

The best thing for a person would be to perform repentance - tawbah, that is, raising both the heart and tongue a prayer to Allah Almighty to forgive all his sins.

On this night, people should try to make up for missed prayers, read the Holy Quran, forgive past grievances, analyze their mistakes and make good plans for the future.

What to ask for on the Night of Power

On the night, the Almighty predetermines the fate of every person, as well as the difficulties and trials that he is destined to go through.

On this night you can and should ask for a good future, voice your cherished dreams, ask the Almighty for help. You can also ask for your relatives or loved ones.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia recalled that sincere prayers to the Almighty during the Night of Power and Predestination can change the course of the fate of the person asking.

“Naturally, a person must work on himself, there is no medicine that you can take like a pill and change. A person himself must strive to make himself better, cleaner and more correct. This is why such a blessed month is given. Through fasting we realize a lot, we become imbued with a state of grace,” Abbyasov added.

History and meaning of the Night of Predestination

The name of the blessed night in Arabic sounds like Laylatul-Qadr or Al-Qadr, which translated into Russian means the Night of Predestination or Power. The definition of Kadyr tun is common among Kazakhs.

Scientists give different interpretations to the word "frame", some translate it as "crowdedness". It is interesting that for many centuries different peoples have been passing on a legend from mouth to mouth that on this night it becomes cramped for a huge number of angels who descend to earth.

Muslims believe that it was on the Night of Predestination and Power that the angel Jebrail descended to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Holy Quran on one of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan.

Also in the hadiths (traditions about the words of the prophet - Sputnik) it is said that Muslims were sad about the insufficient amount of time allotted for doing good deeds due to the brevity of life itself. In this regard, the Almighty sent down a special night for them, in which the mercy of Allah is manifested more strongly than usual.

The power of the Night of Power is that the reward for prayer performed on the holy night is similar to if the prayer was recited for a thousand months, or 83 years.

When the night falls Al-Qadr

The Muslim holy book, the Koran, states that the Night of Destiny occurs in the month of Ramadan, but the exact date is not mentioned.

It is generally accepted that this night falls on the last ten nights of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Followers of Islam believe that it would be a big mistake to spend only one night of Ramadan in worship of the Almighty.

The sacred scriptures mention numbers such as 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. Devout Muslims spend these days in intense prayer in order to find that very night of Predestination. The holy night comes immediately after sunset and ends with dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time for morning prayer.

Signs of a Holy Night

According to popular beliefs, recognizing the Night of Predestination will not be difficult, because only it has its own special shine. In addition, on the Night of Predestination and Power, no stars fall, and not a single cloud remains in the sky. Believers say that it is after a special night that the sun rises as a soft red disk without rays, like the full moon on a cloudless night.

How to celebrate the Night of Predestination

Before the onset of the Night of Destiny, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), as well as rid the head, soul and heart of negative thoughts.

On this night, one should ask for forgiveness for sins committed, do tawba (repentance), remember the Prophet Muhammad and turn to the Almighty in the language in which it is easier to express one’s thoughts. On the night of Al-Qadr, you should listen to your heart, and be energetic and patient in your affairs.

It is recommended to prepare a short list of duas (requests) on the holy night. To pray, you should wake up relatives in the house if they are sleeping. Mosque servants advise you to get some sleep at lunchtime before the Night of Power, and not to fill your stomach for iftar (breaking the fast).


Missing Kadyr Tun is considered an irreparable loss, so Muslims try to stay awake at night and wait for its arrival.

Some believe that on the Night of Predestination, the mythical character Kydyr Ata, whose name was mentioned in legends even before the spread of Islam, comes to a Muslim’s house. According to legends, people used to wait for the elder and meet him behind a covered dastarkhan.

Secrets of the sacred night

Theologians have more than once expressed the opinion that the exact time of the onset of the Night of Destiny is hidden from Muslims so that they would be far from sin and purify their thoughts every night.

On a special night, all Muslims breathe a sigh of relief, because the devil is bound in chains and cannot harm anyone. Believers compare the intrigue with the onset of the Night of Al-Qadr to the mystery of the coming of the End of the World.

Some are convinced that on the Night of Predestination even trees bend completely to the ground, only a special person with a high spiritual status can see this.

This year, the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan fell on the evening of May 5 and will last until June 4. At the end of the holy month, June 5, the universal Muslim holiday will begin - Oraza Ait.

One of the most blessed and significant events in the Muslim calendar is the Night of Predestination (or power - Laylatul-Qadr or Laylatul-Qadr). Her special status is evidenced by the fact that the Merciful and Merciful dedicated an entire sura to her in His Revelation, which is called “al-Qadr”.

Our Creator explains in its opening verses:

“The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months. On this night the angels and Gabriel descend by the permission of their Lord according to all His commands" (97:3-4)

“Better than a thousand months” in this case means that any good deed performed on the Night of Power, be it prayer, almsgiving or any other act, in terms of the amount of its reward will exceed the reward that a person could receive by performing this act for a period of time. 1000 months (or 83 years - an entire human life). It is for this reason that believers try to seek this night in order to receive as much reward as possible.

Further in the sura it is said that angels and, in particular, the greatest of them, Gabriel, descend on this night. With the onset of the Night of Kadr, a huge number of angels descend on the mortal earth and fill our entire world. The angels reach such a number that the Shaitan in Laylatul-Qadr is deprived of any power, and during this night he cannot lead believers astray.

The Night of Predestination is also called the Night of Power for the reason that Muslim theologians disagree about its exact name. Some believe that the word “al-Qadr” in this context is the same root as the word “qadara”, which in Arabic means “to predetermine.” Supporters of this position explain this name by the fact that Allah on this night deals with all people that should happen to them over the next year. In this regard, on Laylatul-Qadr, believers should ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins, and also do good deeds so that Allah predestined only good things for believers. Others tend to call it the Night of Power, since it carries the greatest dignity, multiplying our deeds a thousandfold.

Time of attack of Laylatul-Qadr

The exact date of the Night of Power is hidden from people. This is the special meaning and mercy of the Almighty, who wished that believers would seek her and be diligent in worship, not only for one night, but over a longer period of time.

However, from the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (s.w.w.), we know the time frame for the onset of Laylatul-Qadr. Many hadiths cited in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim say that it should be expected in the final ten days of the Holy month of Ramadan, and on odd days. At the same time, the most probable date of the Night of Qadr is the 27th, which is confirmed by the hadith cited by Abu Dawood.

However, most Muslim scholars believe that it is necessary to look for the Night of Destiny in the last 10 days of Ramadan, and not rely only on the 27th.

In addition, some theologians claim that on this night there are also special natural characteristics, having seen which you can recognize Laylatul-Qadr:

  • Cloudless weather, clear sky
  • The air temperature is not too hot, but not too cold either
  • Absence of wind, or its presence, but light and moderate
  • The special brightness of the stars and moon
  • Complete silence that even dogs rarely bark
  • Lack of stargazing
  • After the Night of Predestination, the sun rises without rays

At the same time, not all scientists agree with this point of view. Some Muslim theologians argue that there is no point in trying to look for the presence of these signs, since they are fictitious. Supporters of this opinion claim that if the signs listed above actually occurred on Laylatul-Qadr, then believers would know the exact date of its occurrence, which, in turn, contradicts Allah’s original plan to make the date hidden from people .

How to Spend the Night Frame

1. Perform additional prayers

4. Perform other good deeds.

The night of Laylatul-qadr is special - it is filled with unusual brilliance and radiance. It falls on the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, in 2018 it will fall on the night of June 9-10. However, exactly what night will become it is known only to the Creator before it begins.

How is the Night of Power and Predestination going?

Muslims read the Holy Quran, forgive the insults inflicted on them, and make plans for the future. Believers also need to perform missed prayers.

At this time, the Almighty predetermines the fate of each person, as well as the difficulties and trials that he will have to go through.

Traditions and customs of Laylatul-qadr

It is believed that the deeds performed on the Night of Predestination Laylatul Qadr are more significant than those committed over a thousand months, and angels greet believers who turn to the Creator at this time.

Laylatul-qadr has its own peculiarities. On this night it is very quiet and serene, the stars do not fall, the weather is cloudless and without precipitation. This night has its own unusual shine, radiance, and in the morning the sun rises like a full moon - without blinding rays, with a gentle light.

To get the maximum benefit and not lose the opportunity to catch a blessed night, you should adhere to the following plan:

  1. Perform itikaf. The best way to catch laylatul qadr is to perform itikaf - staying in the mosque to worship. If it is not possible to perform I'tikaf for all 10 days, you can perform I'tikaf for as many days as possible.
  2. Worship all 10 nights. Try to perform worship on each of the remaining days of Ramadan, then you will certainly not miss the night of destiny. Any good deed from Maghrib to Fajr in Laylatul Qadr is equivalent to 83 years of worship, which is equal to a whole life.
  3. The best dua for the last 10 days of Ramadan: َنِّي.
    It was narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said: “O Messenger of Allah, if I found out which night is the night of Destiny, what should I say?” He replied: “Say: Allahumma innaka 'afuvwun, tuhyibbul' afwa fa'fu 'anni (“O Allah, verily You are the Forgiving, you love forgiveness, so forgive me.”
  4. Giving alms: Any good deed on Laylatul Qadr is rewarded as if this good deed had been done for 83 years.
  5. Proper nutrition: Considering that you will have to stay awake all night, take care of proper nutrition, do not eat heavy foods, which will make your worship difficult and make you less productive. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.
  6. Good character. No worship is complete unless the believer exhibits good character and is spiritually purified. This is especially true for the month of Ramadan, show the best that is in you during these blessed days, cultivate in yourself the qualities beloved by Allah. And be determined to maintain your Ramadan-charged disposition throughout the year.
  7. Don't waste time: A Muslim must make a firm commitment not to miss the blessings of these last 10 days and not waste time on TV, social media, etc. You can set aside any time during the remaining 355 days of the year for these activities.

On this night, benefits are distributed for all things on earth - for the period until the next night of Lailat ul Qadr, that is, for a year in advance.

A question may also be asked about the revelation of the Quran on this night: “How can it be that the Quran was revealed in one night, when it was transmitted in parts to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) for 23 years.”

This means that the Quran was lowered to the lower heavens from Lawhul Mahfuz, that is, from the level of “kept tablets”, where it was originally written, and from there Archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him), at the direction of the Almighty, brought it to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). ) for 23 years.

The saying is “this night is worth more than 1000 months” means that for good deeds done this night, people are rewarded as if they had served continuously for 1000 months or more than 83 years.

A hadith narrated by Muslim and Bukhari says: “Whoever served the Almighty during this night with the confidence that all his sins would be washed away will certainly be freed from all his sins.”

What not to do on the Night of Power Laylatul Qadr

You can't drink alcohol

Muslims consider wine and other alcoholic drinks to be the drink of Satan, so it is especially bad to drink alcohol on the holy night.

Laylatul qadr cannot be carried out in entertainment places

It is better to spend the night at home or in a mosque, keeping your thoughts pure.

You can't spread gossip

Use foul language, scold someone. Saying something bad about someone on this night is unacceptable.

You can’t sleep on the night of Laylatul-qadr

The holy night begins at sunset and continues until abstinence begins. If you can’t wait until sunrise, then you need to hold out at least until the start of fasting and read the prayer twice.

It is not necessary to set a rich table

You can cook whatever you have in the house. But if possible, you can set a good table.

You can't watch movies or entertainment programs

You can’t get together with friends and plan wild fun

This night can be spent either alone or with friends, but it is better to invite their company to the table to talk about something good and think about life together. It’s better not to waste your blessed time on empty jokes and idle fun.

On the Night of Power of Laylatul Qadr, the best thing for a Muslim is to perform repentance (tawba) with both heart and tongue, so that Allah forgives all his sins. On this night, missed prayers are performed, the Holy Quran is read, the mistakes of the days and months spent are analyzed, past grievances are forgiven, and plans are made for the future.

Believers spend the last ten nights of Ramadan in worship, hoping that their good deeds will fall on the night of Destiny, which surpasses the significance of a thousand months. Hafiz Ibn Rajab spoke about her, addressing believers: “O one who spent his life without acquiring anything good! Use the Night of Predestination to gain what you missed, because this Night is equivalent to your whole life!”

Some hadiths give the signs of Laylatul-Qadr. From Ubadah ibn Samit it is reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about the signs of the Night of Destiny: “The sign of the Night of Predestination is that this night is clean and bright, and the moon seems to shine in it. She is quiet and calm, neither cold nor hot. On this night one is not allowed to throw stars until morning comes. And another sign of it is that the sun rises evenly in the morning, without rays, like the moon on a full moon night, and the devils are not allowed to go out with it on this day.” (Ahmad).

Also, Islamic scholars, based on reliable sources, have identified some signs of the attack of Laylatul-Qadr. Among them are the following:

The Night of Predestination is bright, however, at present this can only be noticed in deserted places where there are no lights or lighting.

The moon and stars shine brighter this night.

On this night, believing slaves feel a special calm and reverence that they do not feel the rest of the time.

The wind on this night is not hurricane and gusty, but most often it is light or moderate.

Allah shows this night to some of the faithful in a dream, which has repeatedly happened to the righteous companions.

From reading the night prayer, the believer receives pleasure that he cannot feel at other times.

Another sign of the onset of the Night of Predestination is the appearance of the Moon, which looks like half a dish. The hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, says that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, speaking about the signs of Laylat al-Qadr said: “How many of you remember how the moon rose, looking like half a dish?” (Muslim).

It is also reported that Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “The Night of Destiny was shown to me, and then I was made to forget about it. It is among the last ten nights of Ramadan. This night is open, bright, neither hot nor cold. And on this night the moon seems to outshine the stars, and the devils do not come out into it until dawn breaks.” (Ibn Khuzaimah, ibn Hibban).

Every year the Night of Predestination falls on a different date. And opinions regarding the accuracy of its offensive may vary. Therefore, in order to be sure not to miss it, scientists advised spending all ten nights in worship. This is one of the Sunnahs of Ramadan. Since it is narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “When the last 10 days of Ramadan arrived, the prophet tightened his isar (that is, he worshiped with special zeal and moved away from his wives), practiced worship at night and woke up his family members (so that they would also pray).” He also said: “SubhanAllah! So many beautiful things were sent down on this night, as many as Allah sent down from His treasury! Oh, those who sleep in rooms! (addressing their wives) - i.e. calling them also to get up and spend this night in worship (Bukhari, Muslim).

In the Koran, the Almighty also indicated its peculiarity:

"On this night the angels and the Spirit descend" in large quantities, which does not happen at other times, “with the permission of their Lord according to all His commandments, and she brings peace with her.”

“She is free from all troubles and brings peace with her.”, i.e. no misfortunes or evil occur in it, since the good it brings with it is immeasurably great.

"before dawn", i.e. it begins at sunset and ends at dawn.

May the Almighty help us to be more diligent this night and spend the last nights in the way that is most pleasing to Him!