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Numerology of numbers Roza Kuzdenbaeva. Is it possible to calculate your “lucky number”? Human life program

Numerology is rightfully considered the wisdom of our ancestors that has come down to our time. This is an amazing science that allows you to interpret numbers and, with their help, predict the fate of a particular person.

Number meanings

Science helps to obtain answers to many serious questions that occupy modern people. However, not everyone can figure it out on their own, and therefore queries like “numerology Klara Kuzdenbaeva” are becoming increasingly popular today. After all, everyone wants to benefit from the wisdom of this amazing woman and her amazing gift.

Who is Mrs. Kuzdenbaeva

Klara Kuzdenbaeva

Klara Kuzdenbaeva is the most famous psychoanalyst and numerologist in our state. At one time, this woman graduated from Alma-Ata State University, and for more than fifteen years she has been successfully practicing numerology.

Moreover, during this period, Mrs. Kuzdenbaeva also studied at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology and studied the basics of the science of numbers in India. Therefore, in our country today it is very difficult to find a numerologist who could compare with this amazing woman.

It should be noted that Kuzdenbaeva herself considers numerology to be her purpose. She talks about numbers as revelations of fate; she knows how to not only understand numbers, but also truly “negotiate” with them. Therefore, with the help of Mrs. Kuzdenbaeva, you can not only understand yourself or find answers to some pressing questions for you, but also understand your destiny or even correct it.

By turning to this amazing woman for help, any of our compatriots can receive a calculation of their life code, as well as special programs with the possibility of subsequent adjustment of periods of decline and rise of individual cycles.

Can numerology help you?

Possible help

The science in question studies, first of all, individual numbers of a person - numbers associated with his first and last name, date of birth, etc. And these numbers are extremely important, since they have the ability to reflect the inner “I” of an individual, demonstrate his main advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses and opportunities, abilities and dangers that lie in wait for this person on the path of life.

Moreover, numbers accompany each of us throughout our lives, and if you carefully read them, you can learn to think differently about your destiny, change it at your own discretion and achieve success in all areas of activity.

Today, there are many methods with the help of which each person is able to independently determine his “destiny number” or “name number” and learn something interesting about his own character, temperament, inclinations and capabilities. However, the information you receive in this way will be negligible, and it will not bring you any actual benefit.

Numerology for an amateur is more fun than a serious activity. But when performed by a true specialist, the interpretation of your individual numbers can take on a completely different shade - Klara Kuzdenbaeva is able to provide real help to every person who turns to her.

To believe or not to believe in the possibilities of numerology is entirely your right. However, it cannot be denied that the science in question has existed for many years, and its popularity has not diminished over time. This means that people are not disappointed in numerology, and if you also decide to take advantage of its capabilities, and even resort to the help of a real expert, you will not be disappointed either.

If anyone is interested, this is an interview with one of the magazines of the famous numerologist Kuzdenbaeva.

– Let’s explain with specific examples what numerology is. For example, are there numbers that are especially important to women?

Klara Kuzdenbaeva: Yes, for example, the “marriage code”. These are the years of life when fate provides a woman with her other half - a person with the same personal code as hers. Harmony guaranteed. Or “sevens” in the date of birth or calculations. This is an indicator of “female happiness”. Girls born in 2007 will be especially happy! Two “7s” in the date of birth are the darlings of fate. I tell a person with three “7s” not to come to me again (laughs), because he is a very happy person, but perhaps he does not yet realize it. It is worth noting that on such dates people are not born just like that; they deserved their happiness in a past life. People with four “7s” are brave, reckless, even arrogant; among them there are often leaders of organized crime. As a rule, they lack a sense of self-preservation. Conversely, the absence of “7” means that a person is very careful, he has a highly developed sense of self-preservation, moreover, on a subconscious level. They are more susceptible to the energetic influence of others than other people, and therefore I recommend that they wear amulets as protection. They often get into accidents, so I always advise them to drive with extreme caution. If “7” is missing from both partners, the marriage is doomed from the start; it will not last more than 7 years. A child who does not have a “7” needs to be raised and taught to say “no” so that others do not have the opportunity or reason to manipulate him. Big “7” in a person’s program also means categoricalness, which is always punishable, because it is akin to pride, and pride is a sin.

Klara Kuzdenbaeva: Of course, and this is one of the main tasks of a numerologist. The fact is that a person’s entire life is represented by a six-year cycle - a digital series of 6 points. Every six years, periods of rise and fall in a person’s business, emotional and physical activity are repeated. This period of decline (lasting one year), which begins after the birthday, is called the “zero period.” Zero is closely related to a person’s energy; he has no strength and is tormented by depression. I always strongly recommend not to start new projects, not to lend money, even to the closest, most decent and trusted people. The situation will be such that a person will invariably be a loser. Problems arise in the family, as a rule, up to and including divorce, especially if the “zero period” coincides for both partners, which indicates an absolute rejection of each other. If one of the partners has “zero”, I recommend the second to be more lenient, softer, more patient, and show compassion. This period always passes and ends, relationships get better if you don’t do anything rash. Getting married is also undesirable - there are high chances of letting a person into your life who will bring destruction. During this period, you should be especially careful about your health and improving your spiritual side; you cannot plan surgical interventions, no matter how urgent they may seem - the result will be unfavorable. Using an example, it looks like this: just recently I recommended that my friend postpone plastic surgery with a famous surgeon at the best clinic in Moscow. She was just at the moment of the zero period, but the lack of “C” (an indicator of “stubbornness”, stubbornness) took its toll, and the operation was extremely unsuccessful. In such cases, I always say: “I’m not a fortune teller, the numbers told me this, and numbers, like facts, are the most stubborn thing in the world.”

– What numbers are most important in a person’s fate?

Klara Kuzdenbaeva: Each number from zero to nine leaves its mark on a person’s personality, his sensitivity, resilience, degree of intuition (connection with the cosmos), ability to build relationships, etc. There is a category of people whose life program contains thousandths (a four-digit number) - an indicator of genius. The thousandth sign - when there is no middle way, a person is either above, at the very top, or below, at the very bottom. As a rule, such people do not have a “six” in their calculations and date of birth, that is, their own laziness often hinders the implementation of the program, and in no case should they stop there, they must constantly move forward and grow. People with a four-digit code, as a rule, are not just famous and brilliant, they can leave a noticeable mark on the history of human civilization. For example, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, for whom I calculated a life program for the film “Cosmic Prophet,” had such a sign. What is especially important: women with the thousandth sign should not become housewives, since this is what provokes problems in the family - most often their husband does not value them, their children neglect them. By the way, in order to carry out your program, it is very important to properly raise such a “unique” child, who needs to be explained from childhood the importance of personal growth, self-education, and raising the intellectual level. Just like children who have the sign of theft in their program. Strict boundaries, control and active explanation of what is good and what is bad will protect a person from an act that could destroy his life. There are people with the classic numerology of a killer: for many years they may not show their inclinations, but under ideal circumstances they will definitely implement their program. There are people who voluntarily or accidentally die before, as it seems to us, their due date. When making calculations, as a rule, it turns out that such an event is the fulfillment of fate (it also looks like a set of numbers), inevitability. By the way, it is knowledge about this that helps many people get rid of the feeling of guilt with which they can live for years, decades, blaming themselves for the causes of someone’s death.

Count yourself in! Your life code. Popular about numerology To what extent does what happens in our lives depend on numbers? It is hardly possible to establish this scientifically, however, there is the parascience of numerology, which studies this dependence. Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva talks about why it is important to know your “life code” and fulfill the program destined by fate. - Many people associate numerology with magic, some kind of magic. What is it really? - Numerology is the science of numbers. By the way, even the famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was fond of it. The result of my work is mathematical calculations. No magic! I do not predict the future, I simply explain what is happening in a person’s life from the perspective of the numbers that surround him. Numerology - And how do you do it? - Each person is born with his own life program, and everyone has a so-called life code. You can calculate it yourself. This is a unique combination of numbers that is obtained by calculations in the date of birth. It shows what is given to a person by nature, and what is missing for complete, so to speak, happiness. Many people struggle in vain, trying to understand what they are doing wrong in life, why luck turns away from them. And the answer, it turns out, lies on the surface. - It turns out that you work with what is given to man by nature? And if a person doesn’t like a given thing, can it be changed? - When you know your pros and cons, what your inclinations are, you can adjust your life program, which will undoubtedly affect the events in your life. In other words, you can change your destiny. Of course, this will happen provided that you are ready to work on yourself. And the sooner you start doing this, the better. - So the ideal option is to learn about this in childhood? - Certainly! Very often, during consultations, I tell parents what they need to pay attention to so that the child fulfills the “life program” with which he was born. It is very important. If this does not happen, he will not be satisfied with life. Which could ultimately end badly. You have no idea how many people I saved from suicide! Let’s say parents come for a consultation, I calculate the child’s program and it turns out that he has the thousandth sign. This is a special category of people - they bear the mark of fame and popularity. They are not given a middle way - it’s either hit or miss. A bright future can await them. The main thing is to learn about your potential and properly realize it. So, the child’s numerical code lacks sixes, which are responsible for fighting laziness. This will interfere with his ability to implement the “exclusivity program.” A person must develop the missing sign - for this child it is a six. And I explain to parents why they need to keep their child busy since childhood and fight laziness. - What if a person is unable to “earn” the missing numbers? Is it enough to just surround yourself with them? Will this help? - Partly. For example, you can choose a cell phone number with the numbers that you are missing in the numeric code, or a car number. But this still does not cancel working on yourself. - As far as I know, people come to you more than once. What else, besides the life code, do they want to know? - The numbers surrounding a person help to calculate not only his life code, but also compatibility in marriage and partnerships. Numerology covers issues of raising children and determining a profession. People contact me about choosing a nanny for a child or a housekeeper. It happens that plastic surgery was unsuccessful. And this is not only the fault of the doctors, the date is of great importance. Therefore, someone asks to calculate the optimal date for the operation. Or they ask you to select the date of birth - caesarean section, so that the child is born with a good program. My grandchildren were born precisely according to numerology calculations. And now, watching them grow, talented and inquisitive, I am convinced that the numbers are never wrong! During my consultations, I carry out additional calculations and draw up a “cosmogram” - a person’s life program for the year. By following it, you can avoid many troubles. Numbers can warn you on which days you need to be careful and not tempt fate, and on which days, on the contrary, luck is on your side. Every person has periods of “up” and “down” in life. This is normal, there is no need to be afraid of this - nothing in life can be permanent. There are dangerous days when accidents, accidents, and thefts occur. This is the so-called karmic triangle. At this time you need to be especially careful. I recommend to all my clients on such days to avoid provoking situations, to be vigilant and careful. For example, Nadezhda Babkina always follows my advice and chooses only good dates for her concerts. - You said that the life code can be calculated independently. How to do it? - You need a date of birth. I admit right away that in my consultations I conduct more in-depth digital research using first and middle names. But you can calculate the general data yourself. Most people have a six-digit code. But there are also those for whom it is seven-digit - these are the thousands already known to you. Don't be discouraged if your code is not seven characters long. Everyone can succeed. And numerology will definitely help you with this. Numerology TECHNICAL SCHEDULE As an example, let’s take the date of birth 06/05/1977. 1. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth (5 + 6+1+9 + 7+7=35). Zeros are not taken into account when calculating! The result will be the first number in the code. 2. Add up the numbers that make up the first number (3 + 5 = 8). The result will become the second number in the code. 3. Multiply the first digit of your birthday number by two (5×2 = 10) and subtract the result from the first number of your life code (35-10=25). This number will become the third in the code. 4. Add up all the numbers that make up the third number (2+5=7). The result will become the fourth number. If it turns out to be two-digit, there is no need to add the numbers. As a result, we received the code 358257. Write it down and write your date of birth under it. Count how many ones, twos, threes, etc. are found in the code and date of birth. By their quantity, you can determine how much of a particular quality a person has. UNITS: spiritual shell, self-confidence, willpower, self-sufficiency. Ideally, if there are three units. This suggests that you are a kind, self-sufficient and disciplined person. If there are fewer of them, you have low self-esteem, and self-realization is a bit difficult. Outwardly, such people may look quite confident in themselves, but internally they give up in relationships. If there are four units, then your character is strong-willed; if there are five, you have strong magnetism. 2s: energy, charm, emotionality. Those who do not have twos “feed” energy from others. Such people get tired quickly, suffer from mood swings, and are prone to depression. They should do yoga, energy-building practices (for example, reiki) and wear red clothes more often - this color gives energy. For such people, life partners are needed with at least two deuces in the code. If there are three of them, a person has the ability to heal, four indicates expressed sexuality. But people with five twos can destroy everything in anger. TRIPLES: talent, intuition, ability for science. People without grades at all do not hear others, they have no flexibility and tact, they are straightforward and very stubborn. These are people of strict boundaries: either black or white - there is no gray. Give in to flattery. They believe that they have very developed intuition, but nevertheless they are often mistaken. And they have absolutely no understanding of people. If a child does not have threes in his code, I advise parents to develop his logic: send him to chess, for example. Three or four triples - for hypnologists and clairvoyants. FOURS: practicality, patience. If you have at least one B, you are a peacemaker. People without fours do not have the patience to finish what they started. They are also grumpy and very difficult in everyday life. They cannot do business: they save in small ways and lose in big ways. Often their emotions will prevail over reason. If both of a couple don't have B's, they are doomed to constant swearing. FIVES: sincerity, refinement of nature. A person without A's is very tough. If there are two of them - warm-hearted, sincere, three - among preachers, four - practically Mother Teresa: such people can give all their love to people. SIXES: calculation and wealth. If they are not there, the person is lazy. Three sixes are not a sign of the devil, but an indicator of real workers. With those who have four of them, be careful: a person can be charming, but in fact will never tolerate someone else's superiority. And he is also usually envious. SEVENS: protection of guardian angels. If a person does not have sevens, he always feels guilty, does not know how to refuse people, and is easy to manipulate. Such people often become victims in relationships and allow themselves to be used. Therefore, from childhood they must be taught to say “no.” Two sevens are for the darlings of fate. Having sevens is especially important for women. Those who have even one will be happy in family life. EIGHTS: good luck. Those who do not have or have one cannot be called lucky: they achieve everything on their own. Three or more eights indicate great luck in life. NINES: analytical skills, memory. Everything is simple here: the more nines, the stronger these abilities.

Numerology: fate code and thousanders.

Numerology will tell you the causes of problems and ways to get rid of them
Our whole life can be sorted into pieces using numbers, numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva is sure. For many years she has been consulting stars, politicians, businessmen and, of course, mere mortals. “The numbers are never wrong,” says Clara. - They will name the causes of problems with health, personal life and raising children, and will also tell you how to get rid of these problems. Numbers have special vibrations that affect us from birth to death. By the way, if you are being pursued by a certain number, do not be afraid of it: most likely, it is precisely this number and some character trait that you are missing in life, which means that you need to surround yourself with such a number - order a special phone number from a mobile operator, for example "
Today we will reveal the secrets of numerology - we will tell you how to calculate a unique life code and learn to understand it.

As an example, let's take the date of birth as 2/24/1963. Zeros are not involved in numerological calculations.
1. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth (2+4+2+1+9+6+3=27). The result will be the first number in the code.
2. Add up the numbers that make up the first number (2+7=9). The result will become the second number in the code.
3. Multiply the first digit in your birthday number by two (2x2=4) and subtract the result from the first number of your life code (27-4=23). This number will become the third in the code.
4. Add up all the numbers that make up the third number (2+3=5). The result will become the fourth number. If it turns out to be two-digit, then there is no need to add its constituent numbers.
As a result, we received code 279235. Write it down separately, and write your date of birth under it. Count how many ones, twos, threes, etc. are found in the code and date of birth. Their number (the norm is three) shows how much of a particular quality a person has.
Units: spiritual shell, self-confidence, will
Henpecked people do not have units in the code. If there are three units - a kind person. When it is less, his self-esteem is low, and self-realization is a bit difficult. Outwardly, such people are confident in themselves, but internally they give in to difficulties. If you see that your child has few units, then teach him discipline from early childhood. If there are four, then your character is very strong-willed, five means you have strong magnetism, six means a careerist, seven means almost a despot.
Twos: energy, charm, emotionality
Those who do not have twos take energy from others. They get tired quickly, and mood swings are common. They should do yoga and wear red clothes more often, this color gives energy. For such people, life partners are needed with at least two deuces in the code.
Two twos - average energy, three - there are extrasensory abilities (they can heal with their hands), four - pronounced sexuality. Those who have a lot of twos do not like large crowds of people. If there are five or more twos, it is already dangerous: such people in anger can destroy everything.
Threes: talent, intuition, ability for science
People with a lack of threes do not listen to others, they lack flexibility and tact, and they are very stubborn. Volochkova doesn’t have threes, for example. Such people are capable of base acts without realizing that it is bad. They cannot become inventors, but they can become good performers. Give in to flattery. They believe that they have very developed intuition, but nevertheless they are often mistaken.
If your child doesn’t have C grades, develop his logic: send him to chess, for example. Four threes for born hypnologists and clairvoyants, five for sorcerers who live by the principle “I can’t sleep without dirty tricks.”
Fours: practicality, patience
If both of a couple don’t have B’s, they will face eternal abuse. A person without fours is cowardly, he does not have the patience to complete what he started. And such people are grumblers and have a very difficult life in everyday life. If they lie, they will get caught! If you have at least one B, you are a peacemaker. If two or three - a good athlete. And if there are more than three, you like to lie.
Fives: sincerity, refinement of nature
If there are no A's, the person is tough. If there are two of them - very cordial. Three - there is a penchant for preaching, four - Mother Teresa: they can give everything to people, but they may not have enough for themselves and their loved ones. They are very patient and can endure bad treatment for years.
Sixes: calculation and wealth
When they are not there, people are lazy. Three sixes are not a sign of the devil, but an indicator of great hard workers. Four is already dangerous: a person can be wildly charming, but in fact will never tolerate someone else’s superiority. And he is also usually envious.
Sevens: happiness, protection of guardian angels
If a person does not have sevens, he always feels guilty, has a hard time refusing people, and is easy to manipulate. Therefore, such people must be taught to say “no” from childhood. Two sevens for the darlings of fate. Three - a person is already happy “to the point of impudence.” This is the situation with Oksana Fedorova. The boors have four sevens.
Eights: luck and, again, wealth
Those who have two of them will experience career growth. Those who have one or none at all cannot be called lucky: they achieve everything only with their talent, intelligence and work. Three or more eights indicate great luck in life. Children with three eights are born into rich families.
Nines: analytical skills
Everything is simple here - the more nines, the stronger these abilities.
For most people, the code that we have learned to calculate is six digits. But there are also those who have seven figures. For such people, the first or last four digits in the code are 1910, 2810, 2911, 3710, 3811, 3912.
People with this code are called thousanders. They bear a sign of fame and popularity. They are not given a middle path - they are either at the very bottom or at the very top. They cannot be content with little - a brilliant future awaits them. The main thing is to learn about your potential and correctly realize it. By the way, the larger the number of the six listed, the more exclusivity is inherent in a person.
And although being a thousand-man is, of course, good, they must remember their negative qualities - ambition, pride, categoricalness.

The famous philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras believed that all life is a number that has a huge impact on the life of each of us. His follower, Klara Kuzdenbaeva (Luchko) is also confident that everything that happens can be calculated. Numbers influence life - this applies both to the moment of birth and the expected date of death. Some difficulties with finances, relationships with the opposite sex, and health will be solved by numbers. Numerology by Klara Kuzdenbaeva is a relatively new trend in this science, which quickly gained popularity.

How to calculate the life code

Probably everyone would like everything in their life to be at its best. What if this can be achieved? How to avoid getting caught in karmic triangles, and, once you do, get out of them? How to avoid unpleasant surprises prepared by fate? Kuzdenbaeva (Luchko) uses the Pythagorean square as a table in order to calculate and find out the features of fate. Let's look at how to calculate the life code in more detail.

  1. First, you need your date of birth. For example, 01/16/1988.
  2. You need to break the date into numbers and add them: 1 6 1 1 9 8 8=34. This is the first code of life.
  3. Divide the resulting amount into numbers. Add: 3 4=7. This is the second life code.
  4. Take the first digit in your date and multiply it by 2. 1x2=2. Subtract the resulting number at this point from the first code: 34-2=32. This is the third code.
  5. From the third number you need to add the numbers together: 3 2 = 5. This is the last code.
  6. Result: 347435.

This is the first part of the counting rhyme. Now, according to the technique, write down this number and the date of birth under it. 347335 and 1611988. Now you need to calculate how many identical numerical values ​​were obtained and write them down: 111, 333, 4, 5, 6, 7, 88, 9.

The influence of life number on a person

Klara Kuzdenbaeva claims that calculations according to the scheme of this numerology will help make the path of life easier. 111 indicate the kindness of the owner. A smaller number means lack of self-confidence, fear of being deceived. Poor development of qualities that contribute to climbing the career ladder. These people often give in. With a small number of units, or complete absence, you need to become organized, step over the edges of the seemingly impossible. Go in for sports, not simple ones, but ones that trigger adrenaline. Self-hypnosis about your abilities will help - you need to learn to see the real possibilities of your personality. Participate in discussions at work and don’t be afraid to put forward your ideas. In family relationships, give your significant other the opportunity to respect.

It happens that there are more than three units. Four units mean the presence of enormous willpower of character. A person with five units has natural charm and attracts others. If there are six units, then there is an opportunity to rise very high in your career. Seven units indicate a character with despotic tendencies. Usually these are single people who have achieved heights in work, but have absolutely the opposite result in family life.

What to expect from twos?

Holders of three twos have psychic abilities. If you develop them, you can achieve good results and help people. In the absence of twos, or when she is alone, these are energy vampires. There is frequent irritability and sudden mood swings. Feeling good comes from feeding the energy of other people. They need to start relationships with those who have at least a couple of Ds in their code. The presence of four twos indicates pronounced sexual magnetism.

People with five or more twos in their life number are dangerous to others. They are so emotionally unstable that they can harm not only themselves, but also others. Such people do not stay in one job for a long time, especially if the position is of a subordinate purpose. Nobody gets along with them.

What will the trio tell?

333 is an excellent indicator of talent. This is a creative person. Worldview from an unusual angle. It is always interesting to communicate with such people. A career should be in a creative direction. When choosing a profession, you should start from your hobby and direct all your potential into your favorite business.

If there is only one C or there are none at all, then you need to develop yourself in this direction: take some courses, come up with a hobby. When the number 4 is three, few people understand a person, he becomes withdrawn and unsociable. There is a desire to withdraw into oneself. If it is more than five, be careful - a person may develop psychological disorders.

The four will reveal all the secrets

For those who have three fours in the code, comfort is important not only in the house, but everywhere. The house of such people is always orderly and clean. The desire for self-improvement is one of the main qualities. They have great patience. Usually, this is an ideal family, with a minimum of disputes. Full dedication in raising children. Career doesn't matter. This is a home person, so you need to build a relationship with a person who can provide for the family financially.

When there are no fours, there is constant indignation and grumbling. It’s difficult in everyday life with such a person. If there is one four, this is a sign of altruism. If two, it makes sense to go in for sports. You can achieve success in it. Four fours indicate that a person likes to deceive. Five fours or more – pedantry, intolerance, a high degree of irritability, which easily destroys relationships. It is not easy for subordinates to work with such a leader, but the work of such a person is performed at a high level.

What are the secrets in the numbers 5 to 9?

555 – tendency to preach. The leading character traits are altruism, selflessness, self-sacrifice. Such people give money to charity. There is a need to help others. In a relationship, they will feel good when their partner feels good. In his career, he rarely holds a leadership position. In the absence of A's, this is a callous person, devoid of romance. With an excess of this number, sacrificing everything for the sake of others is a favorite thing.

666 is a sign of hard work. If there is no career advancement, this person will still achieve financial independence through his work. Suitable for family relationships, provided that the partner does not earn more. If a son or daughter does not have sixes, he must be taught discipline and work from childhood. If you don't work on it, children will grow up lazy. And when, on the contrary, four sixes and above, envy is highly developed, which is difficult to cope with.

777 is a lucky number. They are sanguine by nature. They infect others with their energy. They have high compatibility with owners of any numbers. Two sevens bring good luck to the owner. One or absence speaks of spinelessness. The point of view changes depending on the expectations of others. Fear of standing out from others. Four or more sevens mean the presence of arrogance, reaching the point of rudeness and disdainful attitude towards people.

888 is a sign of lucky people. Fortune always smiles on them. Those with two eights achieve a successful career. One eight means that the person will not receive help from above, and will have to make a lot of effort to achieve the desired position. But the more nines, the more developed are the analytical skills, which can help the owner to be in demand in all respects, both in marriage and in business.


Numerology and calculation technique of Klara Kuzdenbaeva (Luchko), layout of the Pythagorean table, which can be found on our website, study of fate - confirmation of the correspondence between events and results according to this numerology. The conclusion suggests itself that by numbers you can find out your destiny and avoid making serious mistakes.