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Oksana Kazakova official Instagram. “The Voice” star Oksana Kazakova is divorcing her husband. Biography of Oksana Kazakova

Her parents instilled in the girl a good taste in music and were involved in her comprehensive development starting from the age of two.
At the age of 5, Oksana performed for the first time in front of a huge audience. The warm welcome of the audience, loud applause, flowers and gifts, all this inspired little Oksana to quickly decide on her future. The girl firmly decided that she wanted to become a singer.

1993 - Oksana becomes the Grand Prix Laureate at the Mini-93 festival named after. Victor Reznikov, and receives the main prize: his own sound recording studio in St. Petersburg.

1995 - Little Oksana entered the studio of the variety theater in St. Petersburg. In 1996, she took part in the Union of Composers competition. Her debut in this field was awarded bronze.

1997 - Oksana began collaborating with the popular DJ Tsvetkov. The two tracks released as a result of this joint work were a huge success and were played on almost all radio stations in the country.

1999 - Oksana Kazakova became a finalist in the legendary Morning Star competition.

2001 brought her victory in the vocal competition “Music! You are with me!”

Later, the singer, accompanied by the London Orchestra, recorded the song "Melody of rain", dedicated to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York.

In 2003, Oksana Kazakova took part in the popular vocal competition, the television project “People’s Artist 1”, which was broadcast on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. Gets into the top five of 18,000 vocalists who participated in the qualifying rounds of the TV project throughout Russia.

2004 - Following the results of the competition, the project producer Evgeny Fridlyand signs a contract with Oksana Kazakova for the vocal group “Assorted”.

The Assorti group later became the owner of all possible awards, including the Golden Gramophone, for the country's hottest hit, “Beautiful Love.”

In 2006, Oksana Kazakova successfully graduated from the Institute in St. Petersburg, BIEPP with a degree in Variety Actor.

After 10 years of work in the Assorted group, and in connection with the end of the contract, the singer is launching her solo project.

Oksana Kazakova's debut album "OXYGEN", and the concert program of the same name, were presented at the end of 2011.

2012 - The singer enters into a contract with the Monolit company.
The album "OXYGEN" receives due attention and appears on iTunes, as well as on many music portals. For two singles, “Berega” and “No Compromises,” from the first record, videos were shot, which are successfully rotated on music TV channels in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, and Latvia.

2013 - Oksana Kazakova presented her third video for the song “Be Close”! The clip is timed to coincide with the release of the singer's second studio album "COMETS"!

The songs “Be Nearby”, “Hypnotizing”, “Shores”, “My Eyelashes”, “Seagulls” are in rotation on more than 90 radio stations in the country.
These compositions are also released in popular music compilations!

Singer Oksana Kazakova sang a duet:
with Larisa Dolina - “I can’t dance”;
with Soso Pavliashvili - “I’m with you”;
with Alexander Panayotov - “Don’t Disappear”, “Moon Melody”;
the song "Shores" from the debut album "OXYGEN" was performed in an acapella version with the popular group "InvOis";
with the only Paul McCartney Prize winner in Russia, Ilya Viktorov, to the accompaniment of the State Academic Orchestra "BOYAN".
\Finalist of the television competition "People's Artist", first convocation, TV channel "Russia-1"!

The ex-soloist of the popular group "Assorted" returns to viewers and listeners as a solo singer!

Singer, vocal teacher, participant in the show “The Voice Season 5” "on Channel One.

Oksana Kazakova. Biography

Oksana Kazakova born July 17, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Oksana performed for the first time at the age of five. In 1999, she became a member of " To the morning star" and became a finalist of the competition. In 2003, Oksana was among the top five vocalists of the show " People's Artist ".

Oksana worked for ten years in the Assorted team, after which she took up a solo project. In 2012, her album OXYGEN was released. In addition to the fact that the girl acts as a singer and presenter, she teaches vocals and also writes songs herself. She sang a duet with Larisa Dolina, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Panayotov.

“Competitions are my phobia. I feel vulnerable. I'm also afraid of flying on airplanes. To overcome this phobia, I jumped with a parachute,” Oksana admitted.

To perform at the blind auditions, Oksana Kazakova chose the composition “House of Cards,” and all the mentors turned to her. It turned out that Oksana had known Polina Gagarina for a long time. According to Polina, over several years Oksana’s voice grew stronger and changed so much that even she did not recognize her. Despite knowing Gagarina, Oksana chose Dima Bilan as her mentor.

Oksana Kazakova in 2010 she married a choreographer and dancer Alexey Filippov.

Oksana was only 2 years old when her father, listening to the baby humming something and clearly intonating, discovered that his daughter had natural musical abilities that required development. He sat the child on the table, took the guitar and forced his daughter to finish singing the melody she started. According to Oksana, this is where her musical education and career began.

After 2 years, work with musicians began, and when Oksana turned 8 years old, the first professional studio recordings were made.

At the age of 10, Oksana Kazakova was awarded the Grand Prix of the “Mini-93 named after Viktor Reznikov” competition. As a winner of the competition, Oksana received a doll as a gift - a copy of the young singer, as well as a recording studio in her native St. Petersburg. At the same time, Oksana joined the Viktor Reznikov Foundation and began touring.

Another event that left an indelible mark on the singer’s creative biography was her collaboration with the famous musician Anatoly Rotserman. As a result of the work of this tandem, a jazz cover version of the immortal hit “Yesterday” (“The Beatles”) was recorded. The composition was warmly received by the public and received recognition at a cover version competition in the USA.

The singer’s childhood cannot be called carefree, because choosing between relaxation, children’s games and fun and a career, Oksana always gave preference to work, work and developing herself as a musician and vocalist.

From early childhood, Oksana wanted to master musical notation and learn to play musical instruments. This desire was so strong that one day parents saw their 11-year-old daughter trying to play something on homemade cardboard keys.

When Oksana was 12 years old, her parents gave her a piano, which was a real surprise for her and inspired her to write her first pieces of music.

Physical education and sports played a big role in Oksana Kazakova’s life. 2 years of ballet training, and then success in athletics and weightlifting allowed Oksana to become the face of sportswear brands.

At the age of 14, Oksana (under the creative pseudonym “Julia”) entered into a 4-year contract with a producer. The first original song was included in many music collections, and the first video clip was filmed. Oksana was also lucky enough to work in St. Petersburg with producer Evgeny Orlov.

Oksana managed to combine her studies at a comprehensive school with classes in the pop theater, step dance and participation in musical performances.

At the age of 15, there was a truly turning point in the creative biography of Oksana Kazakova - a meeting with a vocal teacher, Anna Anatolyevna Valtseva, thanks to whose skill new opportunities were revealed in the creative and vocal potential of the singer.

In 2001, a collaboration took place with the London Orchestra, as a result of which a composition was recorded dedicated to the tragic events of September 11 in the United States. During the same period of time, Oksana worked together with DJ Tsvetkov. Two tracks released as a result of this collaboration were a huge success and were played in rotation on almost all radio stations in the northern capital. When Oksana turned 21, she entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law in the department of acting and pop art, choosing the profession of “Variety Actor”.

At the age of 22, Oksana Kazakova became a finalist in the “People’s Artist - 1” project, which was conducted and broadcast on the Rossiya TV channel. As a result of the competition, a 7-year contract was signed with the project producer Evgeniy Fridland for the vocal group “Assorti”.

In 2011, after the end of a seven-year contract, Oksana Kazakova entered into a unique and one-of-a-kind agreement in Russia with Evgeny Fridlyand, which allows her to have two producers at the same time.

At the moment, the producer of the solo project “Oksana Kazakova” is Alexey Filippov.

In 2011, Oksana launched her solo project. Oksana Kazakova already has her own solo concert program.

Oksana Kazakova’s debut album “OXYGEN”, which was carefully prepared for 3 years, is now ready for release.

A video clip was shot for the song “Shores,” which has already received rotation on television.

Oksana had a photo shoot with the famous photographer Aslan Akhmadov specially for the cover of her debut album.

Songs from the debut album “OXYGEN”: “Taking Off”, “Shores”, “Seagulls”, “No Compromises” and “Vanilla” are included in the rotation of radio stations in the country.

We see them on the screen as beautiful, successful, talented. But before participating in the show, the fates of the singers were completely different.

Oksana Kazakova, 34 years old, Moscow:

I met Alexey 14 years ago. At that time I performed in the group “Assorted”, and he came to us as a choreographer-director. I didn’t pay attention to him, I was only worried about career growth then. Circumstances turned out that I needed to move. Alexey, having accidentally learned about this, offered his help. Then he helped out again and again. We developed friendly relations, as real as those of a brother and sister. We communicated like this for two and a half years. Lesha was nearby, helping, listening to my revelations. I couldn’t even think that he might have something for me. I saw him only as a friend!

His long hair prevented me from seeing him as a man! Lesha is a tall, stately man, but with long shoulder-length hair, undeniably handsome. However, I did not like such aesthetic features in male appearance. Now I see beauty in this, some kind of sublimity. And then... Well, I was young. Alexey also worked as a model at that time, but still got rid of his mane. When we were already married, he admitted that he did it solely for my sake.

So after he cut his hair, something immediately clicked inside me. “So cute!” – I thought. But she didn’t tell him anything. My friends then nicknamed me the Snow Queen - outwardly I never showed feelings. And inside there were frantic emotions, which, it seems to me, Lesha noticed, because six months later he confessed his love. I was confused then and didn’t answer anything. I was scared. I have never had such situations, when a relationship turned from friendship into something more. In general, my husband is the only man in my life. A couple of months later, Lesha dared to try again. It was summer. I lived in an apartment on the fourth floor, and left the balcony open when leaving. I return, open the door and see a note on the floor. I don’t remember the exact text, but it said something like: look into the room. I look in, and there on the floor, lined with candles, are the very words that are usually spoken out loud. I look up and Lesha is standing on the balcony with flowers. He still doesn’t tell me how he got there. In general, this was the second blow in life. It was incredibly nice, but all I said was: “Let’s remain friends.” "I understand. Okay,” he replied and left. And when he disappeared, I started to miss him. I couldn’t think about work, eat, sleep, and lost a lot of weight. And I realized that I was caught.

We started dating and went to Cambodia together. There, in the Angkor Wat temple, Lesha proposed to me! This time I reciprocated, but added: “There is one thing. If father says no, we will have to separate.” The fact is that my family is faithful to ancient traditions. It is customary for us to choose the bride or groom from the inner circle. Parents must understand what kind of family the guy grew up in, know several of its generations in order to understand that everything was fine in their families. While I lived with my parents, many young people came to the house with relatives, with loaves of bread, sweets, drinks - everything as it should be! We talked with our parents. And at that time I was sitting in the room and crying, because I didn’t want to marry not for love. Of course, traditions are all very important. But first of all, I wanted to fall in love... After each such visit, I told my mother with tears in my eyes: “I don’t want to get married! Please! I want so many things in life.” And then, by some miracle, my parents let me go to Moscow. There I met the prince, but, of course, I didn’t know how to introduce Lesha to my parents. I told my mother, and she told her father. For three months he did not want to talk to me. I cried. Somehow my mother persuaded him to talk to me. I praised Lesha: “He has everything, he is a wealthy man.” The father was cold: “It goes without saying. What matters is how you feel. Did you love him the same way I once loved my mother, for the rest of my life?” I answered “yes” without any further hesitation. There was a pause, and dad said: “Okay. If it’s the same as with my mother, I give my consent.” After a while, the parents came to meet each other. We saw how Lesha worries and cares about me. We didn’t live together then, we were just dating, without intimacy. And so Lesha showed courage and asked my father for my hand. He answered sharply: “No.” He said: stay for three years, and my mother and I will see.

Exactly three years later, on my mother’s anniversary, Lesha tried again. The parents seemed thoughtful, looked at each other and nodded silently. “Well, now it’s time,” the father added. This “now is the time” has become a holiday.

I don’t know how Lesha had the patience to wait so many years. There is an expression: “He won her heart.” That’s exactly what Lesha achieved. He is the personification of a real man. Next to him I feel like I'm behind a stone wall. I never wear heavy things, if I don’t feel well, he takes me everywhere and sometimes waits in the car for two or three hours while I’m at rehearsal. And creatively we grew together. I became a solo singer, I teach vocals, Alexey is now a production director in a world-famous company. We don’t have children yet, but we are thinking about it. And the 12-year difference never bothered us. We both look young. Everyone says we are a beautiful couple.

Katya Kovskaya, 32 years old, St. Petersburg:

I truly fell in love in 11th grade. A young man several years older than me. The relationship began romantically, Seryozha courted me beautifully, but two months later I saw a chain on his neck with the inscription “Combatant”; on that day he announced that he was leaving for Chechnya tomorrow. At first I didn’t even understand what was waiting for me. And then there was a long year when we talked and corresponded. But at some point the letters stopped coming. I panicked, called his mother, she said: Seryozha has gone missing... It seemed to me that time was passing by as if in fast forward, and I just couldn’t press “stop”...

But then Seryozha was found and returned home, but he greeted me very coldly. He returned a different person and did not want to communicate with me. I didn’t understand what was going on, because I waited, wrote, was true to my promises and feelings. Now I understand that Seryozha came with the feeling: he is a hero. And I turned out to be too small compared to him, no match. For several years I tried to rectify the situation, practically lived in the company he was with, cooked for him, but he didn’t even look at me, didn’t eat my food - he completely ignored me.

Two years later he finally squeezed out: “Well, I don’t love you, you know, I don’t love you!” This conversation completely destroyed me. I was too small, weak and naive... And that evening I told myself: you shouldn’t expect advances from fate and from people. Oh, and then I messed things up. I forgot that I had family, neglected my studies (I was then studying at the Mussorgsky Music College), lived in an apartment with friends, where we hung out around the clock. So I tried to understand what happened to me.

She sang in a group, wrote many songs, played with the best musicians in St. Petersburg. But all this did not bring relief, I did not appreciate what I had, I was going downhill... I created rock and roll for myself that lasted five years: endless fun, parties, clubs... I was a young lady of free views, absolutely asocial. And at some point I realized that I was losing myself, I was losing my music. Even my musicians refused to play with me... Then I decided: I need to do something urgently. I took a one-way ticket and went to Moscow, where I had no friends, no relatives, no one.

I remember sitting in the park in Kitai-Gorod and thinking: “What do you want, Kovskaya? You've already lost everything." Work saved me. I entered the State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides, for a free department, which was simply the glory of the gods, I was given a room in the hostel. I didn’t touch my mom or dad in matters of finances, after all, I was 23 years old, and I had just started studying... So I tried to handle everything myself. I sang at karaoke on Arbat, drove there from lectures at 6 pm, worked until two in the morning, then went to the Soyuz Internet cafe, paid for a table for 400 rubles and slept until 6 am - the time when they started take the train to my dorm in Peredelkino. I got home, and again everything went in circles...

Then I got a job in a Georgian restaurant, and then with Ksyusha Korobkova and Alla Goloviznina, who also participated in “Voice-5,” we organized a backing team and worked with many of our artists. We traveled a lot around the country, at the same time I wrote songs on the table and developed as an author. It’s funny that life brought us together with Serezha 12 years later. I once came to visit an old friend in St. Petersburg, and he came there. Of course, he did not expect such career turns from me, and, admittedly, he was not the only one who thought that with my lifestyle I would end badly. Now Seryozha and I have friendly relations. He has a wonderful family, everything is fine with me too. And I am grateful to Seryozha. This story made me richer. I never lost, on the contrary, I won the Kovskaya that I became, but I don’t regret at all that not very easy time for me, I needed it to prove to myself that I can be whoever I want. I think, first of all, you need to compete with yourself, with your weaknesses.

In the personal I found what I was looking for, but this is my secret story. Although, of course, it’s not easy with me. I am a closed person, I’m afraid to lose my head, it’s difficult for me to say “I love you.” Only on stage can I say what I want, there I have more freedom and courage. But in life I am terribly shy in expressing my feelings. I don’t like praises and I think that the ability to love quietly is the most precious thing, because happiness is a timid animal and does not like a lot of noise and crowds around.

“Another exchange option is a one-room apartment near the metro at least 15-20 minutes on foot with an additional payment of 5 million rubles... I hope for your wisdom and understanding... Don’t ask unnecessary questions,” the artist wrote on the social network.

In the photographs that the singer added to the post, you can see luxurious housing with European-quality renovation. The apartment is decorated in orange and white shades. The cost of the property is about 11 million rubles. StarHit contacted Oksana and found out why she decided to sell the three-ruble ruble so urgently.

“I have my reasons. I'm divorcing my husband. I put up the ad again; before that, my husband took it down,” Kazakova explained.

As it turned out, problems in Oksana’s family began quite a long time ago. Let us remember that some time ago the artist made every effort to help her mother cope with a serious liver disease. According to the star, at that moment her husband was unable to support her and help with money for treatment.

“I always loved him. I wore rose-colored glasses, but when my parents needed help, the love immediately disappeared somewhere. Everything started to fall apart then. In the last year I have been seeing another person, he has changed, I don’t even understand who is next to me. He stopped being my family,” Oksana noted.

According to Kazakova, their relatives did not bother them in any way before. However, due to the illness of the artist’s mother, they had to move to Moscow. “The Voice” star Oksana Kazakova spoke about the condition of her terminally ill mother

“For 12 years of living together with my husband and parents, I had the opportunity to communicate only by phone. But the circumstances were such that just recently I could have lost the person I loved most! I had to bring my mother to Moscow for long-term treatment of a serious illness, and my husband was hostile to the presence of my parents.

He demanded to leave the housing urgently on July 10 because they were causing discomfort. Unfortunately, there were quite a few such categorical statements and difficulties before! I always supported him both in sorrow and in joy and loved him to the point of insanity, I did not expect such an act at all, especially at the most difficult moment...” - Oksana told StarHit.

According to Oksana, the last two years the relationship between them has not been the best. She initiated all the conversations that took place in their family. The singer notes that Alexey did not make contact. Let us remember that the man was grieving the loss of his son. Kazakova tried to distract her husband during this period and supported him.

“Maybe something is broken. He stopped being responsive and kind. He probably doesn't need anything. I also had moments when I thought I would break. But I'm getting out. Probably he couldn’t or it’s my fault that I didn’t get him out of it,” Oksana noted.

Kazakova is shocked by her husband’s behavior. The star of the show “The Voice” claims that, in addition, the husband is the owner of the property, although they both invested in common property. According to Oksana, the deal was finalized two days before the marriage. After a while, it turned out that she did not own any share in the apartment.

“I am registered in the apartment, but it is completely registered in Alexey’s name. I wish he would act differently, like a real man. Now we have almost reached an agreement on the sale of the apartment or exchange,” the singer noted.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, property acquired during marriage can be divided between spouses through the court during a divorce. However, Oksana is probably not yet ready for such radical measures and hopes to resolve the situation peacefully.

“When trouble happened to my mother, he generally said: “Sell your parents’ apartment.” Alexey proposed a solution so that I would pay for her operation. I asked people for help, since I was left without support,” Kazakova told StarHit.

According to the singer, she will not be able to raise five million for a new home, despite the fact that she works hard. The star not only takes part in concerts, but also teaches vocal lessons to students. However, most of the deferred funds are spent on restoring the mother’s health.

“I work constantly. I would love to find the amount of five million and give it, but I have no place to get it from now. The husband I prayed for left me at a difficult moment. He only offered to sell the apartment in St. Petersburg,” Kazakova said

At the moment, the singer is trying to resolve all issues peacefully. “I’m still afraid to file for divorce. Unfortunately, a bright and pure relationship will no longer work. But after such communication between my husband and my parents, I don’t know how we will get along again,” Oksana explained.