home · Lighting · Omelet for a 2 year old child in a frying pan. Steam omelette for a child (steamed for children) and an adult. Classic recipes, in a double boiler, with water and with proteins. What is an omelet for a child made from?

Omelet for a 2 year old child in a frying pan. Steam omelette for a child (steamed for children) and an adult. Classic recipes, in a double boiler, with water and with proteins. What is an omelet for a child made from?

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 12 minutes


As you know, proper (healthy and tasty) nutrition is the key to a baby’s health. And, of course, breakfast plays the main role in the daily diet. In order for your baby to have enough energy for the whole day, in the morning you need to eat a full, healthy and, naturally, tasty meal. That is, stock up on energy until the evening.

And so that the baby does not protest against “healthy breakfasts”, they should be approached creatively and lovingly.

What are the benefits of porridge?

  • Oatmeal. A universal dietary breakfast, rich in vitamins, healthy acids, microelements, and vegetable proteins. Oats are an ideal antioxidant, an assistant in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and a source of biotin (a vitamin, the deficiency of which leads to weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite, etc.).
  • Buckwheat. A real storehouse of vitamins. Yadritsa is a natural and tasty mini-pharmacy that rids the body of bad cholesterol, has a positive effect on heart function, and has an antitoxic effect. The list of benefits of buckwheat is huge.
  • Pearl barley. At first glance, it is not the most appetizing, but extremely healthy porridge. Pearl barley porridge contains a lot of vitamins, protein and starch, microelements, lysine (an antiviral amino acid).
  • Rice. This porridge is good for intelligence, rich in fiber, vitamin B and protein.
  • Millet. Porridge for the heart. This breakfast is rich in minerals, vitamin PP, amino acids, and microelements.
  • Corn. Breakfast for the gastrointestinal tract. Contains vitamins (PP, C, B), carotene, lysine and tryptophan, fiber, silicon. Porridge reduces fermentation in the intestines, removes toxins, and is low in calories.

It is still too early for a child aged 1-3 years to eat pearl barley (it is difficult to digest), semolina is also not recommended, but other cereals will be very useful.

How to make porridge tasty for a child?

  • Add a piece of butter (butter) during the cooking process.
  • Pour a little milk into the porridge (when ready) and bring to a boil.
  • Add fruits (dried fruits), nuts, jam or preserves, vegetables.
  • Add baked apple or grated cheese.
  • Add fruit puree, chopped or whole berries.
  • Add fruit juice for color.
  • Add the whipped mixture of boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower).

Use your imagination. Porridge for breakfast can become a “canvas” in a plate - with the help of fruits, candied fruits or jam, “draw” culinary landscapes, unknown animals or fantastic characters for your child. Not a single child will refuse such porridge.


People usually protest against omelettes less often than against porridges, but such a breakfast also requires design and mother’s imagination. Omelet is useful for containing (in eggs and milk) vitamins B, E, A, D, fats and proteins, and useful elements.


  • Egg consumption should be moderate to avoid allergies.
  • Quail eggs are an ideal option (the risk of allergies is reduced to a minimum, there are no strict restrictions). Instead of 1 chicken - 3-4 quail.
  • The eggs should first be washed with water.
  • Cooking options: bake in a frying pan with a lid (after 2 years), bake in the oven or steam (from 1 year).
  • To make the omelet tasty and attract the baby’s attention, add vegetables (carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini or potatoes) and herbs to the dish. We “draw” funny pugs on top using food, plant tomato ladybugs, etc.

What can you use to make an omelet for a child?

  • Omelette with cheese and zucchini. The zucchini is pre-fried and then filled with the future omelet (eggs and milk, 2:1). You can sprinkle grated cheese after the omelette has risen.
  • With herbs and tomatoes. Beat 3 quail eggs with milk, add chopped herbs and tomatoes, a piece of butter, put in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  • With broccoli and carrots (from 1.5 years).
  • With potatoes and grated cheese (from 1 year).
  • With vegetables (from 1.5 years). Zucchini, greens, carrots, bell peppers.
  • With carrots and cauliflower (from 1.5 years).
  • With spinach (from 2 years old).
  • With fish. Pour the boiled fish into the future omelette and bake in the oven or microwave.

Curd breakfast. Syrniki

After 6 months, cottage cheese for the baby is a mandatory part of the menu. Cottage cheese contains phosphorus and calcium, a lot of vitamins, and it is possible to use the product in a wide variety of variations. For example: cottage cheese with sour cream, berries or fruits, dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese, cheesecakes, curd mass with various ingredients, cottage cheese cookies, casserole and much more.

And here we will talk about the most favorite curd dish among kids - cheesecakes. They are prepared quite simply, and can be served with almost any “sauce” - sour cream, jam, condensed milk, berries, fruits, etc. (according to age).

How to make cheesecakes?

  • Mix the egg with sugar (1.5-2 tbsp).
  • Add flour (1.5-2 tbsp) and stir.
  • Add 250 g of cottage cheese, stir.
  • Form cakes from the mixture and roll them in flour, fry on both sides over low heat.
  • You can add berries, fruits or candied fruits, honey, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, etc. to the cheesecake mixture.
  • Cottage cheese for children should be used only natural.
  • Before serving, cheesecakes should be beautifully decorated - for example, in the form of mini suns with rays of jam or in the form of dandelions. Or you can pour jam on it and decorate with berries.
  • Choose cottage cheese with a soft consistency for kids.
  • Do not overcook the cheesecakes - cook over low heat, slightly browning. Then blot with a napkin to remove excess oil.
  • You should not give fried foods to children under 1.5-2 years old.
  • For children 1-3 years old, you can grind cottage cheese (50-60 g) into a paste and add porridge, fruit puree or ground berries to it.


This dish is suitable for babies one year old and older. Such a breakfast will not only be healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. That is, any little picky person will like it. The benefits and advantages of pudding are easy digestibility, delicate consistency, improved appetite and metabolism, and a lot of beneficial elements for health.

Pudding options:

  • With cottage cheese and semolina.
  • With vegetables.
  • With meat or fish.
  • With berries.
  • With rice or chocolate.

How to prepare pudding for a baby?

  • Pour milk (400 ml) into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp sugar, add vanilla sugar, cook until the sugar dissolves.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 100 ml of milk, add beaten yolk, carefully pour into the pan to the prepared mixture. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring.
  • Transfer the mixture to the cooled pans and refrigerate, covered with foil (for 2 hours).

You can decorate with berries, coconut, nuts, apples or cranberries, etc.


An excellent breakfast option for babies 11 months and older. A dietary dish that is an airy culinary delight with various ingredients based on whipped egg whites.

Eggs are an important product in children's menus. The baby begins to be given eggs at this age: a hard-boiled yolk from 7-9 months, depending on the type of feeding, and the baby is introduced to the protein only after a year. When can you make an omelet for a baby, what recipe should you choose for baby food, and what eggs are best to use for an omelet intended for a child?


  • The omelet contains many valuable nutrients, such as vitamin A for healthy skin and better vision, B vitamins to improve metabolic processes and nervous system function, and vitamin D to support bone health. In addition, omelet is rich in potassium, iron, copper and phosphorus.
  • The omelet contains the substance lutein, known for its antioxidant properties and ability to lower blood cholesterol.
  • Omelette is considered a light and gentle dish, so it can be included in the diet of children with diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Proteins from omelettes are well absorbed and provide the child’s body with the entire range of amino acids.

Harm and contraindications

  • Eggs are considered an allergenic product, which often causes reactions in childhood.
  • Excessive consumption of protein foods, which include eggs, can negatively affect kidney function.
  • Frying an omelet in a frying pan makes the product unhealthy due to the formation of carcinogenic compounds when the oil is heated.
  • If the heat treatment of the omelet is insufficient, there is a risk of salmonellosis being transmitted through this dish.

From what month can it be introduced into the diet?

Omelettes can be included in the menu of a child who is one year old, since both cow's milk and egg white, on the advice of pediatricians, are introduced into the child's diet after 12 months.

Like any new dish, it should be given to the baby in small quantities. For the omelet, you need to use fresh eggs and milk intended for baby food. If you take village milk for a dish, you should definitely boil it first. Omelettes for babies are baked or steamed - the fried version can be introduced to the baby after 3 years.

How often can a 1 year old child eat an omelet?

The frequency of consumption of egg dishes, which includes omelettes, depends on the norms of egg consumption for a one-year-old child. Since children of this age are recommended to eat up to half an egg per day, if boiled eggs and other egg dishes are not on the menu, you can prepare an omelet from 1 egg three times a week.

Are quail or chicken eggs better for complementary feeding?

A chicken egg is considered a very allergenic product, so for children who are predisposed to allergies, it is better to take a quail egg for an omelet. They cause a reaction much less frequently than chicken ones.

Quail eggs contain more microelements and vitamins. At the same time, the nutritional value of these two types of eggs is similar, but quail eggs are better digestible. It is only important to remember that for any omelet recipe you need to replace chicken eggs with at least twice as many quail eggs.

How to cook?

Traditionally, two main ingredients are used for an omelet – eggs and milk. If you replace milk with sour cream, you will get a less fluffy dish, but its taste will be very delicate. Prepare a dish from several eggs at once, and give the child the middle part, as it turns out to be the fluffiest.

From yolks

An omelet, for which you do not take whole eggs, but only the yolks, is suitable for feeding babies under one year old. This dish can be prepared for babies aged 10-11 months. In addition, this version of the omelet is suitable for children with an allergy to egg whites. To prepare it, beat one yolk, gradually add about 60 ml of breast milk (or baby formula) and add a tablespoon of semolina. The whipped mixture is poured into a mold and baked in the oven.

Steamed recipe

Beat one egg with a fork or blender for about 20 seconds, then add about 50 ml of milk to it, add a little salt and continue beating. After pouring the resulting mixture into a glass bowl (it is important to fill it at most halfway), place it in a pan filled with water (the water in the pan should also reach half of the omelette pan). Keep the omelette on low heat with the lid closed until fully cooked.

In a slow cooker

This device allows you to prepare an omelette for the whole family at once. You will need approximately 250 ml of milk and 7 eggs. Beat eggs with milk in a mixer at low speed or with a whisk. Pour the resulting mixture into the oiled multicooker bowl. Set the “baking” mode and cook the dish for 15 minutes.

In the microwave

This omelet turns out fluffy and airy, even if you do not add milk or flour to the eggs. Take 2 eggs and 75 ml of milk, beat these ingredients with a blender and pour into a greased ovenproof dish. You can add vegetables, apples, cheese and other additives to eggs.

The duration of cooking will be determined by the power of the stove, and on average will be from 3 to 5 minutes. If you are preparing an omelette for the first time, monitor its readiness. If you decide to make an omelet in the microwave without milk, beat the yolks separately, then the whites, and then combine them.

In a steamer

Take two eggs and two tablespoons of milk. Whisk these ingredients, adding a little salt. Grease a mold with butter, pour the egg-milk mixture into it and place in a double boiler. After 10-15 minutes, you can treat your baby to a delicious steamed omelette.

In the oven

This omelette will turn out very fluffy if you do not open the oven while baking it for at least the first twenty minutes (then the dish will not settle). The omelette mold should only be filled halfway with the mixture of eggs and milk, as the original volume will double during cooking.

Recipes with additives

If you want to prepare an omelet for your child with some kind of filling, the ingredients for it should be prepared separately and added to the omelet in finished form. For example, these can be frozen or fresh vegetables, which are first stewed over low heat in a cauldron or in a slow cooker, and then poured with eggs beaten with milk.

For a sweet omelet with fruit, take one egg, 50 ml of milk and 100 g of fruit. Apples are great as fruit for omelettes. Take one large apple, peel and cut into slices, then simmer in a small amount of butter. Pour beaten eggs and milk over the apples, and you can sprinkle the finished omelet with a little grape sugar.

Another interesting option for an omelet for a child over a year old is a dish with meat. It requires boiled chicken fillet, which is placed in a heat-resistant form, two beaten eggs with a small amount of milk are poured on top, and then steamed or cooked in the oven. Also, children over one year old will enjoy an omelet with pasta, cottage cheese, and low-fat cheese.

  • A fresh chicken egg should not be light, and when shaken, nothing should gurgle inside the egg.
  • The color of the shell does not affect the quality of the egg, but in a fresh product the shell will have a slight shine.
  • Do not purchase eggs for children's omelettes from dubious places. It is better to buy them from a trusted seller or store, making sure that the product has the appropriate signs.
  • Do not buy eggs that are cracked or chipped, or eggs that are very dirty or have been washed. Remember that washed eggs have a shorter shelf life, since washing removes the protective film from the shell and the egg begins to deteriorate.
  • Don't assume that the largest eggs are the best choice. Larger eggs contain more water and fewer nutrients because these eggs are laid by older hens. It is best to take eggs of the second category for your baby (they are laid by young hens and such eggs have a very pleasant taste) or first category (they have the most balanced composition).

At home, you can easily check whether an egg is fresh by placing it in cool water. A good egg will sink, but if the product is not fresh, the egg will float.

Look at the recipe for an omelette on the “Mom’s Everyday Life” channel, which shows a recipe for an omelette in a water bath.

Omelette is a very nutritious and healthy dish, so it should be included in a child’s daily diet. But only if the baby does not have an allergic reaction to chicken eggs. As a rule, this product is suitable for children at least 1 year of age.

And if you give your child an egg for the first time, carefully monitor his body’s reaction for about a day. If alarming symptoms such as redness of the skin, rashes, cough, difficulty breathing appear, immediately, without delay, seek medical help. There is a high probability that the child has an allergic reaction to eggs. Omelette for children should only be steamed if the child is under three years old.

Ordinary omelette

Most often, parents give their children an omelet from the common table, but it should be remembered that such a dish should contain limited salt and exclude spices. An ordinary omelet recipe is suitable if you are preparing it separately for your baby.


  • 1 chicken egg or 2-3 quail eggs;
  • 50 ml. milk;
  • ½ tsp. flour.

Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer or blender and pour into the pan. Cook over low heat. A year old child can have both butter and vegetable oil, but you should not give your baby a crispy crust. Separately, you can prepare the so-called decorations by cutting out eyes, a nose, and antennae from permitted vegetables to make an animal’s face. This will make it more fun and interesting for the child to eat an unfamiliar dish.

Dandelion Omelet

Children love this recipe for its delicate taste. It takes a little longer to prepare than usual, but it’s worth the trouble - your little one is guaranteed to be satisfied.

  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 50 grams of pasteurized milk.
  • 1 tsp. butter.
  • Salt to taste.

Rinse the egg thoroughly under running water, break it into a bowl and beat with a mixer for 30 seconds. If you don’t have a mixer at hand, you can do it the old fashioned way - with a fork. True, you will have to beat longer, at least three minutes. Then add the milk and salt and then whisk thoroughly again. As a result, you should get a homogeneous fluffy mass.

If you have a steamer, great. Take a glass bowl, grease its bottom and edges with butter, pour in the egg mixture and place the container in a double boiler for about 15 minutes. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can cook in a simple water bath. For this you will need a deep saucepan of small diameter. Place a bowl with beaten eggs at the bottom, pour in enough water to cover two-thirds of the bowl. Cook the omelette over very low heat, about 10 minutes. The bowl should be made of fireproof glass.

At first the omelette will rise very much: sometimes it even peeks out from the edges of the bowl. But within a few minutes it will settle. Transfer it to a nice plate and let cool. From a sprig of parsley, make the stem and leaves of our dandelion.

Omelette "Carrot"

To make two servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 chicken eggs, preferably homemade - their yolks are much brighter;
  • half a small carrot;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil.


Break the eggs into a glass container, wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a fine grater - you will need about two tablespoons. First, beat the eggs with milk very thoroughly, add a little salt. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, place carrots on the bottom and pour egg mixture on top.

It is best to bake an omelet in a double boiler for at least 20 minutes. If you don’t have one, you can make do with the oven. In this case, the cooking time at a temperature of 200 degrees will be approximately 20 minutes. As a last resort, you can resort to the microwave; it cooks in it the fastest - about 7 minutes.

The finished omelette has a very cheerful bright yellow-orange color that any child will surely love. And in order to further decorate the omelet, you can use corn or peas. Add a few grains that act as eyes and spouts.

Omelette “Nutritious”

For a child over two years old, you can prepare a delicious omelet with cheese.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pasteurized milk;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 10 grams of any hard cheese;
  • dill greens.

Wash and peel the pepper, remove the seeds, chop finely and simmer in water. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, wash the eggs and break them into a bowl. Beat the eggs with milk thoroughly until they turn into a dense, uniform foam.

Add grated cheese and mix thoroughly again. Grease an omelette pan with vegetable oil, place stewed peppers in an even layer on the bottom, pour the egg mixture on top and set the omelette to cook. In a double boiler the cooking time is 15 minutes, in the oven - 20, and in the microwave - 7.

Omelette with apples

Children will definitely like the unusual taste.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • half a medium-sized apple;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pasteurized milk;
  • 1 tsp. sunflower oil.

Wash the apple, peel and cut into thin slices, grease the mold with vegetable oil and place in an even layer on the bottom. Wash the eggs under running water, break them into a bowl, add milk and beat thoroughly for several minutes until you get a homogeneous dense foam. Pour the egg mixture into the prepared pan with apples and place to bake. The omelette will cook in a double boiler for about 20 minutes, in the oven - 15, and in the microwave - about 7 minutes.

Quail egg omelette

Quail egg omelette has a delicate taste. Quail eggs are healthy: they contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements necessary for humans. In addition, quail eggs have one unique feature - they almost never cause an allergic reaction. And even among those people who categorically cannot tolerate chicken.

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • 7 quail eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. pasteurized milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter.

This omelet is prepared very simply, just like from chicken eggs. The only difference is that you can’t get by with two eggs. Be sure to rinse the eggs under running water and break them into a bowl.

Add milk and salt to them, using a whisk or mixer, beat thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass. Grease an omelet mold with butter, pour the egg mixture into it and place to bake. It cooks very quickly - in a double boiler it takes about 6 minutes, in the oven no more than 5, and in the microwave 3 minutes is enough.

Omelette with zucchini

An omelet for an older child can be prepared with zucchini. This omelet has a very pleasant taste, is quite filling and is perfect for breakfast.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 g fresh zucchini;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tsp. pasteurized milk;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Peel the zucchini, cut into strips and cover with cold boiled water, leave for 10 minutes - this must be done so that they do not become bitter. Drain the water, cut the zucchini into small strips, and place in the bottom of a pre-greased omelette pan. Mix the eggs with milk, add salt and beat thoroughly, pour into the mold with the zucchini and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Protein-free omelette

For those who adhere to a more strict children's menu, the ideal option would be an omelette recipe without proteins.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • milk (about the same amount as the yolk comes out, i.e. 30–50 ml);
  • 1 hour l. semolina.

You can cook it either over low heat or in a simple oven. This recipe is not suitable for microwave ovens.

So, first you need to beat the yolk, add milk, beat again, then add semolina and stir thoroughly. If a child refuses to eat such food, and you see a need for it, you can add a little salt for taste.

Dry omelette

Cow's milk also contains a large amount of protein, naturally compared to the required amount for a one-year-old child. Therefore, it is advised to continue to feed the baby with formula after he has been weaned. Considering this, a very useful and correct recipe for an omelette using a dry mixture.


  • food fusion for kids;
  • water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • ½ tsp. flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter.

Dilute the mixture in normal proportions, as you would feed a child. If you haven’t had to give the mixture before, then don’t rush to prepare such an omelet. Let the child get used to regular porridge first.

Beat the yolk, add the diluted mixture, flour and salt to it. Melt a small cube of butter in a spoon and add to the liquid mixture. The fastest way to cook an omelette is to microwave it on medium power for 2 minutes.

Meat omelette

Meat can be introduced into a baby’s diet from six months to eight months of age, and a year old child should eat it daily, so you should combine two of these dishes. And it will be given additional benefit by a special cooking method: in a double boiler or in a water bath. True, it will take much longer than if you decided to cook in any other way.


  • 2 eggs;
  • milk;
  • boiled chicken breast meat;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter.

Beat the eggs, add salt, pour in the milk, and beat everything thoroughly again. Grease the mold with butter, spread the shredded chicken evenly over the bottom, and pour in the liquid mixture. Place in a double boiler for 15–20 minutes or place the omelette pan in a large saucepan with water that half covers the pan, bring to a boil, cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat, and keep on the stove until done.

Omelette with tomatoes

A one-year-old child can eat almost all vegetables, including tomatoes, but not fresh, but cooked with an omelet. They will be an excellent option for kids who are so in need of vitamins.


  • 1 medium tomato;
  • 1 yolk;
  • milk;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the peel, chop finely, throw into the pan and simmer for several minutes over low heat. Beat the egg, add milk, beat again. Pour into the tomato, cover with a lid. In a few minutes, a very tasty dish will be ready!

How to cook a tasty and healthy omelet for a child

Try to use chicken eggs from poultry. If you can’t find them, then wash store-bought ones more thoroughly. It is also better to use homemade milk, from proven animals, baby milk from a store or from a dairy kitchen. Make sure your baby eats healthy and with pleasure! And then an omelet for a one-year-old child will not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Discussion 1

Similar materials

Eggs are a necessary food item on the children's menu. They contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, a set of essential amino acids and substances required for the normal functioning of the body: phosphorus, calcium and iron.

From about 10 months of age, and in some cases from a year, you can safely give your children a well-cooked omelet. But do not forget that any new dish should be introduced into the diet gradually. Eggs should not be on your fidget's menu every day.

To prepare an omelet, you must use only fresh chicken or quail eggs and special baby milk. Raw eggs must first be washed to prevent microbes that have settled on the shell from entering the food. If you are using country cow's milk, you need to boil it first.

Chicken eggs are a strong allergen that can cause a rash in a child. In this case, the dish is prepared from quail eggs, which extremely rarely cause an allergic reaction, and contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Difficult question of choice

For the whole family you will need 7 eggs, 250 ml of milk and a pinch of salt. But if your baby is less than a year old, it is better to prepare a separate portion for him without salt.

The multicooker bowl is greased with a small amount of butter. The egg-milk mixture is mixed using a whisk or mixer at low speed, poured into the bowl and cooked in the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes.

Nothing but yolk!

Many parents suffer from the fact that their child is sensitive to various foods (for example, egg white), so they have to create an extremely strict children's menu.

Some babies are allergic to semolina. It is recommended to introduce it into the baby’s diet no earlier than six months, but by the age of one year this product is already well absorbed. Other children's bodies do not digest egg white well.

The solution is to prepare an omelet without proteins. It is no coincidence that pediatricians recommend that children under one year of age (10 years old) prepare this dish exclusively from yolks. The protein component of a chicken egg is considered more difficult to digest.

You will need 1 yolk, about a quarter glass of milk and 1 tbsp. l. decoys. To prepare this dish, you first need to beat the yolk, then add milk and add semolina, then beat with a whisk and put in the oven. Another option is to cook over high heat in a frying pan with high sides.

Culinary tricks

  1. If you are planning to make an omelette with filling (minced meat, vegetables, etc.), then it is better to fry the ingredients separately and then add them to the main dish.
  2. Do you use frozen vegetables to make omelettes? They should be simmered separately over low heat, covering the pan with a lid, or in a slow cooker using the “Pilaf” mode. This approach will help make the filling softer.
  3. As soon as the omelette is ready, it needs to be simmered for a few more minutes with the multicooker or stove turned off and under the lid. It tastes better this way!
  4. The omelette turns out especially fluffy in the oven, which is not recommended to be opened for the first 20 minutes so that the dish does not settle. In this case, the baking dish is filled approximately halfway, because during the cooking process the original volume will increase by 2 times.
  5. If you add sour cream, the omelette will not be as fluffy as when using milk, but it will acquire a delicate creamy taste.
  6. The child should serve the fluffiest part taken from the middle. Several eggs will make an omelet more tender and fluffy.
  7. It is recommended to beat half of the whites separately, and only then mix them with the rest of the egg mixture, and then add a piece of softened butter. This will give the omelette the perfect fluffy texture that your baby will love.

Successful recipes

With apples

  1. For 1 serving: 1 egg, 50 g milk, 1 tsp. butter, 100 g apples.
  2. Peel the apples and cut into thin slices, simmer in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Beat raw eggs with milk, pour the mixture over the stewed apples and bring to readiness.
  4. Serve the dish sprinkled with a little fructose.


  1. Beat a glass of milk and three eggs.
  2. Peel 2 raw potatoes, grate them on a large-mesh grater and add to the mixture.
  3. If desired, you can supplement the dish with sliced ​​ham.
  4. Mix everything well and add salt.
  5. Grease the pan with butter, add the egg-potato mixture and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.

With zucchini

  1. Take 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, 60 g of zucchini and 2 tsp. butter.
  2. Thinly slice the young zucchini, place in a small saucepan, add half the oil, cover with a lid and simmer briefly over low heat.
  3. Grease a frying pan with oil, add stewed zucchini, pour a mixture of eggs and milk on top.
  4. Cook covered until fully cooked.

With chicken

  1. You will need: 2 eggs, milk, several pieces of chicken breast (already boiled), salt and butter.
  2. Lightly mix the eggs with a fork, add salt, pour in the milk and beat well.
  3. Grease a suitable sized dish with oil, place chopped chicken breast on the bottom, pour a mixture of eggs and milk on top.
  4. Place the omelette pan in a container with water until it reaches approximately halfway, and bring the water to a boil over high heat.
  5. Then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer the omelette until fully cooked.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in pleasing your child with a delicious omelet, although giving it for breakfast every day is highly not recommended. So you risk causing your baby a persistent aversion to dishes made from eggs or even.

After a year, the baby’s diet should be varied. Moms have a new concern: what to offer their baby for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Don't forget about a simple but tasty dish - omelet. Kids eat it with pleasure. Choose an omelet recipe for a 1-year-old child that involves steam cooking or baking without adding soda. This will create the perfect tandem - taste plus benefits.

Eggs are considered one of the main components of the children's menu. They contain essential amino acids, vitamins B, E, A, D. The product is a source of phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. All these substances are needed to maintain the functions of a growing organism.

Despite the benefits of eggs, they are a common food allergen. When including a product in your baby’s diet, it is important to monitor how the fragile body reacts to it.

When can I try?

From how many months can you give an omelet to a baby? If we are talking about a dish according to a traditional recipe, then pediatricians are unanimous on this issue: from 12 months. Although the introduction to the main ingredient of the dish - eggs - occurs earlier. Doctors allow boiled yolk to be introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of eight months. From this age, it is allowed for the baby to eat half a yolk every two days.

Protein can appear in the diet only after a year, because it is an allergenic product. These recommendations from pediatricians, in fact, are the answer to the question of at what age can a child be given an omelet. Traditionally, the dish is prepared from proteins and yolks, so it should not be prepared for a baby under one year old. However, if you choose an option where only yolks are used, then you can offer your little fidget an airy dish even earlier - from eight months, instead of boiled yolk.

Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have an omelet? It is determined by the baby’s tendency to allergic reactions. Usually, by the age of one year, a child’s body does not react so violently to allergens. It’s easy to check this - give a small amount of egg: not necessarily in the form of an omelet. Offer boiled. If there is no allergy, then you can introduce your child to new dishes that involve changing the consistency of a familiar product.

The ideal option for an egg dish for a one-year-old baby is steamed. When can a child be given an omelet cooked in a frying pan? Pediatricians recommend delaying introduction to the fried version of the dish until the age of three, when the child’s digestive system is stronger.

Product selection: 4 rules

An omelet for the little ones should be healthy. The correct choice of products is of particular importance. Remember four rules.

  1. The eggs are fresh. Buy the main component only from trusted places. Chips and cracks on the shell are unacceptable, as is gurgling inside.
  2. Milk is for children. To prepare the dish, special milk is taken - baby milk. If you plan to add country cow's milk to the dish, you need to boil it first.
  3. Additives are low-allergenic. When adding vegetables, it is important to know for sure that the baby is not allergic to them. A rash in a baby can, for example, be caused by a red tomato. Introduce your baby to the product first, and then add it to dishes.
  4. Salt - minimum. It is advisable not to salt baby food. If you decide to add salt, it should be minimal. But seasonings are taboo.

If your baby is predisposed to allergies, it is better to replace chicken eggs, which are considered a highly allergenic product, with quail eggs. A reaction to quail eggs is rare, but the benefits are the same. It’s easy to adapt recipes to the product: take twice as many quail eggs as indicated in the recipe, which involves the use of chicken eggs.

Omelette recipe for a 1 year old child: steam version

An omelette in a steamer for children a little older than one year is an ideal breakfast option. The dish turns out to be dietary and easy to digest. Even a novice housewife can handle preparing such a breakfast.

You will need:

  • one egg;
  • low-fat milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - a small piece to grease the pan;
  • salt is literally on the tip of a knife.

What do we have to do

  1. Beat the egg with a whisk.
  2. Add milk and salt if desired. Beat thoroughly again.
  3. Pour the mixture into a small mold (it must be greased first).
  4. Cook in a steamer for 15 minutes.

You can make a healthy steam omelet for a 1-year-old child, even if you don’t have a miracle device called a “steamer” in your house. To steam, use "grandmother's method" - a steam bath. It's simple: place the mold with the egg-milk base over boiling water for about 20 minutes.

Multicooker to the rescue

If your kitchen appliances include a multicooker, be sure to use the device for preparing baby food. An omelet in a slow cooker for a 1-year-old child turns out fluffy and tasty. Due to the cooking technology, the dish will not harm the fragile digestive system of the baby: it is not fried, but baked.

The benefit of a multicooker is that you don’t need to monitor the cooking process. This is very convenient when you have a little fidget on your hands. Another plus is that in a kitchen device you can prepare breakfast for the whole family at once. Below is a recipe for such a universal breakfast.

You will need:

  • eight eggs;
  • milk - a glass;
  • oil - a little bit to lubricate the bowl;
  • salt - to taste.

What do we have to do

  1. Prepare an egg plus milk mixture.
  2. Beat it thoroughly with a mixer. You can use a whisk.
  3. Pour the mixture into an oiled multi-cooker bowl.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes, the “Baking” mode will do (the name depends on the device).

Protein-free in the oven

How to prepare an omelet for a 1 year old child if he is allergic to protein? The dish does not have to consist of a “whole” egg. The omelet can be protein-free. This option is ideal for children prone to allergic reactions: the mother does not need to worry that the baby will be bothered by rashes after eating.

You will need:

  • egg yolk;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • semolina - a teaspoon.

What do we have to do

  1. Beat the yolk with a mixer or whisk.
  2. Pour the milk into the bowl with the yolk and beat again.
  3. Add semolina to the egg-milk mixture. Whisk.
  4. Let stand 15 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Pour the mixture into the mold. Bake in the oven at 180°C.

If you use a silicone mold, the omelet will not stick. Other forms require pre-lubrication with butter. Do not open the oven doors immediately after the cooking time has expired - the omelette will settle.

In the microwave and without milk

Children's omelette can be prepared without milk. A replacement for this ingredient is the dry formula that the baby ate before the introduction of complementary foods. This version of the dish is especially relevant if the baby has intolerance to cow protein, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions.

You will need:

  • dry baby formula and water for diluting it - the finished version should yield 50 ml;
  • one yolk;
  • flour - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • butter - a small cube.

What do we have to do

  1. Prepare the mixture as for normal feeding.
  2. Beat the yolk. Mix it with melted butter, flour, diluted mixture.
  3. Microwave for two minutes. Use the average power of the device.

This recipe can be cooked in the oven or in a steam bath. However, a microwave oven is the fastest way.

With meat

An omelet for a 2-year-old child can be prepared with various additives. At eight months, the baby gets acquainted with meat. After a year, meat dishes should be present on the children's menu every day. But often the baby does not like the taste of this product. Try making an omelet with the addition of meat: your little fidget will definitely not refuse such a healthy dish.

You will need:

  • Two eggs;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • boiled chicken fillet - 50 g;
  • butter - a small piece for greasing the pan;
  • salt.

What do we have to do

  1. Beat the eggs. Add some salt.
  2. Pour in the milk. Whisk the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Place the chopped fillet (pre-boiled) on the bottom of the greased form. On top is a mixture of milk and eggs.
  4. Cook in a steam bath.
  5. 15 minutes is enough.

With cabbage

The menu for the little ones must include vegetables. Many kids refuse such benefits. But if you cook an omelet with the addition of vegetables, then you won’t have to persuade the baby to eat another spoonful. Cauliflower and carrots are great additions. The omelet with cabbage turns out tender, and the carrots add bright colors to the dish, which your little one will definitely like.

You will need:

  • egg;
  • milk - 50 g;
  • half a carrot;
  • several cauliflower inflorescences;
  • butter - 1/2 teaspoon.


  1. Boil the cauliflower and carrots as usual or steam them.
  2. Place the vegetables in a form suitable for cooking in microwave ovens (the form must first be greased with oil).
  3. Prepare the base - milk plus eggs. Whisk thoroughly. Pour mixture over vegetables.
  4. Cook in the microwave for three minutes.

The recipe can be modified using the vegetables your baby likes. For example, the dish will turn out tender if you add zucchini or broccoli.

4 culinary tricks

To make the omelette fluffy, tender, and tasty, you need to know some tricks. Remember four of them, and your baby will be delighted with the dish.

  1. Beat the whites separately. If you are preparing a children's omelette with the addition of proteins, it is recommended to beat some of them separately, and then pour them into the “general” mixture. This will give the dish airiness.
  2. Add butter. If you add a piece of butter to a two-ingredient base, you can get an incredibly delicate taste and light texture.
  3. Cook with several eggs. This way the dish will definitely turn out fluffy. Offer your baby the part taken from the middle - it is the most tender.
  4. Don't rush to post it. Regardless of the cooking method, the dish cannot be immediately placed on plates. You need to keep it under the lid. If the dish was cooked in the oven, it is not recommended to immediately open the door. Hurry up and the omelette will settle.

An omelet for a one-year-old child can be prepared with the addition of sour cream. It is used instead of milk. With sour cream, the eggs rise slightly, but the dish will have a pronounced creamy taste. If the baby refuses the dish, come up with an interesting presentation: let the baby see a flower or the sun on his plate.
