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Cast iron stoves for summer cottages. Long-burning cast iron stoves for the home. Basic operating rules

Stove fireplace Meta Moscow 9

Quite a budget-friendly and high-quality stove from a Russian manufacturer. We took the chimney right away, so as not to make a mistake with the parameters later; the managers helped us select a complete set of equipment, which was easier than looking for it ourselves later. There are no serious complaints, it worked through the fall/winter - everything is fine, nothing fell off, nothing cracked, the paint is in place. It’s warm in the dacha, it warms up quickly after kindling, but our dacha is small. We leave it overnight - until everything smolders, until the stove cools down - there is enough heat until the morning, and the room has already been well heated during the day. We didn’t expect anything supernatural for such a price - a good working stove without unnecessary frills. Visually nothing special, suitable for a dacha.

ANGARA 12 fireplace stove with stove

We immediately took the complete set (stove + chimney with all pipes). Installed quickly. The design is beautiful, modern, there are decorative inserts on the sides, it looks much better in the interior than in the pictures.
The kindling is fast and heats up quickly too. This is the second year we have been using it, in winter, at a temperature of minus 15 degrees, the stove completely warms up a house of 100 square meters. m. in one and a half to two hours to 20 degrees. The ash pan is enough for about 3 kindlings, so it needs to be cleaned. The handle on the door gets very hot, I had to wear a mitten to avoid getting burned.
But the most important advantage of this stove is the presence of a stove! You can heat up the water and cook something to eat. In fact, it replaces our regular gas stove; going to the dacha in winter has become much more pleasant and convenient. Warmth and hot tea are always at hand, and looking at the fire in the evenings is a great pleasure.

Stove-fireplace ANGARA

When choosing a stove, we were looking for an inexpensive and at the same time high-quality option. Foreign models did not fit into the budget, so we settled on a Russian manufacturer, especially since the discount on this model was not bad. Overall, after six months of use, I have only positive impressions.
Visually, this stove is a well-tuned “potbelly stove”, but in the interior it looks beautiful and even expensive. It’s easy to use, the only downside is that when heated, the lock jams a little – the door doesn’t close the first time. The glass does not smoke much; in the strong fire mode it cleans itself. Thermal power of 9 kW is enough for a dacha with an area of ​​70 square meters. The body warms up more slowly than the glass.

Stove-fireplace RHINE

For its price - an excellent stove for a summer house. Looks decent, beautiful. A big plus is that it takes up little space. It's been in use for a year now - the glass is all in place, hasn't cracked, doesn't smoke, so it's still nice to watch the flame through the glass.
We used it every weekend in winter - no problems, everyone was happy. If the minus is not very strong, the house warms up quickly (room area is approximately 90 m2), in 40-50 minutes. The draft is manually adjustable, you can change the strength of the flame and the duration of combustion. It retains heat for a long time; even after the firewood has completely burned out, the housing continues to warm the surrounding air.
The main disadvantage is that the door is too high, it is almost on the same level with the exhaust vent. If the door is opened, some of the smoke begins to enter the room. But in principle, we have already gotten used to it, so this has little effect on convenience.

Stove-fireplace La Nordica ISETTA CON CERCHI

Stove-fireplace La Nordica FULVIA LIBERTY

I purchased this fireplace stove in 2017 to heat my dacha, where we go on weekends in the winter. Overall very pleased. The stove does not require an additional foundation; it was installed in an hour. It copes with its task of heating the building quite well. Since our house is small, we have enough resources. As for the consumption of firewood, it is within reason and is quite economical.
The stove has a fairly large door, a good view, and it’s a pleasure to watch the flames. Glass practically does not smoke (the main thing is not to lean the wood against the glass). The stove is lined with red majolica and looks quite colorful and stylish. I haven't found any cons yet.

Stove-fireplace La Nordica FIAMMETTA

We bought a stove a couple of years ago for our guest country house. It turned out to be easy to install and fit perfectly into our interior. The work met expectations. A fairly spacious room in our house is heated in half an hour, and the neighboring rooms are also warm. Can be used in long burning mode. One stack of firewood lasts for more than 10 hours. If you put firewood in the evening, you don’t have to worry about fuel at night - it will still be warm in the morning.
The package includes everything you need and Nordic's signature functionality. We are pleased with various pleasant little things, for example, that the glass remains clean for a long time. In general, it’s beautiful, reliable, and practical. We are 100% satisfied with the quality of the stove.

Cast iron stove- an excellent way to solve the heating problem, be it a private house or a summer cottage. Modern production allows us to produce not only functional, but also very impressive devices that will fit into any interior and quickly heat a room of up to 150 m 2.

Cast iron has long been used as a material for the manufacture of heating devices for high strength indicators, heat resistance and heat transfer. The disadvantages of this alloy include the fact that it is quite heavy, for example, compared to steel, and does not tolerate sudden changes well temperatures (if a stream of cold water hits hot cast iron, it may burst).


Based on your requirements, you can choose purchase:

  • heating stove designed for heating a room and maintaining heat for a long time;
  • Cooking and heating equipped with a cooking zone;
  • Stove-fireplace.

Heating stove quickly will warm the room And will keep you warm for a long time - this is its main and most important function, although it looks very attractive.

A stove with a built-in hob, and sometimes also with an oven will give Not only warm but also delicious dinner.

Fireplace will complement the interior premises and will create an unforgettable atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

External design and components

Form And configuration may be different:

  • Rectangular;
  • Square;
  • Oval and so on.

Colors and design too varies. Beautiful appearance does not exclude the high functionality of the device, which includes:

  1. Heating panel with door;
  2. Grate for combustion products to fall out and ash;
  3. Ash pan(classic with a door or retractable, allowing you to remove ash right at the time of use);
  4. Chimney.

Attention! Typically portable stoves involve the use of pellet and briquettes, but if you want to heat with wood, you can purchase a model with a deep firebox.

Features of the design of cast iron stoves

It is also important mobility This type of heating equipment is easy to transport and move; some models are equipped with handles for convenience.

Heat dissipation such a device is enough high, the most promising in terms of this indicator are those where both solid fuel and gas, which is formed when there is a very low supply of oxygen to the firebox.

If there is a lack of oxygen, wood does not burn, but smoldering, and the gas released during this process is disposed of in another chamber provided by the device. In this case, one load of raw materials will be enough to 5-6 hours.

The combustion intensity in portable stoves is regulated by a special device - gate and, as in brick ovens, an ash pan door.

Cooking and heating furnaces- a more complex mechanism that can combine several functions. So, you can heat a country house, cook dinner, and dry fruit for the winter.

Such devices include one or more burners, less often the oven. The efficiency of such a furnace is quite high and can reach 80% .

Stoves and fireplaces They are distinguished by the presence of a fire-resistant glass door or direct access to the fire, which further enhances the feeling of warmth and comfort in the house.

Principle of operation

Today, a wide range of furnace equipment is based on three principles work:

  1. Standard ovens– the device is mounted in the chimney, can be equipped with a hob or without it. Ignition occurs in the firebox, the burning speed is regulated gate or damper door. The fire is maintained by throwing solid raw materials, the heat is retained for some time after the end of this process, due to the good thermal conductivity of cast iron. These the models are simple both in design and operation.
  2. Furnaces with water circuit- a more complex modification, which has two rows of walls between which water is poured. Such a device may well be used How boiler and heat not just one separate room, but the whole house. An additional advantage is the constant access to hot water.
  3. Stoves with long burning effect, which were already mentioned earlier. This device allows maximum use fuel economically, maintain a stable room temperature and is characterized by a very high efficiency index ( 80-85% ).

Important! Modern cast iron stoves can operate on either solid, liquid or gaseous fuel. For these purposes, the firebox is equipped with special devices.

Compared to classic brick stoves, cast iron devices get hotter faster, are standing cheaper, but their heat transfer is lower.


These heating devices have quite a lot of positive qualities, here relate:

  • Compactness. Despite the rather thick walls, the dimensions of the cast product are quite small and it can fit into any room;
  • Appearance. Progress does not stand still and currently products are cast in any configuration with a variable range of artistic design. Such a device will become not only a heating device, but also a worthy piece of furniture;
  • High efficiency And efficiency during operation;
  • Minimal preparation for installation– a foundation is not required, near the chimney it is only necessary to cover the floor with non-combustible material, for example, lay this area with tiles, cover it with a sheet of tin, and so on;
  • Fast room heating area up to 150 m2;
  • Ability to regulate combustion intensity fuel using a special device. A modification with a slow burning effect allows you to heat rooms at night.


Cons such devices have absolutely A little, and they can rather be called operating features, here relate:

  1. For proper operation of the device a tall chimney is required;
  2. If cold water comes into contact with the housing cast iron may crack;
  3. For cast iron extremely high humidity negatively affects, which may result in the appearance of rust.

Cast iron products are sufficient heavy, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Thus, the thick walls of the oven make it quite heavy, which makes transportation a little more difficult. At the same time, it is the thickness of the walls that allows for a longer keep warm in the house.

Thus, a cast iron portable stove is an excellent alternative to a bulky, complex one. She easy to install and further use, fits perfectly into any interior. Model, color and configuration can be completely different.

The heat transfer of cast iron is somewhat less than that of brick, but much higher than, for example, that of steel. For a dacha or a country house, this is generally perfect option- it will take very little time for a cold room to be filled with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

In the next video photo selection of cast iron stoves suitable for heating a home:

The best way to heat a private home is to install a long-burning stove-fireplace. For many years, this type of equipment has been in demand in many countries around the world. It allows you not only to maintain the optimal temperature in living spaces for a comfortable stay, but also to originally complement the interior of the fireplace room or living room.

Among the wide variety of models, cast iron wood-burning stoves are considered an excellent alternative to central heating. They are also able to operate on wood waste, which makes them even more profitable and economical. With the help of such equipment you can effectively heat a residential building, cottage or cottage. In addition, solid fuel models can also be found in the heat supply of garages, production workshops, warehouses and garages.

Fireplace stove for the home and its advantages

A long-burning wood-burning stove-fireplace, regardless of the model and manufacturer, is in great demand among domestic consumers. And I’m not surprised, because she has many unique advantages:

  • high efficiency - slow combustion of fuel reduces its consumption;
  • fast and efficient heating of the room;
  • excellent heat resistance;
  • safety of use subject to operating rules;
  • ease of installation and scheduled maintenance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • long service life.

Wood-burning stove-fireplace: accommodation options

There are several ways to install long-burning heating equipment in a house:

  1. Corner location. A wood-burning stove-fireplace is mounted diagonally in the room with the possibility of fan-shaped installation of upholstered furniture - armchairs or ottomans.
  2. Wall location. The most common installation option. However, it is worth considering the correct ratio of the size of the stove to the area of ​​the room: for a large living room or fireplace room, a large heating device would be ideal, respectively, for a small room it is better to opt for a small stove.
  3. Embedding in a niche. The method of installing a fireplace is quite complex and labor-intensive, so it can only be carried out at the initial stage of planning a house.
  4. Central location. Fireplace stoves installed in the middle of the room look very unusual and original. Their installation would be appropriate in spacious rooms with good insulation.

Steel or cast iron fireplace stoves for the home: rules for choosing

Today it is not difficult to buy a fireplace stove in Moscow. However, before you go in search of the ideal heating equipment, you need to set your priorities and carefully consider what you want this device to look like.

The main parameters taken into account when choosing this heating equipment are:

  • technical dimensions;
  • price policy;
  • design execution;
  • functionality;
  • safety;
  • durability.

Also on the domestic market there are models of stove-fireplaces that differ in heated volume, firebox material, design features and power. Modern manufacturers of solid fuel equipment offer various types of devices:

  • with vertical tab;
  • with horizontal tab;
  • direct action
  • with secondary air flow (injection).

For a wood-burning stove-fireplace for a home, the price may depend on the material of manufacture, functionality and external design. Today, you can buy heating equipment of this type taking into account the chosen style direction of the interior of the room.

Separately, I would like to note the heating and cooking cast iron stoves and fireplaces for wood-burning homes. Such equipment makes it possible not only to effectively heat the house, but also to prepare food. Installations of this type are simply irreplaceable in a country house or cottage where there is no gas.

Where to buy a wood-burning stove for a home?

The KaminDom online store is a well-known online portal specializing in the sale of heating equipment. The catalog presents wood-burning stoves and fireplaces for cottages from well-known manufacturers in a wide range.

Why should you buy a stove from us?

  • certified product quality;
  • original design solutions;
  • excellent view of the fire;
  • high percentage of equipment efficiency;
  • professional installation;
  • pleasant price offers;
  • Fast shipping.

You can always clarify the terms of purchase by contacting our managers by phone listed on the website. We are also always glad to see you in our store in Moscow. Our prices for steel and cast iron fireplace stoves are quite reasonable and worthy.

Heating stoves are designed to heat small houses, as well as cottages and industrial premises. They are very convenient, especially for a summer residence, because they can be lit only when necessary, and such stoves can quickly heat a small room.

Wood-burning stoves for summer cottages are quite compact in size and take up significantly less space than. Some models have additional functions: cooking, for example. This is possible due to the presence of an upper flat surface through which flue gases pass. Some of the stoves are equipped with a water heating circuit (for heating water in the tank) or an oven.

Furnaces for summer cottages are produced by many companies: Breneran (Bulleryan), Professor Butakov, Termofor, Teplodar, Ferlux, Jotul, Sergio Leoni, Edil Kamin, Keddy, Supra, Nunnauuni, Thorma.

Heating wood stoves from the domestic brand Professor Butakov stand out among competitors with high heat transfer from the surface thanks to large convective pipes and their ergonomic installation in the system. The pipe connecting the chimney pipe is located at the top. The condensate flows into the furnace and burns directly there. The manufacturer produces stoves suitable for heating rooms of various sizes (150 - 1200 m3). The rated power of the models varies between 9-55 kW.

The furnace for heating a summer cottage produced by Breneran looks like a structure with pipes. Such a system is capable of providing forced convection. The advantage of this design is fairly rapid heating and smooth distribution of air throughout the room. Approximately 4.5 cubic meters of heated air passes through the smallest oven in the range per minute. At the same time, the wood-burning stove itself does not heat up.

The wood-burning stove from Termofor, called Fire Battery, attracts with its aesthetic design, which allows it to be seamlessly integrated into any modern interior. The name of the stove is very eloquent and true: the efficiency of this model is 85%. The large volume of the combustion chamber of the furnace makes it possible to well warm up rooms of 150 cubic meters. This heating stove is, in addition, also a cooking stove. There are several size options for the model, which makes it possible to select the optimal option that perfectly suits your specific dacha.

The range of Edilkamin stoves is quite wide. Among the many models presented, you can easily choose the type of stove you need with a lining color that matches your interior. By purchasing a wood stove from Edilkamin, you will receive an environmentally friendly, energy-saving heating device and at the same time decorate your dacha.

Furnaces from the Spanish brand Ferlux are designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with current European standards. The stove equipment of this brand has a CE mark of conformity. Most of the models of this company have more efficient combustion - due to the installed double combustion system. This design allows you to increase efficiency and reduce wood consumption.

Jotul cast iron stoves are characterized by a unique design, incredible efficiency, high functionality, safety, ease of use, durability and strength. Heat-resistant enamel, available in four different shades, makes it possible to choose a stove that suits your interior.

The Keddy wood stove is designed to heat your home efficiently and safely. The spacious cast-iron firebox of such a stove will make it possible to quickly heat the room. High-quality equipment for stoves, materials and the laconic Scandinavian design of Keddy products will not leave you indifferent.

Heating stoves from the Finns NunnaUuni will not only be a complete source of heat in the house, but also an attractive decorative element.

Wood burning stoves from the French brand Supra embody modern style solutions and perfectly complement the interior. The heating stoves of this company are made in 3 versions: a cast iron stove, a steel stove of different colors and a stove with ceramic inserts.

The heating stove from Thorma is an excellent combination of reasonable price and European quality. A wide range of stoves allows you to choose the best option. Durability and safety are the most important characteristics of Torma furnaces. Thanks to their amazing appearance, high efficiency and excellent quality, wood-burning stoves from this company are gaining popularity.

On our website we present, for the dacha, cast iron, inexpensive stoves for small and large rooms.

For the most efficient heating, we will select a stove of the required volume for you - we have stoves for 50-1000 cubic meters - conventional and convection.

You can buy heating stoves for your home and garden with delivery and installation. We will select a chimney for each stove or offer options for ready-made chimney installation kits.