home · Measurements · Sycamore is an evergreen plant. Sycamore tree: cultivation and propagation by seeds, description of the fruit. Planting frost-resistant plane trees: video

Sycamore is an evergreen plant. Sycamore tree: cultivation and propagation by seeds, description of the fruit. Planting frost-resistant plane trees: video

Sycamore is a fast-growing tree, widely used in landscaping gardens and parks. It has numerous positive qualities and has been familiar since time immemorial. In folk medicine it is used to treat many ailments. For example, an infusion of leaves is used for conjunctivitis, a decoction of the roots is used as a hemostatic agent and for snake bites.

Botanical description and species

Sycamore - tall tree with a luxurious spreading crown, with a powerful trunk with a circumference of up to 18 m and a height of up to 50 m. The evergreen tree (Platanus kerrii) is an exceptional species. The bark is emerald-gray, flaking, mottled. In autumn, a tree can be recognized only by its speckled bark, which gradually crumbles into visible plates, creating an original pattern. Every year, and at a fairly rapid pace, the tops of the young shoots fall off, leaving behind a darkish scar above the bud. Depending on the position on the tree and age, the leaves vary greatly in shape and size.

The fruits are multi-nuts (green-brown in color), remaining on the tree all winter and breaking up in the spring into individual nuts, carried by the wind or birds. Seeds are few in number, with endosperm. The fruits ripen with the onset of autumn, they are edible and are called “planariki”. The plant is long-lived and begins to bear fruit from the age of six. It is worth noting the fact that on the territory of the Republic of Turkey there grows a huge plane tree with a trunk diameter of 42 meters and an age of more than 2300 years! Which is still considered a landmark of the country to this day.

Breeds propagate using cuttings, seeds and grafting. Species and genera are recognized by the hairiness of the leaves, dissection and shape of the fruit.

Place of distribution

Habitat - United States of America(USA), Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. In addition to great diversity, there are wild and cultivated types, hybrids. Uncultivated species of plane tree grow in America: Platanus mexicana, Platanus chiapensis, Platanus rzedowskii, Platanus wrightii. The evergreen Kerra tree grows only in Vietnam and Laos. Other types of deciduous trees are adapted and cultivated: these are settlements, squares and parks. Western plane tree (Platanus occidentalis) is acclimatized in Europe. It is found in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, Krasnodar and Stavropol areas, Dagestan and Adygea.

The eastern plane tree is a relict (tertiary), which today is considered an endangered species. It is sometimes found in Asia, Crimea, Armenia (for example, in the Tsavsky reserve there is even a grove with an area of ​​more than 50 hectares). Wild species grow on river banks, on plains, among mountainous forests, preferring moist alluvial soil. They are found both in groups and in single specimens, creating a special beauty of groves.

Raw material procurement process

The roots, leaves and bark are used for medicinal purposes:

  • The leaves are collected in the spring, and then dried in the shade, crushed and placed in cotton bags. Shelf life is no more than 2 years.
  • Rhizomes are harvested in the spring, before the start of the growing season, or in late autumn. Small roots are freed from soil and other impurities and dried for two days. Next, they are crushed into a dusty mass and stored for no more than two years.
  • For supplies, separated bark that has already fallen off is suitable, but the best option would be to release the plate with your own hands, that is, from a tree trunk with a sharpened knife. Dry the bark in a dryer or in the attic. Store in fabric bags (no more than 2 years).

History and Application

The plane tree is one of the largest trees on our globe. About plane trees, it is written in tales and legends. By the way, they were previously associated with the worship of such gods as Hercules, Apollo and Dionysus. Indeed, these images will be extremely relevant for understanding the culture of the turn of the century. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks admired these amazing trees, who used their healing properties to cure various ailments. The indigenous people placed lotus wreaths on the branches of the tree.

Cyclopean species guarantee dark freshness thanks to their extensive branching. In particular, centuries-old plane trees have a hollow in the trunk, where several people can hide from the sultry heat or rain. In Greece on the island. A mighty plane tree grows in Kos. The diameter of the trunk is 14−15 meters, the age of the tree is more than 2000 years. In ancient times, it was called the “eastern maple”, since there was a similarity with the Norway maple, and in our time it is called the Hippocratic plane tree.

Oriental plane tree is an expensive tree species (with a well-defined texture) for cultivation in foothill, lowland and steppe regions with a dense irrigation network, as well as for landscaping oases and irrigation ditches. The wood is used in shipbuilding, for the production of furniture, plywood, parquet and small crafts.

Sycamore (lat. Plátanus), plane tree, or plane tree - a genus of trees that have long been used in culture; the only representative of a monotypic family Plane trees (Platanaceae).

The genus includes 11 deciduous and evergreen species, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere - in the Mediterranean, North America, Central and Asia Minor, as well as in Southwestern and Central Europe.

In Russia and neighboring countries, plane trees are found in the Caucasus and southern Ukraine (in Transcarpathia, Crimea, Kherson, Odessa).

Natural range of the genus

In the Old World, under natural conditions, only two species of plane tree now grow - Platanus orientalis (Eastern plane tree) and Platanus kerrii. The natural habitat of the eastern plane tree is concentrated: on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Greece), the islands of Cyprus and Crete, on the islands of the Aegean Sea, in Asia Minor and Central Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea (Syria, Lebanon, Israel) and in individual places of growth in the territory Iran, Afghanistan and also on the Russian Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Abkhazia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. The natural range of Platanus kerrii is Indochina (Vietnam, Laos). In the New World, North American Platanus racemosa (California), Platanus wrightii, Platanus mexicana, Platanus lindeniana (Mexico), Platanus occidentalis (USA) grow under natural conditions. According to the floristic division of land according to Takhtadzhyan (1974), the natural habitats of species of the genus Platanus L. are within the Holarctic floristic kingdom and only one species Platanus kerrii is in the Indochina region of the Paleotropical kingdom. The habitats of species of the genus Platanus L. are territorially separated by land and ocean.

Plane trees are tall deciduous trees with a dense, wide crown.

The trunk is powerful (height up to 50 m, circumference up to 18 m), cylindrical, with greenish-gray peeling bark.

The leaves are alternate, palmately lobed, on long petioles, similar to the leaves of Norway maple.

The fruit is a multi-nut that remains on the tree all winter and breaks up in the spring into individual nuts that are carried by the wind.

Mexican sycamore (lat. Platanus mexicana)

Quite often used for street plantings in the cities of northeastern Mexico. Not known outside his homeland.

Tree up to 45 m high.

Leaves with three, rarely five, short, sharp, entire lobes, wider than long, with a rounded or broadly wedge-shaped base, densely leathery, glossy above, dark green, silvery or brownish-felt underneath.

Fruit heads are about 2 cm in diameter, bristly, sessile, collected in groups of 3-4.

The achenes are pubescent, with a conical apex and a remaining style.

Western plane tree (lat. Platanus occidentalis) - a species of flowering plants from the genus Platanus (Platanus) of the Platanaceae family.

One of the largest and most massive of all deciduous trees in North America, second only to the tulip tree (Liriodendron) and sequoia (Sequoia).

A tree up to 45, rarely up to 50, m high with a straight, even trunk with a diameter of up to 3.5 m, bearing an oblong or ovoid-pyramidal crown. The main trunk, widened at the base, most often does not reach the top of the crown, dividing into several peaks; branches are straight, directed obliquely upward. The bark is very light, gray, separated by small thin plates that reveal spots of fresh pale yellow bark, almost creamy white on twigs and branches; one-year-old branches are dark, orange-brown, glossy.

Leaves are equal in length and width or wider than long, 12-15 cm in diameter, vaguely or shallowly three-lobed, sometimes five-lobed on strong shoots, up to 20 cm in diameter, truncated or broadly cordate, rarely short-wedge-shaped basis. The lobes are broadly triangular (more wide than long), shallowly notched-toothed, with few teeth or, less commonly, entire; the middle larger lobe is separated from the smaller lateral ones by very gentle, blunt notches, not reaching a third of the length of the plate; the teeth are finely pointed. Young leaves are loosely felted on both sides, developed - bare and shiny above, dark green, lighter below and tomentose along the veins and their axils. The petiole is tomentose and longer than that of the eastern plane tree. Stipules are 2.5-3.5 cm long, funnel-shaped, with a serrated edge.

The fruit heads are single, rarely two, smooth, about 2.5-3 cm in diameter, at the end of a bare stalk 7.5-15 cm long.

The achenes are club-shaped thickened towards the apex, glabrous, with the exception of a narrow felt girdle under a truncated or rounded apex, with an early falling style, a very short remainder of which is usually immersed in a hole at the top of the seed.

Meaning and Application

Very decorative and suitable for single plantings, landscaping streets and creating alleys.

Oriental plane tree (lat. Platanus orientalis) - a species of flowering plants from the genus Platanus (Platanus) of the Platanaceae family.

In nature, the species' range covers Italy, the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Greece, Turkey), the islands of the Aegean Sea, the south and west of Asia Minor (Turkey), the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea (Syria, Lebanon, Israel), the islands of Cyprus and Crete. Cultivated throughout the Mediterranean since ancient times; went wild in places.

It grows along valleys and river banks, in tugai forests, along the bottom of gorges, along the banks of streams and streams in hollows and among mountain forests; on the Balkan Peninsula it rises up to 800 m above sea level, in Asia Minor up to 1500 m.

Eastern sycamore grows well in highly alkaline soils. Tolerates smoke in large cities.

A tree 25-30 m high, in some cases up to 50 m, with an uneven, knotty, most often going to the very top, powerful trunk with a diameter of up to 12 m, usually hollow in old age, and a low-lying, wide, loose and spreading crown. The branches are curved, extending from the trunk at almost a right angle, the lower ones hang down to the ground. The bark of the trunk is light gray or greenish-gray, falling off in large thin scales that reveal spots of a lighter inner layer of white or yellowish-gray bark.

The leaves are mostly five, rarely seven-lobed, and on young shoots occasionally three-lobed, 12-15 cm long, 15-18 cm wide, truncated or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, rarely broadly heart-shaped. The leaf blades are oblong, notched-coarsely toothed, with 2-5 teeth on each side, rarely almost entire, the teeth are briefly pointed, the notches between the blades are rounded, reaching the middle of the leaf or deeper. Young leaves on both sides are densely covered with white stellate hairs, later they are dark green on top, often glossy, paler below, bare and pubescent only along the main veins and in their axils. The petioles are first white-tomentose, then bare, 5-7 cm long.

Fruit heads are about 2.5 cm in diameter, bristly from long remaining styles, clearly arranged in 2-7 on a common stalk, the lateral heads are sessile or pedunculated.

The fruits are thickened towards the apex, covered with hard pressed hairs over the entire surface, with a conical apex turning into a straight, bare style about 4 mm long.

Meaning and Application

The eastern plane tree is a favorite shade tree on the Balkan Peninsula and in the countries of the Near and Middle East. It is planted near springs, ditches, wells and streams, near temples and residential buildings

Sycamore (lat. Platanus racemosa) - a species of flowering plants from the genus Platanus (Platanus) of the Platanaceae family.

Cultivated as a street and park tree in the USA, but not very common in Europe.

A tree up to 36 m high with a trunk diameter of 2.5 and an irregularly rounded crown. Most often, the trunk is divided almost from the base into several secondary trunks. The bark of the trunk and branches is whitish; young branches are densely felted; yearlings are hairless and reddish-brown.

The leaves are 15-25 cm in diameter, leathery, bright green and shiny above, densely white-tomentose below, palmately dissected more than to the middle into five (sometimes three) oval-lanceolate, sharp, entire lobes, truncated or slightly heart-shaped, often not falling off until the following spring. Stipules 2.5-3.5 cm long.

The fruit heads are two to seven per fruit stalk, bristly, about 2 cm in diameter.

The achenes are glabrous, with a rounded apex and a long remaining style.

Wright's plane tree (lat. Platanus wrightii) - a species of flowering plants from the genus Platanus (Platanus) of the Platanaceae family.

Known in culture only in the USA and Mexico.

In appearance it is quite close to the plane tree (Platanus racemosa), it is a tree reaching a height of 25 m. The main trunk (botany) is straight, up to 6-12 m high, with a diameter of 1.5 m or almost from the base, divided into 2-3 secondary trunk. The crown is wide dome-shaped.

The leaves are thinner and less densely pubescent than those of the sycamore, 15-20 cm in diameter, dissected more than halfway into three to seven, often five lanceolate, acute and, usually, entire lobes, heart-shaped at the base or, often, deeply cordate, or truncated.

The fruit heads are smooth, about 2 cm in diameter, each on a short stalk, collected in clusters of 2-4.

Mature achenes are glabrous, with a truncated or rounded apex and a completely disappearing style.

Sin: plane tree, plane tree, eastern maple, button tree, shameless.

Sycamore is a genus of tall trees with a powerful trunk and a lush, spreading crown. Trees are widely known in gardening art. The decorative effect of plane trees is given by large palmate-lobed leaves, as well as fruits - “plane trees”, which adorn the deciduous tree throughout the winter. Possessing many beneficial properties, sycamore has long been known in folk medicine and is used to treat many diseases.

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Flower formula

Sycamore flower formula: ♂5Ч3-5Л3-5Т4-7, ♀Ч3-5Л0-4-5П(5-9)_.

In medicine

Sycamore is not a pharmacopoeial plant of the Russian Federation and its use is not known in official medicine. Possessing anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antitumor and other beneficial properties, sycamore is popular in homeopathy and folk medicine in many countries of Europe, Asia, and America. Oriental sycamore bark is widely used in homeopathy. Sycamore leaf extract is included in many cosmetic products for the face and body. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of the bark and leaves of the plant are used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for colds, flu, headaches and toothaches, and as an astringent for dysentery and diarrhea. Decoctions of sycamore roots are used as a hemostatic agent.

Contraindications and side effects

During the flowering period of the plane tree (especially in places where these trees grow en masse), the plant's pollen can trigger the manifestation of allergy symptoms. Frequent manifestations of increased sensitivity of the human body to pollen (hay fever) are allergic conjunctivitis (profuse lacrimation, redness of the eyes), often accompanied by rhinitis, bronchial asthma. Rarely, but cases of urticaria on the skin and Quincke's edema have been recorded. Contraindications to the use of sycamore are individual intolerance, a tendency to develop allergies, pregnancy and lactation, and childhood.

In gardening

Sycamore is often grown in gardens and parks. Since the crown of this tree is spreading and wide, garden herbaceous plants and bushes will feel uncomfortable under its shade. Therefore, having decided to plant a plane tree, it is given enough space in the garden. Growing a sycamore tree is not difficult. The tree propagates by cuttings, seeds and root shoots. In the first years, its intensive growth is observed. For good growth and development, the plane tree needs sunlight; any type of soil is suitable, but the plant feels better on fertile, loose soil. The only difficulty in care is the relatively low frost resistance of the plane tree; the plant does not tolerate temperatures dropping below minus 15 degrees. The plane tree is watered and pruned regularly.

Three species are most often used in urban landscaping: Oriental plane tree (Platanus orientalis), Western plane tree (Platanus occidentalis) and Maple-leaved plane tree (Platanus acerifolia).

In cosmetology

Plantain extract is widely used in the cosmetics industry and is an active component of many cosmetics for face and body skin care. The plant extract perfectly increases the resistance of skin cells to the effects of free radicals that produce UV rays, protects skin cell membranes from oxidation, and maintains their normal functioning and integrity. Creams and other cosmetics with sycamore extract are suitable for more mature skin in the fight against age-related wrinkles.

In other areas

Due to their decorative spreading crown and spotted trunk color, sycamore trees are widely popular in landscape design. Plane trees are used for landscaping city streets, parks and public gardens. The huge branched crown of these tall trees perfectly cleanses the atmosphere not only of carbon dioxide, but also of other harmful impurities and toxins. The tree's powerful root system strengthens any type of soil, even rocky soil in mountainous regions. Plane groves prevent salinization of lands and water bodies. Currently, in many European countries, there is an active replacement of less resistant tree species to atmospheric pollution (maple, linden, chestnut, poplar) with more resistant plane trees.

Sycamore is a valuable tree species. Wood is used in shipbuilding; it is used to make furniture, high-quality decorative veneer, plywood, flooring, various types of turning and carpentry, as well as small crafts. The texture of sycamore wood is decorative, and polished sycamore products look colorful and rich. Sycamore wood has a beautiful range of shades - from golden red (heartwood) to dark brown (sapwood). Plane tree wood is lightweight, it is moderately strong, durable, lends itself well to cutting, carpentry, polishing, and holds nails and screws well. Wooden products made from plane tree do not change their shape and size with changes in temperature and humidity.

In the countries of Central Asia and South-Western Europe, in the USA and Great Britain, plane trees are widely used in forestry.


The genus Platanus (lat. Platanus L.) is the only representative of the family Platanaceae (lat. Platanaceae Lindl.). In the phylogenetic system of flowering plants by A. Takhtadzhyan (1987), the genus Platanus belongs to the family Platanaceae (lat. Platanaceae Lindl.), order Proteaceae (lat. Hamamelidales Takht). The genus Platanus includes 9 (11) species (according to various sources), many of which are very valuable ornamental trees used in landscaping cities in many countries.

Botanical description

Plane trees are mainly deciduous trees with a dense, spreading crown and a powerful tall trunk, the height of which can be 50 m or more, and the trunk circumference often reaches 18 m. The only species whose representatives are evergreen trees is Platanus kerrii. The bark of the sycamore tree is peeling, greenish-gray, thin, and spotted. Even in late autumn, you can recognize a sycamore tree by its spotted bark, which gradually falls off in large sheets, forming a peculiar pattern. The tips of young shoots die off every year, subsequently leaving a dark scar above the axillary upper bud. The leaves of the plane tree are long-petiolate, 5-7 palmate-lobed, quite large (up to 20 cm wide and 15-18 cm long), reminiscent of maple leaves. Young leaf plates and shoots are densely pubescent with thin hairs.

Sycamore flowers are small, in dioecious inflorescences, single- and multi-headed. Plane trees are monoecious plants. The male flowers are yellowish in color and have a double perianth. Female flowers often have a simple perianth and develop in larger spherical purple capitate inflorescences. The flowering of the plane tree can be observed simultaneously with the blossoming of the leaves in April-May. The formula of the sycamore flower is ♂5Х3-5Л3-5Т4-7, ♀Ч3-5Л0-4-5П(5-9)_.

The fruits of the sycamore tree are collected in greenish-brown spherical fruits - multi-nuts, which break up into individual nuts and are carried by the wind or birds. The seeds with endosperm are small and have a tuft of hard, long hairs at the base. The fruits of the plane tree ripen with the arrival of autumn (September - October) and decorate the tree throughout the winter. The fruits of the plane tree are called “plane trees” and are edible. The plane tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 6.

Sycamore is a long-lived plant. On the territory of Turkey there grows a huge plane tree, the trunk of which is 42 m in diameter and its age is more than 2300 years!

Tree species reproduce by seed, layering, winter cuttings, and root suckers.

Species of the genus plane tree differ mainly in the degree of dissection, pubescence of leaves, as well as the shape of the fruit.

Western or American plane tree (Platanus occidentalis) is the largest species, the height of which reaches 50 m, and the diameter of the crown is about 30 cm. It has 3-5-lobed leaves, up to 15 cm long, and single-headed inflorescences. The species has taken root well in Western Europe.

Oriental plane tree (Platanus orientalis) differs from other species in its narrow-toothed leaf blades and multi-headed inflorescences. These large trees are common in Moldova, Crimea, South-West Ukraine, and Central Asia.

Maple-leaved or London sycamore (Platanus acerifolia) is a species widespread in culture, a hybrid between the western sycamore and the eastern sycamore. It is distinguished by rather large (15-18 cm long and 18-20 cm wide) 5-lobed leaves with a heart-shaped base. The species is more winter-hardy than other plane trees. It grows in open ground in Kaliningrad and is highly valued in park farming.


The range of the genus Platan covers the entire territory of North America, Central and East Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean. Among the species diversity there are wild plane trees and cultivated species, hybrids. Wild species of plane tree grow in America - Platanus chiapensis, Platanus mexicana, Platanus rzedowskii, Platanus wrightii (in Mexico). The evergreen sycamore tree Kerra grows in Southeast Asia (Laos, Vietnam). The remaining types of plane trees are deciduous trees, introduced and cultivated. Plane trees are grown in parks and used for landscaping city streets and squares.

Western plane tree (Platanus occidentalis) was introduced in Europe and is found in the North Caucasus. In Ukraine, the southern part of Belarus and Russia (Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Dagestan and Adygea), the most famous hybrid of eastern and western plane trees, the maple-leaved plane tree (Platanus acerifolia), has successfully taken root.

The eastern plane tree (plane tree) is a tertiary relict that is considered endangered. Oriental plane tree is found in Central Asia and South Transcaucasia, Crimea. In the Tsavsky reserve (Armenia) a huge plane tree grove has still been preserved, the total area of ​​which is approximately 50 hectares.

Wild plane trees grow along the banks of streams and rivers, in valleys, gorges, and among mountain forests. The trees grow both singly and in groups, forming sycamore groves. Prefers moist alluvial soils.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Sycamore leaves, roots and bark are harvested for medicinal purposes. The leaves are picked in the spring, then dried in the shade, crushed and packed in paper packages. Store for no more than 2 years.

Sycamore roots are harvested in early spring, before the start of the growing season or in late autumn. Small roots are cleaned of soil and other impurities, then dried for several days. The roots are crushed into powder and stored for no more than 2 years.

The peeled bark of the plant, which has already fallen off, is suitable for harvesting, but it is better to carefully remove its plates from the trunk of the plane tree with a sharp knife. Dry the bark in the attic or in a special dryer. Store in fabric bags for no more than 2 years.

Chemical composition

Triterpenoids (betulin, betulinic acid 0.7-1.5%, betulinic aldehyde, betulinic aldehyde acetate), sitosterol were found in the bark of the plane tree trunk. Phenolcarboxylic acids were found in the leaves, in the hydrolyzate: caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid; flavonoids, kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin; anthocyanins in hydrolyzate (cyanidin, delphinidin). The fruits contain the higher aliphatic hydrocarbon n-heptriacontane, sitosterol; higher aliphatic alcohols, as well as their derivatives: 16-hydroxygentriacontane, 16-hydroxytricosane, n-gentriacontanol, ceryl stearate.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacological effect of sycamore is due to its unique chemical composition. The phytosterols in sycamore, particularly beta-sitosterol, have the valuable ability to lower bad cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the chances of developing atherosclerosis. As American studies have shown in the last century, beta-sitosterol is chemically similar to cholesterol, blocks the absorption of harmful lipids, and has no effect on the concentration of triglycerides. Flavonoids in the leaves of the plant strengthen the walls of blood vessels and neutralize free radicals.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, sycamore is widely known for its beneficial properties. A decoction of the roots has long been used as a hemostatic agent, as well as for snake bites in Asian countries. Having anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic properties, a decoction of sycamore bark with vinegar is an effective remedy for dysentery, diarrhea, flu, and toothache. An infusion of leaves is used for some ophthalmological diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis). From the ashes, after burning the sycamore bark, an ointment is prepared, which is used to treat vitiligo. The external use of sycamore is also known; a decoction of the leaves and bark heals burns, wounds, ulcers, and frostbite of the skin.

Historical reference

The culture of the plane tree dates back several thousand years. The ancient Romans and Greeks admired it and widely used the medicinal properties of sycamore to treat various diseases. In Sparta, the plane tree was considered the tree of Helen the Beautiful; local residents hung decorations on its branches - wreaths of lotus flowers. Plane trees are described in myths and legends. The plant was often associated with the cults of Apollo, Hercules and Dionysus. In the shade under the crown of a lush plane tree, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates held conversations with his students.

The famous ancient Roman physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus (3rd century AD) used plane tree leaves as an anti-wrinkle remedy for facial skin, and the fruits as an antiemetic and hemostatic agent. Decoctions of leaves and bark were used to treat wounds, burns and frostbite. This tree was especially revered in Kashmir. About four hundred years ago, Akbar Jalal-uddin (1542-1605), ruler of the Mongol Empire, ordered the planting of many plane trees (plane trees) near the Jhelum River. These plane tree groves have survived to this day. The plane tree is considered the symbol of Kashmir, a state in northern India.

Sycamore is one of the largest trees on our planet. Huge specimens provide shady coolness thanks to their wide branched crown. Perennial plane trees often have a hollow in the trunk, and such a size that they can accommodate several people.

The name of the genus Platanus is translated from Greek as “wide”. Indeed, the trunks of some plane tree specimens exceed ten meters in diameter. An ancient representative of the genus, called by locals the “Hippocrates plane tree,” grows on the Greek island of Kos. The age of the tree is about 2000 years, the diameter of the trunk is 14 meters.

In Persian and Turkish, the eastern plane tree is called plane tree. In the old days, the plane tree was called the “eastern maple” because its leaves are similar to maple leaves.


1. Schoolboy Yu. Plants. Complete encyclopedia. - Publisher: Litres, 2013.

2. Sycamore // Board - Prob. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1975. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief editor A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 20).

3. Lavrenova G.V., Lavrenov V.K. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. – 2010. – 236 p.

4. Gorkin A.P. Biology: Modern illustrated encyclopedia. – Publisher: Rosman, 2007. – 560 p.

There are trees that are planted to produce tasty fruits, and there are those that are kept for their decorative qualities or their ability to create shady corners in hot climates. The latter, of course, includes the plane tree, or plane tree, as this tree is commonly called in the East.

This tree owes its name, which is translated from Latin as “wide,” to its large crown and large leaves, reminiscent of maple in shape. There are about 10 species of plane tree, widespread in Europe, Asia and America. This majestic tree can easily compete in beauty and power with the oak, recognized as the king of forests.

The plane tree sometimes grows up to 50 - 60 m, and its trunk in girth can reach 20 - 25 m. In Turkey, there is a plane tree whose trunk circumference is 42 m, and its age is more than 2300 years! So the plane tree is also a long-lived tree.

It creates a thick and voluminous crown, which allows a large number of people to hide from rain or scorching sun. In addition, the fruits of the tree, popularly called “chinariki”, are nuts that are quite tasty and healthy. Plane tree wood has high decorative qualities and has good strength, therefore it is used for making furniture and handicrafts.

Sycamore is mainly used for landscaping city streets and parks. Growing this majestic tree in a small area means dooming your garden to a permanent stay in the shade. And if the size of the garden plot allows you to have a tree with a large branched crown, then a shady place under the plane tree will certainly become a wonderful resting place not only for the current owners of the plot, but also for a succession of generations of their descendants.

Growing sycamore is quite simple. This tree grows quickly in the first years, but for this it requires sunlight, warmth and moisture. The only difficulty in caring for a plane tree is its relatively low frost resistance - it can tolerate a drop in air temperature to minus 15 °C, but at minus 25 °C it will most likely die.

Sycamore propagates by seeds, cuttings and root shoots. When propagating from seeds, it is recommended to store the planting material in a cool, dry place, and before planting, soak it for a day in cold water or in a solution of a growth stimulator, using, for example, “Sodium Humate” or “Zircon”. Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. Experts recommend planting seeds in the spring if the soil is hard, and in the fall if the soil is loose. Moreover, when planting in autumn, the seeds need to be buried 0.5 m into the soil.

A necessary condition for seed germination is maintaining soil moisture and protection from direct sunlight, which at the initial stage can negatively affect the development of emerging sprouts. Plane tree seedlings grow quite quickly and in the second year of life are already about half a meter long.

Propagation by root shoots is an excellent way to get a young tree in a short period. The selected shoot is separated from the roots of the tree, preferably with part of the root, also in spring or autumn, and planted in the selected location. It is recommended to mulch the soil with dry leaves, coniferous branches or sawdust - in the fall this measure will protect the plant from frost, and in the spring it will help retain moisture in the soil.

Plane trees are propagated in the same way by cuttings. A lignified shoot without leaves is taken and planted in the ground, where it is provided with all the necessary conditions for it. Plane tree cuttings take root easily and soon young leaves appear on them.

Sycamore can grow in almost any soil, but in fertile and loose soil its development will occur much faster. Watering the plane tree should be done regularly, because in natural conditions these trees prefer to grow near water and at the bottom of gorges. It is especially important to water the tree during dry periods. Plane trees are also resistant to pests and diseases, and they tolerate pruning well. These trees are not afraid of unfavorable weather conditions, and they do not seem to notice the polluted atmosphere of the city and readily grow along busy highways and in places with poor ecology.

We have a lot of different plants in our country, including fruit trees that bear a lot of fruit year after year. There are varieties of trees that are used for landscape design and creating coziness and shady areas. One of the interesting representatives is the eastern Sycamore, which will be discussed in this article.

Eastern maple

All over the world there are a very large number of trees of different types and purposes; poets even write about some of them. Platan is one of the ancient species. The plant has its own history, which is more than a thousand years old. In general, the plane tree genus includes 11 trees that always remain green. Most of these plants are found in Europe and Asia. The tree can often be seen in the Caucasus. The breed grows for a very long time, and there are species that are more than 2 thousand years old.

Turkey also has one of the oldest representatives, which scientists estimate to be 2300 years old. Its height is 60 meters, the trunk in a circle is 42 meters.

Previously, the plane tree was called the eastern “maple”, because its leaves are very similar to maple leaves, but there are some differences between these two trees. Sycamore is much larger in size and the lifespan of the plant is longer. This species is the largest representative on the entire planet. In ancient times, several hundred people could hide from the sun behind an old and large plane tree.

The plant is very popular in those regions where a hot climate prevails, because the plant allows you to get a lot of shade and coolness.


Since ancient times, plane trees have been planted near their homes, as well as near temples, in order to receive a lot of shade and cool areas. In Turkey the plant is called Chinar. There are rumors and legends about this plant.

The breed is deciduous, grows to a height of about 30 meters, and the trunk is up to 12 meters in a circle. The crown of Sycamore is low and wide. The branches are twisted, often extending away from the trunk itself, and the lower branches are inclined towards the ground. Generally, the leaves have 5 lobes, and a young tree has 3 lobes on the leaves. The sheets are up to 15 cm in length, similar in size and width.

The plane tree produces fruits - nuts, which after winter turn into small nuts. The ripening time lasts for a whole year, after which the nut is divided into small particles and they are scattered across the area by the winds.

Everything about the breed is beautiful and today the species is a favorite among gardeners, since its decorative properties are better than those of many other representatives. Wild Sycamore can often be seen near rivers, lakes, in forests, among mountains.


The eastern maple grows quickly, so within a year of growth the plant becomes 2 meters tall. The seeds of the tree are unique, because germination remains for a year, with proper storage.

Before planting, the seeds of the plant should be left in water for a short time. Planting in the ground is carried out with the onset of spring or autumn. Any soil is suitable, but the area itself should be light.

The breed is frost-resistant and can easily tolerate frost down to -15 degrees. When growing in the middle zone, it is recommended to select varieties that are more frost-resistant. Where warmth and heat prevail, the plant is planted near water.

For rapid growth, you will need to plant the plant in loose soil, where there are a lot of minerals. For Sycamore, constant watering is important, especially if drought begins. If you constantly and abundantly water the tree, it will stand out effectively in the garden among other plantings.

The tree also needs some care:

  1. The plane tree will need to be constantly pruned, which will allow you to remove spoiled and damaged branches. Pruning is also necessary to give the correct shape and create a decorative appearance.
  2. Before winter you need to prepare the tree. For this, mulch is made from coniferous branches and sawdust. Some people use fallen leaves for mulch.

Today, the plant is adapted to the fact that there is gas pollution in cities. Sycamore is not exposed to pests, which is also very important when growing. The plant also resists many diseases. The main thing to remember when growing Sycamore:

  1. Water the tree on time.
  2. Plant the plant in places with good lighting.

Experienced gardeners advise fertilizing the plant only during the first years of its life. In the case when the soil is fertile, the tree does not need to be fertilized at all; natural fertilizer is enough for it. In case of illness or slow growth, additional fertilizer is added to the soil, but first the reason is determined, what exactly is not enough for Sycamore. If the development of the tree is normal, then universal types of feeding are used. The main condition is to carefully follow the instructions so that there is no overdose.

In the spring, Sycamore should be planted in heavy soil, and in the fall it is better to use light soil. Planting seeds is carried out using standard technology; the depth of the seeds is about 0.5 m. When the plane tree grows up, it can be replanted.

It is difficult to confuse the plane tree with other species, since its strength and beauty are immediately visible, as well as its large spreading crown. The main feature of Sycamore is that after some time of growth, the bark begins to peel off. Therefore, owners need to monitor the plant so that its integrity is not compromised. Pests can enter through damaged bark, after which the plane tree will hurt.

If you have experience in planting trees using cuttings and layering, you can use this technique; in addition, this method is considered the best for Sycamore. If planted, watered and cared for correctly, the Sycamore will grow, delight with its beauty and create good shade for hundreds of years.