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Outdoor games for corporate events. Corporate competitions in the office

A fun scenario for a corporate event 3.08 /5 | Voted: 24

A cheerful scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, it’s not the salads on the table and beautiful outfits that create the mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any office party.

This entertainment program can easily be interpreted to celebrate a company birthday or New Year. Just add appropriate congratulations. If you want to run more competitions, here is a selection of fun games and activities.


Hello colleagues!

For a cool corporate event

A friendly team gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code,

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning,

Sing songs and rock!


Are you ready to have a good rest? To take on work on Monday with renewed vigor? Then let's start our corporate party! You are a single team, and this is what makes the company successful. I suggest testing your ability to act together in the next competition.

Competition "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand opposite the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked by a line), they are given large baskets. There are a lot of balloons near each team and a line that they cannot cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. They, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. 3-5 minutes are allotted to complete the task, the team with the most balls in the captain’s basket wins.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have had a little refreshment, the entertainment can continue.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees easily find a common language with him and understand each other perfectly. The next game will confirm this!

Game "Deaf Dialogue"

The manager and subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take tomorrow off?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The boss, of course, doesn’t hear the questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue turns out to be very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks the questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you go to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners or losers, but small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. I suggest checking how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The driver's task is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!

Game "Fanta"

This is traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we couldn’t help but include it in our fun corporate party scenario. The rules are simple: guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a forfeit out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks must be prepared in advance. For example:

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, respect the chain of command.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, you can hold a dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with descriptions of objects or phenomena of the same topic. For example, for a corporate party in winter the following are suitable: snowflake, snowman, blizzard, sleigh. All pieces of paper with inscriptions are put into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Company Treasure"

The players are divided into two teams. Props will include cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, and a pair of chairs. The first player puts a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the leader’s signal, the participants run to their chairs (they are 4-6 meters away), run around them and return back. They pass the bracelet to the next player - hands-free! The winner is the team that passes their decoration from the first to the last participant faster and does not drop it.


We have a very fun and vibrant corporate party, right? But can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The presenter invites everyone to take turns pulling out a ball with a number that corresponds to the gift from the drum. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal; the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning in each souvenir.

For example:

  • Notepad - career growth;
  • Candlestick house - buying a cottage or house;
  • A magnet with a beautiful landscape - a journey;
  • Keychain – buying a new car, etc.

This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish success and prosperity to the company, achievement of your goals and inspiration to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun scenario for a corporate event. We wish you a bright party!

And so, you thought and decided to organize a corporate party with your colleagues. You have already decided where you will celebrate and set a date for the holiday. Have you managed to come up with funny competitions for corporate parties that you will play with your colleagues? If not yet, then we will help you. After all, we have for you not just funny competitions, but “explosive” games and competitions. You and your colleagues will be absolutely delighted with such a holiday.

Do you like fortune telling? How do your colleagues feel about fortune telling? See ours, who came to a corporate party to tell fortunes. It will be fun and you all will enjoy it.

And now you can move on to the competitions. And the first thing you need to do is cheer up and shake up your colleagues a little. And a little game will help us with this. For this game you need to make cards on which you write any wishes for your colleagues. Then you place all the cards on a tray with the lettering facing down. And each colleague chooses any card, turns it over and reads what is written there. And it might say the following:
- you have the right to be two hours late for work on Monday.
- you have the right to have breakfast once right at your workplace.
- you can leave work one hour early on Friday.
- every day during the week you can talk on your work phone for one hour about your business.
- within the next ten days you can take one day off.
- during the week you will notify all your colleagues with a loud shout about the onset of breaks and lunch.
- one day you can whistle after the girls leaving, and you won’t get anything for it.
- you have an honorable duty - you will change the water in the cooler for three days in a row.
And so on, you can come up with anything you want. The main thing is that your colleagues are not offended, and your bosses are not against it.

After such a game, be sure to tell your colleagues. Beautiful and funny poems will cheer up all your colleagues.

Let's go further and check your employees for knowledge of the personalities of famous people. But not just famous people, but those who wore mustaches. You need to find photographs of such people. And also in Photoshop to make your colleagues the same beautiful mustaches. After this, load all the photos into a projector or TV and show your colleagues first only the part where the mustache is. And let your colleagues wonder who he is. When you showed them three famous mustaches, your colleagues realized that they should remember famous personalities with mustaches. And then you show off any colleague’s mustache that you made in Photoshop. Everyone is guessing, thinking, and when no one has guessed right, you show the photo in full, there will be laughter!

The following game will help bosses find out what their subordinates are doing during working hours. The essence of the game is very simple, the presenter calls a phrase, and the one to whom it is called must quickly finish it. Three seconds are given to think; if more, the player receives a penalty point. Examples of questions:
- at work I always... (then you need to continue the phrase, but you can’t repeat the phrases of others! Thus, it will be difficult for the latter to come up with something, and they will start saying things that the bosses won’t particularly like, but will amuse other colleagues) .
- I'm late for work because...
- when the boss comes into the office I...
- when someone needs to go to work on Sunday, I immediately...
And such questions. Remember, at first there will be normal answers, and since you cannot repeat yourself, truthful and funny answers will follow.
What about those who cannot answer and receive penalty points? You can force them to clean the office after a corporate event or let them seat everyone in a taxi.

All sorts of comic awards are also held at corporate events with a bang. See our section - and reward your colleagues according to their merits.

The next competition is for men. And for this competition you need balloons. But not ordinary ones, but long ones. Which are usually used to make sausages and animal figurines. You also need posts at least a meter high. Place the posts one after another so that you can go around them with a snake. And men insert inflated balloons between their legs. And they insert them like this. So that almost the entire ball is in front. At the command of the leader, the men must run around the posts like a snake, and at the same time not knock down the posts with their balls. This competition can be held in teams. And if you like it, then girls can take part in it.

Now you need sheets, and on the sheets you need to draw letters to make the word: wood. That is, each letter is a separate sheet. Each team (of course, there are 9 people in a team) is lined up so that it turns out exactly this word. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must guess the word and assemble it from their letters. For example:
Nature is blooming
She's coming!
(Answer: spring)
This means that the teams must understand what they are talking about and rearrange themselves so that the word comes out - spring.
We lost,
And this is our...
(The answer is guilt)
And so on, you can take absolutely any word as a basis, from which you can make many small words. It will be fun to watch your adult colleagues run around and try to collect the word.

And at the end of your corporate party, offer your colleagues this game.
You need to buy mustaches on a stick, funny masks, false eyebrows, wigs, and so on in advance. You put all this in a bag. Your colleagues form a circle, the music is turned on and the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the music stops, whoever has the bag in his hands chooses any item from it and tries it on for himself. And so on until all the items from the bag are worn by your colleagues. And when all your colleagues are dressed to the nines, you can start photographing them. Believe me, these will be the best pictures of their lives!

Mobile competitions for corporate parties are not only an opportunity to move, but also an opportunity to have fun from the heart. Movement is life, and movement with fun is a happy life. Have a great time!

Competition "Friendly Run"

Another option for a wonderful competition that will help unite the team is a pairs race at a distance. The whole “trick” is that you will have to run not just in pairs, but with your backs turned to each other and clasped hands. Such a couple should run around the conditional object and return to their original place. Those participants who could not stand on their feet or decided to cheat, for example, lift one participant onto the back of another, are eliminated. The winner is the two players who lasted longer than the rest.

Competition "Collective snake"

The presenter randomly selects a player and approaches him with the words “Who am I? I'm a snake! And I’m crawling here for a reason! Don’t just stand there, player name, like a pillar, come on and become my tail!” After which the named person joins the head, and the snake continues to move further, already in chorus inviting the next “part of the tail” to crawl together.

When there are no more people willing to take part in the fun, and the tail is big enough, the fun begins. The snake shouts, “I didn’t eat anything!” I’ll bite myself!” and begins to catch his own tail. All participants must hold tightly to each other, nimbly dodging the voracious “head”. If someone could not resist and let go of his hands, then he leaves the game.

Competition “Grab him, grab him!”

The game will require approximately six volunteers, as well as some identical items - one less. What to choose for these items? You can use cubes, balls, or some attributes of the company, for example, copies of manufactured products, if these are not diesel generators, of course. Music starts playing and people run around objects located on the floor. As soon as the accompaniment stops, you need to grab the object.

Those who did not have time to grab are eliminated and the game continues with fewer participants and objects. In the end, there should be two players and one item left, after which the absolute winner will be determined.

Competition "Paper Basketball"

We recruit 10 people and create a couple of teams. Players must stand in two lines, and each participant receives a small stack of paper. We install 2 baskets 4-6 meters from the teams. At the signal, the first participants from each team must grab a sheet of paper, crumple them into a ball, throw them into the trash bin one by one and run to the end of the line to throw their next paper ball again. Let people have fun like this for 10-15 minutes. The winner will be the side that has more “shells” in the basket than the opponent.

Competition "Golden Key"

Two couples take part in the competition. In each pair, one participant portrays the fox Alice, the other - the cat Basilio. The “cat” is blindfolded, and the “fox” must limp and hold one leg bent at the knee with his hand. Having hugged each other, the “cat” and “fox” must walk a few meters. The “Golden Key” is awarded to the team that gets to the finish line faster.

Competition "Braiding"

Props: for each team - three ribbons 0.5 meters long. The ends of the ribbons are tied in a knot at the top, and the other ends are distributed to the participants. One participant holds the knot, and three are braiding. The trick of the competition is that the ends of the ribbons cannot be released from your hands and passed on to each other. The team that braids the hair the fastest wins!

Corporate party for the New Year


When going to a New Year's corporate party, remember that you still have to work with these people.

Between active competitions and games at the New Year's corporate party, it is necessary to take “table” breaks. To prevent them from being boring, offer guests several competitions at the table. In addition, “sedentary” competitions are suitable if employees do not want to get up from the table or the room where the holiday is taking place does not allow other competitions and games.

Competition Abroad!

The number of players is not limited. Imagine that the presenter is a customs officer.

Ask players: “What one item would you take with you abroad?”

Let the player name the items to you until you miss him. Let a person pass if he says a word starting with the first letter of his name. The players' task is to find out what the criteria for your decisions are.

Shouting competition

The game requires at least 6 people. The presenter offers a phrase that the players say in turn. At the same time, each subsequent player says it with ever increasing emotions. The game is played for fun, but it is possible to remove from the game participants who (by general opinion) were unable to pronounce a phrase with even greater emotional intensity. In this case, the last participant remaining in the game is declared the winner.

Chants for a New Year's corporate party

  • "Leave me alone" ( from mild irritation to severe anger).
  • "I managed" ( from calm affirmation to delight).
  • "I'm scared" ( from calm affirmation to horror).
  • "This is so funny" ( from a smile to uncontrollable laughter).
  • "You are the best" ( from friendly reassurance to fiery love).
  • "I lost him" ( from mild sadness to uncontrollable grief).
  • "This is such disgusting" ( from approval to disgust).

Word guessing competition

Props: notes with clue words.

In this competition, teams must guess the word. To do this, players look for notes with clue words hidden on the table. Having found all the clues (or most), players will probably guess which word is hidden. Each team has its own word and its own clues, which means the search area needs to be demarcated. The team that guesses the word first wins.

Example words and hints

  1. Mouth, life, ice, source = water.
  2. Rose, information, bouquet, nose, bottle = smell.
  3. Culture, Jules Verne, elements, electrical outlet, clay = earth.
  4. Lord, gymnastics, wedding, speed = ring.

Competition with searches

For the competition you will need to prepare as many leaves as there are people present. Each person writes on a piece of paper a description of his appearance, for example, plump lips, beautiful eyes, a brilliant smile, a mole on the cheek. Then all these leaves are put into a hat or box. One by one they take out the pieces of paper and try to guess who is described on this piece of paper. To make guessing more interesting, you can say that the one who guesses the most will win. Each person can name only one option. If someone has already proposed an option who is described on this piece of paper, then he cannot name it a second time.

Do you scour the Internet at night in search of cool competitions for corporate events? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time writing various competitions for parties, and at the same time monitoring various sites where we can get various jokes. For the most part, everything is offered the same everywhere... One word Toastmaster-Style. Dear reader, SmartyParty.ru brings to your attention a unique TOP-7 competitions that will definitely go well in any company. Something has been observed, something has been invented, the fact is that these things go great in any company.

But before that, watch a cool congratulatory video from the star of the Show “DANCING” on TNT:

Competition 1. Shifters.

A great competition to start your New Year's program. The presenter invites everyone to play the game. It is necessary to guess the original names of films from the “upside down” versions. To help participants understand the point better, you can give them an example. You can come up with your own list of changelings, here’s what we offer:

Changelings - movies

1. “Seventy-one eternities of autumn” (“Seventeen moments of spring”).
2. “A ragged man with the last name hippopotamus” (“Crocodile Dundee”).
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. “Cap of the French Republic” (“Crown of the Russian Empire”).
5. “Everyone is on the street” (“Home Alone”).
6. “Glass Leg” (“Diamond Arm”).
7. “Vorovskoye Vocational School” (“Police
8. “Cadets, go back!” (“Midshipmen, forward!”).
9. “Black Moon of the Jungle” (“White Sun of the Desert”).
10. “Home Cactus” (“Wild Orchid”).
11. “Cold Feet” (“Hot Heads”).

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. “Devil’s Liver” (“Angel’s Heart”).
2. “Sing, sing!” ("Dance Dance!").
3. “Uryupinsk trusts smiles” (“Moscow does not believe in tears”).
4. “We’ll die after Wednesday” (“We’ll live until Monday”).
5. “Vasil the Good” (“Ivan the Terrible”).
6. “It’s all men in rock” (“It’s only girls in jazz”).
7. “Little hike” (“Big walk”).
8. “Cat under the straw” (“Dog in the manger”).
9. “Put Dad on the Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. “Sidorovka, 83″ (“Petrovka, 38″).
11. “Short Lesson” (“Big Break”).

Changelings - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. “Stupid green sock” (“Stylish orange tie”).
5. “I can live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts lying on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “The Russian in the house does not wait for the sunset” (“The Chukchi in the tent waits for the dawn”).
8. “I, I, I morning and evening” (“You, you, you night and day”),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She likes strawberries on ice”).

Competition 2. WHERE AM I?

Another conversational competition, which is also good for starting a holiday program.

The game requires four participants. They stand in a row with their backs, and a pre-prepared poster with one of the following entries is hung on everyone’s back: - sobering-up station - public bathhouse - restroom - public transport.

The participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that hang on their backs. Next, the presenter asks questions, addressing each participant in turn. The questions should be:

— Do you often go there?
— When going there, who do you take with you?
- What are you doing there?
— What do you feel after being there?

— Do you want to come there at least once more?

The inscriptions on the “signs”, of course, can be changed. Let's say you can make signs:
— Nudist beach,
— Shop "Intim"
— Pedicure

Competition 3. BOXING MATCH

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc. After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. Then they are given a can of beer, which they have to open and drink themselves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

PROPS – 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candies, 2 cans of beer

Competition 4. DANCE FLOOR STAR

A super active competition that is perfect before a musical break to warm up. Here a lot depends on the presenter; you need, of course, to tease and joke with the contestants and cheer them up. The competition was held at more than one hundred corporate events, and it was always met with laughter and fun!

— Well, now a competition called “Star of the New Year’s Dance Floor” will be held for you. This competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is simply to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (rock and roll plays) (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now there are only four of you left. Imagine that you danced for an hour and were so tired that your legs gave out, but real stars don’t give up that easily! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your legs. (plays “hands up - well, where are the hands”). (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most inactive one and asks him to leave the dance floor to applause).

There are only three of you left, and you are pretty tired, it’s time to sit down. Now dance actively while sitting, you can only move your head and hands. (Caste - Blatnoy number). After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the least active one and, to applause, asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we still have two real superstars of the dance floor! There's one last push left. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle the whole body goes numb, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is to dance with facial expressions without moving anything! Let's go! (rock and roll).

After the 30-second “make” a face, the presenter, with the help of applause from the audience, chooses the New Year’s star of the dance floor!

Competition 5. A SIECE OF BREAD


The essence of the competition is that the presenter offers to bet with someone that he cannot eat a piece of bread (a standard half) in 1 minute without drinking. This seems like a very simple task and will captivate participants to try their hand at it. But in reality it is almost impossible to do this. Do you have any doubts? Try it for yourself at lunch.

Competition 6. ICE, BABY, ICE!

A VERY INTERESTING TEST THAT IS FUN TO DO. True, a little trouble with the props is required.

The presenter calls three daredevils to participate in the competition and says that the task is “easy as pie” - you need to put on a T-shirt, that’s all. After participants are found. The presenter brings out three T-shirts, well rolled and frozen in the freezer. The participant's task is to put on the T-shirt the fastest.

Competition 7. KISS TO KEEP OUT


The presenter calls 8 participants - 4 males and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - m-f-m-f. Then they are told that they need to pass a kiss on the cheek, everyone in order kisses the next one on the cheek. At any moment the music stops and whoever stops is eliminated. The host should subtly command the DJ when the music needs to stop. At first, you can do it so that girls and guys drop out one by one, but by the end you need to adjust it so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear organizer of noise and fun! We hope you enjoyed our competitions. We will post a lot of them on this blog, so don’t forget to subscribe, and we will do everything to ensure that you celebrate the most joyful New Year in your life.

Remember Smartyparty is a boxed solution for holding a corporate event on your own. if you AND YOUR COLLEAGUES don’t want AND CANNOT waste time and fuss with finding props and preparing for the holiday - give them a box. in it you will find everything you need to organize a super fun PARTY.