home · Other · Happy birthday greetings in verse to your aunt from your niece. Beautiful congratulations to your aunt on her birthday. Poems, prose

Happy birthday greetings in verse to your aunt from your niece. Beautiful congratulations to your aunt on her birthday. Poems, prose

Birthday is exactly the holiday that many people like so much. And now, if your aunt has a birthday soon, then you will have to do everything possible to congratulate her. And first, just think of a way in which you can congratulate your aunt. And this can be done in different ways. But, first, just go to our website and look there at the congratulations that we provide. Believe me, your aunt will definitely like the chosen one of these congratulations. And may everything always be in the best possible way for you. Just always listen to your heart, and then it will not be able to let you down. And may luck always smile on you. Be happy!

There is no better aunt in the world,
We are good friends, it’s no secret
She is always kind and cheerful,
Communicating with her is a reward for me.
On your birthday, accept congratulations,
May your mood be great
Let luck not pass you by,
May your life be long and happy.

Today is my beloved aunt's birthday,
All compliments to her, without a doubt,
She is my best friend
He simply amazes me with his wisdom.
May your personal holiday bring good luck,
Let your dreams come true in addition,
Let life flow like a full river,
May fate be kind to you.

Today is my aunt's birthday,
Let your personal holiday give you many impressions,
May luck always knock on the door,
Let life be full of joy.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, dear,
I sincerely wish you all the best,
Let today be better than yesterday,
May everything work out great for you.

Today is the brightest holiday,
My dear aunt celebrates her birthday,
With all my heart I wish her happiness,
And in a great mood.
Always be young and happy
Cheerful, cheerful and beautiful,
Always be desired and loved,
Let luck choose only you.

My beloved aunt glows with happiness,
And there are special reasons for this,
For her gifts, congratulations, admiration,
After all, she is celebrating her name day today.
Let your personal holiday sprinkle with rays,
May fate smile on you
May your dreams always come true
May you be lucky in everything, always.

Dear aunt, dear, on this birthday
I wish you all your wishes come true!
May luck fly to you on its wings forever,
Let your wildest whim come true!
Your niece still wants to wish you,
In this long life of grief, no troubles,
May Heaven and Angels always ask for you
May you never have reasons to be sad!

May the good wizard fulfill all your wishes,
Let the days be sunny, warm and clear,
Complements from men are the most beautiful.
Let time have no power over your beauty,
Let your fans always follow you in droves,
Entertainment, joy, pleasant surprises for you,
May life be filled with happiness and open a visa for you forever!

Dear aunt celebrates her birthday today,
At this hour my niece congratulates me from the bottom of my heart,
May life bring you as many gifts as possible,
May you live as long as possible!
With a warm heart, I wish you joy,
Let there be more pleasant significant moments in fate!
Let everything you have planned come true,
Darling, this is what it was worth being born for!

My aunt wishes the best niece in the world,
You will never know futile troubles and worries,
Let there always be reasons for joy,
There will be God's grace on your soul and in your home!
You are the best aunt in the world, I know that for sure,
I kiss you many times and hug you tightly,
Give the gifts as soon as possible and take them,
Enjoy the holiday all the time!

I want to wish the best aunt in the world,
To fully know the unearthly happiness of life,
May your cherished wish come true soon,
I wish you many bright and happy days!
Long-awaited gifts, a sea of ​​sweet compliments,
Unearthly happiness, many joyful moments,
Let laughter and fun come knocking on your door every day,
Your niece is proud of you as always!

The best aunt in the world celebrates her birthday,
Her niece heartily congratulates her at this hour,
I wish you good health, happiness and love,
Live in abundance, luxury, never lose heart!
Let the house be a full cup,
Let balance always reign in your soul,
Always smile at everyone with a cheerful smile,
Let the mischievous sparkle always shine in your eyes!

My niece wishes the best aunt in this world,
Do not know grief, troubles, live without despondency,
Happy Birthday, dear, congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Always breathe deeply in this life!
Good health, sea gifts and flowers,
There are many warm, sincere words to hear on this holiday!
For you, my dear, I raise this glass,
Lady you are worth a million, simply beyond all praise!

How much I want today
I say good things to you,
And wish you on your birthday,
Bloom like a beautiful rose.
Please accept congratulations from your niece,
May life bring you inspiration,
Live like in a fairy tale, auntie, always,
May fate be favorable to you.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday,
Congratulations around, gifts and flowers,
Let bright moments bring variety to life,
May your dreams certainly come true.

Let sadness and sadness go away forever,
Always be loved and desired,
May the Lord protect you.

Today is my dear aunt's birthday,
I’m the first to congratulate her,
May God grant that life gives only inspiration,
May the wizard make your cherished dream come true.
May the angel protect your life,
Let sadness not know you,
Let fate cherish you,
Let the good news pleasantly surprise you.

You are the best aunt on earth,
Today all compliments and wishes to you,
I wish you joy, health and goodness,
Be loved and desired always.
Please accept congratulations from your niece,
May all your dreams certainly come true,
I wish you all the best, prosperity and warmth,
May the Lord always protect you.

Dear aunt, happy birthday to you,
May everything be great in your life,
Let luck walk alongside you,
May a good angel protect you from troubles.
Accept congratulations from your niece,
You are worthy only of admiration
Slender, beautiful, always kind,
You are the best in the world for me

With my aunt we are like friends,
Sometimes we keep secrets together
No wonder they say all over the area,
“How much your niece looks like you!”
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you joy, good luck and goodness,
Let your sense of humor never leave you,
And spring always sings in my soul.

All compliments, wishes, congratulations,
I address my aunt, without a doubt,
There's no way you can miss a date like this.
She is celebrating her anniversary birthday.
Dear aunt, accept congratulations from your niece,
May good luck and happiness await you ahead,
Always be beautiful, young,
May your destiny be bright

I hasten to congratulate my aunt on her birthday,
I want to wish her all the best,
Let the guiding star illuminate the path,
May fate always be favorable.
Dear aunt, I love you,
I want to be like you in everything,
May your life be sweet
May a good angel protect you

Every nephew/niece, especially young ones, wants to surprise their aunt with their congratulations on her birthday. And what would be better than congratulations on your aunt’s birthday in your own words? Wishes for your aunt, expressed in your own words, are a manifestation of creativity. The birthday girl’s aunt will be interested to see if her younger relative has poetic, writing or oratorical talent. It will be great if appropriate congratulations are added to the gift made by yourself. But if there is little time before the holiday, or your imagination doesn’t want to give anything away, a set of congratulatory messages will help you beautifully congratulate your relative. Moreover, it is not difficult to rework ready-made phrases in order to still honestly observe the principle of your own composition.

How wonderful it is to realize that you have the most sincere, modern and cheerful aunt. I always enjoy spending time with you. You sometimes remind me of a child who likes to play, go to the circus and cinema and ride on the swings. Dear aunt, today I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart on the day of your appearance in this world. I would like to wish you a sea of ​​love and an ocean of luck. I want you to fly around the world in a big hot air balloon, and I will control this balloon. I want you to have abundance in everything. May you have enough love, luck, inspiration, strength and health. Let all difficulties make you stronger. I also want to wish you to believe in your strength and in your bright future. Let the earth spin faster just for you. May your friends always be there and appreciate you the way our family does!

Dear and respected aunt, I congratulate you on your birthday. You are like a bee that is always busy and busy. You cook deliciously, decorate gifts beautifully and love cleanliness and comfort. I always feel comfortable visiting you, as you are a very hospitable person. I want to wish you to remain as extraordinary and beautiful. Let everyone around you admire your talents. Let kindness and love live in your family. I also want to wish you not to encounter trouble and grief. Let any troubles and problems pass you by. Let minor troubles be resolved quickly. I also wish you to get from life what you need. May luck and luck help you achieve what you want. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, my dear aunt!

In this world, we are all just passers-by, but our task is to leave a mark in life. You, auntie, are the sweetest person. You manage to preserve a good soul in a world where there is a lot of lies and deception. You know how to set yourself up in a positive way and always move forward, despite all the obstacles. I want to wish you to remain so soulful, cheerful and cheerful. May you be able to notice happiness in the little things. Let every day of life begin with laughter, good news and pleasant surprises. Let the summer mood remain in your soul, and the warmth of loved ones warm you even in the most severe winter frosts. I wish you a joyful everyday life and special holidays that will help you fill your soul with positivity and joy!

Happy birth to you, my dear aunt. You are the best housewife in the world, you are the best mother. I love coming to visit you, because you always warmly welcome your guests. With you I always have something to talk about. I always have something to learn from you. I want to wish you to always be cheerful and active. May all your acquaintances appreciate you, may your family and friends respect you, and may everything always be on top. I also want to wish you to stay healthy and strengthen your fortitude, which is so important in our time. I want you to have prosperity in everything. May you have enough self-confidence, may you have enough beauty, may you have enough love. I also wish that finances will increase in your wallet, because it is very difficult to live without them in our time. Peace to you, kindness, understanding and good people nearby.

There are people as bright as stars. You, my aunt, are just such a person. Life always becomes more beautiful with you. It's always fun with you. You read a lot and know a lot. I express my recognition to you and wish you never to get sick, never need anything and always look good. Let your abilities allow you to develop and get rich. Let love be your driving force that will lead you towards success. Also, Auntie, on the day of your appearance on earth, I want to wish you to remain so gentle and friendly, because it is such people who make our world kinder, brighter and more joyful. I also wish you that family happiness becomes your driving force. Let it allow you to become the happiest lady on the planet!

Auntie, dear, happy birthday
Congratulations and I want to say:
There is no sweeter you in the whole world,
I love you very much.
Let your eyes always laugh
Let love never leave home
Let the sun shine tenderly
Above you in the blue sky.
May fate give you joy,
And fortune always smiles
May the Lord protect you.
And let there never be tears.
You, dear, accept it quickly
Congratulations from my niece.
Every year, becoming more and more beautiful,
You are young in soul and body!

Hurry from your niece
Joy, catch the positive.
Celebrate birthday
Start having fun
Dance until I drop.
All dreams will come true
I wish not to suffer.
Smile to all sorrows
Yes, and to spite everyone’s troubles,
Leaving them behind,
May you be lucky in life!
Auntie, be healthy
And happy forever.
Let life not be harsh,
May trouble pass you by!

My dear aunt,
Happy Birthday to You
I sincerely congratulate you,
And this is what I wish:
Pleasant and good days,
To make you happy
And happy and fine,
Full of light and beauty!

Dear aunt, happy birthday!
Be irresistible on this day.
May your mood be wonderful
The holiday will not eclipse the shadow of sadness.
Always be cheerful and smiling,
Sensitive, light, bright, groovy.
Sometimes a little forgetful
But always beloved and dear!

I know aunties are kinder
Can't be found all over the world.
Happy Birthday
And I want to tell you:
You are beautiful, elegant,
You know how to present yourself.
Incomparable and beautiful
I wish I could be like that!
Be brave, don't give up
Conquer all the peaks!
Let your soul sing with happiness.
Faith, joy, love!

Happy birthday congratulations,
I want to tell you,
That you are the world's aunt,
You won't find anything better in the world.
For me you are like a girlfriend,
I bring secrets to you.
I know, good advice
I will definitely get it.
Be healthy, dear.
Take care of yourself, my light.
A friend is closer and dearer,
I don't have any in the world.

On a wonderful birthday holiday
Let luck knock on your door,
Let them carry armfuls of flowers,
Soft slippers with a pompom,
A kilogram of different smiles.
What would a holiday be without them?
Congratulations for aunt
I also want to convey:
So that at home and at work
Your life has taken shape!

I wish you, auntie,
By private jet
Taste champagne
Right in flight
And on a hot day
Land on the island
In those warm waters,
Where is the Equator border?
Dive with scuba gear,
Eat coconut from palm tree
And make sure again:
There is happiness in life!

My beloved aunt!
I wish you on your birthday,
To the morning trills of the nightingale
They brought joy and inspiration!
Let the sun shine from heaven,
The clouds in the sky are driving the breeze,
And in your bottomless eyes there is a sparkle
Let it never disappear!
Be healthy, happy, loved
To all loved ones, family and friends,
Be guarded by a heavenly angel,
Become more beautiful with age!

Perhaps my congratulations for my aunt
I will now read it openly and aloud.
I will thank you with excitement for your tenderness,
I simply don’t know any other aunts like her in the world.
Dear, you are like a second mother to me,
And I appreciate your experience and wisdom.
All the sad notes, my dear,
I will gladly send you away.
Have a beautiful life, good luck and success,
Various pleasant events and laughter.
You are now at the best milestone in your life!

My affectionate aunt,
Happy Birthday to You.
I kiss, hug,
I wish you well.
May she live for a long, long time
So that you bloom like a rose,
Stay young
Hot summer and winter.
Don't be sad and don't be sad,
Remain the best.
A poem from my niece -
This is a great congratulations.

Dear aunt, dear, happy birthday!
Please accept congratulations from your niece,
To the congratulations I will add wishes,
I think they are worthy of your attention!
I wish you happiness, like a smooth surface, serene,
Good health, like an ocean, boundless,
Youth, beauty, boundless enthusiasm,
Love and cheerful, excellent mood!

Birthday greetings
Accept from your niece now,
Love, health, happiness, inspiration,
Let men never take their eyes off you...
So that all your ideas succeed,
And your loved ones made you happy,
Don’t let “thoughts” overwhelm you,
And you have time for yourself.
In a career just to take off,
Both the table and the house were rich!
Fun and dream flight,
And prosperity in everything!

Aunt, dear aunt,
Always be young.
Life is so bright
After all, grief is not a problem for us.
And what are your years?
You're a beauty - wow!
Live happily, freely
And fly up to the clouds.
You are my second mother
I'm proud of you with all my heart -
The epitome of a chic lady.
Congratulations! Tail with a pipe!

Happy Birthday
My dear aunt.
For wonderful moments
I thank you.
I wish you to be happy
And always healthy
Be cheerful and loved
And let the years not age you.
There is joy and comfort at home,
They live together.
Let the children wait from work
And they don’t offend!

My dear aunt!
How I love you, you know...
I respect you deeply,
Happy birthday.
So that all your dreams
It was possible to implement it.
So that there are obstacles on the way
You were able to outwit.
So that your health is strong,
Your nerves did not suffer,
So that in your personal life
Everything was always great.

My dear aunt,
Like a rose, you bloom!
Your exquisite talent,
For all of us, you are like a grant!
You are rich in attention
But sometimes they are complicated,
You also have charisma...
And the advantages, all of them, cannot be counted!
Always be nice
Never know tears.
Happy Birthday dear,
I sincerely congratulate you!

My aunt, you are like a bird,
That everything is spinning under the sky.
On your birthday I wish:
Always strive upward.
Spread your wings wide
Fortunately, the strength to direct everything,
And a fair wind can
Add a little luck.
Let the nest be cozy
The path of life is not at all difficult.
An example for my niece
You will always serve the wonderful!

My beloved aunt,
Happy Birthday to You.
I wish you all the best,
Your dear niece.
Be as sweet as you are
Cool and simple.
Amaze people all
Affection and kindness.
May everyone take care of you
Respected and cherished.
Have a delicious dinner
They wait from work every day!

Aunt, on your cherished day,
Your birthday
Accept it from your niece
My sincere congratulations.
You know, for me you are a good sorceress,
The world becomes more beautiful with you,
You surround everyone with care and tenderness.
May much, much happiness await you!
Let your heart be warmed with hope,
You will feel good
All your wishes come true
Gives life more fine days!

My dear aunt, happy birthday,
Let all the flowers and congratulations today
Bring joy, luck, excitement
Creates a great mood!
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Always be cheerful and beautiful.
Go through life with a smile,
And only bring joy!

Dear Auntie, accept
Congratulations from my niece,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Only in a mischievous mood!
Stay forever young
Don't be sad over trifles in vain,
Be happy and so dear,
I wish you different victories.

To my beloved aunt, my dear,
All wishes come true,
May good luck with renewed vigor
You will be surrounded on your birthday.
I wish you joy and happiness,
Let flowers grow for you,
They avoid bad weather,
May everyone's dreams come true!

You are kind and sincere with people
All eyes on you today
Auntie accept from niece
Sincere wishes for happiness!
Auntie, you are like the sun, like a flower garden.
Always be happy, that's important.
To meet a good man
And he built a three-story castle.

Happy Birthday,
And I wish you good luck.
Strength in work, inspiration,
Get richer and richer.
Let there be many interests,
Don't be sad in vain.
And like in fairy tales about princesses,
Your life will be wonderful.

Dear Auntie,
You are like a sister to me.
Here I go again
Congratulations to you.
And wish, of course,
The best days
Stay the same
More beautiful and sweeter than everyone else.
Life doesn't force you
Let it spin like a top
And, in general, let it be
Everything is in order for you!

My mom's sister
Dear Auntie,
I am very friendly with you,
Congratulations today!
With all my heart I want to say,
Simple, gentle words,
You are a second mother to me,
Let me kiss you
Relatives and friends around,
A sea of ​​smiles, an ocean of happiness,
More inspiration at work
And a suitcase full of money!

Dear aunt, beautiful lady,
I congratulate you on your birthday!
This is your fan niece.
I wish you many earthly blessings.
May happiness always live in the house,
There is joy in the heart until the evening,
In the soul, so that the sounds of the organ sound
And the mood is not changeable.
Lots of girlfriends and little work
Only good entertainment for you,
So that men are surrounded by care.
Plenty of cakes, sweets and cookies!

Happy holiday, aunt! Happiness, warmth!
Thank you for being there!
I wish life to be as before
A blooming and sunny garden.
Niece, auntie, loves you.
And every day, and on this holiday
Wishes there wasn't even a day
Without clear warm light.

You are my dear person, like a mother,
And I can tell you a lot,
My joys and dramas,
I have nothing to hide from you.
Dear aunt, happy birthday!
Congratulations and wish you all the best
Since childhood I have had admiration for
And it burns as brightly as a hearth.

My dear aunt, dear,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you,
You are just golden to me
From my heart I wish, lovingly:
Be beautiful, slim and cheerful,
Don't be sad and don't be discouraged.
And to your noisy feasts
Invite me more often!
I wish you youth
So that you bloom like a rose.
May love accompany you
May you be happy!

Happy birthday
I'm in a hurry with a bouquet of roses.
And wish for creation,
So that you don't know tears.
Smiles, wonderful days,
And joyful moments.
And so that everything is great,
And in your honor - fireworks!

Dear Auntie,
You're like that swan
You're having fun sailing through life
And you are known for laughing.
And even though I'm a niece,
But I really like it
Spending time with you
And figure something out together.
May you always be young
Cheerful, beautiful.
I want to congratulate you so much
What am I going to take and shout:
“Please accept my warm congratulations,
And along with it comes a talisman-keychain.
May life be smooth
And it’s good for the soul.”

For me you are more than family,
For me you are an equal in spirit
Auntie, dear, for you
I will extend my hand in trouble.
But today is a holiday, and you
I give my first congratulations.
And wish upon my lucky stars
To be with you for a long time!

Today I congratulate my aunt,
Happy Birthday dear!
My aunt, golden,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
Always be so good
Please the beauty of passers-by,
I wish you great health,
And I give congratulations with love!

Hello, beloved aunt,
The birthday has arrived on this day,
I hope you are going through life just as happily,
And your gaze is still just as sweet,
Your niece congratulates you,
He wants smiles and money in your home,
And on the way there are only true friends,
And if there are enemies, God will be their judge,
You never forget about us,
And on this holiday,
Eat, be merry, drink,
And be firm in your decisions!

A birthday is a significant date for each of us, when the results of the past year are summed up, and if an anniversary is celebrated - for the last decade, plans are made for the future, and relatives and friends give congratulatory poems and gifts, in the family circle, fun and at home An annual celebration takes place.

Congratulations for your beloved aunt should be sincere and heartfelt, as warm as for your parents. In this case, there is no need to rush with the gift; it is better to find out more about the preferences, interests and tastes of the hero of the occasion. For good advice, you can turn to one of the family members who knows her wishes. In order for her to really like your surprise and be delighted with it, you will have to take this seriously. To show love and affection for her, congratulations from your niece in verse are perfect. The main thing is to deliver the speech with expression, in a solemn tone. Don't be afraid to joke or tell some funny story, she will appreciate it, especially if you have a talent for writing quatrains or stories. If not, then don’t worry: you can always find beautiful, original, memorable toasts on various sites on the Internet. If on a holiday you do not have the opportunity to visit a relative and you are far from her, do not forget to send happy birthday sms to aunt. Therefore, try to complete this important task with dignity, and your dear birthday girl will be delighted.

Dear aunt, I always congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish that you would always be so cheerful, kind, and beautiful! Let them be respected and appreciated at work, and surrounded by care in the family!

Dear aunt, niece wishes you a happy birthday. My dear, I wish you to be and always remain a real queen, an example of kindness and sensitivity, a standard of beauty and grace, a woman with a charming smile and incredible charm, and just a happy, cheerful person.

My dear, wonderful and unrivaled aunt, happy birthday to you! I wish you immense happiness, daily smiles, year-round sun, endless finances and constant good luck. I respect and love you!

My dearly beloved aunt! I would like to wish you that excellent health does not leave you even for a moment, that luck and success always go with you, and that the hearth of your care and love always burns in your home! Happy birthday, my dear!

Auntie, your niece wishes you a happy birthday. My dear, I wish you gorgeous bouquets of delicate flowers, pleasant surprises and welcome gifts, wonderful joy of the soul and joy of the heart. Aunt, may there be no grief or resentment in your life, may the star of your luck always shine brightly for you, may inspiration for creativity and the desire for something beautiful awaken in you every day.

Dear aunt, happy birthday to you! I wish you women's joys, new things, gifts, surprises, finds, smiles, hope and great love. May all your dreams come true and may life bring you pleasure!

My beloved aunt, happy birthday to you! I wish you a delightful mood, a memorable celebration, many warm words and wishes! Health, great and sincere, mutual and eternal love. Prosperity, sweet moments and myriads of unexpected pleasant surprises!

With love and from the heart, I congratulate you, my aunt. I wish you happiness, so that your life is a full-flowing river. Let all the blessings of life flow into this river in streams, and you just float easily and comfortably with the flow. Happy birsday, my dear! Never get sick, never get blues, and never grow old. And smile towards the morning sun.

Dear aunt, the most important thing is happiness and love, so I wish you to always enjoy life, love and be loved! Let the sun shine in your eyes, let positivity live in your soul, and let harmony and peace reign in your family!

My dear aunt. Let your birthday today remain in your memory as a vivid memory that will warm your soul even after many years. After all, today there are people next to you who love you with sincere and pure love. People who wish you strength, health, positive emotions and strong but wonderful experiences.