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Righteous hadiths of the prophet Muhammad. Hadiths with the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad on the topic of family. Hadiths from Muslim

Every denomination must have a way of addressing its Almighty. For Christians, these are prayers; for Muslims, they are duas, which are, in principle, the same prayers, but in Arabic and with an appeal to Allah. In Islam there are no conspiracies, special texts for removing damage, love spells, curses - the only way to get rid of evil influences is dua for damage, etc. Such duas are called “from evil.” In addition, the only source of dua is the Koran - in Islam there are no other holy scriptures, the entire religion is based only on the Koran.

When and how to read dua against damage and the evil eye?

In Islam there are no special instructions on when to read dua against corruption and witchcraft, at what time of day and night, at what phase of the moon, etc. Allah says to call on him and he will answer, so dua is allowed to be read at any time when you feel the need for help from above.

However, the most favorable time is considered to be from midnight to dawn. It is interesting that if among Christians all magicians and sorcerers spoil our lives in the dark, the Koran writes that the time of sorcerers begins at dawn and lasts until lunch.

In Islam there is one note similar to Christian warnings - Allah, first of all, hears those who ask sincerely and not to the detriment of others, who lead a righteous lifestyle without sins and vices.

Where and how to read dua against the evil eye?

The best place to read dua against the evil eye is the desert. Of course, this is not a condition, but in Islam it is believed that only there can a person praying be protected from the whole vain world and sincerely speak with Allah.

But you don’t need to limit yourself to this and wait for a trip to the desert to read the dua against corruption. In fact, an empty room will do, where no one will suddenly knock or call, where the phone will not ring and the alarm will not go off. If you decide to try to fix your situation with the help of dua, turn off the doorbell, telephone and alarm clock (if you read the dua before dawn).

The most powerful duas against the evil eye will be the original texts from the Koran. In addition, duas cannot be read, they must be spoken by heart, so before speaking to Allah, you need to memorize the text of at least one dua.

Another important nuance - dua against the evil eye and envy can be pronounced only in cases where you are sure that you really have the evil eye, damage or something like that. In Islam there is no concept of “luck” and “bad luck”; they simply don’t ask Allah for deliverance from possible damage, but there is no bad luck – it is the will of the Almighty. Therefore, a Muslim, when his life does not turn out in the best way, does not rush to look for “love spells”; he, first of all, tries to figure out what happened and why.

List of duas against damage and the evil eye

There are not many special duas for evil in Islam. The following duas from the Koran are considered the most effective:

  • the first surah of the Koran - Al-Fatiha;
  • surah (or dua) 112 – Al-Ikhlas;
  • sura 113 – Al-Falyak;
  • Surah Al-Mu'minun;
  • the last sura is An-Nas.

Short prayer of the prophet Muhammad

It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad left a short dua for Muslims for “everyday use” against the evil eye and witchcraft. The text looks like this:

“I ask for protection with the perfect words of Allah from the evil shaitan, from any and all poisonous animals, from the evil eye.”

And the dua Al-Mu'minun is considered the most powerful - Muslims say that if this dua is read by a sincere believer and righteous Muslim, it can split a mountain in half.


Sabab is a blank sheet of paper on which some kind of dua is written with ink, with one’s own hand. It is believed that if you carry such a scroll on yourself or with you, you can significantly increase your body’s defenses, thereby recovering from damage or evil eyes. However, Muslims warn: sabab does not eliminate damage; only Allah can do this. Therefore, when wearing a sabab, one must place one’s hopes not on the scroll, but on the one to whom its text is directed, otherwise it will be sinful polytheism.

Text of dua Al-Fatiha

Many diseases, due to which people die, while doctors simply shrug their shoulders, are caused by the evil eye. But, undoubtedly, both the evil eye itself and the harm caused by it are all according to the eternal Will of Allah, according to His Predestination. Many people think that there is no evil eye, although in fact its consequences can be terrible. After all, sometimes even a healthy person suddenly begins to suffer from headaches, a sharp deterioration in overall health, deterioration or loss of vision, as well as other serious illnesses that can even lead to death, while doctors cannot find the cause of this problem - here This is how the evil eye often works. Harm can also come from the shaitan and from magic directed against a person, and you can protect yourself from terrible consequences with the help of dua.

Principles of using Dua (Muslim prayer) against damage and the evil eye

Many people know how effective and useful duas are against the evil eye and damage, but not everyone knows what kind of duas they are, how and when to read them. People often wonder how to use dua against the evil eye, as well as what is the most powerful dua recommended to read. In this article we will try to cover this topic in detail and talk about dua against the evil eye (including dua against the evil eye for children), dua against damage, dua against illness and the evil eye. Therefore, if you are looking for dua (Muslim prayers) against the evil eye, we advise you to read this article completely.

To know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harm of the evil eye and damage, you need to figure out: what is it? Undoubtedly, such concepts as the evil eye and magic are known in Islam.

  • Magic is a combination of harmful actions and words. Magic comes in different forms. Some magic is performed through acts of unbelief or by uttering words of unbelief, in which case, the person doing such magic, these acts of unbelief lead to unbelief. For example, if a person worships the planets, the sun, devils, etc. Other magic, which occurs without committing any kind of disbelief, is also prohibited and this is a great sin. One of the special ways to help avoid the influence of magic is to repeat the last three Surahs from the Koran every day in the morning and evening: “Al-Ikhl ac", "Al-Falya To", "An-N A With". May Allah protect us in the name of God in Arabic “Allah”, the letter “x” is pronounced like ه Arabic from Satan and the harm of pests.
  • The evil eye is causing harm with an unkind glance. It occurs when a person looks at someone with envy and bad intentions, wanting him to lose the benefits he has, even if he utters words of praise or admiration. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned people that there is such a concept as the evil eye. One of the Hadith says the meaning: “The evil eye is the truth. At the same time, there is Satan and human envy,” i.e. at the moment when a person envies someone and speaks words of praise, the shaitan intervenes and because of this the person who was looked at with a bad look receives harm.

Also, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said this meaning: “When a person sees in himself, in his property or in his relatives something that he admires, let him read dua, turning to Allah, so that there will be barakat (blessing), because truly, the evil eye is true". And so that there is no misunderstanding “why was it said that the evil eye occurs only with a bad intention, but at the same time, a person can put the evil eye on himself?”, let us explain: for example, a person looked at himself or his family with admiration and with a bad intention, i.e. .e. complacency or boasting, thinking that this is only his merit, then you should read the dua so that there is no evil eye. But when a person looks with surprise and admiration at these blessings or at himself without such an intention, but with gratitude to God, then this will not cause the evil eye.

If at some point you notice that someone looked at you or someone close to you, making a compliment or admiring, then despite the fact that we will not be able to find out the person’s intention, still, for safety, read the dua against the evil eye and envy. For example, the following dua against the evil eye is known:

بِسْمِ اللهِ على نَفْسِي ومَالِي وأهْلِي

“Bismillahi ‘alaya nafsia V a m ahh l II V ahl II»

Meaning: “In the name of Allah, may there be protection for me, my property and my family.”

Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced like ح in Arabic, peace and blessings be upon Him, warned that a person can jinx himself and his children without even wanting it, so He advised that we turn to Allah with a request to receive protection from the evil eye and damage, saying the following words:

اللَّهُمَّ بّارِك فِيهِ ولا تَضُرَّه

"All A humma b A rick f And hi at a l I that d urrahu”, which means: “O Allah! Grant blessings and protect him from harm.”

And if a person admired himself, then for protection let him read:

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فِي جَسَدِي وَلاَ تَضُرَّهُ

"All A humma b A rick f And Jasad And at a l I that d Hurrah." This means: “O Allah! Bless my body, protect it from any harm."

And if you admire something while looking at another, then you should say:

بِسْمِ اللهِ مَا شَاءَ اللهُ

BismIll I h and m A-sh A-all A h

This means: “In the Name of Allah! Everything happens according to the Will of Allah."

Children often suffer because of the evil eye; the evil eye can also affect infants. The child may have a fever and nausea, the health condition may deteriorate sharply, and doctors are at a loss in diagnosis and treatment.

One day, as a result of the evil eye, Hasan and Hussein, the grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, fell ill. Angel Jibraeel asked Him about the reason for His sadness, then the Prophet told about what happened. And Jibraeel said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, read the following dua:

اللَّهُمَّ ذا السُّلْطَانِ العَظِيمِ وَالْمَنِّ الْقَدِيمِ ذَا الرَّحْمَةِ الكَرِيمِ وَلِيَّ الكَلِمَاتِ التَّامَّاتِ وَالدَّعَوَاتِ المُسْتَجَابَاتِ عَافِ حَسَناً وَحُسَيْناً مِنْ أنْفُسِ الجِنِّ وَأَعْيُنِ الإنْسِ

« All A humma h a-ssul that nil'a hs m at al-mannil To hell And m h ar-ra X matil-kyar And m, at aliyal-kalim A tit-tit A mm A you at ad-da'a atA til-mustaj A b A ti' A fi X asanan at A X Usainan min anfusil-jinny at a‘yunil-ins».

This prayer means: “O Allah! Ruler over all! The one who gives life and mercy! The one who sent Heavenly Messages, responding to appeals! Grant recovery to Hassan and Hussein from the harm of the genie and the evil eye of people.”

After the Prophet, peace be upon him, read this dua, by the Will of Allah, Hassan and Hussein received healing. This is a strong prayer that is read 7 times, while the name of the patient is called. It is also recommended to read this dua after each Namaz without getting up from your seat.

There is great benefit from saying dhikr:

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ، وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ، يُحْيِي وَ يُمِيتُ، وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

L I silt I ha illall A h at a X yesh at l I ball And kya lah, lahul-mulku at and lyahul- X amd, yuhy And at and um And T, at ahu at a ‘al I cully shy-in To hell And R

This means: “There is no creator except Allah - the One and Only, Who has no partner, no helper, to Him belongs all power and for Him all praise, He is the One Who gives life and kills, and He is Almighty.”

It is recommended to pronounce these words 10 times after Namaz As-Subh and Maghrib, without changing body position and without saying extraneous words. In addition to other numerous benefits for pronouncing this dhikr, a person will also have protection against witchcraft, against you-you and safety from troubles.

Certain protective dhikrs can be listened to online and include audio recordings, for this reason there may be benefit and protection. But at the same time, it is necessary to select a recording with the correct correct reading, since nowadays recordings made by incompetent people that are not worth listening to are especially common on the Internet.

And if a person is already showing signs of the evil eye or magic, and after reading a dua against witchcraft, etc., he still does not feel any improvement, then he should contact a knowledgeable, competent imam (or religious teacher) to remove the damage or evil eye.

Do not forget also that a truly powerful result for safety against damage and, in general, protection from harm, including sihr (witchcraft), will give you compliance with your duties. A person who skips Namaz and does not perform obligatory rituals is more exposed to danger than an observant Muslim.

What is dua

The word Dua is an Arabic word meaning supplication (prayer). When we read Dua, we ask Allah for some good. Prayer (Du' A`), truly occupies an important place in the life of a believer. And the life of a believer is life with the firm conviction that the fate predetermined by Allah is unchangeable. You need to be absolutely sure that everything happens according to the Eternal Will of Allah. Allah is Almighty, He alone is the One who creates benefit or harm, illness or healing. Therefore, when you read dua and ask the Lord to protect you from harm, you understand that everything will be as ordained by Allah. But even if in the end what this Muslim asked for in his dua does not happen, then let him not be upset, because for reading the dua itself (for turning to the Creator in Prayer) with hope and sincere intention, inshaAllah a sawab (reward) awaits him.

TOhow to read texts correctly

Before you start reading special dhikrs, duas for protection, as well as for protection, for example, your children, you need to learn how to correctly pronounce the text in Arabic. It is important to read the texts of the Ayats correctly, without distortion. If a person wants to treat someone from magic, the harm of Satan or the evil eye, then he must obtain permission to do so. Not everyone can do this. There are some known cases where, while engaged in self-medication, without training in this and without permission, people themselves suffered from the genie, which can cause great harm to the reader if he is not properly prepared. Therefore, before embarking on such activities, a person should be well aware of this: who and how can treat people from the evil eye and damage.

TOhow to use dua against evil eye

Above we have already listed strong duas against the evil eye, which can be read for protection, as well as for treatment, including if another person has the evil eye. We also remind you: for benefit, while reading, do not forget to make a sincere intention, trusting in Allah Almighty.

Now let's give other examples of using protection:

  • For young children who do not yet know how to read, special khirzas could be hung on which Ayats are written for protection. The Hadith says that the Companions wrote Ayats for protection and hung them on their children. (We mentioned more about the permissibility of wearing them and evidence for this in other articles).
  • It is said that from the evil eye you can read Surah “Al-Fatihah” 7 times on water, Ayat “Al-Kursiy” 7 times, Surahs “Al-Ikhlyas”, “Al-Falyak”, “An-Nas” 11 times and then drink up. It is said that if a person does this, it can become a very powerful treatment.
  • In order to protect yourself from an unbelieving oppressor, you can read the following words, then you should blow on him
    اللَّهُ اللَّهُ رَبِّي لاَ أشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئاً
    All A hu All A hu Robb And l I ushriku bih And shai- A

There are many permissible reasons as a result of which a person, by the Will of Allah, will receive strong protection from everything bad and every evil. But it should be remembered that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, forbade the use of amulets on which texts were written that contradicted the beliefs of Muslims.

Prayers against the evil eye and corruption in the Koran (Kur`but not)

Holy Book Koran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن contains special Ayats that are used to treat various diseases. It is important to remember that there is no magic in the Quran itself. On the contrary, Ayats from the Koran are used to treat magic, the evil eye and diseases.

For example, it is known that “Ayatul-Kursiyy” helps eliminate the effects of magic and other bad phenomena. Many Muslims hang “Ayatul-Kursiyy” written on a picture or a piece of paper in their homes. It is very useful to read this Ayat in the house so that the jinn who may be living in it will leave it.

Listen to Ayat Al-Kursi


The last three Surahs from the Koran also have a big feature; as we mentioned above, it is recommended to repeat them three times in the morning and evening. Let us give the text of these Surahs.

Three prayers of protection

Listen Suru Al-Ikhl IWith


Listen to Surah Al-Falyak


Listen to Surah An-nas


May Allah protect us from the evil eye and corruption! Amine.

Islam has the only holy book - the Koran, which consists of suras that are used to communicate with Allah. With their help, according to Muslim religious leaders, you can get rid of any negativity. The main thing is to know how to use the Koran against the evil eye and damage.

For a specific verse from the Koran to be effective, you need to believe in its power. It should also be remembered that the Koran will only help adherents of Islam and true believers get rid of negativity from the evil eye and damage.

A separate chapter has been written in the history of Islam, telling how Allah gave suras to devout Muslims that free them from the evil eye and damage. The story contains information that a long time ago, an infidel Jew from the Banu Zuraik tribe wanted to harm the Prophet himself and cast an evil eye on him. Because of this, the Prophet became seriously ill. The Prophet was helped by the angel Gabriel, who told him that the source of his illness was at the bottom of a deep well, which was located in one of the villages of the Banu Zuraik tribe. Immediately people went there and delivered an object that had a negative influence on it, which harmed the Prophet. It was a comb on which several of the Prophet's hairs were preserved. Their ill-wisher tied them in eleven knots. After this incident, Allah transmitted two texts through his messenger: “Al-Falaq” and “An-Nas”. After the texts were read, the negativity disappeared. Moreover, after reading one verse, one knot was untied, and the Prophet felt relief. These suras were included in the Koran. After finishing reading, complete healing occurred. Each of the suras contains eleven verses. This is due to the number of knots that were tied in the Prophet's hair.

Reading surahs for protection from damage

In Islam, there are certain rules for reading surahs against corruption.

They must be followed:

    Any appeals to Allah are made in the dead of night; when the first rays of the sun appear, the reading of surahs should be stopped. It is also possible to read surahs from the Koran at noon, but their effectiveness at this time is somewhat reduced; You can repeat surahs as many times as you like; The best place for reading prayers from the Koran is the desert; Friday is considered the optimal day for reading surahs against corruption; To increase efficiency Muslim prayer against corruption should bring oneself to a state of trance or meditation.

“I, a true believer, ask for protection from evil with perfect lines from Allah, they will protect me from the actions of the evil shaitan, from poisonous and dangerous ones, from the evil eye.”

If there are all signs of corruption, then you should read the following suras from the Koran, observing their sequence:

    Al-Fatiha - the first sura; Al-Ikhlas - 112 sura; Al-Falyak - 113 sura; Al-Mu'minun - 23 sura; An-Nas - the last sura.

Sababs in the fight against corruption

In addition to reading prayers, the Islamic religion suggests using sababas against damage. These are verses from the Koran written on special paper. They are rolled up and worn around the neck. If all the rules for creating a sabab are followed, then the believer need not be afraid of damage, since he will be completely under the protection of Allah.

The rules for writing a defensive sub are as follows:
    Entries consist of duas, taken hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad and verses from the Koran; Entries must be made on a sheet of clean white paper with new ink; All entries must be understandable and written with sincere belief in their power.
And most importantly, the one who creates the sabab and its future bearer must understand that the protective sabab is only a tool, and help will come only from Allah, who has heard the appeal of the faithful. The belief that the sabab will deliver from damage is a sin. It is believed that a devout Muslim who regularly reads the Koran and follows all the requirements of the faith may not be afraid of damage or the evil eye. Constant reading of the Holy Book provides a protective barrier around a person. It has incredible energy power and is able to repel any negativity. And if any failures happen to a sincerely believing Muslim, then they should be perceived as failures sent by Allah himself. But, unfortunately, in the modern world, a devout Muslim rarely manages to comply with all the requirements of the Islamic religion. This means that in the absence of a protective barrier, any unkind person can cause damage. As a rule, the negative impact is manifested by the development of serious illnesses and the emergence of disagreements with loved ones. When a strange feeling appears that something wrong is happening, a devout Muslim should immediately begin to read suras from the Koran, the action of which is directed against damage and the evil eye. This will allow you to quickly recover and create a protective energy shell for the future. You should know that the Islamic religion does not recognize magic and does not provide protection from damage with the help of talismans and amulets. Therefore, you should avoid offers from scammers who offer to get rid of damage without reading the Koran.