home · Other · Prediction based on the monthly cycle. What superstitions say you shouldn’t do during menstruation. Fortune telling by menstruation by date

Prediction based on the monthly cycle. What superstitions say you shouldn’t do during menstruation. Fortune telling by menstruation by date

Fortune telling by menstruation is very common among girls, because this is a good option to find out what fate has in store. Many claim that the results of fortune telling actually come true and that future events can be predicted in this way. Today, there are more than two options for popular fortune telling on critical days.

In the article:

Fortune telling by menstruation

Menstrual blood was often used for magical rituals, for example. Today there are a large number of ways to find out your future: , ; Fortune telling on critical days is not inferior to them in popularity.

For the first fortune telling, you need to pay attention to what time of day the critical days began. Some believe that this carries important information and the initial result of fortune telling depends on it.

If your period starts in the morning, the next month will be full of love. It doesn’t have to be a relationship with the opposite sex. Perhaps you will be overwhelmed with love for your loved ones, friends, children. Most likely, you will be in an atmosphere of warmth, understanding, harmony.

If your period starts during the day, this means that in the next month you will be Fortune’s favorite. Everything will work out, you will always be in a good mood, you will be able to avoid various failures and financial losses.

In evening time- most likely, in the next month you will feel lonely, forgotten by everyone, and be in a state of depression and apathy. Quite often this is a harbinger of a boring and monotonous life.

At night- Frequent ups and downs, constant mood changes await you. Quarrels with loved ones and friends are possible, but you should not get hung up on them, as the grievances will quickly be forgotten.

Interpretation of the day of the week when menstruation begins

If you decide, then pay attention to what day of the week it happened. The beginning of a cycle can provide really useful information about what to expect, what to be wary of, and what to pay attention to.

Monday- most likely, you will be given an expensive gift, perhaps it will be presented by a person who is not indifferent to you. The onset of menstruation on this day also indicates upcoming troubles; you will have to spend a lot of time doing household chores and will have little time for yourself.

Tuesday- very soon you will meet old friends or relatives. In most cases, this meeting is joyful. Also, perhaps in the future you will meet a person who will play an important role in your life. Sometimes this beginning of a cycle indicates changes in life that will happen very soon.

Wednesday- not the most favorable day. It foreshadows various troubles, quarrels, and troubles that may happen over the next month. Don’t worry, since such troubles will not be critical, you can easily solve them yourself. The main thing is not to give up and be prepared for the fact that difficulties may arise along the way. Don't be afraid of them, and you can conquer everything.

Thursday- the meaning of this day is ambiguous. On the one hand, people claim that changes await you in the near future, an invitation to a holiday, perhaps a wedding or birthday. Most likely, you will have to be the hostess of the table.

Another sign states that the beginning of the cycle on Thursday indicates a meeting with strangers. It is quite difficult to say whether this acquaintance will be pleasant or not. In any case, now you know that this meeting is likely, and you can avoid it if you feel that it will not bode well.

Friday- in the next month you will receive very important news that can really change your life. Pay attention to everything that happens, don’t miss your chance to change your life for the better. There may be minor troubles along the way, but you will overcome them without much effort.

Saturday- in the near future, wishes will come true; you won’t have to make much effort to solve problems. It's possible that your old crush will finally have the courage to confess his feelings.

Sunday- the best day to start your period. This onset of menstruation means that throughout the next month you will be happy and carefree. A problem that has been bothering me for a long time will finally be solved. It may be possible to improve relationships with relatives or a loved one through a sincere conversation.

Fortune telling by the date of critical days

The last thing you need to know is the start date of your period.

  • 1 - throughout the month you will be happy and get what you have long dreamed of.
  • 2 - will be haunted by a feeling of disdain for something or someone.
  • 3 - a conflict with one of your friends is possible, the outcome will depend only on you.
  • 4 - a happy event.
  • 5 - expect a pleasant surprise.
  • 6 - someone will gossip and spread rumors behind your back.
  • 7 - soon someone will confess their love.
  • 8 - the feeling of jealousy will not leave throughout the month.
  • 9 - you will become an object of gossip and quarrels.
  • 10 - perhaps a new romance will begin this month.
  • 11 - stop being jealous of the person you care about. This month he will prove his affection.
  • 12 - you will fall into love networks.
  • 13 - minor troubles and problems are possible.
  • 14 - wait for good news.
  • 15 - possibly unpleasant news.
  • 16 - your talkativeness will not lead to good things.
  • 17 - a meeting with a loved one is possible.
  • 18 - love adventures.
  • 19 - wish fulfillment.
  • 20 - love will be unrequited.
  • 21 - someone will lie to you, your task is to find this person.
  • 22 - promotion on the career ladder or sudden profit.
  • 23 - you will feel full of energy and happiness.
  • 24 - this month expects frequent meetings with friends.
  • 25 - you will make a new acquaintance, which will be very profitable.
  • 26 - people will come to you for help.
  • 27 - there will be a chance to make your dream come true.
  • 28 - everything you undertake will be doomed to success.
  • 29 - you may have to shed a lot of tears.
  • 30 - mutual sympathy.
  • 31 - an unexpected event that can change your life.

Compare all 3 predictions and determine exactly what to expect in the next month and what to fear. If the result of fortune telling on critical days does not coincide with your expectations, do not be sad, because only you can change your destiny.

Since ancient times, women have taken special interest in various fortune-telling, because each of them wants to know her future destiny. There are quite a large number of methods for predicting the future, one of them is fortune telling by menstruation.

He is very popular among the fair sex and is considered one of the most truthful.

Formally, all types of fortune telling can be divided into 2 large groups: serious and frivolous. The first category includes fortune telling using cards and runes, the second category includes fortune telling by date of birth, coffee grounds, numbers, and critical days.

Despite the fact that menstruation spelling is entertaining, many women believe in the veracity of its results.

At first glance, this activity may seem frivolous and even stupid. But it is quite difficult to resist the fact that it has a considerable number of female supporters. The effectiveness of such fortune telling has been repeatedly confirmed by the girls’ assertion that they were really able to find out their future destiny.

Believing fortune telling on critical days or denying it is a purely personal matter. However, this fortune telling technique can always be tested and in the future find out how reliable it turned out to be. What if the end result surprises you?

2 main options for fortune telling for menstruation according to Feng Shui: by time of day and by day of the week

Two options for predicting the future by menstruation are very popular among the fair half of the population. They can be classified as basic methods that differ in their effectiveness. The first option is to tell fortunes by the beginning of menstruation depending on the time of day, the second - on the day of the week.

In order to predict future fate using the first option, it is enough to be sure at what time menstruation began.

The onset of menstruation by time of day can be interpreted as follows:

  1. Morning. It is considered the most favorable time for the onset of menstruation, which promises only good luck. In this case, the woman is guaranteed harmony with the world around her, namely, reconciliation with those with whom she had very strained relationships. And also in the near future it is possible to start a serious romantic relationship.
  2. Daytime. This period of the day, like the morning, does not promise anything negative. This time hints that only joyful moments await the girl. And your good mood will not leave you throughout the month.
  3. Evening time. The beginning of critical days at this time is a certain hint of anxiety. This sign suggests that in the near future the girl’s life will be boring and full of disappointments.
  4. Night. This period of the day can be called the worst messenger, which promises separation from a loved one or betrayal by a loved one.

As was said just above, the onset of menstruation can be interpreted not only by the time of day, but also by the days of the week. This version of fortune telling is the simplest, since it is unlikely that anyone can make a mistake with the day of the start of menstruation, unlike the time of day.

Decoding the days of the week of the beginning of critical days will be as follows:

  1. Monday. This sign portends a lot of negative emotions and unnecessary troubles. But don't despair. There is a high probability that a woman will soon receive an expensive gift from someone important to her.
  2. Tuesday. This day of the week promises the fair sex a radical change in life, or rather a new acquaintance. Such a meeting will not pass without a trace and will bring many new and vivid memories.
  3. Wednesday. Perhaps the most unfavorable day. He advises gaining strength and patience to deal with bad weather throughout the month.
  4. Thursday. This sign promises fun and noisy feasts, meetings with friends and a lot of positive emotions. It is a hint that it is time to take a break from the hassle and constant bustle.
  5. Friday. The beginning of menstruation on this day promises good news. Perhaps this news will make changes in her usual life and direct the woman in the direction she needs.
  6. Saturday. This sign indicates that all life’s difficulties will soon disappear. There is also a possibility that the girl will be proposed to for marriage or declared in love.
  7. Sunday. It is considered the most favorable day for the start of menstruation. It promises happiness and joyful moments throughout the month.

In any case, even the most unfavorable sign should not be taken to heart. After all, it is not a sentence, but rather serves as a warning. There is no need to dwell on a bad prognosis and passively wait for adversity to appear.

Fortune telling by the beginning of menstruation “Number of the month”

The number of the month also plays an important role in fortune telling. Many girls use it to determine their future, thereby avoiding unwanted events.

Fortune telling by the beginning of menstruation depending on the day of the month can be deciphered as follows:

Even if your period starts on an unfavorable day, there is no need to panic. Fortunately, the menstrual cycle does not last that long. Soon all the troubles will pass, and a bright streak of life will come.

True fortune telling by menstruation for love

In addition to fortune telling methods that predict the future in general terms, there is a separate method that is responsible for love relationships. Such divination, like the fortune-telling described above, is based on the day of the month in which menstruation began.

Fortune telling depending on the day your period begins can be interpreted as follows:

Of course, one should not take this forecast too seriously. After all, relationships completely depend on the feelings of people in love with each other.

And the signs described above can only warn against an undesirable event.

Fortune telling by menstruation: folk signs

Everyone knows that folk signs affect almost every aspect of life. Beliefs regarding menstruation now seem quite unusual. Although in ancient times, it was by the menstrual cycle that women were able to find out their future and eliminate some failures.

Folk signs include:

  1. A woman who has started her period should refuse to cook food, as it will be tasteless and unsuitable.
  2. Until the end of menstruation, you cannot swim or go to church.
  3. If menstruation began on the wedding day, then the spouses are doomed to a difficult and unhappy life.
  4. During critical days, plants should not be planted.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether the above beliefs are absurd or not. It is worth remembering that they used to be a talisman against adversity and helped people.

To summarize, we can say that fortune telling during menstruation is a very exciting activity that can brighten up every girl’s critical days. There is no point in vehemently denying the authenticity of this prediction. It is not capable of causing harm in any way, and in some cases, on the contrary, it will provide incentive and encouragement.

And for those who want to tell fortunes for love in some other way, the following video.

Fortune-telling by menstruation for women has always attracted attention due to its simplicity. Fortune telling is a type of magic (rites, rituals) that allows you to find out the future. Fortune telling existed and still exists among all peoples of the world. Man has always wanted to know what awaits him in the future, what he needs to prepare for.

Since ancient times, people have been engaged in this magical work.

They guessed in different ways:

  • on Tarot cards,
  • on the runes,
  • on coffee grounds
  • on numbers
  • on menstruation,
  • other.

Women have always attached some special magical meaning to menstruation. After all, during menstruation, a woman’s feelings and emotions are most heightened. Women and girls during menstruation were considered unclean, dangerous, and having otherworldly powers. Therefore, fortune telling by menstruation is truthful, since it was one of the accurate methods of finding out your future. This way to find out fate and the future is quite rare, but very true.

It is important to know that such fortune-telling allows you to find out about the future only during the period of the menstrual cycle in which fortune-telling is done. That is, the predictions will come true in the next month.

Methods of fortune telling by the menstrual cycle

Fortune telling by menstruation 2 truthful options:

  • by the hour;
  • by days.

The result of fortune telling by menstruation 2 options for love is valid until the start of the next menstruation.

Fortune telling by the hour

Fortune telling by menstruation by the hour is a method, the result of which will depend on the time of the start of menstruation (morning, afternoon, evening, night). This fortune telling is also called fortune telling by menstruation for a woman’s love. A girl, focusing on the hours of her critical days, will be able to find out about love affairs for the next month.

Time of day when your period arrived:

  1. Morning a few hours before noon or early morning. Success awaits you in business and in love. If menstruation began in the morning, then a new love awaits the girl in this cycle. Harmony in the family and with loved ones. Married women are on their second honeymoon, and feelings between spouses are revived.
  2. Noon (until 13:00). A good time for the arrival of critical days. Joyful events and good luck in business await you. Time for kindness, love and happiness in your personal life.
  3. Second half of the day (until 17:00). Not a very good time to start your period. Troubles and minor failures await you. At this time, you need to be careful in business and with your surroundings. The beginning of the cycle at this time portends troubles and the month itself will not be very lucky for you.
  4. Evening time (until 21:00). Perhaps you will experience events this month that will cause discomfort and sadness for a long time.
  5. Night time. One of the most unpleasant to start a cycle. This time may foretell an imminent separation from loved ones. Cheating, lies, separation are possible.

Fortune telling by day

Fortune telling by menstruation by day will be most accurate when using two methods at once: by day and hour.

Great importance should be attached to the day when the discharge began. Each day of the week has its own significance in a woman’s fate.

Days of the week when critical days began:

  • Monday. “Monday is a hard day” - this expression is not in vain among the people. The beginning of your period on this day will bring you troubles, worries and worries. Quick changes in life are possible, both pleasant and not so pleasant.
  • Tuesday. You will have a pleasant meeting in the near future with a person who will remain in your heart. Perhaps you will see an old friend, buddy, acquaintance. There is a possibility that big changes in your life await you.
  • Wednesday. This day is unfavorable for the start of the cycle. Big troubles are coming your way, which will remind you of themselves throughout the next month. But you can handle everything on your own, so there’s no need to worry too much. All problems and troubles will be resolved, don’t hang your nose.
  • Thursday. Expect an invitation to visit or a special event. Guests may also come to you, be prepared. The meeting can be ambiguous: it can bring joy or trouble.
  • Friday. A favorable and successful day for the onset of bleeding. Pleasant news awaits you, which you did not expect at all. This news can change your whole life, but it takes a little effort.
  • Saturday. A very favorable day - very good events in life await. All difficulties will pass on their own and the woman will experience only positive emotions. It is possible that they will confess their love to you and your wish will come true.
  • Sunday. A period of joyful pastime and fun. Time for a carefree month. In the near future, your relationship with your loved one will improve, with whom you will have a heart-to-heart talk.

What does the day of the month mean?

The day of the month is an important indicator in fortune telling. The magic of numbers has interested people since ancient times. Numbers are believed to have supernatural powers and magic.

The day your menstruation begins means the following:

  1. Pleasant news and events await you, which will serve as some kind of stimulus for life and bring a lot of happiness.
  2. Disappointment in people close to you and their actions.
  3. A quarrel and a scandal with loved ones awaits out of the blue.
  4. Pleasant events and fulfillment of desires await.
  5. A pleasant surprise awaits you from your loved one, which will be remembered for a long time.
  6. Gossip and slander towards you from a loved one, do not take it seriously - it will be easier.
  7. You will be loved by the person for whom you will be the most precious thing in life.
  8. There will be a reason for the jealousy of your loved one.
  9. People may appear who want to upset your plans for life and personal happiness.
  10. Love and understanding awaits.
  11. There is no need to suspect your loved one of cheating, there is no reason for this. He is faithful to you and you should not think about nonsense.
  12. When meeting a person who will make you fall in love with him using magic, be careful.
  13. Soon you will have great difficulties.
  14. Perhaps you will be pleased with good news.
  15. An unwanted gift, a surprise from a friend or girlfriend is waiting.
  16. Do not spread gossip and chat in vain, this can lead to trouble
  17. Separation from a loved one is possible. The separation can be long due to a quarrel.
  18. You will soon be proposed for marriage (who is not married), a married woman should wait for a new stage in the relationship.
  19. In the near future you will fall in love with a person, but the love may not be reciprocated.
  20. Expect deception from your close friends or loved one.
  21. Deception is looming, which can destroy family relationships or relationships with a boyfriend.
  22. Unexpected financial prosperity awaits you.
  23. Expect pleasant news and events that will make you happy.
  24. A holiday in a house with a lot of guests.
  25. Meeting a person who can become the most important thing in your life.
  26. You will meet a person who will become a good friend to you.
  27. A person will appear with whose help your wishes will come true.
  28. Career success and good income await.
  29. Events will occur that will cause pain and grief. Close people will help you in difficult times; you should not hide your tears and problems from them.
  30. It is possible that a person will appear with whom a new relationship will begin.
  31. Unexpected changes await the woman. Perhaps you will go traveling, or maybe you will commit a shameful act that you will regret.

Folk signs for menstruation

Signs about the menstrual cycle can tell you a lot of interesting things about events that can change your life for the better, or prepare for such changes.

The modern world has come down to many signs that can indicate various events in life. Women have many signs and beliefs associated with menstruation. Every month, critical days can indicate new events in life.

  • It was believed that if a girl had her first period early, she could become a mother of many children.
  • If a girl gets her first period, a female relative should slap her. This way they got rid of pain and uncomfortable sensations during menstruation.
  • You can't swim in ponds
  • You can't go to church
  • You can't go to places where you have to be naked
  • The woman was not allowed to do household chores or prepare dishes, as everything could go bad
  • If a woman sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood, she will protect herself and her house from the evil eye and damage.
  • During menstruation, you cannot plant plants, as this threatens crop failure.
  • If menstruation came during the wedding, then future children faced a difficult life. It was necessary to read the conspiracy to prevent this from happening.
  • On critical days, a woman could protect the house from fire. It was necessary to run around the house that was burning 3 times and then the fire did not spread to other buildings.
  • A woman should not look at naked people during menstruation, as they might develop a rash.
  • If a woman got her period on a full moon, she was considered a witch. She was not allowed to look at the people and livestock in the house.

Signs about menstruation are valid for the period until the onset of the next menstruation.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in fortune telling and signs of menstruation. But it won't hurt to try. You can find out your future using a completely harmless method of fortune telling. Fortune telling about menstruation will be true when people take fortune telling more seriously!

Even in ancient times, everything that had anything to do with critical days was considered mystical. It was believed that during menstruation, a female representative was a threat, since she had otherworldly abilities that were directly related to evil spirits.

Menstruation is a good way to predict upcoming events

During menstruation, a girl's intuition becomes more intense. Therefore, it is not surprising where so many methods for predicting upcoming events came from, including fortune telling by menstruation for love and the future. Monthly fortune telling according to the women's calendar is one of the simplest but most accurate predictions, the veracity of which you will check for yourself.

How to correctly conduct fortune telling by menstruation

There are certain nuances, subject to which the resulting prediction will be accurate and truthful:

  1. During fortune telling, information is taken into account only on the day on which the bleeding began.
  2. If you guess using 2 options for fortune telling by menstruation, fortune telling by menstruation will give you a detailed and true prediction.
  3. Foresight is valid only until the beginning of the next menstruation.
  4. After fortune telling, it is recommended to write down the prediction in a notebook in order to remember what fate promises you throughout the entire time.

If you have received a positive result from fortune telling, then you should not spread this information among others, because there are many envious people around who are capable of changing everything for the worse.

You need to give the opportunity to a favorable event to enter your life and make a true prediction come true.

Basic information about this method of fortune telling

Fortune telling based on the female cycle is not included in the list of witchcraft rituals, but the arrival of critical days is always so unpredictable that a large number of legends begin to grow around them.

This fortune telling by menstruation is based on drawing parallels between the date and time of the beginning of menstruation with existing predictions that have been compiled over many centuries. Make predictions at any time of the day. The advantage is that you do not need to prepare for fortune telling in any way, and no additional skills are required.

To guess your period, you don’t need to prepare or have any skills. This is the main advantage

Despite their simplicity, many women have become convinced of the veracity of these methods of prediction from their own experience. Not two, but many times more methods of fortune telling by menstruation are described below.

There are 5 main methods of fortune telling by menstruation, among them:

  1. Fortune telling by the hour.
  2. Fortune telling by the time of the start of menstruation.
  3. Fortune telling by days of the week.
  4. Fortune telling by time of day.
  5. Fortune telling by the dates of the month.

Two options for predicting the menstrual cycle are no less popular:

  1. Predictions according to folk signs.
  2. Fortune telling by lunar days.

Fortune telling by the hour

Fortune telling on critical days for women describes only twelve hours, this is due to the fact that the decoding of each, regardless of the time of day, will be identical:

  1. By telling your fortune, you can find out that a favorable time will begin. Pleasant joys that you didn’t even know about, happiness and positive news await you.
  2. You need to be more vigilant and watch your words. You will meet a person who, at the beginning of communication, will cause you excessive irritation, which after a certain time will be replaced by indifference.
  3. It is recommended to develop a sense of restraint and analyze the consequences arising from your actions. There is a conflict situation ahead, which may be of varying levels of significance, but will directly affect the main aspects of your life.
  4. This month will be one of the best. You will get what you have long dreamed of. Happiness is practically on your doorstep and will soon knock on your door.
  5. You should expect a pleasant surprise that will not only take you by surprise, but also make you rejoice.
  6. Fortune telling by menstruation for young women warns that you are surrounded by people who like to gossip behind your back. You should not follow their example, but rather limit yourself from communicating with them in order to reduce the risk of adverse consequences.
  7. You will be delighted with such a long-awaited declaration of love. This news can be received either from a secret admirer or from a person who has been indifferent to you for a long time.
  8. You will be susceptible to such unpleasant manifestations of feelings as jealousy. Before you become jealous of your soulmate, you should carefully analyze the current situation and make sure that it will be timely and deserved.
  9. Ill-wishers are looking for the right moment to slander your personality. Therefore, it is necessary to behave with dignity and not give the slightest reason.
  10. You are destined to experience the feeling of falling in love.
  11. Jealousy will begin for no apparent reason. Your lover is faithful to you and will be offended by your suspicions.
  12. They are in love with you, pay attention to the men around you, perhaps this is your destiny.

Fortune telling based on the start time of menstruation

Fortune telling by menstruation 2nd option. This method gives a prediction regarding the further course of relationships in the love aspect, for marriage, it is necessary to take into account the time during which menstruation began.

Menstruation from midnight to 8 am portends love, shrouded in mystery. Girls will have a secret crush, but they will not be able to admit their feelings for a good reason.

Menstruation from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. If the onset of female bleeding occurs within this hour range, then the girl will experience that unforgettable candy-bouquet period. This prediction is relevant not only for lonely hearts, but also for couples who have been in a relationship for quite a long time and who lack new experiences.

Did your period start between 8am and 12noon? An unforgettable candy-bouquet period awaits you!

During critical days, during the day, from 3 to 6 pm, the fair sex should be prepared for unexpected and pleasant gifts. The lover of a girl whose period has delighted them with its daytime arrival must show all his positive qualities and please you with a romantic act.

Menstruation from 6 pm to midnight means that in a love relationship not everything is as good as we would like. All difficulties arose due to lies, jealousy, betrayal, understatement. Each partner can provoke discord in a relationship.

Fortune telling by days of the week

This physiological fortune telling will allow you to prepare for certain events. Your future can also be predicted based on the day of the week your period starts.


The onset of menstruation on the first day of the week is a harbinger of changes that will not keep you waiting. Changes can be both good and bad. It will be the start of something new.


Within a month you will meet a person who will bring you benefits in the future. This could be a significant other, a friend, or an employee.


Certain changes will be made to your rhythm of life, which will entail a negative incident.


You will visit a new place. You will probably be invited to visit or to a meeting. This will come as a surprise to you. During the meeting, something should happen for which you will feel a sense of shame for a long time. But this does not mean that you need to reject the offer, you just need to be more careful.


Fortune telling by days of the week advises you to spend more time on your well-being.

High risks of developing any disorders in the functioning of the body. A decisive event is about to happen in your life.


It promises the beginning of a new love story, full of romance, tenderness and emotions that cannot be forgotten.

If your period starts on Saturday, then you are in for a new love story.


You are destined to spend a lot of free time in the pleasant company of friends, loved ones and relatives. In most cases, meetings will not be scheduled

Fortune telling by time of day

If the onset of menstruation falls in the morning, then you will soon be visited by a feeling of falling in love. This love can manifest itself not only to the opposite sex, but to loved ones and people around you. This month will be filled with pleasant emotions.

Menstruation that begins during the day portends that you will be accompanied by good luck and happiness throughout the entire time. You will be lucky in all areas of life: in love, in family and friendships, at work and study.

Critical days that begin in the evening promise you trouble. There is a high probability of a whole series of negative incidents: conflict situations, showdowns, failures and troubles. But thanks to them, you will begin to appreciate the pleasant moments that your life is full of.

It often happens that menstruation begins when you are not expecting it, at night. This indicates that in the coming month you will have to hide a lot from others. Get ready to explore your skeletons in your closet.

Fortune telling by the dates of the month

Fortune telling by the dates of the month has become widespread. Quite a lot of information is known about the impact of numbers on a person’s destiny. Also, fortune telling by menstruation for women by the dates of the month carries certain information.

First week 1st-7th

  1. Good luck in all your ovulation endeavors. Feeling satisfied in all aspects of life.
  2. A purely subjective position in relation to someone. Feelings of disgust and neglect.
  3. Your lover will show his negative qualities. A conflict situation for no apparent reason.
  4. Satisfaction with your life path.
  5. A pleasant, unforgettable and unexpected gift from fate awaits the fortuneteller.
  6. A person from whom you did not expect this is spreading gossip around your personality.
  7. They confess their love to you, which they have kept secret for a long time.

Second week 8-14

  1. Female fortune-telling predicts that you will experience manifestations of jealousy with or without reason.
  2. You should not promise your loved ones something that you cannot do if you do not want them to stop trusting you.
  3. Ideal relationship with your lover.
  4. You will have to experience a feeling of retribution.
  5. Your heart longs to conquer your secret admirer.
  6. Fortune telling by menstruation recommends monitoring the words you say so that they do not turn against you.
  7. Someone close to you is telling a lie, figure out the reasons for such an act.

Third week 15-21

If menstruation began between the 12th and 21st, the girl’s financial situation will improve

  1. Promises an improvement in your financial situation.
  2. There is a high probability of guests whose arrival you have long dreamed of.
  3. Your dream will soon come true.
  4. If the start day falls on the 18th, then an unpleasant situation awaits you, which you will not be able to resolve soon.
  5. You will lose faith in what you have been convinced of for a long time, but in the future it will play into your hands.
  6. You will be betrayed by the person you trusted the most.
  7. Something will happen that will turn your life upside down. This incident can be both positive and negative.

Fourth week 22-28

  1. By this date, you can predict a collision with unimportant problems in your environment.
  2. Those around you will give credit to your actions and actions.
  3. The risks of betrayal are high. Both your significant other and you can change.
  4. Your life scenario, which has been built over many months, will instantly collapse.
  5. Your work will begin to bring the desired benefits.
  6. Every business you start is guaranteed success. The material condition of the ovulator will improve.
  7. You may be fooled in matters related to money.

Fifth week 29-31

  1. The introduction of inexplicable phenomena and otherworldly forces into your life.
  2. You will have to attend a high-profile holiday.
  3. You will stop worrying about the past and look only forward.

Folk signs for critical days

Throughout time, menstruation has been shrouded in an aura of mystery, hence the origin of folk signs that have their place even in the modern world. This is a time-tested method of predicting the near future.

  1. If you did not expect the start of your period, then your rhythm of life will take on new turns. Many new things will appear on your journey that you could not predict.
  2. If you experience a delay in your periods, then folk signs promise you stability and the absence of any changes.
  3. The timely start of menstruation means that your life will proceed according to the plan. Your wishes will come true.

Prediction based on lunar days

Every person knows that lunar days have a certain impact on the life, health, physical, mental and emotional state of a woman. This method of prediction is included in the list of fortune telling from ancient times, which our ancestors used for twenty centuries and which have not lost their relevance to this day; at the moment, only two of them are known.

Critical days in the waxing moon phase. All the plans that women have had in their heads for a long time are close to fruition. You should expect only good news.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle on the full moon promises the fulfillment of a cherished dream that was covered in a veil of mystery. Life will be filled with happy moments for 21 days.

Menstruation during the waning moon. You will experience a series of unwanted incidents. But after that a white stripe awaits you.

Today there are many ways to lift the veil of your future and tell fortunes. One of the popular ways to find out the future is to tell fortunes by menstruation. Many modern girls enjoy using this ancient method. A large number of beliefs and folk superstitions about menstruation may not show long-term prospects, but they are capable, as many believe, of presenting truthful information for the coming month.

What is fortune telling by menstruation

This way to find out your future is based on drawing a parallel between the date, time of the start of the menstrual cycle and predictions that have been made for a long time. You can check the forecast at any time of the day. For fortune telling by menstruation, no special training or specific knowledge is required, but everything requires an individual approach and analysis of the information received. There are methods that are not so popular: folk signs associated with menstruation, lunar days.

The most common fortune telling for the future based on menstruation are as follows:

  • according to the dates of the month;
  • by days of the week;
  • but time - the hour of the beginning of menstruation;
  • at the time of day.

To ensure that fortune telling on critical days is as accurate as possible, there are several rules. They will help predict events for the next month very accurately. Need to:

  1. Guess once, on the day when your period began.
  2. Take into account the moment the cycle begins: time of day, day of week, date.
  3. For greater reliability, use several methods at once.
  4. If forecasts are favorable, they cannot be shared, because this may interfere with their fulfillment.

Prediction by menstruation for love

Predictions based on menstruation predict events that will happen in a girl’s life in terms of love. The time of day is taken into account:

  1. 00:00 – 08.00. Time promises secret love, the inability to admit your feelings.
  2. 08:00 – 12:00. The candy and bouquet period will be unforgettable. Couples' relationships will become brighter.
  3. 12:00 – 15:00. The relationship will be perfect.
  4. 15:00 – 18.00. You need to prepare for unexpected pleasant surprises and romantic actions of your lover.
  5. 18:00 – 00:00. Love relationships will survive lies, betrayals, and understatement.

It is advisable to combine such fortune telling with the days of the week for a more in-depth analysis. The summary prophecy will be more complete and will reveal the whole essence of the prediction. There is no need to be upset when, due to the timing of your period, you get a not entirely pleasant fortune-telling result. Nothing can be changed, but any woman can prepare for possible negative events and try to survive everything as calmly as possible.

Fortune telling by time of day

To find out your near future, you can use fortune telling by time of day:

Times of Day


Early morning

Constant attention from the opposite sex, harmony with others, conflict resolution.

Joy, positivity, luck.

Trouble, bad business. Caution and self-confidence are important.

Melancholy and feelings of loneliness are possible.

Separation from relatives or like-minded people, deception, dishonesty.

The meaning of menstruation by dates and days of the week

An important indicator is the day and date of the beginning of the monthly cycle. The values ​​are as follows:

  1. Monday. This day foreshadows troubles, both pleasant and not so pleasant. The second meaning is receiving a gift from a loved one.
  2. Tuesday. You can meet an old acquaintance, a friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time. Another meaning is changes in personal life, meeting a person who will become dear.
  3. Wednesday. A warning about the onset of a not very easy period. You may need help from friends to get through difficulties. There is no need to despair - this is a forecast, not a verdict.

The second half of the week promises to be more favorable, the mood is good:

  1. Thursday portends celebration and entertainment in your own home. There is a high probability of meeting a stranger, but what kind of meeting will be is unknown.
  2. Friday. Early news that will radically change your life. Troubles are possible, but the efforts made will help you cope.
  3. Saturday. Lucky day. Menstruation predicts the favorable development of all life events and the solution of problems. You can make a wish - it will come true. Expect a declaration of love.
  4. Sunday. Happiness, victory in everything, joyful events are to be expected.

Numbers play an important role in a person’s destiny. They are also important for fortune telling by the menstrual cycle. For example, the 1st–7th of the month, the first week, foreshadow a favorable period in life, good luck in many matters, the possible receipt of a gift, an unexpected declaration of secret love. As for relationships with the opposite sex, there may be difficulties expressed in misunderstanding, conflicts, even neglect. Gossip coming from a person from whom it was not expected is no exception.

Menstruation from the 8th to the 14th, in the second week of the month, predicts the manifestation of groundless jealousy. This period warns against impossible promises and encourages you to watch your words. The result is a loss of trust and retribution. You cannot allow lies on your part and in relation to your own personality. In love affairs, the forecast promises the appearance of a secret admirer.

The beginning of the cycle from the 15th to the 21st, in the third week, promises an improvement in the financial situation and the fulfillment of dreams. The only unfavorable day is the 18th. On this day, menstruation warns against betrayal by a loved one. Various unpleasant situations are possible that can radically change your life. You shouldn’t worry too much, as the situation will be to your advantage. Everything that happens will bring not only negative, but also positive moments.

The cycle from the 22nd to the 28th, in the fourth week, predicts a collision with non-existent problems and possible betrayal. Things may not go according to plan. Cheating on the part of both partners is likely. You need to be careful with your finances. On the other hand, menstruation is quite favorable - all events will ultimately bring a positive result, others will admire wisdom and right actions. Any business will be accompanied by success. We should expect the arrival of our dear guests.

The onset of menstruation in the fifth week, on the 29th–31st of the month, is associated with mystical events in life. Inexplicable phenomena, the presence of otherworldly forces will help you forget about your experience. A look at the future is only joyful and optimistic; good luck should accompany you in all endeavors. Perhaps you will be able to attend a very fun, unforgettable holiday.

Prediction by day of the month

If you believe the numbers, then fortune telling by the days on which menstruation begins gives the most accurate forecast. You can find out predictions for 30 days online. The interpretation of the numbers is as follows:

  • 1 – joyful events, a feeling of euphoria;
  • 2 – disappointment in a loved one;
  • 3 – a conflict that, if not resolved, will develop into hostility;
  • 4 – the dream will become reality;
  • 5 – surprise, surprise from a loved one;
  • 6 – gossip that will bring disappointment;
  • 7 – mutual ardent feelings;
  • 8 – jealousy of a loved one throughout the month;
  • 9 – enemies will disrupt plans;
  • 10 – love.

In the next ten days, menstruation warns against rash statements. The interpretation of the meanings of numbers from 11 to 20 is as follows:

  • 11 – to curb jealousy, you need to show feminine wisdom;
  • 12 – secret admirer, lover of black magic;
  • 13 – discomfort in all matters and relationships;
  • 14 – good news;
  • 15 – unpleasant news about others;
  • 16 – rash statements and serious clashes;
  • 17 – temporary separation from a loved one;
  • 18 – marriage proposal or transition to a new stage in a relationship;
  • 19 – new pleasant acquaintance with a man;
  • 20 – deception from friends.

The third decade asks you to be sincere and to put all your energy into relationships. The values ​​are:

  • 21 – only sincerity will save relationships;
  • 22 – there will be no difficulties with money;
  • 23 – pleasant events, state of happiness;
  • 24 – wait for the arrival of good guests;
  • 25 – meeting a man and a serious relationship is coming;
  • 26 – appearance of a devoted friend;
  • 27 – someone will help you fulfill your desires;
  • 28 – career success, financial profit;
  • 29 – tears, problems;
  • 30 – new acquaintance, happy relationship;
  • 31 – adventures and pleasant surprises.

Feng Shui fortune telling

Feng Shui gives its own interpretations. Fortune telling by menstruation for girls is carried out according to the days of the week and taking into account the zodiac elements:

Zodiac signs / day of the week

Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


New case

New acquaintances

Plans will come true


Happiness, luck, luck

Woman's happiness

Plans will not come true, obstacles

Plans will not come true, things will be difficult

Emotional distress, quarrels

Scandals, disappointments

Great luck

Good health, a surge of strength, ambition, making plans



The pleasure of success

For representatives of the elements of earth and air, the forecasts are very similar. The interpretations are as follows:

Zodiac signs / day of the week

Earth: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus

Air: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra


The time for loneliness will end

Financial problems will disappear

Even those who previously ignored will appreciate it

Disappointment, plans will be ruined

It's time to leave the past behind

Changes in personal life


Everything will go according to plan

The lunar phases have a great influence on a woman’s condition. The satellite of our planet will help plan the future and will suggest it with its location:

  1. Menstruation, which began on the waxing moon, promises the implementation of all plans and financial wealth.
  2. The beginning of critical days on the full moon marks the fulfillment of the most secret desires, women's happiness, vivid emotions, and impressions.
  3. The waning moon during menstruation will bring disappointment, destruction of plans, and unpleasant moments. As soon as the phase changes, a streak of good fortune will begin. Wait for it and save up your strength.
