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Rice porridge with honey. Porridge with honey. Rice porridge with honey

Medical nutrition. Recipes for healthy dishes for high cholesterol Marina Aleksandrovna Smirnova

Rice porridge with honey

Rice porridge with honey


200 ml water, 100 ml milk, 50 g rice, 30 g honey, 5-10 g mint.

Cooking method

Place the rice in boiling water and after 15 minutes. pour in hot milk, honey and stir.

Serve the finished porridge with mint leaves.

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From the book Special diet against allergies and psoriasis author Elena Vladimirovna Dobrova

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From the book Medical Nutrition. Recipes for healthy dishes for high cholesterol author Marina Aleksandrovna Smirnova

From the book of 100 recipes for dishes rich in microelements. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healing author Irina Vecherskaya

rice – 2 cups
raisins – 1 handful
dried apricots – 1 handful
butter – 25 g
honey – 5 tbsp. spoons
salt – to taste

I am glad to welcome you, my dear regular readers! If you came by chance, you are welcome!

Today I will tell you

How to cook rice porridge

Please measure out two cups of dry rice – we are already starting.

Food preparation

Rice, ladies and gentlemen, it is advisable to sort through and remove all kinds of misunderstandings from it, so that you can then eat and enjoy the taste.

Let's now rinse it, changing the water 5-6 times so that at the end of rinsing the water is almost clear.

After pouring warm water over the washed rice and leaving it to swell for about an hour, let’s deal with dried apricots and raisins.

Fill them with water and after a few minutes, when all sorts of contaminants begin to leave the dried ingredients, rinse them thoroughly.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to use dried apricots and raisins! I just like them - this is one thing and I always have a small supply at home - this is two. And you can successfully use prunes and other dried fruits available.

Now let's prepare the honey. Preparation will consist of mixing honey with water, of which you will need to take 150 ml. It is quite possible that for many, the honey may become thickened and will stubbornly refuse to combine with water. It is not difficult to solve this problem; just heat the honey and it will become fluid.

It seems that all preparatory operations have been completed. Let's move on to the main part of the event, the actual preparation of the dish.

Rice porridge – cooking process

In a suitable sized pan (preferably not enameled!), bring water to a boil at the rate of 2 measures of water per 1 measure of dry rice - in our case there will be 4 glasses of water.

After salting the boiling water to taste, add oil and rice, which has been waiting for active action, and smooth it out. After bringing to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook under the lid until the water is completely absorbed by the rice.

Meanwhile, prepare a sweet and tasty addition to the rice. In a saucepan or frying pan, bring the mixture of honey and water to a boil while stirring, add clean dried fruits and again, with occasional stirring, cook this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes.

Guys, please don’t write angry comments about how heating honey above 50–60 degrees kills its healing properties! You may not believe it, but I know about it. It’s just that in this particular case we use honey not as a remedy, but as a very tasty sweetener. If you still find it impossible to treat honey this way, then add sugar instead! It won’t be as tasty and hardly healthier for the body, but what a savings!

As soon as the porridge is ready, turn off the heat (or remove from the heat if you are cooking on an electric stove).

Add honey and dried fruit filling to the porridge, mix thoroughly, let it brew for 10 minutes. Now you can take a sample and treat the kids

If you, friends, liked the recipe, I would ask you to tell your friends and comrades on social networks about how Guryev porridge is prepared by clicking on the appropriate buttons.

All the best! And Bon Appetit! ?

Post Views: 989

rice – 2 cups
raisins – 1 handful
dried apricots – 1 handful
butter – 25 g
honey – 5 tbsp. spoons
salt – to taste

I am glad to welcome you, my dear regular readers! If you came by chance, you are welcome!

Today I will tell you

How to cook rice porridge

Please measure out two cups of dry rice – we are already starting.

Food preparation

Rice, ladies and gentlemen, it is advisable to sort through and remove all kinds of misunderstandings from it, so that you can then eat and enjoy the taste.

Let's now rinse it, changing the water 5-6 times so that at the end of rinsing the water is almost clear.

After pouring warm water over the washed rice and leaving it to swell for about an hour, let’s deal with dried apricots and raisins.

Fill them with water and after a few minutes, when all sorts of contaminants begin to leave the dried ingredients, rinse them thoroughly.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to use dried apricots and raisins! I just like them - this is one thing and I always have a small supply at home - this is two. And you can successfully use prunes and other dried fruits available.

Now let's prepare the honey. Preparation will consist of mixing honey with water, of which you will need to take 150 ml. It is quite possible that for many, the honey may become thickened and will stubbornly refuse to combine with water. It is not difficult to solve this problem; just heat the honey and it will become fluid.

It seems that all preparatory operations have been completed. Let's move on to the main part of the event, the actual preparation of the dish.

Rice porridge – cooking process

In a suitable sized pan (preferably not enameled!), bring water to a boil at the rate of 2 measures of water per 1 measure of dry rice - in our case there will be 4 glasses of water.

After salting the boiling water to taste, add oil and rice, which has been waiting for active action, and smooth it out. After bringing to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook under the lid until the water is completely absorbed by the rice.

Meanwhile, prepare a sweet and tasty addition to the rice. In a saucepan or frying pan, bring the mixture of honey and water to a boil while stirring, add clean dried fruits and again, with occasional stirring, cook this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes.

Guys, please don’t write angry comments about how heating honey above 50–60 degrees kills its healing properties! You may not believe it, but I know about it. It’s just that in this particular case we use honey not as a remedy, but as a very tasty sweetener. If you still find it impossible to treat honey this way, then add sugar instead! It won’t be as tasty and hardly healthier for the body, but what a savings!

As soon as the porridge is ready, turn off the heat (or remove from the heat if you are cooking on an electric stove).

Porridge with honey

Porridge is a favorite food of Russians. This is the main dish of our ancestors' table. “Soup soup and porridge are our nurses,” says the proverb. Without porridge, lunch is not lunch. As they say, you can’t feed a Russian peasant without porridge. The variety of types of porridges is due to the variety of cereal crops that we grow.

Ritual ceremonies are also associated with porridge - christenings, weddings, funerals. Sweet porridges cooked with honey were widespread. Honey was also added to ready-cooked porridges before serving or on the table. It seems that crumbly porridges go best with honey - wheat, barley, buckwheat, and also semolina.

Wheat porridge with honey and poppy seeds

400 g wheat, 200 g honey, 200 g poppy seeds. Well-cleaned wheat is poured with water and put on fire. When it boils, put it on a sieve, rinse with cold water and transfer to a saucepan or pot, pour in water so that it just covers the wheat, close tightly and put in the oven or in a well-heated Russian oven for 4 hours. When it gets stubborn, they cool it down.

The sorted and washed poppy seeds are thrown into a sieve. When the water has drained, it is pounded in a mortar and mixed with honey. Wheat porridge is gradually added to the resulting mass, which should be crumbly, stirring all the time so that it is well saturated with honey. It is placed in a heap on a dish and served for lunch.

Porridge with honey

400 g wheat, 600 g honey, 400 g poppy seeds. Wheat is poured with water for 1 day so that it swells. Then, throwing it on a sieve, pour it into a bowl, add a little salt, fill it with water and put it in the oven or oven. Half an hour before removing the porridge, bring honey to a boil, stir poppy seeds in it and combine with the porridge: a layer of porridge - a layer of honey with poppy seeds, a layer of porridge - a layer of honey with poppy seeds. Honey is poured on top of the porridge.


2 cups of barley, 1 cup each of milk and poppy seeds, 3 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of currant or cranberry jam.

The cereal boiled over low heat is transferred to another bowl, poured with milk and cooked until thickened, stirring all the time so as not to burn.

Separately prepare poppy seeds. Brew it with boiling water to steam it. After 5 minutes, the water is drained, the poppy seeds are washed, boiling water is poured again and, as soon as droplets of fat appear on the surface of the water, it is drained. Steamed poppy seeds are pounded in a mortar, adding a little boiling water. The crushed poppy seeds are mixed with porridge, honey is added, and simmered on low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring continuously. The finished kolivo is seasoned with jam.

Guryevskaya porridge

0.5 cups of semolina, 0.5 kg of nuts, 0.5 cups of honey and jam, 1.25 liters of milk, 2 tablespoons of butter, 3-4 teaspoons of ground lemon zest.

Nuts, peeled from shell and membrane, are pounded in a mortar. A little milk is poured into a flat bowl, placed in a very heated oven and the resulting browned foam is skimmed off. With the rest of the milk, cook a thick porridge, add nuts, honey, butter, zest and mix well. Place porridge in a deep frying pan or wide enamel pan in a layer no thicker than 1 cm, cover with milk foam, add another layer of porridge and again layer it with foam. Add a little jam to the penultimate layer. Place in a well-heated oven for about 10 minutes. Take out the finished porridge and pour jam and crushed nuts on top.

Millet porridge with fruits and honey

100 g of millet, 50 g of dried apricots and prunes, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 1 glass of milk, 60 g of honey, 1 tablespoon of butter, salt.

Millet is boiled in milk until thickened, fruit is added and placed in the oven in a covered pan for 3-5 minutes. Season the finished porridge with butter and honey, mix well and serve.

Rice porridge with honey

100 g rice, 1 glass each of water and milk, 2 tablespoons honey, 20 g butter, salt. Oil and honey are added to the cooked porridge.

Rice pudding with honey

1 half glass of rice, 3 glasses of milk, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 2 eggs, 0.5 glasses of honey, salt on the tip of a teaspoon, 0.5 glasses of orange juice, 1 tablespoon of orange zest.

Place rice and raisins in a small saucepan, pour in milk and place in a thicker saucepan with boiling water and boil for 40-45 minutes. Hot cooked rice is poured with the remaining ingredients and cooked for another 5 minutes without a lid. Serve chilled. Pudding is good with cream.


400 g of wheat, 200 g of raisins, walnuts, honey and marmalade, 100 g of sweet almonds.

Wheat and raisins are boiled together, adding a little salt. Os-tudiv, put on a dish, mix with almonds and crushed nuts. Honey is diluted in a glass of boiled water and poured over kutya. Decorate the top with marmalade. Kutya can be cooked from peeled barley, rice, and buckwheat. It is served at funerals.