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The role of bacteria in nature and human life. Presentation on the topic “the importance of bacteria in nature and human life” Bacteria harmful to humans

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Classification of bacteria - bacteria of decomposition and decay; - soil bacteria; - lactic acid bacteria; - pathogenic bacteria.

1. Bacteria of decomposition and decay The soil contains a huge number of bacteria - hundreds of millions per gram. In poor tundra soils or sandy desert soils there are up to a billion of them, in slightly podzolic soils - up to a billion, and in chernozem rich in organic matter - up to 2 billion and more. This is about 35 dry weight of the soil. Bacteria take part in the weathering of rocks and minerals. Thus, iron bacteria formed large deposits of iron ores.

2. Nitrogen-fixing (soil) bacteria NODULE BACTERIA - a genus of bacteria that form nodules on the roots of many leguminous plants and fix molecular nitrogen from the air in conditions of symbiosis with the plant. They enter into symbiosis with leguminous plants. Settling in the roots of legumes, they cause the formation of nodules on them, for which they received the name nodule bacteria. The plant supplies the bacteria with the carbohydrates and mineral salts they need for growth and development, and in return receives nitrogen, which the nodule bacteria are able to fix.

3. Lactic acid bacteria Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the creation of fermented milk products. Fermented milk products are a group of dairy products produced from whole cow's milk or its derivatives (cream, skim milk and whey) by fermentation with starter cultures. Lactic acid products are also made from the milk of sheep, goats, mares and other animals.

Fermented milk products - ayran; - acidophilus; -kefir; - yogurt; -ryazhenka; - Varenets; - kaymak; - curdled milk; -Koumiss.

Ayran A type of fermented milk drink based on katyk or a type of kefir among the Turkic and Caucasian peoples (in different languages ​​the exact meaning of the name and the preparation technology are slightly different, but the common thing is that it is a dairy product produced with the help of lactic acid bacteria).

Acidophilus is a dietary product - milk fermented with special (acidophilus) bacteria. It is produced from milk fermented with pure culture starters, one of which is acidophilus bacillus. In 1910, the Russian scientist Hartier E.E. proved that acidophilus bacillus can be successfully used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases, and that this bacterium cleanses the intestines of putrefactive and some pathogenic microbes.

Kefir Kefir is a fermented milk drink made from whole or skim cow's milk by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using kefir “fungi” - a symbiosis of several types of microorganisms: lactic acid streptococci and rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeast

Yogurt Yogurt (a fermented milk product that is made from whole milk by fermenting it with special cultures - Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus).

Ryazhenka Ryazhenka is a fermented milk drink made from baked cow's milk by combined lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Fermentation is carried out with thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus, fermented for 3-6 hours. It has a yellowish-brownish tint and a traditional fermented milk taste. In fact, it is a type of unflavored yogurt.

Varenets Varenets. Baked milk, prepared by slowly melting (evaporating) milk in clay jars in a Russian oven so that it reduces by at least a third of its volume and acquires a reddish tint. To do this, milk is placed in the oven after the bread for several hours, during which it “dries out” but does not boil. Then the baked milk is seasoned (fermented) with sour cream (at the rate of 200 g per liter) and kept covered for 3-4 hours in a warm room.

Kaymak Kaymak - thick, thick, pancake-like, boiled foam, prepared from fatty baked milk. Milk for kaymak is boiled over low heat in a flat container and, as the foams thicken, they are removed and layered one on top of the other, then allowing them to sour slightly over the course of a day or two. Kaymak also has a special microflora created in it as a result of acid fermentation, which turns it not only into a pleasant, tasty, nutritious, but also into a healthy product, especially for those who find it difficult to tolerate ordinary fats.

Kumis Kumis is a whitish fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, obtained as a result of lactic and alcoholic fermentation using Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid rods and yeast.

Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the fermentation of cabbage and pickling of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Curdled milk Produced by lactic acid fermentation of milk

Cheeses Roquefort cheese is obtained as a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria and special fungi

4. Pathogenic bacteria Cause diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, cholera, brucellosis, tuberculosis, sore throat, glanders, anthrax, tetanus, plague.

Pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus and streptococcal infection

Vibrio cholerae

Fighting pathogenic bacteria Disease prevention measures: - close your mouth when coughing; - boil handkerchiefs; - exercise medical control over water sources and food products; - disinfect premises; - get preventive vaccinations.

BIOLOGICAL DICTANT 1) Primitive unicellular, nuclear-free organisms are ..... 2) Bacteria that have a spherical shape are called ..... 3) Rod-shaped bacteria are .... 4) Spiral-shaped bacteria are called ..... 5) Bacteria in the shape of a comma are called .... 6) Bacteria that feed on ready-made organic substances are ...... 7) Bacteria that feed on organic substances of living organisms are classified as ..... 8) In unfavorable conditions, bacteria form ......

Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) Founder of medical microbiology and immunology Studied lactic acid fermentation Discovered butyric acid bacteria (anaerobes) PASTEURIZATION method (up to degrees) VACCINATION method (vaccines against rubella, anthrax, rabies)

Pathogenic bacteria DISEASE is a consequence of the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Infectious diseases: -diphtheria, tuberculosis (with sneezing, coughing) -Dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera (through water), plague (flea bites) -Anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene (soil getting into the wound) -Botulism (in canned food, meat, fish - without access to oxygen) - Plague, glanders, tularemia - OZ

Is it possible to exist
modern biosphere and
human in it without bacteria?

Task 1. Label the main organelles
bacterial cell.
Switching on with
and substances

Task 2. Write the name of the forms of bacterial cells.


Bacteria of decay and decomposition

dead substances

Soil bacteria

The top layer of soil contains from 100,000
up to 1,000,000,000 bacteria per 1 g, i.e.
approximately 2 tons per hectare

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Absorb nitrogen from the air.
Nodule bacteria enter into symbiosis with
leguminous plants.

Lactic acid bacteria


Lactic acid bacteria

Various types of bacteria cause food spoilage. Botulism is a disease caused by products contaminated with botulism bacilli.

Various types of bacteria cause
food spoilage.
Botulism is a disease caused by
products contaminated with rods

Bacteria spoil the hay in the stacks. Books in book depositories suffer from them.

Pathogenic bacteria

Parasitic bacteria penetrate into other
organisms that cause diseases.

Bacterial plant diseases

1- root cancer
fruit; 2, 3 - black
potato leg; 4 ring rot
potatoes; 5-bacteriosis
soybean leaves; 6- black
wheat bacteriosis; 7bacteriosis of beans; 8bacteriosis of cucumber (shoot,
leaf, fruit); 9- gommosis
cotton plant (shoot,
leaf, box); 10bacterial grouse

1- bacterial burn
lemon (branch and fruit);
2- citrus canker (leaf
and grapefruit branch); 3bacterial burn
pears; 4- bacterial
stone fruit (leaf
peach); 5bacterial cancer
tomato; 6bacterial burn
apple tree trunk and fruits
(ovaries); 8- bacteriosis
cabbage; 9- bacteriosis
clover; 10-vertex
tomato rot.

Bacterial diseases of animals and humans


First documented epidemic
originated in the 6th century in the Byzantine Empire and
swept over many countries, destroying them in 50 years
about 100,000,000 people.

Sources of infection

The infection is carried
rodents - rats and mice,
as well as squirrels and wild
dogs. Transmitted to people
through an animal bite or
fleas living on it.
You can get infected
also contact
and airborne
ways from the patient


Cholera is an acute intestinal infection that causes dehydration and
can kill even a completely healthy person

Sources of infection


Acute infectious disease of animals,
damaging to humans too...

Sources of infection

A person becomes infected
disputes in
contact with the patient
animals or
livestock farming, and
also by airborne dust.

Tuberculosis is one of the oldest infectious diseases

Tuberculosis is called the "main
infectious killer of humanity."
Now in the world
1 person dies from tuberculosis every 10 seconds
Every 4 seconds 1 person gets sick.
Every year the world gets sick
tuberculosis 10,000,000 people,
3,000,000 die within a year.

Factors contributing to tuberculosis disease

Unsanitary conditions.
Late diagnosis.
Lack of medications.

Routes of infection

Airborne dust path.
Household way.

Prevention of infectious diseases

Control of water sources and
food products.
Timely detection and treatment
sick. Quarantine...
Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Answer: Life without bacteria on Earth is impossible. a) Bacteria played a key role in the creation of soil. b) bacteria decompose organic matter

Is it possible to exist
modern biosphere and humans in it
without bacteria?
Life without bacteria on Earth is impossible.
a) bacteria played a key role in
creating soil.
b) bacteria decompose organic matter
substances to minerals, promoting
circulation of substances.

"Chemosynthesis" - Methanobacteria. Some chemosynthetics (in particular, sulfur bacteria) are used for wastewater treatment. Chemosynthesis was discovered in 1887 by S. N. Vinogradsky. Chemosynthesis is... Chemosynthesis. Iron bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria. This method of obtaining energy is used only by bacteria. Information support for the lesson.

“Structure and significance of bacteria” - The cells of many bacteria have non-chromosomal genetic elements - plasmids. Bacteria play a huge role in both the biosphere and human life. Discovered in 1887 by S.N. Vinogradsky. Physiology of bacteria. Flagella. The source of hydrogen for the reduction of carbon dioxide is water. Humans also use bacteria to purify wastewater.

“Chemosynthesis of bacteria” - Molecular oxygen that appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere acted as a strong oxidizing agent. Nitrifying bacteria - oxidize ammonia to nitrates. Anaerobic chemoautotrophs. Bacteria also come into play, working with hydrogen, nitrogen compounds and methane. Back in 1887, Russian microbiologist S.N. Winogradsky discovered bacterial chemosynthesis.

“Fungi and Bacteria” - Mushrooms. Setting lesson goals and objectives, familiarizing yourself with the lesson plan. 2.Warm up. Seaweed. "The fifth is odd." Answer the questions. Repeat and summarize the knowledge acquired on the topic. 1. Organizational moment. Lesson content: Spirogyra, chlorella, ulotrix, ulva, kelp. Hyphae, mycelium, basidia, sclerotia, rhizoids.