home · Installation · The most powerful talisman stones for Capricorns. Capricorn stones - how to protect yourself from adversity with the help of talismans

The most powerful talisman stones for Capricorns. Capricorn stones - how to protect yourself from adversity with the help of talismans

Hardworking, incredibly responsible and unwomanly serious, the Capricorn girl is one of the ladies of strong character. It comes from the well-known truth: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles.” Capricorn has a decisive, strong-willed nature. She will never take 2 steps back one step forward. And it’s not a matter of pride, but of principles, to which this woman listens much more often than to emotional impulses. Capricorn's approach works very effectively, but requires quite a lot of internal strength.

That is why it is important for such a girl to pay attention to stones that allow her to restore emotional and physical reserves.

What stones are suitable for a Capricorn woman: general characteristics

Judging by the traits characteristic of a woman of the Capricorn zodiac sign, we can say that talisman stones will help her, attracting success in business. This girl is a real hard worker who is not used to counting on anyone but herself. She confidently, and in some cases incredibly stubbornly, moves towards her own goal.

In general, Capricorn does not need support. But there is one important nuance. This lady takes life so seriously that sometimes she simply cannot give free rein to her emotions and relax to the fullest. Correct distribution of forces, balance between work and rest - these are the main tasks that can be solved by choosing the right talisman stone.



As a rule, the Capricorn type is a smiling, charming lady who deliberately emphasizes the distance that exists between her and everyone around her. It is interesting that even with close friends she often feels a certain alienation. And it's not that she doesn't trust them. It’s just that Capricorn doesn’t like to reveal all his emotions, believing that this is outright weakness.

At the same time, the stars advise you to liberate yourself more often - after all, this is the way to feel life in all its beauty. And for emotional manifestations to become brighter, you should take a closer look at the pomegranate. This stone gives vitality and helps to realize your plans.


When emotions run high, it becomes obvious that the situation has gone too far. In case of emotional change, internal irritation caused by misunderstanding, Capricorn girls should purchase carnelian. It has a relaxing effect. Therefore, it is better to use it at home. But you shouldn’t take such a stone to work - it can cause an attack of apathy, due to which some of your plans will be thwarted.


It's no secret that many Capricorn girls deliberately close themselves off from the outside world. And even with their friends, they are not ready to discuss all topics. Sometimes such tactics are completely justified. But the side effect is that the wave of mistrust soon turns into a real wall. Moreover, having created his emotional fortress, Capricorn usually does not strive to get out of it.


That is why in such cases a lady should opt for rock crystal. It allows you to build bridges, strengthen trust, attract friendly people, and this is exactly what the Capricorn woman needs so much in order to overcome psychological barriers.

Capricorn 1st decade

In questions about which talisman stones are suitable for a Capricorn woman, you should also focus on your date of birth. The fact is that a generalized characteristic of a horoscope does not allow us to identify the individual characteristics of a particular person. The decade is of great importance - there are 3 of them, and each is ruled by its own planet.

Thus, the lives of Capricorn women born in the 1st decade are greatly influenced by the largest planet in the solar system - the majestic Jupiter. It allows the lady to plan big things, set very ambitious goals for herself, but most importantly, Jupiter gives the strength to solve them.

Capricorn girls of the first decade are distinguished by a very strong-willed character. However, sometimes they spend too much emotional and physical resources. Therefore, the stars recommend that these Capricorn women pay attention to the talisman stones that are most suitable for them:

  • promotes health and grants longevity;
  • Tiger's Eye also has healing properties and also strengthens mental strength;
  • coil protects against diseases, injuries and accidents;
  • malachite attracts good luck and allows you to feel and fulfill your true desires;
  • rhinestone patronizes committed relationships and marital fidelity;
  • - a symbol of human sincerity and nobility.

Serpentine is a stone for Capricorn

Capricorn 2 decades

These are the most charming Capricorn ladies who are accustomed to being the life of the party, an informal leader in the team, because thanks to their natural charisma they are able to exert a strong influence on their friends and colleagues. There is a simple explanation for this. People are attracted to the exceptional integrity, reliability of Capricorn women, their honesty and openness.

The fact is that the planet that rules the representatives of the 2nd decade is Saturn. It reflects limitations, boundaries, obligations. The flip side is that it is Saturn that Capricorns owe some of their tediousness and despondency, which sometimes turns into a protracted streak of depression.

Therefore, Stones that are suitable for a Capricorn woman in her 2nd decade should attract inspiration and hope for the best into her life:

  • heliotrope represents loyalty;
  • chrysoprase bestows spiritual strength and attracts good luck;
  • sardonyx And onyx– symbols of success;
  • opal gives hope;
  • chalcedony helps overcome apathy and loss of mental strength.
Onyx glasses

Capricorn 3rd decade

But Capricorns of the third decade live under the auspices of the Sun itself. They are bright, open, incredibly perky. Sometimes those around you even need a break from their noisy, cheerful nature. Therefore, such ladies can be recommended stones that allow them to stabilize internal energy. In addition, it is important to pay attention to talismans that attract success, because solar Capricorns are incredibly ambitious:

  • sapphire personifies modesty and peace of mind;
  • hyacinth attracts romance and gives true love;
  • zircon– personification of nobility and wisdom;
  • tourmaline awakens spiritual strength and gives hope;
  • alexandrite allows you to immerse yourself in your love feelings;
  • ruby– a symbol of fearlessness and great willpower;
  • pomegranate bestows wealth and prosperity.


What stones are not suitable for Capricorn?

Capricorn woman not worth wearing stones that have monotonous white shades in texture, as well as any opaque gems. The fact is that such talismans patronize Cancer, which is the horoscopic opposite of the Capricorn girl. Accordingly, these stones will only take away energy. Especially it concerns pearls.

Also should be abandoned from:

  • citrine;
  • emerald.

Thus, it is important for a Capricorn woman to make the right choice of a talisman stone, not only based on her date of birth, but also in connection with specific life tasks that she faces at the moment.


The first thing Capricorns can think about when choosing a talisman is their patronizing element, the Earth. Stones should be selected according to this, having an earthen origin. This zodiac sign is naturally reasonable, and he needs a supportive stone, helping him make informed decisions and perform rational actions. It is also important for Capricorns to be able to react more calmly to their own and others’ mistakes. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign need protection from external and internal dangers. A talisman stone for Capricorn should have the ability to combat problems with the digestive and musculoskeletal system, which are most vulnerable in this sign.

The first decade of the sign Capricorn lasts from December 22 to January 2 and passes under the sign of Jupiter. Capricorns of the first decade are calm and self-confident; they go through life according to the plan, gradually gaining knowledge and acquiring material wealth. Men born during this period always have their own point of view and opinion on any issue. They can choose fairly strong stones as talismans - serpentine, amethyst, agate, obsidian, jade, malachite.

Capricorns born from January 3 to January 13 have the gift of captivating people. But at the same time, without an incentive to action and movement, they can turn into boring homebodies. The talisman should feed Capricorns of the second decade with energy, give them an impetus to action, and ignite them with interest. Heliotrope, onyx, opal, chalcedony and chrysoprase are especially suitable in this case.

The third decade of the sign Capricorn lasts from January 14 to 20, and people born during this period are influenced by the Sun. Although all those born during this period are capable of fruitful work, they often become despondent and lose faith in their own strength. Those born during this period need stones that will nourish them with vitality, such as garnet, sapphire, opal and tourmaline.

The main talisman stone for Capricorns is opal. He will help Capricorn, who often suffers from self-doubt, to achieve their goals. It is not easy for representatives of this sign to admit their mistakes and look for new opportunities to implement their plans. Jewelry with an opal may be able to help them expand their horizons and show them an alternative path. Opal has a positive effect on the character of Capricorns; wearing this stone is especially useful for those who often speak in public. The Capricorn man strives to protect his family from any troubles, and therefore from the outside it may seem that boredom reigns there. An opal talisman helps to somewhat defuse this atmosphere and give its owner a little more self-confidence.

The sign of Capricorn is distinguished by its unusual strength and determination. Capricorns are complex, stubborn, practical and serious, they strive for victory and always achieve it. They do not rely on the help of their environment; they are used to achieving everything themselves. These are precisely those people who have extraordinary endurance, which is unusual for any other sign.

Capricorns do not tend to attract attention to themselves; they try to remain in the shadows until a certain moment. He does not take other people's opinions or ridicule to heart, he always tries to avoid conflict and find a compromise.

The Capricorn man is suited to fire crystals, the powerful energy of which no other zodiac sign can withstand.

  • Black agate is perfect for men who want to strengthen their relationship with a woman or attract love. White agate can cause manifestations of good qualities in a person. In general, the stone treats throat diseases and eliminates cough;
  • Malachite is a talisman stone for a sign such as Capricorn. Capricorns are calm, stable and balanced, so this talisman will protect the sign from troubles. Malachite also gives mental and physical strength, improves overall health;
  • Onyx is a stone that does not like gold, but prefers silver frames. A talisman for a leader will help you get a successful career, recognition and respect from others, and also help you cope with emotions;
  • Ruby - will help you achieve significant success in your career, ensure financial stability and well-being. The stone also promotes further career growth and helps to gain respect from colleagues;
  • Obsidian is great for when you need to concentrate on doing a specific task or gain confidence when speaking in front of an audience. But you should be careful with this stone, as it can turn a person who is simply careful in life into a coward;
  • Jasper is a red stone. It has a positive effect on the heart muscle and helps get rid of high blood pressure. The talisman has a beneficial effect on the life of Capricorns, as it brings success in career and study, friendship and love, and also helps to gain financial well-being.

A stone that was inherited from blood relatives will benefit its owner. Also, do not forget to cleanse the stone of negative energy and place it under cold running water once a week.

Talisman for Capricorn men

Capricorns are quite contradictory, but at the same time interesting personalities. Such men are sometimes unable to keep their emotions under control, despite their outwardly calm and calm appearance.

Capricorns definitely need a talisman that will help them keep calm in any situation and respond normally to criticism from others. For example, a moonstone is able to pacify even the most violent man; he will even be able to look at himself from the outside and understand what exactly he is doing wrong.

The tiger's eye is capable of bringing great strength and endurance to its owner, while the serpentine diligently protects Capricorn from deceitful and hypocritical individuals.

You need to be very careful when choosing a stone for a Capricorn man. It is imperative to study his goals and needs, to understand his aspirations.

Talisman according to horoscope

Looking at a Capricorn man, it is difficult to imagine that he can be a very friendly and romantic person. After all, in public such people are extremely reserved, and if they give vent to their emotions, then everyone runs away from them wherever they look. These individuals prefer to hide their true intentions and emotional state, so it is worth choosing a talisman for them that will help reveal all their abilities and talents.

Ruby and diamond are great for this purpose. It would be great if a man would wear such jewelry on something he wears every day. For example, it could well be a bracelet or a massive watch.

If a person born under the sign of Capricorn is in constant contact with ruby, then he will be able to discover numerous creative abilities and talents in himself, help him express the most unusual ideas to a man and not be afraid of the condemnation of others.

Also, such a person will be able to implement his plans and achieve his goals. Well, diamonds will help you become more relaxed and take risks in some situations.

Choosing a talisman by date of birth

Since ancient times, many have been confident. That Capricorn is so capricious and proud for a reason, he is very stubborn because he was forbidden to be like the other signs of the zodiac. That is why the talisman is chosen differently from other zodiac signs. It is imperative to look at the date of birth, and not just the sign of Capricorn itself.

If a man was born on an even number, then he should choose a gemstone from the moon or chrysoprase. Well, if the date of birth is odd, then you should buy turquoise, variscite or agate.

Of course, you need to choose only one stone and use it as a talisman; for example, chrysoprase is taken with you to an unpleasant company or to a place where negativity reigns. It can also be used when applying for a job or delivering an important project, for a profitable deal or meeting with partners.

Chrysoprase eliminates dark thoughts from Capricorn’s head and gets rid of the influence of people around him. Turquoise and moonstone will attract the attention of other people and make them listen to the owner of the jewelry.

Talisman for health

Capricorns almost never get sick, but if this happens, the disease becomes very protracted and quite severe. Capricorns also often suffer from chronic diseases and cannot get rid of them. That is why it is imperative to prevent the occurrence of diseases or try to recover. Variscite and chrysoprase are excellent for this. It is better to choose stones of bluish shades, because it is their influence that is most effective.

Stones forbidden for Capricorn

Capricorns should never choose black diamonds, diamonds or obsidian as a talisman. These decorations will oppress a person, completely deprive him of his opinion and subordinate him to someone else’s. People become too gambling and hypocritical, two-faced and do terrible things. Also, do not wear pearl jewelry for too long. Capricorns become suspicious and vain.

Men's talismans for Capricorns

Capricorn men are very rarely able to get along with other zodiac signs. They understand no one but themselves. The reason for this lies in the fact that Capricorns always listen exclusively to their own opinion and see the situation in a completely special way. Capricorn does not intend to remain silent if something does not go to his liking.

Also, such individuals are very jealous; they will never share their partner with anyone. The nature of the owner is uncontrollable, even if the wrong is obvious, they will never admit it. Men will stalk their beloved woman. To prove to yourself that you are right. Capricorn is not able to survive criticism from the outside.

It should be remembered that it is very difficult to choose a talisman for Capricorn, but there are the main stones that suit him: chrysoprase, tiger's eye, turquoise, variscite, agate, serpentine, almandine.

You should opt for these stones, then there is definitely little chance of making a mistake. However, sometimes you can use other stones at a time to achieve your goal. A ruby ​​or moonstone will definitely help you relax and show your talents, calm down and put your thoughts in order.

Capricorn men are quite mysterious and interesting personalities; they are jealous and stubborn, determined and courageous, excellent family men and lovers of creativity. You just need to help them open up and choose the right talisman.

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Precious stones and metals can not only serve as decoration, but also have a beneficial or destructive effect on their owner, depending on whether the biorhythms of man and the stone are in harmony or dissonance.

Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn man? How to make the right choice among the huge variety of stones?

In order to choose a talisman, you need to know the following:

  1. There is a specific astrological classification that establishes a connection between the stone and a person’s character in accordance with the Zodiac. This means that each patron planet charges certain stones with its energy, which brings good luck to the owner. If the action of the stone runs counter to human activity, numerous difficulties arise.
  2. When choosing your stone, you should make an informed choice. Most often, the amulet is selected in harmony with the person’s appearance, for example, to match the color of the eyes.

Important condition: The stone must certainly be attractive to the owner, otherwise it will not bring any benefit.

Birthstones by date of birth

December 22 – January 2

For Capricorns whose name day is between December 22 and January 2, it is best to purchase jade, agate or amethyst.


Record holder for the number of calming properties. Its sphere of influence includes: eliminating unreasonable anxiety, restoring mental balance, rethinking difficult life situations and attitudes towards them. Gives a calm and sound sleep, sets you up for a positive attitude towards life. One can also note the ability of this stone to restore lost faith in oneself.


It is rightly considered a companion of strong natures, since it tends to balance between the right and wrong actions of the owner. It is believed that agate supports justice in the world and can give justice to unjust people.

A distinctive feature is its ability to change color depending on the emotional stress and state of a person. Recommended for pacifying violence, irritability, and suppressing anger. For people with a complex character, it will be a dubious ally, because it fulfills its purpose, despite the will of the owner.


Brings bright variety into the gloomy atmosphere of Capricorn's constant thoughts. It can perfectly disperse storm clouds in a difficult family situation, relieve tension and add relaxation to the owner.

This is a stone for those who are very self-absorbed. Amethyst helps to open up and show others your best qualities; it is recommended for men with unstable self-esteem. Clears the mind of anxiety and doubt, directs thoughts in a bright direction.

January 3 – 13


Will instill real calm in Capricorn men. Every day we have to solve a lot of important problems, and if you are a representative of the stronger sex, then the demand from you is much greater. Therefore, some doubts and anxiety arise from time to time.

Opal perfectly nurtures self-confidence, helps to take a fresh look at the situation and find a simple way out. This is a stone of hope, a bright future. Ideally compatible with people of active professions: journalists, businessmen, designers, scientists.


Attracts good luck. For representatives of the sign who doubt their abilities, he will become a strong helper and loyal friend. It will become a strong talisman if a person sincerely believes in it, otherwise it is capable of attracting troubles and enhancing the negative traits of the owner.

For example, the stone can reward stubborn and arrogant people with a series of falls and failures, thus clearly indicating its position. Chrysoprase is suitable for people who wholeheartedly strive for new achievements, discoveries and victories. This applies to activities for the benefit of society - scientists, inventors, people of creative professions can well count on the rise of energy from the stone. The talisman will not support ambition, prudence, or greed.


The first assistant to public people. Do you often have to speak in public, travel to important events, or just be the object of close attention every day? Then heliotrope must definitely accompany you in any endeavor.

It forms a strong protective aura around the owner, is able to neutralize the messages of ill-wishers, protects against, and maintains good health. Invigorates the spirit and body, promotes creative thinking, and develops oratory abilities. This is a companion for lawyers, judges, active and creative people.

January 14 – 20

Representatives of the sign, born from January 14 to 20, should take a closer look at sapphire, or the equally pretty tourmaline:


Symbolizes the inviolability of friendship and true love, capable of extinguishing a brewing quarrel at the very beginning. Responsible for the good functioning of the human heart and respiratory system. Ancient medicine notes that by regularly wearing sapphire on the body, positive changes occur in the patient’s condition.

The magic of the stone is to attract positive people to the owner’s environment. With its help, you can acquire the necessary connections, establish long-term partnerships, attract public attention and strengthen your financial situation.

The stone digests the heavy energy of others and helps to find harmony in relationships. Makes a love union stronger, opens up a new vision of the positive aspects of a spouse or lover.


Protects against making hasty and rash decisions. Since Capricorn men are prone to some isolation and aloofness, they make all important and responsible decisions exclusively on their own. Completely rejecting the advice of loved ones and others, stubborn people do not see the whole picture.

Hematite actively contributes to guiding its owner on the true path. Having such an amulet with him, a person becomes open to powerful flows of energy, which makes it possible to easily carry out all his plans and even attract people to his side. The stone is good enough to bring changes for the better into the owner’s life.


He will become an excellent ideological inspirer; even complex work with him will become easier and more interesting. Charges you with energy for life and creativity, inspires bright expressions of feelings and courageous actions.

It will easily dispel lingering depression and end a bad streak in life. The stone seems to have been created to help Capricorn put things in order and clearly set priorities. Drives away useless thoughts and indicates the right direction of action.


Favorable stones according to the horoscope: garnet, topaz (preferably dark), as well as almost all dark, black stones.

Capricorns are under the constant protection of Saturn, a planet that reveals to the world an integral, strong-willed personality with a pronounced life position and complete indifference to criticism addressed to them.

Some gloominess of dark stones is immediately smoothed out by their mysterious appearance, and Capricorns are very fond of everything unusual and mysterious.


It is an example of the same unique combination of properties as the character of Capricorn. They will harmonize perfectly with each other. The characteristic features of this sign - hard work and practicality, perseverance and responsibility - will increase many times under the influence of pomegranate.

In addition, the stone will direct violent energy into a peaceful direction, help avoid reckless risks and avoid complications due to the difficult character of the owner. It can make a person more open and sociable, attract supporters and true friends.


A symbol of fidelity, honest and open relationships. This is exactly what the Capricorn man appreciates in his chosen one. However, he himself is not always ready to demonstrate his feelings. It's not easy for this reserved and down-to-earth sign to open up his soul to someone else.

Topaz liberates its owner. He is able to correct character, changing stiffness to confidence, introducing a certain note of romance into the heart. Also, the stone gives the strength to distinguish real feelings from temporary infatuation - Capricorn, blinded by love, often does not see anything around.

This is a talisman for clarity of mind and smoothing out conflict situations. Anyone who has topaz in their possession always has good self-control and manages to notice the mistakes and mistakes of others.

Precious and semi-precious protectors

Representatives of the stronger sex are not as indifferent to jewelry as they want to show. And Capricorn men are no exception. An uncommunicative and slightly gloomy nature tends to seek self-expression in expensive stones. Cheap trinkets are not of interest to Capricorn, who loves the status and image of a wealthy man.

For a gift for an important celebration, stones such as onyx, garnet, ruby, and topaz are suitable.

Your chosen one will appreciate products containing jade, agate, and amethyst.


The main mascot of the sign. Frees you from useless relationships and negative energy, creates a protective barrier from everyday troubles. Makes a person decisive and purposeful, sweeps away suspiciousness and hesitation.

It shows its healing properties most clearly in relation to Capricorn: it is able to accelerate the healing of wounds, reduce headaches and toothaches. There is evidence that regularly wearing the stone increases life expectancy and improves its quality.


Recognized stone of kings and military leaders. This is a symbol of passion and vibrant vital energy, so necessary for Capricorn. The energy of this sign is often wasted; most of it is wasted on delving into oneself and analyzing emerging problems.

Ruby perfectly restores vitality and helps overcome depression. Constant wearing is not recommended, since the energy of the stone may be too strong for a person.

Amulets and talismans of Capricorn

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect themselves and loved ones from the hostile forces of nature. The belief in the power of precious stones originally originated and became widespread in India, where rare and very beautiful stones are found in large quantities.

The modern way of life of people is radically different from ancient times, however, the belief in indestructible stone protectors still remains.

When choosing an amulet, you should determine its purpose. What do you want from a stone? Improve your financial situation, maintain your strength, or meet your other half? There is a little helper for every occasion.

To attract wealth

Tourmaline attracts new opportunities to Capricorn and reveals to him ways to achieve what he wants. With a high level of persistence and tenacity characteristic of this sign, achieving your goal will not be difficult. This is the most monetary talisman of all others.

Hematite actively clears the way among the ranks of competitors, and also protects against possible meanness and evil intentions. It is quite capable of providing the owner with the energy to start a profitable business. Recommended for businessmen and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Opal pushes a person to take active action. If you cannot decide to make the necessary changes (change of place of work, professional activity, large investments or expenses), take this stone with you and at a difficult moment you will feel invisible support.

For iron health

Jade relieves insomnia and normalizes the nervous system. With increased stress levels it will be an excellent sedative. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to spend several minutes in peace and quiet, holding the stone in your left hand.

Heliotrope protects from the evil eye, the insidious plans of enemies and ensures a calm, peaceful life for its owner. Invigorates the body if you need a quick shake-up. This is why people who are often on the move love this stone.

Chrysoprase has a positive effect on well-being and emotional state. Eliminates self-digging and gloomy thoughts. It is believed that it protects against the effects of black magic and protects life.

For universal love

Men's bracelet with coil

Topaz is a surefire way for Capricorn to meet the love of his life. Since men of this sign are quite demanding of their other half, finding the one and only one is not so easy. Topaz helps you act according to the dictates of your heart, openly express your feelings and commit beautiful romantic follies.

Onyx will emphasize strength and masculinity, add tenderness in relationships, and reduce intolerance to other people's shortcomings. It will give wisdom and insight, make a man more lenient and polite.

The serpentine will soften the harsh temperament of Capricorn and attract the woman of his dreams to him. Promotes long and strong relationships, drives away quarrels and prevents betrayal. The stone of fidelity and honor will be a particularly powerful talisman when included in a ring.

Rules for communicating with amulets

Talismans and amulets are frequent companions of modern people. But not everyone knows that the stone will be beneficial only if it is handled in a certain way.

The owner's attitude towards the stone is of particular importance. Just carrying a cobblestone in your pocket is not enough. It has been scientifically proven that stones have energy, a “soul” that is drawn to the owner in response to sympathy. It is sometimes necessary to devote time to the talisman, stroke it, ask for assistance, thank it for its help.

Some stones, for example, amethyst and jade, are best worn in a metal frame.

Talismans that are designed to get rid of negativity must be periodically cleaned under running water or left in water overnight.

Periodically inspect the stone for integrity. A stone with a chipped edge or crack indicates that it could not overcome the difficulties surrounding the owner. Unfortunately, you will have to get rid of such a stone. Broken talismans, like dishes, do not bring good luck.

Anti-Capricorn style stones

Contraindications in choosing a stone amulet apply to talismans of the Cancer sign. These are emerald, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, as well as all white, opaque stones.

What is their harm and why should they not be worn?

Moonstone is associated with the mystical influence of the Moon. Competing with mysticism will not benefit a simple, down-to-earth Capricorn. Despite its rather simple appearance, moonstone has a strong influence on a person’s emotional background. You should control your thoughts and aspirations while wearing such jewelry.

Lapis lazuli has the ability to tame violent emotions and strong passions. At the same time, it takes away some of the energy of its owner in order to make him more balanced. For wise, prudent Capricorns, the lack of necessary energy will bring tangible discomfort.

Emerald is a companion of thinkers and prophets. It gives thoughts unprecedented depth, makes time flow more slowly during moments of meditation. For a sign prone to deep thoughts, this stone is categorically not recommended. A person risks renouncing the rest of the world and going deep into himself.

Let the amulet you choose serve for many years and bring only good luck!

To accurately determine which stone is most suitable for Capricorn, you need to know the decade in which he was born.

First ten days: from December 23rd to January 2nd. The patron saint of Capricorns born during this period is Jupiter. Capricorns of this period move calmly and confidently through life, gradually accumulating knowledge and material wealth. Quite strong stones will help them with this: amethyst, serpentine, agate, rock crystal, jade, obsidian, red jasper, tiger's eye, malachite.

Second ten days: from January 3rd to January 13th. Capricorn, born in this decade, knows how to captivate, but for this he needs to be fueled with energy and given an impetus to action. The following stones can cope with this: onyx, heliotrope, opal, sardonyx, chrysoprase and chalcedony.

Third ten days: from January 14th to 20th. People born during this period of time are subject to the influence of the Sun. They love and can work fruitfully, but they often become despondent and lose all their ardor. They need nourishing stones: garnet, hyacinth, alexandrite, tourmaline, zircon, ruby, opal.

Amulet stones for Capricorn


The main stone for all Capricorns, without a doubt, is opal. He is able to make a very pleasant person out of any Capricorn and direct all character traits in a positive direction. Therefore, it is especially important for purposeful and selfish Capricorns who forget about everything on the way to achieving their goal. Opal is also a kind of indicator of disorders in the body. It will help you understand when something is wrong with your health and take appropriate action. In general, opal is used as a protective amulet, which also has a positive effect on energy.


Families with Capricorns are usually very strong. Capricorns are very strict towards their partners; they do not accept cheating and affairs on the side. But behind this exemplary display and order in the family, banal boredom is often hidden. It can be resolved with the help of jade. This stone is able to give new emotions and sensations and diversify a boring life.


On an individual level, Capricorns are also often very strict and serious. They lack new emotions and sensations. To solve this problem, a garnet set in any light metal is ideal. Pomegranate promotes the development of creative thoughts, triggers desires and “wants”. However, this does not mean that garnet makes Capricorn a reckless person. On the contrary, in serious life situations this stone will help maintain caution and self-confidence.


Ruby is an excellent option for those Capricorns who strive to climb high on the career ladder. Ruby, like any other deep red stone, will help protect against unscrupulous conspiracies and intrigues. With its help, you will gain respect in any team, including your own family. In addition, ruby ​​protects against accidents: sudden deaths, disasters and other incidents.

Stones of men


Chrysoprase stone is ideal for business Capricorns. It will help protect yourself from evil eyes, conspiracies, and unfair competition. Chrysoprase helps to gain trust in the team and has a beneficial effect on business transactions. You simply need this stone in order to protect yourself in the dynamic, fickle world of commerce. Chrysoprase will also help strengthen your health and immunity, protect you from unnecessary stress and nervous shock, and make you more calm and cheerful.


A decoration that includes an onyx stone will help protect you from accidents, as well as from negative manifestations of your character. Capricorns are usually quite reserved, and this does not allow them to achieve great achievements or reach the top in their careers. Capricorn is not very suitable for leadership positions, but onyx is able to compensate for negative character traits that interfere with this.


Capricorn is a very proud person. And this pride is sometimes so excessive that it simply gets in the way. Moreover, sometimes an incident can happen at the most inopportune moment. For example, it can interfere in your personal life or in important negotiations. Pomegranate jewelry absorbs this negative quality and can protect you from excessive impulsiveness at the right time. Garnet is ideal for you if you are active in business or have family problems caused by your character.


For Capricorns who think a lot, the Rauchtopaz stone is perfect. It is simply an irreplaceable thing for workers in science or IT. Rauchtopaz increases the memory abilities of the brain and its performance, which has a positive effect on intelligence. The stone will help you better cope with mental stress during particularly stressful periods.

Women's stones


Rock crystal can become a saving key for Capricorn women, who often prefer loneliness to relationships with people. Capricorns are very sensitive to the shortcomings of other people, and this can lead to their self-isolation from the outside world. Rock crystal makes a woman more sociable, kind and trusting, and softens harsh character traits.


Capricorn women who are married can sometimes become simply unbearable for their husbands. They are sometimes overly emotionally callous, stingy with manifestations of kindness and tenderness. Capricorn women are very much influenced by public opinion, sometimes too much. Garnet stone compensates for all these negative qualities, gives calmness, fun and emotionality, and moderate emancipation.


Agate makes a woman more beautiful, attractive, healthier and sexier. Therefore, if you care about your body and appearance, then agate is an indispensable stone for you. It is especially worth paying attention to agates of red shades, preferably rich, dark red. The stone protects against temper, quarrels and conflicts in the family. Helps to protect yourself from conflicts with parents and at work. Helps you move up the career ladder.


Carnelian is not a worthwhile gift for young, unmarried Capricorns. It will help preserve your beauty and attractiveness for many years. Helps normalize the activity of the nervous system. It has a good effect on the body in general. Helps you find a good, faithful partner, protect yourself from betrayal and quarrels.

Dangerous stones

Capricorns should not wear Cancer stones, since these two signs are most different, one might say, they are opposites. It is forbidden to wear turquoise, moonstone, pearls, beryl, peridot, and aventurine. Almost all opaque and white stones are unsuccessful.

Sapphire is too powerful and a conservative stone for Capricorns, which will not give them anything useful, rather it will only take it away. Sapphire can turn Capricorn, who is subject to doubts, into a real retrograde, a conservative. If you have little internal energy, then even more so - this stone will not bring anything good.

Another bad choice for Capricorns is citrine. This stone is very playful and adventurous. It can push you to rash decisions and large financial losses. Citrine turns calculating Capricorns, which in itself is rather a good quality, into deceitful and cunning people. Such people are ready to do anything to achieve their goal.

Another stone that is too powerful for Capricorn is emerald. He will simply drain all the energy out of you. Usually, Capricorns wearing emerald simply withdraw strongly into themselves, becoming passive and uninterested hermits. Therefore, you should not wear this stone, and in general you need to be more careful with all strong stones.