home · Other · The most high-calorie vegetable in the world. The most high-calorie foods in the world. The most high-calorie meat

The most high-calorie vegetable in the world. The most high-calorie foods in the world. The most high-calorie meat

Counting the calories of food you eat is a tedious task. Plus, it doesn't always make sense. The best way to avoid weight gain, as opposed to using calorie arithmetic, is to have a more thoughtful menu. For example, eliminating sugars that cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels, stimulating appetite, or increasing the amount of satiating dietary fiber.

However, it is worth knowing which foods will deliver the greatest energy charge to the body, if only so as not to overdo it.

Calorie foods.


Fat is the most powerful energy drink: 100 grams of this product contains up to 880 calories. Some people find it disgusting, and it doesn't smell great, but in some respects fat is healthier than vegetable oils.

Contrary to popular belief, it consists mainly of monounsaturated oleic acids, which is similar to olive oil. The amount of saturated fatty acids in it does not exceed 40%, of which 35% is stearic acid with the characteristic property of lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

The exact proportion of these compounds depends on the animal the fat came from and what it was fed, as well as the method of rendering the lard. Goose fat is considered the healthiest, which, alone among animal fats, is recommended for an anti-atherogenic diet.


This product is best purchased from a rural woman. Oils available on store shelves are often mixed with vegetable oils, which the manufacturer does not always consider necessary to inform customers about.

At 82% fat, butter contains about 750 calories. That's even 500 calories more than some margarines. Which, however, does not indicate the benefits of the latter. Unlike margarine, butter contains only trace amounts of harmful trans isomers. But it contains butyric acid, a valuable compound with antitumor and antiviral properties.

Studies have shown that butyrate (a salt of butyric acid) is very useful in regenerating the intestinal mucosa and restoring normal physiological functions of the body after illness. Butter is also a rich source of vitamins A, D, E.

Vegetable oils.

They are high in calories, like animal fats. Corn oil contains about 900 calories/100 grams. Others have less "power", as a rule, their energy value ranges between 860 and 880 calories per 100 grams. Although vegetable oils have a much better “reputation”, this does not mean that they are healthier.

The key is to maintain the correct proportions of these fatty acids relative to omega-3s, and most vegetable oils unfortunately contain small amounts of the latter. The exceptions are rapeseed and flaxseed oil.


Nuts are a product with a whole “world” of nutrients and a significant boost of energy. Five walnuts contain the same amount of calories as one donut, and 100 grams of this delicacy is 650 calories. Peanuts and pistachios contain a little less energy, containing about 560 calories. But nuts don’t have that much of an impact on weight gain.

Most of their mass (about 80%) is active healthy unsaturated fatty acids. You can also find valuable microelements in nuts, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, as well as vitamins, proteins and fiber. Due to their richness in nutrients, nuts contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol and protecting against heart attack and stroke.

But you shouldn’t overdo it with nuts, and not only because of the calorie content. We are talking about difficult to poison fibers, which, if consumed in excess, can damage the intestinal mucosa.

Peanut butter.

Peanut butter is made from peanuts that have been roasted at temperatures above 200 degrees. Unfortunately, processed food is not nutritionally equal to raw food. In addition to the nut mass, sugar, salt and hydrogenated vegetable oils are added to it. As a result, a combination is born with such a high calorie content (even more than in the peanuts themselves): 100 grams contain 650 calories.

Moreover, this oil is not very healthy. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, as well as excess sugar and salt, contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Peanuts may contain aflatoxin, a carcinogenic compound produced by fungi. This is because during nut breeding, samples that are not sold in their raw form (often moldy) are used to produce oil.


Yellow and blue cheeses boast high calorie content. 100 grams of Emmental contain almost 400 calories. But, apparently, the most high-calorie cheese in the world is Norwegian Brunost; this product has more than 460 calories per 100 grams.

The Scandinavian delicacy is made by boiling milk, sour cream and whey for several hours until all the water has evaporated. When exposed to high temperatures, the sugar in the milk turns into caramel, which gives the cheese its characteristic brown color and sweet taste.

Most yellow and blue cheeses, in terms of caloric content, fall into the range of 300-400 calories/100 grams. Therefore, you should not overeat on them, but, on the other hand, you should not avoid these foods, because they contain large amounts of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


The more calories this product contains, the healthier it is. The highest amount of energy is found in dark chocolate: the richest in cocoa and the least in sugar. Chocolate containing 80% cocoa is an energy “injection” of 600 calories per 100 grams.

Milk chocolate, which contains less than 50% cocoa, contains just over 500 calories. However, it is better to eat dark chocolate and avoid white chocolate altogether. The latter is mainly fat mass and flavorings, and therefore does not provide the body with any nutritional value.

Chocolate, rich in cocoa, not only satisfies, but has a positive effect on health: improves memory, has antitumor activity due to the presence of antioxidants, and even helps to lose weight, because it slows down digestion and delays the onset of hunger.


In the sweet category, this product is decidedly a worse source of energy than dark chocolate. Although they are slightly inferior in terms of calories to cocoa liquor treats, their nutritional value is questionable.

The bars' main source of energy is unhealthy glucose-fructose syrup, which is considered one of the main sources of the obesity epidemic, as well as a contributing factor to the development of diabetes.

The bars contain a whole arsenal of artificial additives, such as flavorings, dyes, emulsifiers and hydrogenated fats containing trans isomers.


Pork is the fattest meat on our tables. The parts of a pork carcass, however, are not equal in calorie content. For example, 100 grams of shank contains about 400 calories, while bacon of this weight already carries 550 calories.

Pork is considered one of the least healthy animal foods in our diet. This is not always true. Pig meat raised in natural conditions, without the addition of artificial feed, is richer in valuable protein than meat produced on an industrial scale. Such pork is one of the richest sources of easily digestible zinc, a microelement necessary for growth, development and protein biosynthesis.

Pig liver has no equal in terms of iron content - an element necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Meat also includes vitamins C, D, E, K and B vitamins.


The essence of junk food and one of the best delicacies in the world. Anyone who has tried this product knows that it is impossible to stop while eating chips. A stop sign can only be an empty package.

To prevent extra pounds from being deposited on the hips and abdomen, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of high-calorie dishes and the products from which they are prepared. These are fatty meats, cereals, oils, fats, nuts, fruits, dairy products and drinks. However, the listed products cannot be completely excluded from the diet, as they are suppliers of useful vitamins and microelements. When losing weight, you need to choose foods with minimal energy value.


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    Lard and meat

    Of all the meat products, the most nutritious is pork fat, popularly called lard. The number of calories in it depends on the processing method and the presence of layers. Lard is considered the most high-calorie product in the world, as it consists almost entirely of animal fat.

    In second place in terms of energy value is fatty pork, but turkey, rabbit or broiler chicken meat, due to the lack of fat, falls into the category of dietary products.

    All kinds of sausages, smoked and semi-smoked, are also harmful for those losing weight, since their production technology involves the use of lard and pork or beef fat in large quantities. Food calorie table:


    Cereal porridges cooked in milk or water are the basis of proper nutrition. They supply the human body with vitamins, microelements and other essential substances. As a source of slow carbohydrates, porridge can be eaten by everyone without exception, since they give a feeling of fullness and a boost of vital energy for a long time.

    This breakfast will be useful for sick and healthy people, adults and children. It is recommended to include porridge in the diet of women for a slim figure and for men to gain muscle mass, while choosing less calorie cereals. Calorie table for dry cereals and porridges prepared with milk or water:

    Despite the fact that dry oatmeal ranks first in calorie content, when cooked in water or milk it is lower in calories than corn, pearl barley or buckwheat porridge.

    Oil and fat

    Rating positions in the list of high-calorie foods are occupied by vegetable, animal and milk fats. Therefore, all culinary dishes that contain the most high-calorie foods pose a danger to slimness, blood vessels and internal organs. Mayonnaise and various sauces are also included in the “black” list.

    Calorie table:

    It is worth understanding that 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for dressing salad or butter to improve the taste of porridge will not cause harm to health. On the contrary, thanks to the valuable composition of natural oils, the body will receive important nutrients and fatty acids. But any excess of the permissible norm will certainly lead to weight gain.

    Cancer patients should not eat any animal fats or fatty foods. The menu of such patients should not include refined foods, smoked meats, pickles, fried foods and canned food.

    Nuts and seeds

    Nuts are often recommended for snacking between main meals, as 1-2 handfuls of hearty nuts will help satisfy your hunger and wait until lunch or dinner. But you shouldn't abuse them. The record holder for calorie content is a product of Australian origin - macadamia.

    Calorie content of different types of nuts:

    Seed lovers also need to be more careful, because even a small bag of roasted sunflower seeds (70-90 grams) provides the body with a third of the daily amount of energy and settles on the sides in the form of fat folds.


    Fruits consist of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body. But among the huge number of healthy fruits, there are two leaders - avocado and banana. Their calorie content is 204 and 91 kcal per 100 grams, while the energy value of traditional fruits and berries varies from 25 (watermelon) to 70 (grapes) kilocalories.

    When dried or dried, the calorie content of the most harmless fruit increases several times, so supporters of proper nutrition should not get carried away with dried fruits.

    Calorie table:

    Fruits canned in sweet syrup have even higher calorie content. Thus, 100 g of canned pineapples contains 807 kcal, apricots – 782 kcal, and cherries – 598 kcal.

    Milk products

    Dairy products are useful to include in the diet of adults and children. But if you want to maintain a slim figure or lose a few extra pounds, you should give up high-calorie foods. First of all, these are all kinds of chocolate-glazed cheeses. The energy value of sweet cheese weighing 40 grams is 200-240 kcal.

    Hard and processed cheeses are no less harmful. The leaders in energy value are Cheddar and Gruyère, whose calorie content is 392 and 396 kcal, respectively. Those on a diet are recommended to eat cheese with a low fat content - feta (215 kcal) or Adyghe (240 kcal).

    Ice cream made from natural raw materials is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. However, many manufacturers, for variety and to attract buyers, introduce all sorts of additives that sharply increase the calorie content of the treat. These include:

    • grated chocolate;
    • chocolate glaze;
    • dried fruits;
    • jams;
    • whole or crushed nuts;
    • vegetable oils;
    • flavorings.

    For clarity, you can compare the nutritional value of regular milk ice cream (126 kcal), cream ice cream (183 kcal) and popsicle (270 kcal).


    Some drinks are higher in calories than many foods. Their calorie content depends on the amount of additives: sugar, honey, jam, alcohol, etc. Without fear for a slim figure, you can drink pure water, green and black tea or coffee without additives.

    The calorie content of a cup of coffee brewed from ground raw materials is only 2-4 kcal, depending on the volume of the container. And if you add a couple of spoons of sugar, milk or cream to it, this figure increases to 45-75 kcal.

    All packaged juices and sweet soda contain a large amount of sugar or sweeteners, which does not have the best effect on their quality, calorie content and health benefits.

    The record holder among high-calorie drinks is hot chocolate with added cream. One serving of the sweet product contains 490 kcal. This is about a third of the daily amount calculated for girls 25-30 years old trying to lose weight.

    Do not forget about the dangers of alcohol, since all “degree” products are considered prohibited products for losing weight:

    The calorie content of alcoholic beverages is directly related to its strength.

    The highest calorie foods

    If you prepare food at home and use recipes low in sugar, oils and fats, there will be no great harm to your figure.

    However, restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments turn healthy foods into high-calorie foods. For this purpose, flavor enhancers, sauces, emulsifiers, thickeners and all kinds of dressings are used.

    TOP calorie-rich dishes for your figure:

    • sandwiches;
    • burgers;
    • boxmasters;
    • biggers;
    • toaster twisters;
    • bacon wrapped sausages;
    • foie gras;
    • pecan pies;
    • fondue;
    • pizza;
    • pastries and cakes with butter cream and chocolate;
    • milkshakes;
    • Frappuccino.

    Calorie table for popular dishes:

    It is advisable to exclude such dishes from your diet during the diet, because... When you use them, you can gain a couple of kilograms in one day.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The key to successful human life is proper and nutritious nutrition. Since food is a source of energy, it affects a person’s health, well-being, appearance and daily activity. What is the highest calorie food in the world? This will be discussed in the article.

Calorie concept

The unit of energy that the body receives during the consumption of individual foods is the kilocalorie. Essentially, this is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an individual product. For normal functioning, the human body needs 2000 kilocalories per day. This value may vary somewhat depending on the gender, age and physical activity of the person. However, if the body does not receive enough calories, it will not be able to function normally, and consuming excessively high-calorie foods will lead to obesity and other negative consequences.

A balanced diet gives the body energy, it is the basis of health, excellent well-being, slimness and beautiful appearance. That is why every person should know what the highest calorie food is, what food is best to eat at certain times of the day, and what food should be avoided altogether. This information is especially relevant for people leading a healthy lifestyle, bodybuilders, losing weight and anyone who cares about their health.

10 highest calorie foods

Product name

Calorie content per 100 grams

Daily norm, %

Animal fats

Vegetable fats

Seeds and nuts

Salad dressings

Peanut butter

Fast food

Black chocolate

Cheese and cheese products

fried food

Sausages and pate

So, now you know what the highest calorie food is. To gain weight in large quantities you need to consume it. Well, if, on the contrary, you do not want to have extra pounds, you need to limit your consumption or completely eliminate these products from your diet. Fats occupy a place of honor in the list of the most high-calorie foods. They are usually divided into plant and animal, depending on their origin. Fats are the largest source of energy and calories. That is why, if you completely exclude them from the diet, the body will gradually lose its strength and will not provide basic vital processes. Although their excessive consumption negatively affects the figure and condition of blood vessels, because fats are difficult to digest and are quickly deposited.

Animal fats

This category includes lard, butter, fish oil and others. 100 grams of these products provide the body with calories of almost 50% of the daily requirement. That is why it is advisable to use them carefully and in small quantities.

Vegetable fats

Fats of vegetable origin are lower in calories compared to their animal counterparts, because from consuming 100 grams of olive, rapeseed or sunflower oil, the body receives an average of 884 kilocalories.

Seeds and nuts

Based on their chemical composition, nuts and seeds are considered very valuable products, which contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals. Nuts are especially valued by cardiologists and neurologists, because they are a source of fats that are good for the heart. And although in terms of calorie content they are second only to vegetable and animal fats, it is not recommended to neglect these products.

Salad dressings

Despite the rich vitamin composition and excellent taste, every salad can turn into an excessively high-calorie food that will not benefit the body. The reason for this is salad dressings, which contain a lot of calories, especially traditional mayonnaise and vegetable oil. 100 grams of everyone’s favorite “Caesar”, which is usually seasoned with mayonnaise, will bring the body 631 kilocalories, which is more than 30% of the daily requirement.

Peanut butter

Nut oil is very beneficial for people of all ages and is recommended to be included in the daily diet in small quantities. However, people who are on a diet should replace it with another product. The reason for this is the increased, in particular, 1 tbsp. l. oil contains 94 kilocalories.

Fast food

This product category includes sweets, chips, pizza and cakes. It is believed that this is not only harmful, but also the most high-calorie food that does not benefit the body. However, many people really like it. All people who care about their health have long excluded fast food from their diet. Because products in this category can harm your health and lead to obesity. 100 grams of this dish contains an average of 560 kilocalories.

Black chocolate

The most delicious and high-calorie food is chocolate. But it is worth noting that it is also useful. It should be consumed in small quantities, since 100 grams of chocolate enriches the body with 25% of a person’s daily calorie needs.

Cheese and cheese products

Since ancient times, cheese has occupied an honorable place in cooking, the reason for this is its rich vitamin composition, excellent taste and versatility of the product. After all, it can be served on its own or in combination with other components of the dish. However, you need to consume cheese in small quantities, as it is considered a high-calorie product.

fried food

The most high-calorie food is, of course, fried food. In recent years, French fries and chicken wings have been in particular demand in our country. These two dishes are very tasty, especially the golden crust that forms during cooking, but their calorie content is simply off the charts. That is why it is advisable to give preference to other dishes and eat fried foods only occasionally.

Sausages and pate

The entire range of meat products is rich in vitamins, fats and calories. That is why you need to consume sausages and pates in moderation, focusing on their high calorie content. The leader in this category is the French delicacy foie gras, with 462 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Minimizing processed meat consumption is advisable for people trying to lose weight.

Caloric value, or energy value, is the amount of energy that is released when nutrients are oxidized during metabolism.

Calorie content of ethyl alcohol 96% alcohol amounts to 710 kcal/100g. Of course, vodka is alcohol diluted with water and therefore The calorie content of vodka ranges from 220 to 260 kcal/100 g. By the way, manufacturers are required to indicate this on their products!

Why are many people surprised, “I eat almost nothing, I just drink vodka, but I’m getting fatter by leaps and bounds!”? -And all because few people know that vodka is a high-calorie product and gives a lot of energy to the body, and that half a liter of vodka contains the daily calorie intake of a skinny person, and a 0.75 container contains the daily calorie intake of an average person! For comparison: 100 grams of vodka is 100g. pancakes with butter, 100g. beef meatballs or 100g. stewed meat.

There is an opinion that alcohol calories are “empty” because they do not contain nutrients, which means they cannot be stored as fat and therefore alcohol calories do not make you fat. It's a delusion! This just means that the calories from alcohol cannot be stored directly into fat. Alcohol calories, the so-called “empty” calories, are pure energy that the body needs to expend. You've probably noticed that people become more active under the influence of alcohol. 🙂?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately adjusts itself in such a way as to get rid of them first. those. first, the body burns alcohol calories, and then all the others, if there is still such a need for it. The body cannot transfer alcohol, this harmful product in large quantities, into reserve, therefore it strives with all its might to remove it as soon as possible, and switches to alcoholic fuel, ceasing to burn fat, protein and carbohydrate reserves, and natural fat reserves prepared for burning are simply deposited for later.

Therefore, despite the fact that alcohol calories are called “empty”, because... they do not contain nutrients, they still provide a lot of energy to the body, and the body needs to spend this energy received. And if you not only drink alcohol, but also eat something else on the same day :), then the body receives much more energy than from food without alcohol. And since it is more difficult for him to spend more energy, calories from alcohol, as already mentioned, are burned first, and calories that come from food are simply not consumed, but having a nutritional basis, they are stored as fat in fat depots.

In addition, alcohol provokes cell insensitivity to insulin. (insulin is a hormone that forms adipose tissue). More insulin is produced, and therefore more fat is formed. It should also be remembered that alcohol is a toxin that affects the liver and leads to the development of alcoholic fatty liver disease, fatty liver disease.

Therefore, do not believe “scientifically proven facts” when they say that the calories in alcohol are “empty” and these vodka calories do not make you fat. They're getting fatter!

A calorie is a basic unit of energy that a person gets from food. By consuming too few calories, a person over time will not be able to properly support his or her vital functions, and excessively high-calorie food leads to obesity and the numerous problems that are associated with it.

The daily calorie intake depends on the age, gender, muscle mass and physical activity of the person. On average it is 2000 calories.

Vegetable fats

Olive, sunflower or rapeseed oil are not far removed from animal fats. 100 grams of vegetable oil will provide your body with 884 calories.

Nuts and seeds

100 grams of nuts or seeds contain about 700 calories. But, in addition to calories, they are also very rich in vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy fats, so these products should never be neglected. If you're struggling with weight loss, it's best to avoid other high-calorie snacks.

Salad dressings

Even the healthiest green salad, full of vitamins, can become excessively high in calories if you use one of the popular dressings, such as mayonnaise or vegetable oil. For example, 100 grams of French or Caesar salad contain up to 631 calories.

Peanut butter

588 calories per 100 grams, 29% daily value. Or 94 calories per tablespoon. Such numbers may seem nightmarish to those who want to lose weight, but, like nuts, this oil is very healthy and therefore recommended for consumption in moderation.

Quick snacks, sweets

“Fast” junk food, be it chips or cake, is liked by many, but for the sake of your health you should exclude such food from your diet. On average, such snacks contain 560 calories per 100 grams of product.

Black chocolate

Everyone knows that chocolate is very high in calories, and this is not a myth. 100 grams of chocolate will replenish your energy reserves by 501 calories (25% of the daily value). But this does not mean that you should completely give up chocolate. In moderation, it is a very healthy nutritious food.


A source of protein and calcium, a very tasty stand-alone product and an excellent addition to many dishes. But you need to eat it wisely, since hard cheeses such as Parmesan contain up to 466 calories per 100 grams (23% of the daily value).

Fried food

Chicken wings and French fries are, of course, delicious, but it is better to satisfy your appetite with other foods. Bringing virtually no benefit to the body, such fried food stuffs a person with calories. 100 grams of such food contains more than 400 calories.

Processed meat (sausage, pate)

Meat products are rich in animal fats, vitamins and calories. The highest calorie product in this category is foie gras (462 calories per 100 grams, 23% of the daily value). Some types of sausages are not far behind the French delicacy in this regard. You need to eat such foods in moderation.