home · Installation · Heart chakra: how to discover love within yourself. Unconditional love as a healing tool What the Anahata chakra is responsible for

Heart chakra: how to discover love within yourself. Unconditional love as a healing tool What the Anahata chakra is responsible for

2nd control center – SVADHISTHANA (are you here)

As each energy center is worked through you will receive practical guidance for activating and harmonizing your entire energy system. Exercises, meditations and consistent theory have been prepared for you. You will discover powerful ways to get to know yourself and make serious progress in your life!

Svadhisthana chakra - the energy center of emotions

Svadhisthana is motion energy. It is this tireless energy that makes us constantly move, look for something, do something, suffer or rejoice.

Also the second chakra is our emotional body.

Open, pure Swadhisthana allows you to radiate more energy into the world, i.e. manifest as a person and fully demonstrate the potential of your Soul!

Opening your second center of consciousness will help you:

  • reach a state of consciousness where joy is the only possible reaction on current events or their absence;
  • allow pleasure, allow yourself to want and desire more;
  • run the ability to express your strong individuality;
  • fully reveal your sensuality and sexuality;
  • learn to build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex;
  • on the physical plane clean and restart lymphatic system.

Practices for harmonizing the Svadhisthana chakra will allow you realize your life goals and desires, and eliminate
on the way to achieving them.

And one of the most important reasons, according to which we need to work on the Svadhisthana chakra, is activation of clairsentience. Which is the first step towards the development of Higher Consciousness.

Mini-course program:

  • Awareness of second level energies. Working with Emotions
  • Practice – River of sensations of life
  • Emotional level of consciousness.
  • Practices for working through and getting rid of the feeling of Guilt that blocks the 2nd chakra
  • Light physical exercises to open Svadhisthana
  • Meditation healing with unconditional love 2 chakras of Svadhisthana

A complete module on activating and healing the Swadhisthana chakra.

Feedback on the practices of the Swadhisthana course:

Olga Tarkhanova:

I want to tell you how, through our joint efforts, Maria, my life began to rapidly change for the better: my physical and emotional state became more harmonious and stable, my body became toned, my mood was always joyful, minor troubles and delays stopped bothering me, or rather, they stopped appearing in in my life, I began to more often ask for help to my Guardian Angels, to my Higher Self, I began to notice and recognize many synchronicities and tips from the Higher Powers, I want to say that it is extremely exciting and fun, sometimes so sweet and gentle , which just brings me to tears.. Yes, it’s so nice to see that miracles happen in our lives much more often than we can imagine! Of the specific breakthroughs, this is that we finally managed to positively resolve the real estate issue, which had not been resolved for twenty years, the relationship with my mother has improved, she is now temporarily living with me and we have reached an understanding, in her new apartment I am finishing the renovation without much stress and she will soon celebrate her housewarming (this will be another joyful event that has been long awaited). I go through your practices and webinars with great pleasure and interest, watch the changes happening in my consciousness, in my worldview, and I really like the results, but this is just the beginning! I look forward to even greater success from myself on the path to self-knowledge under your leadership! Thank you very much!

Olga Tarkhanova:

Meditation today was easier, more joyful, there were tears, but in smaller quantities, at the end of the meditation I felt complete harmony and security from the abundance of unconditional love for myself and trust in the Universe. During the entire meditation, a “fire was burning” in the second chakra!

I went through the meditation again, somewhere in the middle I was completely immersed in a trance) I didn’t feel my body at all, nor did I feel time. Complete peace and acceptance of Unconditional love! Maria from the bottom of my heart Thank you for the additional practices and dance

With sincere love for you,

P.S. For any questions please contact

Spiritual practices and meditations at the Center for Personal and Spiritual Transformation “Keys of Mastery” by Alena Starovoitova received the best reviews from his students

Find out how to find your individuality and understand your Purpose in this life in Alena Starovoitova’s Internet project “Keys of Mastery”

The “Keys of Mastery” training center is open to everyone who wants to change their life for the better through practices and meditations for personal and spiritual transformation that will lead any person to the result he strives for.

The Alena Starovoitova Center provides online training for both men and women. However, there are transformational programs designed only for women. You can view such online training programs on the page of the official website “Keys of Mastery”.

Alena Starovoitova is a well-known personal and spiritual transformation coach who develops and implements effective programs to qualitatively change the life of a particular person for the better.

Alena is the developer and leader of the popular Internet project “Keys of Mastery”, which helps people participating in this project improve relationships with people around them, as well as achieve themselves, their uniqueness in this world and their Destination.

Alena Starovoitova herself went through a long thorny path after graduating from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Orenburg State University before finding her true Destination. During that period of her life, Alena experienced many stressful situations, including breaking up with a loved one (common-law husband). This gap led her to radically reconsider her desires and life priorities.

It was during that difficult period of her life that Alena began to study spiritual practices leading to a radical transformation of life. Thanks to these spiritual practices and meditations, Alena Starovoitova was able to overcome all adversity and gain her own strength, which led her to the creation of the “Keys of Mastery” project.

As part of this project, Starovoitova gives her students tools developed by her and tested in practice to transform a person’s life for the better.

Alena Starovoitova’s project “Keys of Mastery” will help anyone become the creator of their own reality, which they strive for. Before joining the “Keys of Mastery” Training Center, you need to set Goals that you want to realize in life and believe in Yourself!

Free courses and video lessons from Alena Starovoitova at the Center for Personal and Spiritual Transformation “Keys of Mastery” for personal and spiritual transformation

Flash mob “7 spiritual laws”

Get your life in order!

This free course is intended for both beginners in spiritual practices and those people who already have experience in spiritual transformations on the path to self-improvement.

Free course “STEP TO YOURSELF. Challenge every day"

This course consists of 14 exercises that will help you change your life for the better.

Free online course “Activation of Unconditional Love by Chakras”

Get seven meditations for unconditional self-love and healing

Free video course “Laws of attracting money”

Find out what laws your money lives by

Free test “How your chakras work”

The most popular paid courses and seminars from Alena Starovoitova in the online center for personal and spiritual transformation “Keys of Mastery”

Personal transformation courses for people of any level of development in their development

Transformation seminar. Gain access to resources that are hidden in your past.

Online course. Balance your energy system and remove blocks to achieve well-being and prosperity.

Master Class . Heal the wounds of the past and forget about the mental trauma inflicted on you.

Master Class . How to use crystals and stones to fill your home with the energy of joy and happiness.

Master Class . Free yourself from everything that hinders your spiritual growth.

Master Class . Get rid of your problems and start living freely!

Courses on spiritual transformation by Alena Starovoitova are only for advanced users

Practical online course. Unleash your potential and discover the limitless possibilities of the universe.

The second chakra of Swadhisthana is our sacral or sacral chakra. She is responsible for human instincts, love of life and difficult emotions. Let's get to know this center better. We will also learn how to correctly diagnose its operation.

Where is

Svadikhstana is located directly at the level of the genital organs. This is about 3-4 fingers from the navel. Approximately in the groin area, where the pubic bone is located. This chakra center embraces the rawest and most difficult emotions of a person. All the most hidden animal instincts are revealed here.

The chakra symbol is a crocodile.

What is he responsible for?

The Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for the simplest human desires: food, sleep, physical intimacy. In the body it controls the element of water and any liquids. Also responsible for:

  • self-preservation;
  • perception of the world through feeling;
  • feeling of cheerfulness;
  • sexual activity.

“Sva” means “ego” and “self-consciousness”.

Well developed

If the open Svadhistana chakra functions perfectly, then the person has good tact. And also has a sense of taste and beauty. He is always very neat, well-groomed and looks beautiful. It's nice to see him.

Tarot card – XVI Arcana Tower.

Stop your internal dialogue, look at the center of the picture and meditate.

The chakra sound is pronounced as TO YOU. You need to say it 21 times. You can do several approaches of 21.

Signs of blocking

Signs of blockage of the second sacral chakra of Svadhisthana can always be identified both on the physical and energetic planes.

Sore spots on the physical plane Problems with emotions on the energy levellevel
  • paranoia;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • painful periods;
  • E cycle disorder in women;
  • loss of semen in men;
  • impotence;
  • cystitis;
  • constipation;
  • reproductive disorders;
  • problematic lymphatic system;
  • diseased kidneys;
  • blood poisoning.
  • diffidence;
  • tactlessness, rudeness;
  • unfunny biting jokes;
  • suspicion;
  • anger;
  • greed;
  • jealousy;
  • sense of ownership;
  • such a person is sure that other people deceive and betray;
  • controls everything and everyone;
  • does not trust life;
  • has a persistent indifference to the lives of others;
  • but at the same time there are frequent changes in mood;
  • isolation, unsociability;
  • fear of showing your weakness;
  • there are any uncontrollable addictions (food, cigarettes, alcohol, love affairs, computer games, etc.)

Living Dead

As you know, the Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for human desires. So, such a person lives on a very primitive level. He seems to be human, but he doesn’t feel like he belongs in this world at all. Doesn't live, but simply exists. And every day he just performs routine tasks.

And it seems that he wanted to live like a person with all the joys and pleasures, but he cannot afford it. But I am unable to dig out the reason within myself. But at the same time, instincts often dominate in him! And at the wrong moment they always make themselves known.

Inspired by instincts

With a poorly developed Svadhisthana chakra, people cannot listen to themselves. They act by inertia and do what their instincts dictate. Even when common sense says: "No!" . A person will still eat an extra pie, drink another bottle of vodka, play an extra skating rink, or call another girl for love pleasures.


All people assert themselves differently. A person with undeveloped Svadhisthana has a deep-seated complex of fear and self-doubt. And they compensate for this uncertainty if they humiliate and hurt others. Such people feel comfortable only when they mock and belittle their opponent.


These are the same people who take life by the neck and control it from beginning to end. And when the life scenario begins to differ from their own, they become very angry. And they blame others for their own troubles.

Also, such people have manic suspicion. They are the ones who control all the social networks of their partners or children. Read correspondence and diaries. They keep track of when and who was last online, and who gave whom what likes.

It's no use arguing

People with a poorly pumped sacral chakra are very dogmatic and have static thinking. They can never prove anything. Now, if they read something somewhere once, then for the rest of their lives they will foam at the mouth and defend their point of view, not taking others into account.

Also, people with weak Svadhisthana are poorly irradiated.


A blocked Svadhisthana chakra provokes stupor. In case of serious problems, people with an undeveloped sacral center quite often fall into a stupor or go underground.

Sometimes it happens that, having met fear face to face, people prefer to climb into a hole. And while the rest of the team or friends are looking for him, he simply hides somewhere and does not get in touch.

Spiritual lesson: lessons from the material world.

Naturally, after some time this person may show up again, as if nothing had happened. But at the same time he does not apologize, does not explain anything, but behaves as before.

Reasons for closure

The Swadhisthana chakra can be destroyed from childhood and not develop further. There are several reasons for this:

  • lack of love from parents or neighbors;
  • improper diets in adolescence;
  • suspicious companies that have had a bad influence on a small child;
  • desire to control this world;
  • cases after which a person felt unsure of himself.


Try to analyze the state of your Svadhisthana chakra. Ask her these questions:

  1. What condition is my physical body in?
  2. Do I have problems with childbearing or any sexual problems?
  3. Do I want to control every event in my life?
  4. What emotions do I experience if things don’t go according to my plan?
  5. Am I confident in myself?
  6. Am I ready to change my point of view if a person brings constructive arguments?

How to open

To awaken the energy that is sealed inside, you need to perform various exercises. Physical exercises are presented below. By performing various yoga poses, we release energy outward and help it circulate properly in our biofield. The blocks are gradually removed, and the Svadhisthana chakra is restored.

As for the psychological blocks in the head, it is important to take your will into your fist and not give in to your animal instincts. And also pump up self-confidence and, if possible, refuse to judge others.

If you see some kind of minus, then you need to find 3 pluses in this person. Even if they are the most banal.

How to activate Svadhisthana

  • drink a lot of clean water (2-3 liters per day);
  • If possible, avoid foods that warm the intestines (meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic and mushrooms);
  • have moderate sexual activity;
  • maintain genital hygiene;
  • have more contact with water, go swimming;
  • walking in the rain;
  • daily cleansing, washing;
  • normalization of mental health.

Exercise 1

How to activate the Swadhisthana chakra? Try this simple exercise. Initially, you need to take a pose called “ cow head“. How to make it can be seen in the picture.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Take the desired “cow head” pose.
  2. If a person takes this position, then his genitals will automatically “shrink”, that is, a slight tension will be felt in them.
  3. You need to sit in this position for 2-3 minutes. Repeat the exercise several times a day.

Exercise 2

The Swadhisthana chakra is pumped by bending the body very low forward. Yoga mudrasana helps the sacral center to activate. You need to take this position and stay in it for several minutes. As much as you feel comfortable with. This exercise is usually repeated several times a day.

Exercise 3

You can also achieve Zen in this pose. You need to sit in it for 2-3 minutes, but do several approaches a day.

Exercise 4

Good for Swadhisthana locust pose in yoga. It only takes a few minutes to spend in it. And after 21 days you will notice how life begins to improve.

Any physical activity on the abs helps restore Svadhisthana.

Exercise 5

Camel Pose in yoga it opens Svadhisthana and allows vital energy to flow throughout the body. The exercise should be repeated several times a day for 2-3 minutes per approach.

Exercise 6

How to open Svadhisthana? Try this exercise called supta vajrasana. The pose is quite difficult, but very effective. It not only activates the sacral chakra, but also improves metabolism in the body.

Musical tone: D; folk music.

Try to take the position shown in the picture. Stay in this state for as long as you can. It is advisable to repeat the exercise several times a day.

Exercise 7

A good breathing exercise to help activate the sacral center.

Swadhisthana Chakra mod on:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Feel the pulsation in the area of ​​the sacral chakra. (About 3-4 fingers from the navel).
  3. Mentally lower your consciousness to this point. There should be a slight vibration. If it doesn’t show up, then it’s okay.
  4. Imagine mentally that when you inhale through your nose, all vital energy enters the center of Svadhisthana.
  5. When you exhale through your mouth, imagine that the energy is coming out of the chakra. Roughly speaking, you need to “breathe with this chakra.”
  6. Repeat the exercise for 7 inhalations and 7 exhalations. It would be enough.

It is advisable to perform the exercise early in the morning before 9 am.

Over the course of our entire lives, we have accumulated so much pain, resentment, and disappointment that it has become unbearable to continue to pretend that we can live with it.

We carry it all with us in the form of traumatic memories and illnesses. It's like a suitcase without a handle: it's hard to carry and it's a shame to throw it away.

When we pull ourselves together and shake out what we can from this suitcase, for some reason we cannot completely free ourselves from this burden.

  • Will there come a moment when our bodies, thoughts, feelings are completely cleansed?
  • How to dissolve this burden that prevents you from walking freely along the road of life?

The answer to both of these questions is yes.

Exists universal tool The one that can heal us is unconditional love.

Step towards YOURSELF. Challenge every day

Don't know how to learn to love yourself?

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If you allow yourself to open it in your heart, you will initiate a powerful healing process on all levels, from the physical to the emotional.

What is unconditional love and how to heal with its help you will learn from this material.

What is unconditional love

Unconditional love is a feeling that resides in the 5th dimension.

It heals, transforms low vibration energies: trauma, pain, fears.

It includes unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. Without these criteria, unconditional love is impossible.

If you are involved in spiritual practices, there have probably been times when you have experienced this feeling.

When you felt your connection with spirit, you felt like one with all people and the Universe.

These sensations are accompanied by an expansion of consciousness; a powerful flow of energy flows from the heart.

You feel that no matter what you undertake, you can do it.

What is the difference between conditional love and unconditional love?

Conditional love is the primitive level of human love. The principle “you - to me, I - to you” works here:

  • I love you because you love me, treat me well, do what I say, etc.
  • If you don’t love me, don’t fulfill my requests and demands, I deprive you of my love.

Unconditional love for a specific person, a child, is the ability to accept people as they are and love them despite their attitude towards you.

This does not mean if you are humiliated, stay with such a person.

In such cases, you continue to love, but out of respect for yourself, leave this relationship.

Love is a gift.

Once you experience unconditional love, you will realize it and understand that it can be directed at anyone. This is not dependence on a person, this is freedom, expansion.

The highest level of unconditional love - when the heart is open, a stream of love pours out of it not only towards a specific object, but to everything that exists.

The moment we experience this feeling, our consciousness is transferred to the 5th dimension.

The more often we feel and broadcast unconditional love, the more we will stay more often there. Until we eventually make the transition to the 5th dimension.

How to feel unconditional love

Allow yourself to remember this feeling. But don't wait for this to happen.

If you've never experienced this range of feelings and want to understand what it's like, watch young children.

Children, especially under 2 years old, love themselves and everything around them unconditionally. Their souls have not yet forgotten this feeling of unity, complete acceptance.

Look with what delight they look at themselves in the mirror, how happy they are to communicate with their peers. This is unconditional love.

This is how spiritual guides, ascended masters, angels and archangels love us.

Being in the 3-dimensional world, we cannot experience this feeling all the time. Otherwise we would not have been embodied here.

Enjoy every moment when your consciousness expands and you experience unconditional love. Thank yourself for these states.

Before you begin to heal your loved ones and the world with unconditional love, heal yourself first.

Give yourself permission to love yourself:

  • Realize that loving yourself is natural. Do not confuse it with selfishness and selfishness.
  • Put yourself first.
  • Listen to yourself. Ask yourself questions: “Do I want this? Or am I afraid of seeming bad?

Our Higher Self is in the 5th dimension and loves us unconditionally.

Think about the fact that you are healing yourself not with some distant, inaccessible unconditional love, but with you heal yourself with the help of their own higher aspects.

Remember how you love yourself unconditionally, and open up to this familiar feeling!

When you begin to broadcast unconditional love into the world, the question arises: “Are those around you ready to accept it?”

Someone doesn’t know what love is in principle, someone is afraid to love because of past traumas.

Don’t think about how people will change and whether they will be healed.

As multidimensional beings, we live in many realities and times simultaneously.

Your wave of love will definitely reach those who need it. necessary at the right time moment.

Meditation Healing with Unconditional Love

I conducted this meditation at the Reincarnation 2016 conference.

Meditation task: Afford experience the healing power of unconditional love.

This is a multifunctional tool that you can use to heal the physical body, traumatic situations, transform negative emotions, thoughts into light.

P.S. Let love into your life, take Alena Starovoitova's new free course.

All women and girls dream of love, of a tender and reverent feeling. Women care about care, love, tenderness, it is important to feel needed, desired, protected in every sense. And first of all in financial terms.

But it’s not always possible to build a relationship with a man. All our situations come from childhood; perhaps someone did not have a worthy example of how to build relationships, what kind of father should be, what kind of mother should be.

Mom is content and happy, and father is the breadwinner, the protector of the family, the head. Often everything happens the other way around, not at all as it should be. Growing up, we cannot find ourselves, build decent relationships with the opposite sex, we do not know our role and our place.

Lack of self-love can create negative things. Humiliated, insulted, self-disrespecting women are lost, they don’t know who they are, what’s wrong with them, what to do and how to live.

Not long ago, we talked about where it is. Since money is an important component of our material world.

The heart chakra is located in the chest at the level of the human heart. It is connected to the spinal column by a funnel-shaped spiral.

What is she responsible for:

  • The fourth chakra (anahata) is responsible for a person’s emotionality, sensitivity, responsiveness, and openness - in this regard, this chakra can also be called the “emotional chakra.”
  • The 4th chakra is the chakra of love, tenderness, the “emotional balancer” of the human body, the center of Faith and Spiritual stability.
  • The Anahata chakra is responsible for the formation of a person’s emotional shell.
  • Being at the center of the entire human energy structure, the heart chakra (anahata) is responsible for balancing, harmonious adjustment and interaction of the lower triangle of chakras (1-3)

If the 4th Anahata chakra is out of balance, this manifests itself in the form of frequent colds. Insomnia, chronic fatigue and constant tension, inability to relax and rest are also possible. In addition, symptoms of problems with Anahata are diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.

A person with a closed green chakra is unable to believe in miracles. The fact is that the power of faith passes into the subtle body of a person through the heart and throat chakras. If one of them does not work correctly, the person will close himself off from emotions and feelings.

Anahata is the energy center of love, on which the ability to love and show care, as well as to experience compassion, depends.

Emotions 4 chakras:

Fears: loneliness (weakness of Faith).

Norm: a feeling of the unity and beauty of the world, joy from various manifestations of forms of love, taking into account the interests of the Incarnate Spirit in love.

Passions: egoism (willfulness, self-will, egocentrism)

How to Open the Feminine Chakra to Attract Love

Opening the chakra:

  • To meditate, you should visualize that you have a small piece of clean cloth in your hands. Soak it in a spring or river that splashes next to you in your imagination. After scooping up water, think that you are holding your heart in your palms. Imagine that Anahata is a crystal vessel that has become polluted and can no longer be a container of Divine Light.
  • Now take your heart, wash away from it gradually, with the help of a cloth, every negative feeling, all negative qualities of character and soul.

Try to imagine that your heart immediately conducts the energy of the Creator through itself. Then imagine yourself on the shore of a lake. Your face is washed by the rays of the sun. Gradually you absorb this warmth and light. Now you are ready to give your love to everyone in need.

  • Imagine a beam of white light above you that penetrates the body through the head. Pass this flow through your body so that each chakra is filled with glow and cleansed by it.
  • Then raise the white beam. You will see how the light enters the heart and turns green. Trust this glow and understand that you are now an open and loving subject.

Feel how full your life is, how limitless it is. Show generosity, share your huge heart with the whole world.

With low spiritual development fourth chakra: selfishness, attachment to fetishes, fraud, indecisiveness, uncertainty, impatience, laziness, anger, indifference, arrogance, partiality, twitchiness,

Disorientation or imbalance heart chakra: a feeling of loneliness, depression or, conversely, an exaggerated immersion in love and dependence (such people say: “I love you,” meaning “I need you”), an exaggerated desire to give, self-sacrifice, increased sensitivity to other people’s suffering and grief , taking other people’s mistakes personally and feeling guilty for the actions and negative states of other people.

Developed anahata chakra gives a person: wisdom, self-control, inner strength, overcoming obstacles, difficulties with minimal losses, purity of thoughts and intentions, enhances energy. If a person has the skill of the “good neutral” state, then such a person is able to communicate at higher levels of our Being.

How to open the love chakra? First of all, you need to accept yourself and all your shortcomings, if you have no desire to correct them. When you love your soul and body, other people will seem just as perfect as you are. Develop self-confidence, enjoy the fact that you were born exactly who you are.

Meditations for women to open the 4th chakra

This is a special meditation in which the frequencies and tones of the heart chakra are selected. If you have heartbreaks or worries, she will help you calm down and heal the pain caused.

This meditation can be listened to with or without stereo headphones. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Focus on your heart.

Imagine how a lotus flower opens inside your heart and your heart is filled with a pleasant green light. The meditation lasts 12 minutes, during which time your attention should be focused in the area of ​​the heart chakra.

Opening the Heart and Filling with Love! Klaus Joel The practice “Opening the Heart and Filling with Love” is aimed at opening the fourth Anahata chakra.

How does the practice work? Opening the Heart is a breathing practice. We fill the space of our lives with love, we open our hearts, give a piece of ourselves to the world, we accept love from space, we are filled with it.

For many people, regular practice of this practice helps them gain an internal balance of “take and give”, the ability to easily give love and just as easily accept.

Love is the most powerful energy in the world. There is no force in the world more powerful than love. And if you want more love in your life, start creating and cultivating it within yourself.