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Slippery steps, what to do? Slippery tiles - how to make them non-slip. Non-slip coating for steps

How to prevent the tiles from slipping?

Anti-slip tiles
on any slippery tile
Tile, porcelain stoneware, marble, granite, concrete and any other stone floors

Slippery tiles causes a lot of inconvenience to visitors of shopping centers, salons, swimming pools and fitness clubs. Also, the coating becomes dangerous in bathrooms and kitchens when grease and moisture get on it; the technologies we use can easily make any slippery surface safe.

Tiles with non-slip surface (anti-slip tiles)

Slippery floors or steps are always a potential hazard. Falls on slippery floors are common, leading to various injuries and bruises. If the floor is greasy or wet, the likelihood of falling increases, so in public places during wet cleaning they even put up a special sign “Caution, slippery floor”; warning information is also posted in swimming pools, wellness centers and saunas.

How to deal with slippery surfaces?

One of the most dangerous surfaces is. This coating is beautiful, hygienic, easy to clean, therefore it is widely used in a variety of shopping centers, beauty salons, fitness clubs, swimming pools, saunas; indoors, tiles are used to decorate bathrooms and kitchens.

To make tiles safer, the following means are used:

  • Anti-slip pads, profiles and tapes;
  • Various carpets;
  • Rubber "corners" on the steps;
  • Anti-slip tiles with a special rough surface.

However, these are only temporary solutions; they wear out quite quickly, and replacing the tiles with a safer option with a corrugated surface costs a lot.

Our technology is unique in its properties, because after application there will be no film visible to the eye, the composition fills the micropores that are present on each coating, slipping is eliminated due to the fact that the physical structure of the tile changes, the micropores appearing in the surface act on the principle of microsuction cups, and thus completely remove the sliding effect.

How do anti-slip tiles work?

For each material, be it marble, tile, porcelain stoneware or tile, there is an individual composition. After treatment, during which, due to the application of special surfactants, when a human foot (the sole of a shoe) comes into contact with the surface, a vacuum is formed, acting on the principle of microsuction cups.

After using anti-slip compounds non-slip tiles looks renewed, old dirt disappears. The guarantee of maintaining the effect after a single application of the composition is 2-5 years (depending on the approach we use).

Anti-slip tiles are an excellent solution for increasing safety on slippery floors, especially if they are often exposed to moisture, oil or soap (for example, in showers and swimming pools). As a rule, in order to demonstrate the performance of the technology we use, our specialist comes to you and conducts a test.

How we are working

Our recent works

    Project description: Large tiles measuring 3 by 1 meter are very difficult to make; we used a special composition developed specifically for synthetic tiles of this type. Since the treatment took place in the pool area, it was important to clean the floor very well.
    Time of completion: 9 o'clock.
    Quadrature: 93 sq.m.

    Project description: There were constant cases of falls on the slippery floor in the pool, and we were asked to apply an anti-slip coating, since anti-slip tapes and mats did not help, and people still fell. Synthetic porcelain anti-slip tiles were laid on the floor, and even under these conditions they slipped a lot.
    Opening hours: from 23:00 to 07:00, at night.
    Time of completion: 8 ocloc'k.
    Quadrature: 188 sq.m.

    Project description: very complex surface, because There is uneven color. First, a deep cleaning was carried out, after which an anti-slip treatment was carried out, the stone is very delicate so we had to try hard!
    Time of completion: 7 o'clock.
    Quadrature: 93 sq.m.

    Pharmacy in the center of Moscow, very slippery floor. Any drop or moisture creates a dangerous situation. We not only completely eliminated slipping, but also ensured that the appearance of porcelain tiles remains unchanged.
    Surface type: Porcelain tiles,
    Time of processing: 4 hours,
    Quadrature: 32 sq.m.,
    Friction coefficient up to: 0.19 units,
    Friction coefficient after: 0.68 units

Typically, the most beautiful and durable porch materials are also the slipperiest. The most dangerous weather for such coatings is changeable weather - when water freezes abruptly without having time to dry and evaporate. On such days, steps become a headache for every owner, because on a slippery porch it is very easy to fall and get injured. This situation applies not only to private households, but also to children's and municipal institutions, shops and entertainment centers.

Anti-slip coating is what is designed to save people from injury. Today, there is a huge selection of porch materials that will make your steps both safe and beautiful.

What qualities should anti-slip protection have?

First of all, the coating that prevents a person from falling must ensure good adhesion of the soles of shoes to the steps. But that's not all, there are a few more important points:

  • since the porch is located outside the building, materials for outdoor use are needed;
  • the coating must work normally at different temperatures;
  • be resistant to freezing;
  • have a low moisture absorption coefficient, water should leave the steps freely and quickly;
  • easy to install and serve for a long time;
  • ensure injury safety.

Important! One of the main indicators is the strength of the coating and abrasion resistance. These factors are especially important for entrance groups with high traffic.

What provides the anti-slip effect

To achieve porch safety, several methods are used. Among them, the most common are:

  1. Construction of a porch from anti-slip material.
  2. Cover the existing base with non-slip tiles, mats or spray.
  3. Rubber treads overlapping the steps.
  4. Braking strips, linings, profiles, corners.

In each individual case, the most appropriate option is selected. This takes into account the cost of the coating, its characteristics, the purpose of the building and other factors. Most often, the owner of the house is interested in the aesthetic component, especially when the porch is built from expensive, beautiful material (marble, granite, wood). Modern anti-slip materials fully meet this requirement - they do not interfere with the aesthetics and style of the building.

What to build an anti-slip porch from

During the construction phase, it is quite possible to build non-slip steps. To do this, you need to choose a material with a high coefficient of friction and low moisture absorption. Natural roughness will ensure the adhesion of the soles, and quickly draining water will not turn into ice.

Such non-slip coatings include:

Such coverings are good at the initial stage, when the porch is just being built. The tiles are easy to install on any surface (concrete, wood, metal) and last a long time.

How to make an existing porch non-slip

It often happens that a new porch, which pleased the owners in the summer, becomes very slippery with the arrival of cold weather. It would seem that the moment has been lost - the slippery porch will remain like this forever. But this is far from true. Now there are a lot of ways and options on how to turn even the most slippery steps into safe and practical ones.

The most common ways to transform a porch are:

  • Spraying liquid mixtures based on rubber or stone chips. This method allows you to apply the mixture to the porch exactly in the place and in the quantity you need. In addition, it is easy to lay out various pictures or company logos from the plastic mass, which is suitable for trading companies.
  • Roll materials are convenient where you need to cover a large area of ​​the porch. They are most often made of rubber; carpet coverings can also be found, but they can only be used inside a building. It is easy to cut the anti-slip coating of the desired shape and size from a roll. Mount it on the porch using profiles, fasteners or glue.
  • Rubber pads or whole treads. The overlays are convenient to use seasonally - they are easy to dismantle during the warm season. The range of rubber overlays even allows you to decorate the exterior without in any way harming the design of the porch. Advertising is also often done on such rugs by applying logos and names. Rugs can be large and used as an overlay in front of a door, in a vestibule, or as an entire path (for example, in a swimming pool).
  • An anti-slip strip is the easiest and most inexpensive way to secure your porch. There are a great variety of them. These are aluminum, polyurethane, plastic profiles that are mounted on the horizontal edge of the step. There are also a lot of self-adhesive tapes made from rubber or vinyl. You can use tape material to lay out any shapes and patterns on the porch, making the anti-slip coating also original. The most common are aluminum linings with rubber inserts. Such profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the elastic band in them can be easily removed, which allows you to remove it in the summer or replace it with a new one. The cost of aluminum is quite high, but such profiles will last longer than others.
  • Corner - most often made of rubber or aluminum and a rubber insert. Such corners can be used in conjunction with strips, complementing their effectiveness. Protection for corners performs two functions: firstly, it prevents the foot from sliding off the corner of the step, and secondly, it reduces the risk of injury to the porch, because sharp corners are the most dangerous area when falling on the porch.

Most often, several methods are used at once. Here a lot depends on the size of the entrance group and traffic. So, in private households it is better to use rubber tiles, removable treads or overlays. For large, multi-story buildings, it is more effective to use rubber mats in front of entrance doors and aluminum strips for steps.

In regions with long winters, it is more advisable to use continuous spraying of rubber coatings or cladding the porch with roll materials. This will eliminate the need to dismantle anti-slip coatings and make them easier to maintain.

Attention! In addition to the above, there are also inter-seam H-shaped profiles. They must be installed during cladding of the porch, mounted at the junction of adjacent tiles.


You need to think about the issue of porch safety at the design stage. In addition to comfortable, wide steps, you need ergonomic handrails and non-slip coating. Then the porch will become the calling card of the house, and not a place that will be feared and avoided in winter.

With the onset of the cold season, the issue of ice became acute, and not only on the roads, but also on the street stairs leading to the home. Not every house has stairs with heated steps. External staircase structures are regularly covered with a crust of ice, which makes their use very difficult and even dangerous for people living in the house. However, today there is a wonderful solution to this problem - anti-slip pads on the steps, which will prevent accidents and make access to any room quick and easy.

Revolutionary technology in anti-icing

What is the principle of operation of anti-slip pads on steps? As can be understood from the term itself, devices of this kind are attached to the outer surface of the stairs in order to prevent the occurrence of icing. Something similar can be made independently at home, but it is unlikely that the final product will meet all the requirements of the home owners. Whereas self-adhesive options, manufactured in a factory, will significantly facilitate movement on stairs in the winter months, performing their functions remarkably well.

Anti-slip pads are made of a special material designed to prevent surface icing. At the same time, on the reverse side - the one that adjoins directly to the surface of the stairs - there is an adhesive layer, due to which the strips of overlays are securely and firmly fixed. You don’t have to worry about the safety of the pads in the place chosen for them - you can walk on them, trample them with your feet and use the stairs in normal operating mode. A reliable adhesive composition will ensure that the lining is held in place. Externally, the steps will even acquire a certain touch of aesthetics and at the same time become anti-slip.


When applying strips of material, pay attention to symmetry and accuracy!

Advantages of anti-slip pads

Undoubtedly, this concept is a good solution for most summer residents and cottage owners. The anti-slip materials from which such pads are made will ensure comfortable use of stairs. In other words, you won’t even notice the difference: when going up or down the steps, you won’t feel the fact that there are overlays on them. You can use the steps just as easily during the coldest periods as during the summer months!

So, having decided in favor of such overlays, you will receive:

  • Ease of movement along external stairs even in the most severe frosts.
  • A simple and fast technology for installing overlays on the surface of steps.
  • Pleasant appearance of the stairs.
  • Low cost of products.

The price of such products will also make a good impression. Despite all the obvious benefits that overlays provide homeowners, their price is relatively low and anyone can afford them if they wish. It is not necessary to call a professional to install these anti-slip devices. With a little time, you can stick them on yourself. For this reason, such a product is in high demand, because all the advantages that anti-slip pads on steps provide are obvious!

We are asked:
IN In a country house, the previous owner built a staircase to the second floor (rotary, 180%, with winder steps). During operation, it turned out that the coating is very slippery, especially for children. Please tell me possible options for eliminating this dangerous inconvenience.

We answer:
There are many options:

Installation of special strips or corners on the edges of steps. They are a profile made of aluminum or galvanized with a glued strip of rubber. Sold in construction stores.

Cladding the steps with ceramic anti-slip tiles (used when cladding porches, some samples even neutralize light icing).

Laying carpet on the steps (carpet, plastic). It is secured with special fasteners; they can be of various designs. For example, on the back edge of the tread, where the riser of the next step begins, i.e. in the very corner, rings are installed into which a metal rod is passed. The rod is secured either with a decorative nut or some kind of lock. A carpet runner is laid along the entire length of the flight, and so that it does not get confused or slide, you fix it on each step, pressing it with such rods. Fastenings for carpet runners on steps can be seen in a wide range in large construction supermarkets. Depending on the type of steps, the fastenings can be placed in other ways, for example, on the risers or even on the sides of the steps.

You can lay a separate small “mat” (material: carpet, plastic, rubber, silicone, etc.) on each step and secure them with screws with decorative overlays. A wide selection of such overlays can be found in stores that sell furniture fittings.

The simplest option is to varnish the steps with the addition of fine clean sand. Of course, the sand must be thoroughly washed and of a fine fraction, ideally quartz (it is translucent). As an option, you coat it with varnish (and you can do this under some kind of template to get an ornament), and then, until the varnish is dry, sprinkle it with fine sand. If you take colored sand, and even different colors, you can get quite an interesting decor. When the varnish dries, the excess sand is swept away, and the stuck grains will provide the steps with a “rough” appearance. Instead of varnish, you can use some kind of glue (acrylic, epoxy, or at least a regular PVA emulsion).

You can apply a design to the steps using oil paint, to which you again add sand.

Of course, with varnish, paints and sand, it is better to experiment on smooth wooden planks first.

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How to make stair steps non-slippery
How to make stair steps non-slippery.

What to do to prevent the porch and steps from slipping in winter

In what ways can you effectively and quickly solve the problem of slippery steps and porch stairs today? Especially in autumn and winter, when smooth surfaces become especially dangerous. Of course, this means the use of all kinds of anti-slip devices and coatings on slippery surfaces. There are several materials that can be used to cover a porch to prevent it from slipping. Let's look at the most common ones and find out their pros and cons.

1) Anti-slip self-adhesive tape. It is a polyester tape with a vinyl or abrasive coating. Attached with an adhesive coating on one side. Pros: simple, quick and reliable installation, good anti-slip performance, large selection of colors, low price. Cons: not durable (1.5 million passes, 3-5 years), requires a smooth surface.

2) Anti-slip self-adhesive strips (linings) and corners. They have a rubber base and are attached using an adhesive coating applied to the bottom of the material. Apply to slippery steps of stairs and porches. Pros: simple, quick and reliable installation, protect steps from chipping and abrasion, wide range of colors, low price. Cons: not significant protrusions at installation sites, requires a smooth surface.

3) Aluminum corners and profiles with rubber inserts. They have an aluminum base, which is attached to the base with dowels and screws, and have a removable rubber insert. When using such corners and profiles, slippery stairs will no longer be dangerous. Pros: reliable installation, durable, have easily replaceable, inexpensive rubber inserts. Cons: labor-intensive installation that requires care, minor protrusions at fastening points.

4) Anti-slip joint between tiles. It has a rubber base and is attached to the seams of tile coverings. Pros: reliable installation, aesthetic appearance, low price. Disadvantages: labor-intensive installation process, technological difficulties with repair and replacement of this material, cannot be repaired, protrusions on the surface of the coating.

5) Aluminum corners and tile trims with removable rubber inserts. They have an aluminum base into which an anti-slip rubber insert is inserted. They are attached between or under the tiles directly when laying them. A slippery porch will become quite safe when using these materials. Pros: reliable installation, easily replaceable rubber inserts, durable. Disadvantages: labor-intensive installation process, technological difficulties with repairing and replacing aluminum parts, minor protrusions on the surface at fastening points.

These types of anti-slip coatings can be mounted on concrete, metal, ceramic, marble, granite and even wooden porches. They are waterproof, heat-resistant and can be used both inside and outside buildings.

Rubber crumb coating will make the stairs safe and visually attractive.

Well, what should you do if none of the above listed anti-slip coatings suits you, due to insufficient coverage of the surface of the steps. In this case, steps, slabs and crumb rubber coatings will help you. These materials consist of recycled rubber tire crumbs and a polyurethane binder. They are attached using polyurethane glue and can completely cover the entire step. Entry from the street using such a surface will be the safest of all available types of anti-slip surfaces. Pros: reliable, easy installation, covers the entire step and protects it from chips and damage, durability, evenness of the coating, wide selection of colors, maintainability, safety from injuries. Cons: high price.

To buy the product you like, just call the numbers listed below or leave a request.

What to do to prevent the porch and steps from slipping in winter
What can be done to prevent the porch and stair steps from slipping in winter? What are the ways today that can effectively and quickly solve the problem of slippery steps and staircases? Especially in autumn and

Anti-slip coating on porch steps: many ways to make them safe

Everyone knows firsthand how slippery the steps of a street porch can be after rain or snowfall. And some people even fell on them and received injuries. To protect yourself and your household or guests from such troubles, it is worth investing in anti-slip coating on the porch steps.

There are several types of materials capable of performing such a protective function. All of them will be described in this article, and all you have to do is choose the appropriate option.

Structurally, all types of such coatings can be divided into two types: the first in the form of narrow strips, strips and profiles and the second in the form of continuous coatings.

Tape overlays

There are quite a few varieties of narrow overlays. Let's try to navigate their diversity.

Types of overlays

They produce anti-slip coating on the porch in the form of narrow strips from materials such as rubber, rubber, PVC, and abrasive-coated tapes. They can be combined with anodized aluminum profile.

How to choose

When choosing one or another type of anti-slip pads, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Bandwidth. It can be from 15 to 100 mm, and in the case of an aluminum profile, even more.
  • Her shape– flat or angular.
  • Durability.

Abrasive belts have the shortest service life. Despite the fact that the fixation of hard particles is very strong, they wear out in 2-3 years.

  • Additional functions. These include the possibility of replacing the anti-slip liner. There are also covers that glow in the dark thanks to built-in photocells.
  • Installation method. If the porch has not yet been finished, you can consider embedded structures. In all other cases, in order not to spoil the steps, choose overhead or self-adhesive strips.
  • Price and release form. Overlays can be sold in pieces of different lengths or in whole rolls, the footage of which is large for an ordinary porch of a private house.
  • Appearance, color. The design of the entrance group is the calling card of your home, so even the shape and color of the strips glued to the steps should be in harmony with its exterior.

Perhaps the options shown below will help you with your choice

Rubber coverings

Anti-slip porch coverings made from crumb rubber are very popular. The raw materials for their production are used car tires crushed into crumbs and polyurethane glue.

Installation methods

Rubber coatings are produced both on a self-adhesive base and in aluminum profiles with mechanical fastening. There are also products that need to be glued to the base using polyurethane glue, or fastened using flat or corner profiles or directly with dowels and screws.

Anti-slip porch mats and overlays are simply placed on the steps and held there by their own weight.

Let us describe, as an example, the technology for laying monolithic rubber steps.

Installation instructions:

  • Preparing the foundation. The steps must be smooth, level, dry and clean. The tiles can be glued to a concrete, wooden, metal or polymer base.

To prevent moisture from accumulating on them, it is advisable to make a slope of 1-2 degrees towards the street.

  • We prepare a primer from polyurethane glue with turpentine or acetone in equal proportions.
  • Apply a continuous layer of glue to the steps using a roller or spatula.
  • We cut the non-slip steps for the porch at the back, according to the depth of the tread. The scraps, if desired and of a suitable size, can be used for cladding the riser.
  • We lay the step on the base, pressing it tightly to the surface.

You will be able to use the porch within 24 hours, provided the ambient temperature is above +10 degrees.

Gluing can be replaced with mechanical fasteners by screwing in self-tapping screws at a distance of 5 cm from the corners of the product, and making a step between them of no more than 50 cm. To increase the pressing surface, it is worth placing a washer under the screw head.


Finished products can withstand mechanical loads and temperature changes and are very resistant to moisture.

  • Having sufficient thickness, they perform not only anti-slip, but also shock-absorbing and sound-proofing functions.
  • The anti-slip effect is provided by the properties of the rubber itself. In addition, a relief can be applied to the surface, which reduces the risk of falling on the slippery surface of the porch.
  • Even in the event of an accidental fall, the likelihood of serious injury will be lower due to the shock-absorbing properties of the coating.
  • When ice and snow freeze, the anti-slip coating for outdoor porches is easy to clean. You can impact it with hard, blunt objects without fear of destroying it. Whereas stone or ceramic tiles, as well as wood and concrete, do not withstand such a relationship.
  • A thick layer of rubber muffles sounds. Perhaps this is not so important for street stairs, but the coating also has this property.
  • Finally, the variety of colors is also a significant advantage. With the help of these materials, non-slip steps for the porch can be used to decorate the facade of the house, harmoniously blending them into the surrounding landscape.

The cost of rubber products is quite high, but since their service life is at least 10 years, such design of a street staircase fully pays for itself.


Anti-slip coating on porch steps: many ways to make them safe
Everyone knows firsthand how slippery the steps of a street porch can be after rain or snowfall. And some people had a chance to fall on them, getting

What to do if the steps on the porch are slippery?

If the steps on the porch are slippery, what should you do? This question is usually asked by property owners who are faced with the problem of slippery stairs finished with ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stone. Beautiful and practical in dry weather, such stairs become slippery when water and snow get on them. This phenomenon can lead to falls, which can lead to injury or death. In addition, the tiles in the pool are constantly wet and require great care when walking on it.

There are several effective ways to ensure that the surfaces of floors, stairs, curbs and showers are non-slip. They vary in type of execution, aesthetics and durability. Let's look at how different materials are processed to prevent people from slipping on them, whether they walk barefoot or with shoes, in rain or snow, or during organic and chemical spills.

Anti-slip stone treatment

Granite is the material that has all the qualities necessary for finishing floors and steps. Natural stone is very beautiful and has incredible abrasion resistance. But a granite porch becomes very slippery at the slightest wetting with any liquid substance. Since winter in our country lasts from 3 months to six months, the steps must be safe during this entire time.

You can make natural stone on the porch non-slip in the following ways:

Options for stone anti-slip treatment.

  1. Heat treatment. For this, a gas burner is used, which creates a high-temperature flame. When the stone is rapidly heated, the quartz crystals on the granite surface are destroyed. Its surface becomes matte and rough. Heat treatment of the stone is carried out in the house, since outdoors the pores in granite quickly become clogged with dirt and snow.
  2. By grinding. Using special equipment, many grooves are applied to the surface of the stone. This makes it non-slip when wet. The entire surface of the step or several strips can be processed. But this option is only suitable for internal home stairs that do not come into contact with snow and an abundance of dirt that is carried on the soles of shoes.
  3. Sawing. This method is the most practical, although the most expensive and time-consuming. Cuts are made in granite. They are made with a milling cutter or sandblasting machine. The resulting grooves are left empty or filled with rubber inserts. The inserts are made of a material that creates ideal grip on the sole.

Even very slippery granite steps can be turned into a comfortable and safe structure using modern technologies.

Anti-slip treatment for porcelain stoneware

Ceramic granite is becoming an increasingly popular finishing material. Its appearance and performance characteristics are almost equal to those of natural stone. At the same time, the cost of porcelain tiles is much lower.

It is impossible to grind and burn porcelain stoneware, since it contains polymers that give the material viscosity. In addition, plasticizers are unstable to high temperatures. The coating can be made non-slip only with the help of special inserts. Cuts are made under them, which can be single or cover the entire surface of the steps.

Inserts are made from the following material:

  1. Dense and wear-resistant rubber. It is resistant to abrasion, ultraviolet radiation and chemically active substances. If damage occurs to the inserts, they can be easily and quickly replaced without stopping movement.
  2. Granite bars. The bars are matched to the color of the steps or in a contrasting design. The parts are connected using epoxy glue, which protects the joint from moisture.

In order not to waste time and effort on processing porcelain stoneware, you can purchase tiles that have anti-slip corrugations pre-made. Snow and water will be forced into the recesses of the tiles, preventing unwanted sliding.

Anti-slip treatment for ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles do not have a uniform composition throughout the entire volume. Its outer decorative layer must not be damaged. Therefore, you can only combat slipping with the help of external pads.

The following products are used for this:

  1. Aluminum corrugated strips. They are attached in the middle of the step using glue or self-tapping screws. Metal strips can withstand several seasons of intensive use. They are replaced as they wear out.
  2. Rubber pads. They are mounted on the edge of the steps, which is the most dangerous place. In addition to the safety function, such overlays protect the edges of the tiles from inevitable chips.

You can worry about the problem of slipping in advance by purchasing corrugated tiles. This option will solve the problem of precipitation in the form of rain and light snow.

Universal anti-slip products

Thanks to modern technologies, solving the problem of slippery floors and steps can be done easily, effectively and beautifully.

Innovative solutions to this issue eliminate any dirty or noisy work.

Property owners can use the following means:

  1. Anti-slip liquid. Getting on the surface of any material, it removes silicon molecules from it. They form microscopic sharp cones on a plane. Ideal adhesion to the sole is achieved without losing the quality of the appearance of the lining.
  2. Anti-slip tape. It is a strip of PVC, one side of which is sticky and the other is corrugated. The product is inexpensive and easy to install. But this tape won't last long.
  3. Anti-slip tapes. Very convenient devices with an abrasive or non-abrasive surface made of polymer plastic. Available in regular and fluorescent versions. Can stick to flat and curved surfaces.

You can use different types of devices on one staircase.

What to do if the steps on the porch are slippery?
If the steps on the porch are slippery, what should you do? This question is usually asked by property owners who are faced with the problem of slippery stairs finished with ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stone.

"Beware of slippery!" – a sign with a similar inscription can be seen when going up the steps to a store, fitness room or favorite cafe. In winter, the surface of the stairs becomes covered with an ice crust, which increases the effect of the steps sliding and makes movement difficult. Owners of private houses know firsthand the problem of slippery steps in their homes. One way or another, everyone has encountered the problem of slippery surfaces in winter. However, warning about slippery surfaces is not enough.

How can you protect yourself and your clients from possible falls, sprains, bruises and fractures? How to make the stairs of your own home non-hazardous for household members?

At the stage of finishing the stairs, it is necessary to give preference to materials with a high coefficient of friction and low moisture absorption. Non-slip coatings include: porcelain stoneware or stone tiles. But how can you make an existing staircase non-slip?

Our company’s specialists offer you three ways to create an anti-slip coating on the porch steps:

1. Self-adhesive tape pads
To eliminate the sliding effect on steps, you can use tape overlays. Self-adhesive overlays for stair steps in the form of strips are made from rubber, rubber and PVC. In addition, there are adhesive tapes with abrasive coating.
When choosing tape pads, you need to determine the characteristics of the anti-slip strip. Select the width of the tape, its shape, and durability.
The advantage of self-adhesive tapes is seasonal use. Tapes can be used, for example, only in winter. In addition, this method is inexpensive compared to others. However, self-adhesive tapes are less reliable than overlay profiles.
2. Embedded anti-slip profiles
Anti-slip profiles are used as anti-slip elements at the corners of steps. This type of coating consists of an aluminum frame and an anti-slip part. The rigid frame is mounted in the steps during the process of cladding the stairs. This anti-slip method is reliable in conditions of frequent winter cycles and heavy foot traffic. In addition, this method is quite convenient to use: as the anti-slip part wears out, it can be replaced with a new tape.
3. Overlay anti-slip profiles for steps
The design of overlay profiles is similar to the constituent elements of embedded profiles: a rigid aluminum frame and a flexible anti-slip rubber strip. The main difference between this type of profile and mortgages is that they can be installed on existing staircase cladding. The aluminum frame is attached to the required site using dowel nails. Such fastening provides greater reliability of the anti-slip structure than self-adhesive tapes.