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Death in a car accident dream book. Car accident according to the dream book

A car accident in a dream is a sign that you are rushing through life too quickly; you should slow down a little. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid troubles both in your personal life and in other areas. But this is far from the only interpretation of the dream. Do you want to know exactly why you dream of getting into a car accident? Remember all the details of the dream you saw and refer to the dream book for their interpretation.

Towards difficulties

Are you wondering why you might dream that you were in an accident in someone else’s car? So, if you acted as a passenger, then you should take a closer look at the driver’s personality. According to the dream book, it will bring you many problems and troubles in real life.

Did you happen to see an accident in a dream that happened to another person? You will be able to deal with all the difficulties in life quite easily. They won't cause you significant damage.

Did you happen to drive someone else’s car and get into an accident? The dream book is sure that circumstances will soon force you to change your place of work.

If in a dream you often get into a car accident, then according to the dream books, financial difficulties await you in reality. There is a possibility that you will be fired from your job or go into debt.

Light in the tunnel

The interpretation of what it means to dream of getting into an accident and surviving is quite favorable. In fact, you can find a way out of this situation.

In addition, if in a dream you happen to be involved in a serious accident and survive, then in everyday life you should not rely on the opinions of others. Make all decisions yourself. Only in this case will you be able to realize your plans.

Did you have to be in an accident in a dream and survive? According to the dream book, everything in your life will turn out well. The prediction is especially relevant for those looking for work. Surely your interview will be successful, and you will be able to find a job to your liking. For businessmen, such a dream foreshadows the conclusion of successful contracts. If you do not fit into any of the specified categories, then in reality you can count on at least a salary increase.

Have you ever been the victim of an accident while traveling by bus? In reality, your life will change dramatically. Often, a bus accident foreshadows the collapse of all plans. Which, however, will lead you to the right path.

Car color

The interpretation of what you see depends, first of all, on the color of the car that was involved in the accident. So, if the car was

  • white color, it means that in life you are too biased towards others, which leads to various conflicts and quarrels;
  • black, then, according to the dream book, enemies want to make money at your expense;
  • red shades - problems with your partner will appear in your personal life;
  • blue - expect problems and troubles in business or current affairs;
  • yellow color means that in reality you are overly emotional, you should approach life more simply.

Miller's opinion

If you had a car accident in a dream, then, as Miller believes, you should prepare for unforeseen circumstances in life in order to withstand them.

Other interpretations of sleep

Are you wondering why you dream of seeing several cars crash at once from the side? If you keep your finger on the pulse and instantly respond to everything that life throws at you, you will be able to achieve all your goals.

Freud's dream book believes that if you become a participant in a car collision, then in reality you will experience bright and passionate love, which, however, like a match, will go out very quickly.

Have you ever been in a car accident? In reality, you should be wary of scammers and be careful in everything related to money matters.

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After some particularly vivid dreams, you always want to find out what they mean. And if you dreamed of a car accident, then terrible thoughts and suspicions immediately creep in; this could be a bad sign. So what does an accident in a dream mean? Let's try to figure it out.

What color was the car?

For a more detailed interpretation of the dream, you need to try to remember the color of the car. Different colors carry different meanings for dream interpretation.

  • Blue - the inevitability of a particular situation;
  • Black - envy;
  • Yellow - some kind of intrigue, or an unexpected turn in your life;
  • Blue is a harbinger of meeting some significant person in society;
  • Red - strong passion and love;
  • White - circumstances will develop in an unexpected way;
  • Gray - it will not be possible to avoid this omen.

Who had a similar dream about an accident?

For a young girl, such a dream may mean that in the near future she will meet an unpleasant young man who will create a scandal and significantly damage the dreamer’s reputation.

For a married man to see an accident in a dream and witness it without being directly involved in the accident, this is an omen of problems for his close friend.

These troubles may take the form of problems in your marriage or at work.

After such a dream, an adult, accomplished woman should think about her health and the health of her loved ones. In addition, she should beware of uncomfortable statements in the company of her family and monitor her behavior, otherwise this could lead to problems in relations between relatives.

Accident with casualties

If you definitely saw victims in a car accident, it has its own special meaning. You need to remember exactly who you were in your dream:

  • If the dreamer himself became one of the victims of an accident, this is a sure sign that you should worry about your health and avoid stress and conflict situations at work;
  • If in a dream a person himself hit pedestrians and caused an accident, this means that they are trying to denigrate you, and in the near future you will have to defend your good name. In addition, this means that you will successfully deal with this problem.

Car accident in a dream, what different dream books say about it

To interpret your dream as correctly as possible, you must remember all its details. In one of the following dream books you will probably find the correct interpretation for yourself.

Freud's Dream Book

According to this dream book, getting into an accident in a dream foreshadows a stormy and passionate romance with a stranger. This person will be special and will give you strong affection.

This hobby will remain in your memory for many years, and warm and reverent feelings for this person will forever remain inside.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The interpretation from this dream book is not so rosy. According to him, an accident in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent separation from a loved one and complete disappointment in love.

This breakup will be quite unpleasant and will bring emptiness into your life.

Miller's Dream Book

If you look at what dreams of a car accident mean in this dream book, you should prepare for life’s difficulties. Remember whether you were involved in this accident or not. Those who were directly involved in the accident should prepare for unexpected turns of fate and inevitable problems with negative consequences.

If the dreamer managed to avoid a disaster, it means he will find the right solution to his problem and will be able to get away with it.

If in your dream you watched a collision of several cars, but you yourself acted solely as an observer, it means that all your plans are destined to come true.

Vanga's Dream Book

Reading this dream book, a car accident for the dreamer is a sign of surging passion. Another interpretation option is changes in life for the better, and an omen of an event that will change your life for the rest of your life.

  • For the direct participants in this car accident in a dream, the dream also does not bode well.
  • This is a sure sign of purchasing a new vehicle, or some kind of travel.

Women's dream book

If you decide to find out why you dream of getting into an accident, then be prepared for ruined plans and some unforeseen events in your life. If you see this accident, but are not involved in it yourself, your loved ones may be faced with some problems and difficulties.

  • There is another version of this dream, which is considered an unkind sign.
  • If during the accident you saw your deceased relatives in a dream, it is better to abandon your plans.
  • Cancel trips, especially long-distance ones, and try to stay home for a couple of days.

Esoteric dream book

It is considered a good sign to first walk along a certain road and then see a car accident on the same path. This means that all your plans will come true, and all problems will be successfully resolved.

If you dreamed of an accident, but you did not take part in it, you will definitely meet a new person (or an old friend) who will help you solve all existing problems.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Based on the interpretation in this dream book, a road accident is a harbinger of suicide, and a sign of the dreamer’s inclination towards it.

Having seen such a dream, you should be extremely careful, try to protect yourself from bad news and forget about all your problems for a while.

Gypsy dream book

This dream book suggests that deep inside you feel a strong sense of guilt. These may be old actions that many have already forgotten.

If you dreamed of an accident, perhaps you should apologize for the mistakes you made and try to correct them?

Ancient dream book of Zedkiel

According to this dream book, a traffic accident foreshadows difficult life turns. Initially, problems may overwhelm you, but you will successfully overcome all difficulties.

If you remember how the accident ended, the dream can be interpreted in more detail

Any detail of your dream can play a decisive role in the interpretation of the dream. Try to remember whether there were victims in this accident, and if so, how many. What injuries did people have? Who were you in the car with, or were you alone? For an approximate interpretation, you can start from the following values:

  1. If you are driving in a car with someone you know, he is driving. And at the same time, this person is also the culprit of the accident; you should avoid any contact with him. According to the interpretation, such a dream is considered a response from your subconscious. It says that this person carries a lot of negative energy, which over time can affect you. Such a person cannot be responsible for his actions; he is very eccentric and unreliable. If the communication continues, there is a high probability that this particular person will get you into trouble in the near future.
  2. When the dreamer sees himself driving a car, and he still managed to prevent an accident, this is a good sign. There is or will appear in your life a very difficult and, at first glance, insoluble situation that can also be avoided. In addition, this event can be the first step in creating your happiness in life.
  3. For those who witnessed an accident in a dream, but at the same time took absolutely no part in it, this is a cry of the subconscious. As a rule, such a vision is dreamed by people who are not used to relying on others and completely solve their problems themselves. If you have such a dream, you need to become more open; this is a signal from the subconscious that it’s time to start trusting people.
  4. If you were involved in a car accident in your dream and saw death, this is a bad omen. Life has prepared a whole obstacle course for you. This can be expressed in illness, quarrels with relatives, difficulties at work. After such a dream, you need to gather your courage and prepare for all difficulties.

An accident in a dream is most often a bad sign. Such a dream can prepare you for possible difficulties, and forewarned means forearmed. In addition, depending on the circumstances of the dream, such a vision may, on the contrary, be a good sign. That is why it is important to remember all the details of night vision and study in detail possible interpretations.

On other vehicles

Often accidents in dreams can occur in other vehicles. Depending on this, the interpretation of the dream may also change.

Public transport

If you dreamed of an accident on a bus, or any other public transport (trolleybus, minibus, tram), this may mean that on a subconscious level you are prone to suicide, and some of the events in the near future may push you to take decisive action in this regard direction. Try to avoid such situations and not be fooled by provocations.

  • In addition, an accident on public transport can mean serious changes in your life.
  • If in your dream you were inside a bus, this means that you are greatly accelerating events in real life. Such a dream is a clear sign that you need to stop.
  • Watching a public transport accident as a witness is a sign that now is not the best time to start some business, or make serious decisions in life.

Motorcycle accident

The motorcycle itself has an interpretation related to work. Based on this, you can consider a motorcycle accident as an omen of difficulties at work, conflict with colleagues or superiors. Another interpretation of a motorcycle accident is difficulties in family life, perhaps even a break with a loved one.

Having seen such a dream, you need to try to control yourself, not provoke scandals, and pacify your pride.

Dream Interpretation - train accident

This type of transport is very rare in dreams. When you dream of a train, this is a good sign; a dream with a train is associated with a person’s health and his path in life. The straight length of the train represents the length of your life. And if you saw an accident while sleeping, this may be a symbol of deteriorating health.

In addition, such a dream is often a sign of a financial crisis, and even the risk of becoming bankrupt. A train crash may indicate an imminent divorce from your spouse. And if the accident in your dream happened in the summer, you will soon have to move out of your house.

Airplane crash in a dream

This dream is best interpreted by Miller’s dream book. It clearly states that this dream should not be considered a sign of something bad and irreparable. A plane crash can most often mean that you have lost control over your life and now it is in complete chaos.

In addition, a plane crash in a dream can mean making mistakes that you can correct only after a certain period of time. Another interpretation of such a dream is difficulties in the work process, and some mistakes in important work.


Whatever the dream, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. Sometimes with dreams everything happens completely the opposite. Remember all the details of your dream and familiarize yourself with the possible interpretations of this vision. Perhaps something good is waiting for you.

Almost every dream book interprets a car accident involving a sleeping person as an unfavorable event, but you shouldn’t take the meaning of night vision literally either. Dreaming of a car accident does not mean that a person should under no circumstances get behind the wheel.

Almost every dream book interprets a car accident involving a sleeping person as an unfavorable event

First of all, a dream about a traffic incident is an eloquent indicator that the dreamer is in too much of a hurry. In your business you need to be slower and more calculating, and in your personal relationships you need to not take big steps. All decisions must be carefully considered and monitored. There is no need to allow impulsive purchases, transactions, or contracts. During this period, it is better to refrain from making any promises: it will be extremely difficult to fulfill them.

Why you dream of a car accident largely depends on where the person was at the moment when it happened. If at that time he was directly behind the wheel, then he should be as careful as possible in his work-related matters. It is necessary to try to remember who caused the traffic accident. It is possible that this is a familiar person who you should beware of in the near future, since otherwise claims and resentments may follow from this person. An accident in a dream that was avoided means that the dreamer will easily overcome impending troubles and problems.

Dreaming of a car accident does not mean that a person should under no circumstances get behind the wheel.

If you dreamed of a car accident involving many cars, then the person will witness a big scandal or quarrel. How much he will be involved in this process is shown in dreams by the degree of damage to the vehicle in which he was located. Direct participation in a traffic accident in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer will also be involved in a conflict and, perhaps, even find himself in the very center of it. But light dents on the body and sparks that barely reach those present symbolize that you should not worry about other people’s problems.

A person could only dream of the consequences of a car accident: broken cars, debris, an area surrounded by police, a fire. Such a dream means that the dreamer has a goal, but he is not the only one moving towards it. He can achieve excellent results and self-realization, but how quickly this happens will depend not only on his actions, but also on the actions of other people over whom the person has no influence, and perhaps is not even familiar with them yet. Rivalry, competition, and clashes of interests are inevitable. The strong flame of a burning car speaks of something missing, it does not give the dreamer peace, but such emotions are in vain: he will not be able to get everything back.

An accident between a car and a train symbolizes mistakes and shortcomings in human actions. It is necessary to reconsider your immediate plans and steps for their implementation. If you dream of a motorcycle or bicycle instead of a train, it means there is an unjustified risk. Having seen a friend as a victim in a dream, you should definitely contact him, find out how he is doing, perhaps he needs your help, but is embarrassed to ask for it. An accident with a family in a dream suggests that a person has been living on his own for a long time and needs to spend time together and have common leisure.

If you dreamed of a car accident involving many cars, then the person will witness a big scandal or quarrel

What car accidents mean in dreams may also depend on the color of the vehicle the dreamer himself was driving. A red car symbolizes passion, a yellow one foreshadows intrigue and gossip around the sleeping person, a silver one speaks of the inevitability of the influence of those events that, it seemed, would not affect the person. The incident with the black car means that someone is very jealous of the dreamer. If a person was driving a pink car and got into an accident, this means that all his hopes are false, and his dreams are not destined to come true in the near future. A collision with a blue or blue car warns of the possibility of a conflict with superiors or other high-ranking people. It is necessary to restrain emotions and not succumb to provocations.

A dream about a car accident can also serve as a signal that it’s time to take care of your physical health. You need to pay attention to your body, caring procedures, massage. Perhaps the sleeper has not relaxed in the company of relatives and friends for a long time - now is the right time for this. If possible, you need to go on at least a short-term vacation or take a long weekend: they will benefit the dreamer and give him time to put his affairs and thoughts in order.

Why do you dream about an accident (video)

Love interpretation of dreams

Often, night visions of car accidents have nothing to do with work or business. Such dreams are characterized by a large emotional outburst after awakening: the heart beats often, hands shake, tears flow involuntarily. There is no need to be afraid of such visions.

An accident in such dreams promises a quick meeting with a temperamental partner. The relationship promises to be passionate, but it can hardly be called romantic; you shouldn’t count on emotional intimacy. An extraordinary person will leave a bright mark on the heart for a long time, but, most likely, a long-term and trusting relationship will not work out. If you managed to save someone from a car accident, this may mean that the person will have a pleasant trip or journey in which he will have a great time with a new acquaintance or an existing partner, if he has one. Seeing your loved one in an accident promises a quick separation from him.

Direct participation in a traffic accident in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer will also be involved in a conflict and, perhaps, even find himself in the very center of it

An accident without casualties suggests that in love the dreamer is very demanding, selective, and sometimes even cold, which is why he cannot build long-term, strong relationships. It is worth reconsidering your feelings for a possible or existing partner.

An accident in such dreams promises a quick meeting with a temperamental partner. The relationship promises to be passionate, but it can hardly be called romantic; you shouldn’t count on emotional intimacy

A man who dreams of a collision with a woman is entering the brightest period in his personal relationships. A lady who crashes into a car with a male driver will soon meet a man who could cause her reputation to suffer if she behaves impulsively and rashly with him. An unmarried girl who collides with a large vehicle (truck or truck) in a dream will soon be able to change her status after a serious conversation with her partner, but it is also possible that she will remain alone.

Why do you dream about a car accident (video)

Negative dreams: how to identify and interpret them?

The most unpleasant sensations are left by dreams about car accidents, when a person collides with a crowd or knocks someone down. This means that in relationships he behaves selfishly, and he can be characterized as an unbalanced person. A pedestrian hit to death predicts separation from a loved one or divorce for those who are married.

When you dream of a car accident in a specific car that the dreamer owns, or the scene of the accident exactly corresponds to his standard route to work, to the store, or home, it makes sense to think about the direct meaning of such a dream. You should not drive over the speed limit or make dangerous maneuvers on the road. You should try to drive the car as carefully and vigilantly as possible if you are a driver. As a passenger, one should only get into those vehicles whose owners he trusts. It is not recommended to use taxi services in the near future. Travel should be replaced with walking, and planned road trips should be postponed to other dates. The more details in a dream exactly match real life, the more the dream resembles a prophetic one.

The main thing to remember is that no matter what night vision is, it is just one of many options for a person’s present or future. You should not concentrate on negative aspects, thereby involving them in your life. You need to take such dreams as a warning. They are like clues indicating what is worth paying closer attention to. Bad visions should be taken lightly, and good dreams should be brought into reality.

Attention, TODAY only!

Accident - A dream in which the key symbol is an accident can become prophetic in the literal sense. At the same time, it is not so important whether you drive what kind of vehicle or not. Another thing is important: how real the dream itself was and the feelings it caused you upon waking up. The details of the disaster are too clear or strong painful experiences may be evidence that you should be more careful over the next few days, of course, if the dream itself did not contain specific indications of dates or deadlines. Such indications can be in dreams in the form of clock readings, or dates on the calendar, or the number of identical objects that do not fit into the overall picture of the dream. In an allegorical sense, seeing an accident in a dream can mean disappointment, failure in business, or some other defeat. Car accident - If in a dream you are driving in a car that has an accident, then most likely you will be upset about an unsuccessful entertainment event. If in a dream you strangely managed to avoid an accident, then in real life you will probably also be able to avoid disappointments or clashes with your opponents. Accidents in a dream can warn of a possible threat to people dear to you. This symbol may indicate inability. To take possession and protect others, and sometimes it is literally a warning that should be heeded immediately. Déjà vu can be a powerful factor if an accident occurs on a road you usually drive on. In addition, do not forget about the need to be careful while driving; the indicated deja vu effect may indicate that, having lost vigilance when performing well-known and habitual actions, you can make an unforgivable mistake that will break all your future plans and make your goals unattainable; many dream books interpret such a dream.

Accident - An accident in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you were in a car accident, prepare for any unforeseen circumstances. Pay special attention to your health. If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor. If in a dream you only witnessed a disaster, then some unforeseen circumstances will occur, but will not cause you much harm? harm. Having seen only the consequences of the disaster, in reality try not to rely on others. Then everything you have planned will be completed on time. An accident may be dreamed of as a harbinger of a stormy, all-consuming passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You may have to experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss that will forever remain in your memory.

Accident - Did you have an accident? Be prepared for your plans to be disrupted by some unplanned event. If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to someone you know, but the event will also indirectly affect you. If you saw yourself in an accident in the same car (plane) with the deceased (relatives) - take this dream seriously and postpone future trips

An accident - an accident in a dream - means that in reality you are destined to plunge into passion for a very extraordinary, even unusual person. Passion will take you over, you will forget about everything in the world and feel unforgettable moments of real happiness and unearthly bliss. You will forever remember the days spent with this person as the happiest of your life.

Hello! On Christmas night, I had a dream where I saw both my husband (who is in another city) and my loved one with whom I was in a quarrel. I dreamed that I was in some kiosk trying to give a manicure (I am a master in a beauty salon) to a salesman and I can’t because some people always bother me. I see a lot of jewelry from them, but not gold jewelry, a lot of it is very beautiful, rings, earrings, chains, at that moment my husband comes up from behind (he unexpectedly arrived) with our mutual friend, and my loved one writes text messages to me, and I even see glimpses of him all the time, then I frantically try to get out of social networks so that my husband doesn’t see something there. Then we find ourselves in some kind of car with my husband and our friend, and we get into an accident, we flip over and in some strange way I overturned the car myself, we fly out of the car, she is thrown back onto the roadway, she falls on another car and crushes the top of it, no casualties, only the man in the other car has a little blood on the bow, and we are standing next to us and another person, a complete stranger, turns out to be with us, and it turns out he was the driver and he says it’s some kind of miracle, how is this possible. All this time, my loved one is trying to contact me via SMS messages, and the most interesting thing is that my husband had the same dream only before me! one to one! even where it happened and he also saw all the participants and this unfamiliar man. Even the turn was the same in his and my dream. To the right into the courtyards from the roadway. All one to one.

Hello! at first I dreamed that I was at a wedding... then I found myself at a stop in my hands with long ribbons in my hands. A black car drove by and suddenly I found myself in the subway... suddenly the train went off the rails and (as it seemed to me) rolled down a large and a long staircase. There was almost no one on the subway. I went down to the scene of the accident and saw a girl who was sitting on the seat. She had no legs from her knees! I was surprised... she didn’t even cry and you could see the pain from her lost limbs. Then I consoled her. Then I closed my eyes and began to pray... and mentally ask God why this girl is in such trouble! and when I opened my eyes, some notes flashed in front of me, I began to read them (I don’t remember what it was). I remember that my last question was from me. I asked what my husband’s last name would be... opening my eyes, I saw the last name... either Valikaev or Volkov... The inscription was fiery brown. I woke up. Thank you!

My name is Irina. please tell me why you dream about an accident? I dreamed this morning that my parents and my aunt were driving somewhere, when they were on a picnic and the car skidded in the parking lot and overturned onto the roof, everyone remained alive but with minor injuries, and my mother was unconscious. When I saw it, I ran to the meeting my friend, the daughter of the aunt who was also in the car, was running towards the overturned car and after me

My wife and daughter and I were getting ready to go somewhere, a yellow gazelle pulled up, we loaded our things and drove off, we drove through city streets and the whole way kept me in tension because the driver was distracted by the passenger’s conversations, I once told him to be careful on the road, suddenly he didn’t reacted then we left the city and moved along some forest road approaching a sharp turn to the left, I noticed that the driver was not looking at the road, I then shouted at him and here Mashia can’t handle it and turns over, how do I fly out of the car and my wife and daughter are there? I run there, I scream, I call them, they don’t answer, I start crying and shouting their names after I made out everything that was collapsing, I heard their voices and when I saw them, I rushed to them and was already crying with joy, I started hugging and kissing them, and my wife looked at me sternly and She said that it all happened because of me and if I had not interfered with the driver, then all this would not have happened and at that moment I woke up!

None of us are immune from unpleasant situations in real life, and an accident always entails more or less serious consequences, regardless of the culprit of the disaster. You should also take a car accident in a dream seriously. Why do you dream about such a situation? The interpretation of the dream book depends entirely on the details of the dream.

Loff's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of a dream with a car accident. This is a reflection of the inability to control the existing situation in reality. Because of irresponsibility, people close to you may suffer; you should radically reconsider your views on life and take control of your actions.

If in a dream you had a car accident, and death was its result, then this is worse than the prediction of the dream book. If you feel dead in a dream, then soon you will have to experience many unpleasant moments in reality, which will result in severe stress, as well as health problems.

Many dream books base their interpretations on how the accident in the dream ended. Indeed, in the embrace of a dream, a person may well feel both dead and miraculously survived. It is also advisable to remember whether the passengers were injured in the accident, and whether there were any at all.

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Through a dream about an accident and other dreams of a similar orientation, our fears of the unpredictable destruction of the well-being achieved in life are realized. It is also worth noting that accidents are often seen as a result of the law of the pendulum. As is known, if a pendulum deviates from equilibrium in one direction, then by inertia it will deviate in the opposite direction by exactly the same amount. This happens in life, the more you achieve, the more afraid you are of losing it. Each person has an individual feeling of critical thresholds of pendulum oscillation. Subconsciously, apocalyptic sentiments are growing as we wait for the moment when the pendulum begins to move in the opposite direction. Usually at this moment an accident, catastrophe, fire, flood, earthquake occurs in a dream - that is, dreams of an anti-creative nature.

If you dreamed of an accident, it means that in reality an unpleasant surprise may happen to you on the road. Seeing an accident in a dream from the outside means what unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations of change for the better.

To dream about an accident means that soon you will experience a violent, crushing passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always cherish this period of time in your memory.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about an accident in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream?

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see an Accident - A dream in which the key symbol is an accident can become prophetic in the literal sense. It is not so important whether you drive a vehicle yourself or not. Another thing is important: how real the dream itself was and what experiences it caused you upon awakening.

Too clear details of the disaster or strong painful experiences may be evidence that you should be more careful over the next few days, of course, if the dream itself did not contain specific indications of dates or deadlines. Such indications may be contained in dreams in the form of clock readings, or dates on the calendar, or the number of identical objects that do not fit into the overall picture of the dream. In an allegorical sense, seeing an accident in a dream can mean disappointment, failure in business, or some other defeat. Car accident - If in a dream you are driving in a car that suffers an accident, then most likely you will be upset about a failed entertainment event.

If you dreamed that you miraculously managed to avoid an accident, then probably in real life you will also be able to avoid disappointments or clashes with your opponents. Accidents in a dream can warn of a possible threat to people dear to you. This symbol may indicate inability. Take control of the situation and protect others, and sometimes this is a literal warning that should be heeded immediately. Déjà vu can be a powerful factor if an accident occurs on a road you usually drive on.

In addition, do not forget about the need to be careful while driving; the indicated deja vu effect may indicate that, having lost vigilance when performing well-known and habitual actions, you can make an unforgivable mistake that will break all your future plans and make your goals unattainable, this means a dream that you had, more details about why you dream about an Accident , see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do women dream about an accident?

If you saw an accident in a dream, you are experiencing anxiety, you are oppressed by heavy forebodings, or you are repenting of an action you have committed. If your friends die in an accident, this shows your underlying aggressive feelings towards them. Sometimes an accident is a prediction of danger, a call for attentiveness and caution; you are facing a difficult period of life

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream:

A dream in which you have an accident means that you will soon meet a person for whom you will experience an all-consuming passion. You will be attracted by his originality and originality, this connection will fill your life with unusual, vivid impressions and happiness, this is how the dream in which the Accident is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see an accident in a dream:

To dream of an accident means that in reality you are destined to plunge into the whirlpool of passion for a very extraordinary, even unusual person. Passion will take you over, you will forget about everything in the world and experience unforgettable moments of real happiness and unearthly bliss. You will forever remember the days spent with this person as the happiest of your life.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about an accident in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Accident - Did you have an accident? Be prepared for your plans to be disrupted by some unplanned event. If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but what happened will also indirectly affect you. If you saw yourself in an accident in the same car (plane) with the deceased (relatives), take this dream seriously and postpone upcoming trips

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about an accident according to the dream book?

An accident is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you were in a car accident, prepare for any unforeseen circumstances. Pay special attention to your health. You dreamed that you managed to avoid an accident - in life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor. If you dreamed that in a dream you only witnessed a disaster, then some unforeseen circumstances will occur, but will not cause you much harm. Having seen only the consequences of the disaster, in reality try not to rely on others. Then everything you have planned will be fulfilled on time. An accident can be dreamed of as a harbinger of a stormy, all-consuming passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. Perhaps you will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss that will forever remain in your memory.

Collision - A collision in a dream foreshadows a serious accident or accident in real life. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of disappointments and failures in business. A young woman who sees a collision in a dream will find it difficult to make a choice.

Spring Dream Interpreter

If you saw an accident in a dream, it means changes in your relationship with your spouse.

Plane crash - Definitely an unfavorable sign. A dream in which you get into a plane crash means that you should be prepared for any unforeseen situations. If you see the ruins of an airplane - do not rely on others, you are required to have maximum control over the situation

Roll over a car (accident, car). - to well-being on the road.

Collision (accident) - seeing a train collision means a broken family life.

To break yourself to your zeal in some matter.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Roll over a car (accident). - You will experience unusual feelings.

Train collision (derailment, accident). - To the enmity of two strong people.

To break - To chagrin

If you saw an accident in a dream, it means the collapse of all hopes and aspirations; this is an interpretation of what an accident means in a dream.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

To be broken - To be seriously disappointed in those whom you have always cared for and loved.

Train collision - To a criminal case.