home · Tool · Perform an act of defecation. How to perform the act of defecation correctly. When should I see a doctor?

Perform an act of defecation. How to perform the act of defecation correctly. When should I see a doctor?

  • and. lat. the first purification of raw beet juice with lime, in a defecation boiler, when cooking sugar. Defect m. incompleteness, incomplete, with a flaw, with damage, with loss; a book in which part or leaves are missing; Morsk. inventory of ship damage; inventory is missing
  • Dictionary of medical terms

    defecation (defaecatio; lat. “cleansing”, from de- + faex, faecis sediment, thick)

    complex reflex act of removing feces from the intestines through the anus.

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


    and. lat. the first purification of raw beet juice with lime, in a defecation boiler, when cooking sugar. Defect m. incompleteness, incomplete, with a flaw, with damage, with loss;

    a book in which part or leaves are missing;

    Morsk. inventory of ship damage; an inventory of its shortcomings, etc. Defective, defective; incomplete; related to the defect. Shortage of m. trade. a lack of cash against an account, or in receipts against expenses.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    DEFECATION (from Latin defaecatio - cleansing) reflex removal from the digestive tract of food residues not absorbed by the body; in mammals and humans - emptying the rectum of feces. The center of the defecation reflex is in the lumbar part of the spinal cord.


    Defecation(; synonyms: emptying the rectum, chair, defecation) - the process of the body excreting feces from the digestive tract (in humans, from the rectum) through the anus.

    A person normally has bowel movements about once a day or less often (constipation), this is usually accompanied by a change in the physical properties of the stool. Frequent stools usually have a thinner consistency (diarrhea), even watery. When stool is retained, the feces become too rough and hard and can injure the mucous membrane. Cases of intestinal rupture due to hard fecal stones have been described, leading to peritonitis and resulting in death. As a rule, a violation of the frequency of bowel movements is a symptom of a disease and requires consultation with a doctor (gastroenterologist, proctologist or surgeon). Involuntary bowel movements sometimes occur during childbirth.

    Examples of the use of the word defecation in literature.

    In children, prolapse often disappears by the age of 7-8 years, if the child is freed from straining while defecation.

    How many newborns, and this is a special category, are killed by their mothers immediately after birth, intentionally or through negligence, since the babies were crushed by a pillow, or those who fall into the sewer pit, since the mother in labor, feeling an effort, thought that it was the urge to defecation, having done this due to his inexperience or mental retardation, or while under the influence of a drug when labor began, each of these options having further subdivisions.

    After eating, belching, nausea, pain in the navel, colic, rumbling in the stomach, urge to defecation, weakness.

    It contains a standard fourteen-day breathing air regeneration apparatus; you have to eat in it through a special tube, and the processes of urination and defecation associated with even greater difficulties.

    In any case, if you have persistent constipation, defecation Only after using enemas and laxatives should you contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination.

    Burning after defecation, decreases with warm lotions, increases with washing with cool water.

    At first, the intestines are in an excited state, which after some time is replaced by a complete absence of the urge to defecation and accumulation of feces in the rectum.

    Constipation with large amounts of hard, lumpy stool, defecation difficult, accompanied by severe pain due to rawness and cracks in the anus.

    One of them, with a lot of antics, refused sweets, verbosely and confidentially telling other, very interested ladies that her doctor had forbidden her sweets, and her doctor was wonderful: in Toulouse and other cities he miraculously cured many of constipation and promises, among other things, cure her from more than ten years of difficulties with defecation a special regime and a miraculous medicine known only to him.

    Severe weakness, weakness in the morning, during menstruation, after exertion, after eating, when sweating, after defecation, from walking in the fresh air.

    Its tone is impaired, the patient cannot push during defecation, and the rectum is in such a paretic state that it may remain full and distended, with enormous quantities of faecal matter, and yet, although the stool is soft, there is constipation.

    When the fundus of the uterus is curved towards the rectum, there is a feeling as if the rectum is full of fecal matter, which results in the urge to urinate. defecation, the patient sits and strains, and the tenesmus in the bladder and rectum becomes unbearable.

    This remedy is useful for elderly patients who chronically suffer from this disease, those who suffer from constipation, who do not have a bowel movement for several days, but feel every urge to defecation, sometimes several times a day, but only a small amount of gas is released.

    Main complaints: pain in the abdomen, often in the lower part or in the left half, paroxysmal or constant, sometimes intensifies after eating and weakens after intercourse defecation.

    General weakness is sometimes so strong that the patient cannot get out of bed, despite the constant urge to defecation.

    Health is healthy daily actions. Such as defecation (defecation). It would seem that what could be easier than going to the toilet? However, the vast majority of us go to the toilet not quite correctly. With the advent of running water in the 19th century, we also found the joy of sitting on a toilet seat. However, along with convenience, we have lost the ability to properly dispose of our waste products. What's wrong and how to fix it?

    The modern toilet is extremely unnatural for defecation. Sitting on the toilet (indicated in the pictures sitting, and squatting - squatting), you place the intestines under difficult angle, but also immobilize some of the pelvic muscles (puborectalis), which are needed to participate in the process. This anorectal angle increases intestinal pressure and intra-abdominal pressure (risk of hernias!), which is a risk factor for the development of many diseases. Increased pressure can contribute to disruption of the ileocecal valve and the reflux of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine.

    So, a regular toilet:

    1. Slows down the bowel movement process and makes it less effective

    2. Increases intestinal pressure and intra-abdominal pressure

    Sitting on a modern toilet puts you at risk of developing hemorrhoids and diverticular disease, which affects about 10% of the adult population, an age-related change that largely originated in parts of the world where sit-down toilets are used. Add to this the popularity of tall toilets, and your problems get worse.

    It is the posture of defecation that is one of the causes of hemorrhoids, hernia, diverticulosis and other unpleasant changes in the body, including intestinal obstruction.

    Fecal retention is a key factor in the development of colorectal cancer, appendicitis, and inflammatory bowel disease (including irritable bowel syndrome). Normal bowel movements keep neighboring organs healthy: the prostate, bladder and urethra. Unhealthy posture can impair the functioning of the pelvic floor muscles and urogenital diaphragm.

    Squatting defecation.

    There is a special muscle in the pelvis that compresses the rectum when a person stands upright. Therefore, it is impossible to void while standing. If you sit upright, the muscle relaxes by half. If you squat down to the ground, the muscle completely relaxes and the rectum aligns.

    Floor standing toilet.

    Floor-standing toilet, "Genoa" bowl, Turkish toilet - a toilet that requires squatting when using it. There are different types of floor standing toilets, but they are all essentially a hole in the floor. Floor-standing toilets are common in Asian countries, especially China and Japan, also in Islamic countries and in many public toilets in the countries of the former USSR.

    The advantages are the simplicity and reliability of the design, as well as hygiene - when using it, the toilet visitor does not need to touch the toilet with anything other than the soles of his shoes. The main disadvantage is the need to squat, which requires some coordination and balancing.

    Defecation in a "half-squat" position.

    If you sit on the toilet, then your legs should be pulled up so that the angle between the torso and hips is about 30 degrees. You can stand with your feet on the toilet, which is convenient for emptying, but dangerous because you can fall. Placing your feet on the bench when sitting on the toilet is a good suggestion. The American company "Squatty Potty" has even launched the production of special footrests that fit perfectly onto toilets. But these are easy to do yourself.

    Psychology of healthy bowel movements.

    For normal healthy bowel movements you need to do three things: go to the toilet, relax your sphincter and feel the process of bowel movement itself. Anything beyond these three functions is unnecessary, pathological and leads to a large number of complications and difficulties. Keep these three points in mind at all times and learn to understand and manage them. Contrast these three healthy functions with the entire previous pathological procedure! Learn to sit quietly and enjoy yourself. If a person is healthy, he enjoys the act of defecation.

    The main condition for healthy bowel movement is to limit yourself to only those trips to the restroom that were caused by the urge to defecate, and not by the desire to overcome constipation. Going to the restroom does not require any conscious effort if you are suffering from diarrhea. On the contrary, your efforts will be aimed only at holding your chair until you find yourself in the toilet. The urge takes you to the proper place. How different this attitude is from the attitude of someone suffering from constipation! He does not feel any urge, but goes to the toilet under duress.

    Once you understand that constipation is an unconscious reluctance to part with feces, half the battle is already done, although most people find it very difficult to come to terms with this fact. But if you “suffer” from constipation, it will be impossible to cure until you take responsibility for holding back your feces yourself, not “giving the feces a pass.”

    Muscle compression is a factor of suppression: we hold back, squeeze those sensations, feelings or emotions that we do not want to let go. The basis of all restraint is the renunciation of excretions as a result of learning to be neat. This gives rise to the idea that self-control is identical to repression. Psychoanalysis, in accordance with its main interest in repressions, considers constipation as the main resistance. A large number of clamps, both mental and physiological, correlate with rigid constipation of the sphincters that close the muscles of the anus. Exercises to focus and relax the conscious control of the muscles will help heal anal disturbances and inhibitions.

    If you have never had urges or are suffering from one of the unpleasant consequences of chronic constipation - hemorrhoids - what steps can you take?

    Hemorrhoids are a wonderful example of the result of denial (violence) of denial (constipation). In the following figures, C denotes the closing muscles, sphincters, M - the inner surface, the membrane of the rectum.

    In Fig. 1 sphincter is relaxed and feces come out without undue resistance. In the following figure, the sphincter is constantly tense (constipation), and in fig. 3 feces are forcefully pushed out against the resistance of the sphincters. The inner membrane is pushed out along with them. As a result, hemorrhoids and even ruptures of the rectum are formed.

    Defecation and Mindfulness

    Exercises in correct concentration (attention practices), which are aimed at controlling clamps and relaxations, are the only way to improve psychogenic hemorrhoids. Thanks to these exercises, in a number of cases there was a significant improvement or, at least, the further development of the disease was stopped. But exercise is important for a lot of constipation, not just those cases where hemorrhoids develop.

    The first thing you should do while sitting on the toilet is to become aware of your avoidance of bowel movements, such as reading or mind-wandering, or thinking about the future. You must focus on what is happening at this very moment. Any look ahead, such as “I want to get out of here soon”, “how long will it take today”, “how much of me will come out today” - anticipation of any kind must be recognized and you must return to what you are experiencing at the moment moment in the sensorimotor system. Become aware that you are pushing or pushing and try to let go of both. See what happens if you don't push. It may be nothing, but you may have a wonderful insight: the fact that you are just fooling around, that you are pretending, that you are sitting on the toilet without any real urge or intention to defecate.

    In this case, it is better to get up and wait until a real internal urge arises. If you don't want to do this, focus on resistance: find out how you produce constipation, how you tighten your sphincter muscles, and how, thanks to this, you retain the contents of your intestines. Learn to feel the resisting muscles and tense them voluntarily. You will soon get tired and then you will relax the sphincter muscles and release the clamp naturally. Try isolating tense muscles from their surroundings; randomly voluntarily focusing on the entire lower region will not establish conscious anal control. When you learn to isolate and control your sphincters consciously, you will be able to tense and relax them at will.

    Anal sensations are significantly less intense than genital ones. Although their dysfunction does not produce very noticeable symptoms, they are responsible for a number of neurotic disorders. Anal numbness is part of a vicious cycle. Accustoming yourself to neatness, lacking the courage to go to the toilet when you want to, makes you avoid the acute feeling of urge. Decreased feeling increases the risk of being suddenly struck by an urgent urge, mainly in a situation of excitement, so the bowel is completely clamped by rigid control. In some cases, the numbness is so complete that people completely forget what the urge to defecate feels like.

    An important condition is to properly feel the process of defecation, the contact between feces and the anus. In our concentration exercises, therefore, I have emphasized the extreme importance of anal concentration, but this is not easy, since the numbness in many people reaches such a degree that they feel nothing at all.

    When you realize that you feel nothing, try again and again to penetrate behind the covers, the numbness, the cottony feelings, or other resistance that you create between your “mind” and “body”. Once you are able to make mental contact, you can continue it like any concentration exercise: watch the development of basic sensations, such as itching or warmth, that want to come out, and you notice that you are closing them down again.

    Then comes the most important moment: you need to feel the functioning of defecation, feel the passage of feces and their contact with the passage. Once this feeling is established, the vicious circle is broken.

    Healthy bowel movements: newants.

    1. It’s better to get up. Ideally, it is better to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. And if this is not possible, then use toilet paper carefully: do not rub, but blot.

    2. Diet and water. For healthy bowel movements, it is important to eat more vegetables and fruits and greens. They contain a lot of fiber, which normalizes digestion. It is also necessary to drink enough fluids.

    In general, toilets have a long history and are being actively studied in some countries. For example, Japan. Scientific conferences on toilet topics are held throughout Japan every year. In 1985, the Japanese Toilet Society was created, which annually began to hold a competition to determine the best public toilets. The criteria include the absence of unpleasant odors, cleanliness, design, building construction, customer reviews and even the name. Five latrines (the oldest dating back to the 14th century) have been declared important cultural properties in Japan; There is a Toilet History Museum in Tokyo.

    South Korea also has a toilet museum. “Here you can immerse yourself in reflection and think about life.” This is exactly what the elderly innovative mayor said at a meeting of the World Toilet Association, which, by the way, was founded by him in 2007. This once again confirms that Mr. Toilet received his nickname well deservedly and for good reason. It was he who in the 1980s years of the last century, initiated a campaign to improve the conditions of public amenities. According to the innovative mayor, the toilet is not just a place to relieve known needs. It also relieves people from various diseases, so it is important to keep the restroom perfectly clean. The toilet is also a place where some people relax and unwind.

    Poop to your health!


    Frederick Perls. Ego, hunger and aggression

    Due to anatomical features, the human body gets rid of processed food through the anus. In medicine, this phenomenon is called the act of defecation.

    In a healthy body, this process is carried out once a day. How often you go to the toilet affects stool consistency. The less often a person empties the rectum, the harder the stool.

    The process of waste elimination is controlled by the central nervous system. When feces move from the sigmoid region into the ampulla of the rectum, a person feels the urge to empty it. He can control this process starting from 1.5 years.

    Stool disorders and their causes

    In medicine, cases have been recorded when the intestinal mucosa was damaged under the influence of its contents. The person was diagnosed with peritonitis, which was fatal.

    Many disorders are the result of serious pathologies. Any disease requires the attention of an experienced doctor. After a medical examination and based on test results, he will make an accurate diagnosis.

    Provoking factors:

    • diseases of a gastroenterological and proctological nature;
    • the development of inflammatory and ulcerative processes affecting the stomach, intestines, liver and bile ducts;
    • intestinal infection, helminths;
    • hemorrhoids or anal fissures;
    • paraproctitis;
    • colon prolapse;
    • chronic pathological processes in the stomach and intestines.

    The development of malignant cells can cause pain and difficulty in excreting feces. Persistent constipation, when a person cannot go to the toilet for a long time, is caused by diseases of a psychoneurological or vertebroneurological nature.

    Against the background of developing pathological processes, muscle tone and intestinal motility are disrupted. Problems in the functioning of the neural conduction system are diagnosed.

    Causes of diarrhea

    In most cases, problems with bowel movements occur due to poor nutrition. But the constant nature of the disturbances indicates the development of a serious pathology. The main causes of diarrhea are:

    1. Infection in the intestines. Food poisoning or salmonellosis, cholera.
    2. Autoimmune pathologies of the digestive system.
    3. Cancerous tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.
    4. Pancreatitis in the chronic stage. The pathology is accompanied by insufficient production of enzymes that are necessary for the proper digestive process.

    Irritable bowel syndrome may be the cause of abnormal bowel movements. The nervous regulation of the digestive organs is disrupted.

    Causes of constipation

    Rare bowel movements are observed after eating foods with large amounts of fats and refined sugar.

    The diet should contain vegetables and fruits with fiber of plant origin. They facilitate the movement of food through the stomach and intestines. Thanks to them, feces are formed.

    Other causes of infrequent bowel movements:

    1. Low fluid consumption.
    2. Irritable bowel syndrome. During spasms of its walls, the movement of feces slows down. This is how a person develops constipation.
    3. Rarely visiting the toilet. Many people ignore the urge to defecate when they are busy at work or avoid going to the public toilet. After a while they become constipated.
    4. Laxatives in large quantities. When the intestines become accustomed to medications, their walls stop contracting, leading to constipation.
    5. Disturbed hormonal levels. For example, problems with the thyroid gland. A decrease in the production of its hormones leads to the development of hypothyroidism. When hormonal imbalances occur, people diagnosed with diabetes and pregnant women suffer from constipation.
    6. Pathologies associated with the functioning of the nervous system. This also applies to the spinal cord and its damage. Patients with multiple sclerosis, malignant neoplasms, and after stroke attacks complain of constipation.
    7. Diseases that disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. We are talking about stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic pancreatitis.
    8. Vascular atherosclerosis. Pathological processes disrupt the functioning of the circulatory system in the intestinal area. Its peristalsis and movement of contents slows down.
    9. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures. Defecation is disrupted and spasm of the rectal sphincter occurs.

    Problems with bowel movements occur due to mechanical obstructions. There may be tumors, adhesions or scars in the lumen of the colon.

    Defecation standards

    The frequency of stool should be at least 1 time per day. Experts warn their patients that a delay of 32 hours indicates the development of constipation.

    In many ways, defecation depends on a person’s lifestyle. 70% of the population visit the toilet and have bowel movements every day, 25% of them remove feces from the intestines several times a day. There is a category of people (5%) who have stool less than once a day.

    Normally, the process of bowel movements in adults and children is observed from 3 times per day to 1 time over two days. With regular disruption of normal bowel movements, constipation develops.

    During the process of cleansing the intestines, a person strains. This is a normal phenomenon if it takes up no more than 20% of the total time of excretion of feces. If straining requires strong tension of the abdominal muscles or additional stimulation of the anus, this indicates the development of constipation.

    One of the indicators of rare bowel movements in a child or adult is hard stool. The main cause of violations is low fluid content in the human body.

    Normally, water makes up up to 70% of feces. The remaining percentage comes from processed food, dead intestinal cells and dead pathogens.

    In many ways, the act of defecation depends on a person’s nutrition. The color of the colon contents should be brown. A dark shade indicates a disturbance in the digestive process or the development of constipation. Light-colored feces are a consequence of increased contraction of the intestinal walls.

    As for the appearance of feces, a cylindrical shape is considered normal. The smell is pronounced, but not pungent. It all depends on the composition of the foods eaten, as well as the processes of rotting and fermentation.

    Often the excretion of feces is accompanied by gases. It is a natural byproduct of the fermentation and digestion process of food..

    Bowel movements are affected by diet, the quality and quantity of food, and how regularly a person eats.

    When the first signs of a disorder appear, you cannot postpone a visit to a specialist. It is necessary to undergo a full medical examination and treatment to prevent the development of the consequences of constipation and complications.

    Section materials

    The appearance of any inclusions in the stool is almost always a symptom of a pathology of the digestive system. Diarrhea with blood signals possible problems with the intestines, hemorrhoids, and cancer. In each specific case, it is necessary to look for the cause of this condition. Such selections cannot be ignored.

    Diarrhea in a nursing mother is a fairly common occurrence, since there are many reasons for its occurrence. Intestinal upset may not be long-lasting and may pass quickly. Sometimes the problem is considered a sign of a dangerous disease that provokes the development of severe complications.

    Diarrhea after removal of the gallbladder is observed in all patients postoperatively. The cause is liver secretion, which directly enters the intestines. It will take time to restore the body and normalize stool in the new conditions.

    Diarrhea can cause a lot of discomfort. Often its appearance is due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea with mucus may indicate the development of a serious illness. Even if such symptoms are noted once, it is necessary to determine the reasons for its occurrence and take measures aimed at eliminating the problem.

    There are a huge number of folk remedies that help get rid of diarrhea. Vodka with salt is often used. Thanks to its use, it is possible to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is not to abuse the unusual medicine and prepare the remedy strictly according to certain rules.

    Gastrointestinal disturbances and diarrhea are a common problem that both adults and children have to face. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, medications are often used. Traditional medicine recipes will also help. Rice water is effective against diarrhea. It can be used by people of all ages. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules.

    Yellow diarrhea in a child is a sign of the development of a disease in the intestines. Diarrhea can be caused by improper digestion of food, poisoning, or taking medications. Loose stools in children require immediate treatment.

    The appearance of diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy is a problem that almost all women face. There are several reasons for the problem: from a viral infection to poisoning with dangerous chemicals. While expecting a baby, diarrhea contributes to disruption of water-salt metabolism, which is dangerous for the developing fetus.

    Antibiotics are potent, broad-spectrum drugs that are used to treat bacterial infections. They inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora, but also affect beneficial microorganisms that help the digestion process in the intestines. Therefore, patients often experience diarrhea after taking antibiotics.

    Diarrhea is an unpleasant condition that anyone can encounter at any time. Diarrhea poses a serious danger to the human body, as it can cause severe dehydration, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and a number of other problems.

    When diarrhea becomes prolonged and folk remedies are no longer able to stop loose stools, drastic measures have to be sought. In severe forms, it is difficult to do without antibiotics. For some patients, doctors prescribe Levomycetin for diarrhea, the use of which has its own characteristics.

    Intestinal upset, manifested by diarrhea, is very dangerous for a small child because it can cause severe dehydration. Using rice water for diarrhea in a child can quickly relieve frequent and loose bowel movements and thereby restore water and salt balance. And for the product to be beneficial, it must be prepared and drunk correctly.

    Almost everyone experiences such an unpleasant symptom as diarrhea (diarrhea). If it is not burdened by severe pain, vomiting and other aggravating factors, ways to independently get rid of the problem are allowed. You can buy anti-diarrhea tablets at any pharmacy.

    The intestines contain opportunistic microorganisms and lactobacilli, which form natural microflora. If the balance is disturbed, diarrhea occurs. In case of diarrhea, it is recommended to identify the cause of the condition, and only then begin therapy. One of the drugs chosen for treatment is Linex.

    Potassium permanganate for diarrhea is used at home as an antiseptic. The cause of indigestion is poisoning, viral infections, and stress. Potassium permanganate copes with the causative agent of diarrhea and acts as a sorbent.

    Diarrhea (as doctors officially call diarrhea) is a protective manifestation of the body against poisoning and severe digestive upset as a result of certain abnormalities. In mild forms, everything gets better in a couple of days. However, in older people and young children (especially infants), diarrhea can become prolonged and lead to serious consequences. Along with medicinal medications, chamomile will help with diarrhea.

    Diarrhea in the morning happens quite often. Sometimes people do not even realize that it can be caused by serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and perceive diarrhea as a common occurrence. However, the cause of morning indigestion may be a medical condition that requires immediate treatment.

    In the absence of pathological processes, the intestinal lumen of a healthy person contains a large number of bacteria. They provide normal microflora involved in the process of food digestion, and also provide the body with important microelements and vitamins. Some bacteria are considered completely harmless, while others are considered opportunistic.

    A change in the color of human feces serves as a kind of indicator of health, but the reasons for such changes are not always associated with pathological conditions or diseases. Black stool can indicate the presence of bleeding and can be completely harmless when consuming certain foods or medications.

    The color and consistency of a child's stool can be used to judge the state of his health. For example, liquid foamy discharge indicates an intestinal or viral infection. Steatorrhea in a child is manifested by the release of excess fat along with feces. The pathology can occur in newborns and older children. This condition requires special attention from parents and the attending physician.

    Oncological diseases cause a lot of suffering to the patient. The treatment is complex, lengthy and painful. Many people experience diarrhea after chemotherapy. Frequent loose stools cause dehydration. Nutrients, vitamins and microelements are washed out along with water, which negatively affects the patient.

    Diarrhea occurs for various reasons, and one of them is the treatment of diseases with potent bacteriostatic drugs. The list of side complications when taking these medications also includes diarrhea after antibiotics in a child. This reaction does not occur in all children, but it seriously complicates the therapy.

    Simultaneous belching and diarrhea indicate disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Often, such changes signal the development of serious diseases, so it is important to promptly identify the cause of unpleasant symptoms and begin treatment immediately.

    Situations when light-colored feces appear in an adult do not always indicate the development of any pathological process. Often the causes may include changes in diet or the use of certain medications. Despite this, if appropriate clinical symptoms occur, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

    Diarrhea in an adult can develop for various reasons. Regardless of the factor that provoked this condition, loose stools must be eliminated as soon as possible to avoid complications. During this period, a diet for diarrhea is mandatory. It’s worth figuring out what you can eat during this period and what foods you should avoid.

    Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease and is often accompanied by the development of secondary pathologies affecting various systems of the human body. Therefore, when asked whether patients can have diarrhea with this condition, most experts confidently say yes.

    Doctors call diarrhea after eating functional diarrhea. This is a fairly common phenomenon that significantly affects the quality of life. Such changes can be provoked by both unfavorable factors and serious pathologies. It is extremely important to promptly identify the cause of such symptoms in order to eliminate the problem and avoid the development of complications.

    The consistency and color of stool allows us to judge the state of the human body. In healthy people, stool is brown in color and has a uniform structure. Bile in the stool gives it a yellow tint, and this condition is considered a pathology.

    Diarrhea may appear suddenly. Taking medications without a doctor's prescription is not always justified or safe. In this case, herbs will help against diarrhea. They are brewed and drunk like regular tea. This natural medicine has virtually no side effects, and the effect of its use is no less pronounced than that of medications.

    Starch in a child’s stool is a sign of a disease developing in the digestive system. The phenomenon is designated by the term “amilorrhea”. But a symptom does not always indicate a pathology. In some cases, this is a natural phenomenon that does not require therapeutic measures. When to sound the alarm, and in what cases there is no need to worry - more about this in the article.

    For diarrhea and systemic intestinal disorders, use foods that strengthen the stool. But for some categories of people suffering from constipation or intestinal obstruction, they are contraindicated. It is important for a person to know what foods affect his digestion and consume them taking into account the characteristics of the body.

    One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is irritable bowel syndrome. It can manifest itself as constipation and frequent changes in the consistency of stool. IBS with diarrhea is often observed. It is worth understanding why loose stools are observed and how to cope with the problem.

    Despite the fact that the digestive tract of an adult has the ability to adapt, it reacts to certain foods with diarrhea. Diarrhea is often observed after fatty foods. It is worth understanding the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to eliminate the problem.

    The composition of feces can determine a person's health status. It is important to take into account their consistency, smell and color. When black diarrhea appears and does not disappear for a long time, you need to seek help from a specialist who will determine the main cause of the pathology and select an effective treatment.

    Loose stools (diarrhea) are a common occurrence experienced by both adults and children. The reasons are different: from gastrointestinal diseases to conditions affecting the nervous system. Due to this, the treatment is also different. In the absence of fever, pain in the epigastric region, or impurities in the stool, you can limit yourself to folk remedies, for example, drinking regular tea. You can find out how to properly brew a remedy for diarrhea and drink the drink in this article.

    Greetings to all readers of my blog! Let me make a small theoretical digression towards intestinal physiology. I want to speculate a little. The human body is made up of many atoms that form molecules. In turn, molecules are part of high-molecular substances: proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, cellulose, minerals, and so on. High molecular weight substances form the living cell of a human individual. At the same time, the atoms […]

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    Greetings! It's just hemorrhoids, so what? Are there possible consequences if it is not treated? Do hemorrhoids need to be treated? Anyone can have this question. Let's take a closer look at the possible consequences of our inaction when hemorrhoids occur. As we already know, external hemorrhoids can cause some degree of discomfort, pain, itching, as well as possible bleeding […]

    Good day, dear readers of my blog! The causes of pain in the anus must be urgently determined, since the correctness and effectiveness of pain treatment depends on this. Pain in the anus is a completely new sensation for us and, as a result, anal pain can cause a lot of worries. What kind of pain occurs in the anus? Acute pain that occurs during [...]

    Good afternoon, my readers! For patients with hemorrhoids, it is especially important to maintain an active lifestyle, perform various exercises, exercise and sports. However, if you are overtaken by an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the question immediately arises: what exercises can be performed, and which ones can lead to a worsening of the condition of the rectum? In such a situation, it is important to understand a simple thing: squeezing […]

    Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Having suffered from hemorrhoids, many understand the need to change their lifestyle and the importance of physical activity to restore health. One of the options for maintaining an active lifestyle is cycling. And here the question immediately becomes relevant: will cycling aggravate the condition of your rectum, will it worsen hemorrhoids? To answer this question you need [...]

    Hello. A diet for hemorrhoids will help normalize digestive processes and get rid of hemorrhoids. When hemorrhoids occur, it is especially important to normalize stool, avoid constipation and diarrhea, and establish proper nutrition. In the absence of intestinal diseases, this is easy to do by following simple rules. Below are the recommended uniform recommendations for proper nutrition for the prevention and healing of hemorrhoids: It is advisable to accustom yourself to constant nutrition […]

    However, you won’t find information about proper bowel movements anywhere.

    No doctor will tell you how to properly empty your bowels.

    Although I think that this should be taught in childhood at school.

    In this article, I want to provide my understanding of the concept of proper bowel movement. U know the five components of proper bowel movement and learn how to perform a bowel movement without pain and unnecessary problems

    By not emptying your bowels correctly, you put yourself at risk for a variety of rectal diseases. Improper defecation is one of the main causes of the occurrence and exacerbation of hemorrhoids, as well as anal fissures.

    Only by learning how to properly empty your bowels can you get rid of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

    Correct defecation (emptying) consists of several component rules:

    1. The duration of emptying is no more than one minute.

    2. Evacuation occurs without the help of any efforts.

    3. Single-cycle emptying.

    4. Defecation occurs without the feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

    5. Defecation does not end with compression of the anal sphincter.

    1. Duration of bowel movement

    The longer you sit on the toilet, the more blood rushes to the rectal area, the more the hemorrhoidal cones increase in volume, blocking the anal canal.

    Therefore, when you sit on the toilet for more than one minute, you can damage even soft stool, which leads to bleeding. And if, then you will damage your hemorrhoids in any case.

    Considering that you empty your bowels on average once a day, and the wounds on hemorrhoids need at least one week to heal, then you yourself will not allow your wounds to heal, constantly damaging them during bowel movements, which leads to regular bleeding.

    Feces, falling on the open wounds of hemorrhoidal cones, enter into chemical reactions with damaged cells, which causes,.

    Considering the above, it is extremely important for any patient with hemorrhoids, as well as a healthy person, to learn to spend no more than one minute on bowel movements.

    2. Pushing during bowel movements

    Many people empty their intestines with the help of pushing, tensing the abdominal muscles, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the outflow of blood from the rectum is disrupted, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoidal cones.

    Our doctors consider pushing during bowel movements a normal and necessary action. The conversation is only about the ratio of the duration of pushing to the total time of defecation.

    I believe that this opinion is fundamentally wrong. A person can and should empty their bowels without any effort with a completely relaxed sphincter, the work of which we can control.

    Otherwise, when pushing, I break the enlarged hemorrhoidal cones through the passage, which leads to their damage by feces and aggravation of hemorrhoids.

    3. Single-cycle emptying

    Single-stroke bowel movement is when all the stool is passed at one time without the feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Push-pull defecation - after the first portion of feces comes out, you have to wait for the second portion to arrive, as there is a feeling of incomplete emptying, and push to remove the remaining feces.

    A push-pull bowel movement is one that allows you to empty your bowels for a long time. When you squat, you will not be able to stand for a long time, and bowel movements will happen much faster.

    A person, using the toilet for defecation, gradually forgets how to carry out defecation one-step, provoking the occurrence of and.

    4. Feeling of incomplete emptying

    The feeling of incomplete emptying after the first portion of feces is released is just a false habit. We gradually trained our intestines to empty their bowels in a two-stroke or three-stroke manner.

    It is very important to accustom the intestines to single-stroke emptying, since only in this case you will not spend more than one minute on emptying. You will not provoke the appearance of such diseases as hemorrhoids in yourself.

    5. Squeezing the anus

    Many people have developed the bad habit of squeezing their anal sphincter after passing stool before using toilet paper. This habit is so strong that it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

    When you tighten your anal sphincter after defecation, you damage your hemorrhoids with stool residue. Therefore, this simply cannot be done.

    Here we need a special technique for leaving the toilet after a bowel movement, which helps get rid of this bad stereotype of ending a bowel movement. And in general, you need to be able to empty your bowels correctly, and those who do not know how to do so need to gradually learn this simple and extremely necessary discipline.