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Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope: who is right for you. Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

Sometimes, even a man and woman who passionately love each other cannot get along together. In the end, these people understand that they are simply polarly different - they like and dislike completely different things, one loves noisy companies, the other prefers a home evening to a party, even watching TV between two people can provoke a scandal and a serious battle for possession of the remote control remote control.

This situation can be explained by the banal mismatch of two lovers according to their zodiac signs. After all, it is the influence of certain planets and elements that largely shapes a person’s character already at the moment of his birth.

How he first relates to parents, peers and friends, and then to colleagues and his significant other, depends on the zodiac sign. What a particular person can achieve in his life and the pattern of his behavior in various situations are also, as a rule, predetermined by his zodiac affiliation, which forms the main traits of his character. That is why it is useful to understand at least a little about the diversity of zodiac signs and look from time to time at their compatibility horoscope.

To understand the compatibility and incompatibility of two specific people, you can use the help of a professional who will draw up a detailed horoscope for future relationships and calculate the paths of their possible development. However, not everyone will be satisfied with the cost of such services, and it will be a real shame if the chosen astrologer turns out to be a charlatan or an amateur.

But there is another way to learn about warnings from stars and planets regarding compatibility or lack thereof. The necessary information is quite easy to find on the Internet, and most of it is provided to site visitors for free. This option is much simpler and available to everyone who is not indifferent to his fate and the fate of a nascent relationship.

Astrology is a little-studied science, and many people perceive it skeptically, but the fact has already been verified that knowledge of the detailed characteristics of the Zodiac signs is useful in all areas of people’s lives. A correctly compiled horoscope will take into account all aspects of a person’s life - love relationships and friendships, his abilities and inclinations in certain types of activities, inclinations to certain actions, reasons for the formation of certain habits, and much more.

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but don’t delude yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. A small number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any Scorpio or Taurus by date of birth has its own unique code. Just one zodiac sign is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific zodiac signs, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to draw up a compatibility horoscope on your own; the result is unable to cover all the variations in the relationships between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic character traits and help avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

Compatibility in human relationships

When someone's paths cross, not many people can tell in advance how the nascent relationship will turn out. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and will soon want to unite their lives. Will their marriage be happy and lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing partners for a serious relationship is not only useful, but often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types:

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is this connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes and avoid difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and shared happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed. How many people have so many temperaments? One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relationships, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of your partner, even before the first intimacy takes place.
  • Marriage compatibility. A beautiful couple in love does not always become a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same as the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a specific person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another one of the most popular aspects of drawing up a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries, smart bosses, not wanting to get into trouble, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help to draw up a horoscope for each of their employees.

Of course, you shouldn’t take the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and rely solely on its advice when building relationships. It is not a panacea for solving problems and is not a final verdict about the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person. When applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.


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Scientific astrology explores the influence of stars on the essence of a person, his nature, character, skill, gift, and the impact on the body to specific diseases that determine the life of each individual.

Compatibility by year of birth of married couples plays a huge role in the duration of cohabitation.

The duration of marriage in a family varies in each country, from 67% in Portugal to 4% in Chile.

The residence of two people in a family marriage can be determined, astrologers assure, by the signs of the Zodiac. In the east, in many countries, traditions have been preserved when, before the wedding, an astrologer draws up a horoscope about the compatibility of the newlyweds, and a negative conclusion from the astrologer can upset the wedding.

In Europe, not everything is so radical. A negative forecast of incompatibility is not a reason for a quarrel between lovers.

The basic principles of compatibility of zodiac signs can achieve harmony in the life together of spouses. The Zodiac sign calendar will help in solving problems when living together. Using it you can influence a person and make decisions in the current situation.

Compatibility by Zodiac signs

A happy, long-lasting marriage depends on the compatibility of the spouses. The calendar of zodiac signs by year of birth will tell you the positive and negative aspects of your chosen one in life together. Knowing the principles of compatibility of zodiac signs and applying them, you can avoid conflict situations in family life.

Compatibility by year of birth plays a big role in the happiness and well-being of a marriage.

The 12 zodiac signs have their own individual character:

  • Stubbornness Aries can be overcome through diplomacy. Forceful methods will not work.
  • Taurus never rushes and is always able to be on time. In an emergency, to defeat Taurus, create the appearance of haste. It is better to convince of a quick solution to the problem after eating. Taurus people are more accommodating at lunch or over a cup of coffee than when they are hungry.
  • Twins easy-going, agile, erudite. Planning is not their strong point. Many shortcomings of partners are forgiven. For mutual understanding, it is better to submit to Gemini, not to control, and to give freedom of action.
  • Cancers vulnerable, secretive. You should not reveal his secrets; he will reveal all his secrets to a reliable partner.
  • Arrogance and selfishness Lviv puts them in the spotlight. Even the smallest praise addressed to him will bring Leo down from heaven. Wasting finances is Leo's weakness.
  • Deprived Virgo compassion and understanding. Those who like to teach, grumbling and dissatisfaction with life are their strong point. There is no point in arguing with Virgo. Agreeing with her problems will put everything in its place.
Compatibility by Zodiac signs
  • Scales indecisive, cannot choose the appropriate option from two solutions. In this situation, the partner must make a decision. Libra will be grateful for your initiative.
  • Gift Scorpio find weaknesses in everyone around you. To be compatible with this sign, you cannot hide your weaknesses from him. Being an optimist in everything will bring any sign closer to Scorpio
  • Sagittarius they are carefree and hospitable, capable of charging those around them with positivity, but with their carelessness they need help in everything, in any matter, including setting an alarm clock.
  • Capricorns practical, but the lack of principles and meanings of life puts them at the lowest level of romanticism. Purposefulness, fulfillment of assigned tasks, these qualities overshadow all the disadvantages in the character of Capricorn.
  • Romanticism and passion Aquarius will charge those around you with positive energy. Aquarius, being impractical and absent-minded, needs a constant assistant.
  • WITH Pisces you have to be careful, intuition and psychology are their strong point. They are perceptive and see what is hidden from others. Activity and business acumen are not about them. Pisces need an assistant in any matter.

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Compatibility by year of birth according to the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope

Compatibility according to the year of birth of two people according to the eastern calendar will bring prosperity, understanding and happiness in life together.

Zodiac signs consistently change each other. Each of the 12 signs corresponds to its own individual metaphysical property. A person born in a year under a certain sign adopts its image. Compatibility is not a material or social situation, it is the individuality of two people united by something in common.

The zodiacal energy of the stars arranged in a certain sequence shapes the character of a person at birth. The basis of this phenomenon is laid in the eastern calendar. The calendar table contains 12 zodiac signs vertically and horizontally.

The point of intersection of the lines is indicated by a number from 0 to 6 - this is the degree of energy of compatibility of the two signs of the Zodiac. A horoscope helps you find compatibility in your relationship with your partner. Helps couples live their lives in harmony.

A detailed compatibility table can be found on the Internet website.

Born in the year of the Rat

People born in the year of the Rat are capable of becoming successful businessmen, financiers, and lawyers. The compatibility of the Rat with the signs of the Zodiac is very multifaceted. From positive character traits to hatred towards colleagues and acquaintances.

Negative character traits of the Rat - pickiness, inconstancy in actions, can push a person away from themselves, leading to a break. The ability to adapt to any situation puts the Rat among the leaders. Sociability, thrift Rats can create a team of subordinates to solve any problems.

Female rats are reserved and social. Closed Rats are demanding and touchy, not sociable. They prefer solitude. Social Rats are the opposite of introverted ones. They love noisy gatherings and fun. The best compatibility of pairs Rat - Monkey, Rat - Dragon, Rat - Rat.

Born in the year of the Ox

The stars gave the Ox an imperious character. A leader by nature, he is calm, calm, attentive, and sincere with colleagues. People are attracted to him. There will be no slander or gossip. Trust and loyalty at home and at work.

I can handle physical and mental work. He is a leader in all areas. The negative traits of the Ox are anger. An angry Bull is scary. There is no point in resisting; it is wiser to give way.

The Ox Woman is a homebody, caring, excellent wife. Her home is hospitable and open to everyone.

Compatibility by year of birth: The Ox, for family well-being, needs the Rat. The decency and loyalty of the rat will prolong the alliance with the Ox for many years. An alliance with the Tiger is undesirable; power for leadership portends an endless war.

Born in the year of the Tiger

Persistence and passion open the way for the Tiger to the top of leadership positions in all areas. The ability to infect subordinates with enthusiasm is the advantage of the Tiger. Straightforward and truthful. Doesn't forgive mistakes. The tiger is not endowed with the cunning and caution of a diplomat. With strength and perseverance he achieves any goals.

Capriciousness and sometimes cruelty are the negative sides of the Tiger. According to the year of birth, the Tiger and the Ox are not compatible. Both stars have been given the character of a leader, and the war for primacy will be constant.

It is easy to make friends with the Tiger if there is a common goal that will unite him with the Dragon, Boar, Goat, Dog. The Snake is incompatible with the Tiger; betrayal and betrayal of its character will destroy the union.

Born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbit, hare, cat - many unfairly consider these animals to be cowardly with a weak character. The stars endowed the Cat with caution. Before starting a business, the Cat will weigh the pros and cons.

Restraint and modesty - people trust the Cat for these qualities. Erudition, attentiveness and responsibility help the Cat to achieve perfection in any profession. The Cat may be upset because of his own troubles and failures; he does not accept other people's misfortunes.

The best qualities are superficial, this is the only and main drawback of the Cat. The main qualities of the Cat are distrust; it is not for nothing that he is compared to evil spirits. The Cat's gaze is cautious, mystical.

The Cat woman's main trump card is her tendency to experience minor failures, which helps her shine in society. The nature of romanticism can take the Cat woman away from reality. A weak instinct of motherhood will not prevent you from leaving your family for the sake of an affair.

A modest, secular Cat woman will be paired with an Ox and a Tiger as a leader, diplomat, and politician.

Born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is a mythical creature. Breathing fire in the heat of battle, it burns everything in its path, both enemies and supporters. The stars endowed the Dragon Man with the properties of a mythical creature. Power, might, strength, determination are the main traits of people born under the sign of the Dragon.

The makings of a leader and good intentions lead the dragon to its goal. Endowed with the gift of persuasion, the Dragon acquires supporters and followers of his ideas, but few remain close and friends. Convinced loners, connoisseurs of freedom, Dragons are demanding of themselves and their environment.

The Dragon Woman is a business-minded, free person. Strictness in everything - both in business and in family life. He even chooses strict clothes, without excess. Family and feeling come second for her. He does not tolerate getting over himself, but order in the house will be ensured.

The Dragon man often leads a single life, although the circle of partners is wide in terms of compatibility. Rat, Snake, Boar, Rabbit, Rooster are the best partners in diplomacy and advisors in business relations. The pride of the Dragon and the pessimism of the Dog are placed at the last level of compatibility of these two zodiac signs.

Born in the year of the Snake

The Snake is not a leader, she is satisfied with a quiet lifestyle, and by nature she is lazy. The Snake spends its high intelligence and talent in a constant search for ways to a better life. He puts the implementation of personal plans first. Mistrust negatively affects the choice of friends.

The Snake woman is jealous and reserves the choice of her life partner. The Snake constantly exercises control over her chosen one, since she herself is not averse to flirting with men. Her passions are higher than family laws, and this will darken family life until Balzac's age.

The Snake is compatible with the Ox. The Snake and the Rooster will maintain the union, correcting the partner’s shortcomings to their own liking.

Born in the year of the Horse

The stars gave the Horse an indefatigable craving for fun, adventure, and achievement. Theatres, rallies, demonstrations, stadiums - this is the life of the Horse. In China, they believe that a woman born under the Horse star cannot be taken as a life partner. She will invest hard work, talent, generosity, sexuality, all her best qualities into personal ambitions, and not into the family.

If the chosen one turns out to be a Horse, life promises to be neither boring nor monotonous. For complete dedication to work, the Horse needs a profession associated with a large audience. Approval addressed to you will increase the flow of strength and energy in achieving your goals.

The union with the Tiger, Rabbit, Dog, Goat, Snake will be long and fruitful. The Horse has a lot in common with these zodiac signs.

Born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

The stars endowed a person born in the year of the Goat with rich imagination and talent. Courtesy, elegance, artistry, strong intuition, these talents could lead the Goat to the rank of leaders.

Shyness and indecisiveness hinder her both in business and in family life. The Goat is unable to reach social and material heights. She lacks patience and passion to complete the task.

Goats don't like change. Calmness, safety and satiety - this is the lot of her life. She allows herself to be controlled. She lives comfortably without worries and stress. The fearfulness and timidity of the Goat ensures pity and protection from fans.

The Goat does not choose a leading profession; she is not destined to be a leader. He will gladly give his laurels to his opponent. Working with finances is also not her credo. If she is indecisive, the debt trap or bars is secured.

Good compatibility of Goat with Rabbit, Horse, Boar.

Born in the year of the Monkey

A person born in the year of the Monkey is endowed with a changeable character. Among friends, the Monkey is friendly, ready to serve everyone, without demanding anything in return. The feeling that she loves and honors everyone. It's an illusion. Self-interest and contempt for everyone are the essence of the Monkey.

A skeptic by birth, she constantly trains her intellect, not stupid, rather abstruse. An artist by nature, she will be able to get out of any critical situation. With the ability to persuade, he finds admirers of his talent. Showing friendliness and self-confidence helps you surround yourself with influential people.

A monkey can find a vocation in theatre, cinema, journalism. A careerist with a strong character will win in any matter. To achieve a goal, he may act dishonestly. He will not openly start a war with his enemy; he will deliver the fatal blow unnoticed.

Good compatibility by year of birth with the Dragon and Rat. Common interests, curiosity, and dependence on each other will unite these zodiac signs.

Born in the year of the Rooster

The Rooster is not a diplomat, straightforwardness, aggression and actions are not a gentleman. But this is ostentatious for surrounding friends and acquaintances. The Rooster has a more complex character by nature. It intertwines modesty and luxury, childish naivety and suspicion, cunning and simplicity.

Roosters do not like to lose; if possible, they shift their responsibility onto the shoulders of others. They choose a leadership profession, where courage, nerves of iron and discipline are needed. Reward, prestige and reputation in society. Rooster women prefer male society to female society. In male society they feel more free.

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, the best union can be created by the Rooster and the Ox provided that the Rooster gives his primacy to command the Bull. The rooster by nature cannot be a good helper.

Born in the Year of the Dog

Dog people are selfish by nature, but all signs of the Zodiac should learn from them loyalty and devotion. The Dog's Life is in the Fight. When there is injustice, they do not remain silent. Criticism and remarks reach their target, so they are afraid of it.

The innate sense of duty and responsibility places the Dog in the rank of devoted friends. You can trust her with secrets without fear of betrayal and betrayal. Dogs are pessimists. When achieving a goal, they do not strive to conquer the next peaks. They are satisfied with what they have achieved.

The best union between a Dog and a Horse, since both have a lot in common in their characters. To make each other more compatible, each person complements the best traits of their character to their partner. The Horse gives the Dog the opportunity to do his own thing in exchange for a little freedom and independence.

Born in the year of the Pig (Boar)

Behind the rustic appearance of the Pig there is a strong and courageous nature. Without turning to outside help, he will slowly but surely move towards his goal. Honesty and integrity are her credo. A faithful comrade, incapable of betraying, is the innate nature of the Pig.

With a strong character, the Pig is like a child, naive and helpless in the face of cunning and flattery. He chooses a profession where fantasy and imagination are needed. In financial matters, the Pig will not be rich. She is content with the minimum, for food, clothing and the necessary things for a normal life. The Pig woman is an excellent mother, family is what she needs to be happy.

A Pig will only have a long-term happy marriage with a Goat. Mutual understanding in communication and support for each other will create a long, prosperous union.

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Energy flows that cross the universe at certain times of the year endow newborn children with certain character traits.

The signs of the Zodiac and the mythological animals of the Chinese (Oriental) calendar (Monkey, Dragon, Rat, etc.) symbolize these cosmic flows. From them one can determine the character of a person born in a certain period of time, i.e. by year of birth.

The compatibility table provides information on 3 types of compatibility: good, average and low. A description of the standard of each symbol (see on Internet sites) will allow you to study the character of the partner, advantages and disadvantages, for a joint marital and business union. Each person is individual, and there are no 100% compatible people.

The compatibility horoscope by year of birth is a cheat sheet by which you can recognize a person, his positive and negative sides and find a common language in developing joint actions and changing the negative aspects of his character.

Table Compatibility Between Signs Eastern Zodiac

Let's look at the proposed TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS.

First type - "triple harmony". Considered the most compatible. People of this type are naturally attracted to each other. Relationships of this type are typical for signs located in the diagram at an angle of 120° relative to each other. Accordingly, people born under the signs of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey are compatible with other representatives of these signs. The next compatible group are the signs of the Ox, Snake and Rooster; Next come the Tiger, Horse and Dog; and the group of Rabbit, Sheep and Pig closes the “compatibility parade”.

Second type - "mutual harmony". Couples created according to this type are also distinguished by their compatibility and calm nature of the relationship, although to a lesser extent than the first type. At the same time, the Rat turns out to be compatible with the Ox, the Tiger with the Pig, the Dog with the Rabbit, the Rooster with the Dragon, the Monkey with the Snake, and the Sheep with the Horse.

The third type of relationship is "open conflict". Characteristic of the relationship between directly opposite signs, that is, located on the diagram at a distance of 180° relative to each other, signs. So, they conflict with each other: Rat and Horse, Ox and Sheep, Tiger and Monkey, etc. This type of relationship is the most difficult, it provokes natural confrontation between partners. Most often, such relationships are advised to be avoided, although, if viewed from the perspective of higher-order considerations, the resulting confrontation can serve as an excellent tool for self-discovery and character building.

Fourth type - "hidden conflict". Relationships are moderately tense; partners have to make a lot of effort to maintain friendship. For example, the Rat does not like the Sheep; The Ox has a hard time with the Horse; Tiger doesn't really like Snakes; The Rabbit has a hard time with the Dragon, etc.

Fifth type - "friction" Relationships of this type can perhaps be called somewhat unfriendly, since partners like to get on each other’s nerves from time to time. Relationships of this type are characteristic of three subgroups of signs: a) The Dog does not get along with the Ox and Sheep; b) Rat - with Rabbit; c) Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Pig are incompatible with each other.

Sixth type - "obstacles". In a relationship of this type, the connection between partners cannot be called either close or intimate, but the ups and downs do not acquire critical depth and scope. The sixth type occurs in pairs of the Rabbit - Rooster, Ox - Dragon and Rabbit - Horse types.

Seventh type - "neutral". Describes relationships that do not belong to any of the above types. Often considered quite balanced and friendly. Couples whose relationships develop according to this type get along well with each other, but even minor incidents can easily destroy the fragility of this harmony. However, from the point of view of astrologers, this is a completely acceptable type of relationship.

Potential. You will not find this type of symbol in the table, since it is present in every type of relationship. Reflects the opportunity available to each individual to become the master of his own destiny.

As we see, signs suggest seven main types of relationships, of which only two types are favorable or compatible, another type is considered neutral, and the remaining four are unfavorable or incompatible. The probability of success is low, to be sure! Most often, astrologers call the first two types of relationships favorable, without recommending types three to six.

The system of twelve signs of the Eastern Zodiac is based on the Jupiterian-lunar calendar.

Eastern New Year and Eastern Zodiac signs - compatibility with the Western zodiac system.

In the Western system, there are also twelve signs of the Zodiac, but they change not annually, but monthly. The quality of relationships is determined by the angular distance between the Zodiac Signs. There are seven aspects in total: conjunction, semisextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx and opposition.

Table of relationship types according to Western astrological tradition

Compound implies the absence of separation. In general, the connection corresponds to a strong relationship based on mutual sympathy, promoting mutual strengthening of tendencies. But the connection can be harmonious or conflicting, so make sure that you and your partner are looking in the same direction.

Semi-sextile- separation at an angle of 30°. Semi-sextile involves making joint decisions by two completely different people. Although relationships may be somewhat stressful, they nevertheless provide an opportunity to gain a new perspective on life.

Sextile- separation at an angle of 60°. The sextile defines a harmonious relationship, rich in pleasant emotions, creating additional opportunities. This type is favorable for creative creation and is considered highly compatible.

Square- separation at an angle of 90°. The square indicates friction that exists in relationships between completely different people. Relationships of this type can give a good impetus to self-development and self-improvement, although astrologers consider them undesirable due to poor compatibility of partners.

Trine- separation at an angle of 120°. Trine is one of the most compatible and harmonious relationships, although it does not give partners the advantage of being able to amicably meet the challenges life throws at them. Such partners experience a natural attraction to each other.

Quikons- separation at an angle of 150°. A quincunx involves a departure from established forms of existence: partners in such relationships can be pushed “in unison” out of their usual rut. These relationships are tense and require a certain amount of flexibility.

Opposition- separation at a distance of 180°. The opposition is marked by significant tension. In the Chinese astrological chart, they correspond to the relationships between signs located at a distance of 180° in relation to each other. In both the Eastern and Western astrological traditions, this type of relationship is considered the least favorable, although for mature partners it promises the opportunity to achieve a balance of power and a heightened level of awareness.

Potential - this aspect is not shown in the table, although it is present in every type of relationship. Corresponds to the potential of an individual to independently decide his own destiny.

Since Chinese astrological signs are based on the year of birth, and the Western astrological tradition is based on the month of birth, the combination of these two systems allows you to come up with some interesting results. For example, if partners were born in the years of the Dragon and the Monkey, respectively, and this is the most harmonious type of relationship - “triple harmony”, and according to the solar signs they are Aries and Leo, which also gives the most harmonious type of relationship - a trine, such a coincidence indicates that their relationship will be especially harmonious.

In addition, you probably noticed additional signs of “Potential”. This is another reminder to us that it is inappropriate to isolate ourselves only in the world of astrological formulas.

We always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome the difficulties that astrology warns about. We really have a certain opportunity to shape the raw materials from which our destiny is created, the main thing is to want and be able to do it.

Materials from the book "Feng Shui for Lovers" by Sh. Xiu were used

Be happy and meet each other, despite all the incompatibilities!

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope - Easterners pay a lot of attention to this. And we will talk about the most favorable and unfavorable connections between horoscope signs. As in Western astrology, they are connected by compatibility triangles, and these connections are considered the most favorable. In the figure you can easily trace the relationships between animals.

The first triangle consists of the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. These are signs of progress, new beginnings, they are able to take initiative. Usually they give rise to action, remove all obstacles from their path and are considered the most disruptive. They are unrestrained and quick-tempered if they do nothing. These signs are ruled by dynamic energy and ambition. Such people are real producers of new ideas, and when united, they are simply invincible.

The second triangle contains the most focused signs: Ox (Ox), Snake and Rooster. They are efficient, selfless fighters and can achieve great heights with their inherent constancy and determination. These signs have an unshakable self-esteem; they rely only on themselves, on their mind and heart. They are slow and confident in their actions, preferring to act independently. But in mutual actions they cooperate well.

The third triangle consists of the Tiger, Horse and Dog. These signs are aimed at serving people, full understanding and mutual communication. They are based on honesty and openness. As a rule, these are great idealists. They are always honest in their intentions, quite impulsive and capable of igniting enthusiasm in others. These signs also have assertiveness and a strong character.

The fourth triangle consists of the most emotional signs: Rabbit (Hare), Goat (Sheep) and Pig (Boar). These signs listen primarily to their personal feelings and what they can achieve thanks to them. They know how to express their thoughts, have excellent intuition, and are very artistic and aesthetic. They express themselves well in art, are diplomatic and capable of deep understanding. Such people, compared to other signs, have a balanced character. Although they give new beginnings and leading roles to others, they always adapt easily because they are very friendly towards their neighbors. All these signs are considered compatible according to the eastern horoscope.

The most incompatible signs are those that are located opposite each other in a circle. As a rule, they are unfriendly, and there are frequent clashes between them. For example, a Horse will have conflicts with a person born in the year of the Rat. The Ox is the Sheep's worst enemy, and the biggest enemies are the Tiger and the Monkey. The Hare cannot stand the Rooster, and for its part the Rooster cannot stand the Hare. The Dragon and the Dog find it difficult to coexist, and the Snake and the Pig prefer not to meet at all.
Signs that are not exactly opposite each other and are not included in triangles are compatible according to the Eastern calendar, but to varying degrees. Although the ancient Chinese method of astrology is not too dogmatic. He does not force us to go through our weaknesses and shortcomings. Rather, it pushes us to change ourselves and forces us to look for more diverse and useful paths. Do we have difficulty communicating with the Dragon? Are we being asked by some Monkey and Rat to mediate between them? Does the rooster help us express our thoughts? Does the reserved Rabbit (Hare) make us nervous? Does the Tiger's fiery temper drive him to despair? Instead of bringing us together and quarreling, the Chinese horoscope will teach people how to interact better. He will open up new means for us to achieve success and protect us from conflicts.

Astrologers have been studying the influence of stars on a person’s fate and his perception of the world for hundreds of years. The Eastern horoscope of sign compatibility will tell you the answers to many life questions, help build a harmonious union and simply reveal the secrets of your character.

What is the eastern horoscope

In the Chinese calendar there is a certain cycle of fate equal to 12 years. It is correlated with some animal. A person born in a certain year receives the qualities of this sign of the eastern horoscope. This determines his future fate and relationships.

12 signs of the eastern horoscope

Many astrologers are sure: the duration of the union of people and the nature of the relationship depends on the stars. In some countries there is a custom - drawing up a fate map for newlyweds according to their eastern horoscope sign.

If the union is interpreted as positive, the wedding is celebrated as expected; if not, the celebration is canceled forever. People are sure that you cannot go against fate. Therefore, for many peoples, the Chinese compatibility horoscope is not just entertainment, but a whole science. It is difficult for Europeans to understand this way of life; they use astrology as something auxiliary during difficult periods.

But some are guided by information about the compatibility of signs in resolving family conflicts and try to better know the character of their partner.

Combination of characters

Happy and harmonious relationships in marriage depend on the combination of the characters of the spouses. The eastern compatibility horoscope table will tell you the negative and positive aspects of your soulmate.

Based on the principles of combining signs, you can avoid most conflicts and unpleasant moments in family life.

Name Description Who is the sign compatible with?
Rat According to the calendar, those born this year are successful managers and financiers. The basics of jurisprudence and philology are easy for them. Rats are incredibly picky individuals, they are fickle and stingy. Such negative aspects in a person’s character can be repulsive.

Most women of this sign are reserved, touchy, and do not like intrusion into their personal space.

There are also more sociable people; they love noisy gatherings and dancing until they drop.

The Rat has great compatibility with other members of the zodiac circle.

An alliance with the Ox is favorable.

Both of them are bright and individual personalities who easily find a common language. The Rat needs support and a serious partner. The bull will not chat in vain, he is calm and reliable. On the basis of these positive qualities they build their alliance.

The Rat’s connection with the Dragon manifests itself on an intuitive level. They are united by love and friendship.

Compatibility with Pig is possible only in the intimate sphere. Both of these eastern horoscope signs are sexy and energetic. There may be problems in other areas.

Bull This is a man with a powerful character, a leader by nature.

More often, Bulls work as managers. They are valued for their calmness, equanimity and hard work. The Ox is very patient until a certain point, when he reaches the limit - he is overcome by incredible anger.

An angry Ox is scary, it is better to give way to him and not argue.

The Ox woman is a caring wife and loving mother. She looks after the household and loves to receive guests.

Pairs well with the Rat. They find in each other a faithful partner and a good friend. They can build a strong union; none of the zodiac signs will have to break themselves and adapt to their partner.

Bull and Ox are one of the most successful combinations. They know the characteristics and shortcomings of everyone, they easily get along in different areas of life. After some time, they may get bored with each other's company, but everything will be fine if their intimate life is varied.

The Chinese horoscope distinguishes the combination of Ox and Rabbit from others. They are in complete harmony and mutual understanding. The Ox gives the Rabbit security, and he gives him a strong rear. They both value home and family and are ready to devote themselves completely to it.

Tiger A person born this year is persistent and passionate. Tigers always occupy leading positions and make good leaders. He is straightforward and open, always striving to tell only the truth. He tries to get his way through force and pressure; he is not a diplomat.

Sometimes a tiger can be cruel and capricious, and these are its negative qualities.

According to the Japanese compatibility horoscope, the most suitable and unexpected combination for this zodiac sign is Rabbit. They both love to travel and want to return home as quickly as possible. They love safety and reasonable risks for the good.

The Tiger and the Dragon have good compatibility. They are both energetic and enterprising, complementing each other in business and friendship. They love stability in family life.

The Tiger gets along well with the Horse, but only if the second does not show her selfishness so openly.

Rabbit Some astrologers are sure that this element in the Chinese horoscope system is the weakest and most cowardly - this is not so. The rabbit is cautious and tries not to get into conflict with other people. He is smart and erudite, takes a responsible approach to any business.

Therefore, he quickly moves up the career ladder.

The main disadvantage of a rabbit is the lack of instinct to create a family. Some mothers tend to abandon their children to their fate, not caring at all about their future.

An ideal combination with the Ox. This strong animal gives the Rabbit security and a sense of harmony. After a long day of work, they will be happy to relax at home.

This animal shares with the Tiger the desire for profit. They both love freedom and travel. They value homeliness and comfort.

The combination of Rabbit and Rabbit is the most harmonious of all. They strive for peace and mutual understanding and prefer not to quarrel. The only negative is that they may get bored with each other's company.

The Dragon This sign according to the Chinese calendar is mystical and attractive. People born this year are bright leaders, they are endowed with power, strength and determination. The dragon boldly goes towards the goal and acquires the necessary connections. By nature they are loners, they have no close friends. Demanding of themselves and others. Family comes second for them, career and goals come first. The best partners for work are the Rat, Rooster and Pig. In the love sphere, the most successful alliance will be with the Snake. They are proud of each other, love flattery and praise. They will teach your partner restraint and tolerance.
Snake This zodiac sign is quiet and calm, prefers to lead a lifestyle detached from reality. Strives for a better life, but is very lazy by nature to achieve something more in life. Always puts personal interests above the feelings and priorities of other people.

The Snake woman is very jealous and selfish.

The best combination is with the Dragon. These two are a wonderful couple, complementing each other in many ways. The Snake is also compatible with the Ox, less often with the Snake and the Rooster.
Horse This element of the eastern horoscope loves to have fun. His life is full of adventures and crowded entertainment. For a man, a woman born this year is a Pandora's box - she cannot be taken as a life partner.

Despite such a negative assessment from the eastern people, the Horse has many positive qualities: hard work and dedication, generosity and sexuality. Inexhaustible energy is surprisingly combined with oratorical talent.

The Horse wastes its best qualities in vain; it does not show any of them in relation to its spouse and children.

The horse is a freedom-loving animal; it is difficult for her to choose a partner who would balance her. Therefore, only those unions will be favorable where the sign is also careless - Rabbit, Dog and Snake.
Goat These are real dreamers; Goats are incredibly talented in many areas. Artistic and elegant, with strong leadership qualities.

Negative character traits include: indecisiveness, modesty and shyness, impatience and anxiety. All this does not allow the Goat to achieve a high position and family well-being. They do not like change and strive for calm. So, they feel safe.

The Goat has excellent compatibility with the Ox - they complement each other, despite the opposite. She needs a strong patron. Unable to think rationally - the Ox helps her find ground under her feet and gives her security in the future.

Another successful union is the Goat and the Rabbit. They have a lot in common:

  • sensuality;
  • desire for patronage;
  • intuition;
  • fantasy;
  • thirst for new emotions.

The serious Rabbit will provide, and the frivolous Sheep will spend.

An alliance with a Snake is favorable; they respect each other. Both strive for harmony, beauty, and are capable of creating something beautiful together.

Monkey One of the two-faced signs of the zodiac, very changeable and fickle. Trying to be helpful to everyone, honoring everyone - this is deception. The monkey despises everyone around him, self-interest is all that guides his behavior.

To deceive, she needs a sharp mind, so she is constantly improving in this area. Artistic and talented. Gathers only influential people around him.

To achieve his goals, he will not disdain anything. He does not openly enter into conflict; he acts quietly and is often very mean.

A great combination with the Dragon. Both love to philosophize and listen to compliments.

Good relationship with the Snake, based on a common intellectual level. But signs do not remain faithful to each other for long.

The union with the Monkey is fun and interesting; they are not bored together.

Rooster A straightforward and aggressive sign of the eastern horoscope. Deep and complex, it combines the incongruous. The Rooster is cunning but modest, naive but suspicious, simple but big-minded.

He hates losing and tries to shift the most inconvenient tasks onto others.

These partners get along well. The Rooster needs support and stability, and the Ox needs new sensations and bright colors. They quickly find harmony and create a strong union for life.

The ideal combination is Dragon and Rooster. They both love luxury and brilliance, and cannot live a day without compliments. Quarrels can only arise if the Rooster becomes fixated on his own appearance.

The Rooster and the Snake create a strong union for life. Their relationship is filled with harmony, elegance and sensuality.

Dog This sign is selfish, but very devoted to their partner and friends. Her whole life is spent in struggle. He reacts sharply to injustice and lies, and is not afraid to express his opinion. Dogs are obvious pessimists and often become depressed when they fail. We are used to being content with little. In alliance with the Ox, the Dog will find balance. Favorable relationships will develop if Vol is a girl. This combination is perfect for any area of ​​life: work, love, friendship.

Together with the Rabbit they live happily ever after. They give each other security, stability and love.

The Dog gets along well with the Monkey, their union is filled with bright emotions and passion.

Pig Outwardly, a simple and understandable sign of the eastern horoscope, but behind the good appearance hides a very contradictory nature. On the one hand, the Pig is brave and strong, and on the other, very naive and helpless. Loves to fantasize and perform on stage. Financially, he rarely achieves success. An ideal union with a Rat - they are both passionate and sensual. There is a lot of tenderness and respect between them. The most suitable partners for each other. They value positive qualities and understand things perfectly. In sex they are ideally compatible.

Complete mutual understanding is easy to achieve with a Dog. They are both honest and generous, respect each other, support each other in difficult times. Their family is a combination of love, reliability and stability.

In eastern countries, such a horoscope is one of the main teachings that guides the choice of a life partner. Having studied the compatibility of the sign with others, it is easy to build favorable relationships in work, love and even friendship.